
How long did your Osu tablet last for you?

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Recently bought a $79.99 Intuos Pen Small tablet about a month ago and used it to play Osu flawlessly, then it completely stopped working a few days ago and my computer eventually stopped detecting it :o :( :cry:

So here's the question for all of you that are reading this topic.
how long did your tablet last for you?:Are you still using it?: What is the name of it?:ETC:

EDIT: Just found out that I had a leak in my ceiling, which was the reason why my tablet stopped working since it was above my tablet, how unlucky is that huh? xD

TFW > you don't have one
I don't have one, and I'm hoping I get good at mouse + keyboard gameplay.
I dont have one, yet~ .... I'm hoping that using a tablet would be better for my shoulder ;u;... but who knows...

right now, using a mouse hurts my shoulder after a while of playing. Once the Osu tablet is in stock, I'm gonna buy me one ovo... (I probably wont be able to get one til about march though, hopefully they'll be in stock around that time)...
If you buyed new one(from wabcom site or pc shop), you should have 1 or 2 years of warnity.
Carry tablet with warnity paper to local PC shop.

If you buyed used one (from amazon or ebay) only thing you can doo is buy new one
i'm using a ctl480 and it's been working perfectly for the past 5-6 months, no complaints
my old tablet lasted me a year or so, that was a ctl470
Been dragging and sweating all over my CTL-480 for a few months now, still no problem
My H420 is still in pretty good condition, except that the pen is slightly scratched.
0 years,
0 months,
0 weeks,
0 days,
0 hours,
0 mins,
0 seconds

tl;dr I don't have one ;~;
lol i have a shitty $30 one and its lasted over a year
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