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No! But that is amazing.
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I just love how I can get tails now just from capturing.

EDIT: Note to self: don't place a Barrel Bomb L+ when one of your Palicoes is in mid-attack...

EDIT 2: Still can't really find a monster that tops this one for me
(via in-game screenshot)

Zinogre is life~ Zinogre is love~
Zinogre is my fav since the moment I fought him in p3rd first time, he's even more fun here. Never had problems with his (or about anything's) tails since it's basically my main job as GS. Also lol at that hunter tennis, it'll be fun launching people in the air or possibly on monsters' backs.
Also unlocked 8* now, finally got my first white sharpness too, so far blue was good enough though. Now I have to upgrade more swords, possibly elementals and focus on clearing everything.
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Seriously though, do you play nonstop?!
I think I clocked 40+ hours by now so yeah, I suppose so :P Got nothing much to do either way and quests take between 10 and 20 minutes most of time.
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I don't even have 30... lol.

Anyway, we all need to play together at one point. I know it's still kinda early to ask this, so maybe in like one more week or so?
One week sounds pretty good, but I might not have anything good unlocked in online mode. I'd be hunting online already if my friend had his new 3ds/game... for some reason shipping stuff to Panama takes forever, ETA for that is around one week as well.
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So I just beat Tigrex... I feel sorry for any newcomers who haven't gotten used to the mechanics yet.
I know I'm not exactly a newcomer, but as long as you're prepared (it's a pseudo urgent quest, why wouldn't you be) you're not going to really run into any hassles. I like that the first Tigrex you take out (storyline-wise) is made to be one of the "harder" ones.

I say "harder" because I feel as if the frenzy virus is more a veiled buff than anything to be particularly concerned about. If you're doing your job as a hunter (dealing damage) you should never need to worry about the frenzy virus because it will be converted to the buff before you get anywhere near the debuff state. The fact that Nulberries reduce the Viral gauge by about 50% also helps ensure you are in the clear.

Which is probably why he was made to be viral in the first place.
For some reason few Frienzed monsters feel easier than regular ones. Khezu was giving me way more breathing space for example. Also pretty much what Azure said, if you can play well and score enough hits you get nice affinity (crit chance) buff.
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Just now finished the final egg quest... Never again (unless it's also an online one)...
Critical Dude
Sorry for my inactivity but, this game...
So much time put into it from the day it came out >_<

I'm already on G-Rank 1
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I would've been that far if drop rates weren't so discouraging...
Desire Sensor at its finest... I've played bit online, but only unlocked HR3 with some people I know - for now. I really need to craft a better set, probably going to mix some armors for Sharpness+1 and Focus for now, 9* Village hurts a bit and I need my faster charging times.
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So... turns out there's one more Egg Delivery Quest at 10*, and it unlocks Fatty urgent
Easy as hell though, both of those.
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Whoops, forgot to post about this:

Also, playing with randoms is a very bad idea when you're trying to do your Urgent ._.
God, randoms in this game are just...
Joined in for some random HR4 Urgent room (Pink Ian), helped them, nobody carted and I got a ruby out of carves. Next one posts his, people triplecart from ONE fireball blast, what the hell. I reached HR6 with friends, I think I'm just going to idle on #videogames if anything if you ever want to try few rounds with me. Maining GS and learning Hammer, not that great with either but at least not random tier.

Also I just checked the info in OP post. Charm tables are now reset everytime you load up the game from main menu, you're not locked at chara creation like in 3U (thank god). I still didn't get any good, I want to get to G-rank so I can actually farm those ;_;

People on 4chan's /mhg/ were posting few sets and methods for charm farming
1) Charm God, Gathering+1
>2 Slot weapon (2 Gathering gems)
>Torso up
>3 slot torso (3 Charmer gems)
>Derring Vambraces S (1 Gathering gem)
>Torso Up
>Torso Up
>+8 Charmer talisman

3 slot weapon
Skull Visage (or anything with Torso Up)
Chakra Necklace (or anything with 3 slots)
Leather Vambraces S
Lagiacrus Faulds X (or anything with 3 slots)
Tetsucabra Greaves X (or anything with Torso Up)
Charmer +7 2-slot charm

Gathering Jewel x6
Charmer Jewel x5 (enjoy farming the Rath Gleams by the way)

Gathering God
Charm Chaser

Charm Chaser being so hard to get due to needing charm and farming those silver/gold faggots, you can instead go for Iron Belt and Speed Gathering if you want.

Now for the quest:
>Eat Drink + Fish for Felyne Explorer
>Pick 10* Caravan Quest titled Puffer Fish
>Start quest, mine and gather everything in the secret area
>Jump down and climb to Area 3
>Kill the 3 Zamites
>Go up the hill and mine whatever's there
>By the time you're done mining them, 2 more Zamites spawned, kill them
>End via subquest
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Ah, yeah... I remember reading about the Charm Tables thing but forgot to post about it. Anyway, added to OP.

(I'm getting really forgetful lately... :o)
Solo'd through HR7 Urgents yesterday (if you can count bringing cats as solo, I don't feel too safe without them at elder dragons yet)... Dalamahurrdurr took only about forever to kill, but holy crap I actually made it, the fight isn't even that hard, but it will kill people without proper armors. And then after that it's Ukanlos, but I knew how to fight him so that was way easier.
I just reached HR5 myself; I'm still using a Green-sharpness IG. Once I can get Gore Magala's parts I'll be able to upgrade again.

I've also been considering using a Seregios bow, because ranged Seregios mechanics look somewhat useful.
Whoever is All Terrain Venomoth, highlight me on #videogames if you ever join my Hall again, I was in middle of doing Dalamandur with a friend and saw you enter.
Critical Dude
Does anyone else feel that the two new weapons: Charge Blade and Insect Glaive are a little op when you get used to them?

I'm pretty sure that I made Dalam and Akantor cry
I'd say so, yes.

Hunters, try to dismiss a Palico that you don't use. The little cutscene made me double think my actions :<
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I usually tend to dismiss them immediately after completing a quest, so I've never seen it. I have a feeling I'll regret it, though...

Also, I saw you on earlier and tried to join, but your room was full =c
Ah, sorry D:

I was online for a little bit to try and get some HR Magala parts and went offline pretty much straight afterwards. I wanted to get blue sharpness on my Magala IG, as I was starting to fall off in damage on the Caravan hunts. If you're online at any point I'll try and join in :3

Critical Dude wrote:

Does anyone else feel that the two new weapons: Charge Blade and Insect Glaive are a little op when you get used to them? I'm pretty sure that I made Dalam and Akantor cry
Charge Blade is probably one of the strongest if not the strongest now, with those crazy bursts.

Azure_Kite wrote:

Hunters, try to dismiss a Palico that you don't use. The little cutscene made me double think my actions :<
Is it still the same one as in previous games? I ended up never dismissing any, I felt way too bad about it ;_;

Edit: DLCs are up, go to your house and talk to Housekeeper Palico.

Ciunek wrote:

Is it still the same one as in previous games? I ended up never dismissing any, I felt way too bad about it ;_;
Same theme, but different execution. It does that whole fade to black and spotlight thing, but the reactions for the felynes in both decisions (release or keep) is hilarious.
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Azure_Kite wrote:

Ah, sorry D:

I was online for a little bit to try and get some HR Magala parts and went offline pretty much straight afterwards. I wanted to get blue sharpness on my Magala IG, as I was starting to fall off in damage on the Caravan hunts. If you're online at any point I'll try and join in :3
I'm still (at the moment) HR5 and desperately wanting to reach HR6 so I can farm certain monsters more easily, so I guess if you're up for helping me with that, then... yeah :P

Anyway, LINK DLC IS OUT, GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGO! (Be warned that it's a 7 Star Quest (equivalent to G Rank) even despite the minimal requirement being HR4.)
Probably a little late to the party, but I just unlocked Wystones, so yay.

EDIT: Suck a giant ripe bag of frenzied Palico droppings, Frenzied Brachydios.
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Wait, whaaaaaaat... I already fought frenzied Brachydios but don't have Wystones yet...
Huh? You must do, or at least be able to equip one! Go to Dundorma and talk to the lady at the Wyceum. You get the ability to equip them after fighting the Caravan Stygian Zinogre mission.
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Azure_Kite wrote:

You get the ability to equip them after fighting the Caravan Stygian Zinogre mission.
...That's probably why I don't have those yet, lol.
I found Brute Tigrex harder than Stygian, which comes right after Tigrex :<

Maybe it's because I played a lot of Portable 3rd or something, but Tigrex is always much more of a PITA for me, lol. Brachydios' moveset just frustrates the heck out of me too, although I guess with more practice I could be less bad against it.
Rex family was usually one of easiest for me with greatsword. Molten Rex however... dear god that thing is like a illegitimate child of Tigrex and Teostra. If there's something I've always hated, it's Rath family, and they got buffed this gen too :(
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I honestly didn't have a problem with how they changed Brachy. But since this is my first time seeing Tigrex... well... let's just say I'm not looking forward to its subspecies...
I do find it interesting how everyone has their own "problematic" monsters; it just goes to show how diverse the game is and how it caters to multiple playstyles in different ways.
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Finally did the "Dissmiss Palico" thingy outside of a quest...

At first I was all ;~;
Then I went o.0
Finally I went ;~;

Did you Dismiss and then select "No"?

That one is much more lighthearted, lol.
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I chose "Yes" because I had to make room for the Bonus Palico...
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