Recently, the administrative team has disabled the downloading of graveyarded maps. This was done for a legitimate reason, but there are some maps in the graveyard that are considered to be gems of osu!, and some are considered better than actual ranked maps. In this thread, you may post maps that you'd like to see downloadable in the graveyard.
Rules and Regulations:
Please post maps of decent quality. It DOES cost money to have these downloaded, so it'd be best if money is spent on high quality stuff, rather than low quality stuff that people will not like.
Upon posting here, please post the BSS Submission or Thread of the map you'd like downloadable.
Don't abuse this to get all of your graved maps re-downloadable.
Don't rage if your map is denied for downloadability. There's generally a pretty good reason for this.
Rules and Regulations:
Please post maps of decent quality. It DOES cost money to have these downloaded, so it'd be best if money is spent on high quality stuff, rather than low quality stuff that people will not like.
Upon posting here, please post the BSS Submission or Thread of the map you'd like downloadable.
Don't abuse this to get all of your graved maps re-downloadable.
Don't rage if your map is denied for downloadability. There's generally a pretty good reason for this.
peppy wrote:
For the time being, I have reallowed downloads of graveyarded maps at a rate of one per 10 minutes. I believe we should still keep this thread going so we can make some "graveyard packs", as this will help a lot with reducing load from the server AND getting the awesome graveyarded maps more known to people .