
Adri Ane - Jun's Song {Music Box - Original}

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  1. Add Preview Point.
  2. Reduce Hitsound Volume to 30~40%.
  3. I would add a "silence" sliderwavesound.
  4. Change Hitsound Colours, they are way to dark.
  5. Suggestion: Change Background? There is already a ranked map with the same BG.
  1. Objects are a bit offbeat? Not sure if bug or not - just fix them.
Meh it's so short and so good, nothing to find there xD
Topic Starter
Fixxed everything ^ Thanks.
00:29:771 (1,1,2,3) - this spacing is a bit confusing. you can mistake this pattern for 4 successive 1/4 notes. 00:17:771 (1,1,2,3) - the same pattern earlier but without a drop in spacing.
Everyhting else is ok I think.
Want 2 Buy Avon

[Desperate's Easy]
  1. 00:17:438 (2,3) - Maybe make 3 the same shape as 2? they sound similar to me
  2. 00:43:771 (3) - DS pls (is it cause of the sv change?)
  1. 00:10:438 (3) - This might be too confusing for new players :<
  2. 00:14:438 (1,2) - These two could flow together better imo
  3. 00:19:104 (5,2) - This tiny overlap looks messy imo
  4. 00:23:771 (1,2) - I don't think these flow all that great since 1 doesn't lead into 2 at all
  5. 00:25:104 (3,1) - This blanket looks a little off to me
  1. 00:03:771 (1,2,3,4) - I feel like the distance between the 1 and the 2 should be the same as the first combo
  2. 00:10:438 (1,2,3,4,5) - This might be confusing because the snapping is different than the other 1/4 you had before it
  3. 00:21:104 (1,2,3,4,5) - Same thing
  4. 00:33:104 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
  5. 00:43:771 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
Talked about this mod ingame, thank you a lot Xellie! o3o
Topic Starter
No changes in Hard because i dont want to have higher spacing + such high bpm 1/4 in a Hard
And i've jumped because the (1) is a loud note

at Normal fixxed everything except
00:23:771 (1,2) - I don't think these flow all that great since 1 doesn't lead into 2 at al
because the next note is a bit louder i didnt made it poiting to it
yo Flobu and Desperate :>

I will edit the post later

I'll write on another post
Mod requests mod here.

I needed something rather calm to mod. This is nice =]

- I know it is considered a "hard diff" I would go with more consistent spacing though. Especially within patterns where circles are close to each other (time wise). Try picking one distance snap and go with it for the most part. Once a new combo is picked up after the player has some time to rest and read you can vary. You can even take a slightly more demanding distance snap for the second half. Let me point some spots of your map out where spacing/time relation can get confusing; especially since this is not even a 3 star map and the AR is rather low.
00:02:104 (2,3,4) - The distance at which objects are snapped is determined by time between two objects, the slider velocity and the used DS multiplier which you certainly know. but starting of with 1.6 slider multiplied by 2 during jumps can get confusing when switching back and forth.
00:06:438 (1,2,3,1,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1) - You have a long sequence of circles with mostly consistent spacing and then out of a sudden a sldier which luckily isnt too long. but newer players tend to get used to time/space relations and stick to it without reacting
00:07:104 (1) - this doesnt look spaced properly. previous distance snap 2 and next 1.8
00:09:104 (1,2,1) - distance snap between sliders is higher than usual and then 2.8 to the next circle
00:10:771 (3,4,5) - I think this is the hardest space/time inconsistency you should use in your map considering the star diff. but even here i can imagine some modders wont like it.
00:20:438 (2) - this looks like it's too short accidentally? especially since your slider end is a lot further away from your second white dot
00:35:771 (5) - as above. if intended i would advise against it because i dont feel it makes sense here.
00:15:771 (4,5) - distance snap drops from 2 to 1.4 suddenly. this is too harsh imo =/
00:44:271 (4) - 00:21:604 (4) - 00:10:938 (4) - these 3 are inconsistent in spacing.

Hope I was helpful!! Dont be mad at me. I think spacing is something QATs really want to be more consistent in hards and lower.

Infevo wrote:

I think spacing is something QATs really want to be more consistent in hards and lower.
Not really, this Hard is very simple and beautiful, the spacing changes are totally readable too.
yo Flobu-san and Desperate-kun owo

  1. Add 2000 ms audioleadin. I tested it and works very good for HP bar :>
    AudioLeadIn: 2000
  2. The preview point is unsnapped.Snap it instead on 00:23:771()-
  3. I think there's a spread gap between Normal and Hard. Hard diff is fullfilled with circles which makes the diff harder. Would be better if you will add 1/4 sliders instead adding circles. I will say on what points you should add 1/4 sliders
[Desperate's Easy]
  1. 00:15:771(4)- Would be better if you will place this slider to 412|307 to make it equal with previous slider and to make a perfect circular pattern
  2. 00:18:438(3)- Maybe move the last gap to 105|272 to the cursor arrive perfectly on next note during gameplay.Also apply this on 00:07:771(3)- moving the last gap of the slider to 382|175
  3. 00:27:771(4)-I suggest to move this slider to 14|199 to make it equal with previous slider's head and for a perfect circular pattern take a look I don't lie o3o
  4. 00:40:104(2)- I prefer to move the second red gap to 193|193 to improve a bit this zig-zag slider because the current I don't like it ;_;
  1. 00:14:104(2)- I don't think you should hide this note with previous slider's tail. Place it instead on 435|18 to be more visible for newbie players
  2. 00:15:438(2)- Same as above.Place it to 95|36 to be more visible for newbie players

  • As I said at general,this diff is fullfilled with circles which make the diff hard so let's say where you should put 1/4 sliders
  1. 00:06:438()- ; 00:07:438()- ; 00:10:438()- ; 00:10:771()- ; 00:17:105()- ; 00:18:105()- ; 00:21:105()- ; 00:21:438()- ; 00:29:104()- ; 00:30:104()- ; 00:33:104()- ; 00:33:437()- ; 00:39:771()- ; 00:40:771()- ; 00:43:771()- ; 00:44:104()- Add on those points 1/4 sliders for a better spread between normal and hard diff
That's all

Call me back ~
We did mod in in-game, Missing hitsounds in normal, Fixing combo consistency in hard

All look good

Ho be hones as this spread is fine for me, there Tons maps ranks this year and last year have like this, is fine

i will give 2 kudosu and good luck

ByBy_ChAn wrote:

yo Flobu-san and Desperate-kun owo

  1. Add 2000 ms audioleadin. I tested it and works very good for HP bar :> 2000 is way too much here, the song already has 1000 of own Leadin so adding so much would be useless
    AudioLeadIn: 2000
[Desperate's Easy]
  1. 00:15:771(4)- Would be better if you will place this slider to 412|307 to make it equal with previous slider and to make a perfect circular pattern It's stacked with the end of 00:13:105 (2) -
  2. 00:18:438(3)- Maybe move the last gap to 105|272 to the cursor arrive perfectly on next note during gameplay.Also apply this on 00:07:771(3)- moving the last gap of the slider to 382|175 I don't think it will improve anything here, I really prefer my current version
  3. 00:27:771(4)-I suggest to move this slider to 14|199 to make it equal with previous slider's head and for a perfect circular pattern take a look I don't lie o3o The current placement is not much different, and it is fine as it is...
  4. 00:40:104(2)- I prefer to move the second red gap to 193|193 to improve a bit this zig-zag slider because the current I don't like it ;_; Alright..
osu file format v14

AudioFilename: Jun's Song {Music Box - Original}.mp3
AudioLeadIn: 1000
PreviewTime: 23604
Countdown: 0
SampleSet: Soft
StackLeniency: 0.7
Mode: 0
LetterboxInBreaks: 0
WidescreenStoryboard: 0

DistanceSpacing: 1.2
BeatDivisor: 4
GridSize: 4
TimelineZoom: 1

Title:Jun's Song
TitleUnicode:Jun's Song
Artist:Adri Ane
ArtistUnicode:Adri Ane
Version:Desperate's Easy
Tags:Music Box Desperate-kun


//Background and Video events
0,0," - 192037 animal beach bird dark night original sky stars water you_(shimizu).jpg",0,0
//Break Periods
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples


Combo1 : 192,192,192
Combo2 : 153,153,232

Since the spread is fine , 1000ms audioleadin sounds more better than 2000ms and the preview point was snapped correctly let's push it forward


Good Luck owo
Dang! So fast 0-0
I still have to check this mapset out. Will later~

Popping the bubble because of metadata.

EDIT: I still see room for improvements. Will have to stay pending for a while longer. Will send in my mod tomorrow~
And I will rebubble this once it's ready. :D
From M4M in-game~

  1. You can also add “Youtube” in tags. Since that’s where you got the song.

Desperate’s Easy:
  1. 00:07:771 (3) –Maybe also add a clap on the head of the slider to give it that twinkling sound as well.
  2. 00:15:771 (4) –Nazi. Just move this slider a bit to the left so these two sliders: 00:14:438 (3,4) – are right across from each other.
  3. 00:18:438 (3) –Also add a clap on the head of this slider for that twinkling sound.
  4. 00:23:771 (1) –Why not stack the head of this slider perfectly on top of the tail of 00:21:105 (3) – No specific reason really. I just think it will look better structured.
  5. 00:26:438 (3,4) –Can’t you try to make a nice blanket here? Like this:
  6. 00:30:438 (3) –Again, clap on head of the slider for the twinkling sound.
  7. 00:41:104 (3) -^

  1. AR: 5. Fits better for a Normal imo. The diff can anyway be a bit harder.
  2. 00:08:771 (6) –Remove the whistle on this circle. It doesn’t really fit imo.
  3. 00:13:104 (3,4) –Eh, I don’t advise a stack like this. Even in a Normal diff. Rather unstack.
  4. 00:14:438 (1,2) -^
  5. 00:19:438 (6) –Remove the whistle. Doesn’t really fit.
  6. 00:31:437 (6) -^
  7. 00:42:104 (6) -^

Nothing else really.

  1. Hm, some weird combos. I’ll point some out: 00:07:105 (1) –Remove NC.
    00:08:104 (1) –Remove NC.
    00:08:771 (1) –Remove NC here and then add NC here: 00:09:104 (3) –
    00:17:771 (1) –Remove NC.
    00:18:771 (1) –Remove NC.
    00:19:438 (1) –Remove NC and then add NC here: 00:19:771 (3) –
    00:29:771 (1) –Remove NC.
    00:30:771 (1) –Remove NC.
    00:31:437 (1) –Remove NC here and then add NC here: 00:31:771 (3) –
    00:40:438 (1) –Remove NC.
    00:41:438 (1) –Remove NC.
    00:42:104 (1) –Remove NC here and then add NC here: 00:42:438 (3) -
  2. 00:07:105 (1) –Maybe stack this circle on top of 00:06:771 (3) – I think it plays nicer, but of course it’s just my personal opinion.
  3. 00:08:771 (1) –Remove whistle.
  4. 00:10:438 (1,2,3,4) –Curved flow instead? It plays and looks better imo than a straight flow.
    Also, don’t place a jump here: 00:11:104 (5) – and maybe you can change 00:11:104 (5) – into a slider to follow the music better. Like this:
  5. 00:12:771 (2,1) –Avoid overlap. It’s unnecessary and just ugly.
  6. 00:17:771 (1) –Stack this circle on 00:17:438 (3) – Personal opinion, but if you do do this then just mind the spacings after that stack.
  7. 00:19:438 (1) –Remove whistle.
  8. 00:21:105 (1,2,3,4,5) –Follow the same suggestion as here: 00:10:438 (1,2,3,4) –
  9. 00:26:437 (1) –Why don’t you place a jump here as well? Like you did in the previous part of the diff.
  10. 00:29:438 (3,1) –Again, stack.
  11. 00:31:437 (1) –Remove whistle.
  12. 00:33:104 (1,2,3,4,5) –Again, same suggestion as here: 00:10:438 (1,2,3,4) –
  13. 00:40:105 (3,1) –Stack
  14. 00:43:771 (1,2,3,4,5) –Same suggestion as here: 00:10:438 (1,2,3,4) –

Overall, it’s not a bad mapset at all, but I definitely still see room for improvements. Try to get just like 2-3 more mods before calling me back for recheck.

Good Luck, Flobs~!
Topic Starter

-Nya- wrote:

From M4M in-game~

  1. You can also add “Youtube” in tags. Since that’s where you got the song.

  1. AR: 5. Fits better for a Normal imo. The diff can anyway be a bit harder.
    Feels rushed, its a calm and slow map so i keep ar4 for now
  2. 00:08:771 (6) –Remove the whistle on this circle. It doesn’t really fit imo.
  3. 00:13:104 (3,4) –Eh, I don’t advise a stack like this. Even in a Normal diff. Rather unstack.
  4. 00:14:438 (1,2) -^
    I want to have atleast 2 stacks to keep the stack spread over the set
  5. 00:19:438 (6) –Remove the whistle. Doesn’t really fit.
  6. 00:31:437 (6) -^
  7. 00:42:104 (6) -^
    Take a look at Hard

Nothing else really.

  1. Hm, some weird combos. I’ll point some out: 00:07:105 (1) –Remove NC.
    00:08:104 (1) –Remove NC.
    00:08:771 (1) –Remove NC here and then add NC here: 00:09:104 (3) –
    00:17:771 (1) –Remove NC.
    00:18:771 (1) –Remove NC.
    00:19:438 (1) –Remove NC and then add NC here: 00:19:771 (3) –
    00:29:771 (1) –Remove NC.
    00:30:771 (1) –Remove NC.
    00:31:437 (1) –Remove NC here and then add NC here: 00:31:771 (3) –
    00:40:438 (1) –Remove NC.
    00:41:438 (1) –Remove NC.
    00:42:104 (1) –Remove NC here and then add NC here: 00:42:438 (3) -
    A explanation would be helpfull because im using atm a passive NC pattern
  2. 00:07:105 (1) –Maybe stack this circle on top of 00:06:771 (3) – I think it plays nicer, but of course it’s just my personal opinion.
    I want to avoid unneccesary stacks if possible
  3. 00:08:771 (1) –Remove whistle.
    this is a point that i dont understand, the whole spread has the same hitsounds and in the other diff you miss some of this whistles, also why should i remove it
  4. 00:10:438 (1,2,3,4) –Curved flow instead? It plays and looks better imo than a straight flow.
    Also, don’t place a jump here: 00:11:104 (5) – and maybe you can change 00:11:104 (5) – into a slider to follow the music better. Like this:
    Changed the Pattern itself due qat opinions but i dont understand how the curve flow makes it flow better, the flow is pretty much the same
  5. 00:12:771 (2,1) –Avoid overlap. It’s unnecessary and just ugly.
    Not see-able ingame
  6. 00:17:771 (1) –Stack this circle on 00:17:438 (3) – Personal opinion, but if you do do this then just mind the spacings after that stack.
  7. 00:19:438 (1) –Remove whistle.
  8. 00:21:105 (1,2,3,4,5) –Follow the same suggestion as here: 00:10:438 (1,2,3,4) –
  9. 00:29:438 (3,1) –Again, stack.
  10. 00:31:437 (1) –Remove whistle.
  11. 00:33:104 (1,2,3,4,5) –Again, same suggestion as here: 00:10:438 (1,2,3,4) –
  12. 00:40:105 (3,1) –Stack
  13. 00:43:771 (1,2,3,4,5) –Same suggestion as here: 00:10:438 (1,2,3,4) –

Overall, it’s not a bad mapset at all, but I definitely still see room for improvements. Try to get just like 2-3 more mods before calling me back for recheck.

Good Luck, Flobs~!
Some more explanation would help alot, i had to refuse most of it because i simply dont know where the problem with it is

Thanks anyway & fixxed the rest
I don't really understand what I have to explain.
The NC's are my opinion since they feel misused a bit.
And I didn't miss whistles in the other diff. I named all of them and I did say: " Doesn’t really fit" in the Normal. So that's the reason; what other reason can I give?
The curved flow looks better and IMO also plays nicely and smoothly. Linear (straight) patterns doesn't really look as nice as curved patterns.

I seriously don't know what you didn't understand; it's pretty straightforward.
Please don't be stubborn to make changes.
The stacks and NCs shouldn't be that big of an issue. I'd personally avoid them yes, but they do fit the song - and the stacks in the Normal diff are there for spread as the mapper already said a few mods earlier.

I can agree a bit with -Nya-'s points, but I totally understand that you might not want to change it.

I only have a few remarks, that you probably don't even have to fix.
00:25:104 (3,1) - Normal players are not stupid I know, but watch your spacing.

00:30:104 (1,2,3) - I don't know why the spacing here is different. You kept your spacing with all similar patterns, but not here.

If -Nya- doesn't want to push it forward in the map's current state, I think I'll take the responsibility then.

This post obviously doesn't deserve KDs c:

EDIT: Hmm.. I find the metadata a bit weird. I'd actually just use 'Jun's Song'. I looked at Adri Ane's channel and it seems that the {Music Box - Original} thing, basically is just a filler (format: <Title> {Instrument - Genre/Type}), good example is this song.

I could be totally wrong though, better ask a QAT about this issue.
Doublepost aaaaah
So, metadata is fine as it is now I guess. I have permission from -Nya- , so with that
go go

btw my 1300 posts \o/
Topic Starter

ByBy_ChAn wrote:

go go

btw my 1300 posts \o/
Partey \o/
Hi (:

Well... I would recommend to raise a bit the HS volume. It's 20% from the start to the end of every diff.

[Easy by Desperate-kun]
♥ Splendid ♥

* In fact, I'd been in a feint doubt on 00:10:438 (3) - 00:21:105 (3) - 00:33:104 (3) - 00:43:771 (3) - because SV changes are kind of things I used to expect in Hard/Insane/Extras (and very very rarely on Normals/Advanced). However, while playing, I didn't noticed such SV change because they play very smooth, which means it was very well-done. Gratz (:

♥ Very Good ♥

* As I'd noticed in an early mod, 00:25:104 (3,1) really embodies a small piece of challenge. Not too bad for this map, and it plays very smoothy on CtB too ;3

♥ Very Good Too ♥

Call me as soon as you finished.


EDIT instead of doubleposting:

Post above was answered in-game. Let's do it DAUNTLESS.

15:49 FlobuFlobs: hio, are you open for qualifie requests?
15:49 FlobuFlobs: low bpm 44 sec 3 diff
16:10 Alarido: (:
16:10 Alarido: what map?
16:11 *FlobuFlobs is listening to [ Adri Ane - Jun's Song {Music Box - Original}]
16:55 FlobuFlobs: sup
16:55 *FlobuFlobs is editing [ Adri Ane - Jun's Song {Music Box - Original} [Normal]]
16:55 FlobuFlobs: 00:25:104 (3,1) - this thing
16:55 FlobuFlobs: ive asked a qat about it
16:55 FlobuFlobs: he said its okay since theres a 1/1 gap in a anyway low bpm map
16:56 Alarido: sure
16:56 FlobuFlobs: so i would like to keep it
16:57 Alarido: ok
16:57 FlobuFlobs: ive increased hs vol +10%
16:57 FlobuFlobs: is that all? lol
Topic Starter
Thanks everyone <3

i swear one time i saw there an Mania diff for Feerum..
Topic Starter

Feerum wrote:


i swear one time i saw there an Mania diff for Feerum..
No one has to know
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