┌(┌ ^o^)┐
thanks RenKagamine Ren wrote:
oh 6 diffs x.x sorry ><
00:31:973 (2,3) - blanket well yeah
00:50:553 (2,3) - ^ ^
sry for nazi mod x.x
00:20:747 (2,3) - this two crtl+G fits the flow more imo hmm,sorry i like current flow
00:39:328 (5,6) - i think it's better to make them parallel cuz 00:39:328 (5,1) - are parallel nice! fixed :3
00:46:876 (3,4) - make a blanket? yes
01:52:489 (4) - move a little right yes!
00:06:811 (2,3) - move to 219,300 to make them look better with 00:05:263 (2,4) - cool
00:52:876 (2,3) - blanket well OK
01:03:134 (3) - it's better to make this jump bigger,i advise to move it to around 78,93 nope
nice mapset,sorry for short mod x.x
Rareさんありです!Rare wrote:
00:23:650 (2) - 単発のほうが好きだけどこのままでもOK 僕はこっちが好きだからとりあえずこのままで!
01:18:618 (1) - 始点にfinish欲しい 付けました~~
01:34:682 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - この7つの単発Normalにしては多いから心配。他の人にも言われたら考えてみて。 次言われたら直しまっす!
01:47:457 (2) - Clapは始点じゃなくて終点のほうがいいかなあと思う。 入れ替えました
00:23:650 (1) - 自分的にはこれがベスト https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/2725791 神。
00:24:037 (1) - clapとfinishはちょっとうるさく感じちゃうからclap外したいところ。 OK
01:02:940 (5) - 始点にclap欲しい。 OK
thanks :3Smoothie World wrote:
M4M ^^
00:19:973 (1) - Keep evenly in between 00:19:199 (3,4) fixed :3
01:09:521 (1,2) - Make parallel / neaten up? no,i kike it
01:52:102 (3,4,5,6) - Looks a bit sloppy but it might just be me. Plays awkward though. hmm... a little changed
00:15:715 (2,3,1) - Spacing doesn't look right. move (3) left a bit OK
00:58:682 (1,2) - Fix blanket OK~
01:39:328 (2,3,4) - Make this a perfect triangle pattern 01:39:715 (3,4,5,6,1) - I want to give priority to this form
Good luck
ちゃたさんありがとなのん-Chata- wrote:
どうしただろう・・・思わず聴いてしまう・・・ あなたも運命に導かれていますね~( ˘ω˘ )~
From M4M
Red : Unrankable issue / must fix.
Blue : Should be fixed / highly suggested.
Black : Just suggestion.
- Hardまで見たけどこっちは何もない
- 00:20:166 (1,2,) - この2つのNCを変えてみませんか? OK
- 00:23:940 (1) - このサークルの配置がやらしい。読みづらいし00:24:037 (2) - ここに重ねることをオススメ OK
- 01:19:876 (4,1,2,3,4,1) - この部分が気になって仕方がないんだけど、ここだけ非常に難しいし切れるから難易度バランスを考えれば配置を変えたほうがいいと思う 難しいか…? まあ簡単そうな感じにしました
このへんかのぅ・・6時間位見た気がする・・・ oh.......
Good luck!
thank you for modding and starAdol Christin wrote:
Hi from alacat's queue, for M4M.
You and your partners' maps are really good. I found there's few things to write. Therefore I'll focus on Nazi more than other things.Normal
I prefer straight sliders for 1/2 beats unless blanket is needed.
- 01:42:037 (4,5,1) - You can slightly improved this blanket. OK
- 01:55:973 (1,2) - ^ ^
- 00:02:941 (1,3) - Blanket can be improved. OK
- 00:03:908 (3,1,2) - I prefer not use small distance like this. Especially the next couple of stuffs are in the same distance and different rhythm. mmmm,I'm taking the balance by the NC. sorry no change
- 00:07:005 (3,1,2) - Same ^
- 00:09:134 (1,3) - Blanket can be improved. yeah :3
- 00:11:457 (2,3) - ^ ^
- 00:19:779 (1,2) - ^ ^
- 00:23:650 (1,2) - Suggest not use this in hard. A bit too tricky. A 3/4 slider with slowed velocity would be nicer. i'll fix if then been pointed out
- 00:40:102 (1,2,3) - Suggest slightly move the 3's tail (and next slider) to right hand side or downwards. Current one looks a bit unbalanced in distance (In player's vision, not the hitpoint distance). nice
- 00:46:876 (3,4,5) - Blanket can be improved. kk
- 01:07:586 (1) - Suggest changing this to reverse slider, which is the same as the previous two. no, i like this
That's all my mod. I'll shoot a star for you. Good luck for ranked!
sorry. no changed others. thank you for moddingSmoothie World wrote:
M4M ^^
[iMage's Insane]
00:08:553 (1,1,1) - Not a fan of this overlapping but its a small thing
00:12:231 (1,5) - Bad overlap
00:26:940 (1,2) - Swap these. Bad flow the way it is now.
00:27:715 (1,2,3,4) - To my knowledge these sliders can't be covering the notes like that fixed
01:01:586 (1,4) - Bad overlap
01:44:166 (2,3,1) - ^
01:52:102 (1,1) - Blanket?
Good luck
ちゃたさんアリガトォ-Chata- wrote:
From M4M
Red : Unrankable issue / must fix.
Blue : Should be fixed / highly suggested.
Black : Just suggestion.
[iMage's Insane]
- Insaneって名前してるし難易度からしてAR8はあわないと思う。AR 8.5~8.8くらいがオススメ fixed
- 00:13:779 (1,2) - ここは1/4のリズムより強い音があるからそれについていこう。もしこのままにするならSpacingを考えなおしてほしい sliderとかにしました~
- 00:22:489 (1,1) - どちらかはNC消すべきかな。そして00:24:037 (5) - ここに新たにNCをつけてほしい fixed
- 00:27:715 (1,2,3,4) - これちょっと危ないよ。スライダーの動線にノートを置いて隠してはいけないって韓国のCriteriaにあったけど、英語版ではないので確信はない。 fixed
- 01:19:102 (2) - Out of spacing fixed...?これでいいのかな
- 01:39:715 (1) - 01:52:102 (1) - このようなリピートスライダーは今どきじゃ良くないと思うよ(・。・; これ変えたらこの譜面の個性なくなるし、時代を考えたからこそこのリピートを使ったとも言える(?) まぁ今までのスタイルとは少し変わったところを見せたいのでno changeってことです!
Good luck!
thank you for moddingAdol Christin wrote:
Hi from alacat's queue, for M4M.iMage's Insane
Ummm... It's an interesting style. Really suitable for this song. haha this is my special mapping style ☆(ゝω・)v
- 00:17:650 (1) - 01:39:715 (1) - 01:52:102 (1) - Many people don't like 1/2 reverse sliders with more than 2 turning points. no changed. it is important on this diff...
(I see you declined this before, but don't know why. I don't understand Japanese. xD)- 00:17:650 (1,1) - 01:39:715 (1,1) - If you don't accept the previous one, the distance between slider and next circle is a bit too far away, which is not expected to be. Maybe keep them the same as this one: 01:52:102 (1,1) .
That's all my mod. I'll shoot a star for you. Good luck for ranked!
chataさんありがとう!-Chata- wrote:
- バランスと難易度的にAR+0.2
BPM150台で9以上にするのはきついかもです…- 1.5xの倍速があるけど正直New comboはあてにならないんだよな・・・Custom combo colorで赤系の色を使ってほしい。
keep- 00:24:231 (7) - repeat回数を一回減らしてください。100ります
OK!- 01:37:005 (1) - 2マス下へ
Good luck!
fixedfixedfixedfixedfixedfixedfixedfixedfixedfixedfixedfixedMei wrote:
a little late |-` )
[iMage]good map but kimoi
- 00:03:908 (3,4) - too close, try this
00:06:037 (1,2) - same ^
arigato meichan!Mei wrote:
a little late |-` ) no no :3 congrats Laptop Restoration
[hard]good map but kimoi
- ar+0.5? OK!
01:31:199 remove this green line fixed~
00:04:682 (1) - move to x171 y342 make spacing consistence use 0.8x~~
00:06:811 (2) - ^? ^
00:39:134 (4) - remove this and try super nice
OK adddddddddMei wrote:
add tag 平川大輔 and 大川透 then i will bubble
がいさんありがと<3Guy wrote:
Red : Unrankable issue / must fix.
Blue : Should be fixed / highly suggested.
Black : Just suggestion.
- Artistは公式サイトを参照してみると"&"の前後にスペース要らないようなので"璃皇&聖夜"こうましょう。Romanisedはこのままでもいいです。 了解!!!
- 00:50:553 - ここの歌詞なんて言ってるか何回聞いてもわからない "カトレア"なのら
thanks KwaNIamKwaN wrote:
Hello, disqualified upon request by Guy because of the tag inconsistency.
On top of that, I have also done checking the whole map thoroughly to avoid repeating DQ, a couple of issues are found and I am afraid that it is a must to get them fixed:It is supposed to be a quick fix, good luck with the requalification!
- 01:33:908 (1,1) - The recovery time is inadequate in Easy, and it is somewhat quite hard to catch the rhythm correctly because the post-spinner-object is a circle on the third white tick following the second syllable of the vocal. Therefore, deleting 01:37:005 (1) - is highly recommended. OK!
- Metadata, the unicode artist specifically, is incorrect. Checking the official website and copying the artist, the '&' in '璃皇&聖夜' is an unicode one. oh... fixed!