
how can i do the hitcircle like in this skin

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Onii Chan
I'm not sure, but how about making the hitcircle green and the hitcircleoverlay-0 pink?

(only a example)
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Onii Chan
alright thanks ill try it
I used to have that skin. It's called Galaxy and it's actually terrible.

I have no idea where you can find it.

That effect is done by having a hitcircleoverlay-0 and hitcircleoverlay-1, and altering your animation framerate in skin.ini.
Topic Starter
Onii Chan

Philosofikal wrote:

I used to have that skin. It's called Galaxy and it's actually terrible.

I have no idea where you can find it.

That effect is done by having a hitcircleoverlay-0 and hitcircleoverlay-1, and altering your animation framerate in skin.ini.
Thank you :D

Philosofikal wrote:

I used to have that skin. It's called Galaxy and it's actually terrible.

I have no idea where you can find it.

That effect is done by having a hitcircleoverlay-0 and hitcircleoverlay-1, and altering your animation framerate in skin.ini.
That's pretty helpful, actually. Thanks.
Skin found:

EDIT: Goddamnit the link is dead
Ayesha Altugle
I have the skin. I will reupload it in the moment.

EDIT: Here you go guys!
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