
Double time

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Try it, the answer will be obvious and you'll feel stupid for even asking =P
E m i
if you are playing nomod maps up to 3.9 stars, then play dt maps up to 3.9 stars, of course after dt. it's pretty logical.
also nothing will damage your accuracy, but spamming a bpm you're forced to mash on will probably not improve it.
Green Platinum
The issue I have with DT is it encourages you to stick to simpler patterns for longer whitch may disrupt your reading skills but nothing that can't be overcome with practice.
Topic Starter
I get really frustrated when doing dt, I go from a 94% to a 70% or lower :o
How can you improve reading faster?

Green Platinum wrote:

The issue I have with DT is it encourages you to stick to simpler patterns for longer whitch may disrupt your reading skills but nothing that can't be overcome with practice.
i never understood this argument, because slower bpm maps can have just as "complex" patterns as higher bpm no mod maps

it's like everyone thinks dt is some generic 1x ds straight line pp farming dot clicking
[ yogurt ]

Faustuz wrote:

How can you improve reading faster?
You already know the answer. Play more.

buny wrote:

i never understood this argument, because slower bpm maps can have just as "complex" patterns as higher bpm no mod maps

it's like everyone thinks dt is some generic 1x ds straight line pp farming dot clicking
I think what he means is the patterns of a beatmap according to star ratings increased by DT mod are not as hard as no mod same rating. Sad thing is DT is more rewarding than a no-mod map when equal the the star rating so people tend to just farm that and forget about the more complex fked up patterns so won't play no mod much at similar star rating.

I can play songs around the 3.6 - 3.8 rating that double time boosted a song to around 5 star more or less and I tend to find the patterns the "Majority" of the time pretty straight forward because there isn't alot of awkward overlaps and stacking, they don't appear much unlike maps over 4 stars.

Experienced players like you can do DT on higher star ratings where the pattern is more complex and award very high PP where alot of us are stuck on the fundamentals of AR lower then 8 and under 4 star maps.

buny wrote:

i never understood this argument, because slower bpm maps can have just as "complex" patterns as higher bpm no mod maps

it's like everyone thinks dt is some generic 1x ds straight line pp farming dot clicking
It's relative.

The patterns on hards and low insanes (which are the DT maps most people play) just happen to be significantly simpler than the beatmaps 1.5 stars above. Since people often tend to make these comparisons between maps of the same pp values, not star difficulty, the difference in star rating might be even greater than that.

On the topic:

I'd suggest learning to play AR9 properly (by properly I mean enough to play 5-5.5* insanes and to be able to FC some 4.5-5* maps) before rushing to AR8+DT. If you absolutely have to, though, my advice would be "play more".
pp at that level is like, only 150ish though which is not much if you're planning to get in the thousands

i see your point though, but i think that is the only phase where dt is overweighted because of the limited patterns hard diffs are allowed. And playing like that gets you only so far
OP could just work his way up to nomod 5 star+ fc's then go back and DT some crappy 4.0 star song rather than the other way around.

buny wrote:

pp at that level is like, only 150ish though which is not much if you're planning to get in the thousands
What is thousands? 1,999? 9,999?
Why not just play what's fun and not worry about whether it makes you better or worse?
I just think you should not bother with double time yet. Seeing your profile I see you have almost no Insane difficulty in your best performances. I think you should improve to get to the insane level.
Also you are still playing AR6-8, not even AR9, and AR7+DT is AR9, AR8+DT is 9.6 and that might be far to fast for you for now. You'd better train AR9 by playing no-mod AR9 insanes before bothering with DT.
I don't know why you want to play DT but you won't need it to improve to an acceptable level (You can do 160-190ish pp scores without using DT, you are still very far from that).
Unless you just want to have fun but then doing maps at 50% accuracy because it's far to fast is not funny I think (at least it's not for me)

That's what I think at least but that may be wrong as I absolutely hate DT as DT 5ish stars maps seems far harder than no-mod 5ish stars maps to me despite many players saying that DT is easy pp... (Can't read fast thing correctly and AR9.6 is just too high)
Vuelo Eluko
a map that becomes 5 stars with dt is roughly as hard as a 4.5 star modless map for me to FC
definitely easier, but funner imo too because of the higher bpm [190-230]

Riince wrote:

a map that becomes 5 stars with dt is roughly as hard as a 4.5 star modless map for me to FC
definitely easier, but funner imo too because of the higher bpm [190-230]
Have you tried higher bpm 5 star songs?
Vuelo Eluko
generally high bpm modless maps aren't around 5.00 stars
5 star = 5.00-5.99

You can just hover around 5.3 even.

Riince wrote:

generally high bpm modless maps aren't around 5.00 stars
Freedom Dive :^)

Kwonaiden wrote:

Have fun!
not this shit again please
Vuelo Eluko

Kwonaiden wrote:

Have fun!
how is that high bpm, its barely in alternating range
You have to be like me and singletap everything but triples and streams.
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