
CyoucyoP feat.Hatsune Miku - End of the World [Taiko]

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今回はOniとInner Oniの2つのみとさせてください。


01:01:084 (376) - delete Oni diffなので、譜面の楽しさを優先して見た場合、ここの1音を抜いたほうが、01:01:004 (375,377) - の歌詞も

01:07:068 (423) - k     個人的な好みになりますが、歌詞の「つぅー」にも合っている感じがして且、2音先に控えるdddまでの

01:20:951 (527) - d     恐らくシンバル音に合わせたのではないかな、と思います。ただ、プレイ中に聞くとピアノの方が前面に聞こえるので

                    この音の次に、さらに強めのピアノ音に合わせて「k k kkk」と続くので、その流れを強調するために



【Inner Oni】

01:06:031 (530) - k      01:06:111 (531) - ここからボーカルの発音の区切りになるので、01:06:031 (530) - をkにすることで

01:11:297 (580) - k      言葉に言い表すと難しいですが、サビの締めである01:11:536 (582) - の音に

                    走り幅跳びに例えると、01:11:536 (582) - の音を、踏み切りと捉えるか、飛んだ後の最後の着地と捉えるかの違いで

03:01:083 (1460) - d     ここは悩みます…。どちらの音でも取れそうですが、後奏の8小節が終わる部分なので

02:01:243 (942) - k   と   02:01:482 (945) - d (2つセットで)

02:42:173 (1284,1285,1286,1287,1288,1289,1290,1291,1292,1293,1294,1295,1296,1297,1298) -

                    02:42:652 (1290,1291,1292,1293) - でドラム音取りつつ
                    02:42:971 (1294,1295,1296,1297,1298) - でボーカル拾っているように感じたので


02:52:865 (1380,1381,1382,1383,1384) -


                    次の4節の同じ部分に、02:57:971 (1429,1430,1431,1432,1433,1434) - この配置が待っているため



提案数が少ない割に長文になってしまったことがただただ申し訳ない :o
Topic Starter

kuroru wrote:



今回はOniとInner Oniの2つのみとさせてください。

【Inner Oni】

01:11:297 (580) - k      言葉に言い表すと難しいですが、サビの締めである01:11:536 (582) - の音に

                    走り幅跳びに例えると、01:11:536 (582) - の音を、踏み切りと捉えるか、飛んだ後の最後の着地と捉えるかの違いで
- 的を射た提案だと思うんですが、このままにしたいです。着地として考えていますが、自分の場合は大音符の直前のノーツが逆色ならそれで十分かなって感じが……。 01:10:260 - からの ddk ddk の少しずつ盛り上がっているような流れにも、ピアノ音自体にも現在のパターンの方がフィットしている気がしますし、あと大した理由ではないのですが、自分の譜面でkdkdkを使うことがあまりないのでどうせなら置いときたいです!! 8-)

02:42:173 (1284,1285,1286,1287,1288,1289,1290,1291,1292,1293,1294,1295,1296,1297,1298) -

                    02:42:652 (1290,1291,1292,1293) - でドラム音取りつつ
                    02:42:971 (1294,1295,1296,1297,1298) - でボーカル拾っているように感じたので

- 確かにちょっと変な感じがしたので他の同パートと同じくドラムに寄せてみました!

02:52:865 (1380,1381,1382,1383,1384) -


                    次の4節の同じ部分に、02:57:971 (1429,1430,1431,1432,1433,1434) - この配置が待っているため
- 前半からコピペしました!00:14:569 - では純粋にドラムの音を拾ったのですが、後半のパートへコピペして手直ししても少し違和感が残るのでとりあえずそのままにしています。わかりやすいリズムで統一性を持たせるためにも変に触らない方がいいのかなって感じもします。自分目線の意見ですが、伏線回収みたいなパターンは面白いしアリだと思うんですが、プレイしていてそれが意図して統一されたパターンだと気付く人はほぼ居ない気がしますし、特別それにこだわる必要はないかなと思いました。また、サビはバリエーションのためにそれぞれのパート最初から置き直してるのですが、01:06:430 - 01:54:940 - 02:43:450 - のように音の多少の変化にも関わらず統一させたパートを配置したいという気持ちもあります!



提案数が少ない割に長文になってしまったことがただただ申し訳ない :o
flawlessなmodでした!!ありがとうございます!! :oops: :x :lol: 8-) :? :( :P :P :P 8-) 8-)

  1. 00:32:601 - k? 00:32:920 (57) - だけ取り残されてる感じがするのといい感じのドラムロールが00:32:601 - からあるので提案してみます
  1. よい
  1. 01:45:526 - d? 00:57:016 - とか02:23:823 - ほどではないですがバスドラムがありますし、こっちにもあってもいいと思うんですがどうなんでしょう、周りがd k kが続いてあまりにも単調なのかなとも思いました
  2. 02:17:919 (674) - 目がkusoすぎてEdit画面開かないと何が起こってるのか理解できませんでした Muzukashiiと思います
  3. 02:49:354 - dほしいです

  • First time play screenshot
  1. 00:32:840 - d? Kantanでもこの辺りにnote桶みたいなことを書きましたが似たような理由です。前奏の締めにもなる場所なので5連打にしたほうがバランスみたいなものがよくなる気がします。 00:32:681 - にkを?とも考えたのですが聴いてみて個人的に微妙だったので薄くしておきます
  2. 01:45:526 - d? muzukashiiと同じこと書きました。ただ間違いなく01:45:845 - には要らない
[Inner Oni]
Topic Starter

Naryuga wrote:


  1. 02:17:919 (674) - 目がkusoすぎてEdit画面開かないと何が起こってるのか理解できませんでした Muzukashiiと思います - 全体的に詰まったMuzukashiiなので、バランスを見れば許容範囲だと思いますし、何より1/3スライダーを置いてみたこのやってやったぜ感が好きなのでこのままにしたいです。

  • First time play screenshot
    全体を通して直感的に叩けるパターンばかりで、初見でもあと少しでSランクでしたが集中力が足りませんでした! - Rankedしたら初見でSランクお願いします!
[Inner Oni]
rejected one thing only. :)
いつもありがとうございます!”!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :oops: :oops:
star *
Topic Starter
thank you for the star.
Hi! 全diffのモッドになってませんが,とりあえずKantanだけ思ったことを先に書いておきます
  • 感想
    大変よかったです, やっててすごく楽しかった!サビの盛り上げ方がとても気持ちい~ これならランクド後もFLで粘る
    02:17:919 (1) –が唐突のkiaiタイム突入なのにspinnerでおいちゃってるので 1/1構成でd- kdk-kkd のようなnotes構成の方がよいではないかと思いましたが、FutsuuとMuzukashiiを見てみたらスライダーおいちゃっててspread的にマズイ気がしたのでspinnerの方がいいのかな..? (普通も難しいも置けるならnotesの方がいい気がする)

  1. 00:25:260 - , 00:30:367 - add note… k ? 前パート(00:12:814 -からの部分)よりも音が結構多いので2/1のdkdkのみがずっと続くのも個人的にパワー不足で物足りない感じがしました。
  2. 01:11:536 - ~ 01:21:749 - , same as above.
  3. 03:01:322 - ~ 03:08:982 - , same.
  4. 02:53:343 – , 02:58:450 - same, add ?
  5. 03:10:258 (78,79,80,81) – d-k-d-k?
  6. 02:16:004 (30) - k? donの音がなぜか浮いた感じがしたので個人的にこっちの方が好みです
Good Luck ~ ! :)
Topic Starter
02:16:004 (30) - 以外全部修正しました!また、02:17:599 - に k を一つ置きました。

about the Inner Oni. 02:17:839 - i have changed this section back to the previous rhythm. 02:17:839 (1114,1115) - seems kinda hard to catch the rhythm but it's better way to follow "the flow". this is just a complex rhythm, this is not an unkind pattern like a ninja note, and this is just an Inner Oni. i hope that players don't mind this section. (sorry to cubes ;-;)
╭( ・ㅂ・)

TKS wrote:

(sorry to cubes ;-;)
It's alright, I can actually play that part normally anyway. :3

P.S. consider drain 5 in Inner, I actually failed it with 92,5% acc once haha. I don't think you should punish the player with the drain, the map is really difficult already.
Topic Starter

lolcubes wrote:

╭( ・ㅂ・)
where is your left hand ╭( ;ㅂ;)و
anyway thanks a lot for the many stars, cubes! and guys!

i will reconsider setting the OD of the Inner Oni. and will remake the video to fix such a weird thing due to removed the song's info field already, and to be rankable. which is maybe unrankable for now because the dimensions exceed 1280x720. so have to change the dimensions from 1024x768 to 960x720 for 4:3 resolution. ...wait, where is my project file.
OD was fine at 6 though. The accuracy was bad due to missing mostly. :p
Topic Starter
i got drunk without drinking. orz
Nice song from nice album~

Topic Starter

neonat wrote:

Nice song from nice album~

omg you're the god of the vocaloid :oops: thank you for the star!

btw, i have changed HP from 6 to 5.5. what cubes said is true, but i want to leave that HP as a challenging diff, a bit. so i think that 5.5 is the better. this is not a compromise proposal :3
and updated with the new video. that looks fine, a bit improved for widescreen. but i would still strongly recommend to use 1024x768. :roll:

(still there is no "without video" link though)
続き. 他の難易度はKantan程に思った点が特にないですが、提案箇所頑張って探しました><

  • 02:19:195 - dkkdkdkkd>>dkddkkddk ?
    難易度は高い感じでしたが, 所々で安定化を図った構成が見られ
    客観的に見てバランス感はよかったです! :)  
    この譜面単体として問題は無いように感じましたが、ここであえて主観を言うと02:28:131 (1) - ~からの構成の2連dkの部分は直前のワルツパートよりも音が本来弱いため2連は無いようが聞こえはやはりいい気がしました。が、バランス重視と判断したため、ここも提案というよりは独り言程度に聞き流してもらっても構いません。
  1. 01:31:324 (109) - k?  
    *1 - ドラムパートの変化でスネアがココで鳴っていること
    *2- 短いフローとしてみれば01:30:526 (107,108) – kd(ボーカル落ちる)>>01:31:324 (109,110) – kk(ボーカル落ちない+あまり上がらない) のような見方で、個人的にはすっきりしました。

  • Comment
    Nice~ :D この難易度も普通同様に緩急差がよく考えられて作られてると思いました!

    1つMoveの提案をしていますが、これによるプレイの難易度の増減は私的にどちらも変わらないと判断しているので考慮していません(リズムは違えど00:12:814 (61,62,63,64,65,66) –を初っ端に叩くため)。難易度を考慮する場合はスル―してください

    02:17:919 (675) - >>dddkddkddk ?
  1. 01:05:552 (316) – move to 01:05:712 (317) -?
    ボーカルを大事にする場合,ピアノ,ボーカル共に最高音がサビでなっているkiai一番の見せ場だと思うので 01:05:712 (317) –の音も拾いつつ, 01:05:632 (316) –から伸びている純粋なとこに連打の焦点を置いてあげた方が聞こえともに ベターと思いました。
  2. and, 01:05:313 (314) – don?  上記を変える場合, 見栄えが悪く見えるかもしれないので(310~313) に習ってddkの繋ぎに?
  3. 01:53:663 (540,541,542,543,544,545) – same as above.
  4. 02:42:173 (775,776,777,778,779,780) – same as above.
Oni以上 見きれるかなぁ 先に泡ついたらモッドは終わりますw
I cant wait to get Ranked this :D
Topic Starter
intentionally gave 2 kudosu(1+1) to JUDYDANNY.
please don't deny it. his detailed suggestions are worth giving 2 kudosu.



続き. 他の難易度はKantan程に思った点が特にないですが、提案箇所頑張って探しました><

  • 02:19:195 - dkkdkdkkd>>dkddkkddk ? - fixed! (?)
    難易度は高い感じでしたが, 所々で安定化を図った構成が見られ
    客観的に見てバランス感はよかったです! :)  
    この譜面単体として問題は無いように感じましたが、ここであえて主観を言うと02:28:131 (1) - ~からの構成の2連dkの部分は直前のワルツパートよりも音が本来弱いため2連は無いようが聞こえはやはりいい気がしました。が、バランス重視と判断したため、ここも提案というよりは独り言程度に聞き流してもらっても構いません。 - 自分でも少し浮いてるようなイメージはあったのですがMuzukashiiのパターンを考えると悩みました。が、とりあえず消してみました。 あと、02:34:992 (14) - をどんに変えました。 これによって懸念されるスプレッドですが、Futsuuとしては少し複雑なリズムなので問題無いと思いました(多分)
  1. 01:31:324 (109) - k?  - fixed.
    *1 - ドラムパートの変化でスネアがココで鳴っていること
    *2- 短いフローとしてみれば01:30:526 (107,108) – kd(ボーカル落ちる)>>01:31:324 (109,110) – kk(ボーカル落ちない+あまり上がらない) のような見方で、個人的にはすっきりしました。

  • Comment
    Nice~ :D この難易度も普通同様に緩急差がよく考えられて作られてると思いました!

    1つMoveの提案をしていますが、これによるプレイの難易度の増減は私的にどちらも変わらないと判断しているので考慮していません(リズムは違えど00:12:814 (61,62,63,64,65,66) –を初っ端に叩くため)。難易度を考慮する場合はスル―してください

    02:17:919 (675) - >>dddkddkddk ? - i went with dddkddkkdk instead! (?)
  1. 01:05:552 (316) – move to 01:05:712 (317) -?
    ボーカルを大事にする場合,ピアノ,ボーカル共に最高音がサビでなっているkiai一番の見せ場だと思うので 01:05:712 (317) –の音も拾いつつ, 01:05:632 (316) –から伸びている純粋なとこに連打の焦点を置いてあげた方が聞こえともに ベターと思いました。 - tasikani! fixed!
  2. and, 01:05:313 (314) – don?  上記を変える場合, 見栄えが悪く見えるかもしれないので(310~313) に習ってddkの繋ぎに? - ok!
  3. 01:53:663 (540,541,542,543,544,545) – same as above.
  4. 02:42:173 (775,776,777,778,779,780) – same as above.
Oni以上 見きれるかなぁ 先に泡ついたらモッドは終わりますw
I cant wait to get Ranked this :D - i feel the same as you :D
thank you for the mod again! :roll:

[ Kantan]
  1. 00:05:154 (9,10,11) - 反転(kkd)
    00:06:750 (13) - Delete
  2. 01:10:260 Change to slider - 休憩も兼ねて。Kantanではパターン変化で部分ごとの区切りをつけるのが難しいので、連打を使うとスッキリするかなと思います。
  3. 01:58:770 Change to slider - 曲はこの後ピアノが暴れているので、譜面はそこまで激しくなくても区切る必要があると思います。
[ Futsuu]
  1. 00:48:558 (166) move to 00:48:399 - 少々偶数にくどさを感じたのと、近くの配置との統一性を考えるとここは奇数の方が良いかなと思います。
[ Muzukashii]
  1. 00:06:590 (26,27) Ctrl+G - この場合電子音の位置は同じ色で揃えた方が良いように感じました。
  2. 02:28:131 - 減速で付点8分が来るのは視認性も考えると少々厳しいように感じます。
    現段階の構成をなるべく維持したまま視認性を向上させるとしたら、02:28:370 (715,716,719) 辺りを削除するのが自然かなと思います。
[ Oni]
  1. 02:28:370 (940) Delete - Muzukashii同様減速で付点8分はかなり見づらいです。Oniではこの配置を消した方が見やすく、譜面の入り方も綺麗なのではないかなと思います。
[ Inner Oni]
  1. 既に完成形だと思います。Perfect.
Topic Starter

tasuke912 wrote:


[ Kantan]
  1. 00:05:154 (9,10,11) - 反転(kkd)
    00:06:750 (13) - Delete
    4回目のみd-kkd-kの配置となっていますが、2回目も同じような配置にした方が自然なパターンになるのではないでしょうか。 - 00:01:963 - から 00:07:069 - までを1つのパターンとしているので、自然さ、統一感の意味では問題無いと(自分の中では)思います!
  2. 01:10:260 Change to slider - 休憩も兼ねて。Kantanではパターン変化で部分ごとの区切りをつけるのが難しいので、連打を使うとスッキリするかなと思います。 - 以前mod内でもチラっと触れましたが、他ゲームと違い、osu!Taikoのスライダーは有限で天井点が定められているので意味合いが少し変わってきますし、そのためにリズム良く1/4の連打を叩かせるのは少し酷だと感じています。何も考えずにガチャガチャ出来るスピンの方が休憩という意味では理に適っていますが、性質上曲/譜面の流れには絶望的に合いませんし、つまり、スライダーは1つの1/4パターンとして認識しているので極力低難易度では使いたくないです。
  3. 01:58:770 Change to slider - 曲はこの後ピアノが暴れているので、譜面はそこまで激しくなくても区切る必要があると思います。 - 上記同様。また、サビからピアノのパートまでシームレスに勢いを継続している印象なので、KIAI終わりで区切る程度で十分かなとも感じます。
[ Futsuu]
  1. 00:48:558 (166) move to 00:48:399 - 少々偶数にくどさを感じたのと、近くの配置との統一性を考えるとここは奇数の方が良いかなと思います。 - パターンの繋ぎ目として必要なfinisherなのでそのままにします。
[ Muzukashii]
  1. 00:06:590 (26,27) Ctrl+G - この場合電子音の位置は同じ色で揃えた方が良いように感じました。 - Editorの仕様上、場所がよくわかりませんでした;-;
  2. 02:28:131 - 減速で付点8分が来るのは視認性も考えると少々厳しいように感じます。
    現段階の構成をなるべく維持したまま視認性を向上させるとしたら、02:28:370 (715,716,719) 辺りを削除するのが自然かなと思います。 - moved 02:28:370 (715) - to 02:28:450 - instead. and make a different flow from 02:33:237 - .
[ Oni]
  1. 02:28:370 (940) Delete - Muzukashii同様減速で付点8分はかなり見づらいです。Oniではこの配置を消した方が見やすく、譜面の入り方も綺麗なのではないかなと思います。 - 確かに全体的に見辛いし減速を維持したままアレをこうしようとしている自分が少し可哀想ですが、曲の流れや緩急としては今のパターンが好きなのでそのままにしたいです。 現在のボーカル合わせのパターン自体は1、2番のサビで学習出来るレベルだと思うので大丈夫だと思います。
[ Inner Oni]
  1. 既に完成形だと思います。Perfect. - ゚+.(◕ฺ ω◕ฺ )゚+.
thanks for the mod! サプライズなmodありがとうございました!
Topic Starter
doublepost about the metadata.

i was using ChouchouP as the artist name but i have changed to CyoucyoP(inverted artist and tag.)
took ChouchouP from Ranked mapset because i wanted the consistency of the artist name with Ranked mapset. but i couldn't find the reliable proof that his name is ChouchouP.
so, i'm going to follow the official website and the official twitter. they are using cyoucyo in the domain name, twitter id.

also insert image which shows the artist and the song title, just in case.

when? :roll:
omg that Romanised Artist
/me shocked
Topic Starter

Zero__wind wrote:

omg that Romanised Artist
/me shocked
looks quite weird though :cry:
╭( ・ㅂ・)/
Let's get this going.
Kantan and Futsuu need some difficulty adjustment. I am personally okay with how they are, but in the bigger picture, they should have more standard difficulty curve. Some people will complain if you don't make them a little easier and that might lead to problems later, however I have some good ides on how to do this.
As usual, red things are unrankable.
Let's do this. ╭( ・ㅂ・)و

Did you consider a widescreen background?

  1. Make sure widescreen support is turned off in all diffs. If it stays on, the video will upscale and break.
  2. You should add a storyboard element to cover the top half of the video, so you avoid skin clashing. People who have their top slider bar disabled will see the video and flashing, and it will be very distracting.
    Try this:
    1. Use it as a SB element.
    2. In the .OSB use the following lines in the Background section:
  1. SV 1.0 recommended, 1.2 feels a little too fast.
  2. 00:00:000 - 00:12:175 - I recommend to use less 1/1 here, this is just an intro. The drums are very active, but it feels a bit strange to have 1/1 patterns representing them.
    For example:
    00:02:920 (5) - move to 00:04:197 -
    00:05:473 (10) - del
    00:08:026 (15) - move to 00:08:026 (15) -
    00:10:580 (20) - del -> this is highly recommended, since 00:11:537 (22,23) - create a different rhythm, so more rest is appropriate.
  3. 01:04:834 (9) - I recommend to delete, the rhythm change at 01:05:632 (11,12) - is easier to read and predict.
  4. 01:09:621 (20) - k?
  5. 01:53:344 (9) - same as 01:04:834 (9) -
  6. 01:58:131 (20) - k?
  7. 02:37:386 (11) - Probably better to remove, it might feel sudden since you were using really large breaks in this section.
  8. 02:41:854 (22) - This time, I am actually ok with this. :p
  9. 02:46:641 (33) - k?
  1. 01:02:760 (7) - You should probably remove this, save it for later for variety (next chorus). Introduce the base rhythm first in my opinion, doesn't have to be as hard currently.
  2. 01:05:313 (18) - ^
  3. 01:11:776 (46) - I strongly recommend to remove this. A rest moment will really make a difference here. Rhythm changes after long patterns should be avoided in lower diffs in my opinion.
  4. 01:21:749 - 01:31:962 - I actually think that following vocals only doesn't fit that well. The part after is okay since you are adding more notes on spots other instruments play, so I would suggest you remap this section a little, creating more beat oriented patterns.
  5. 02:02:599 (56,57,58,59,60,61) - I am not sure if following the piano is the right thing to do here, but it's alright. Consider changing it so a more stable rhythm is achieved (02:02:919 (58) - a rhythm which has this as a kat).
  6. 02:20:153 (117) - Should probably remove. The drumroll can be tiring, and having this so close after can be hard to play.
  7. 02:37:386 (20) - You should probably remove this. The scroll speed change is much better without this, should make it easier to read and play.
  8. 02:51:349 (78) - Remove imo. :)
  1. 00:11:218 (54) - Remove please. It makes it much better and a bit easier.
  2. 00:53:984 (264) - This is quite difficult to read in widescreen. The slowdown makes it appear right next to the finisher. Should avoid such overlaps for non Oni diffs. Might want to remove the slowdown entirely.
  3. 01:42:494 - Should just remove this slowdown, you already have a slower section and this one has less notes already.
  4. 02:03:876 (596,597,598,599,600) - Use ddkdk on 1/2 instead? Some variety.
  5. 02:20:791 (686) - Widescreen slowdown problem again.
  6. 02:28:450 (715) - ^ same
  1. Drain 5.5?
  2. 01:48:876 (661,662,663,664,665) - kkddd maybe? kkkdd feels out of place because it's an odd pattern and you didn't have any odd patterns in the map. Besides, the drums in the music would suggest kkddd as well. :3
  1. 01:54:302 (874) - kat strongly recommended for a more rich rhythm.
  2. 01:54:621 (878) - ^
  3. 02:08:982 (1027,1028,1029,1030,1031,1032,1033,1034,1035,1036,1037,1038,1039,1040,1041) - This part of the stream was hard to follow because I just couldn't find the appropriate music for it.
    Suggested change:
  4. 02:17:759 - I still recommend to have this mapped with a don. :)
  5. 02:19:514 (1132,1133,1134,1135,1136,1137) - [kkkd]dk -> [kddk]kd? I think it actually flows better and it makes a nicer end if you consider the drums (I know you focused mostly on piano, but I like it like this a little better)
Hopefully the end of the world is coming soon! ╭( ・ㅂ・)و
Topic Starter

lolcubes wrote:

╭( ・ㅂ・)/
Let's get this going.
Kantan and Futsuu need some difficulty adjustment. I am personally okay with how they are, but in the bigger picture, they should have more standard difficulty curve. Some people will complain if you don't make them a little easier and that might lead to problems later, however I have some good ides on how to do this.
As usual, red things are unrankable.
Let's do this. ╭( ・ㅂ・)و

Did you consider a widescreen background? - i'm using 4:3 BG intentionally because just i don't play in 16:9. BG and video were adjusted for 4:3.

  1. Make sure widescreen support is turned off in all diffs. If it stays on, the video will upscale and break. - ahh i didn't notice that widescreen support was checking. but i think that video never affected by widescreen support. Inner Oni didn't have widescreen support, and the video has been breaking already. this is the reason why i recommended to use 1024x768 when you play this. if i'm misunderstanding, slap me╭( ;ㅂ;)و
  2. You should add a storyboard element to cover the top half of the video, so you avoid skin clashing. People who have their top slider bar disabled will see the video and flashing, and it will be very distracting. - added bars.png and .osb file as you mentioned way, thanks a lot. will that be fine?
    Try this:
    1. Use it as a SB element.
    2. In the .OSB use the following lines in the Background section:
  1. SV 1.0 recommended, 1.2 feels a little too fast. - i thought SV1.0 is fine. but at the same time, i wanted to follow/respect the pace of the song. 1.2 is kinda fast but it's better way to respect the song. maybe some peoples recommend to set 1.4 because of new guideline. they're addicting to the latest trend. *rude*
  2. 00:00:000 - 00:12:175 - I recommend to use less 1/1 here, this is just an intro. The drums are very active, but it feels a bit strange to have 1/1 patterns representing them. - fixed as the following examples. that sounds not bad, rather nice.
    For example:
    00:02:920 (5) - move to 00:04:197 -
    00:05:473 (10) - del
    00:08:026 (15) - move to 00:08:026 (15) -
    00:10:580 (20) - del -> this is highly recommended, since 00:11:537 (22,23) - create a different rhythm, so more rest is appropriate.
  3. 01:04:834 (9) - I recommend to delete, the rhythm change at 01:05:632 (11,12) - is easier to read and predict. - removed. and 01:04:515 (8) - changed to kat. it works for variety.
  4. 01:09:621 (20) - k? - i don't know why but i can't explain. don sounds nicely. and it's working for the flow in 01:06:430 - ~ 01:11:536 -
  5. 01:53:344 (9) - same as 01:04:834 (9) - - and changed 01:53:025 (8) - to don as well.
  6. 01:58:131 (20) - k? - the same. i would like to keep this one.
  7. 02:37:386 (11) - Probably better to remove, it might feel sudden since you were using really large breaks in this section. - indeed, pattern was a bit excess.
  8. 02:41:854 (22) - This time, I am actually ok with this. :p - because of last kiai, right? :3
  9. 02:46:641 (33) - k? - the same.
  1. 01:02:760 (7) - You should probably remove this, save it for later for variety (next chorus). Introduce the base rhythm first in my opinion, doesn't have to be as hard currently. - it makes sense. fixed.
  2. 01:05:313 (18) - ^ - ^
  3. 01:11:776 (46) - I strongly recommend to remove this. A rest moment will really make a difference here. Rhythm changes after long patterns should be avoided in lower diffs in my opinion. - i was thinking for a bit long time lol well, i will try to remove this.
  4. 01:21:749 - 01:31:962 - I actually think that following vocals only doesn't fit that well. The part after is okay since you are adding more notes on spots other instruments play, so I would suggest you remap this section a little, creating more beat oriented patterns. - added and changed some. i hope that should be fine.
  5. 02:02:599 (56,57,58,59,60,61) - I am not sure if following the piano is the right thing to do here, but it's alright. Consider changing it so a more stable rhythm is achieved (02:02:919 (58) - a rhythm which has this as a kat). - followed the piano sound a bit, i think that the pattern is fine as pattern-oriented.
  6. 02:20:153 (117) - Should probably remove. The drumroll can be tiring, and having this so close after can be hard to play. - removed.
  7. 02:37:386 (20) - You should probably remove this. The scroll speed change is much better without this, should make it easier to read and play. - removed note and green section. it's also working for emphasizing kkkkd now.
  8. 02:51:349 (78) - Remove imo. :) - got it :)
  1. 00:11:218 (54) - Remove please. It makes it much better and a bit easier. - you're right, fixed.
  2. 00:53:984 (264) - This is quite difficult to read in widescreen. The slowdown makes it appear right next to the finisher. Should avoid such overlaps for non Oni diffs. Might want to remove the slowdown entirely. - oh i didn't notice. and it seems legit. fuck widescreen T^T
  3. 01:42:494 - Should just remove this slowdown, you already have a slower section and this one has less notes already. - call me baka, thanks. well, removed all slowdowns.
  4. 02:03:876 (596,597,598,599,600) - Use ddkdk on 1/2 instead? Some variety. - ddkkd and ddkkd were kinda bored indeed. fixed!
  5. 02:20:791 (686) - Widescreen slowdown problem again. - removed.
  6. 02:28:450 (715) - ^ same - readjusted. i want to leave this section.
  1. Drain 5.5? - maybe 6 is fine. there are no complex patten and rhythm as an Oni. it fits well for middle-player.
  2. 01:48:876 (661,662,663,664,665) - kkddd maybe? kkkdd feels out of place because it's an odd pattern and you didn't have any odd patterns in the map. Besides, the drums in the music would suggest kkddd as well. :3 - yes, and sounds better then kkkdd.
  1. 01:54:302 (874) - kat strongly recommended for a more rich rhythm.
  2. 01:54:621 (878) - ^ - fixed them. and 01:54:381 (875) - changed to don. plays/looks better than kkdkkdk.
  3. 02:08:982 (1027,1028,1029,1030,1031,1032,1033,1034,1035,1036,1037,1038,1039,1040,1041) - This part of the stream was hard to follow because I just couldn't find the appropriate music for it. - i just wanted to use dddd from back-beat. lol there is no reason for denying your suggestion.
    Suggested change:
  4. 02:17:759 - I still recommend to have this mapped with a don. :) - no please ;_; what you suggested pattern has kinda unbalanced break. i can move 02:17:520 (1111) - to 02:17:759 - instead. but if i do, as i said, single-tap player will beat 02:19:514 - with nondominannt hand. i will cry, i will ragequit. i will uninstall osu.
  5. 02:19:514 (1132,1133,1134,1135,1136,1137) - [kkkd]dk -> [kddk]kd? I think it actually flows better and it makes a nicer end if you consider the drums (I know you focused mostly on piano, but I like it like this a little better) - i prefer to use simple pattern for 1/6s. usually, i will do only for alone 1/6s.
Hopefully the end of the world is coming soon! ╭( ・ㅂ・)و
thanks a lot for taking your precious time for the map. i took many things from you. thank you again. :oops:
For some reason, there is no .osb file in the folder, so bars.png isn't getting on screen (and forces the video to upscale in widescreen resolutions). Might wanna check that again. (if the normal upload doesn't create it, you can delete 215476.osz2 from ..\osu!\Data\SubmissionCache and it will force a full upload)

ahh i didn't notice that widescreen support was checking. but i think that video never affected by widescreen support. Inner Oni didn't have widescreen support, and the video has been breaking already. this is the reason why i recommended to use 1024x768 when you play this. if i'm misunderstanding, slap me╭( ;ㅂ;)و
You are correct, but if you add a storyboard via .osb and bars.png, it will correct itself and add letterboxing in widescreen resolutions. ╭( ・ㅂ・)و

TKS wrote:

no please ;_; what you suggested pattern has kinda unbalanced break. i can move 02:17:520 (1111) - to 02:17:759 - instead. but if i do, as i said, single-tap player will beat 02:19:514 - with nondominannt hand. i will cry, i will ragequit. i will uninstall osu.
It's just a suggestion, I know you said already why you don't want it and I can understand the pain of the offhand beat streams ;_;

Everything else checks out, lets fix this and push it forward. ╭( ・ㅂ・)و
Topic Starter

lolcubes wrote:

You are correct, but if you add a storyboard via .osb and bars.png, it will correct itself and add letterboxing in widescreen resolutions. ╭( ・ㅂ・)و
confirmed and updated. i thought that adjusting the video in both 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratios was impossible. i can no longer thank you enough...
really, really thanks a lot. i love you. :oops:
There is just one more thing, the video offset seems to be going in the wrong direction. The correct video offset would be 29, not -29 (when applying video offset, it works just like local, so it's totally opposite of universal). You can easily check this in the 3/4 part, where the letters on the screen are too early with -29, but are just on time with 29 (same with the ending, looks just right with 29). I would probably recommend to round it down to 25 though.
Topic Starter
went with 25. i'm glad that you're taking care so much carefully!
╭( ・ㅂ・)و

To the clouds we go.

To BNs: The difficulty of each individual map is on the higher side, but that is what makes this set consistent, every diff is on the harder side with Inner being really difficult. Just a comment to avoid confusion with "this is too hard for this diff" stuff.
Topic Starter
finally. :)
Marked. I think I will recheck this tomorrow.
Topic Starter

Nardoxyribonucleic wrote:

Marked. I think I will recheck this tomorrow.
take your time, thanks in advance!
Beautiful map!
P o M u T a
Topic Starter
wtf but thank you

Kodora wrote:

Beautiful map!

Congrats anyway~ :3
Congrats!! :D
I should work in my standart ver.
おめでとうございます :)  gratz :)
Congrats! :)
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