Mod from queue~
3rd time modding something. Sorry if I'm not helpful I'm new at modding >.>
doesn't it make more sense for kiai time to start here: 00:59:497 - and end here 01:18:507 - ?
I also recommend using an empty slider sound:[Easy]
00:19:101 (1) - add finish to head
00:20:290 (2,3) - move slider end of 2 more to the right for a better blanket?
00:23:854 (1,2,3) - maybe make the blanket a bit closer?
and stack 00:26:824 (3) - with the slider end of 00:23:854 (1) - for cleanliness
00:26:824 (3) - why finish here?
00:27:418 (4) - (slider end) on drum hits like these maybe you could have a hitsound that sounds like a drum sound instead of a whistle. Even the normal sample set on those don't sound that bad tbh. Try it?: this applies here too 00:26:824 (3) - and I guess everywhere on beats 2 and 4
00:32:765 - add a note here for the drum sound that's here?
00:33:359 (1) - the slider end here could have that normal sample set I was talking about
00:37:517 (3) - so could this
00:35:735 (2) - Weird blanketing... and I don't think this is DSed properly. It's suppose to be 1.00x right?
00:40:488 (1) - add finish to head. Seems kinda empty
00:49:992 (1) - ^
00:58:309 (5) - add finish to slider end?
01:03:656 (4) - finish to slider end?
01:06:626 (3,4) - Maybe all of these beats should have a finish to emphasize ZENBUUZUEUBZUDJBSDKLAG
01:09:002 (1) - finsh?
01:16:131 (3) - same thing for the Zenbu thing. Add some manly finishes
01:18:507 (1) - and finish to slider head
01:22:666 (4) - finish to follow song?
Overall I think that the finish hitsound can offer some hitsound variety to the map. As of now it seems to just be infested with whistles
There's also some blanket issues but I'm sure you can figure out the rest of those.
Oh same general suggestions for the finishes in easy and the normal sampleset thing 00:09:596 (1) - , 00:19:101 (1) - , 00:40:488 (1) - , 00:49:992 (1) - etc, and the Zenbu things. Maybe you could use claps on those drumsounds like in the hard.
00:14:052 (2) - was this DS intentional? I see no problem with it but I'm not sure if others would mind it
00:17:765 (2) - you could make this blanket better :p
(sorry for the bad example)
00:22:517 (4) - maybe have this slider start at 00:22:517 - and end at 00:23:260 - ?
00:34:547 (3) - maybe have it like this? It looks a bit cleaner. For all of the changes just don't use Gridsnap (2,2) - ehhh just a little suggestion. But maybe have both of these sliders end on the white tick instead? (drumsound) It's not really a big thing though because there is vocal on the blue tick
01:00:537 (2) - I think the blue tick right here would be a bit confusing in all honesty. Maybe start on white tick?
01:01:577 (3) - holy crap delete. that DS is 1.92x and I don't think it follows the song correctly
01:13:755 (1) - maybe have the slider end here 01:14:349 -
01:16:131 (1,2) - weird overlap
that's it for normal
00:24:448 (3) - add clap?
00:26:676 (3) - not really a big deal idea: Maybe ctrl+g and blanket with 4?
doesn't play too bad
00:29:200 - add circle for drum sound?
00:54:745 (1) - add finish to head?
01:03:656 (4) - add finish to blue tick? Sounds really cool
01:06:626 (1,2,3,4,1) - finish to all the heads?
01:13:161 (6) - finish to slider end please
01:16:131 (1,2,3,4,1) - finsh to all heads?
that's it for this diff :3
00:06:032 (1,3,5) - these claps sound a bit random to me lol idk but it sounds a bit cooler if they're on 00:06:181 (2,4,6) -
00:09:002 (7) - maybe a normal sample set with no hitsounds would suffice.
00:09:596 (2) - finish to head?
00:49:992 (1) - finish to head?
01:03:804 (8) - ^
01:06:626 (1,1,1,1) - finish to all of these instead of whistles?
01:16:131 (2,1,1,1) - ^
01:18:507 (9) - finish to head?
01:19:101 (10) - ^
01:27:418 (1,3) - add whistles and remove that clap?
that's it for this diff :3
Good luck for ranked ^^
EDIT: Oops I accidentally modded the hard before updating. I'm not sure how much of it is relevant. If you don't understand something just ask >.>