
Is it alright to edit .osu files of ranked maps?

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Title, I did a couple quick google searches but didn't see a thread so figured It'd be easier to post this.

Example - if I want to practice on cs6 or ar10 or od10, I know I can edit maps one at a time in osu in-game editor to cs6 and osu will cause no problem when I play it. I looked at one .osu file and saw there are the song difficulty such as CircleSize:4. I can change it to CircleSize:6 on a test song I was making and it was cs6 when I tried playing it in osu, so it should work to edit them directly.

I know enough about programming to do a script to edit all my songs to cs6 at once so I don't need to go through the process of modifying them one by one as I come across them, but I didn't know if osu client would get mad at me or think I was trying to cheat if I'm editing those .osu files with a python script for example.

Just want to ask before I try anything, thanks.
you can do this, but the map will go into an unranked state until you update it. another thing people do is save the changes as a new difficulty. so you might have
then with the difficulty,
[insane OD9]

from what i know, it's not that uncommon
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I had realized it would be unranked, I just wasn't sure if there would be an issue verifying it's unranked status since I wasn't using the in-game editor to modify the file. Thanks for the response and input, it'll definitely be more convenient to save new difficulties!

whyterice wrote:

I had realized it would be unranked, I just wasn't sure if there would be an issue verifying it's unranked status since I wasn't using the in-game editor to modify the file. Thanks for the response and input, it'll definitely be more convenient to save new difficulties!
there's basically no problems unless you upload it, if you don't do that there will be nothing to worry about
its alright.
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