
Junichi Masuda - Battle! Champion [OsuMania]

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Danke für den Mod, war sehr Hilfreich ^^

Feerum wrote:

Hallo Kagu-chan

Mod in German, geht hoffentlich in Ordnung.
Requestet via Forum PM

Column: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

4k EZ

Von 00:50:006 - bis 00:59:632 - mein vorschlag anstatt über ganze 9 Sekunden nen 1/2 beat Stream vlt 1-2 mal nen Burst einbauen? Fixed
Macht es ein wenig spannender zu spielen. Auch EZ soll spass machen.
01:13:268 - Add Fixed
01:14:231 - Add Sehr deutliche töne, nimm diese 2 auf jedenfall mit!
Fixed (War ein Fehler von mir)

4k NM

00:29:151 (29151|3,29151|0) - sollten hier enden: 00:29:953 - Hör genau hin im 25% Speed. Baue dann noch eine kurze LN für die lücke ein. Fixed (Fehler von mir)
00:51:771 - Add? Fixed
00:52:092 - ^ Fixed
00:54:338 - ^ Fixed
00:54:659 - ^ Fixed
00:56:905 - ^ Fixed
00:57:226 - ^ Fixed
00:59:472 - ^ Fixed
00:59:793 - ^ Fixed
01:01:236 - Diese Jacks hier passen nicht da die Töne nicht gleich sind, mein vorschlag: Fixed
01:02:680 (62680|2) - move auf 1 Fixed
01:03:643 - Jacks unnötig da nicht gleicher Ton vorschlag: 01:03:803 (63803|1) - auf 3, da würd es besser passen. Fixed
01:06:370 (66370|1,66531|0) - beide auf 3 Fixed
01:08:937 (68937|2,69097|3) - gleicher Ton, hier würd ein Jack gut kommen Fixed

4k HD

00:24:017 (24017|0,24178|0) - Nicht als Jack bitte Fixed
00:26:584 (26584|0,26744|0) - ^ Fixed
00:29:151 (29151|3,29151|1) - LN's sollten hier enden: 00:29:953 - Hör genau hin im 25% Speed Fixed (Fehler von mir)
00:37:333 (37333|2) - Kann nicht genau hören zu welchem Ton diese LN gehören soll? Fals das sowas wie ein "lückenfüller" sein soll passt das nicht so gut, lieber normale Note. Fals du jedoch nen Ton hörst igoriere diesen vorschlag. Fast die selbe Melodie mit relativ hoher Frequenz im BG
00:49:525 (49525|2,49605|2,49686|2) - Ganz sicher? 3er Jack während 2 LN's mit nem Abschluss 2er Chord kommt mir schwer vor für ne HD. Fixed
Zu dem LN Part möchte ich noch sagen. Die einzelnen Noten kommen mir sehr Random vor, in dem Song kommen mehrere Arten von Drum vor, hab ich schon gehört jedoch ist es echt schwer zu spielen sie abwechselnt zu Mappen das kommt sehr Random rüber. Der LN-Part ist der selbe wie in MX mit den Stairs, wo ich diese Thrills hatte, nur das ich die LN hier über die Stairs hinaus gemappt habe, da es noch passt und so nicht zu schwer wird.
00:51:771 - Add Fixed
00:52:092 - Add Fixed
00:54:338 - ^ Fixed
00:54:659 - ^ Fixed
00:56:905 - ^ Fixed
00:57:226 - ^ Fixed
00:59:472 - ^ Fixed
00:59:793 - ^ Fixed
00:59:953 - Mach die gleich zu den vorherigen???
01:02:039 - Add (optional)Nope ^^
01:02:359 - Add bei 2 (Optional)Nope ^^
01:04:605 - Add (Optional)Nope ^^
01:04:926 - Add (Optional)Nope ^^
01:07:172 - Add (Optional)Nope ^^
01:07:493 - Add (Optional)Nope ^^
01:07:814 (67814|2,67974|2,68135|2) - Verschiedene Tonlagen, Jack passt hier nicht. Fixed
01:09:739 - Add (Optional)Nope ^^
01:10:060 - Add bei 1 (Optional)Nope ^^
01:11:504 (71504|3) - Move auf 1 Fixed
01:11:664 (71664|1) - Move auf 2 (Mach nen Stair Sound) Fixed, THX
01:14:151 - Add 3 oder 4 Fixed
01:18:081 - bis 01:20:488 - ich hör nich wirklich einen Stream sound raus. Versuch es mal mit nem Burst. Vlt auch beides? Sei ein wenig kreativ.Die Violine. Ich habe es deshalb so gemappt, weil ich (persönlich) es so einfacher finde als Random ^^
01:25:621 - Add bei 4 Fixed

4k MX

00:19:365 - Entferne eine Fixed
00:23:536 - ^ Fixed
00:27:386 (27386|3) - und 00:27:707 (27707|3) - Entferne eine oder passe die anderen dem Sound an, mach nicht auf einmal ne Note mehr für den gleichen sound. Spielt sich nicht gut Fixed
00:40:381 - 3er Chord unnötig Fixed
00:41:103 (41103|3,41103|2,41183|0,41183|1,41263|3,41263|2) - wozu der Thrill? Kein passender Sound für nen Thrill vorhanden Fixed
00:41:744 (41744|0,41744|3,41825|2,41825|1,41905|0,41905|3) - Das gleiche. Keine Random Thrills bitte! Spielt sich einfach nicht gut. Fixed
00:43:429 (43429|2) - Random Note? Du hast die Sounds die zu der Note gehören davor und danach nicht gemappt. So wie ich es raushöre.Falsch. Das gehört zu diesen tiefen Paukenschlägen (oder wie auch immer) im BG
00:44:311 (44311|0,44311|1,44391|2,44391|3,44472|0,44472|1) - Again. Random Thrill. Ich höre den Stairsound. Klar und deutlich. Aber da passt einfach kein Thrill rein. Fixed
Mein vorschlag. Der Stairsound ist im 1/8. Wie wärs wenn du da was im 1/8 Mappst? Versuch es jedoch den LN's anzupassen. Baue den vorschlag auch zu den anderen Thrills ein. Pass jedoch auf! Nicht das du Ghost Notes reinpasst (sollte der Stairsound vorher aufhören, tu es auch!)
00:46:236 (46236|1,46236|2,46236|3,46236|0) - 4er Chord? Wofür? Absolut unpassend. Fixed, war so net geplant xD
Part von 00:49:686 - bis 00:59:953 - Fühlt sich sowohl beim Spielen als auch im Editor absolut Random an. Passe deine Noten und Chords der Melodie an, pack das nich einfach Random rein. In jede map gehört ein gewisses system. Es ist okay die Chord's irgendwann zu wechseln aber der part scheint mir sehr Random.Hier sind zum einen die Drums, zum andern der selbe Part den ich auch bei HD gemappt hatte. In 7K MX ist ersichtlich, wie das Pattern dort funktioniert, es ist genau das selbe, nur auf vier Lanes.
01:14:151 - Fehlende Note Fixed
Von 01:15:519 - bis 01:15:956 - du wolltest wahrscheinlich den absteigenden Sound mappen, für ne MX ist jedoch 1/2 Beat zu wenig. Schalte den Taktteiler höher und hör im 25er Speed genau hin! Probiere es im 1/8 oder vlt auch höher, hauptsache du nimmst den Sound richtig mit (Warnung! NICHT Overmappen!)Nope, hier werden die tiefen Keyboard-Töne gemappt, siehe HD / NM
Von 01:18:162 - bis 01:20:488 - mehr Kreativität. Ich geh auf diesen Part etwas genauer ein. Okay? Fixed
Als erstes fängt er hier an 01:17:921 -
du hast die 2er Chors falsch gemappt. Siehe hier:
01:18:402 - Hier ist er richtig.
01:18:643 - Hier ist er Falsch
01:18:883 - Hier wieder richtig.
01:19:124 - Hier wieder falsch.
Passe den 2er Chord den Drums an
Am bessten den 2er Chord auf jede Whiteline, wenn du mags kannst du noch die Red mitnehm. Überarbeite den Part würde aber empfehlen einen 2er Chord nur bei der Whiteline einzubauen. Hör im 2er Speed genau hin. Mach nicht nur Zick-Zack Stream. Versuch es mit Burst's oder Jumpstreams. Hier 2 vorschläge für dich:
Probiere ein wenig herrum. Seit kreativ. Probiere es dann im Test aus ob es dir gefällt.

Alles in allem ist es eine gute Map. Du musst ein wenig mehr auf die Noten achten und welchen Sound du diese zuteilst. Mach es nicht Random. Eine Beatmap grade in Mania braucht ein wenig System.
Bis auf ein paar Fehler ist dort eigentlich ncihts Random, sondern immer irgendeinem Ton zuzuordnen. Dabei nicht einzelnen, sondern Ketten von Tönen gleicher Instrumentierung, also eben Teilmelodien. Wie schon bei meinen Kommentaren angemerkt, sieht man das an diversen Stellen die da etwas undeutlich scheinen in der 7K dann deutlich, da ich dort auch jeweils von der Spielhand her getrennt habe (Was bei 4K mit 2 Lanes pro Hand natürlich nciht mehr so einfach ist)

Ich hoffe mein Mod ist hilfreich. Entschulde wenn ich an einigen stellen etwas "streng" klinge. Ich wünsche dir viel erfolg mit deiner Map!



Diese Thrills sind vermutlich entstanden, als ich das Offset gefixt habe. Das waren vorher definitiv Stairs ^^ Danke fürs Anmerken. Habe mich zwar zwischendurch gewundert, warum die Dinger da sind, aber wirklich realisiert leider nicht ^-^
I'll be doing my mod for this shortly, but I was wondering if you would allow me to do two GDs for your mapset? I can do a 4K SHD and a 7K SHD if you'd like? Let me know :)

Here's my mod:


Increase HP on 4K and 7K EZ to 7.
Increase OD on 4K and 7K NM to 7.
Increase both HP and OD to 7.5 on 4K and 7K HD.

00:04:124 (4124|1,4766|3,5408|1,6049|3,6691|1,7333|3,7974|1) - All of these notes follow a very repetitive pattern. Consider diversifying the patterns to different columns to prevent repetition.
00:09:258 (9258|0,9900|2,10541|0,11183|2,11825|0,12466|2) - ^
00:13:750 - Add another note in columns 1 or 3 due to emphasis.
00:16:317 - Add another note in columns 1 or 4 due to emphasis.
00:18:883 - Add another note in columns 3 or 4 due to emphasis.
00:21:450 - Add another note in columns 1 or 3 due to emphasis.
00:24:017 - Add another note in columns 2 or 3 due to emphasis.
00:26:584 - Add another note in columns 1 or 3 due to emphasis.
00:29:151 - Add another note in columns 2 or 4 due to emphasis.
00:31:718 - Add another note in columns 1 or 4 due to emphasis.
00:34:285 - ^
00:36:851 - Add another note in columns 3 or 4 due to emphasis.
00:39:418 - Add another note in columns 1 or 2 due to emphasis.
00:43:910 - Add a note in columns 1 or 3.
00:47:119 - Add a note in column 1.
00:47:600 (47600|1) - Move to column 4.
00:49:044 - Add a note in column 4.
00:52:252 - Add a note in column 2.
00:54:498 (54498|1) - Move to column 3.
00:54:819 - Add another note in column 1.
00:56:103 (56103|2) - Move to column 4.
00:56:744 (56744|3) - Move to column 1.
00:57:707 (57707|2) - Add another note in column 4.
00:59:953 - Add another note in column 4, 00:59:953 (59953|2) - Remove this LN and replace with a single note.
00:59:953 - Starting here, I do not find that the way that the song is mapped is very conducive to the flow of the song. I would suggest removing all LNs between 00:59:953 and 01:10:220 and instead following the pattern of notes on the white lines with a chord every two measures.

Sorry if I didn't put this in eariler, but this song does not have a Kiai segment. While I had a hard time finding the perfect spot for one, I think one could be put between 00:13:750 and 00:24:017 , and it could be kept going from 00:24:017 until 00:39:418.

01:10:220 - Starting here, remove all notes from here until 01:12:787 and change the single note 01:10:220 here into a pair of LNs in columns 1 and 3 that go until the pair of notes in the same columns a 01:12:787 , removing the two notes at that timestamp and ending the LN there.

01:13:268 - Change to two note chord due to emphasis.

01:15:996 - Add a single note.
01:16:637 - ^
01:17:279 - ^

All in all, a good start, but many issues still remain.

The 4K NM difficulty has quite a few issues, so only a general mod for it:

00:13:750 - Starting here, relook at this section and reduce the overall number of LNs here. Some are all right to use and others aren't. This section feels very constricted as it is.

Overall, try to make the map more dynamic. Right now, there's a lot of repetition, which isn't a good thing.

Hope this helps :)
Topic Starter
This would be extremely nice <3 !!!
Thanks for the offer!
Topic Starter

Razorflamekun wrote:

Increase HP on 4K and 7K EZ to 7. Fixed
Increase OD on 4K and 7K NM to 7. Fixed
Increase both HP and OD to 7.5 on 4K and 7K HD. Fixed

00:04:124 (4124|1,4766|3,5408|1,6049|3,6691|1,7333|3,7974|1) - All of these notes follow a very repetitive pattern. Consider diversifying the patterns to different columns to prevent repetition. Fixed
00:09:258 (9258|0,9900|2,10541|0,11183|2,11825|0,12466|2) - ^ Fixed
00:13:750 - Add another note in columns 1 or 3 due to emphasis. Fixed
00:16:317 - Add another note in columns 1 or 4 due to emphasis. Fixed
00:18:883 - Add another note in columns 3 or 4 due to emphasis. Fixed
00:21:450 - Add another note in columns 1 or 3 due to emphasis. Fixed
00:24:017 - Add another note in columns 2 or 3 due to emphasis. Fixed
00:26:584 - Add another note in columns 1 or 3 due to emphasis. Fixed
00:29:151 - Add another note in columns 2 or 4 due to emphasis. Fixed
00:31:718 - Add another note in columns 1 or 4 due to emphasis. Fixed
00:34:285 - ^ Fixed
00:36:851 - Add another note in columns 3 or 4 due to emphasis. Fixed
00:39:418 - Add another note in columns 1 or 2 due to emphasis. Fixed
00:43:910 - Add a note in columns 1 or 3. I dont get why. So not added.
00:47:119 - Add a note in column 1. Fixed
00:47:600 (47600|1) - Move to column 4. Fixed
00:49:044 - Add a note in column 4. Fixed. Thanks for this hint
00:52:252 - Add a note in column 2. Fixed ^
00:54:498 (54498|1) - Move to column 3. Not added
00:54:819 - Add another note in column 1. Fixed
00:56:103 (56103|2) - Move to column 4. 3
00:56:744 (56744|3) - Move to column 1. 4
00:57:707 (57707|2) - Add another note in column 4. Not added
00:59:953 - Add another note in column 4, 00:59:953 (59953|2) - Remove this LN and replace with a single note.
00:59:953 - Starting here, I do not find that the way that the song is mapped is very conducive to the flow of the song. I would suggest removing all LNs between 00:59:953 and 01:10:220 and instead following the pattern of notes on the white lines with a chord every two measures.

Sorry if I didn't put this in eariler, but this song does not have a Kiai segment. While I had a hard time finding the perfect spot for one, I think one could be put between 00:13:750 and 00:24:017 , and it could be kept going from 00:24:017 until 00:39:418.
Ill add it

01:10:220 - Starting here, remove all notes from here until 01:12:787 and change the single note 01:10:220 here into a pair of LNs in columns 1 and 3 that go until the pair of notes in the same columns a 01:12:787 , removing the two notes at that timestamp and ending the LN there. Fixed, but removed only one note at the end.

01:13:268 - Change to two note chord due to emphasis. Fixed

01:15:996 - Add a single note. Fixed
01:16:637 - ^ Fixed
01:17:279 - ^ Fixed

All in all, a good start, but many issues still remain.

The 4K NM difficulty has quite a few issues, so only a general mod for it:

00:13:750 - Starting here, relook at this section and reduce the overall number of LNs here. Some are all right to use and others aren't. This section feels very constricted as it is.
Ill leave this part as it is for the first until more modders say i have to change. I think its fitting the music here and dont see a problem.

Overall, try to make the map more dynamic. Right now, there's a lot of repetition, which isn't a good thing.
Since its my first mania map i try to get ranked im making some issues ^^ This too :/

Hope this helps :)
Bad Apple
Hey there ^w^
Ich werd' das ganze auch in deutsch modden, hoffe das geht klar :3

Ich hab mich hauptsächlich auf die NM und HD gestürzt, die MX ist zwar nicht zuweit außerhalb meines Modding-Bereichs, aber ich habe (meiner Meinung nach) zu wenig Erfahrungen mit LN-Maps, um hier hilfreich unterstützen zu können ^^.

Columns: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

- NM -
00:49:686 - normalerweise hast du für diesen "Glockenartigen"-Sound immer 2 Noten verwendet, vielleicht würde ich das hier auch versuchen.
01:00:595 (60595|1) - diese LN müsste hier anfangen; 01:00:434 - da der Ton schon hier beginnt.
01:03:162 (63162|3) - selbes mit dieser LN, sollte auch hier anfangen; 01:03:001 - (gilt auch für alle nachfolgenden LN's, die sich auf diesen Ton legen!!!)
01:14:231 - Der hier zu hörende Ton ist der selbe wie hier; 01:13:750 - (Orchester + Cymbals), deswegen wäre es passend, hier auch eine kurze LN zu benutzen.
01:15:354 - Selbes wie gerade erwähnt, für den selben Ton wurden vorher kurze LNs verwendet, würde ich hier vielleicht auch einbauen.
01:15:514 - Diese Note lässt durch die vorher auf 1 liegende Note einen kleinen Jackhammer entstehen, falls das nicht gewollt ist würde ich die Note vielleicht auf 2 oder 4 legen, weil man die LN hier nur ausklingen lässt und so kein Jack' entsteht.
(Lösungsvorschlag; 01:15:514 (75514|0,75675|1,75835|2,75996|3) - und dann Strg+G :) )
01:25:621 - Hier würde ich evtl. noch einen Ton hinzufügen, da es sich um einen sehr lauten Ton handelt, man hier aber nur eine Taste zusätzlich drücken muss.

- HD -
00:03:482 - Ich persönlich würde hier 3 Noten verwenden, da es sich um einen Ton mit deutlich mehr Instrumenten und Lautstärke handelt als beim darauf folgenden Ton (00:03:803 - ), wo ebenfalls 2 Noten verwendet wurden.
00:43:268 - Diese Note (ich denke du folgst der Pauke im Hintergrund) müsste eigentlich hier sein; 00:43:429 -
00:46:477 - Und diese Note eigentlich hier; 00:46:317 -
01:00:595 (60595|3) - Mit den LN's in dieser Schwierigkeit sehe ich das selbe Problem wie zu vor, müssten meiner Meinung nach immer einen halben 1/4 Takt früher anfangen, in diesem Fall hier; 01:00:434 -
01:03:162 (63162|0) - Selbes mit dieser LN, wie bereits erwähnt, eben alle die diesen Top mappen. (Nachdem du IMMER dem Synth gefolgt bist, würde ich auch hier keinen Halt machen :) )
01:03:162 (63162|0) - Diesen Ton vllt. auf 4 legen, um nicht zwei auf einer Taste hintereinander zu haben!

Abschließendes Wort

Ich persönlich freue mich sehr, Cynthia's Theme als Mania-Map zu sehen. (Ist und wird immer einer meiner Lieblings-Pkmn-Songs bleiben).
Ich hoffe, ich konnte dir streckenweise weiterhelfen und dir vllt. den einen oder anderen Tipp mit auf den Weg geben.
Einen Tipp zum Schluss hätte ich noch; orientiere dich nicht immer daran, was sich gerade am besten spielen würde, sondern auch daran, was das Lied hergibt. (An manchen Stellen hätte man das Lied mit einem Ton mehr hervorbringen können, an anderen wären keine 3-er Chords notwendig gewesen.)
Noch viel Glück mit deiner Map und beim Ranken!
Topic Starter

- Bad Apple - wrote:

Hey there ^w^
Ich werd' das ganze auch in deutsch modden, hoffe das geht klar :3 Kann ich besser als Englisch. Wie einfach mal net gecheckt hab das du Deutscher bist xD

Ich hab mich hauptsächlich auf die NM und HD gestürzt, die MX ist zwar nicht zuweit außerhalb meines Modding-Bereichs, aber ich habe (meiner Meinung nach) zu wenig Erfahrungen mit LN-Maps, um hier hilfreich unterstützen zu können ^^.

Columns: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

- NM -
00:49:686 - normalerweise hast du für diesen "Glockenartigen"-Sound immer 2 Noten verwendet, vielleicht würde ich das hier auch versuchen. Fixed
01:00:595 (60595|1) - diese LN müsste hier anfangen; 01:00:434 - da der Ton schon hier beginnt. Fixed - ist mir garnicht aufgefallen :o
01:03:162 (63162|3) - selbes mit dieser LN, sollte auch hier anfangen; 01:03:001 - (gilt auch für alle nachfolgenden LN's, die sich auf diesen Ton legen!!!) Fixed
01:14:231 - Der hier zu hörende Ton ist der selbe wie hier; 01:13:750 - (Orchester + Cymbals), deswegen wäre es passend, hier auch eine kurze LN zu benutzen. Fixed
01:15:354 - Selbes wie gerade erwähnt, für den selben Ton wurden vorher kurze LNs verwendet, würde ich hier vielleicht auch einbauen. Fixed
01:15:514 - Diese Note lässt durch die vorher auf 1 liegende Note einen kleinen Jackhammer entstehen, falls das nicht gewollt ist würde ich die Note vielleicht auf 2 oder 4 legen, weil man die LN hier nur ausklingen lässt und so kein Jack' entsteht. Durch vorherige Anpassung nicht mehr notwendig
(Lösungsvorschlag; 01:15:514 (75514|0,75675|1,75835|2,75996|3) - und dann Strg+G :) )
01:25:621 - Hier würde ich evtl. noch einen Ton hinzufügen, da es sich um einen sehr lauten Ton handelt, man hier aber nur eine Taste zusätzlich drücken muss. Fixed

- HD -
00:03:482 - Ich persönlich würde hier 3 Noten verwenden, da es sich um einen Ton mit deutlich mehr Instrumenten und Lautstärke handelt als beim darauf folgenden Ton (00:03:803 - ), wo ebenfalls 2 Noten verwendet wurden. Fixed
00:43:268 - Diese Note (ich denke du folgst der Pauke im Hintergrund) müsste eigentlich hier sein; 00:43:429 - Fixed - Bei den Pauken hatte ich paar mal Fehler drin, Danke xD
00:46:477 - Und diese Note eigentlich hier; 00:46:317 - Fixed
01:00:595 (60595|3) - Mit den LN's in dieser Schwierigkeit sehe ich das selbe Problem wie zu vor, müssten meiner Meinung nach immer einen halben 1/4 Takt früher anfangen, in diesem Fall hier; 01:00:434 - Fixed (Habs auch in der MX angepasst, da war es genauso)
01:03:162 (63162|0) - Selbes mit dieser LN, wie bereits erwähnt, eben alle die diesen Top mappen. (Nachdem du IMMER dem Synth gefolgt bist, würde ich auch hier keinen Halt machen :) ) Fixed
01:03:162 (63162|0) - Diesen Ton vllt. auf 4 legen, um nicht zwei auf einer Taste hintereinander zu haben! Fixed

Abschließendes Wort

Ich persönlich freue mich sehr, Cynthia's Theme als Mania-Map zu sehen. (Ist und wird immer einer meiner Lieblings-Pkmn-Songs bleiben).
Ich hoffe, ich konnte dir streckenweise weiterhelfen und dir vllt. den einen oder anderen Tipp mit auf den Weg geben.
Einen Tipp zum Schluss hätte ich noch; orientiere dich nicht immer daran, was sich gerade am besten spielen würde, sondern auch daran, was das Lied hergibt. (An manchen Stellen hätte man das Lied mit einem Ton mehr hervorbringen können, an anderen wären keine 3-er Chords notwendig gewesen.) Anfängerfehler? Zählt das? :p
Noch viel Glück mit deiner Map und beim Ranken!
Danke sehr (:
Hey, just a few quick notes:


I would untick "Widescreen Support" on every map.
I would untick "Special mode N+!" on every map.

I don't see any need for the special mode on this map.

Also, I've finished the 7K SHD GD. Just letting you know that it is very, very hard. I went a little crazy and took my time mapping this and it came out very hard.

I also had to add a few additional timing points and I added a second Kiai segment. I also had to change the hitsound volume on my map as well.

See my PM as to why I had to do this. - Razorflame's 7K Champion

Please do not change any part of my GD without my permission.

NO KDS for this post
Topic Starter
Thanks you for this... BAMS xDDD
I like it, but cant play it ^^
another note.

please try and fix your MP3? its very faint somehow, maybe you can try ringating's modding queue for MP3 improvement.

just a suggestion.

and sorry i'm a bit busy these days, i'll make sure to give another mod sometimes (maybe today or tomorrow)
Topic Starter
So, now added The last Diff and Hitsounds. Looking for modders and testplayers. Feedback without Mod is wanted, too.

Thank you Guys :)
hi, from my modding queue.

1 2 3 4
suggestions given for the following reasons
hand balancing,
diff balancing
pitch relevancy

HD is 2.69
MX 3.91
difficulty spread is not really appropriate. (its not 'wrong')
but would be better to spread diffs more evenly.

razorflame's GD
for consistency, its strongly recommended to follow hitsound method used in the original uploaders' map. consistency is always the requirements, especially for GD.

00:18:883 (18883|1,18883|2,19365|0,19365|3,19686|3,19846|1,19846|2,19846|0,20006|2) -
over diffs, consider reducing, especially the LN with 2 notes at 1 and 4 (denotes that you have to press 4 at the same time.. its usually for insane, not HD)

00:19:846 (19846|2,19846|1,20327|2,20327|3) - delete 1? << optional

00:21:129 (21129|3,21129|1) - delete one (not optional)
00:29:632 (29632|2,29632|0) - ^
00:31:397 (31397|3,31397|1) - ^

or you can keep that pattern, but for HD the most feasible one would be, to put 2LN either on 12 or 34, and then the other 2 SN on 12 or 34 (1 hand pressing 1 part)

01:14:231 (74231|1,74231|2,74231|0,74391|0,74391|3,74552|2,74552|1,74712|2,74712|3,74712|1,74712|0) - this part.. arguable.. might be overdiffs, consider revamping a bit?

00:24:819 (24819|2) - to 1
00:57:386 (57386|1) - to 1
00:57:547 (57547|3) - to 2
01:23:375 (83375|2) - to 1
01:23:536 (83536|0) - to 3

see suggestions above.
i would recommend you to water down the star diffs to suit HD better, or you can rename this to MX+ instead of MX

general comments on note placement,
make sure there are NO GHOST NOTES.
listen carefully with 25% playback

Razor's SHD 4K

balancing is good already however, you abuse the system by incorporating too much ghost notes. adding ghost notes for the sake of increasing the diffs are a no no. if you can't do that, this means that the song is not appropriate to be mapped on higher diffs

i will note some ghost notes, but because there are too many of them, i will not note them all.

00:37:252 (37252|3,37413|3,37573|3,37734|3,38055|1) -
00:39:900 (39900|0,39940|1,39980|2,40020|3) - i know you're following the sliding pitched instrument. but usually they are not expressed as individual SN like this, use LN instead, its mostly inappropriate to express sliding pitch with SN as SN signify that there are exact changes in pitch for every beat where the SN is placed.
00:41:023 (41023|3,41063|2,41103|1,41143|0) -
00:41:504 (41504|2,41544|3,41584|2,41624|1) -
00:41:825 (41825|1,41865|0,41905|1,41945|2,41985|1) -

00:41:985 (41985|3,44231|1,44271|0,44311|1,44351|2,44391|3,44432|0,44472|1,44512|2,44552|1,44552|3) - this is where those SN are appropriate since the pitch is not sliding, there is an actual recognisable pitch changes for every 1/8 beat.
00:46:156 (46156|1,46196|0,46236|1,46277|2) - not four SN. only 2 pitch here.
00:46:236 (46236|1) - this is correct, the other 3 did not follow any sound
01:00:354 (60354|3,60514|1,60675|1,60835|1,61156|0,61637|1,61798|1,61958|1,62119|1) - no sound.

and also many more, revamp the whole SHD 7K and 4K as i assume 7K would have the same issue.
Topic Starter

schwarzvgrune wrote:

hi, from my modding queue.

1 2 3 4
suggestions given for the following reasons
hand balancing,
diff balancing
pitch relevancy

HD is 2.69
MX 3.91
difficulty spread is not really appropriate. (its not 'wrong')
but would be better to spread diffs more evenly.

I dont see how. Ive made the diffs not for star rating, its made for a good feel to play and orientated at music. Since im not much experienced i cant increase or decrease the diffs here, since HD would be to easy in my oppinion and MX would just get Gostnotes or overmapped. Also ive heard more than one time that the star rating is not that good calculated - MX should have more fore the patterns to play. So i dont care a lot about the star rating here.

razorflame's GD
for consistency, its strongly recommended to follow hitsound method used in the original uploaders' map. consistency is always the requirements, especially for GD.

00:18:883 (18883|1,18883|2,19365|0,19365|3,19686|3,19846|1,19846|2,19846|0,20006|2) -
over diffs, consider reducing, especially the LN with 2 notes at 1 and 4 (denotes that you have to press 4 at the same time.. its usually for insane, not HD)

00:19:846 (19846|2,19846|1,20327|2,20327|3) - delete 1? << optional

00:21:129 (21129|3,21129|1) - delete one (not optional)
00:29:632 (29632|2,29632|0) - ^
00:31:397 (31397|3,31397|1) - ^

or you can keep that pattern, but for HD the most feasible one would be, to put 2LN either on 12 or 34, and then the other 2 SN on 12 or 34 (1 hand pressing 1 part)

01:14:231 (74231|1,74231|2,74231|0,74391|0,74391|3,74552|2,74552|1,74712|2,74712|3,74712|1,74712|0) - this part.. arguable.. might be overdiffs, consider revamping a bit?

00:24:819 (24819|2) - to 1
00:57:386 (57386|1) - to 1
00:57:547 (57547|3) - to 2
01:23:375 (83375|2) - to 1
01:23:536 (83536|0) - to 3

Ive accepted all suggestions! For 2 LN + 2 SN ive removed one in each case since its enough for the instrumental here, they are not really required two SN every time. The part i should revamp: Removed one LN, removed notes betweens the loud Finnishs since they wasnt really required.

see suggestions above.
i would recommend you to water down the star diffs to suit HD better, or you can rename this to MX+ instead of MX

general comments on note placement,
make sure there are NO GHOST NOTES.
listen carefully with 25% playback

I dont see any ghost notes. ive fixed one point where the notes was moved while fixing offset. But all notes are setted for an instrument here, mostly drums and synths at once (see 7K MX).
If they´re any issues, you have to tell me where since i havent found them, sorry :/

Razor's SHD 4K

balancing is good already however, you abuse the system by incorporating too much ghost notes. adding ghost notes for the sake of increasing the diffs are a no no. if you can't do that, this means that the song is not appropriate to be mapped on higher diffs

i will note some ghost notes, but because there are too many of them, i will not note them all.

00:37:252 (37252|3,37413|3,37573|3,37734|3,38055|1) -
00:39:900 (39900|0,39940|1,39980|2,40020|3) - i know you're following the sliding pitched instrument. but usually they are not expressed as individual SN like this, use LN instead, its mostly inappropriate to express sliding pitch with SN as SN signify that there are exact changes in pitch for every beat where the SN is placed.
00:41:023 (41023|3,41063|2,41103|1,41143|0) -
00:41:504 (41504|2,41544|3,41584|2,41624|1) -
00:41:825 (41825|1,41865|0,41905|1,41945|2,41985|1) -

00:41:985 (41985|3,44231|1,44271|0,44311|1,44351|2,44391|3,44432|0,44472|1,44512|2,44552|1,44552|3) - this is where those SN are appropriate since the pitch is not sliding, there is an actual recognisable pitch changes for every 1/8 beat.
00:46:156 (46156|1,46196|0,46236|1,46277|2) - not four SN. only 2 pitch here.
00:46:236 (46236|1) - this is correct, the other 3 did not follow any sound
01:00:354 (60354|3,60514|1,60675|1,60835|1,61156|0,61637|1,61798|1,61958|1,62119|1) - no sound.

and also many more, revamp the whole SHD 7K and 4K as i assume 7K would have the same issue.

schwarzvgrune wrote:

hi, from my modding queue.

1 2 3 4
suggestions given for the following reasons
hand balancing,
diff balancing
pitch relevancy

razorflame's GD
for consistency, its strongly recommended to follow hitsound method used in the original uploaders' map. consistency is always the requirements, especially for GD. I'll go through and work on the hitsounding. I'm not used to using hitsounds, so this might take a while. I'm also not sure if I can get the same exact hitsounding that Kagu-Chan did, but I'll try my hardest to make the hitsounding as similiar as possible.

Razor's SHD 4K

balancing is good already however, you abuse the system by incorporating too much ghost notes. adding ghost notes for the sake of increasing the diffs are a no no. if you can't do that, this means that the song is not appropriate to be mapped on higher diffs I don't think that there are too many ghost notes, but I do agree that there are some ghost notes that will have to be taken care of. I didn't add them for the sake of increasing the difficulty, but to change the patterns that were present in the 4K MX difficulty. Since this is somewhat of a problem, I'll go through and eliminate all the ghost notes that I am aware of, but some might stay due to keeping the patterns different in my GDs. Furthermore, I tend to make 1/4th streams when the situation calls for them, such as 00:34:285 .

i will note some ghost notes, but because there are too many of them, i will not note them all.

00:37:252 (37252|3,37413|3,37573|3,37734|3,38055|1) - Removed ghost notes at first three notes marked in this note cluster. Last two are kept because this is one of the situations where I feel like they actually help the flow of the song.
00:39:900 (39900|0,39940|1,39980|2,40020|3) - i know you're following the sliding pitched instrument. but usually they are not expressed as individual SN like this, use LN instead, its mostly inappropriate to express sliding pitch with SN as SN signify that there are exact changes in pitch for every beat where the SN is placed. Changed to LN.
00:41:023 (41023|3,41063|2,41103|1,41143|0) - ^
00:41:504 (41504|2,41544|3,41584|2,41624|1) - ^
00:41:825 (41825|1,41865|0,41905|1,41945|2,41985|1) - ^

00:41:985 (41985|3,44231|1,44271|0,44311|1,44351|2,44391|3,44432|0,44472|1,44512|2,44552|1,44552|3) - this is where those SN are appropriate since the pitch is not sliding, there is an actual recognisable pitch changes for every 1/8 beat.
00:46:156 (46156|1,46196|0,46236|1,46277|2) - not four SN. only 2 pitch here. Removed the extras.
00:46:236 (46236|1) - this is correct, the other 3 did not follow any sound
01:00:354 (60354|3,60514|1,60675|1,60835|1,61156|0,61637|1,61798|1,61958|1,62119|1) - no sound. I'll go through this section and fix it.

and also many more, revamp the whole SHD 7K and 4K as i assume 7K would have the same issue.
Thanks for the mod! I'll continue to look through the difficulties and remove as many of the ghost notes as I can.

schwarzvgrune wrote:

I dont see how. Ive made the diffs not for star rating, its made for a good feel to play and orientated at music. Since im not much experienced i cant increase or decrease the diffs here, since HD would be to easy in my oppinion and MX would just get Gostnotes or overmapped. Also ive heard more than one time that the star rating is not that good calculated - MX should have more fore the patterns to play. So i dont care a lot about the star rating here.

Hi, this is partially my blunder, I forgot the range that after HD its INSANE then MX,
you created MX without insane. this is not not allowed, but usually discouraged since it denotes that your difficulty spreadsheet are not balanced. try to ask a BN for a clarification on this issue.

see suggestions above.
i would recommend you to water down the star diffs to suit HD better, or you can rename this to MX+ instead of MX

general comments on note placement,
make sure there are NO GHOST NOTES.
listen carefully with 25% playback

I dont see any ghost notes. ive fixed one point where the notes was moved while fixing offset. But all notes are setted for an instrument here, mostly drums and synths at once (see 7K MX).
If they´re any issues, you have to tell me where since i havent found them, sorry :/

i haven't checked the MX (in 25% playback) so i did not say there are ghost notes, i did write 'make sure' which denotes that you may be able to check for it yourself. but i don't think there are issues for MX
edit: i accidentally PM-ed this to you, should have replied on the thead instead, so here i am replying on the thread

Razorflamekun wrote:

schwarzvgrune wrote:

hi, from my modding queue.

1 2 3 4
suggestions given for the following reasons
hand balancing,
diff balancing
pitch relevancy

razorflame's GD
for consistency, its strongly recommended to follow hitsound method used in the original uploaders' map. consistency is always the requirements, especially for GD. I'll go through and work on the hitsounding. I'm not used to using hitsounds, so this might take a while. I'm also not sure if I can get the same exact hitsounding that Kagu-Chan did, but I'll try my hardest to make the hitsounding as similiar as possible.

Razor's SHD 4K

balancing is good already however, you abuse the system by incorporating too much ghost notes. adding ghost notes for the sake of increasing the diffs are a no no. if you can't do that, this means that the song is not appropriate to be mapped on higher diffs I don't think that there are too many ghost notes, but I do agree that there are some ghost notes that will have to be taken care of. I didn't add them for the sake of increasing the difficulty, but to change the patterns that were present in the 4K MX difficulty. Since this is somewhat of a problem, I'll go through and eliminate all the ghost notes that I am aware of, but some might stay due to keeping the patterns different in my GDs. Furthermore, I tend to make 1/4th streams when the situation calls for them, such as 00:34:285 .

i will note some ghost notes, but because there are too many of them, i will not note them all.

00:37:252 (37252|3,37413|3,37573|3,37734|3,38055|1) - Removed ghost notes at first three notes marked in this note cluster. Last two are kept because this is one of the situations where I feel like they actually help the flow of the song.
00:39:900 (39900|0,39940|1,39980|2,40020|3) - i know you're following the sliding pitched instrument. but usually they are not expressed as individual SN like this, use LN instead, its mostly inappropriate to express sliding pitch with SN as SN signify that there are exact changes in pitch for every beat where the SN is placed. Changed to LN.
00:41:023 (41023|3,41063|2,41103|1,41143|0) - ^
00:41:504 (41504|2,41544|3,41584|2,41624|1) - ^
00:41:825 (41825|1,41865|0,41905|1,41945|2,41985|1) - ^

00:41:985 (41985|3,44231|1,44271|0,44311|1,44351|2,44391|3,44432|0,44472|1,44512|2,44552|1,44552|3) - this is where those SN are appropriate since the pitch is not sliding, there is an actual recognisable pitch changes for every 1/8 beat.
00:46:156 (46156|1,46196|0,46236|1,46277|2) - not four SN. only 2 pitch here. Removed the extras.
00:46:236 (46236|1) - this is correct, the other 3 did not follow any sound
01:00:354 (60354|3,60514|1,60675|1,60835|1,61156|0,61637|1,61798|1,61958|1,62119|1) - no sound. I'll go through this section and fix it.

and also many more, revamp the whole SHD 7K and 4K as i assume 7K would have the same issue.
Thanks for the mod! I'll continue to look through the difficulties and remove as many of the ghost notes as I can.
truthfully in regards to ghost notes there are still lots of arguments going on even at the BN / QAT level on that.
do we need that in order to keep the pattern? do we delete that because they dont reflect any part of the actual song whatsoever?
but based on my experience (from my 1st beatmap which you have modded) seems that i noticed a pattern for opinions of the BN that i know in regards to this issue.
BN with lots of ranked TV-sizes or any song with vocals (anime, vocaloid, etc) tends to be more lenient about ghost notes, for they care considerably more on patterning (they are not really that strict on pitch relevancy)
BN which beatmap specializes in instrumental (SDVX whichever you name it) tend to be stricter on pitch relevancy / balancing issue. also on the issue of ghost notes.

for me myself i like the latter better, and it reflects on how i mod other ppl's map (which is also why i rarely mod anime song)
i could be wrong about this, you tell me if you think i am (knowing better never hurts)

[Normal MOD]

BG image size: 1366 x 768 or can be 1024 x 768
The "4K HD" diff star/difficulty gap is close with 4K NM and far with 4K MX. Make the "4K HD" atleast nearly 3 stars (2.80....) to make the diffs balance.
[4K EZ]
00:27:547 (27547|2,27867|3) - Move to |2| - |3| it because of your pattern and it will be a problem on hand balance/relaxation for newbies/noob//slapped to play in this pattern. Notice your previous pattern on LNs with SNs on it's start and end.

00:45:835 (45835|1,46317|2,46798|3) - Ctrl + G for better pattern and if you notice. The sound on this part 00:44:552 (44552|1) - is not the same sound as 00:45:835 so it's necessary to be move the ladder in opposite direction since it's sounds are far from it.

01:06:691 (66691|0,67012|1,67333|0) - Make this a ladder instead from |2| - |3| - |4| for better pattern and hand balance/relaxation.

01:09:900 (69900|0) - Move to |3|

[4K NM]
OD = 7.5

00:51:129 (51129|1,51290|0) - Move this to |3| - |2| for pattern. Notice this 00:49:846 (49846|3,50006|1,50167|2,50327|0) - their sounds are opposite with 00:51:129 (51129|1,51290|0) - so making this pattern the opposite with this is necessary.

00:52:734 (52734|1,52894|3) - Ctrl + G for better pattern.

00:54:980 (54980|2,55140|1,55301|2,55461|0) - Move to |1| - |3| - |2| - |4| just like what i said from the same pattern with this^

00:57:867 (57867|1,58028|3) - Ctrl + G for better pattern.

00:58:670 (58670|0,58830|1,58990|2,59151|3) - Ctrl + G follow your pattern from before notice this 00:53:536 (53536|3,53696|2,53857|1,54017|0) -

01:06:370 (66370|2,66531|2) - This is not necessary to be stacked. It's because if you listen closely/clearly their sounds/rhythm or piano are not the same.

01:08:937 (68937|3,69097|3) - ^Same reason

01:12:466 (72466|2) - Move to |2| for pattern. Notice this 01:10:862 (70862|0,71023|1,71183|0,71343|3,71504|2,71664|3,71825|0,71985|2,72145|0) - for pattern symmetry/consistency.

[4K HD]
Will skip notice the note that i've said in the notice box

[4K MX]
As i can see here your pattern is not consistent. First this 00:03:964 hit-hat and some spank sound.... it has 2 noted implemented what happened to the others which has the same sounds/beats/rhythym for example this 00:04:285 and 00:04:605 and so on..

00:06:049 Make this 3 noted because sounds/beats/rhythm is the same with this 00:05:728

Fix the intro part couz' the patterns are inconsistent..

Request for MODs from others....

Good luck!~ =w=)b
Uhh quotes are messy

Beep hi BN here

Many Spread info
The difficulty spread is EZ NM HD MX SC and so on if you wanna add more diffs
This difficulty spread naming is from DJMAX

Well tbh idk how mania got EZ NM HD MX SHD but it kinda makes sense ( SHD comes from o2jam iirc )

There's no rule on what diff name will go with what icon, it'll be great if it makes sense though so as to avoid confusion ( eg. Easy shouldn't really have an "I" icon )

Thus in conclusion there's not really anything in between HD and MX

Further info about spreads:

There is a hard cap for star diff spreads in which 1.5 is the maximum that you can go

Ex. 1.75 EZ | 3.25 NM ( it's kinda okay )
1.75 EZ | 4.00 NM ( definitely not okay )
1.75 EZ | 3.00 ( definitely okay )

I didn't set this so idk why 1.5 please don't ask D:


You can't skip icons in spreads

in terms of ICONS

E - N - H ( okay )

In conclusion :

7K HD ( 2.88 ) - 7K MX ( 4.52 )
The spread is too big here, either make HD harder or MX easier
7K MX ( 4.52 ) - Razorflame's 7K SHD ( 6.13 )
Same thing here, you will need to make SHD waaaay easier if MX gets nerfed

You can also put in diff.s in the middle like HD+ or MX+

4K MX ( 3.91 ) - Razorflame's 4K SHD ( 4.1 )
The spread is kinda small here, you can either change the diff name from Razorflame's 4K SHD to Razorflame's 4K MX OR make it way harder ( around 5.0 stars ? )

well there's definitely some arguments about ghost notes and stuff but according to experiences with QATs, you should try to not use any ghost notes cause they will point it out and stuff will happen, i'm not saying it's wrong but yea, this is what i experienced haha

In a nutshell, ghost notes are ok in mapping but the ranking system says otherwise so if you wanna rank maps try not to use ghost notes
Topic Starter

[GraveChaos] wrote:

[Normal MOD]

BG image size: 1366 x 768 or can be 1024 x 768
The "4K HD" diff star/difficulty gap is close with 4K NM and far with 4K MX. Make the "4K HD" atleast nearly 3 stars (2.80....) to make the diffs balance. ill answer to this in next mod from Z3nx
[4K EZ]
00:27:547 (27547|2,27867|3) - Move to |2| - |3| it because of your pattern and it will be a problem on hand balance/relaxation for newbies/noob//slapped to play in this pattern. Notice your previous pattern on LNs with SNs on it's start and end.

00:45:835 (45835|1,46317|2,46798|3) - Ctrl + G for better pattern and if you notice. The sound on this part 00:44:552 (44552|1) - is not the same sound as 00:45:835 so it's necessary to be move the ladder in opposite direction since it's sounds are far from it.

01:06:691 (66691|0,67012|1,67333|0) - Make this a ladder instead from |2| - |3| - |4| for better pattern and hand balance/relaxation.

01:09:900 (69900|0) - Move to |3|

All accepted and fixed
[4K NM]
OD = 7.5

00:51:129 (51129|1,51290|0) - Move this to |3| - |2| for pattern. Notice this 00:49:846 (49846|3,50006|1,50167|2,50327|0) - their sounds are opposite with 00:51:129 (51129|1,51290|0) - so making this pattern the opposite with this is necessary.

00:52:734 (52734|1,52894|3) - Ctrl + G for better pattern.

00:54:980 (54980|2,55140|1,55301|2,55461|0) - Move to |1| - |3| - |2| - |4| just like what i said from the same pattern with this^

00:57:867 (57867|1,58028|3) - Ctrl + G for better pattern.

00:58:670 (58670|0,58830|1,58990|2,59151|3) - Ctrl + G follow your pattern from before notice this 00:53:536 (53536|3,53696|2,53857|1,54017|0) -

01:06:370 (66370|2,66531|2) - This is not necessary to be stacked. It's because if you listen closely/clearly their sounds/rhythm or piano are not the same.

01:08:937 (68937|3,69097|3) - ^Same reason

01:12:466 (72466|2) - Move to |2| for pattern. Notice this 01:10:862 (70862|0,71023|1,71183|0,71343|3,71504|2,71664|3,71825|0,71985|2,72145|0) - for pattern symmetry/consistency.
All accepted and fixed
[4K HD]
Will skip notice the note that i've said in the notice box

[4K MX]
As i can see here your pattern is not consistent. First this 00:03:964 hit-hat and some spank sound.... it has 2 noted implemented what happened to the others which has the same sounds/beats/rhythym for example this 00:04:285 and 00:04:605 and so on..

00:06:049 Make this 3 noted because sounds/beats/rhythm is the same with this 00:05:728

Fix the intro part couz' the patterns are inconsistent..
If you look into 7K MX then you'll maybe better understand the pattern here. Im following the synths in MX plus the kettledrum in intro. Ive added the third note which you said, but no more changes currently since i dont see or hear any issues. If you could point out specific errors ill fix them sure :)

Request for MODs from others....

Good luck!~ =w=)b

Z3nx wrote:

Uhh quotes are messy

Beep hi BN here
In conclusion :

7K HD ( 2.88 ) - 7K MX ( 4.52 )
The spread is too big here, either make HD harder or MX easier ill look over it. Since i have to make 4K HD harder, ill make 7K HD harder too i think, since them following exactly the same patterns
7K MX ( 4.52 ) - Razorflame's 7K SHD ( 6.13 )
Same thing here, you will need to make SHD waaaay easier if MX gets nerfed Ill tell it Razorflame that he has to nerf the diff.

You can also put in diff.s in the middle like HD+ or MX+ (Arent 10 Diffs enough? xD Ill fix the diffs without adding more... i try xD

4K MX ( 3.91 ) - Razorflame's 4K SHD ( 4.1 )
The spread is kinda small here, you can either change the diff name from Razorflame's 4K SHD to Razorflame's 4K MX OR make it way harder ( around 5.0 stars ? ) Ill tell razorflame to make it harder here. Since i personally want nearly the same SD for same named diffs he should fix this or we should look for a solution ^^

well there's definitely some arguments about ghost notes and stuff but according to experiences with QATs, you should try to not use any ghost notes cause they will point it out and stuff will happen, i'm not saying it's wrong but yea, this is what i experienced haha

If im using any ghost notes in MX / HD, please tell me more ^^ I have checked many times and dont seen any, since i mapped strictly against the instrumental.

In a nutshell, ghost notes are ok in mapping but the ranking system says otherwise so if you wanna rank maps try not to use ghost notes
Thanks for both (:
well those two answers my questions as well thanks for the clarification <3

i guess my mod is not far off from the actual thing XD

good luck kagu!!!! :D
hello there kagu-chan, sry for late mod....

as you req mod from me via pm,
for now i mod your 4K first ;)
i might as well mod the HS too....
you free to ignore some of my mod if you dont match your taste~
here we go :

column 1|2|3|4

00:03:482 (3482|1) - add finish (normal), remove the whistle
00:15:996 (15996|1) - add clap sound
00:18:563 (18563|1) - ^
00:20:809 (20809|2,21129|3) - ^
00:23:375 (23375|2,23696|0) - ^
00:26:263 (26263|1) - ^
00:28:830 (28830|0) - ^
00:33:643 (33643|0,33964|2) - ^
00:36:210 (36210|3,36531|1) - ^
00:38:777 (38777|1,39097|2) - ^
00:40:060 (40060|2,40702|1,41183|0,41664|1) - add whistle
00:43:910 add note + clap HS
00:44:231 ^
00:44:552 (44552|1) - add finish HS
00:45:194 (45194|0,45835|3,46317|2,46798|1) - add whistle HS
00:45:835 (45835|3) - remove clap HS
00:46:798 (46798|1) - add clap
00:47:119 add finish
00:47:600 (47600|3,48081|0,48402|1) - add whsitle
00:49:044 (49044|3) - add clap
00:49:686 (49686|3) - add finish
regarding double note in this part 00:59:953 - 01:10:220 i suggest place double note in clap HS, i think its more appropriate that way..
01:13:268 add finish HS
01:15:354 (75354|1,75354|3) - use finish (normal) both of em
01:25:621 (85621|0) - use finish (normal)
i think this is for 4K EZ diff, i have no problem with the pattern, its EZ enough if i can say ;)

about this pattern 00:14:712 to 00:38:777 i suggest changing the short LN to normal Note like this well its up to you changing or not though ;)
01:01:878 (61878|0) - add clap
01:04:445 (64445|2) - ^
01:07:012 (67012|1) - ^
01:09:579 (69579|1) - ^
01:14:712 add finish
01:15:033 ^
01:15:354 (75354|0,75354|2) - add finish (normal) both of em and remove the whistle
okay that for NM~

00:04:766 add note for a kick sound
00:05:087 ^
00:06:370 ^
00:06:691 ^
00:07:333 ^
00:07:654 ^
00:15:354 add clap
00:18:563 (18563|3) - add clap
00:18:883 (18883|3) - remove clap
00:19:846 (19846|2) - move to 2
00:23:696 add LN to 00:24:017 you have to delete that note in 00:24:017 and add clap, you dont wanna miss the beat sound right?
00:26:263 (26263|3) - add clap
00:28:830 (28830|3) - ^
00:33:482 (33482|3) - move to 3
00:33:964 add LN in col 4 to 00:34:285 (have to delete note in 00:34:285) and add HS to the LN too
00:36:531 same as above add LN in col 1
00:39:097 same as above add LN in col 1
00:34:605 (34605|3,34766|0) - remove the clap sound
00:43:910 (43910|0) - add clap
00:45:033 (45033|0) - ^
00:48:563 (48563|0,49044|0) - add clap
00:58:349 add note
01:16:317 ^
thats for 4K HD for now hope that help :D

00:03:964 (3964|0) - delete note
00:08:375 (8375|1) - add clap
00:13:509 add note in col 2
00:13:589 (13589|0) - delete note
00:16:637 (16637|0) - add clap
00:18:563 (18563|2) - ^
00:23:696 (23696|0) - ^
00:26:263 (26263|0) - ^
00:28:830 add clap
00:31:458 ^
00:33:964 (33964|0) - ^
00:36:531 (36531|0) - ^
00:39:097 (39097|0) - ^
00:42:466 ^
00:43:268 ^
00:43:910 ^
00:49:044 (49044|2) - ^
00:48:563 (48563|1) - ^
00:50:006 (50006|1) - move to 3
00:51:129 (51129|1) - move to 1
00:52:573 (52573|1) - ^
00:54:579 (54579|2) - move to 4
00:51:450 (51450|0) - delete note
00:51:932 add note
00:53:215 ^
00:54:017 (54017|2,54178|1) - delete
00:54:498 add note
00:55:782 ^
00:57:065 ^
00:58:349 ^
00:59:632 ^
01:07:814 (67814|2,68135|1) - move both of these to column 1
01:08:456 add note
01:04:605 ^
01:07:172 ^
01:08:456 ^
01:09:739 ^
01:16:317 ^
01:25:301 try like this?
there too much overchord in this diff i wish you can fix that kagu...
well that's that for 4k MX


column 1|2|3|4|5|6|7

00:26:584 (26584|0) - move to 2
00:30:434 (30434|6) - move to 5
00:31:397 (31397|4) - move to 4
00:34:285 (34285|2) - move to 4
00:49:365 (49365|3,49686|4) - move it 1 column to the right
00:51:611 (51611|6) - move to 3
00:54:178 (54178|6) - ^
00:56:744 (56744|1) - move to 2
01:00:916 (60916|6,60916|3) - move it 2 column to the left
01:07:333 (67333|3,67333|0) - move it 1 column to the right
01:08:295 (68295|1) - move it to 3
01:08:616 (68616|2) - move to 1
01:14:712 try like this?
01:18:563 (78563|6) - move to 6
01:19:846 (79846|6) - move to 2
01:20:167 (80167|1) - move to 6
okay done~

first thing i want to say this diff
- too much contain LN, i wish you can lower it, or you can change it to normal note
- for NM i think 3 LN or more at the same is too much for this diff, i suggest you use just 2 LN max at the same time, so i will skip removing the LN for this mod, (you can PM in game for this)
00:04:124 (4124|0) - move to 3
00:09:258 (9258|2,9900|3,10541|4) - move it 1 column to the right
00:13:509 (13509|2,13670|4) - delete (too OP for NM)
00:15:996 (15996|5) - move to 3
00:16:156 (16156|2) - move to 4
00:17:600 (17600|6) - move to 5
00:17:921 (17921|0) - move to 2
00:18:563 (18563|6) - ^
00:19:686 try this?
00:23:215 (23215|0) - move to 2
00:23:696 (23696|0,24017|1) - CTRL + G
00:30:595 (30595|0) - move to 3
00:33:001 (33001|3) - move to 2
00:49:525 (49525|4) - move to 6
00:50:006 (50006|0) - move to 2
00:55:140 (55140|3) - move to 3
00:58:028 (58028|6) - move to 4
01:00:595 (60595|4) - delete
01:01:397 (61397|2) - ^
01:02:680 (62680|5) - ^
01:03:162 (63162|3) - ^
01:03:803 (63803|1) - move to 3
01:03:964 (63964|3) - delete
01:05:247 (65247|5) - ^
01:05:728 (65728|2) - ^
01:06:370 (66370|5) - move to 3
01:06:531 (66531|5) - delete
01:07:814 (67814|0,68295|3,69097|4) - delete
01:12:145 (72145|0,72306|4) - move 1 collumn to the right
01:12:627 (72627|6) - move to 4
01:12:787 - 01:15:514 so overchord.., just add 2-3 note
okay thats it for 7K HD for now, there so much i want recomend it here on this diff but im not post it here (maybe i can talk to you in game directly)

00:07:814 (7814|1) - move to white line below
00:18:883 Delete 2 note
00:19:365 (19365|2,19846|1,20327|0) - delete
00:21:129 (21129|4) - ^
00:23:375 (23375|3) - add clap
00:23:696 add note for a clap
00:29:151 (29151|5,29151|4,29632|5,30113|2,30595|2,31076|4) - delete
00:28:830 (28830|1,28990|0) - move to 4 colum to the right
00:33:964 add note for a clap
00:36:531 ^
00:39:097 ^
00:39:900 (39900|0,40862|2) - delete
00:41:664 (41664|6,41825|3) - ^
00:42:466 (42466|4,42948|2,43268|1) - delete these LN i dont think its not appropriate in HD
00:43:750 (43750|0) - move to 2
00:45:835 (45835|5) - delete
00:46:317 (46317|0,46317|3) - ^
00:46:798 (46798|0,46798|4) - ^
00:49:204 (49204|1) - ^
00:49:365 add note
00:49:525 (49525|1) - Delete
00:50:648 add note col 6
00:51:932 ^
00:53:215 add note col 2
00:54:498 add note col 4
00:55:782 add note col 1
00:57:065 add note col 5
00:57:707 (57707|0) - move to col 2
00:58:349 add 2 note col 3 and 7
00:59:632 add note col 1
01:00:675 add 2 note col 1 and 6 and add clap one of these
01:01:878 add note in col 6 + clap
01:02:199 add note in col 2
01:02:520 (62520|1) - move to 1
01:03:482 add 2 note col 1 and 6 and add clap one of these
01:04:445 add note col 7 + clap
01:04:766 add note col 2 + clap
01:06:049 add 2 note col 1 and 7 and add clap one of these
01:07:012 add note col 7 +clap
01:07:333 add note col 1 + clap
01:08:616 add note col 3 and 7 + clap one of these
01:09:579 add note col 7 + clap
01:09:900 add note col 2 + clap
01:10:220 add note col 1 + finish
01:11:183 (71183|5) - add clap
01:12:466 (72466|1) - ^
01:13:750 add note col 1
01:14:712 try this?
01:15:996 (75996|0) - move to 4
01:16:317 add note col 1 + clap
01:17:600 ^
01:21:290 (81290|0,81611|6) - delete
01:21:450 add note col 1
01:22:252 (82252|6) - delete
01:23:696 (83696|5) - ^
01:24:178 (84178|0,84178|6) - ^
01:24:017 add note col 6
01:24:819 (84819|0) - delete
01:24:819 (84819|0,85301|0,85461|0) - delete

Topic Starter

Reyzra wrote:

hello there kagu-chan, sry for late mod....

column 1|2|3|4

00:03:482 (3482|1) - add finish (normal), remove the whistle
00:15:996 (15996|1) - add clap sound
00:18:563 (18563|1) - ^
00:20:809 (20809|2,21129|3) - ^
00:23:375 (23375|2,23696|0) - ^
00:26:263 (26263|1) - ^
00:28:830 (28830|0) - ^
00:33:643 (33643|0,33964|2) - ^
00:36:210 (36210|3,36531|1) - ^
00:38:777 (38777|1,39097|2) - ^
00:40:060 (40060|2,40702|1,41183|0,41664|1) - add whistle
00:43:910 add note + clap HS
00:44:231 ^
00:44:552 (44552|1) - add finish HS
00:45:194 (45194|0,45835|3,46317|2,46798|1) - add whistle HS
00:45:835 (45835|3) - remove clap HS
00:46:798 (46798|1) - add clap
00:47:119 add finish
00:47:600 (47600|3,48081|0,48402|1) - add whsitle
00:49:044 (49044|3) - add clap
00:49:686 (49686|3) - add finish
regarding double note in this part 00:59:953 - 01:10:220 i suggest place double note in clap HS, i think its more appropriate that way.. nice Idea, its easier to play too, thanks
01:13:268 add finish HS
01:15:354 (75354|1,75354|3) - use finish (normal) both of em
01:25:621 (85621|0) - use finish (normal)
i think this is for 4K EZ diff, i have no problem with the pattern, its EZ enough if i can say ;)

about this pattern 00:14:712 to 00:38:777 i suggest changing the short LN to normal Note like this well its up to you changing or not though ;) for normal its ok i think so changed
01:01:878 (61878|0) - add clap
01:04:445 (64445|2) - ^
01:07:012 (67012|1) - ^
01:09:579 (69579|1) - ^
01:14:712 add finish
01:15:033 ^
01:15:354 (75354|0,75354|2) - add finish (normal) both of em and remove the whistle
okay that for NM~

00:04:766 add note for a kick sound
00:05:087 ^
00:06:370 ^
00:06:691 ^
00:07:333 ^
00:07:654 ^ added the additons expect of this line - here i have added at 00:07:814 - instead for better fitting.
00:15:354 add clap
00:18:563 (18563|3) - add clap
00:18:883 (18883|3) - remove clap
00:19:846 (19846|2) - move to 2
00:23:696 add LN to 00:24:017 you have to delete that note in 00:24:017 and add clap, you dont wanna miss the beat sound right? i dont recogniced this sound :o ive changed, nice idea (and following notes for this too)
00:26:263 (26263|3) - add clap
00:28:830 (28830|3) - ^
00:33:482 (33482|3) - move to 3
00:33:964 add LN in col 4 to 00:34:285 (have to delete note in 00:34:285) and add HS to the LN too
00:36:531 same as above add LN in col 1
00:39:097 same as above add LN in col 1
00:34:605 (34605|3,34766|0) - remove the clap sound
00:43:910 (43910|0) - add clap
00:45:033 (45033|0) - ^
00:48:563 (48563|0,49044|0) - add clap
00:58:349 add note
01:16:317 ^
thats for 4K HD for now hope that help :D

00:03:964 (3964|0) - delete note
00:08:375 (8375|1) - add clap
00:13:509 add note in col 2
00:13:589 (13589|0) - delete note
00:16:637 (16637|0) - add clap
00:18:563 (18563|2) - ^
00:23:696 (23696|0) - ^
00:26:263 (26263|0) - ^
00:28:830 add clap
00:31:458 ^
00:33:964 (33964|0) - ^
00:36:531 (36531|0) - ^
00:39:097 (39097|0) - ^
00:42:466 ^
00:43:268 ^
00:43:910 ^
00:49:044 (49044|2) - ^
00:48:563 (48563|1) - ^
00:50:006 (50006|1) - move to 3
00:51:129 (51129|1) - move to 1
00:52:573 (52573|1) - ^
00:54:579 (54579|2) - move to 4
00:51:450 (51450|0) - delete note
00:51:932 add note
00:53:215 ^
00:54:017 (54017|2,54178|1) - delete
00:54:498 add note
00:55:782 ^
00:57:065 ^
00:58:349 ^
00:59:632 ^
01:07:814 (67814|2,68135|1) - move both of these to column 1
01:08:456 add note
01:04:605 ^
01:07:172 ^
01:08:456 ^
01:09:739 ^
01:16:317 ^
01:25:301 try like this? i followed all suggestions here since they are correct i think
there too much overchord in this diff i wish you can fix that kagu... this is since im following two patterns here. i mapped first 7K MX and used there often 2 or 3 chords, while transferring to 4K i often dont change the amount. i have to fix this, yes, but at many points three chords are ok i think.
well that's that for 4k MX

thats it for now kagu, i will update this post for 7K mod later
I dont followed any HS suggestions yet (expect one or two) since all HS in all diffs are nearly the same (pattern) for both 4K and 7K that this will be a bit more work. Ill do this this night or tomorrow and update again. Thanks for overlooking HS
Topic Starter
@Reyzra: Ive added EZ HS Mod and suggestions. I also transferred the suggestions to 7K since i have the same patterns ans Hitsounds. Ill work on NM and other diffs then and update if ive finnished.

Z3nx wrote:

In conclusion :

7K HD ( 2.88 ) - 7K MX ( 4.52 )
The spread is too big here, either make HD harder or MX easier
7K MX ( 4.52 ) - Razorflame's 7K SHD ( 6.13 )
Same thing here, you will need to make SHD waaaay easier if MX gets nerfed I'll nerf my 7K SHD.

You can also put in diff.s in the middle like HD+ or MX+

4K MX ( 3.91 ) - Razorflame's 4K SHD ( 4.1 )
The spread is kinda small here, you can either change the diff name from Razorflame's 4K SHD to Razorflame's 4K MX OR make it way harder ( around 5.0 stars ? ) I'll try to make it harder and if that doesn't work, I'll change it to 4K MX+.

well there's definitely some arguments about ghost notes and stuff but according to experiences with QATs, you should try to not use any ghost notes cause they will point it out and stuff will happen, i'm not saying it's wrong but yea, this is what i experienced haha

In a nutshell, ghost notes are ok in mapping but the ranking system says otherwise so if you wanna rank maps try not to use ghost notes
All but two ghost notes were removed in the 4K SHD, and all ghost notes removed in the 7K SHD.

Kagu-chan wrote:

@Reyzra: Ive added EZ HS Mod and suggestions. I also transferred the suggestions to 7K since i have the same patterns ans Hitsounds. Ill work on NM and other diffs then and update if ive finnished.
ok then let me know if youre finish updating so i can start modding the 7K ;)
Updates as per mods: - 7K SHD (5.30*) - 4K SHD (4.83*)

Topic Starter

This Beatmap-Update contains modifications depending to Z3nx Diff Spread notifications.


Starting from 00:39:418 - upto 00:49:686 - here i additionally mapped the Bassline in Background. This increases the HD diffs both ca 0,3 - 0,4 Stars.
I think this is one of of the really rare positions where its fitting the diff, since all others would not fitting the concept of the HD diffs.
Im trying to map 7K and 4K the same way with same patterns - the limit here is the key count. So in 4K this modification results in a few Jacks - So pls modders, let me know which is too much and which not.


Razorflamekun increased 4K SHD and decreased 7K SHD. Here he´s now more mapping through the music with no more overmapping (as i´ve seen) and ghost notes. Also he added a stream for the violine part as in HD and MX present.

We hope this is OK and more how it should be for ranked.

Tomorrow i´ll add Reyzra's HS modds to all diffs higher than EZ.

Thanks for all mods and thanks for upcoming mods in advance :)
Topic Starter
Reyzras mods included (:
from my queue:

will look at the mp3 shortly, in the meantime here is a bg mod

used this as the base. just cropped and downscaled to 1366x768.edit: here is a new mp3. it's not really any louder (the one you have right now is already peaking), but it is a bit higher quality (the background high-pitch percussion is where this makes a difference, most noticeable around 1:00). it will require a new offset.

no kds
Topic Starter
Thanks, all done, Offset moved (:
Renamed SHD to SC
Redownload pls (:
Topic Starter

Reyzra wrote:


column 1|2|3|4|5|6|7

00:26:382 (26382|0) - move to 2

00:30:232 (30232|6) - move to 5

00:31:195 (31195|4) - move to 4

00:34:083 (34083|2) - move to 4

00:49:163 (49163|3,49484|4) - move it 1 column to the right

00:51:409 (51409|6) - move to 3

00:53:976 (53976|6) - ^

00:56:542 (56542|1) - move to 2

01:00:714 (60714|6,60714|3) - move it 2 column to the left

01:07:131 (67131|3,67131|0) - move it 1 column to the right

01:08:093 (68093|1) - move it to 3

01:08:414 (68414|2) - move to 1

01:14:510 try like this?

01:18:361 (78361|6) - move to 6

01:19:644 (79644|6) - move to 2

01:19:965 (79965|1) - move to 6

okay done~

first thing i want to say this diff

- too much contain LN, i wish you can lower it, or you can change it to normal note

- for NM i think 3 LN or more at the same is too much for this diff, i suggest you use just 2 LN max at the same time, so i will skip removing the LN for this mod, (you can PM in game for this)


00:03:922 (3922|0) - move to 3

00:09:056 (9056|2,9698|3,10339|4) - move it 1 column to the right

00:13:307 (13307|2,13468|4) - delete (too OP for NM)

00:15:794 (15794|5) - move to 3

00:15:954 (15954|2) - move to 4

00:17:398 (17398|6) - move to 5

00:17:719 (17719|0) - move to 2

00:18:361 (18361|6) - ^

00:19:484 try this?

00:23:013 (23013|0) - move to 2

00:23:494 (23494|0,23815|1) - CTRL + G


00:30:393 (30393|0) - move to 3

00:32:799 (32799|3) - move to 2


00:49:323 (49323|4) - move to 6

00:49:804 (49804|0) - move to 2


00:54:938 (54938|3) - move to 3

00:57:826 (57826|6) - move to 4

01:00:393 (60393|4) - delete

01:01:195 (61195|2) - ^

01:02:478 (62478|5) - ^

01:02:960 (62960|3) - ^

01:03:601 (63601|1) - move to 3

01:03:762 (63762|3) - delete

01:05:045 (65045|5) - ^

01:05:526 (65526|2) - ^

01:06:168 (66168|5) - move to 3

01:06:329 (66329|5) - delete

01:07:612 (67612|0,68093|3,68895|4) - delete

01:11:943 (71943|0,72104|4) - move 1 collumn to the right

01:12:425 (72425|6) - move to 4

01:12:585 - 01:15:312 so overchord.., just add 2-3 note

okay thats it for 7K HD for now, there so much i want recomend it here on this diff but im not post it here (maybe i can talk to you in game directly)

00:07:612 (7612|1) - move to white line below

00:18:681 Delete 2 note

00:19:163 (19163|2,19644|1,20125|0) - delete

00:20:927 (20927|4) - ^

00:23:173 (23173|3) - add clap

00:23:494 add note for a clap

00:28:949 (28949|5,28949|4,29430|5,29911|2,30393|2,30874|4) - delete

00:28:628 (28628|1,28788|0) - move to 4 colum to the right

00:33:762 add note for a clap

00:36:329 ^

00:38:895 ^

00:39:698 (39698|0,40660|2) - delete

00:41:462 (41462|6,41623|3) - ^

00:42:264 (42264|4,42746|2,43066|1) - delete these LN i dont think its not appropriate in HD

00:43:548 (43548|0) - move to 2

00:45:633 (45633|5) - delete

00:46:115 (46115|0,46115|3) - ^

00:46:596 (46596|0,46596|4) - ^

00:49:002 (49002|1) - ^

00:49:163 add note

00:49:323 (49323|1) - Delete

00:50:446 add note col 6

00:51:730 ^

00:53:013 add note col 2

00:54:296 add note col 4

00:55:580 add note col 1

00:56:863 add note col 5

00:57:505 (57505|0) - move to col 2

00:58:147 add 2 note col 3 and 7

00:59:430 add note col 1

01:00:473 add 2 note col 1 and 6 and add clap one of these

01:01:676 add note in col 6 + clap

01:01:997 add note in col 2

01:02:318 (62318|1) - move to 1

01:03:280 add 2 note col 1 and 6 and add clap one of these

01:04:243 add note col 7 + clap

01:04:564 add note col 2 + clap

01:05:847 add 2 note col 1 and 7 and add clap one of these

01:06:810 add note col 7 +clap

01:07:131 add note col 1 + clap

01:08:414 add note col 3 and 7 + clap one of these

01:09:377 add note col 7 + clap

01:09:698 add note col 2 + clap

01:10:018 add note col 1 + finish

01:10:981 (70981|5) - add clap

01:12:264 (72264|1) - ^

01:13:548 add note col 1

01:14:510 try this?

01:15:794 (75794|0) - move to 4

01:16:115 add note col 1 + clap

01:17:398 ^

01:21:088 (81088|0,81409|6) - delete

01:21:248 add note col 1

01:22:050 (82050|6) - delete

01:23:494 (83494|5) - ^

01:23:976 (83976|0,83976|6) - ^

01:23:815 add note col 6

01:24:617 (84617|0) - delete

01:24:617 (84617|0,85099|0,85259|0) - delete

Ill recalculated the timings with a little script since ive moved the offset, so the timings here are not the same as in mod.
Thanks for mod (:

Mostly done, expect a few deletes in NM and HD (most of them done in HD, most of them not in NM)
Try to make the 7K HD a bit harder or make the 7K MX a bit easier. Right now, the gap is too big. 7K MX could be lowered to ~4-4.1 stars without having to change anything with any other difficulties. That being said, the current gap won't be able to be ranked because it is too large.

NO KDS for this post
Topic Starter
Nope. Ive spoken with Z3nx about the Diff spread after my changes and gettet the OK for this spread here.
Also I dont want to make something harder or easier now since i have constant patterns in both diffs here. 4K is depending on 7K, if i change something in one key amount, i have to change the same in other since i want the same patterns and instrumentals mapped in both. This would result in a not acceptable spread on 4K diffs here.
Here you go mod from pm~
[7K NM]

Hmm 7K NM same OD and HP as 7K EZ AND 4K EZ? xD

00:03:280 (3280|1,3280|3,3280|5) - avoid 2 finish and more in a same beat. Not allow in mania~

00:20:607 (20607|3) - you can put one of hitsound on the other note as well

00:23:173 (23173|4) - and 00:30:874 (30874|4) - ^

00:31:516 (31516|5,32478|5) - Avoid jack here~ since you didn't do it before this, and jack is always a bit harder, mostly at high bpm~ :3

00:33:441 (33441|5) - and 00:36:008 (36008|3) - same reason as 00:20:607 (20607|3)

00:36:649 (36649|5,37612|5) - same reason as 00:31:516 (31516|5,32478|5) -

00:41:462 (41462|4,41462|5) - and 00:42:746 (42746|1,42746|5) - and 00:44:350 (44350|1,44350|6) - and 00:47:879 (47879|4,47879|1) - same reason as 00:03:280 (3280|1,3280|3,3280|5) -

00:46:596 (46596|4) - remove clap, already in another note

00:49:323 (49323|4,49403|5,49484|4) - uwahh a sudden stream, a stair stream or just no note here here 00:49:403 - could be a lots more easier for NM player, please consider :3

00:49:484 (49484|1,49484|0,49484|4) - 1 whistle/1 finish enough :3

00:51:088 (51088|2,51248|4,51409|2,51569|4) - Hmm not the same sound, don't put them same column xD

00:52:050 (52050|5,52050|3) - 1 whistle

00:52:211 (52211|4,52371|3,52532|2,52692|1) - stairs doesn't match the song

00:53:494 (53494|3,53655|3) - shouldn't be same column, random jack here

00:53:976 (53976|5,54136|4,54296|3,54457|2) - stairs doesn't match the song

00:57:184 (57184|5,57184|1) - 1 whistle, not 2

00:59:751 (59751|3) - remove all hitsound on this note, already enough in that beat XD

01:00:232 (60232|5,60393|4) - this 01:00:232 - should be normal note and then this 01:00:393 - should be a ln

01:00:874 (60874|3,61195|3) - shouldn't be same column

01:02:318 (62318|3,62318|1) - and 01:04:885 (64885|2,64885|4) - and 01:07:452 (67452|5,67452|1) - uwahhhh you know the reason.

01:12:585 (72585|2,72585|4,73066|3,73066|5,73548|2,73548|4,74029|3,74029|5,74510|5,74510|2,74831|1,74831|4,75152|3,75152|5) - and 01:25:419 (85419|4,85419|1) - same reason as 00:03:280 (3280|1,3280|3,3280|5) -

[7K HD]

00:03:280 (3280|3,3280|5) - Avoid double finish hitsound. I made this mistake before, put more then one finish to make it louder, but shouldn't do that in mania map.

00:03:280 (3280|0) - 1 note 1 hitsound is better~ mostly you already have 2 more finish, should be only 1

00:04:724 (4724|1,4724|5,5045|3) - Why suddenly map this sound? Keep it consistent please ^^

00:06:329 (6329|2) - ^

00:07:452 - Suddenly not mapping this beat anymore? ;w;

00:08:414 (8414|2,8414|6) - same reason as 00:03:280 (3280|3,3280|5)

00:13:548 - Hmm judging from the pitch, shouldn't the note here 00:13:548 follow this stairs 00:13:227 (13227|3,13307|4,13387|5,13468|6) - ?

00:14:671 (14671|3,14831|2,14992|1,15152|0) - stairs doesn't match the actual song, the long note are fine, just the placement

00:15:473 (15473|2,15794|6) - same reason as 00:03:280 (3280|0)

00:18:040 (18040|0,18361|5) - and 00:23:173 (23173|3) - and 00:25:740 (25740|4,26061|6) - and 00:28:307 (28307|2,28628|1) - and 00:33:441 (33441|5) - 00:38:575 (38575|3) - and 00:43:708 (43708|1,44029|0) - and 00:52:050 (52050|3) - and 00:54:617 (54617|3) - and 00:57:184 (57184|3) - and 01:10:018 (70018|3) - ^

00:19:163 (19163|5,19163|6,19644|6,19644|5,20125|5,20125|6) - and 00:23:494 (23494|2,23494|0) - and 00:31:195 (31195|4,31195|5) and 01:00:714 (60714|5,60714|1) - and 01:03:280 (63280|1,63280|0) - and 01:04:243 (64243|6,64243|5,64564|1,64564|2) - and 01:06:810 (66810|6,66810|5,67131|2,67131|0) - and 01:09:377 (69377|4,69377|5,69698|2,69698|1) - and 01:10:981 (70981|5,70981|1) - and 01:12:264 (72264|4,72264|1,72585|1,72585|2,73066|5,73066|4) - and 01:14:029 (74029|3,74029|4) - and 01:14:029 (74029|3,74029|4) - and 01:14:029 (74029|3,74029|4) - and 01:17:398 (77398|0,77398|6) - same reason as 00:03:280 (3280|3,3280|5) except with clap

01:05:366 (65366|5,65526|4) - This 01:05:366 - should be single note, and slider here 01:05:526

01:07:933 (67933|5,68093|3) - ^

01:17:879 - overmap, I know which sound your mapping for, but is not always at the same speed, for example look at this note 01:18:441 (78441|5) - do you hear the sound your trying to map here? xD

01:20:286 (80286|6) - remove whistle, already have one on LN

01:25:419 (85419|6,85419|3,85419|2) - same reason as 00:03:280 (3280|3,3280|5) -

[7K MX]

00:03:280 (3280|4,3280|2,3280|0) - shouldn't this give MORE impact? So different from those 00:03:280 (3280|4,3280|0,3280|2,3601|0,3601|4,3601|2,3922|2,3922|0,3922|4,4243|0,4243|2,4243|4)

00:04:724 (4724|2,4724|0,4724|6) - keep consistent to these 00:03:441 (3441|6,3762|6,4083|6,4403|6)
or 00:04:724 (4724|2,4724|0) - move to 00:04:885 keep consistent

00:05:847 (5847|4) - should be clap, judging from the drum your matching your clap hitsound

00:07:772 - ^ claps here

00:12:906 - forgot clap here? xD

00:15:152 (15152|5,15312|4) - ctrl+g from the pitch, also ctrl+g move your hitsound ><, you can put back the hitsound like before :3

00:28:949 - 00:29:430 - 00:29:911 - 00:30:393 - 00:30:874 - add clap, for that drum sound like the beginning :D

00:38:575 - add clap?

00:40:179 (40179|6,40179|4) - remove one clap, one one is enough

00:40:500 (40500|5,40500|4) - remove one whistle, only 1 enough

00:40:861 (40861|4,40901|3,40941|2,40981|1,41021|0,41061|6,41101|5) - stream timing is wrong, is a 1/6

00:41:302 - stream starting here 1/6 and delete this 00:41:542 (41542|5) - no new sound

00:41:623 (41623|0,41663|1,41703|2,41743|5) - overmap stream

00:41:783 (41783|4,41783|6) - only 1 whistle enough / 00:42:264 (42264|2,42264|4) - only 1 clap enough

00:43:066 (43066|1,43066|5) - try to avoid putting to hitsound on one note when you can put on other note

00:43:708 (43708|4,43708|2,44029|4,44029|6) - never 2 clap at the same time

00:44:350 (44350|4,44350|2) - same reason as 00:43:066 (43066|1,43066|5) , mostly the finish hitsound, when not hit at the same time, doesn't sound good

00:44:069 (44069|0,44109|1,44149|2,44189|3,44230|4,44270|5,44310|6) - wrong timing should be 1/6, a whistle note starting from here 00:44:029 -

00:45:994 (45994|1,46034|0,46075|6) - wrong timing, should be 1/6 and only 2 sound here 00:46:061 - and here 00:41:583 (41583|6) - and put whistle since you added whistle on the pattern I mention above.

00:47:398 - no clap here?

00:54:858 (54858|2,54858|0) - Hmm why 2 note here?

I didn't name all the double hitsound since there is a lots, but avoid those~

GL with the map :D!!!

Reyzra wrote:

hello there kagu-chan, sry for late mod....

as you req mod from me via pm,
for now i mod your 4K first ;)
i might as well mod the HS too....
you free to ignore some of my mod if you dont match your taste~
here we go :

column 1|2|3|4

00:03:482 (3482|1) - add finish (normal), remove the whistle
00:15:996 (15996|1) - add clap sound
00:18:563 (18563|1) - ^
00:20:809 (20809|2,21129|3) - ^
00:23:375 (23375|2,23696|0) - ^
00:26:263 (26263|1) - ^
00:28:830 (28830|0) - ^
00:33:643 (33643|0,33964|2) - ^
00:36:210 (36210|3,36531|1) - ^
00:38:777 (38777|1,39097|2) - ^
00:40:060 (40060|2,40702|1,41183|0,41664|1) - add whistle
00:43:910 add note + clap HS
00:44:231 ^
00:44:552 (44552|1) - add finish HS
00:45:194 (45194|0,45835|3,46317|2,46798|1) - add whistle HS
00:45:835 (45835|3) - remove clap HS
00:46:798 (46798|1) - add clap
00:47:119 add finish
00:47:600 (47600|3,48081|0,48402|1) - add whsitle
00:49:044 (49044|3) - add clap
00:49:686 (49686|3) - add finish
regarding double note in this part 00:59:953 - 01:10:220 i suggest place double note in clap HS, i think its more appropriate that way..
01:13:268 add finish HS
01:15:354 (75354|1,75354|3) - use finish (normal) both of em
01:25:621 (85621|0) - use finish (normal)
i think this is for 4K EZ diff, i have no problem with the pattern, its EZ enough if i can say ;)

about this pattern 00:14:712 to 00:38:777 i suggest changing the short LN to normal Note like this well its up to you changing or not though ;)
01:01:878 (61878|0) - add clap
01:04:445 (64445|2) - ^
01:07:012 (67012|1) - ^
01:09:579 (69579|1) - ^
01:14:712 add finish
01:15:033 ^
01:15:354 (75354|0,75354|2) - add finish (normal) both of em and remove the whistle
okay that for NM~

00:04:766 add note for a kick sound
00:05:087 ^
00:06:370 ^
00:06:691 ^
00:07:333 ^
00:07:654 ^
00:15:354 add clap
00:18:563 (18563|3) - add clap
00:18:883 (18883|3) - remove clap
00:19:846 (19846|2) - move to 2
00:23:696 add LN to 00:24:017 you have to delete that note in 00:24:017 and add clap, you dont wanna miss the beat sound right?
00:26:263 (26263|3) - add clap
00:28:830 (28830|3) - ^
00:33:482 (33482|3) - move to 3
00:33:964 add LN in col 4 to 00:34:285 (have to delete note in 00:34:285) and add HS to the LN too
00:36:531 same as above add LN in col 1
00:39:097 same as above add LN in col 1
00:34:605 (34605|3,34766|0) - remove the clap sound
00:43:910 (43910|0) - add clap
00:45:033 (45033|0) - ^
00:48:563 (48563|0,49044|0) - add clap
00:58:349 add note
01:16:317 ^
thats for 4K HD for now hope that help :D

00:03:964 (3964|0) - delete note
00:08:375 (8375|1) - add clap
00:13:509 add note in col 2
00:13:589 (13589|0) - delete note
00:16:637 (16637|0) - add clap
00:18:563 (18563|2) - ^
00:23:696 (23696|0) - ^
00:26:263 (26263|0) - ^
00:28:830 add clap
00:31:458 ^
00:33:964 (33964|0) - ^
00:36:531 (36531|0) - ^
00:39:097 (39097|0) - ^
00:42:466 ^
00:43:268 ^
00:43:910 ^
00:49:044 (49044|2) - ^
00:48:563 (48563|1) - ^
00:50:006 (50006|1) - move to 3
00:51:129 (51129|1) - move to 1
00:52:573 (52573|1) - ^
00:54:579 (54579|2) - move to 4
00:51:450 (51450|0) - delete note
00:51:932 add note
00:53:215 ^
00:54:017 (54017|2,54178|1) - delete
00:54:498 add note
00:55:782 ^
00:57:065 ^
00:58:349 ^
00:59:632 ^
01:07:814 (67814|2,68135|1) - move both of these to column 1
01:08:456 add note
01:04:605 ^
01:07:172 ^
01:08:456 ^
01:09:739 ^
01:16:317 ^
01:25:301 try like this?
there too much overchord in this diff i wish you can fix that kagu...
well that's that for 4k MX


column 1|2|3|4|5|6|7

00:26:584 (26584|0) - move to 2
00:30:434 (30434|6) - move to 5
00:31:397 (31397|4) - move to 4
00:34:285 (34285|2) - move to 4
00:49:365 (49365|3,49686|4) - move it 1 column to the right
00:51:611 (51611|6) - move to 3
00:54:178 (54178|6) - ^
00:56:744 (56744|1) - move to 2
01:00:916 (60916|6,60916|3) - move it 2 column to the left
01:07:333 (67333|3,67333|0) - move it 1 column to the right
01:08:295 (68295|1) - move it to 3
01:08:616 (68616|2) - move to 1
01:14:712 try like this?
01:18:563 (78563|6) - move to 6
01:19:846 (79846|6) - move to 2
01:20:167 (80167|1) - move to 6
okay done~

first thing i want to say this diff
- too much contain LN, i wish you can lower it, or you can change it to normal note
- for NM i think 3 LN or more at the same is too much for this diff, i suggest you use just 2 LN max at the same time, so i will skip removing the LN for this mod, (you can PM in game for this)
00:04:124 (4124|0) - move to 3
00:09:258 (9258|2,9900|3,10541|4) - move it 1 column to the right
00:13:509 (13509|2,13670|4) - delete (too OP for NM)
00:15:996 (15996|5) - move to 3
00:16:156 (16156|2) - move to 4
00:17:600 (17600|6) - move to 5
00:17:921 (17921|0) - move to 2
00:18:563 (18563|6) - ^
00:19:686 try this?
00:23:215 (23215|0) - move to 2
00:23:696 (23696|0,24017|1) - CTRL + G
00:30:595 (30595|0) - move to 3
00:33:001 (33001|3) - move to 2
00:49:525 (49525|4) - move to 6
00:50:006 (50006|0) - move to 2
00:55:140 (55140|3) - move to 3
00:58:028 (58028|6) - move to 4
01:00:595 (60595|4) - delete
01:01:397 (61397|2) - ^
01:02:680 (62680|5) - ^
01:03:162 (63162|3) - ^
01:03:803 (63803|1) - move to 3
01:03:964 (63964|3) - delete
01:05:247 (65247|5) - ^
01:05:728 (65728|2) - ^
01:06:370 (66370|5) - move to 3
01:06:531 (66531|5) - delete
01:07:814 (67814|0,68295|3,69097|4) - delete
01:12:145 (72145|0,72306|4) - move 1 collumn to the right
01:12:627 (72627|6) - move to 4
01:12:787 - 01:15:514 so overchord.., just add 2-3 note
okay thats it for 7K HD for now, there so much i want recomend it here on this diff but im not post it here (maybe i can talk to you in game directly)

00:07:814 (7814|1) - move to white line below
00:18:883 Delete 2 note
00:19:365 (19365|2,19846|1,20327|0) - delete
00:21:129 (21129|4) - ^
00:23:375 (23375|3) - add clap
00:23:696 add note for a clap
00:29:151 (29151|5,29151|4,29632|5,30113|2,30595|2,31076|4) - delete
00:28:830 (28830|1,28990|0) - move to 4 colum to the right
00:33:964 add note for a clap
00:36:531 ^
00:39:097 ^
00:39:900 (39900|0,40862|2) - delete
00:41:664 (41664|6,41825|3) - ^
00:42:466 (42466|4,42948|2,43268|1) - delete these LN i dont think its not appropriate in HD
00:43:750 (43750|0) - move to 2
00:45:835 (45835|5) - delete
00:46:317 (46317|0,46317|3) - ^
00:46:798 (46798|0,46798|4) - ^
00:49:204 (49204|1) - ^
00:49:365 add note
00:49:525 (49525|1) - Delete
00:50:648 add note col 6
00:51:932 ^
00:53:215 add note col 2
00:54:498 add note col 4
00:55:782 add note col 1
00:57:065 add note col 5
00:57:707 (57707|0) - move to col 2
00:58:349 add 2 note col 3 and 7
00:59:632 add note col 1
01:00:675 add 2 note col 1 and 6 and add clap one of these
01:01:878 add note in col 6 + clap
01:02:199 add note in col 2
01:02:520 (62520|1) - move to 1
01:03:482 add 2 note col 1 and 6 and add clap one of these
01:04:445 add note col 7 + clap
01:04:766 add note col 2 + clap
01:06:049 add 2 note col 1 and 7 and add clap one of these
01:07:012 add note col 7 +clap
01:07:333 add note col 1 + clap
01:08:616 add note col 3 and 7 + clap one of these
01:09:579 add note col 7 + clap
01:09:900 add note col 2 + clap
01:10:220 add note col 1 + finish
01:11:183 (71183|5) - add clap
01:12:466 (72466|1) - ^
01:13:750 add note col 1
01:14:712 try this?
01:15:996 (75996|0) - move to 4
01:16:317 add note col 1 + clap
01:17:600 ^
01:21:290 (81290|0,81611|6) - delete
01:21:450 add note col 1
01:22:252 (82252|6) - delete
01:23:696 (83696|5) - ^
01:24:178 (84178|0,84178|6) - ^
01:24:017 add note col 6
01:24:819 (84819|0) - delete
01:24:819 (84819|0,85301|0,85461|0) - delete
here mod for 7k MX sry for late
00:09:858 (9858|0) - move to 4
00:11:783 (11783|2,11783|0) - move 1 column to the right
00:11:943 (11943|2,12104|0) - delete
00:12:746 (12746|0) - move to 4
00:14:189 (14189|2,14270|1,14350|0) - move it 2 column to the right
00:14:751 (14751|2,14831|1) - CTRL + G
00:14:992 (14992|1,15072|0) - ^
00:15:794 (15794|6,15794|2) - add clap
00:16:115 (16115|0) - move to 3
00:16:756 (16756|2) - move to 4
00:16:435 (16435|0) - remove clap
00:17:077 (17077|2) - Delete
00:17:238 (17238|0) - move to 3
00:18:681 (18681|1,18681|0,19163|1,19644|4,19644|2) - delete these
00:19:644 (19644|1,19644|0) - add clap
00:20:125 (20125|4,20125|2) - delete
00:20:607 try this?
00:21:730 try this?
00:22:532 (22532|2,22692|0,22853|0) - delete
00:22:772 (22772|1,22853|2) - move to 1 column to the left
00:23:173 try this?
00:29:430 try this?
00:33:762 (33762|0,33842|1,33922|2,34002|3) - move 1 column to the right
00:34:885 (34885|1,35045|1,35206|0) - delete
00:34:724 (34724|1,34885|2,35045|1,35206|0) - delete
00:41:783 (41783|4,41783|2) - delete
00:40:660 (40660|3) - ^
00:41:141 (41141|3) - ^
00:41:462 add note
00:42:264 (42264|4,42746|0,43066|6) - delete
00:44:350 (44350|3,44350|1) - delete
00:44:510 (44510|0) - move to 2
00:44:831 (44831|3) - delete
00:45:794 (45794|5,45794|1) - delete
00:46:917 (46917|2,46917|4) - delete
00:47:077 (47077|6,47077|0) - delete
00:47:398 (47398|6,47879|0,48200|4) - ^
00:49:163 (49163|2) - move to 5
00:49:965 (49965|0) - delete
00:54:778 (54778|1,54858|0,54858|2,54938|1) - move 1 colum to the right
00:57:184 (57184|2,57345|3) - delete
01:16:115 add 2 note
01:17:398 add 1 note
01:18:681 ^
01:19:965 ^
01:22:211 (82211|4,82692|2) - delete
01:23:813 add 1 note
okay done~
btw, this part 00:13:548 - 00:39:216 the LN seems stick on the right hand, and the stream stick on the left hand, i think you should consider switching the pattern for balancing
okay im done with part for modding, so i wish you good luck for ranked this map kagu~
Topic Starter

Julie wrote:

Here you go mod from pm~
"7K NM"
Hmm 7K NM same OD and HP as 7K EZ AND 4K EZ? xD Fixed

00:03:280 (3280|1,3280|3,3280|5) - avoid 2 finish and more in a same beat. Not allow in mania~ Sure? Many others suggested. And it should be hearable instead of Standard-Hitsound.

00:20:607 (20607|3) - you can put one of hitsound on the other note as well

00:23:173 (23173|4) - and 00:30:874 (30874|4) - ^

00:31:516 (31516|5,32478|5) - Avoid jack here~ since you didn't do it before this, and jack is always a bit harder, mostly at high bpm~ :3 Fixed

00:33:441 (33441|5) - and 00:36:008 (36008|3) - same reason as 00:20:607 (20607|3)

00:36:649 (36649|5,37612|5) - same reason as 00:31:516 (31516|5,32478|5) - Fixed

00:41:462 (41462|4,41462|5) - and 00:42:746 (42746|1,42746|5) - and 00:44:350 (44350|1,44350|6) - and 00:47:879 (47879|4,47879|1) - same reason as 00:03:280 (3280|1,3280|3,3280|5) -

00:46:596 (46596|4) - remove clap, already in another note

00:49:323 (49323|4,49403|5,49484|4) - uwahh a sudden stream, a stair stream or just no note here here 00:49:403 - could be a lots more easier for NM player, please consider :3 Stairs

00:49:484 (49484|1,49484|0,49484|4) - 1 whistle/1 finish enough :3

00:51:088 (51088|2,51248|4,51409|2,51569|4) - Hmm not the same sound, don't put them same column xD But easier to play. See Reyzra's mod pls, it was suggested and better than before.

00:52:050 (52050|5,52050|3) - 1 whistle

00:52:211 (52211|4,52371|3,52532|2,52692|1) - stairs doesn't match the song Each is one synth note AND bass note. Sure, it could be pattered, but for beginner players patterns are not as easy to play. So i ignore the pitch here for basic pattern and rythm.

00:53:494 (53494|3,53655|3) - shouldn't be same column, random jack here Fixed

00:53:976 (53976|5,54136|4,54296|3,54457|2) - stairs doesn't match the song See above

00:57:184 (57184|5,57184|1) - 1 whistle, not 2

00:59:751 (59751|3) - remove all hitsound on this note, already enough in that beat XD

01:00:232 (60232|5,60393|4) - this 01:00:232 - should be normal note and then this 01:00:393 - should be a ln Nope, its just an alternative pattern, so i dont change.

01:00:874 (60874|3,61195|3) - shouldn't be same column See above

01:02:318 (62318|3,62318|1) - and 01:04:885 (64885|2,64885|4) - and 01:07:452 (67452|5,67452|1) - uwahhhh you know the reason.

01:12:585 (72585|2,72585|4,73066|3,73066|5,73548|2,73548|4,74029|3,74029|5,74510|5,74510|2,74831|1,74831|4,75152|3,75152|5) - and 01:25:419 (85419|4,85419|1) - same reason as 00:03:280 (3280|1,3280|3,3280|5) -

"7K HD"
00:03:280 (3280|3,3280|5) - Avoid double finish hitsound. I made this mistake before, put more then one finish to make it louder, but shouldn't do that in mania map.

00:03:280 (3280|0) - 1 note 1 hitsound is better~ mostly you already have 2 more finish, should be only 1

00:04:724 (4724|1,4724|5,5045|3) - Why suddenly map this sound? Keep it consistent please ^^ It was suggested by many modders before - and i think its ok (and interesting) to bring a additional "sound" in since osu allows it per mapping. And its nice gto play and not as booring

00:06:329 (6329|2) - ^

00:07:452 - Suddenly not mapping this beat anymore? ;w; Dont hear the bassline. Here the other notes in background.

00:08:414 (8414|2,8414|6) - same reason as 00:03:280 (3280|3,3280|5)

00:13:548 - Hmm judging from the pitch, shouldn't the note here 00:13:548 follow this stairs 00:13:227 (13227|3,13307|4,13387|5,13468|6) - ? I think you accept if i say they are not enough lines to follow always the pitch. At some points i have to break with them, also here ;)

00:14:671 (14671|3,14831|2,14992|1,15152|0) - stairs doesn't match the actual song, the long note are fine, just the placement See above

00:15:473 (15473|2,15794|6) - same reason as 00:03:280 (3280|0)

00:18:040 (18040|0,18361|5) - and 00:23:173 (23173|3) - and 00:25:740 (25740|4,26061|6) - and 00:28:307 (28307|2,28628|1) - and 00:33:441 (33441|5) - 00:38:575 (38575|3) - and 00:43:708 (43708|1,44029|0) - and 00:52:050 (52050|3) - and 00:54:617 (54617|3) - and 00:57:184 (57184|3) - and 01:10:018 (70018|3) - ^

00:19:163 (19163|5,19163|6,19644|6,19644|5,20125|5,20125|6) - and 00:23:494 (23494|2,23494|0) - and 00:31:195 (31195|4,31195|5) and 01:00:714 (60714|5,60714|1) - and 01:03:280 (63280|1,63280|0) - and 01:04:243 (64243|6,64243|5,64564|1,64564|2) - and 01:06:810 (66810|6,66810|5,67131|2,67131|0) - and 01:09:377 (69377|4,69377|5,69698|2,69698|1) - and 01:10:981 (70981|5,70981|1) - and 01:12:264 (72264|4,72264|1,72585|1,72585|2,73066|5,73066|4) - and 01:14:029 (74029|3,74029|4) - and 01:14:029 (74029|3,74029|4) - and 01:14:029 (74029|3,74029|4) - and 01:17:398 (77398|0,77398|6) - same reason as 00:03:280 (3280|3,3280|5) except with clap

01:05:366 (65366|5,65526|4) - This 01:05:366 - should be single note, and slider here 01:05:526

01:07:933 (67933|5,68093|3) - ^

01:17:879 - overmap, I know which sound your mapping for, but is not always at the same speed, for example look at this note 01:18:441 (78441|5) - do you hear the sound your trying to map here? xD Yep, i hear it. Clearly.

01:20:286 (80286|6) - remove whistle, already have one on LN

01:25:419 (85419|6,85419|3,85419|2) - same reason as 00:03:280 (3280|3,3280|5) -

"7K MX"
00:03:280 (3280|4,3280|2,3280|0) - shouldn't this give MORE impact? So different from those 00:03:280 (3280|4,3280|0,3280|2,3601|0,3601|4,3601|2,3922|2,3922|0,3922|4,4243|0,4243|2,4243|4) You missunderstood the patterns. On right hand they are just the bassline, left hand the kettledrum.

00:04:724 (4724|2,4724|0,4724|6) - keep consistent to these 00:03:441 (3441|6,3762|6,4083|6,4403|6)
or 00:04:724 (4724|2,4724|0) - move to 00:04:885 keep consistent

00:05:847 (5847|4) - should be clap, judging from the drum your matching your clap hitsound Claps in this part are just on each 3/4 Note. This is a 1/4, the two following 2/4 Notes. So no.

00:07:772 - ^ claps here

00:12:906 - forgot clap here? xD

00:15:152 (15152|5,15312|4) - ctrl+g from the pitch, also ctrl+g move your hitsound ><, you can put back the hitsound like before :3 Whistle-Sounds are on white lines, no HS on other ticks. So its correct here.

00:28:949 - 00:29:430 - 00:29:911 - 00:30:393 - 00:30:874 - add clap, for that drum sound like the beginning :D See above

00:38:575 - add clap? ^

00:40:179 (40179|6,40179|4) - remove one clap, one one is enough

00:40:500 (40500|5,40500|4) - remove one whistle, only 1 enough

00:40:861 (40861|4,40901|3,40941|2,40981|1,41021|0,41061|6,41101|5) - stream timing is wrong, is a 1/6 1/6 Streams fixed

00:41:302 - stream starting here 1/6 and delete this 00:41:542 (41542|5) - no new sound

00:41:623 (41623|0,41663|1,41703|2,41743|5) - overmap stream Nope, the same as the other

00:41:783 (41783|4,41783|6) - only 1 whistle enough / 00:42:264 (42264|2,42264|4) - only 1 clap enough

00:43:066 (43066|1,43066|5) - try to avoid putting to hitsound on one note when you can put on other note

00:43:708 (43708|4,43708|2,44029|4,44029|6) - never 2 clap at the same time

00:44:350 (44350|4,44350|2) - same reason as 00:43:066 (43066|1,43066|5) , mostly the finish hitsound, when not hit at the same time, doesn't sound good

00:44:069 (44069|0,44109|1,44149|2,44189|3,44230|4,44270|5,44310|6) - wrong timing should be 1/6, a whistle note starting from here 00:44:029 -

00:45:994 (45994|1,46034|0,46075|6) - wrong timing, should be 1/6 and only 2 sound here 00:46:061 - and here 00:41:583 (41583|6) - and put whistle since you added whistle on the pattern I mention above.

00:47:398 - no clap here?

00:54:858 (54858|2,54858|0) - Hmm why 2 note here? Its the drums in BG

I didn't name all the double hitsound since there is a lots, but avoid those~

GL with the map :D!!!
Topic Starter

Reyzra wrote:

here mod for 7k MX sry for late
00:09:858 (9858|0) - move to 4
00:11:783 (11783|2,11783|0) - move 1 column to the right
00:11:943 (11943|2,12104|0) - delete
00:12:746 (12746|0) - move to 4
00:14:189 (14189|2,14270|1,14350|0) - move it 2 column to the right Nope. As you mentioned at end of mod, its sticket on left and right hand. The drums as example are sticked on colums 1 to 4, other instrumentals mostly 4 to 7.
00:14:751 (14751|2,14831|1) - CTRL + G
00:14:992 (14992|1,15072|0) - ^
00:15:794 (15794|6,15794|2) - add clap
00:16:115 (16115|0) - move to 3
00:16:756 (16756|2) - move to 4
00:16:435 (16435|0) - remove clap
00:17:077 (17077|2) - Delete
00:17:238 (17238|0) - move to 3
00:18:681 (18681|1,18681|0,19163|1,19644|4,19644|2) - delete these not all of them, sorry
00:19:644 (19644|1,19644|0) - add clap
00:20:125 (20125|4,20125|2) - delete
00:20:607 try this?
00:21:730 try this?
00:22:532 (22532|2,22692|0,22853|0) - delete
00:22:772 (22772|1,22853|2) - move to 1 column to the left
00:23:173 try this?
00:29:430 try this?
00:33:762 (33762|0,33842|1,33922|2,34002|3) - move 1 column to the right
00:34:885 (34885|1,35045|1,35206|0) - delete
00:34:724 (34724|1,34885|2,35045|1,35206|0) - delete
00:41:783 (41783|4,41783|2) - delete
00:40:660 (40660|3) - ^
00:41:141 (41141|3) - ^
00:41:462 add note
00:42:264 (42264|4,42746|0,43066|6) - delete
00:44:350 (44350|3,44350|1) - delete
00:44:510 (44510|0) - move to 2
00:44:831 (44831|3) - delete
00:45:794 (45794|5,45794|1) - delete
00:46:917 (46917|2,46917|4) - delete
00:47:077 (47077|6,47077|0) - delete
00:47:398 (47398|6,47879|0,48200|4) - ^
00:49:163 (49163|2) - move to 5
00:49:965 (49965|0) - delete
00:54:778 (54778|1,54858|0,54858|2,54938|1) - move 1 colum to the right
00:57:184 (57184|2,57345|3) - delete
01:16:115 add 2 note
01:17:398 add 1 note
01:18:681 ^
01:19:965 ^
01:22:211 (82211|4,82692|2) - delete
01:23:813 add 1 note
okay done~
btw, this part 00:13:548 - 00:39:216 the LN seems stick on the right hand, and the stream stick on the left hand, i think you should consider switching the pattern for balancing
okay im done with part for modding, so i wish you good luck for ranked this map kagu~
Mostly accepted, but not all since ive explained the most in this and last mod (:
No KDS yet since it seems to be invalid to get too times KDS - and it would normally one post if i didnt say other ^^
-[ AmiShici ]-
from m4m your queue Kagu's M4M/GD-Q [MOD mania | GD Mania Standard][OPEN]


00:49:484 - I suggest add on 1 because the voice same with 00:52:050 (52050|1,52050|3) -
00:49:804 (49804|0,50125|1) - Ctrl+Right Arrow
00:50:446 (50446|3) - move on 2?
00:50:446 (50446|1) - I suggest add on 2
01:00:714 (60714|2) - delete because the voice is soft
01:01:997 (61997|1) - ^
01:02:318 - I suggest add in 1 because i think the voice is loud.
01:03:280 (63280|3) - delete
01:04:564 (64564|2) - ^
01:04:885 - add in 1 same with 01:02:318 -
01:05:847 (65847|0) - delete
01:07:131 (67131|1) - ^
01:07:452 - add in 2 same as before
01:08:414 (68414|1) - delete
01:09:698 (69698|0) - ^
01:12:585 - how about double note? add on 1. because the voice same with 01:13:066 (73066|2,73066|0,73548|1,73548|3,74029|0,74029|3) - but up 2 u
01:20:286 (80286|2) - I think the voice stop in here 01:24:778 -
4k NM
00:41:783 (41783|0,43066|2) - Stop LN in here 00:44:029 - because the music change to piano tiles
00:43:708 - I suggest you to change pattern to
01:02:318 - I suggest add on 2 because i think the voice is loud
01:04:885 - ^ on 1
01:07:452 - ^ on 1
01:10:018 - ^ on 2
00:18:681 (18681|3) - delete because the voice same with 00:16:115 (16115|0,16115|2) -
00:20:607 (20607|3) - ^
00:28:949 (28949|0) - ^
00:33:441 - I suggest add on 4 because the voice is loud
00:36:008 - ^ on 1
00:38:575 - ^ on 1
00:41:783 (41783|1,43066|2) - i think the the voice stop in 00:44:029 - and change to piano tiles
00:44:029 (44029|0) - delete
00:44:189 (44189|0) - move to 2
00:44:270 - Add on 3
01:13:548 - Try it?
01:14:510 - delete one note because the voice same with 01:14:831 (74831|1,74831|2) -
01:15:152 - Add on 4 because the voice same with 01:14:029 (74029|0,74029|2,74029|1) -
01:23:334 (83334|3) - move to 3
01:24:938 (84938|0) - ^
00:11:623 - delete one because the voice not too loud
00:11:783 - ^
00:12:104 - ^
00:12:906 - ^
00:22:050 - ^ because the voice same with 00:22:211 (22211|0,22211|3,22371|1,22371|3,22532|2,22532|1,22692|3,22692|1,22853|0,22853|2) -
00:23:013 - ^
00:24:938 (24938|1) - delete because the voice same with 00:24:778 (24778|3,25099|1,25259|0,25419|2,25580|3) - or add 1 note on each LN
00:27:345 (27345|1,27505|0,27505|3,27665|2,27826|3,27986|1,28147|3) - ^
00:35:847 - delete 1, same as before
00:38:414 - ^
00:39:216 - Add in 2 because the voice is loud
00:40:500 (40500|3) - delete because the voice not too loud
00:44:831 (44831|0) - move to 4
00:44:831 (44831|3) - Add on 4 because the voice same with 00:46:596 (46596|3,46596|0,46917|0,46917|2) -
00:44:831 (44831|3) - ^ on 1
00:52:050 - Add on 1
00:52:532 (52532|0) - delete because the voice not too loud
00:53:013 (53013|2) - ^
00:54:296 (54296|1) - ^
00:55:580 (55580|0) - ^
00:56:863 (56863|2) - ^
00:58:147 (58147|2) - ^
00:58:468 (58468|2) - ^
00:59:430 (59430|2) - ^
00:59:751 - Add on 3
01:02:318 - Add on 3
01:07:452 - Add on 2
01:13:066 (73066|2) - delete
01:13:548 (73548|0) - ^
01:14:029 (74029|1) - ^
01:14:510 (74510|2,74831|1) - ^

Good Luck <3
heyouu :3
m4m from your queue


00:22:853 (22853|3) - to 3
00:23:013 (23013|2) - to 2
00:27:826 (27826|2) - to 4
00:49:323 (49323|1,49403|3,49484|1) - this part was hard a bit for NM
00:55:580 (55580|2) - to 1
01:06:008 (66008|1) - to 1
01:20:446 (80446|2) - LN should be finish at here 01:24:457 (84457|0) -
01:24:617 (84617|1,84778|3,84938|0,85099|1,85179|3,85259|1,85339|0,85419|3,85419|1) - rearrange this part if u applied ^

00:07:452 - add note in here ?
00:19:644 (19644|1,20125|2) - delete as u do in this part 00:15:152 (15152|3,15473|2,15794|3) -
00:29:911 (29911|1,30393|1) - ^
00:30:874 (30874|1) - delete this isn't strong enough for 3 notes ( 2 LN , 1 SN )
00:40:660 (40660|0,41141|0) - delete
00:45:794 (45794|0) - delete
00:47:398 (47398|0) - ^
00:51:890 (51890|1) - to 4 ?
00:55:099 (55099|1) - to 1
00:57:665 (57665|2) - to 4
00:57:826 (57826|0) - to 2
01:24:938 (84938|0) - to 3

00:03:601 (3601|0,3601|2,3601|1,3922|2,3922|0,3922|1) - delete 1 / 2 notes since this isn't strong enough
00:06:329 (6329|3) - ^
00:07:291 (7291|3) - ^
00:11:623 (11623|2,11783|3) - ^
00:12:906 (12906|0) - ^
00:17:478 (17478|0) - wtf..
00:18:601 (18601|0) -
00:20:206 (20206|0) -
00:22:772 (22772|3) - woaaa. ghost jack
01:02:799 (62799|3) - to 2
01:13:066 (73066|2,73548|0,74029|1) - delete

01:13:066 (73066|2,73548|0,74029|1) - to 4
00:20:687 (20687|3) - to 3
00:25:901 (25901|2) - delete
00:34:724 (34724|2) - to 2
00:37:291 (37291|1) - to 1
00:39:377 (39377|1) - ^
00:41:623 (41623|1) - delete
00:41:943 (41943|1) - to 3
00:49:965 (49965|3) - delete
00:51:248 (51248|3) - ^
00:52:532 (52532|2,52853|1) - ^
00:53:815 (53815|0,54136|1) - ^
00:55:099 (55099|1,55419|2) - ^
00:56:382 (56382|0,56703|1) - ^
00:57:665 (57665|2,57986|1) - ^
00:58:949 (58949|3,59270|2) - ^ woaa lots of it even that parts isn't strong enough for 4 notes

oke.. GL nyan~~~
i will mod it after you reply the previous mod
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