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Aerial Alchemist
Hi, I'm Aerial Alchemist, (hardly) know as AerialAlch on Gamefaqs and FEDKite on GaiaOnline.
I'm interested in creating beatmaps for a few songs (namely Fly Me to the Moon, Beautiful World, and a few Within Temptation songs), however it currently seems out of reach for someone of my intelligence level.
I've honestly never played EBA or Oueden, and am confused whether or not they're the same things. xD However, I used to play Stepmania (another free music game), and was recently looking for something new. When I came across osu!, I was amazed by how it made me feel so connected to the community, despite being a beginner. Ever since, well, yesterday (heh), I've been hooked and have more than a few of my favourite songs, although I'm still failing most everything. I don't have the required RAM, but currently the only effect that seems to have is occasional lag when I first boot osu!.
So that should sum up everything. Sorry for using up your time!

Download: Ke$ha - Animal (hawkzor).osb
I did not played ouendan/eba too so dont worry about that.

Anyways, welcome to Osu!

If you have any questions about beatmapping ask awp.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
I haz connection 2 communitiez 2.
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Aerial Alchemist
Thanks for hospitality!
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