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I'd say so, yes.

Hunters, try to dismiss a Palico that you don't use. The little cutscene made me double think my actions :<
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I usually tend to dismiss them immediately after completing a quest, so I've never seen it. I have a feeling I'll regret it, though...

Also, I saw you on earlier and tried to join, but your room was full =c
Ah, sorry D:

I was online for a little bit to try and get some HR Magala parts and went offline pretty much straight afterwards. I wanted to get blue sharpness on my Magala IG, as I was starting to fall off in damage on the Caravan hunts. If you're online at any point I'll try and join in :3

Critical Dude wrote:

Does anyone else feel that the two new weapons: Charge Blade and Insect Glaive are a little op when you get used to them? I'm pretty sure that I made Dalam and Akantor cry
Charge Blade is probably one of the strongest if not the strongest now, with those crazy bursts.

Azure_Kite wrote:

Hunters, try to dismiss a Palico that you don't use. The little cutscene made me double think my actions :<
Is it still the same one as in previous games? I ended up never dismissing any, I felt way too bad about it ;_;

Edit: DLCs are up, go to your house and talk to Housekeeper Palico.

Ciunek wrote:

Is it still the same one as in previous games? I ended up never dismissing any, I felt way too bad about it ;_;
Same theme, but different execution. It does that whole fade to black and spotlight thing, but the reactions for the felynes in both decisions (release or keep) is hilarious.
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Azure_Kite wrote:

Ah, sorry D:

I was online for a little bit to try and get some HR Magala parts and went offline pretty much straight afterwards. I wanted to get blue sharpness on my Magala IG, as I was starting to fall off in damage on the Caravan hunts. If you're online at any point I'll try and join in :3
I'm still (at the moment) HR5 and desperately wanting to reach HR6 so I can farm certain monsters more easily, so I guess if you're up for helping me with that, then... yeah :P

Anyway, LINK DLC IS OUT, GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGO! (Be warned that it's a 7 Star Quest (equivalent to G Rank) even despite the minimal requirement being HR4.)
Probably a little late to the party, but I just unlocked Wystones, so yay.

EDIT: Suck a giant ripe bag of frenzied Palico droppings, Frenzied Brachydios.
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Wait, whaaaaaaat... I already fought frenzied Brachydios but don't have Wystones yet...
Huh? You must do, or at least be able to equip one! Go to Dundorma and talk to the lady at the Wyceum. You get the ability to equip them after fighting the Caravan Stygian Zinogre mission.
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Azure_Kite wrote:

You get the ability to equip them after fighting the Caravan Stygian Zinogre mission.
...That's probably why I don't have those yet, lol.
I found Brute Tigrex harder than Stygian, which comes right after Tigrex :<

Maybe it's because I played a lot of Portable 3rd or something, but Tigrex is always much more of a PITA for me, lol. Brachydios' moveset just frustrates the heck out of me too, although I guess with more practice I could be less bad against it.
Rex family was usually one of easiest for me with greatsword. Molten Rex however... dear god that thing is like a illegitimate child of Tigrex and Teostra. If there's something I've always hated, it's Rath family, and they got buffed this gen too :(
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I honestly didn't have a problem with how they changed Brachy. But since this is my first time seeing Tigrex... well... let's just say I'm not looking forward to its subspecies...
I do find it interesting how everyone has their own "problematic" monsters; it just goes to show how diverse the game is and how it caters to multiple playstyles in different ways.
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Finally did the "Dissmiss Palico" thingy outside of a quest...

At first I was all ;~;
Then I went o.0
Finally I went ;~;

Did you Dismiss and then select "No"?

That one is much more lighthearted, lol.
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I chose "Yes" because I had to make room for the Bonus Palico...
You could avoid it in previous games by talking to NPCs managing your felynes, and here you're just forced to watch that heartbreak of a cutscene... screw you, capcom.
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EDIT: G Rank get!
Congratulations! I've been steadily playing my way through the Caravan Quests, up to the Najarala Cowardly Palico quest at the moment.

I just broke HR6, so I still have a little way to go before I reach G. I tried to join your game the other day too, but you were in-game and I didn't think to check the board to see how close to finishing you were :<
I'm playing MH3rdP on PSP :3

Hitorikko wrote:

I'm playing MH3rdP on PSP :3
To be honest, I feel as though MHP3rd was the best MH3 experience, but that's mainly because I played at least 600 hours of it. Also, no swimming, which was nice.
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Ugh... I really wanna play with you, Kite =c The HR7 Urgent is a somewhat decent fight, too.

Just a note for Guild:

- Low is HR 1-3
- High is 3-7
- G is 8+ AND at a different location

For Caravan, it's pretty lengthy now compared to MH3U:

- Low is 1-5
- High is 6-10
From what I understand, Caravan Quests 1-6 were all of the offline quests contained within Monster Hunter 4. 7 through 10 follow the extended story linking Dundorma with the Caravaneers.

I've been messing around with the bows again recently; made myself a nice Nargacuga Evasion +3 set (Because I'm testing things and such a skrub). I go to the Gathering Hall for the 6* quests and I think "eeeeeeh", although thankfully I don't have to do the Advanced quests. I might do some of them over the weekend and chip away at the Caravan Quests. :3
I got DESTROYED trying to solo *6 GH Quest on Arena without cheesing it (Dual Frenzy Jin)... I think I got them near death but damn, they cooperate too well.
Reached HR7, tried to fight Teostra with Nerscylla S blademaster gear.

I need more suitable armour.
Trying to solo HR7 with High Rank gear is pushing it to the limit already, lots of potions involved if you can't dodge properly. Game literally throws the most annoying crap at you, Metal Raths + Elders. With two people it's at least not suffering, with three it's pretty trivial.
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The "metal" Raths aren't even Key Quests, though I'll admit they have some decent armor.

Throughout like 95% of HR4-7 I've been using Ioprey/Iodrome's armor to get me by... Then the final Urgent-before-G-Rank Quest shows up. Granted, I could've just dodged/defended my way through the fight, still... I ended up getting S.Zinogre's armor and weapon (the monster in question is primarily weak against Dragon). The rest is now history :P

Ciunek wrote:

Trying to solo HR7 with High Rank gear is pushing it to the limit already, lots of potions involved if you can't dodge properly. Game literally throws the most annoying crap at you, Metal Raths + Elders. With two people it's at least not suffering, with three it's pretty trivial.
To be honest, in most cases I don't have too much issue dodging attacks; There are a few monsters that I have issues with (Brachydios, looking at you), but other than that, I'm fine. I hunted the Gathering Hall Silver Rathalos solo using a combination of IG polevaults and supermans :3

Now that I am reaching Elder dragons though, I'm thinking I might farm me some better gear. S. Zin gear sounds nice; I could gem in Sharpener and gem out the Rec Speed debuff, and get a boost to dodging and dragon damage which my IG makes use of.

Ended up playing a game with people ready for Dalamadur; Ended up having our gunner carted twice and ragequitting, and a Lancer that got careless being our third and final cart. We lasted a good 10-15 minutes after the gunner left though, so I felt like we did a solid effort; I'd say was very close to death. But you know.
Dalamadur took me bit over 30+ minutes solo, which is probably bit too long considering I main GS (I used upgraded Steve GS for that fight).. You can tell he's close to death when he stops switching positions. I carted on that fight as well, thanks to meteor RNG, those things love to aim at unexpected spots. Beam is literally Superman tutorial, no idea how people cart to that.
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Ciunek wrote:

You can tell he's close to death when he stops switching positions.
The only thing I noticed about him is that he destroys a part of the area after a certain point.
He does three things actually. Two of them are what we listed, last one is his chest area glowing really bright.
Also, I absolutely hate the camera during that fight, I have to adjust everytime manually during the last phase.

Ciunek wrote:

He does three things actually. Two of them are what we listed, last one is his chest area glowing really bright.

When it's glowing you'll take gradual heat based damage, like you're in the desert or volcano.
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About that
The "damage from the glow" thing is throughout the battle, at least from what I've seen.
Yeah, I never really noticed it too much when fighting it; In the meantime, I should probably go get my Stygian gear. I just bought a copy of Bravely Default extremely cheap, so I am a little distracted, lol. We need to play together, Blazevoir!
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Don't you still have my Skype? lol

Just bug me there when you're free.

EDIT: A friend showed me these. Pretty much sums up the games in a nutshell (there's more pages if you click at the top):

EDIT 2: I found this article very interesting:
Just beat Gogmazios yesterday and it was kinda disappointing for an end game boss.

Anyways, Blazevoir you might want to add a link to GaijinHunter's tumblr as there are many helpful advices and tips there, along with the possibility of him answering any question about MH you throw at him.

Also, I came up with a pretty decent GS build using Athena's ASS, thought I'd share it with you guys. All you need is a decent FastCharge charm (I have +5) and you're set !

Clicky me

Edit : Golden Rajang is such a pain, I'm eating dirt all day long and can't hit the damn thing for shit, it's too funny lmao

PyaKura wrote:

Just beat Gogmazios yesterday and it was kinda disappointing for an end game boss.
Meanwhile I'm still at G1 cause taking it easy and clearing everything with friends.
As for Greatsword, I'd like this, but damn getting that +7 OOO crit draw charm:

It's for Cera Cymmetry btw.

Also lol that Great Jaggi comic, I sure remember my noob days too...
Also just gonna dump those here

Everyone who played FU can probably relate to this:

Ciunek wrote:

PyaKura wrote:

Just beat Gogmazios yesterday and it was kinda disappointing for an end game boss.
Meanwhile I'm still at G1 cause taking it easy and clearing everything with friends.
As for Greatsword, I'd like this, but damn getting that +7 OOO crit draw charm:

It's for Cera Cymmetry btw.
I'm using Cera Cymmetry as well, good stuff. By the way, you don't want Critical Eye in any way if you go with CritDraw (which is 95% of the time what you want to go for unless you use the Shagaru GS). You won't have your weapon unsheated long enough to benefit from the following hits after your draw attack and trying to counterbalance the negative affinity is not worth it IMO (you still have 80% chance of dealing that crit on draw). I'd say drop Critical Eye and get Attack Up if possible, or read the following.

If you want to go for Punishing Draw you might want to look for Punishing Skill (in AASS, in game it's called Sheathe Control) which gives you Punishing Draw and Quick Sheathe (which is actually a lot more useful as it sounds as a GS user) in one skill. Punish Draw however is not absolutely necessary and from my experience it proved useful only when you're hunting with a HH/Hammer user to stun faster. You can't stun fast enough, and if you've successfully stunned a monster it either means you are actually very good to predict every move where it turns its head just in front of you OR that you could have dealt a lot more damage by actually hitting the monster with fully charged strikes.
True enough. I guess the only reason for Critical Eye would be those random times monster is down for longer time than it should be, but that's rather situational and probably not worth it. I forgot about Sheathe Control totally, lol, that's indeed a good skill to have. I'd want to put Earplugs somewhere too, but I guess there's just no space, unless I go with Rogue Sedition and drop S+1 completely, native purple and pretty absurd attack power with steve weapons gimmick. Too bad that's no Cera...
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