
Girls playing osu!

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Riince wrote:

hes got a pink text in his sig chan in his name and girl face for avatar
Srsly I'm a girl :(

Sirade wrote:

So is there more boys than girls here, right?
Well, that doesn't matter anyway and I'm just asking.

By the way I am single lady boy.
Its like that for a lot of places in life, except for Asia lol (inside joke from The Office)
even hideyoshis.
when i wear a skirt
i'm a girl
I'd consider them nonexistent since I didn't particularly notice anyone during 4 years of living in this game

or then it's just that it's pretty fucking hard to tell genders apart just based on text
Hm, well, I don't know whose profile I can trust and whose not, but I think that there are a number of girls that play this game.

I'm a girl and I absolutely love this game~!
But, yeah, mostly boys play this game and the obvious reason is that boys tend to be on the computer much more than girls.~

thelewa wrote:

I'd consider them nonexistent since I didn't particularly notice anyone during 4 years of living in this game

or then it's just that it's pretty fucking hard to tell genders apart just based on text
Nonexistent? No, that's kind of impossible imo. This game is definitely meant for both genders.
Because there are more guys playing osu! rather than girls, most people mistake me as a guy and get confused lol
E m i

- Aomi - wrote:

Because there are more guys playing osu! rather than girls, most people mistake me as a guy and get confused lol
i'm a real life grill i swear
I wonder in how far that is important.
I dont care as long as people out there keep on releasing nice 4K Beatmaps for Osu!mania (btw just started playing 1 day ago).

That game is pretty nice, and the community seems to be awesome as well =)
(hate dem hold notes tho ...)

Whether you are a guy or girl really doesnt matter at all, as long as we all can have some fun playing this game and keep rhythm-games alive. ^^

-Just came by.., because i was curious about what kinda conversation is present here... xD

Synpoo wrote:

i'm a real life grill i swear
Would you mind showing me your special place? Also, r u qt?

Yoshisashi wrote:

Synpoo wrote:

i'm a real life grill i swear
Would you mind showing me your special place? Also, r u qt?
see this is why things like gamergate begin trending

Choofers wrote:

see this is why things like gamergate begin trending
Gamergate is not real, just like global warming. Please don't opress me any further you CIS white male.

Also check your privilege.

If someone can't take a joke they should just hug a cake. duh


Yoshisashi wrote:

Choofers wrote:

see this is why things like gamergate begin trending
Gamergate is not real, just like global warming. Please don't opress me any further you CIS white male.

Also check your privilege.

If someone can't take a joke they should just hug a cake. duh

You guys really need to watch Anita Sarkeesians video series and get yourself educated. This game is totally aimed towards middle aged white men and i feel i'm opressed!!!!!
It's not my job to educate you
Don't turn this place into fucking Tumblr, please.

Aurani wrote:

Don't turn this place into fucking Tumblr, please.
Umm, I identify as a demisexual transforum tumblrkin; stop oppressing me, you rapist.

Aurani wrote:

Don't turn this place into fucking Tumblr, please.

Osucon when?
i think i'm done with this thread. i can't see this thread recovering into something worth keeping :(
tl;dr girls do play, have fun finding them
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