Hello, i wonder why you people post surveys here if theres an entire subforum for that kinda shit no one really cares about?
Y'kno, threads like these:
What is your mental age?
Is your profile picture the same gender as you?
What are you doing today?
What is your reaction time?
What lifted your spirit today?
What made you cry today?
What have you bought recently?
Who introduced you to this game?
What made you laugh today?
What do you do when you cant sleep?
How fast can you type?
What is your personality type?
If you can morp, what will you want to be?
What was the last dream you had?
What made you angry today?
What do you think of while playing?
Participate in a poll deciding the next skin i create!
What food did you make today?
Thats 18 out of 42 threads. Nice discussion right there! Almost HALF of the threads here dont even belong on here, what is this? Shameful, it is!
And thats just at a quick glance, 100% sure i missed like 5 more surveys. Or more.
You'd think General Discussion would mean you discuss stuff here, but no.
Y'kno, threads like these:
What is your mental age?
Is your profile picture the same gender as you?
What are you doing today?
What is your reaction time?
What lifted your spirit today?
What made you cry today?
What have you bought recently?
Who introduced you to this game?
What made you laugh today?
What do you do when you cant sleep?
How fast can you type?
What is your personality type?
If you can morp, what will you want to be?
What was the last dream you had?
What made you angry today?
What do you think of while playing?
Participate in a poll deciding the next skin i create!
What food did you make today?
Thats 18 out of 42 threads. Nice discussion right there! Almost HALF of the threads here dont even belong on here, what is this? Shameful, it is!
And thats just at a quick glance, 100% sure i missed like 5 more surveys. Or more.
You'd think General Discussion would mean you discuss stuff here, but no.