
Girls' Generation - Be Happy

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Sunny Holic
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2010년 6월 11일 금요일 at 오후 4:45:06

Artist: Girls' Generation
Title: Be Happy
Tags: snsd
BPM: 125
Filesize: 7121kb
Play Time: 01:39
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2.47 stars, 111 notes)
  2. Hard (4.38 stars, 344 notes)
  3. Insane (4.98 stars, 543 notes)
Download: Girls' Generation - Be Happy
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Easy - few red tick
Normal - no jump, no stream, no speed change
Insane - 0.7 distance for triple stream other is 1.0, few part is 0.5x speed
Colin Hou
  1. 00:04:601 (T) - make this section inherited in every diff.
  2. Girls' Generation - Be Happy (Sunny Holic).osb kill this file and full submit when you upload next time.
  3. how about cancel the letterbox during the break time?
  1. replace all notes with your shift button, others are fine.
  1. replace all notes with your shift button
  2. OD +1 or 2
  1. Slider Velocity 2.1 can solve many spacing issues in this diff, of course reshape all the sliders.
Good work, but too many copy paste makes playing this not very fun.
Topic Starter
Sunny Holic

Colin Hou wrote:

00:04:601 (T) - make this section inherited in every diff.
no i can't. 00:04:601 is first beat of this song, so it must be long white tick

Colin Hou wrote:

  1. Slider Velocity 2.1 can solve many spacing issues in this diff, of course reshape all the sliders.
stream has 0.7 distance and other 1/8 beats has 1.0 distance, so aimod will point out that the map have spacing problem
i've tried. slider velocity can't solve this case.. and it's not real problem

anyway, thank you for your modding
-Delete the second red timing section and Offset : 277 ~ Resnap All Notes

00:17:437 (6,7) - These circles are not matching with the end of the previous slider. Please fix them.
Timing Section : 37.241 <-> Change it to 37.237 (Because I changed the general offset)
00:48:037 (3) - 1 grid left?
00:48:281 (4) - 1 grid up and 1 left?
00:58:601 (5) - New combo?
01:08:681 (3) - This circle is not matching with the end of the previous slider. Please fix it.
01:12:761 (3) - ^
01:13:241 (4) - New combo? Anyway it's a Spacing error.
01:17:081 (4) - New combo?
01:25:001 (9) - ^
01:27:041 (2,3) - These circles are not matching with the end of the previous slider. Please fix them.
02:17:321 (5) - New combo?
02:25:001 (5) - ^
02:27:641 (3) - This circle is not matching with the end of the previous slider. Please fix it.
02:31:481 (3) - ^
02:36:041 (5) - New combo?
02:39:881 (3) - ^
03:03:401 (6) - ^
03:11:081 (5) - ^
03:18:761 (5) - ^
03:26:441 (5) - ^
03:27:881 (9) - It's a ugly end-song, but it's up to you.

It's more like a Hard IMO
00:43:721 (6) - 1 grid up?
01:36:521 (7) - New combo.
02:13:721 (6) - ^
02:21:401 (4) - ^
02:25:001 (4) - ^
02:28:361 (4) - ^
02:32:201 (4) - ^
02:36:041 (5) - ^
02:39:881 (5) - ^
03:03:401 (4) - ^
03:11:081 (4) - ^
03:18:761 (4) - ^
03:26:441 (4) - ^

Circle size : Large?
This diff it's Ok, but why you didn't make it entirely?

Girls' Generation~<333
Nice map~
Pretty song~
Topic Starter
Sunny Holic

Kecco wrote:

-Delete the second red timing section and Offset : 277 ~ Resnap All Notes

00:17:437 (6,7) - These circles are not matching with the end of the previous slider. Please fix them.
Timing Section : 37.241 <-> Change it to 37.237 (Because I changed the general offset)
00:48:037 (3) - 1 grid left?
00:48:281 (4) - 1 grid up and 1 left?
00:58:601 (5) - New combo?
01:08:681 (3) - This circle is not matching with the end of the previous slider. Please fix it.
01:12:761 (3) - ^
01:13:241 (4) - New combo? Anyway it's a Spacing error.
01:17:081 (4) - New combo?
01:25:001 (9) - ^
01:27:041 (2,3) - These circles are not matching with the end of the previous slider. Please fix them.
02:17:321 (5) - New combo?
02:25:001 (5) - ^
02:27:641 (3) - This circle is not matching with the end of the previous slider. Please fix it.
02:31:481 (3) - ^
02:36:041 (5) - New combo?
02:39:881 (3) - ^
03:03:401 (6) - ^
03:11:081 (5) - ^
03:18:761 (5) - ^
03:26:441 (5) - ^
03:27:881 (9) - It's a ugly end-song, but it's up to you.

It's more like a Hard IMO
00:43:721 (6) - 1 grid up?
01:36:521 (7) - New combo.
02:13:721 (6) - ^
02:21:401 (4) - ^
02:25:001 (4) - ^
02:28:361 (4) - ^
02:32:201 (4) - ^
02:36:041 (5) - ^
02:39:881 (5) - ^
03:03:401 (4) - ^
03:11:081 (4) - ^
03:18:761 (4) - ^
03:26:441 (4) - ^

Circle size : Large?
This diff it's Ok, but why you didn't make it entirely?

Girls' Generation~<333
Nice map~
Pretty song~
Done~ Thank you~
(first slider of this map must be in long white tick.. so i edited mp3 and set new offset.
Easy : if circle size more large, notes will stack edge and short slider looks more bad :( )
Hurude Rika
+Star :)
- .osb file D:

- Lead-in second 1?

00:16:360 (4) - remove sliderwhistle
00:20:680 (10) - overlap this under end of slider
00:54:760 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - 1 grid right
02:18:520 (4,5,6,7) - 1 grid right & up

fine o.o

Nice skin :P star
Topic Starter
Sunny Holic

Pokie wrote:

- .osb file D:

- Lead-in second 1?

00:16:360 (4) - remove sliderwhistle
00:20:680 (10) - overlap this under end of slider
00:54:760 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - 1 grid right
02:18:520 (4,5,6,7) - 1 grid right & up

fine o.o

Nice skin :P star
All done. thank you for your modding
I already have deleted osb file.. do you mean that it need osb file?
I mean I saw a osb file there :?
난이도가 흠....
어째든 별 쾅
nice job great song/map love it ^_^
Topic Starter
Sunny Holic

yangzd88 wrote:

?? yes.. they are korean
0:14:200 (3) right 1 grid, (4) up 1 grid
0:41:560 (3,4) spacing different from the last (3,4), better unique this
3:01:000 (5) left 1 grid

No spacing mistake from hard and easy.
Nice song, star~
Topic Starter
Sunny Holic

wmfchris wrote:

0:14:200 (3) right 1 grid, (4) up 1 grid
0:41:560 (3,4) spacing different from the last (3,4), better unique this
3:01:000 (5) left 1 grid

No spacing mistake from hard and easy.
Nice song, star~
oh! thank you very much~! 你能找到這些,真是厲害
Yuji Tokaji
STAR ~ Nice work :3
All fine to me

00:05:800 - Well,just a suggestion.That's fine,that in Easy there is a space after the spinner,but...yeah,I feel like it should be filled with notes.Probably making a slider[00:05:800 - 00:06:280] somewhere near the centre will be pretty readable for newbies.So,up to you then.
00:43:960 - Adding a note?
00:53:800 - Same as the first suggestion.
00:53:320 - If you wouldn't use suggestions above,maybe start Kiai here then?

00:23:080 - Adding a note?
00:30:760 - ^ Well,I think it was purposely,so I won't suggest about such moments,but imo it may confuse players a bit.
01:30:520 (5) - Oh,I want it to be alligned.1 grip down for the whole moment(5-9)
01:32:200 (1) - If followed the suggestion above,don't forget to allign the moment coming soon.1 grid down and right.
01:34:600 (6) - Too close? 1 grid right maybe?
01:34:840 (7) - ^
01:39:400 (5) - ^

01:28:240 (7) - Allign better.Use auto-put.
03:29:080 (9) - Cruel,just cruel,but nvm.

Well,fine map,good luck,have a star~
Hi hi!! :)

Here are some suggestions for your map, you don't have to change them if you don't agree with me :P
Let's go!!

~All Diffs~
- Why hit300 images are like the default? They don't fit at all with the pink hit100 and the violet hit50 images xD
- Really cute combobursts <3

- Could you map it until the end? Or maybe at another spot, it sounds weird when it finishes right now =x

02:41:080 (1,2,3) - Place the slider before the circles, like the other times? xD

No problems here~

Nice map ^^ *star*
just suggestions <3


BG color 改成和背景色接近的顏色(或者用黑色)

嘗試把kiai time的綠線都放在note上 (因為剛進入kiai time的時候 左右下角會有噴泉(? 如果移到note上 當按下

note的時 就會噴出噴泉(? 會感覺更好:3

一般只是加kiai time的話 不用特地加在note前面 ,只有遇到音量等變化的時候 才會這樣

PreviewTime不用設置在那麼後面吧 (當我選到這首歌 聽上10幾秒就結束了..感覺很怪...

關於tags 我看了另外一首 他是把SNSD寫在Source ...具體我也不是很清楚D:


雖然整體是沒差 但是break太多了 而且後半段的節奏也下的太懶了 D:

然後把一些break都填上 (這樣感覺會更好


01:14:680 (5,6,7) - 有點難讀,把5移到下面? (不改也沒關係



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