
Toyosaki Aki - Cagayake! GIRLS

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  • Timing 里面的position time没设置,设置在[00:07:17](前两个难度都改,我的难度我加过了
    关于 TAGs和source 首先应该把出处写在 source里而不是tags里面,而且"k-on" 写成“K-on!” 这个所有难度都要改。
    前两个难度最好设置一下audio track=0。5s
    H-boy'slol 写成 H-boy's lol
其他的还没看 ,先这些
Topic Starter

LKs wrote:


  • Timing 里面的position time没设置,设置在[00:07:17](前两个难度都改,我的难度我加过了
    关于 TAGs和source 首先应该把出处写在 source里而不是tags里面,而且"k-on" 写成“K-on!” 这个所有难度都要改。
    前两个难度最好设置一下audio track=0。5s
    H-boy'slol 写成 H-boy's lol
其他的还没看 ,先这些
跟之前你发给我的那张jpop的歌比,你这张已经做得很好了 :D
wait.. what did you do LKf...
Source: K-on!
Tags: LKs

看了一下 沒什麼問題

感覺LK CRAZY打起來應該很酸是不是加一小段休息時間會好點呢~?

nice map star~
[LK Crazy]

Set a preview point.
00:05:237 (8) - New combo
00:23:767 (x) - Add a circle
00:34:355 (9) - New combo

Clare wrote:

看了一下 沒什麼問題

感覺LK CRAZY打起來應該很酸是不是加一小段休息時間會好點呢~?

nice map star~
Download: Toyosaki Aki - Cagayake! GIRLS (LKf) [LK Crazy].osu
Good evening

01:12:649 - Add a note here?

[H-boy's lol]
00:13:531 Sounds weird with soft hitsounds in this section.

[LK Crazy]
00:45:825 (8) - Make this a new combo.
01:02:943 (5) - Should aslo be new combo.

Topic Starter

xxheroxx wrote:

[LK Crazy]

Set a preview point.
00:05:237 (8) - New combo
00:23:767 (x) - Add a circle
00:34:355 (9) - New combo
Topic Starter

Real1 wrote:

Good evening

[Fuwafuwa] done
01:12:649 - Add a note here?

[H-boy's lol]done
00:13:531 Sounds weird with soft hitsounds in this section.

[LK Crazy]done
00:45:825 (8) - Make this a new combo.
01:02:943 (5) - Should aslo be new combo.

thx :)
Topic Starter

samipale wrote:

跟之前你发给我的那张jpop的歌比,你这张已经做得很好了 :D
Topic Starter

LKs wrote:

绿线问题太大,改完了,更新一下[attachment=1:10865]Toyosaki Aki - Cagayake! GIRLS (LKf) [Fuwafuwa].osu[/attachment:10865]
[attachment=0:10865]Toyosaki Aki - Cagayake! GIRLS (LKf) [H-boy's lol].osu[/attachment:10865]
good for me now
Attention plz
00:12:208 请改为normal而不是soft
- add TAG: h-boy
- BG Colour: Black ?
- kiai time too long for me.. (on 2nd)

- This diff don't need Audio lead in
01:21:031 - DELETE... - this timing really need? maybe use x0.5 speed silder replace with it?
01:23:413 - ^
After you delete the timing mutiple plz resnap all note too

- This diff don't need Audio lead in
01:16:972 - this timing selection seem useless
01:19:796 - ^
01:02:943 - add note ~ ?

[LK Crazy]
01:26:943 (1) - end this spinner at 01:28:002 sound better for me

starrrrr ~
Arusha Shuna
Request Accepted

00:19:531 (1) - make the slider shape symmetry
00:58:708 (4) - i think using 1/8 beat repeating slider in the easiest diff is a little bit too much, try just using 1/4 beat repeating slider
01:21:119 (5) - i don't think this slow slider fit the music, it's an energetic music by the way. i dunno, you decide
H-boy's lol
00:11:767 (5) - start the slider at the next red red tick, shorten it by 1/2 beat, and then add a note in here
LK Crazy
lol if this diff keeps going like this it'll make this map less likely going to be ranked... unless it's for approval
...why? because it has so many random spacing, crazy jumps, and hard-to-read notes
...also that's just my piece of opinion... ON TO THE MOD
00:01:620 (3) - delete this?
00:07:355 (1) - i think the kiai time better if starts at 00:07:884 (4)
00:13:002 (4,5,6,1) - this jump is way too crazy for ranking. make it less intense
00:17:414 (7) - why so suddenly 2x?
00:19:002 (1) - slider ends at previous white tick. it sounded better
01:08:590 (1,2,3,4,5,7) - gah they're hard to read :o
01:11:414 (4) - new combo
01:21:472 (3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - damn it's sooo hard to read this :o :o

but not bad tho... STAR!
Topic Starter

orioncomet wrote:

- add TAG: h-boy
- BG Colour: Black ?
- kiai time too long for me.. (on 2nd)

- This diff don't need Audio lead in
01:21:031 - DELETE... - this timing really need? maybe use x0.5 speed silder replace with it?
01:23:413 - ^
After you delete the timing mutiple plz resnap all note too

- This diff don't need Audio lead in
01:16:972 - this timing selection seem useless
01:19:796 - ^
01:02:943 - add note ~ ?

[LK Crazy]
01:26:943 (1) - end this spinner at 01:28:002 sound better for me

starrrrr ~
Topic Starter

Arusha Shuna wrote:

Request Accepted

fuwafuwa done
00:19:531 (1) - make the slider shape symmetry
00:58:708 (4) - i think using 1/8 beat repeating slider in the easiest diff is a little bit too much, try just using 1/4 beat repeating slider
01:21:119 (5) - i don't think this slow slider fit the music, it's an energetic music by the way. i dunno, you decide
H-boy's loldone
00:11:767 (5) - start the slider at the next red red tick, shorten it by 1/2 beat, and then add a note in here
LK Crazy
lol if this diff keeps going like this it'll make this map less likely going to be ranked... unless it's for approval
...why? because it has so many random spacing, crazy jumps, and hard-to-read notes
...also that's just my piece of opinion... ON TO THE MOD
00:01:620 (3) - delete this?done
00:07:355 (1) - i think the kiai time better if starts at 00:07:884 (4)done
00:13:002 (4,5,6,1) - this jump is way too crazy for ranking. make it less intensedone
00:17:414 (7) - why so suddenly 2x? change shape
00:19:002 (1) - slider ends at previous white tick. it sounded betterdone
01:08:590 (1,2,3,4,5,7) - gah they're hard to read :o i think ok,if others say the same.i'll fix
01:11:414 (4) - new combodone
01:21:472 (3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - damn it's sooo hard to read this :o :o ^

but not bad tho... STAR!
话说这图有人做过还都做得很好,TV版和完整版的都有,做重复的图不太好 (*゚д゚*)

  1. Offset : -229 或者 123 (你现在的+3) 自己感觉这个听起比较顺,-229使长白线对准鼓声
  1. Source应该是K-ON!,o和n应该是大写的吧?
  2. 下载的osz文件里没有视频,如果是忘记上传了请加到文件夹里重新full submit,不然你就需要删掉osu文件里和视频相关的code,用记事本打开osu文件,event事件下:
    //Background and Video events
    Video,0,"Cagayake! GIRLS (TV Size).avi"
    //Break Periods
    //Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
    //Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
    //Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
    //Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
  3. 深蓝色note不容易看出来,因为背景有很多类色的颜色,换个颜色
  1. 00:07:531 x - 这里少个note感觉比较奇怪,加个note或者00:07:355到00:07:708用slider
  2. 00:16:355 (1) - 删掉这个note,感觉听起很奇怪
[H boy's lol]
  1. 01:02:237 (4,5,1,2,3,4) - 这一串太匪夷所思了,每次test都会掉,而且45也觉得不合音乐,试着想想怎么改改
  2. 00:55:002 (5) - 遮住的slider
[LK crazy]
  1. 00:32:061 (6) - new combo会好辨认些
  2. 00:33:825 (7) - 这个被遮住的slider不好 :/ 得改改
  3. 00:34:178 (8) - no,不要弄成jump,完全无法预期
  4. 00:55:355 (7) - 反弹一下比较好,多反弹的那一下很有可能因为放手了而断combo :/
  5. 00:57:649 (11,12) - 这个jump太大了,用普通间距好点,你现在摆的会让人误以为11,12也是隔了1拍的
  6. 01:19:002 (5,6) - 有点不容易看出来是怎么放的...
Topic Starter

Breeze wrote:

话说这图有人做过还都做得很好,TV版和完整版的都有,做重复的图不太好 (*゚д゚*) 这个。。

  1. Offset : -229 或者 123 (你现在的+3) 自己感觉这个听起比较顺,-229使长白线对准鼓声

  1. Source应该是K-ON!,o和n应该是大写的吧?done
  2. 下载的osz文件里没有视频,如果是忘记上传了请加到文件夹里重新full submit,不然你就需要删掉osu文件里和视频相关的code,用记事本打开osu文件,event事件下:
    //Background and Video events
    Video,0,"Cagayake! GIRLS (TV Size).avi"
    //Break Periods
    //Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
    //Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
    //Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
    //Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
  3. 深蓝色note不容易看出来,因为背景有很多类色的颜色,换个颜色

  1. 00:07:531 x - 这里少个note感觉比较奇怪,加个note或者00:07:355到00:07:708用slider
  2. 00:16:355 (1) - 删掉这个note,感觉听起很奇怪
[H boy's lol]
  1. 01:02:237 (4,5,1,2,3,4) - 这一串太匪夷所思了,每次test都会掉,而且45也觉得不合音乐,试着想想怎么改改这个我认为还好,如果别人也提的话我会去改的
  2. 00:55:002 (5) - 遮住的slider

[LK crazy]
  1. 00:32:061 (6) - new combo会好辨认些done
  2. 00:33:825 (7) - 这个被遮住的slider不好 :/ 得改改done
  3. 00:34:178 (8) - no,不要弄成jump,完全无法预期这个我调整了slider
  4. 00:55:355 (7) - 反弹一下比较好,多反弹的那一下很有可能因为放手了而断combo :/
  5. 00:57:649 (11,12) - 这个jump太大了,用普通间距好点,你现在摆的会让人误以为11,12也是隔了1拍的done
  6. 01:19:002 (5,6) - 有点不容易看出来是怎么放的...
omg...4.59 star rating is the LOWEST....make a easier diff...some BAT's will pull u up on that

deadbeat wrote:

omg...4.59 star rating is the LOWEST....make a easier diff...some BAT's will pull u up on that
totally agree(因为BPM 170的缘故,过多的使用1/2拍,使得map变得有点困难。所以可能是需要一个更容易的diff.

Overall :


Topic Starter

deadbeat wrote:

omg...4.59 star rating is the LOWEST....make a easier diff...some BAT's will pull u up on that
umm.. i'll try
Topic Starter

gdeath wrote:

deadbeat wrote:

omg...4.59 star rating is the LOWEST....make a easier diff...some BAT's will pull u up on that
totally agree(因为BPM 170的缘故,过多的使用1/2拍,使得map变得有点困难。所以可能是需要一个更容易的diff.
不过具体需要蝙蝠来判断,毕竟每个蝙蝠的标准都不同lol) 我试试0.0

Overall :
吧slidertick降低为1.0(由于slidertick设置的过高,会导致拉slider的时候频繁地听到滴滴滴的声音,听起来不是很顺耳) fixed



1) Consider to make an easier diff?

01:03:119 (2) - Make curve?
01:03:825 (3) - ^

[H-boy's lol]
00:25:884 (4) - Move 1 grid down?

[LK Crazy]
00:24:825 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - The combo is too long, crop it?!

Nice song
A cold shower appears.

You'll need to make easier difficulty.


It's fine.

[H-boy's lol]

Capitalize the difficulty name.

Raise HP Drain by 1-2 ticks.

[00:47:414] - The slowdown part is a bit unexpectable (because of wrong placed). Any warnings here?
01:01:707 (9) - New combo.
01:02:943 (15,1) - Unintuitive jump.
01:07:002 (6) - New combo.
01:18:296 (6) - ^

[LK Crazy]

Argh, the map is full of unintuitive jumps. It's not really fun to play in much places, sorry. Sometimes just clicking blindly.

00:00:825 (5,1) - Unintuitive jump.
00:03:296 (6,1) - ^
00:07:884 (4) - New combo.
00:22:884 (6,7) - Unintuitive jumps.
00:28:619 (5) - This pattern is really hard to read. The notes are placed innatural and they are hidden. At least new combo here.
00:31:884 (8,1,2,3) - ^. You have to remap this.
00:33:737 (6) - Another hard to read pattern. At least new combo.
00:45:825 (1) - Hidden note.
00:46:355 (5) - Hidden slider repeat, from where the player should know when the slider ends? Please move it somewhere else.
00:55:002 (5) - Hidden slider~ New combo isn't enough in this case. Move it somewhere else.
01:09:825 (1) - Argh, this slider is really weird. It's not an issue, but it just looks pretty odd.
01:17:590 (6) - Hidden note.
01:20:061 (9) - New combo.
01:21:296 (2) - Hidden note.
01:25:531 (1,2) - It's a spacing issue. You should continue the spacing change by this note too.

By the ending this diff gone REALLY confusing.

Well, your the most important problem is the spacing in [LK Crazy] and missing easier difficulty.
You'll need to work hard to get this one ranked.
It's starrable, so +star.
Topic Starter

Leorda wrote:


1) Consider to make an easier diff?im try now

01:03:119 (2) - Make curve?
01:03:825 (3) - ^

[H-boy's lol]
00:25:884 (4) - Move 1 grid down?

[LK Crazy]
00:24:825 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - The combo is too long, crop it?!

Nice song
all done and thx
Topic Starter

fartownik wrote:

You'll need to make easier difficulty. working

[H-boy's lol]

Capitalize the difficulty name. which part?

Raise HP Drain by 1-2 ticks.1

[00:47:414] - The slowdown part is a bit unexpectable (because of wrong placed). Any warnings here?i think they very Special , its good
01:01:707 (9) - New combo.done
01:02:943 (15,1) - Unintuitive jump.fixed
01:07:002 (6) - New combo.done
01:18:296 (6) - ^its good enough

[LK Crazy]

Argh, the map is full of unintuitive jumpsits made for people like challenges.and Explore song‘s all potential. It's not really fun to play in much places, sorry. Sometimes just clicking blindly.if i change this easier and will lost the significance what LKs wata show to people D:

00:00:825 (5,1) - Unintuitive jump. fixed
00:03:296 (6,1) - ^ no
00:07:884 (4) - New combo. why.needless
00:22:884 (6,7) - Unintuitive D:
00:28:619 (5) - This pattern is really hard to read. The notes are placed innatural and they are hidden. At least new combo here. new combo at [00:28:35]
00:31:884 (8,1,2,3) - ^. You have to remap this.D:
00:33:737 (6) - Another hard to read pattern. At least new combo.moved place
00:45:825 (1) - Hidden note.moved place
00:46:355 (5) - Hidden slider repeat, from where the player should know when the slider ends? Please move it somewhere else.moved
00:55:002 (5) - Hidden slider~ New combo isn't enough in this case. Move it somewhere else.moved place
01:09:825 (1) - Argh, this slider is really weird. It's not an issue, but it just looks pretty odd.= =
01:17:590 (6) - Hidden note.its no influence
01:20:061 (9) - New combo.
01:21:296 (2) - Hidden note.its no influence
01:25:531 (1,2) - It's a spacing issue. You should continue the spacing change by this note too.D: Change it if more guys tell me

By the ending this diff gone REALLY confusing.

Well, your the most important problem is the spacing in [LK Crazy] and missing easier difficulty.
You'll need to work hard to get this one ranked.
It's starrable, so +star.
anyway yhx for carefilly modded :)

-- Delete .osb and full submit.


00:17:590 (3) - Move down one square.
00:19:002 (4) - Imo end the slider so it ends on this note.
00:26:767 (4) - Remove finish sounds bad.
00:28:708 (2) - Down 2 squares looks randomly places atm.
00:29:590 (4) - Remove finish.
00:32:414 (4) - Kind of sudden slider, I guess it's okay though. Move it up with distance snap though.
00:35:237 (4) - Move right 1.
00:38:061 (4) - Remove finish.
00:40:884 (4) - ^
00:49:002 (x) - Kind of expect a note here, maybe you can extend the previous slider so it hits this note?
00:51:825 (x) - ^
00:54:296 (3) - Remove finish from the end.
00:55:531 (4) - Move this from under the slider so it's visible.
00:55:884 (x) - Note?
01:05:767 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Remove the new combo spam here you don't do it anywhere else.

The rhythm was good at the start and end but in the middle of the song it was a little hard to follow due to gaps in the notes, maybe you could use sliders to fill those gaps?


00:15:825 (6,7) - Bad overlap with the previous notes, move this so its in a different position from where 00:15:119 (4) - was.
00:59:943 (x) - Note?
01:23:765 (2) - Unsnapped
01:26:765 (4) - Unsnapped.

H-boy's lol:

-- Name is something other than "lol" it's a bit too ambiguous.

00:16:355 (1,2,3,4,5) - Might look better if symmetrical.
00:23:237 (5) - New combo to make it easier to see.
00:47:590 (2) - Slow down is unexpected, it doesn't play very well. (Imo make the spacing x0.5 to make it play better)
00:58:267 (9) - Delete? Sounds bad imo.
00:59:590 -- Maybe make this "soft" like the beginning.
01:26:414 (5) - New combo for visibility.
01:27:649 (10) - Return on 1/4?

LK Crazy:

-- Spacing is kind of hard to follow.

00:04:355 (4) - New combo.
00:08:590 (8,9,10,11,12) - Weird jump, maybe place this diagonally from previous note to minimise overlapping.
00:11:767 (8,9,10) - Unintuitive jump.
00:13:178 (5) - Weird jump.
00:14:325 (6,7,8,9) - Bad zig zag stream.
00:21:561 (5,6,7) - Bad stacking move 5 from under the slider.
00:22:355 (2,3,4,5) - Spacing?????
00:28:355 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - The overlaps in the combo are awful and really hard to see approach circles.
00:31:884 (8,1,2,3) - ??? Its almost impossible to tell whats going on here 2 is hidden.
00:33:737 (6,7) - Stacking like this is extremely hard to read.
00:40:708 (10,11,1) - Confusing.
01:06:031 (6) - Confusing.
01:09:472 (6,7,1) - 7 is confusing.
01:17:061 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Random spacing and stacking.
01:18:825 (4,5,6) - Confusing...

I didn't enjoy this difficulty very much, sorry the spacing is hard to follow the overlaps make the approach circles a nightmare to read, the kiai doesn't help in visibility and it's overmapped...

Well I'll come back and star this when those unsnapped things have been fixed.
Topic Starter
I want to create a taiko map!~ can you put it? XD
Topic Starter

impossiblexu wrote:

hyper g-energy

fartownik wrote:

A cold shower appears.

You'll need to make easier difficulty.


It's fine.

[H-boy's lol]

Capitalize the difficulty name.

Raise HP Drain by 1-2 ticks.

[00:47:414] - The slowdown part is a bit unexpectable (because of wrong placed). Any warnings here?
01:01:707 (9) - New combo.
01:02:943 (15,1) - Unintuitive jump.
01:07:002 (6) - New combo.
01:18:296 (6) - ^

[LK Crazy]

Argh, the map is full of unintuitive jumps. It's not really fun to play in much places, sorry. Sometimes just clicking blindly.

00:00:825 (5,1) - Unintuitive jump.
00:03:296 (6,1) - ^
00:07:884 (4) - New combo.
00:22:884 (6,7) - Unintuitive jumps.
00:28:619 (5) - This pattern is really hard to read. The notes are placed innatural and they are hidden. At least new combo here.
00:31:884 (8,1,2,3) - ^. You have to remap this.
00:33:737 (6) - Another hard to read pattern. At least new combo.
00:45:825 (1) - Hidden note.
00:46:355 (5) - Hidden slider repeat, from where the player should know when the slider ends? Please move it somewhere else.
00:55:002 (5) - Hidden slider~ New combo isn't enough in this case. Move it somewhere else.
01:09:825 (1) - Argh, this slider is really weird. It's not an issue, but it just looks pretty odd.
01:17:590 (6) - Hidden note.
01:20:061 (9) - New combo.
01:21:296 (2) - Hidden note.
01:25:531 (1,2) - It's a spacing issue. You should continue the spacing change by this note too.

By the ending this diff gone REALLY confusing.

Well, your the most important problem is the spacing in [LK Crazy] and missing easier difficulty.
You'll need to work hard to get this one ranked.
It's starrable, so +star.
[LK's Crazy]
-In general this dif is not fun, crazy jumps, hidden circles and crazy streams.
-00:23:590 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) this stream don't make sense, I can't find support for 2,4,5,6,8, please erase them.
-00:27:472 (9,1) this jump don't make sense.
-00:49:619 (6) hard of see
-01:00:119 (2,3,4,5,6), 3 and 5 haven't sense.
-01:05:767 (5) new combo

Others diff are rly good =)

~ Recheck ~

Impossiblexu's Easy:

00:54:472 (3) - The end of the slider is completely hidden, you should avoid sliders like these on Easy imo.
01:23:061 (1) - Make this return on just white ticks (1/1)? The return on the red tick has no rhythm.


00:35:237 (4) - Move this so it doesn't overlap so much? (Looks bad and is partially hidden ;_;)


-- Make kiai the same as the other difficulties.

01:23:061 (6) - Make this note visible (Not under the slider), + new combo.

H-boy's Insane:

00:47:590 (2) - Slow down doesn't really fit and is unexpected, I think you need a SB warning for this.
00:58:267 (9) - Delete? It sounds bad.
01:00:119 (4) - New combo. And you'll probably need a SB warning for the sudden speed up again.

LK Crazy:

I'm sorry I couldn't pubble this diff, it makes no sense to me and is overmapped. (Read the other comments people have made)

That's all, you can always get other opinions if you disagree :D
~ Star.
Topic Starter
fixed~ :)

i have done a big operation to change the LKs Crazy diff
Saten ruiko
- Offset: 825

!faq offset

BanchoBot wrote:

The period of time between the beginning of a beatmap's song file and the instant the first beat of the rhythm is heard, from which the first beat is calculated
with your current offset, the first beat is actually being calculated from the 3rd beat.

- Your current difficulty spread is a [E][H][I][I][I]. It's not evenly spread, and is considered unrankable. With a 5 diff. map, it should be something like [E][N][H][I][I].

Right now with your map, I'm feeling:
Impossiblexu's Easy: Easy
Relax: Normal+
Fuwafuwa: Hard
H-boy's Insane: Insane
LK Crazy: Insane

With your map right now, you should make the [Relax] diff. easier. After that, it should be fine.
Topic Starter
Offset fixed
Arusha Shuna
holy crap overmap gogogo :o
Topic Starter

Arusha Shuna wrote:

holy crap overmap gogogo :o
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