There are a few important ground rules for this queue. Read them carefully.
Maps submitted for this queue are only being checked for audio issues. The actual map portion of the beatmap will not be modded unless I am particularly inclined to do so.
Before placing a request in this queue, make sure you read this first. Learning to find your own audio files will help you in many other endeavours - not just beatmapping.
Submit a request if your map meets any one or more of the following criteria:
By extension, I will also accept requests to verify timing.
Maps submitted for this queue are only being checked for audio issues. The actual map portion of the beatmap will not be modded unless I am particularly inclined to do so.
Before placing a request in this queue, make sure you read this first. Learning to find your own audio files will help you in many other endeavours - not just beatmapping.
Submit a request if your map meets any one or more of the following criteria:
- You are unsure of the sound quality of the audio file included with your beatmap, or have been told by another BAT that it is unacceptable (transcodes, youtube rips and so forth)
- You are concerned about the size of the audio file in your map and do not know how to compress it properly yourself
- You are experiencing difficulty finding an appropriate audio file for your map
By extension, I will also accept requests to verify timing.