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Trash Boat
Ready to go?
UI I wrote tid.
The Gambler
Olivia after two more bottles:

Hide yo kids... Hide yo wife. Olivia on the loose!!!

The Gambler wrote:

Olivia after two more bottles:

Hide yo kids... Hide yo wife. Olivia on the loose!!!
I ca'nt underttansandt a thing but t sounds so profound! is this fairy dust hawd
The Gambler
Olivia has become:

God bless...
Gamblin all day errday
Do you hafve a dathwiase !dweath wish DEATH WISH

I am not an axe murderer. An comes if your word estarts with a vowel and with a if it srtart
' wirht a consonant! Why did the phrase start from a differnet row I don'ty lknpw but I fee like pvomiting but
Trash Boat
[A tree]
The Gambler
Eatin pizzas, bein moe errday.

Scratch that...
Ninja winja
The Gambler
Trash Boat
The Gambler
Ninja Winja ;P

Also with all the psychedelic photos Olivia must think she's on LSD now, right?
Gralber GAMLBW GAmbler Gambler I wrote it corect! STD? I damnto A; NM AM NOT using std STD is not a drug I can't iuse it. It's a sdisease. I don't have diosaease . I am a helahty WOMAN
May the above post go down in FG history
The Gambler
Putting that on userpage
My it not nevaucse BECUASE BECAUSE it is not special NOT post or anything Ia mjsut drunk I have drunk a lot and I canb't write proper sentences I am sorry. UI mighht regeret this when I wake up.

Tree makes me always think of marijuana.You dn'ät smoke marijuana right?
The Gambler
OliviaDrunkTips... Someone should start that on OT...
OT makes me think of berer MORE BEER I will driknk more bbere.
The Gambler
Also, you're gonna enjoy this:
Drinksahoy! I am not a pirastw I can't make any sense out of watha you ar etryinv yom akem ae awtch please I ca'nt atch what you are yintg yo mkake me watch IT MAKES ME THINK OF PIRATESES
Ryu Sei
New user
The Gambler
Drinking scares me

[ Tree ] wrote:

Drinking scares me
Don't drink that is good life adviaev! I am not good exapmple hbut don't drink in the fuuter. but it grants clairty as you will come to realize many thing srthat you othewrise owuldn't undestand! It helps.
The Gambler
I won't lie, same with me. I don't particularly like cleaning up afterwards.
You're not good for yourself.
The Gambler
But b/c I love you, you made me gamble again
Your avatar doesn't seem pleased with you gambling. :p
The Gambler
Au contraire, your ava looks like it has the best poker face ;)
a bit awkward
The Gambler
OT regular. Idk if I'd get to join someday.
Don't cry! D:
I only remember you from that hamster avatar.
Has completed all of Katawa Shoujo, I think
I've only done Hanako and Emi. I just did the bad end for Shizune. Still needing to get her good end.

Have yet to touch on Rin and Lily. :P
The Gambler
Hanako is bae... Nuff said
Trash Boat
dont cry my gambler
still trash :3
Drake and Josh
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