
Niira Etsuko - Imaginary Waltz [OsuMania]

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ruberusu's BN check

final check
no kudos please

Raccoon's MX
00:16:936 (16936|1) - change clap :arrow: whistle

00:20:111 (20111|3) - delete finish

00:21:170 (21170|2) - add clap

00:29:286 (29286|0) - add finish
00:38:460 (38460|0) - ^

00:42:518 (42518|1) - sorry, my mod miss… delete

00:55:397 (55397|3) - delete

01:02:807 (62807|3,62984|1) - add finish

01:10:217 (70217|1) - delete finish
01:24:155 (84155|2) - ^
01:27:154 (87154|2) - ^

01:33:153 (93153|0) - add whistle and finish

01:40:916 (100916|3) - add finish

01:45:503 (105503|2,105856|0,106209|1) - delete finish

02:13:555 (133555|1) - delete whistle

02:34:903 (154903|0) - delete finish

02:41:078 (161078|1) - add whistle

02:45:489 (165489|0) - add finish
02:53:957 (173957|3) - ^

03:09:483 (189483|2) - delete finish

03:14:070 (194070|2) - add finish

03:15:129 (195129|2,195129|1) - add whistle

03:18:305 (198305|3,198657|2,199010|3) - add finish

03:39:829 (219829|1) - delete finish

03:48:298 (228298|2) - add whistle

03:53:238 (233238|3) - add finish

Sirade's HD
00:19:406 (19406|3) - delete finish

00:29:286 (29286|0) - add finish
00:38:460 (38460|0) - ^
01:02:807 (62807|2,62984|2) - ^

01:10:217 (70217|0) - delete finish

01:24:155 (84155|0) - change finish :arrow: whistle

01:27:154 (87154|0) - delete finish

01:33:153 (93153|0) - add finish

01:37:740 (97740|3,97740|2) - delete finish

01:40:916 (100916|0) - add finish

01:41:974 (101974|3) - delete finish
01:45:856 (105856|2) - ^

01:45:856 (105856|3) - add whistle

01:46:209 (106209|1) - delete finish

01:49:737 (109737|0) - add finish

01:50:443 (110443|3) - delete finish
01:53:619 (113619|3,113619|0,113795|0,113795|3) - ^
01:54:324 (114324|0) - ^

01:54:677 (114677|1) - add finish

02:19:730 (139730|1) - delete finish
02:34:903 (154903|0) - ^

02:45:489 (165489|1) - add finish
02:53:957 (173957|3) - ^

03:15:129 (195129|1) - delete finish

03:18:305 (198305|2,198657|0,199010|0) - add finish

03:36:300 (216300|3) - ^

03:39:829 (219829|1) - delete finish

03:44:769 (224769|3) - add finish

03:48:298 (228298|1) - add whistle

03:53:238 (233238|0) - add finish

00:38:460 - add 1 and add whistle,finish

01:02:807 (62807|0,62984|1) - add finish

01:04:219 (64219|1) - move to 1

01:20:450 (80450|2) - add finish
01:33:153 (93153|1) - ^
01:40:916 (100916|2) - ^
01:54:677 (114677|1) - ^
02:45:489 (165489|2) - ^

02:48:665 (168665|1) - delete finish

03:32:066 (212066|3) - add finish
03:36:300 (216300|1) - ^
03:44:416 (224416|1,224769|2) - ^

03:50:768 (230768|2,230944|1) - move to 32 :arrow: 43

03:52:179 (232179|2) - add finish

03:58:178 - add 2 and add whistle, clap
03:58:530 - add 1 and add whistle

03:59:589 - 04:01:706 - mapping please (Like other diff)

00:13:054 (13054|3) - delete finish
00:14:113 (14113|2) - ^
00:15:171 (15171|1,15171|0) - ^
00:17:288 (17288|1,17288|3) - ^
00:18:347 (18347|0) - ^

00:19:406 (19406|0) - add finish
00:20:464 (20464|0) - ^

00:21:170 (21170|2) - add whistle

00:26:816 (26816|3) - delete finish

00:27:874 (27874|2) - change finish :arrow: whistle

00:28:933 (28933|3) - add whistle

00:38:460 (38460|2) - add finish

00:41:636 (41636|1) - add whistle

00:45:164 - add 1 and add whistle

00:46:223 - add 2 and add whistle

00:47:987 (47987|3) - change finish :arrow: clap
00:49:046 (49046|2) - ^
00:50:104 (50104|3) - ^
00:51:163 (51163|0) - ^
00:52:221 (52221|3) - ^

00:53:280 (53280|1,53633|1,53986|2) - delete finish
00:54:338 (54338|3,54691|1,55044|0) - ^

01:02:807 (62807|0,62984|1,63160|0) - add whistle
01:03:160 (63160|0) - delete finish

01:03:513 (63513|3,63866|3) - add whistle

01:04:924 (64924|2,64924|0) - change finish :arrow: whistle
01:05:983 (65983|1,65983|3) - ^
01:10:217 (70217|1) - ^

01:11:629 (71629|1) - add finish

01:15:863 - add 4 and add finish

01:19:921 (79921|0) - add finish
01:20:450 (80450|1,80803|0) - ^
01:23:979 (83979|1) - ^

01:27:154 (87154|1) - change finish :arrow: whistle

01:28:213 (88213|1,88566|3) - add finish

01:30:330 (90330|2) - change finish :arrow: whistle
01:32:094 (92094|0) - ^

01:54:677 (114677|2) - add finish

02:03:146 (123146|1) - change finish :arrow: whistle
02:05:263 (125263|3) - ^
02:07:380 (127380|3) - ^
02:08:439 (128439|0) - ^
02:09:497 (129497|0) - ^

02:09:850 (129850|1,130203|2) - delete whistle

02:10:556 (130556|0) - change finish :arrow: whistle

02:10:909 (130909|0,131262|1) - delete whistle

02:18:883 - delete finish

02:27:493 (147493|2,147846|1) - add finish
02:31:727 (151727|2,152080|1) - ^
02:40:196 (160196|2) - ^

02:41:255 (161255|1) - change finish :arrow: whistle
03:02:426 (182426|2) - ^
03:03:485 (183485|1) - ^

03:10:542 (190542|2) - add finish
03:15:129 (195129|1) - ^
03:18:305 (198305|1,198657|1) - ^

03:27:479 (207479|2) - move to 1 and change finish :arrow: whistle

03:39:829 (219829|0) - add finish
03:52:179 (232179|0,232532|2,232885|1) - ^
03:56:766 (236766|2) - ^
Topic Starter
Done Updated !
for NM
03:59:589 - ? Added
no kudos
View > Show Sample Name

hitsound : here

  • [EZ]
    02:19:024 (139024|3) - add finish
    02:23:259 (143259|0) - ^

    02:44:783 (164783|2) - move to 4

    03:01:015 -

    03:14:070 (194070|1) - add finish
    03:35:242 (215242|1,215595|3) - ^

    03:56:766 (236766|2) - move to 2

    04:01:706 (241706|1) - delete finish

    00:39:166 (39166|2) - move to 2

    01:05:806 - add 2 and add whistle

    01:05:983 (65983|1,66336|0) - Ctrl + J

    01:32:447 (92447|2) - move to 1
    01:33:153 (93153|1) - ^3

    01:53:619 (113619|3) - delete finish

    01:56:794 (116794|1) - delete

    02:00:852 - add 4 and add whistle

    02:10:203 (130203|3) - delete

    02:19:730 - add 4 and add whistle, finish

    02:20:259 (140259|1) - move to 4

    02:23:259 (143259|2) - add finish

    02:34:903 (154903|2) - deete finish

    02:40:020 (160020|1) - delete

    03:08:248 (188248|2,188425|2,188601|3) - move to 334 :arrow: 223

    03:14:070 (194070|2) - add finish
    03:18:305 (198305|2,198657|1,199010|0) - ^

    [Sirade's HD]
    00:43:753 (43753|2) - move to 4
    00:44:635 (44635|1) - ^3

    00:53:633 (53633|3,53986|3) - delete whistle
    00:54:691 (54691|3,55044|0) - ^
    00:55:574 (55574|1,55926|1,56279|1) - ^
    00:56:632 (56632|3,56985|3,57338|3) - ^
    00:57:691 (57691|1,58044|1,58396|1) - ^
    00:58:749 (58749|3,59102|3,59455|3) - ^
    00:59:808 (59808|1,60161|1,60514|1) - ^
    01:00:866 (60866|2,61219|2,61572|2) - ^
    01:01:925 (61925|3,62101|0,62278|3,62454|0,62631|3) - ^

    01:50:443 (110443|3) - delete finish

    02:00:852 (120852|0) - move to 2

    02:09:850 (129850|3,130203|3) - delete whistle
    02:10:909 (130909|3,131262|3) - ^
    02:11:791 (131791|1,132144|2,132497|3) - ^
    02:12:849 (132849|3,133202|1,133555|2) - ^
    02:13:908 (133908|0,134261|2,134614|1) - ^
    02:14:967 (134967|2,135319|3,135672|2) - ^
    02:16:025 (136025|1,136378|2,136731|0) - ^
    02:17:084 (137084|2,137437|1,137789|0) - ^
    02:18:142 (138142|1,138319|3,138495|0,138672|1,138848|3) - ^

    02:23:259 (143259|0) - add finish

    02:40:372 (160372|1) - add whistle

    03:14:070 (194070|0) - add finish

    03:31:184 (211184|3) - delete finish
    03:48:121 (228121|0) - ^

    [Raccoon's MX]
    00:07:938 - add 2 and add whistle
    00:11:113 - add 3 and add whistle

    00:39:518 (39518|3) - delete

    01:49:737 (109737|0) - add finish
    02:23:259 (143259|3) - ^

    02:40:372 (160372|2) - add whistle
    03:02:073 (182073|2) - ^

    03:31:184 (211184|0) - delete finish
    03:48:121 (228121|1) - ^

    03:52:532 (232532|3,232885|3) - add whistle
Topic Starter
done updated!
whoah 8-)
sorry, hitsound name change…

soft-hitclap1.wav :arrow: soft-hitclap.wav
soft-hitfinish1.wav :arrow: soft-hitfinish.wav
soft-hitnormal1.wav :arrow: soft-hitnormal.wav
soft-hitwhistle1.wav :arrow: soft-hitwhistle.wav

I was misunderstanding ><
Topic Starter
no problem, its done!
I think I no problem

2015-03-07 12:30 RuberusuScarlet: ACTION is editing [ Niira Etsuko - Imaginary Waltz [EZ]]
2015-03-07 12:31 RuberusuScarlet: 00:37:401 (37401|0) - change whistle
2015-03-07 12:31 -Troke-: hmm?
2015-03-07 12:32 -Troke-: done
2015-03-07 12:32 RuberusuScarlet: 01:11:629 - add 4?
2015-03-07 12:33 -Troke-: okay added
2015-03-07 12:33 -Troke-: whistle?
2015-03-07 12:33 RuberusuScarlet: yes
2015-03-07 12:33 -Troke-: done
2015-03-07 12:34 RuberusuScarlet: 02:03:146 (123146|1) - change clap
2015-03-07 12:35 -Troke-: done
2015-03-07 12:35 RuberusuScarlet: 02:05:263 (125263|3) -
2015-03-07 12:35 RuberusuScarlet: ^
2015-03-07 12:35 RuberusuScarlet: 02:07:380 (127380|3) - ^
2015-03-07 12:35 RuberusuScarlet: 02:08:439 (128439|3) - ^
2015-03-07 12:35 RuberusuScarlet: 02:09:497 (129497|3) - ^
2015-03-07 12:35 -Troke-: i agree ?
2015-03-07 12:36 -Troke-: change to clap?
2015-03-07 12:36 RuberusuScarlet: 02:10:556 (130556|3) - ^
2015-03-07 12:36 RuberusuScarlet: yes]
2015-03-07 12:37 -Troke-: okay done
2015-03-07 12:38 RuberusuScarlet: 04:00:824 (240824|2) - add finish
2015-03-07 12:38 -Troke-: donee
2015-03-07 12:39 RuberusuScarlet: EZ : ok
2015-03-07 12:39 RuberusuScarlet: next … NM
2015-03-07 12:39 -Troke-: okey
2015-03-07 12:40 RuberusuScarlet: 00:07:408 - ?
2015-03-07 12:41 -Troke-: okay wait
2015-03-07 12:42 -Troke-: done
2015-03-07 12:42 RuberusuScarlet: 00:23:463 (23463|1) - move to 1
2015-03-07 12:43 -Troke-: next
2015-03-07 12:44 RuberusuScarlet: 01:41:621 - add 2 ?
2015-03-07 12:45 -Troke-: whistle?
2015-03-07 12:45 RuberusuScarlet: yes
2015-03-07 12:45 -Troke-: done
2015-03-07 12:47 RuberusuScarlet: NM : ok
2015-03-07 12:48 -Troke-: next HD ??
2015-03-07 12:48 RuberusuScarlet: yes
2015-03-07 12:48 -Troke-: ok
2015-03-07 12:49 RuberusuScarlet: 01:08:100 (68100|1) - delete finish
2015-03-07 12:50 -Troke-: done
2015-03-07 12:53 RuberusuScarlet: HD : ok
2015-03-07 12:54 -Troke-: MX !!
2015-03-07 12:55 RuberusuScarlet: 00:59:279 (59279|3) - delete
2015-03-07 12:55 -Troke-: done
2015-03-07 12:56 RuberusuScarlet: 02:15:496 (135496|3) - delete
2015-03-07 12:57 -Troke-: done
2015-03-07 12:57 RuberusuScarlet: 02:19:024 (139024|3) - delete finish
2015-03-07 12:57 -Troke-: done
2015-03-07 12:58 RuberusuScarlet: 02:42:313 (162313|3) - add clap?
2015-03-07 12:59 -Troke-: added
2015-03-07 12:59 RuberusuScarlet: MX :
2015-03-07 12:59 RuberusuScarlet: ok
2015-03-07 12:59 RuberusuScarlet: update please
2015-03-07 12:59 -Troke-: oke updating..
2015-03-07 13:00 -Troke-: updated!!
Topic Starter
Waaaa Thank You RuberusuScarlet >.<
Topic Starter
whoah nice 8-)
grats troke! first bubbled map owo
Topic Starter

Kyousuke- wrote:

grats troke! first bubbled map owo
thanks Kyousuke- :)
woohh hype~ di tunggu ranked nya
Topic Starter

Pharos21 wrote:

woohh hype~ di tunggu ranked nya

《Bubble popped》

Sorry you guys, I must pop this bubble for the reason of metadata's issue on the basis of the fact that there is no relevance to the "Umineko no Naku Koro ni", this song is actually fanwork which is contained to the CD of "Nakanai Kimi to Nageki no Gensou" as one of derivative creations.

Therefore, the current source is not preferable, and also violating the ranking criteria.

Ranking Criteria wrote:

Only use the Source field if the song comes from or was made famous by a video game, movie, or series. Website names are not an acceptable Artist nor Source.
  1. Remove "うみねこのなく頃に" from the source space.
Discussion via IRC
2015-03-07 15:41 REDYUMiKA: まだ確証はないですが、これって本当に出所がうみねこのなく頃にからです?
2015-03-07 15:42 REDYUMiKA: なかない君と嘆きの幻想っていうのはゲームかな?の名前のようですが
2015-03-07 15:42 RuberusuScarlet: なかない君と嘆きの幻想はCDの
2015-03-07 15:42 REDYUMiKA: これは二次創作作品ということで、いくつか記事を見つけてるのね
2015-03-07 15:42 RuberusuScarlet: シリーズ名です
2015-03-07 15:43 RuberusuScarlet: あー…
2015-03-07 15:43 REDYUMiKA: CDというと、
2015-03-07 15:43 REDYUMiKA: ミュージックCDのような感じ?
2015-03-07 15:44 RuberusuScarlet: うみねこのなく頃に」を基としたオリジナルムービーや楽曲を収録したイメージCD「なかない君と嘆きの幻想」から2曲目に収録されているimaginary waltzです。
2015-03-07 15:44 RuberusuScarlet: 正確にはソースじゃない…ですね
2015-03-07 15:44 REDYUMiKA: その文言ですと、必ずしもソースには使えないです
2015-03-07 15:44 RuberusuScarlet: 「うみねこのなく頃に」の二次創作作品である。ともありますね
2015-03-07 15:44 REDYUMiKA: その正確な例文ってどこかにありました?
2015-03-07 15:45 RuberusuScarlet:
2015-03-07 15:45 REDYUMiKA: あら、ニコニコなんだ(A´▽`;)
2015-03-07 15:45 RuberusuScarlet: およびニコニコの大百科に二次創作であるってありました
2015-03-07 15:45 REDYUMiKA: ここだとちょっと正確性に欠けるから、もうちょっと信頼性のある記事がないかな。
2015-03-07 15:46 RuberusuScarlet: うむむ…
2015-03-07 15:46 REDYUMiKA: 少し探してみますね、今の段階はまだ譜面に何もしないほうが良いです。
2015-03-07 15:46 RuberusuScarlet: 了解です。こっちでも探してみるですー
2015-03-07 16:02 REDYUMiKA: ほとんど見つかりませんが・・
2015-03-07 16:02 REDYUMiKA:
2015-03-07 16:02 REDYUMiKA: ここくらいでしょうか
2015-03-07 16:03 REDYUMiKA: 公式的なウェブサイトがあってくれればよいのですが、COSMIC COMIC , RIFF*RAFF and ALTERNAITのウェブはないみたいですね
2015-03-07 16:05 RuberusuScarlet: 作成中断があってもうホームページとか消えてるみたいですねー
2015-03-07 16:07 REDYUMiKA: そうみたいね(A´▽`;)
2015-03-07 16:07 RuberusuScarlet: たった今大百科のコメ見て知りましたw
2015-03-07 16:07 REDYUMiKA: 一先ずこのままのSourceではQualifyできないので、すみませんが一度Bubble popしますね。
2015-03-07 16:07 RuberusuScarlet: はいー
2015-03-07 16:08 REDYUMiKA: 変更された後にbubbleすれば問題ないので、今度からそのあたりも確認していきましょう
Topic Starter
no source?

-Troke- wrote:

no source?
Yes, the tag space have already been described the name regarding it.
I will come back here to qualify your chart after you fix this issue and ruberusu bubble again. :oops:
Topic Starter
okay updated, and wait Ruberusu.. :)
Topic Starter
/call REDYUMiKA :D

《Some Moddings》

[Raccoon's MX]
There are some minor patterns in this difficulty, Please notice that all of my suggestion have been described on the basis of the result that I assume this chart is relaxable one.

02:23:523 (143523|1) - & 03:55:619 (235619|0) -

First, there is the fact that this note has been set on the line where the sound is obscurely ringing, but sometimes the sudden changes - like this case, the presence of a few 1/4 notes in the entire stream - will be flaw in playing while the song continue beating the constant rhythm, especially in the genre of such a song which keep a simple rhythm.

As I mentioned above, I have recognized that the entire pattern is within the range of relaxable chart from the viewpoint of the specification of this song, and the relative difficulty. Therefore the kinda weird notes gave me a curiousity.

You can also choose the way of keeping the current pattern though, I would recommend that you take the way of removing these notes for the sake of rhythm consistence to let player fun without happening any confusions. Eventually, the decision whether you take a consistence or not, is up to you.

  1. 02:23:523 (143523|1) - remove
  2. 03:55:619 (235619|0) - remove
    03:55:708 (235708|3) - move to 1 for the hand balance.

Already bubbled... I didn't notice that :? Please ignore them.
Topic Starter
Actually, that pop is unnecessary since it's only little metadata thing. The owner can just update it and ask to re-bubble by the first bubbler.


  • This chart have overcame some troubles so as to deserve a qualification.
    I confirmed all the contents are contained within the range of the ranking criteria, congrats.
Awesome but it is pending yet D:
Topic Starter
Waaa really thanks REDYUMiKA <3
Ciyus Miapah
yeah!!! congratz!!
Topic Starter

Fort wrote:

yeah!!! congratz!!
thanks Fort <33
wocao first rank!!
grats terok xDD

b-but why still in pending state?
idih... gratz ^.^ (ahh.. late notice again TT^TT)
Ciyus Miapah
lah troke ini knp pending map kek gini??
probably the qualified map slot has reached, so maybe we must waiting one of the qualified maps to ranked state...
Topic Starter
i think problem on system
Under confirmation regarding this problem.
Topic Starter
okay.. i will waiting to fix this problem :)
what?, did you click this?
Topic Starter
Done, Here we go. :oops:
Topic Starter
thanks REDYUMiKA <3 :D
yeah finally grats for you :D
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