
Neru feat.Kagamine Rin - Abstract Nonsense [OsuMania]

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hi here's the gd you asked me thanks!
my diff is so good i spent time there why arent you adding it :C
Topic Starter

YunoFanatic wrote:

my diff is so good i spent time there why arent you adding it :C
Forced BN Check.... orz :


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okay, everything checked, and after some spread balance and mod :
Some Mod Activity and Guidance
2015-06-11 12:36 puxtu: wawkakwkw
2015-06-11 12:36 puxtu: bubble lah
2015-06-11 12:37 LordRaika: uda update?
2015-06-11 12:37 puxtu: oh
2015-06-11 12:37 puxtu: belum
2015-06-11 12:37 puxtu: lo mau bubble skrg?
2015-06-11 12:37 puxtu: ok gw update dulu
2015-06-11 12:37 LordRaika: FAK LA
2015-06-11 12:37 LordRaika: minta bubble
2015-06-11 12:37 LordRaika: tpi gk skr
2015-06-11 12:37 LordRaika: YA UDAH
2015-06-11 12:37 puxtu: lmao
2015-06-11 12:37 LordRaika: TAHUN DEPAN AJA
2015-06-11 12:37 puxtu: WAIT
2015-06-11 12:37 puxtu: lOL
2015-06-11 12:37 LordRaika: hmph da
2015-06-11 12:37 puxtu: gw kira lo masih sibuk
2015-06-11 12:37 puxtu: lmao
2015-06-11 12:37 puxtu: wait wait
2015-06-11 12:37 puxtu: wait la
2015-06-11 12:37 LordRaika: wkwkkw
2015-06-11 12:38 puxtu: wkwkw
2015-06-11 12:38 puxtu: HYPE
2015-06-11 12:38 puxtu: updated
2015-06-11 12:40 LordRaika: w tkut aja ni EZ , LN di awal susah
2015-06-11 12:40 puxtu: gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
2015-06-11 12:40 puxtu: gampang itu
2015-06-11 12:40 puxtu: lmao
2015-06-11 12:40 puxtu: yg penting selama ez ini ga lewat dr 1.5
2015-06-11 12:41 puxtu: it's fine
2015-06-11 12:41 puxtu: right?
2015-06-11 12:41 LordRaika: i knw XD
2015-06-11 12:41 LordRaika: ini mslh acc
2015-06-11 12:41 puxtu: kXD
2015-06-11 12:41 puxtu: fuck that shi
2015-06-11 12:41 LordRaika: wkwk
2015-06-11 12:41 LordRaika: klo gmpg
2015-06-11 12:41 LordRaika: ama kita ya gmpg la
2015-06-11 12:47 LordRaika: pux
2015-06-11 12:47 LordRaika: spec inverness
2015-06-11 12:48 puxtu: udhdah
2015-06-11 12:54 puxtu: nerf yg mana
2015-06-11 12:54 LordRaika: LN XD
2015-06-11 12:54 LordRaika: klo bs LN jgn ada not lagi
2015-06-11 12:54 LordRaika: *note
2015-06-11 12:57 LordRaika: soon... this guy will be a PERO
2015-06-11 12:57 LordRaika: i mean pro
2015-06-11 12:59 LordRaika: lets nerf smthg here
2015-06-11 12:59 LordRaika: ACTION is editing [ Neru - Abstract Nonsense [EZ]]
2015-06-11 13:00 LordRaika: rekomendasi w ya mulai dr ini
2015-06-11 13:00 LordRaika: 00:01:934 (1934|0) - remove aja
2015-06-11 13:00 LordRaika: 00:03:376 (3376|1) - ini pindah ke 00:03:664 -
2015-06-11 13:00 puxtu: afk
2015-06-11 13:00 puxtu: lmao
2015-06-11 13:00 LordRaika: 00:04:530 (4530|2,5684|1) - pindah 1 beat ke atas
2015-06-11 13:00 puxtu: ACTION is editing [ Neru - Abstract Nonsense [EZ]]
2015-06-11 13:00 LordRaika: 00:06:405 (6405|2,6549|0,6693|3) - Ctrl+H
2015-06-11 13:00 LordRaika: 00:06:837 (6837|1) - remove
2015-06-11 13:01 LordRaika: 00:06:837 (6837|2) - atau, jadiin normal note aja
2015-06-11 13:01 puxtu: dah
2015-06-11 13:01 puxtu: semua udh
2015-06-11 13:01 LordRaika: 00:10:299 (10299|0) - kl mau LN, mending ksh yg panjang amat
2015-06-11 13:01 LordRaika: 00:11:453 - ampe sini
2015-06-11 13:01 LordRaika: 00:09:145 (9145|3) - normal note
2015-06-11 13:02 LordRaika: 00:20:395 (20395|2) - normal note aja y XD tpi sini 00:20:684 - tmbh 1 note lagi
2015-06-11 13:03 puxtu: dah
2015-06-11 13:03 LordRaika: 00:33:240 - smua ujung LN nya konek aja
2015-06-11 13:03 LordRaika: 00:33:376 - ksini
2015-06-11 13:03 LordRaika: 00:33:809 - ini juga k sini >> 00:33:953 -
2015-06-11 13:03 LordRaika: 00:33:953 (33953|0) - same
2015-06-11 13:03 LordRaika: 00:41:597 (41597|3,42607|0,43184|3) -
2015-06-11 13:04 puxtu: wait
2015-06-11 13:04 puxtu: itu suara gitarnya ga nyambung
2015-06-11 13:05 LordRaika: mslhny
2015-06-11 13:05 LordRaika: susah main XD
2015-06-11 13:05 LordRaika: u g liat tu 200 acc
2015-06-11 13:05 LordRaika: wkwkw
2015-06-11 13:05 puxtu: masalahnya
2015-06-11 13:05 puxtu: ga cocok sama lagunya
2015-06-11 13:05 puxtu: XXDD
2015-06-11 13:05 LordRaika: 00:42:607 (42607|2,43184|1,43616|2) - ya uda
2015-06-11 13:05 LordRaika: delete aja ini
2015-06-11 13:06 LordRaika: LN nya biarin gk usah konek
2015-06-11 13:06 puxtu: ok
2015-06-11 13:06 LordRaika: 01:29:626 (89626|1) - tadi yg awal, klo u hilangin short LN, jadi single note trus add 1 note di cymbal >> 01:29:914 - ,
2015-06-11 13:07 LordRaika: maka lakukan itu tuk smua part itu
2015-06-11 13:07 LordRaika: 01:01:934 (61934|0,62222|2) -
2015-06-11 13:07 LordRaika: 02:11:164 (131164|3,131453|1) -
2015-06-11 13:08 puxtu: ok
2015-06-11 13:09 LordRaika: itu aja
2015-06-11 13:09 LordRaika: ^^
2015-06-11 13:10 puxtu: ok XD
2015-06-11 13:10 LordRaika: 03:12:318 (192318|0) - wait, no ln pls XD
2015-06-11 13:11 puxtu: lmao
2015-06-11 13:12 LordRaika: dah dah
2015-06-11 13:12 puxtu: NM?
2015-06-11 13:12 LordRaika: ehm
2015-06-11 13:12 LordRaika: kl nm g mslh short LN
2015-06-11 13:12 LordRaika: ud pasti bole
2015-06-11 13:12 puxtu: ok
2015-06-11 13:12 LordRaika: WOI
2015-06-11 13:12 LordRaika: malahan short LN di NM malah lbh sikit
2015-06-11 13:12 puxtu: ha?
2015-06-11 13:12 LordRaika: wkwkwkw
2015-06-11 13:13 puxtu: awkwkwkw
2015-06-11 13:13 LordRaika: dah
2015-06-11 13:13 LordRaika: g salah lagi
2015-06-11 13:13 LordRaika: u edit dlu EZ nya
2015-06-11 13:13 puxtu: udh
2015-06-11 13:13 LordRaika: 02:29:626 (149626|1) - tpi LN NM, sini u cb pkirin lagi XD
2015-06-11 13:13 LordRaika: w rasa aneh aja
2015-06-11 13:14 LordRaika: di sesi ini
2015-06-11 13:14 LordRaika: 02:29:914 -
2015-06-11 13:14 puxtu: knp itu
2015-06-11 13:14 LordRaika: trutama yg w highlight itu
2015-06-11 13:14 puxtu: gw hilanginn ln nya atau gimana
2015-06-11 13:16 puxtu: oi
2015-06-11 13:16 LordRaika: ksh spinner
2015-06-11 13:16 puxtu: ok
2015-06-11 13:17 LordRaika: 02:29:626 (149626|1) - ini w tau u mau ks LN drum
2015-06-11 13:17 LordRaika: tpi g nyambung ama 02:29:914 (149914|0,150636|0) - ln sesi ini
2015-06-11 13:17 LordRaika: 02:29:626 (149626|1) - remove
2015-06-11 13:17 LordRaika: 02:29:626 - single note dan 02:29:770 - single note
2015-06-11 13:17 LordRaika: slesai :D
2015-06-11 13:19 puxtu: done
2015-06-11 13:20 LordRaika: ehm sisa ny... gpp sih :D
2015-06-11 13:20 LordRaika: i have no objection
2015-06-11 13:20 puxtu: ok
2015-06-11 13:20 LordRaika: itu BG nya, mata nya harusnya nengok ke atas
2015-06-11 13:20 LordRaika: uda cocok... hentai BG
2015-06-11 13:20 puxtu: lmao
2015-06-11 13:22 puxtu: HD?
2015-06-11 13:22 puxtu: MX?
2015-06-11 13:23 LordRaika: hd saya percaya akan kemampuan u
2015-06-11 13:23 LordRaika: MX, jg g mslh
2015-06-11 13:23 puxtu: ok
2015-06-11 13:23 puxtu: gw update ya?
2015-06-11 13:23 puxtu: ka
2015-06-11 13:23 LordRaika: habis update , cb tny pndpt 4k lain
2015-06-11 13:23 LordRaika: ntr malam w balek
2015-06-11 13:23 LordRaika: w srius bubble kok
2015-06-11 13:24 LordRaika: tng aja
2015-06-11 13:24 puxtu: ye
2015-06-11 13:24 puxtu: tak kira skrg
2015-06-11 13:24 LordRaika: w da mw off orz
2015-06-11 13:24 LordRaika: request dtg trus
2015-06-11 13:24 LordRaika: capek XD
2015-06-11 13:24 LordRaika: grrrr
2015-06-11 13:24 LordRaika: lastttttt
2015-06-11 13:24 puxtu: ntar malem atau skrg?
2015-06-11 13:27 puxtu: ka
2015-06-11 13:27 puxtu: oi
2015-06-11 13:29 LordRaika: malam
2015-06-11 13:29 LordRaika: w balek kok
2015-06-13 22:16 LordRaika: PUX
2015-06-13 22:16 LordRaika: u jst got slap
2015-06-13 22:16 LordRaika: from yunofanatic
2015-06-13 22:16 LordRaika: u r a hentai....
2015-06-13 22:17 LordRaika: itu kata dia XD suruh w slap
2015-06-13 22:17 LordRaika: slap u
2015-06-13 22:17 puxtu: ACTION dodges
2015-06-13 22:18 puxtu: bubble gw
2015-06-13 22:18 LordRaika: ya ya
2015-06-13 22:18 LordRaika: ud beres smua?
2015-06-13 22:19 puxtu: uda
2015-06-13 22:20 puxtu: oi
2015-06-13 22:21 LordRaika: YA?
2015-06-13 22:28 LordRaika: g prlu re-dl kan?
2015-06-13 22:29 puxtu: perlu keknya
2015-06-13 22:30 puxtu: wkwkwkkwk
2015-06-13 22:30 puxtu: ACTION is editing [ Neru - Abstract Nonsense [EZ]]
2015-06-13 22:30 LordRaika: ado
2015-06-13 22:30 LordRaika: w masih mrasa susah ini EZ
2015-06-13 22:31 puxtu: masa
2015-06-13 22:31 puxtu: adoo
2015-06-13 22:31 LordRaika: iya :(
2015-06-13 22:31 LordRaika: cb cari newbie
2015-06-13 22:31 LordRaika: kita liat mrk main
2015-06-13 22:31 puxtu: tp kan
2015-06-13 22:31 puxtu: udah di bawah 1.5
2015-06-13 22:32 LordRaika: iya XD LN nya
2015-06-13 22:32 puxtu: ln nya kknp D:
2015-06-13 22:33 LordRaika: susah tuk newbie
2015-06-13 22:33 LordRaika: XD
2015-06-13 22:33 LordRaika: bnrn
2015-06-13 22:33 puxtu: ah masa XD
2015-06-13 22:34 LordRaika: ok
2015-06-13 22:34 LordRaika: lets do this
2015-06-13 22:34 puxtu: ok
2015-06-13 22:34 LordRaika: 00:02:511 (2511|1) - pindah ini ksini 00:02:222 - jadiin LN
2015-06-13 22:34 puxtu: uhmm
2015-06-13 22:35 LordRaika: 00:03:376 (3376|1,4530|2) - LN
2015-06-13 22:35 LordRaika: 00:05:684 (5684|1) - LN
2015-06-13 22:35 LordRaika: 00:06:837 (6837|2) - single note
2015-06-13 22:35 LordRaika: 00:09:145 (9145|3) - single note
2015-06-13 22:35 LordRaika: 00:10:299 (10299|1) - LN
2015-06-13 22:36 puxtu: ini di ubah jadi ln gitu?
2015-06-13 22:36 LordRaika: ikutin aja link linkny
2015-06-13 22:36 LordRaika: ada yg jadiin single note
2015-06-13 22:37 LordRaika: jgn LN
2015-06-13 22:37 puxtu: wait
2015-06-13 22:37 LordRaika: krn dia stlh itu ada note lagi, ada yg fokus LN, krn dia kosong
2015-06-13 22:37 LordRaika: CONTOH
2015-06-13 22:37 LordRaika: 00:03:376 (3376|1,4530|2) - LN kan... kek gini g enak kali mainnya
2015-06-13 22:38 puxtu: uhmm
2015-06-13 22:38 puxtu: ok
2015-06-13 22:58 LordRaika:
2015-06-13 22:58 LordRaika: btw 1x 100 dan miss , itu w tutup mata, wkwk ngantuk
2015-06-13 22:58 puxtu: wkwkw
2015-06-13 22:59 LordRaika: byk 200 :(
2015-06-13 22:59 LordRaika: main di kb laptop
2015-06-13 22:59 LordRaika: ACTION is playing [ Neru - Abstract Nonsense [HD]] <osu!mania> |4K|
2015-06-13 23:00 puxtu: adoo ga bisa spect
2015-06-13 23:03 LordRaika: ngantuk kali pux X_X
2015-06-13 23:03 LordRaika: tpi gpp lah
2015-06-13 23:03 LordRaika: ok kok
2015-06-13 23:04 puxtu: :D:D:D
2015-06-13 23:05 puxtu: udah?
2015-06-13 23:08 LordRaika: udah, ikutin w btr , trus w bub
2015-06-13 23:08 LordRaika: w liat dr smlm mod w, g u tanggapain
2015-06-13 23:08 LordRaika: *tanggapin
2015-06-13 23:09 puxtu: udh kok
2015-06-13 23:10 puxtu: udah ka
2015-06-13 23:10 puxtu: udh gw apply
2015-06-13 23:10 puxtu: tinggal gw update doang
2015-06-13 23:11 LordRaika: 00:42:607 (42607|2,43184|1,43616|2) - delete atau jadiin LN
2015-06-13 23:11 puxtu: ok delete
2015-06-13 23:12 LordRaika: 03:11:597 (191597|3) - stop LN here 03:12:318 -
2015-06-13 23:13 puxtu: uhm
2015-06-13 23:13 puxtu: lol
2015-06-13 23:13 puxtu: gitar
2015-06-13 23:13 LordRaika: iya , ks lbh pendek
2015-06-13 23:13 LordRaika: stop di 318
2015-06-13 23:13 LordRaika: 03:47:511 (227511|0,227943|3) - dan trkhir ini ksh 1/1
2015-06-13 23:13 LordRaika: itu aja
2015-06-13 23:13 LordRaika: update dan bubble
2015-06-13 23:14 LordRaika: jst do it
2015-06-13 23:14 puxtu: wait
2015-06-13 23:16 puxtu: ok done
2015-06-13 23:16 puxtu: ada lg?
2015-06-13 23:16 LordRaika: ga
2015-06-13 23:17 puxtu: ok updating
2015-06-13 23:17 puxtu: heyp
2015-06-13 23:18 puxtu: updated
2015-06-13 23:18 LordRaika: 00:33:376 - kok jd kek gini?
2015-06-13 23:18 LordRaika: ktny delete?
2015-06-13 23:18 LordRaika: tadi da bgus... klo g delete, jadiin LN dan kiri kanan
2015-06-13 23:19 LordRaika: 00:42:607 - gini jg bole
2015-06-13 23:19 puxtu: eh
2015-06-13 23:19 LordRaika: gmpg soalny cm fokus 1
2015-06-13 23:19 puxtu: rip
2015-06-13 23:19 puxtu: ok udh
2015-06-13 23:19 LordRaika: 01:42:607 - ini jg
2015-06-13 23:19 LordRaika: 01:51:837 -
2015-06-13 23:19 LordRaika: puxxx
2015-06-13 23:20 puxtu: :"v
2015-06-13 23:20 puxtu: dah

There , bubbled due to no unrankable issue at all...
and this beatmap have a good spread now, gratz

dont call me for BN check anymore pux, we are done...... DONE!!!
Topic Starter
Lmao thx kami
Your map too
lol gg forced BN check within one month
/why many maps nowadays are bub/qualify within one month lol

teach me how bribe BN lol ;;
goodluck for qualify putu!
Why would a map getting bubbled in <1 month be a bad thing?
Lol dat stars pe, ko gw ga inget ya kpn naro :v
Gd luck btw wwwewe
Topic Starter
awkawk gw minta dikit pe, lagian lo masih banyak punya :v
bknnya blakangan ini kita lagi marahan ya? :v
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lmao wat
setiap hari mah kita marahan pe -_-
Stop flirting online get a room
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Looks like someone is jelly
Its because u didnt add my dif!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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there you go
Ayy new page :v
Avatarnya bikin gw iri :/ gada yg br3 pe?
Puxtu + yuno = bilqis :D im your kid
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Wow yes please!
I'm working on it
ahhh ... ohh ... good job :|
Topic Starter
well thanks m8

ShikiNoHollow wrote:

ahhh ... ohh ... good job :|

ShikiNoHollow wrote:

ahhh ... ohh ...

ShikiNoHollow wrote:

ahhh ...

ShikiNoHollow wrote:

ahhh ... !!!!
pux... you what?

LordRaika wrote:

ShikiNoHollow wrote:

ahhh ... ohh ... good job :|

ShikiNoHollow wrote:

ahhh ... ohh ...

ShikiNoHollow wrote:

ahhh ...

ShikiNoHollow wrote:

ahhh ... !!!!
pux... you what?

lmao xD
Topic Starter
the level of nonsense in this thread is so damn high
Im molesting puc's boobs
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dude really? XD

puxtu wrote:

the level of nonsense in this thread is so damn high
super high nonsense level lol :^)

LordRaika wrote:

ShikiNoHollow wrote:

ahhh ... ohh ... good job :|

ShikiNoHollow wrote:

ahhh ... ohh ...

ShikiNoHollow wrote:

ahhh ...

ShikiNoHollow wrote:

ahhh ... !!!!
pux... you what?
and dis :V
Nice posts.

IRC with puxtu
2015-06-19 23:50 puxtu: blocks!
2015-06-19 23:51 Blocko: hi
2015-06-19 23:52 puxtu: can we start
2015-06-19 23:52 Blocko: start?
2015-06-19 23:53 Blocko: you're talking nonsense here
2015-06-19 23:53 puxtu: well yes
2015-06-19 23:53 puxtu: lol
2015-06-19 23:59 Blocko: wow 4 minutes 4 diffs = 16 minutes drain time
2015-06-19 23:59 Blocko: too long
2015-06-19 23:59 puxtu: should i remove my ez
2015-06-20 00:00 Blocko: nop
2015-06-20 00:00 Blocko: ACTION is editing [ Neru - Abstract Nonsense [MX]]
2015-06-20 00:02 puxtu: ACTION is editing [ Neru - Abstract Nonsense [MX]]
2015-06-20 00:02 Blocko: hm
2015-06-20 00:02 Blocko: is it me or is the offset a tiny bit off
2015-06-20 00:03 puxtu: nope
2015-06-20 00:03 puxtu: charless checked
2015-06-20 00:03 puxtu: he said the timing is fine
2015-06-20 00:04 Blocko: well alright then
2015-06-20 00:04 puxtu: wanna see the log?
2015-06-20 00:05 Blocko: nah that's not important
2015-06-20 00:05 Blocko: well
2015-06-20 00:05 Blocko: unless i really want to see it
2015-06-20 00:05 Blocko: but that's fine
2015-06-20 00:06 Blocko: 00:27:030 (27030|1,27174|2) - ctrl + h for a flowing strem
2015-06-20 00:06 Blocko: streamI
2015-06-20 00:07 puxtu:
2015-06-20 00:07 puxtu:
2015-06-20 00:07 puxtu: done
2015-06-20 00:09 Blocko: hm
2015-06-20 00:09 Blocko: a compromise sounds like a good idea, because on my end 1215 or 1216 are really good offsets
2015-06-20 00:10 puxtu: so +2?
2015-06-20 00:10 Blocko: ye
2015-06-20 00:10 puxtu: k
2015-06-20 00:12 puxtu: ok new offset applied to all diffs
2015-06-20 00:12 Blocko: even on timing points?
2015-06-20 00:13 puxtu: yes
2015-06-20 00:13 puxtu: all of them
2015-06-20 00:13 Blocko: neat
2015-06-20 00:14 Blocko: 00:28:039 - how do you feel about rearranging that to [ this?]
2015-06-20 00:15 puxtu: oh cool
2015-06-20 00:16 puxtu: if it's just "moving this and this to another column" i'm totally fine with it
2015-06-20 00:16 Blocko: oh
2015-06-20 00:16 Blocko: so i don't have to reason out most of my stuff
2015-06-20 00:16 Blocko: thanks pucks
2015-06-20 00:17 puxtu: yee
2015-06-20 00:17 Blocko: 00:31:647 (31647|1,31791|0) - ctrl + J
2015-06-20 00:17 Blocko: 00:32:657 (32657|0) - move to 2
2015-06-20 00:18 puxtu: done
2015-06-20 00:18 Blocko: 00:41:888 (41888|3) - move to 3
2015-06-20 00:18 Blocko: 00:44:051 (44051|1) - move to 4
2015-06-20 00:18 Blocko: 00:46:647 (46647|2) - move to 2
2015-06-20 00:19 Blocko: 00:47:513 (47513|2,47801|3) - ctrl + j
2015-06-20 00:19 puxtu: done
2015-06-20 00:19 Blocko: 00:55:878 (55878|2) - move to 2
2015-06-20 00:19 Blocko: 00:56:743 (56743|2,57032|3) - ctrl + j
2015-06-20 00:20 puxtu: the copy paste'd is real
2015-06-20 00:20 puxtu: :VV
2015-06-20 00:20 Blocko: wew
2015-06-20 00:20 Blocko: now that you mentioned it
2015-06-20 00:20 Blocko: it is
2015-06-20 00:20 Blocko: wa
2015-06-20 00:20 Blocko: well, for a small part
2015-06-20 00:21 puxtu: yea
2015-06-20 00:22 Blocko: waitaminnit
2015-06-20 00:22 Blocko: the patterns are so similar in between diffs
2015-06-20 00:22 Blocko: specifically HD and MX
2015-06-20 00:23 puxtu: ye lol
2015-06-20 00:23 Blocko: not that it's bad, but it's discouraged as it doesn't really show creativity
2015-06-20 00:23 puxtu: ;(
2015-06-20 00:24 Blocko: solution: ctrl + H HD
2015-06-20 00:24 Blocko: nah jk jk
2015-06-20 00:25 puxtu: ACTION is editing [ Neru - Abstract Nonsense [HD]]
2015-06-20 00:25 puxtu: ctrl+h'd
2015-06-20 00:25 Blocko: did you really
2015-06-20 00:25 puxtu: ye
2015-06-20 00:26 Blocko: oh god
2015-06-20 00:26 puxtu: like i said, i'm totally fine with moving notes to another column
2015-06-20 00:27 Blocko: it's just that you did it
2015-06-20 00:27 Blocko: which i found kinda funny because it still works lmao
2015-06-20 00:27 puxtu: lol
2015-06-20 00:27 Blocko: alright, moving on
2015-06-20 00:28 puxtu: ok
2015-06-20 00:28 Blocko: 01:03:953 - ?
2015-06-20 00:29 Blocko: 01:14:482 (74482|2,74626|1) - move both to 4
2015-06-20 00:29 Blocko: 01:15:636 (75636|1,75780|2) - move both to 1
2015-06-20 00:29 Blocko: 01:17:943 (77943|1) - move to 3
2015-06-20 00:29 puxtu: done
2015-06-20 00:29 Blocko: 01:19:241 (79241|2) - move to 2
2015-06-20 00:30 puxtu: ok
2015-06-20 00:30 Blocko: 01:50:251 (110251|2) - move to 2
2015-06-20 00:30 Blocko: 01:56:453 (116453|2) - move to 1
2015-06-20 00:31 Blocko: 02:05:107 (125107|2) - move to 2
2015-06-20 00:32 puxtu: done
2015-06-20 00:33 puxtu: are you there
2015-06-20 00:33 Blocko: 02:11:597 - to 02:29:914 - first kiai had the hammers, which is the special part of the map that makes it unique, but this one has half the hammers
2015-06-20 00:33 Blocko: make the first kiai related to the second?
2015-06-20 00:33 Blocko: er, second kiai related to the first
2015-06-20 00:33 puxtu: ok
2015-06-20 00:35 puxtu: done
2015-06-20 00:35 Blocko: neat
2015-06-20 00:35 Blocko: maybe hopefully i'll qualify this tonight
2015-06-20 00:36 puxtu: wait
2015-06-20 00:36 puxtu: how about HD NM and EZ
2015-06-20 00:36 Blocko: ye?
2015-06-20 00:36 Blocko: oh i'll go through them too
2015-06-20 00:37 puxtu: oh ok
2015-06-20 00:37 puxtu: tonigh :DDD
2015-06-20 00:37 Blocko: :DDDDD
2015-06-20 00:37 puxtu: so it's done for MX now?
2015-06-20 00:37 Blocko: not yet
2015-06-20 00:38 Blocko: 02:38:570 - add a note at 3?
2015-06-20 00:38 Blocko: 02:38:714 - same as above
2015-06-20 00:38 puxtu: oh
2015-06-20 00:39 puxtu: done
2015-06-20 00:40 Blocko: 02:35:397 (155397|0,155541|1) - switch around by column
2015-06-20 00:40 Blocko: 02:44:195 (164195|1,164339|3) - ctrl + j
2015-06-20 00:41 Blocko: 02:45:638 (165638|0) - move to 3
2015-06-20 00:41 Blocko: 02:46:647 (166647|0) - move to 3
2015-06-20 00:41 Blocko: move to 2
2015-06-20 00:41 Blocko: 02:55:878 (175878|2) - move to 2
2015-06-20 00:41 Blocko: oops
2015-06-20 00:42 puxtu: done
2015-06-20 00:42 puxtu: all done
2015-06-20 00:42 Blocko: 03:05:109 (185109|1) - move to 3
2015-06-20 00:42 Blocko: and 03:04:820 (184820|2) - move to 2
2015-06-20 00:43 Blocko: 03:06:263 (186263|1) - move to 1
2015-06-20 00:43 puxtu: done
2015-06-20 00:45 Blocko: 03:21:839 - to 03:40:301 - same suggestion about the kiais
2015-06-20 00:45 puxtu: done
2015-06-20 00:46 Blocko: update please?
2015-06-20 00:47 puxtu: sure
2015-06-20 00:47 puxtu: wait
2015-06-20 00:47 puxtu: updated
2015-06-20 00:49 Blocko: neat
2015-06-20 00:49 puxtu: :DDD
2015-06-20 00:49 Blocko: a few more things
2015-06-20 00:49 Blocko: 02:15:782 (135782|0) - move to 2
2015-06-20 00:49 puxtu: what is it
2015-06-20 00:49 Blocko: 02:28:474 (148474|3) - move to 2
2015-06-20 00:50 puxtu: damn ninja'd
2015-06-20 00:50 puxtu: 03:26:166 (206166|0) - move to 4
2015-06-20 00:50 Blocko: damn ninja'd
2015-06-20 00:50 puxtu: blocko 1 - 1 pux
2015-06-20 00:51 Blocko: and that's it
2015-06-20 00:51 Blocko: up next:
2015-06-20 00:51 Blocko: ACTION is editing [ Neru - Abstract Nonsense [HD]]
2015-06-20 00:51 puxtu: ACTION is editing [ Neru - Abstract Nonsense [HD]]
2015-06-20 00:53 Blocko: 00:20:686 (20686|0) - finish hitsound here
2015-06-20 00:53 puxtu: ok
2015-06-20 00:54 Blocko: 00:25:157 (25157|3) - clap here
2015-06-20 00:54 puxtu: applied
2015-06-20 00:55 Blocko: 01:34:099 (94099|1) - remove clap hitsound
2015-06-20 00:55 Blocko: double claps wai
2015-06-20 00:56 puxtu: well lol
2015-06-20 00:56 puxtu: my mistake
2015-06-20 00:56 Blocko: lol
2015-06-20 00:56 Blocko: 01:51:839 (111839|0) - move to 2
2015-06-20 00:57 Blocko: 01:58:618 (118618|3) - move to 4, 01:58:763 (118763|1) - move to 3
2015-06-20 00:57 Blocko: 02:00:926 (120926|3) - move to 4, 02:01:070 (121070|0) - move to 3
2015-06-20 00:58 puxtu: 01:58:618 (118618|3) - it's already in 4
2015-06-20 00:58 puxtu: 02:00:926 (120926|3) - this one too
2015-06-20 00:58 Blocko: shid
2015-06-20 00:58 Blocko: sorry it's 1am
2015-06-20 00:59 puxtu: lol
2015-06-20 00:59 Blocko: i meant 01:58:618 (118618|3) - move to 2
2015-06-20 00:59 Blocko: i meant 02:00:926 (120926|3) - move to 1
2015-06-20 00:59 Blocko: a
2015-06-20 00:59 puxtu: lol ok
2015-06-20 00:59 puxtu: done
2015-06-20 01:00 Blocko: 02:07:416 (127416|3,127561|2,127705|1) - rearrange to 3,2,3
2015-06-20 01:00 Blocko: 02:08:570 (128570|0) - move to 2
2015-06-20 01:01 puxtu: done
2015-06-20 01:01 Blocko: 02:30:926 (150926|1,151070|0) - rearrange to 1,4
2015-06-20 01:02 Blocko: 02:32:080 (152080|3,152224|2) - move 1 column to the left
2015-06-20 01:02 puxtu: ok
2015-06-20 01:03 Blocko: 02:35:541 (155541|2,155686|3) - rearrange to 4, 1
2015-06-20 01:03 Blocko: 02:46:647 (166647|3,166791|1) - rearrange to 2, 1
2015-06-20 01:03 Blocko: 02:48:811 (168811|0) - clap here
2015-06-20 01:04 Blocko: 02:58:618 (178618|0,178763|3) - rearrange to 4, 2
2015-06-20 01:05 puxtu: done
2015-06-20 01:05 Blocko: 03:09:003 (189003|3,189147|0) - rearrange to 1, 2
2015-06-20 01:05 Blocko: 03:10:157 (190157|0,190301|3) - rearrange to 4, 2
2015-06-20 01:06 Blocko: aaaand that's it
2015-06-20 01:07 puxtu: lol
2015-06-20 01:07 puxtu: done
2015-06-20 01:08 Blocko: getting closer
2015-06-20 01:08 Blocko: ACTION is editing [ Neru - Abstract Nonsense [NM]]
2015-06-20 01:09 puxtu: ACTION is editing [ Neru - Abstract Nonsense [NM]]
2015-06-20 01:10 puxtu: hype
2015-06-20 01:11 Blocko: 01:11:455 - add a note on 3
2015-06-20 01:11 Blocko: 01:20:686 - add a note on 2
2015-06-20 01:12 puxtu: added'
2015-06-20 01:13 Blocko: 02:20:686 - add a note on 2
2015-06-20 01:13 puxtu: why are you modding HD
2015-06-20 01:13 Blocko: i am?
2015-06-20 01:13 puxtu: try /np
2015-06-20 01:13 Blocko: ACTION is editing [ Neru - Abstract Nonsense [NM]]
2015-06-20 01:13 Blocko: ?
2015-06-20 01:14 Blocko: but i am modding NM, using EZ as reference
2015-06-20 01:14 puxtu: rip
2015-06-20 01:14 Blocko: oh lol
2015-06-20 01:14 Blocko: idk
2015-06-20 01:14 puxtu: lol
2015-06-20 01:14 Blocko: but i can tell you that i'm done modding HD
2015-06-20 01:14 puxtu: ok moving on
2015-06-20 01:15 puxtu: :DDDDDD
2015-06-20 01:15 Blocko: 02:47:945 (167945|2) - stretch LN up to 02:48:378 - for more impact
2015-06-20 01:16 puxtu: ok
2015-06-20 01:17 Blocko: 03:21:839 (201839|3) - soft-hitfinish here
2015-06-20 01:17 puxtu: ok
2015-06-20 01:18 Blocko: aaaaand that's it
2015-06-20 01:18 Blocko: almost
2015-06-20 01:18 Blocko: ACTION is editing [ Neru - Abstract Nonsense [EZ]]
2015-06-20 01:19 puxtu: ACTION is editing [ Neru - Abstract Nonsense [EZ]]
2015-06-20 01:19 puxtu: aaaaa there's no brake on hype train
2015-06-20 01:20 Blocko: 00:52:993 (52993|1) - auto-hitclap here
2015-06-20 01:21 puxtu: ok
2015-06-20 01:22 Blocko: 01:56:022 (116022|1,116599|2) - ctrl + h
2015-06-20 01:22 puxtu: done
2015-06-20 01:22 Blocko: 02:02:224 (122224|3) - auto-hitclap here
2015-06-20 01:22 puxtu: done
2015-06-20 01:23 Blocko: 02:32:657 (152657|2) - clap here
2015-06-20 01:23 Blocko: 02:33:811 (153811|0) - clap here
2015-06-20 01:23 Blocko: 02:37:272 (157272|2) - clap here
2015-06-20 01:23 Blocko: 02:38:426 (158426|0) - clap here
2015-06-20 01:23 puxtu: done
2015-06-20 01:23 puxtu: done
2015-06-20 01:24 Blocko: 03:02:224 (182224|1) - auto-hitclap here
2015-06-20 01:24 puxtu: wait wait wait
2015-06-20 01:24 puxtu: how about the lns
2015-06-20 01:24 puxtu: on guitar solo part
2015-06-20 01:25 Blocko: personally i think it's fine as it is
2015-06-20 01:25 Blocko: since we're focusing on the guitar you know
2015-06-20 01:25 puxtu: yay
2015-06-20 01:25 Blocko: though i'm wondering why this is two-note chorded 02:39:436 (159436|0) -
2015-06-20 01:26 puxtu: 02:39:436 (159436|0) - removed
2015-06-20 01:26 Blocko: neat
2015-06-20 01:27 puxtu: :D
2015-06-20 01:28 Blocko: 03:14:195 (194195|0) - remove? i don't hear something that actually follows this note
2015-06-20 01:28 Blocko: unless it's vocal/other e-guitar
2015-06-20 01:28 puxtu: removed
2015-06-20 01:29 puxtu: i'll just remove it k
2015-06-20 01:29 Blocko: sounds good
2015-06-20 01:30 Blocko: okay, update pls
2015-06-20 01:30 puxtu: updated
2015-06-20 01:30 Blocko: okay uhh
2015-06-20 01:31 Blocko: lemme run it through quickly
2015-06-20 01:31 puxtu: anything else?
2015-06-20 01:31 puxtu: ok
2015-06-20 01:32 Blocko: which ranked set did you take this song?
2015-06-20 01:33 puxtu: ACTION is listening to [ Kagamine Rin - Abstract Nonsense]
2015-06-20 01:34 Blocko: and is the metadata 100% ok?
2015-06-20 01:34 puxtu: yes
2015-06-20 01:35 Blocko: inb4 dq because romanized artist isn't 押入れP
2015-06-20 01:35 puxtu: what's that
2015-06-20 01:37 Blocko: Neru, also known as Oshiire-P (押入れP)
2015-06-20 01:37 Blocko: sorry this got me curious
2015-06-20 01:38 puxtu: oh well lol
2015-06-20 01:39 puxtu:
2015-06-20 01:40 puxtu: blocks
2015-06-20 01:40 puxtu: come on i need to eat
2015-06-20 01:42 Blocko: hm
2015-06-20 01:42 Blocko: ACTION is editing [ Neru - Abstract Nonsense [HD]]
2015-06-20 01:42 Blocko: 01:34:243 (94243|2,94315|1,94388|0) - claps here
2015-06-20 01:42 puxtu: lol ok
2015-06-20 01:43 Blocko: ACTION is editing [ Neru - Abstract Nonsense [NM]]
2015-06-20 01:43 Blocko: 01:34:243 (94243|1,94315|2,94388|3) - claps here
2015-06-20 01:44 puxtu: ok
2015-06-20 01:46 Blocko: so uh
2015-06-20 01:46 Blocko: how long will you be eatng
2015-06-20 01:46 Blocko: eatingI
2015-06-20 01:47 puxtu: not going to eat until you heart my map
2015-06-20 01:47 Blocko: oh ok, i'll make this quick as possible
2015-06-20 01:47 Blocko: meanwhile, update pls
2015-06-20 01:47 puxtu: update again? D:
2015-06-20 01:47 Blocko: or not if you wanna wait for me to answer
2015-06-20 01:48 puxtu: ok ok
2015-06-20 01:48 puxtu: i'll update
2015-06-20 01:48 puxtu: updated
2015-06-20 01:55 Blocko: alright i see the problem now
2015-06-20 01:55 Blocko: neru and 押入れP are entirely different names, but the same artists
2015-06-20 01:55 puxtu: what
2015-06-20 01:55 Blocko: sounds like a pseudonym
2015-06-20 01:55 puxtu: oh
2015-06-20 01:57 Blocko: but it seems like he mainly uses Neru anyway
2015-06-20 01:57 Blocko: add 押入れP to tags?
2015-06-20 01:57 puxtu: just that?
2015-06-20 01:57 Blocko: ye
2015-06-20 01:58 Blocko: then update then qualify a
2015-06-20 01:58 puxtu: nice
2015-06-20 02:01 puxtu: updated
2015-06-20 02:04 Blocko: okay
2015-06-20 02:04 Blocko: aa lagging af here
2015-06-20 02:04 puxtu: aaaaaaaaaaaa
2015-06-20 02:05 Blocko: yo pux
2015-06-20 02:05 puxtu: sup?
2015-06-20 02:05 Blocko: honestly, i'm very very skeptical about the metadata here
2015-06-20 02:05 Blocko: and i don't really wanna risk it
2015-06-20 02:05 puxtu: well lol
2015-06-20 02:06 puxtu: what is it
2015-06-20 02:07 puxtu: dude
2015-06-20 02:07 puxtu: lol
2015-06-20 02:07 Blocko: so the qualify will have to wait for now
2015-06-20 02:07 Blocko: sorry
2015-06-20 02:07 puxtu: why?
2015-06-20 02:08 Blocko: until i find the official source of it, i'm not gonna heart it yet
2015-06-20 02:08 Blocko: go eat lunch for now, by the time you're back i may or may not have found the official source
2015-06-20 02:09 puxtu:
2015-06-20 02:14 puxtu: then i have to find raika for rebubble?
2015-06-20 02:15 Blocko: no wait i found something
2015-06-20 02:15 puxtu: ok
2015-06-20 02:21 Blocko: gimme a few more minutes if you don't mind
2015-06-20 02:21 puxtu: ok
2015-06-20 02:29 Blocko: thanks to zenx i think we struck gold
2015-06-20 02:29 Blocko: brb confirming
2015-06-20 02:30 puxtu: D:
2015-06-20 02:30 Blocko: oh come on, don't act like that
2015-06-20 02:30 Blocko: i don't want your map dq'd on all possible outcomes
2015-06-20 02:30 Blocko: because it'll hurt you, me and raika
2015-06-20 02:32 puxtu: i mean what did you founf
2015-06-20 02:32 puxtu: found
2015-06-20 02:32 puxtu: i'm curious
2015-06-20 02:32 Blocko:
2015-06-20 02:32 Blocko: Vocaloids can be featured within the artist section if the producer/composer includes it via official sources.
2015-06-20 02:32 Blocko: i'm confirming this to another group atm
2015-06-20 02:40 Blocko: no answer fuge
2015-06-20 02:40 Blocko: but zenx says y
2015-06-20 02:40 puxtu: ye
2015-06-20 02:41 Blocko: basically, Neru feat. Kagamine Rin as romanized and Neru feat. 鏡音リン as artist
2015-06-20 02:41 Blocko: be sure to remove kagamine rin from tags as it's in the artist too
2015-06-20 02:42 puxtu: ... q=vocaloid
2015-06-20 02:42 Blocko: wut
2015-06-20 02:43 puxtu: welp i think the composer name only is fine
2015-06-20 02:44 Blocko: alright, i got responses
2015-06-20 02:44 Blocko: they said that can be used
2015-06-20 02:44 puxtu: ok
2015-06-20 02:44 Blocko: so, yeah
2015-06-20 02:44 Blocko: basically change the artist/romanized artist and then i'll qualify
2015-06-20 02:44 puxtu: ye
2015-06-20 02:45 puxtu: then ppl have to re-dl
2015-06-20 02:45 Blocko: yep, sadly
2015-06-20 02:45 puxtu: ;c
2015-06-20 02:46 puxtu: can you ask them "the creator wants to keep the composer name only as the artist. is it ok?"
2015-06-20 02:47 Blocko: ok
2015-06-20 02:51 Blocko: nope, they said
2015-06-20 02:51 Blocko: not at all
2015-06-20 02:51 puxtu: rip
2015-06-20 02:51 puxtu: then i have to change all my maps too
2015-06-20 02:51 puxtu: rip
2015-06-20 02:52 Blocko: only on this one
2015-06-20 02:52 Blocko: but on others idk
2015-06-20 02:52 puxtu: wat
2015-06-20 02:52 puxtu: enmei
2015-06-20 02:52 Blocko: cause i didn't look at the other's official sources yet
2015-06-20 02:52 puxtu: ningen
2015-06-20 02:52 puxtu: jinsei
2015-06-20 02:52 puxtu: lol
2015-06-20 02:52 Blocko: if they all came from the same album
2015-06-20 02:52 Blocko: then change it
2015-06-20 02:52 puxtu: well
2015-06-20 02:53 Blocko: and add to tags: EXIT TUNES PRESENTS Vocalodream
2015-06-20 02:53 Blocko: [ track 14]
2015-06-20 02:54 Blocko: tell me when you updated
2015-06-20 02:56 Blocko: [ another source, track 14]
2015-06-20 02:56 Blocko: it's the record label's site
2015-06-20 02:57 Blocko: so just do it m80
2015-06-20 02:57 Blocko: remember, metadata isn't about what a mapper wants
2015-06-20 02:57 Blocko: it's about what's correct
2015-06-20 02:58 puxtu: w8
2015-06-20 03:03 puxtu: hey block
2015-06-20 03:03 Blocko: ye?
2015-06-20 03:04 puxtu:
2015-06-20 03:05 puxtu:
2015-06-20 03:05 Blocko: did you at least show him the official sources?
2015-06-20 03:07 Blocko: vocaloid IS included in the official sources, so idk why it would be dq'd since it's OFFICIAL
2015-06-20 03:08 Blocko: metadata is literally staring right at us
2015-06-20 03:08 Blocko: like wut
2015-06-20 03:09 puxtu:
2015-06-20 03:10 Blocko: ummm
2015-06-20 03:10 Blocko: it's literally there
2015-06-20 03:10 Blocko: seriously
2015-06-20 03:10 Blocko: if your map gets dq'd because of the artist, it's 100% contestable
2015-06-20 03:11 Blocko: because the second one is literally the most official source as we can get
2015-06-20 03:18 Blocko: so, what now?
2015-06-20 03:19 puxtu: ACTION is editing [ Neru feat. Kagamine Rin - Abstract Nonsense [EZ]]
2015-06-20 03:19 puxtu: gimme a min
2015-06-20 03:19 Blocko: oh
2015-06-20 03:19 Blocko: kk
2015-06-20 03:26 puxtu: ACTION is listening to [ Neru feat. Kagaime Rin - Abstract Nonsense]
2015-06-20 03:26 puxtu: updated
2015-06-20 03:26 Blocko: alright
2015-06-20 03:27 Blocko: >kagaime
2015-06-20 03:27 Blocko: um
2015-06-20 03:27 puxtu: ???
2015-06-20 03:27 Blocko: >kagaime rin
2015-06-20 03:27 Blocko: kagamine
2015-06-20 03:27 puxtu:
2015-06-20 03:28 Blocko: welp
2015-06-20 03:28 Blocko: [ uh dude]
2015-06-20 03:29 puxtu: what's wrong with that
2015-06-20 03:29 puxtu: LMAO
2015-06-20 03:29 puxtu: LMAOOOO
2015-06-20 03:29 Blocko: aaaand you just noticed
2015-06-20 03:29 Blocko: nice
2015-06-20 03:29 puxtu: LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO
2015-06-20 03:30 Blocko: Kagamine Rin pls
2015-06-20 03:30 puxtu: sorry i'm so starving
2015-06-20 03:30 puxtu: i can't think straight
2015-06-20 03:30 Blocko: sorry for letting you waste 90 minutes over metadata ;_;
2015-06-20 03:31 puxtu: ACTION is editing [ Neru feat. Kagamine Rin - Abstract Nonsense [EZ]]
2015-06-20 03:31 Blocko: alright
2015-06-20 03:31 puxtu: np
2015-06-20 03:34 Blocko: everything looks great now
2015-06-20 03:34 Blocko: thank you for your patience
Fixed the usual: hitsounds and patterns. Metadata issue fixed as well.

And here are some sources: ... F%E3%82%AF This one's the most official as we can get, as it's the record label after all.

After an arduous journey of checking the map, doubt with the metadata, finding its official source and a heated battle with the metadata, I'll give this map some of my love.


Congratulations, puxtu!
Topic Starter
2 hours of metadata check was real lmao
woah it's happening! xD

grats pux! nice map <3
[ A v a l o n ]
very nice map owo /

osu!mania needs more vocaloid xD
Its still rare to see feat kagamine rin on neru... But welp... Hope its correct as well :)
Gratz pux
Topic Starter
No, it is the correct one raika
Confirmed by some red and green guys
Suck map suck it. Very bad map bad quality dq this . Who even mapped this ewww his not lile gonna be my omega super best friend like ewwww who would collab avatar with this freak
Topic Starter
Yea this map sux dq please
Whoever mapped this shit should be rotten in hell wwwww
Ciyus Miapah
why didn't you include the video for this afaik it has one

Okoratu wrote:

why didn't you include the video for this afaik it has one
dammit pux guy
Topic Starter
Because idk too lazy
*kasian Kuota modem gw kampret -_-
Congrats ~ Now i will get some silence :v /
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