
PolySTREAM Tournament

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Welcome to PolySTREAM, a team tournament for osu!

What is PolySTREAM?
PolySTREAM is an osu! Tournament for experienced players. PolySTREAM players play in teams of 4 to 6, and play in multiplayer as a 3 vs. 3 competition. The team chooses which 3 players to have play for one song, and the multiplayer type is Team vs. The sum of all accumulated points for both teams determines the winner. If a player fails and revives his/herself, the points he/she accumulated are split in half. Failed scores are not added onto the final score.

In each round, players have a map pool of 9 maps. Each team gets to ban 1 map so nobody may pick it. At the beginning, the captains of both teams [first people to sign up] roll a die in-game, and the captain who rolls a higher amount has their team pick the first map. There is one map reserved for a tiebreaker, which no team may pick. Teams alternate in picking maps. The first team to reach 4 points wins the match and progresses. If the match happens to come to the score 3 - 3, the tiebreaker will be played.

In the beginning of the match, both teams pick one warm-up map, which may not be a map from the mappool. The warmup also must be 3 minutes or less. These maps will not affect the outcome of the match, and can be any map the team chooses.

The mods of each map in the mappool are required, but you may also have the following mods along with the required mods: HD [hidden], HR[hard rock], FL[flashlight], EZ[easy], and NF[no fail].

The maps of the map-pool are all ranked, while the warm-up maps do not have to be ranked. The mappool will be released March 29.

A player will be disqualified and removed from the current game [to create a 2 vs. 3] if he / she fails to comply with the following rules: NO TEAM SWITCHING, NO CHEATING, don't be mean, don't choose long warm-up maps in order to stall [captain is disqualified in this case]. On special occasions will we let this go, but for the most time, you will be kicked from the team for that game, and not allowed to join in for the whole match [someone else from your team may join in after the one game disqualification].

The "zero round" is a match of 3 teams (2 people from each) such that the winner (first to win 2 games) automatically goes to round 2. The tournamennt after this "zero round" will be single elimination. At the beginning of the zero round, each team bans 3 of the 7 maps (7 is only for the zero round, there is 9 maps in a normal round), leaving 4 maps left. Each team captain rolls a die, and the captain who rolls the highest amount picks the first map. The second highest amount roller picks the second map, and if no team has won yet, the lowest roller picks the third map. If after the third map, nobody has won, the tiebreaker is played. No team may choose or ban the tiebreaker.

How do I join PolySTREAM?

Joining PolySTREAM is simple! First of all, you must have a forum post stating you would like to join, your rank, and how long you have been playing. We will decide if you are eligible to be in the tournament and what team you will be in for the tournament. Do not request to be on a certain team, we will not regard it. Make sure you dedicate around 30 minutes to an hour minimum of playing time, so you don't let your teammates down when they need a spare player!

Ranks 1000 and lower are recommended, but some higher ranks may be accepted.

Interested in reffing for PolySTREAM? Send me a forum private message, regarding why you would like to ref for PolySTREAM, and when you will be on. We would love refs for our tournament!

Host: finap
Refs: finap, SirCircle
Staticians: SirCircle
Commentators: Doomsday

When and Why?
The first round of PolySTREAM will be hosted from April 4th - 5th, so make sure you take into consideration and make sure you don't have plans during this time. It'll cost your team!

ROUND 1: April 11th, Teams A vs. B, Teams C vs. E
ROUND 2: April 12th, Winner of AB vs. Winner of CE

The reward of the 1st place team is 1 month of supporter for 2 team members of your group.
They will also win a spot on the bottom of this thread, with all their names on it and their team, AND a badge showing they won the PolySTREAM tournament

Here are the teams for the PolySTREAM tournament:

Team A:
  1. Snepif
  2. Lua
  3. -Ryosuke
  4. NerO
Team B:
  1. imagaK
  2. DeadlyNeliel
  3. Shiratu
  4. JanteSmith
  5. Firstus
Team C:
  1. Jesus[Krists]
  2. Jameslike
  3. Tiger Claw
Team D (out):
  1. mlaw22
  2. Spectrym
  3. Andrew
  4. Xilver
  5. [NEX]
Team E:
  1. Shunsuke
  2. xSeato
  3. Shiikou
  4. Koni Kinmo
  5. BDDav

Team F (out):
  1. Zodiaack
  2. Kablaze
  3. monomosc
  4. torahiko
Read "What is PolySTREAM?" for information on how to sign up for this tournament. Do NOT say "I'm in" or such.

Here is the mappool for the PolySTREAM tournament. You must use the mods included with these maps, and you can add on any of your own mods. The mods you can add on are listen in "What is PolySTREAM?" Bold represents the tiebreaker.

Zero Round

Yousei Teikoku - Wahrheit [Saten] + HD
Konuko - Toumei Elegy [Another] + HR
40mP ft. yuikonnu - Ame to Asphalt [Insane] + HD
Natsume Chiaki - Hanairo Biyori [Extra] + HR
S.S.H. - Intersect Thunderbolt-Remix [Insane]
Mutsuhiko Izumi - Red Goose [Another] + HR
Blackhole - Lagomorphic [Lagomorph]

Round One

eufonis - Paradigm (TV Size) [Insane] + DT
ZAQ - Seven Doors [wkyik's Insane] + HD
ZUN - Kobito of the Shining Needle ~ Little Princess [Extra] + HD
Kurubukko vs yukitani - Minamichita EVOLVED [Another] + HR
The Agony & the Ecstasy (feat. Selah Corbin) [Ecstasy]
Toyosaki Aki - Diamond [Insane]
Zips - Mushikui Psychedelism [Broccoly]
LeaF - Calamity Fortune [Extra]
FujuniseikouyuuP - FREEDMAN [iyasine]


AKINO from bless4 - MIIRO [No Dap's Extra]
yuikonnu & ayaponzu* - Super Nuko World [Guy's Extra]
Memme - BSPower Explosion [Extra]
Yooh - salvation [Another] + HD
UNDEAD CORPORATION - Yoru Naku Usagi wa Yume o Miru [Lunatic] + HR
wakaG - Yozora ni Saita Hana [Extra]
Harada Hitomi - Kyoumei No True Force [Extra]


Tamura Yukari - MERRY MERRY MERRY MENU...Ne! [Extra]
Himeringo - Yotsuya-san ni Yoroshiku [Winber4's Extreme]
Rohi - Kakuzetsu Thanatos [Rin]
Igorrr - Unpleasant Sonata [Insane]
Konuko - Toumei Elegy [wkyikawa's Couple Extra] + HD
yanaginagi - Tokohana [Kanto's Insane] + DT
Infected Mushroom - The Pretender [Pretender]
I'll take part. Yea I've been playing for 2 years now.
id like to join, been playing for like half a year to a year, rank 15000
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