
Laava - Wherever You Are

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MarioBros777 wrote:

Let's see here...

[Crimmi's Low Road]
Solid build. Standard Normal. Good.

00:38:59 (1) - Ugly slider. Try something like this... If Distance Snap is right, that is. Done
00:45:54 (2,4) - I don't like how after you complete 2 another slider pops up there in the exact same spot. No
00:57:39 - Might want to start the Kiai time on the white tick. Done
00:57:72 (3,7) - The claps here are horrible. Instead, put them on 2 and 7. Also, the hexagon combo isn't symmetrical. You'll need to turn off grid snap for that. Hitsound fixed, but hexagon is symmetrical
01:24:78 - You ended the Kiai time very abruptly. I suggest moving it to the end of the slider. No

[MoNky's Beat]
Fixed/Stable patterns. Great hitsound usage.

Unlike Shulin, I accept the x2 BPm section. It's just that how it was SB'd in looks horrible. I'll relook at this. In my signature it goes. Do you hate Shulin? Why?

[Leorda's High Road]
Umm... This is very challenging. Though, the hitsounds aren't that great and the massive spam of triples is very frightening.


00:39:89 (6) - Remove this circle. Done
00:42:50 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Horrible use of triples. Done
00:56:19 (1,2,3,4) - Use soft hitsounds. Done
00:57:72 - From here, you used a constant finish hitsound which then changed to claps. I don't think this is major but you'll need another MAT to confirm this. Done
01:37:72 (1,1) - Usually, I like spinner after a spinner, but it doesn't work here. So please make it just one spinner. Done

Well, it's good.

Doesn't break major rules...

I hate when I take so long to mod.
All fixed ^^
I can't believe you accused me of hating Shulin...

...I didn't say anything of the sort. How dare you imply that.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Resnap timing sections, they are not centrainly on the tick (ex: 00:57:721).


00:38:590 (1) - This slider repeats in strange place. Make it like this: Repeat: [00:39:460]; End: [00:40:329].
[00:57:721] - Start kiai here?
00:59:895 (6,7) - Swap clap (:P).


The combo colors are messing up with background, could you replace them?

01:37:711 (1) - Move 1/4 back and expand by 1/4.
01:41:189 (1) - ^


00:42:503 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - I find this stream out of the beat. Could you map it another way? Maybe delete (4), (6) and (8)? It's only a suggestion, you can do what you want (even stay as it is now).
01:11:851 (1) - Could you map this place instead of putting a spinner? It doesn't fit, really.
01:27:069 (1) - ^

My taiko skills are not so good, but I have looked at the taiko diff and it looks fine IMO :)
Nice to play, +star.
[Crimmi's Low Road]

00:38:590 (1) - End this slider here 00:39:677 (red tick), then repeate it
Topic Starter

happy30 wrote:

Offset feels a little early for me, but Im not sure though, maybe +2 or +3 ms....

[Crimmi's Low Road] All Fixed

00:38:590 (1) - there is an error with this slider, the return point should be on a red tick, not blue
01:24:789 (9) - it's a bit weird to have this timing section in the middle of a spinner, can you place it somewhere else?

01:04:680 (6) - new combo
01:05:550 (8) - remove new combo
01:08:159 (8) - new combo
01:15:115 (7) - new combo
01:22:072 (7) - new combo
01:29:463 (5) - new combo

Just fix these and it will be perfect :)

[MoNky's BeaT]
Waiting he's respond

00:12:503 (9,1) - swap combo colours

the 2X sb warning was a bit hard to notice, less flickering maybe...
nice map

[Leorda's High Road] All fixed

00:34:025 (1) - you can make this a little prettier:
01:03:590 (1) - you can also make this a little prettier:

00:31:634 (6) - new combo
00:32:286 (4) - remove new combo
00:47:286 (11) - new combo
00:47:938 (1) - remove combo
00:55:003 (1,2) - swap combo colours
00:59:460 (8) - add new combo
01:02:938 (10) - add new combo
01:03:590 (1) - remove new combo

00:57:721 (1) - resnap the green timing section here
01:11:851 (1) - I think this spinner doesn't really fit here, you can easily replace this with normal notes

good map, maybe a bit too many spinners?

[Chris' Taiko] All fixed

00:57:721 (1) - resnap the timing section here
Get a different BG for this diff? her head is half gone >w< HER HEAD IS NOT HALF GONE!!!!!!!

fun map, some streams are a bit hard though :D

call me back for bub

fartownik wrote:

Resnap timing sections, they are not centrainly on the tick (ex: 00:57:721).

All Fixed
00:38:590 (1) - This slider repeats in strange place. Make it like this: Repeat: [00:39:460]; End: [00:40:329].
[00:57:721] - Start kiai here?
00:59:895 (6,7) - Swap clap (:P).

[Monky] Waiting he's respond

The combo colors are messing up with background, could you replace them?

01:37:711 (1) - Move 1/4 back and expand by 1/4.
01:41:189 (1) - ^

All Fixed
00:42:503 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - I find this stream out of the beat. Could you map it another way? Maybe delete (4), (6) and (8)? It's only a suggestion, you can do what you want (even stay as it is now).
01:11:851 (1) - Could you map this place instead of putting a spinner? It doesn't fit, really.
01:27:069 (1) - ^

My taiko skills are not so good, but I have looked at the taiko diff and it looks fine IMO :)
Nice to play, +star.

xxheroxx wrote:

[Crimmi's Low Road] I already fix that >0<

00:38:590 (1) - End this slider here 00:39:677 (red tick), then repeate it
I've Added A Normal+ Like Diff As an Extra See If It's Good =]

Download: Laava - Wherever You Are (Leorda) [Crimmi's ReMiX].osu
<MoNky's BeaT>
The break is too long compared to the song's length

<Leorda's High Road>
00:57:721 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Why no claps on these notes

Nice map. Call back for recheck and pubble. Star'd
Topic Starter
rechecked. pubble
All insane.are you serious?

00:43:047 (5,6) - Spacing?
01:03:590 (4,1) - ^?

since it haven't done. please delete the .osb file.

ignorethis wrote:

<MoNky's BeaT>
The break is too long compared to the song's length
I don't think so.. Sorry for the delay.

Download: Laava - Wherever You Are (Leorda) [MoNky's BeaT].osu
Topic Starter

abalee wrote:

All insane.are you serious?

00:43:047 (5,6) - Spacing?
01:03:590 (4,1) - ^?

since it haven't done. please delete the .osb file.
Opss I'm sorry Mr. abalee, it's already finished :(
Monkey is delay because he is doing exam, I wish VanMoNky is getting a good grade after he is finished the exam :)
I think it would be better if you don't reuse the spinner picture as the section-pass picture.

MoNky's BeaT
The greyish white combo colors blends in too much with the background
Can't you make the 2x image not blink? It's distracting when you play.

Leorda's Insane
Rename to Insane since it is your map, so it's understood that you made the diff.
00:56:416 (2) - Align with (1)

NoHItter wrote:

I think it would be better if you don't reuse the spinner picture as the section-pass picture. Seems lazy and they don't make great section pass/fails since they don't really relay a fail or pass message. Just an anime picture with no text.

MoNky's BeaT
The greyish white combo colors blends in too much with the background. Not to mention it won't play that well in MP.
Can't you make the 2x image not blink? It's distracting when you play. Also, it looks terribly done and confusing. Fade In -> Fade Out, or blink it less sharply and sporadically in the very least.. Not to mention you could just loop a blink effect in like 3 lines instead of 25.

Leorda's Insane
Rename to Insane since it is your map, so it's understood that you made the diff.
Moving on.

The difficulties that ended up mapped are silly. A very easy normal worth 300k, then two Insanes, 1.6m and 2.9m in score, where the 2.9m one is easier. Then we have a Taiko difficulty. The difficulty spread would make more sense if this weren't such a slow, relaxing song. Well, whatever. People do it often enough.

Not having a middle to a spinner is very annoying for people that spin in the center. And there's a decent bit of blank space in Van's SB image. I fixed both of these for you below, I suggest using them.

MoNky's BeaT
14 second break on a map that's <1:30 long? Really?

00:56:199 (1,2) - Align/Spacing
01:17:503 (1) - Reshape symmetrically, looks a little weird.

Crimmi's Normal
Okay. Don't feel like nazi'ing sliders n that's about all I could really say. You could up your difficulty settings though, this plays like an Easy. +1Circle/+1Drain/+2OD imo.

Image fixes.

As a sidenote I don't/can't mod Taiko as I don't play Taiko. It looked like you knew what you were doing as least, followed Roko's taiko modding guide so far as I can tell.

Map's not bad. Star.

Topic Starter

Shinde wrote:

The difficulties that ended up mapped are silly. A very easy normal worth 300k, then two Insanes, 1.6m and 2.9m in score, where the 2.9m one is easier. Then we have a Taiko difficulty. The difficulty spread would make more sense if this weren't such a slow, relaxing song. Well, whatever. People do it often enough.
This is more chaos to do this.....
2.9m in score is MonKy's Beat. I think it's way easy, if I try. Should I deleted it?
Topic Starter

lRasl wrote:

Thank you lRasl, you're so cute :oops:
Nah, nothing much but some nazi

01:09:460 (9) - Move one grid to the right
01:16:851 (9) - align this beat to 01:15:982 (7)
01:37:503 (3) - cute slider

Crimmi's standard

00:52:069 (7) - make this slider's shape the same as this one 00:52:503 (1) and align both sliders

Don't know how to mod taiko

Methinks this is already pubble-worthy. Here you go.

01:26:416 (1,2) - Move both of these down one level 3 grid square. Afterwards, perhaps you could make these look a bit nicer by moving the second slider point on (1) up one level 3 grid square, and then changing 2 to be perfectly symmetrical. :)

Crimmi's Standard:

00:36:851 (3) - Perhaps make the endpoint of this aligned with 00:38:590 (1)?


-Set the slider tick rate to 1?

00:44:243 (2) - Align the start of this with the start of (1)?
00:45:112 (4) - Align the start of this with the start of (3)?
00:50:547 (5) - Turn off grid snap and align this horizontally with (4) (though if you do that note that (1) is slightly too far, but it's barely noticeable)
00:57:069 (4) - Move up one level 3 grid square

Chris' Taiko: No problems found

Nice job! :) *star*
I don't really like the spinner, I'd find something round in whatever this is from and use that, or do something abstract. I can't spin well at all with an image like that.
Skin's nice otherwise though. A hitcircle might be nice.

Light +
Why put a + on a custom difficulty name? :/
00:39:025 (4,5,6) - This doesn't really follow the music
00:47:938 (1) - Add more points and make symmetrical.
01:27:069 (2) - ^
01:37:503 (3) - Might be hard to follow if you didn't have snaking sliders on. It'd look better more spaced out so you can see the borders.

Crimmi's Standard:
01:01:199 (1,2,3,4,5) - Centre this combo

Streams are ridiculously out of place on this song
00:47:938 (4) - Ugly slider, make the curve smoother
00:56:199 (1,2,3,4) - What the hell
01:26:199 (1,1) - Unneccesary new combo spam


Overall I feel parts of this map could be put to pretty much any song and work just as well. Also, the patterns are very boring, square, and robotic. Apologies, but I don't think this deseves a star from me, at least not at the moment.
Topic Starter

Chacha17 wrote:

Nah, nothing much but some nazi

01:09:460 (9) - Move one grid to the right Done
01:16:851 (9) - align this beat to 01:15:982 (7) Done
01:37:503 (3) - cute slider
Thank you

Crimmi's standard

00:52:069 (7) - make this slider's shape the same as this one 00:52:503 (1) and align both sliders Done

Don't know how to mod taiko

Methinks this is already pubble-worthy. Here you go.
Thanks for modding

pieguy1372 wrote:


01:26:416 (1,2) - Move both of these down one level 3 grid square. Afterwards, perhaps you could make these look a bit nicer by moving the second slider point on (1) up one level 3 grid square, and then changing 2 to be perfectly symmetrical. :) Done

Crimmi's Standard:

00:36:851 (3) - Perhaps make the endpoint of this aligned with 00:38:590 (1)? Done


-Set the slider tick rate to 1? Changed

00:44:243 (2) - Align the start of this with the start of (1)? It's already allign
00:45:112 (4) - Align the start of this with the start of (3)? It's already allign
00:50:547 (5) - Turn off grid snap and align this horizontally with (4) (though if you do that note that (1) is slightly too far, but it's barely noticeable) Done
00:57:069 (4) - Move up one level 3 grid square Done

Chris' Taiko: No problems found

Nice job! :) *star*
Thank you

RandomJibberish wrote:

I don't really like the spinner, I'd find something round in whatever this is from and use that, or do something abstract. I can't spin well at all with an image like that.
Skin's nice otherwise though. A hitcircle might be nice. Why? :cry:

Light +
Why put a + on a custom difficulty name? :/ Opss :o fixed
00:39:025 (4,5,6) - This doesn't really follow the music It's follow to muisc
00:47:938 (1) - Add more points and make symmetrical. Done
01:27:069 (2) - ^ Done
01:37:503 (3) - Might be hard to follow if you didn't have snaking sliders on. It'd look better more spaced out so you can see the borders. Done

Crimmi's Standard:
01:01:199 (1,2,3,4,5) - Centre this combo Done

Streams are ridiculously out of place on this song (:( )
00:47:938 (4) - Ugly slider, make the curve smoother Done
00:56:199 (1,2,3,4) - What the hell Fixed
01:26:199 (1,1) - Unneccesary new combo spam Done


Overall I feel parts of this map could be put to pretty much any song and work just as well. Also, the patterns are very boring, square, and robotic. Apologies, but I don't think this deseves a star from me, at least not at the moment. Changed the pattern
Your mod post makes me turn to the nightmare.

Thanks guys :)
Wherever you are :D
Topic Starter

orioncomet wrote:

Wherever you are :D
OMG! >/////<

Ps, My diff abit evil about spacing, plz don't mind them

Download: orioncomet.rar
Sorry for double posts

I don't know why, after you got my diff It have some spacing error
and here I fixed

Download: Laava - Wherever You Are (Leorda) [Orion's Oni].osu
[Crimmi's Standard]
[Orion's Oni]
I see it like "Love Beam",but OA8 is hard to read,not like "Love Beam".

soulfear wrote:

[Orion's Oni]
I see it like "Love Beam",but OA8 is hard to read,not like "Love Beam".
Nope :X You can spact me play for look that It's easy to read enough for an Insane :P
  1. I suggest you remove "DDR" tag since it is in source.
  1. 00:29:895 (2) - New Combo(?)
  2. 00:31:634 (3) - ^
  3. 00:33:373 (7) - A Finish here.
  4. 00:39:025 (4,5,6) - Those sound weird. (Maybe replace those by a slider?)
  5. 00:45:547 (1) - Move New Combo to 00:44:677 (4)
  6. 00:51:634 (4) - New Combo here (?)
  7. 01:00:330 (5) - ^
  8. 01:07:286 (5) - ^
  9. 01:14:243 (4) - ^
  10. 01:15:982 (7) - ^
  11. 01:17:503 (1,1) - This will be confusing for newbies (Since it's easy difficulty) | (Maybe replace spinner by slider?)
  12. 01:27:069 (2) - I suggest you move it away from (1) because of the Reverse Arrow.
~Crimmi's Standard~
  1. Aaaaaww, such a cute BG :3
  2. 01:22:069 (1) - Clap here don't fit to previous ones.
  3. I just don't understand how you put combos >.< I can't mod them cause of this. Anyway no major mistakes. Just some hitsounds don't fit the song, but i guess it's not big problem.
  1. 00:28:590 (4,5,6,7) - This sounds weird compared to next.
  2. 00:32:286 (1) - Move New Combo to 00:31:634 (6)
  3. 00:39:460 (4,5) - Dunno how you mapped, to instrumental or to vocals, but i doesn't fit both.
  4. 01:07:721 (4) - Oh, this is overclapped D:
~Orion's Oni~
  1. 00:44:460 (5) - New Combo.
  2. 01:07:069 (9) - ^
  3. 01:15:764 (5) - ^
Rest looks fine. Star~ (For orion~ :3)
Topic Starter

Midget wrote:

  1. I suggest you remove "DDR" tag since it is in source.
Why? ddr and dance dance revolution are diffrent name

  1. 00:29:895 (2) - New Combo(?)
  2. 00:31:634 (3) - ^
  3. 00:33:373 (7) - A Finish here.
  4. 00:39:025 (4,5,6) - Those sound weird. (Maybe replace those by a slider?)
  5. 00:45:547 (1) - Move New Combo to 00:44:677 (4)
  6. 00:51:634 (4) - New Combo here (?)
  7. 01:00:330 (5) - ^
  8. 01:07:286 (5) - ^
  9. 01:14:243 (4) - ^
  10. 01:15:982 (7) - ^
  11. 01:17:503 (1,1) - This will be confusing for newbies (Since it's easy difficulty) | (Maybe replace spinner by slider?)
  12. 01:27:069 (2) - I suggest you move it away from (1) because of the Reverse Arrow.
~Crimmi's Standard~
  1. Aaaaaww, such a cute BG :3
  2. 01:22:069 (1) - Clap here don't fit to previous ones.
  3. I just don't understand how you put combos >.< I can't mod them cause of this. Anyway no major mistakes. Just some hitsounds don't fit the song, but i guess it's not big problem.
  1. 00:28:590 (4,5,6,7) - This sounds weird compared to next.
  2. 00:32:286 (1) - Move New Combo to 00:31:634 (6)
  3. 00:39:460 (4,5) - Dunno how you mapped, to instrumental or to vocals, but i doesn't fit both.
  4. 01:07:721 (4) - Oh, this is overclapped D:
~Orion's Oni~
  • Waiting she's respond
  1. 00:44:460 (5) - New Combo.
  2. 01:07:069 (9) - ^
  3. 01:15:764 (5) - ^
Rest looks fine. Star~ (For orion~ :3)
Thanks for modding ^^

Leorda wrote:

Why? ddr and dance dance revolution are diffrent name
o_0 Really? Damn it ._.
Topic Starter

Midget wrote:

Leorda wrote:

Why? ddr and dance dance revolution are diffrent name
o_0 Really? Damn it ._.
Yeah, that's ok about that
01:19:025 (4) - put clap instead of whistle at start of slider
01:20:764 (2) - remove clap from slider of slider and end of slider. then put clap start of slider.

[Orion's Oni]
00:44:460 (5) - new combo

others are fine. star~* :)

Midget wrote:

~Orion's Oni~
  1. 00:44:460 (5) - New Combo.
  2. 01:07:069 (9) - ^
  3. 01:15:764 (5) - ^

ykcarrot wrote:

[Orion's Oni]
00:44:460 (5) - new combo

Download: Laava - Wherever You Are (Leorda) [Orion's Oni].osu
Cyril Scarlet
(ノ゚ω゚)ノ :arrow: approves
good luck
Topic Starter

S i R i R u wrote:

VIRUS FACE!!!! ∑(゚Д゚)∑(゚Д゚)∑(゚Д゚)∑(゚Д゚)∑(゚Д゚)∑(゚Д゚)
Have a star.

00:46:851(Slider-end): Add a clap?
01:12:286(1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6): Move every note/slider two ticks back, so they are on the red, to match her vocals.

~[Crimmi's Standard]~

00:43:808(Slider-reverse): Add a clap?
00:45:547(Slider-reverse): Add a clap?
00:47:286(Slider-reverse): Add a clap?


01:05:329(4,5): Offscreen. Fix it.

~[orion's Oni]~

00:26:416(1): Extend to: 00:28:047?

Topic Starter

emaal wrote:


00:46:851(Slider-end): Add a clap? Done
01:12:286(1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6): Move every note/slider two ticks back, so they are on the red, to match her vocals. No

~[Crimmi's Standard]~ ALL NO

00:43:808(Slider-reverse): Add a clap?
00:45:547(Slider-reverse): Add a clap?
00:47:286(Slider-reverse): Add a clap?

~[Heavy]~ ALL NO

01:05:329(4,5): Offscreen. Fix it.

~[orion's Oni]~ Waiting she's respond

00:26:416(1): Extend to: 00:28:047?

Thanks for modding

emaal wrote:

~[orion's Oni]~

00:26:416(1): Extend to: 00:28:047?
Thankyou :)
*Personally, I'd like to see a bit more of a 3D aspect with the sectionpass/fail. Even something like a slight frame/raising around the outer edge would look nice imo.
*Offset: Spot-on!! =D

01:17:503 (1) - extend to the next red tick? o-o

[Crimmi's Standard]
Looks nice~


[Orion's Oni]

This mapset seems pretty flawless! I'd pubble it if it weren't already... Great job everyone! :)
Topic Starter

Derekku Chan wrote:

*Personally, I'd like to see a bit more of a 3D aspect with the sectionpass/fail. Even something like a slight frame/raising around the outer edge would look nice imo. No
*Offset: Spot-on!! =D XD

01:17:503 (1) - extend to the next red tick? o-o Fix

[Crimmi's Standard]
Looks nice~


[Orion's Oni]

This mapset seems pretty flawless! I'd pubble it if it weren't already... Great job everyone! :)
Pubble please Derekku Chan

Derekku Chan wrote:

I'd pubble it if it weren't already
It's already pubbled :S
Finished Date: 10th April 2010 // Skin request at Davidz123's Skin Modding Queue

Finished skin request. If there are any problems, please contact me via forum pm or in-game chat. You want more skin parts? Just request again saying, [beatmap link] - More please.



You need a "hitcircleoverlay.png" for it to be rankable.

00:57:069 (4) - New combo
01:37:069 (2) - Mirror this with 3 or vice versa.
Topic Starter

Bubble please
Topic Starter
ABALEE!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S BEEN 4 MONTH!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU MS.ABALEEE!!!!!

Oh, and thank you samipale ^^
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