
Sword Art Online & Sword Art Online II Health bar (Open)

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Health bar: SAO II
Name: Inei
Scorebar colour: Default
Secondary scorebar colour: Default
Avatar: Yes, my current icon please :)

Thanks in advance!
Health Bar: SAO II
Score bar colour #E6CCFF
Secondary scorebar colour: #FFFFFF
Avatar: Yes!

Health bar: SAO II
Name: Arguyle
Scorebar colour: default
Secondary scorebar colour: default
Avatar: Yes, My own should be fine.
Thank you in advance!
barre de santé: SAO II
Nom: Izumi71
couleur Scorebar: RVB: 128,0,64
couleur scorebar secondaire:
Avatar: oui
:) Please

Voz wrote:

is it just me or something happen to IA42 ? owo

Same here o_o Rip?

Sara wrote:

Voz wrote:

is it just me or something happen to IA42 ? owo

Same here o_o Rip?
rip, i guess :?
Cat Owner
GG requests
Health bar: SAO II
Name: ChromeNinja
Scorebar colour: default
Secondary scorebar colour: default
Avatar: yes, mine
Health bar: SAO II
Name: Juice
Alternate Scorebar pls
Avatar: yes :)

If it's not too much trouble could you throw This in somewhere? :)
Health bar: SAO II
Name: Riszi
Scorebar colour: #80FFFF
Secondary scorebar colour: #FFFFFF
Avatar: yes

I like this :D
Health bar: SAO II
Name: Charly13579
Scorebar colour: Green
Secondary scorebar colour: blue
Avatar: yes
Бар здоровья: Сан-II
Название: Semidarkness
Scorebar цвет: #33FFFF
Аватар: Да,мой профиль аватар пожалуйста
Health bar: SAO II
Name: Skkrag
Scorebar colour:
Secondary Scorebar colour: #0094ff
Avatar: Nope

Awesome, thank you!
hi! :)
Health bar: SAO II
Name: Haruto
Scorebar colour: #00FF00(Light Green)
Secondary scorebar colour: #FFBF00(Orange)
Avatar: Yes ( Link -> )
And I Need The psd. File, if you can't, just give me the Healthbar/Scorebar ;)

Thanks! :)
I'll Be Waiting For It! ^^

EDIT : Where's The Admin of the queue ? he/she makes us waiting :lol: Please make the Health Bar faster :) We need this :)
health bar: SAO
Name: Alb20000
Score bar colour: (RGB: 0, 0, 255)
Health Bar: SAO II
Name: OpenYourEye (or OYE if my nick is too long)
Scorebar colour: default
Secondary scorebar colour: default
Avatar: Yes

Health bar: SAO II
Name: bingPop
Scorebar colour: default
Secondary scorebar colour: default
Avatar: yes

Thanks ^^
Seems like the OP die XD
Health bar: SAO
Name: AkoAsuko
Scorebar colour: RGB (0,255,0)
Health bar: SAO
Name: Helius
Scorebar colour: #1DACD6
Health bar: SAO
Name: chmorto1
Scorebar colour: 0,255,0

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Video Tutorial! PLEZ!!!!

Riszi wrote:

Health bar: SAO II
Name: Riszi
Scorebar colour: #80FFFF
Secondary scorebar colour: #FFFFFF
Avatar: yes

I like this :D
your banner is amazing <3
Name: FlashBack
Score bar colour: (Hex: #7DF9FF) or (RGB: 125, 249, 255)
Health bar: SAO II
Name: DarkLuciferI
Scorebar colour: #80FFFF
Secondary scorebar colour: #FFFFFF
Avatar: yes

T-BANG-T9 wrote:

Video Tutorial! PLEZ!!!!
You can see the totur on the first post but it's only for scorebar-bg SAO II
Health bar: SAO II
Name : CookieSand
Scorebar colour:#FF0000
Avatar: Yes/MY PHOTO :D
Sao 1, Color code : #51EEF6 , My name : Mario1159 and and you can put my avatar pls? thx :)
Why heart pop ? I like the HP bar so ....
OP is dead days ago...

Just grab the *.psd files and do-it-yourself (or ask someone who's good enough at photoshop to make it for you)
i wonder why banned ..
rip OP
R.I.P OP and link :(

Anyway this thread have a working link XD i will go to that place now :D

Please go to this thread for the working link ;)
Cat Owner
R.I.P OP...
At least i got to make my own HP(SAO1)
Looks nice... thanks for the SAO font though
Cat Owner
I think like this
Health bar: SAO II
Name: Ninther4
Scorebar colour: #FF0000
Secondary scorebar colour: #FFFFFF
Avatar: yes
[ Scarlet ]
Health bar: SAO II
Name: iiDremix
Scorebar colour: Green
Avatar: yes. My profile pcture.
Health bar: SAO II
Name: CryzTeal
Scorebar colour: #FE642E
Secondary scorebar colour: #FFFF00
Avatar: yes

Thanks ;)

IA42 wrote:

10/12/2014 05:30 AM UTC + 07:00
- Add SAO font in archive
05/11/2014 08:02 PM UTC + 07:00
- Change the *.rar file to *.zip to fix some problem on another PC
05/11/2014 05:38 PM UTC + 07:00
- Add tutorial (not complete yet :cry: )
29/10/2014 09:29 AM UTC +07:00
- Added secondary scorebar colour
29/10/2014 08:30 AM UTC +07:00
- removed rar password
28/10/2014 08:09 AM UTC +07:00
- re-added linked avatar
28/102014 06:28 AM UTC +07:00
- Added psd file for both scorebar
28/10/2014 04:57 AM UTC +07:00
- Removed linked avatar and use osu! avatar(don't worry just tell me if you have external source)
27/10/2014 10:28 AM UTC +07:00
- Added health bar SAO II episode excalibur
- Added Avatar support (only SAO II episode excalibur)
Sword Art Online

Sword Art Online II
Tutorial "How to use the .psd file" (Not complete yet)
- First: How to edit the name
download the file from the download section and open it with photoshop CC (i dunno the file will work on another photoshop i never try it :cry: )
Next after you open it with your photoshop click text editor choose SAO font and edit the text by clicking my username and click "confirm: " to done like this:

(if you wanna the font just search by googling it or contact me via "in-game chat")
- Second: How to add avatar
Same like before just open it with photoshop CC then find the avatar you wanna to use, drag n drop the file and resize it by hovering your mouse to the side of avatar image and click n drag, click "confirm:" to done the resizing move it with move tool and go to layer tab right click the avatar layer and click "create clipping mask"

done you got the scorebar :D don't forget to save it by click "File>Save as>and choose format .png

And now the scorebar colour :D
Pick a colour you want by click this tool: and choose the colour
Then use "Paint tool" click a layer you wanna to colouring and click again in "Canvas" to paste the colour you pick before like this

You can reduce the lightness by press ctrl+u and reduce the value to "-10" and "-20" for the darker colour

don't forget to save it by click "File>Save as>and choose format .png

Then after you done those step neeeeeeeeeeeeeexxxt how to resize it XD
Drag n drop the file you save before to photoshop and press Alt+Ctrl+I then you will see this window

Change the scale mode to percent like the pic and reduce the value to 50 then press "ok" and save it and change the name without @2x...

Sorry i made it in fast so i didn't know it's good or not but i hope you can understand what i wrote here and thank you for read this tutorial :)
Download *.PSD file here: Sword Art Online & Sword Art Online II
(Extract the file using winrar or 7-zip & Use photoshop CC to open the PSD file)
Open for request :D (only can request 5 scorebar for now :o )

Sword art online code request
Copy this code to this thread and fill the information (use HEX or RGB for scorebar colour)
Health bar: SAO
Scorebar colour:
Sword art online II code request
Copy this to code this thread and fill the information (use HEX or RGB for scorebar colour)
Health bar: SAO II
Scorebar colour:
Secondary scorebar colour:
Avatar: yes/no
The balls is this post above me...

Side note why isn't this locked yet or changed title since the OP is banned?
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