
AKINO from bless4 - MIIRO

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Thanks mod~

[ Zzz ] -> 흠.. 개인적으로 겹치는 패턴을 내가 좋아해서 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 한번 고려해볼게~
no kds

  • Hard
  1. 00:06:495 (1) - 노말처럼 꼬리에 휘슬 넣어주세요
  2. 00:08:956 (1) - 이것도 위와 같은 음이기때문에 넣어주세요 (그래야 00:11:418 (3) - 이까지의 힛사가 맞을꺼에요)
  3. 00:10:187 (4) - 디스턴스 같게 해주세요
  4. 00:15:879 (6) - 이 음은 강하기때문에 ctrl g 시켜서 패턴에 변화를 주는게 더 어울릴꺼같아요
  5. 00:23:725 - 보컬이 강해서 무시하고 00:23:879 (1) - 이 음을 따라가는건 좀 어색하네요.. (1)을 1/2스냅 당기는게 나을꺼같아요
  6. 00:36:187 - 음..이 파트 노말 뉴콤보 킵하셨던데 하드 ~ 인센까지도 똑같이 뉴콤 적용시켜주세요. 노말만 짧고 나머지는 전부 기네요..
  7. 00:44:802 (5) - 앞의 규칙처럼 디스턴스 1.1로 맞춰주시고 리버스에 드럼클랩으로 바꿔주세요
  8. 00:48:033 (7) - 여기에 뉴콤을 넣어주시거나 00:50:341 (1) - 이쪽의 뉴콤을 풀어주세요.
  9. 00:48:187 (8) - 머리 = 휘슬, 꼬리 = 클랩
  10. 00:50:341 (1) - ctrl g 시키는게 앞과 더 자연스럽게 연결되는데 이 난이도 디스턴스가 일정범위내에서 일정하기때문에 애매하네요..
  11. 01:15:264 (7) - (76,172)부근으로 옮겨서 이 뒤의 슬라와의 디스턴스를 1.4로 해주세요
  12. 잘만드셨는데..디스턴스 규칙을 알 수가 없어서 잡을게 없네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  • Hyper
  1. 00:00:341 (1) - 으..스노하 언랭되고나서 1/6박에 민감해졌는데 이부분 1/6스냅으로 바꿔주세요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  2. 00:06:033 (4,5) - 음악이 없는 부분이라 노트로 찍어놓으니 좀 많이 어색하게 들리는 부분이에요. 슬라로 바꾸는게 더 어울리겠네요..
  3. 00:34:417 (4) - 인세인에서라면 괜찮은데 하이퍼에서는 필요없는 리듬같네요
  4. 00:36:802 (2) - 좀 너무 올라가지 않았나싶네요. (300|248)정도가 더 나을꺼같은데..
  5. 00:45:264 (2) - 하드와 같습니다
  6. 00:52:495 (2) - 얘 혼자 1.2로 되어있는데 1.3으로 고쳐주세요 (444,92)
  7. 00:56:956 (4) - (nazi) 꼬리 1그리드 내려주세요
  8. 01:07:264 (5) - 크게 차이는 없지만 이게 약간 더 나을수도있을꺼에요
  9. 01:18:648 (3) - 꼬리부분 하드처럼 휘슬로 바꿔주세요
  10. 01:29:110 (1,2) - 이거 클랩 지우는걸 추천드려요. 음악이 점점작아지는데 클랩이 너무 튀어서 오히려 듣기가 불편하네요,,

  • Insane
  1. 00:00:341 (1) - 하이퍼와 같습니다
  2. 00:04:956 (2,3,1) - 음..듣자마자 어색한느낌이 들었는데 이렇게 바꿔보세요
  3. 00:06:187 (2) - 피니시 없는게 음악이랑 더 잘맞겠네요
  4. 00:24:187 (2) - 앞의 스택처럼 00:24:341 (3) - 여기에 스택시켜주세요
  5. 00:30:956 (6) - ctrl g
  6. 00:42:341 (1,2) - 이 이전의 난이도들보다 디스턴스가 좁으니 좀 안어울리기도하고 00:37:418 (3,4) - 여기는 넒게 찍으셨는데 이것도 수정을..
  7. 00:46:033 (1,2,3,4) - 이런식으로 하는게 더 재밌겠네요
  8. 00:48:341 (7) - 이거는 00:48:495 (1) - 얘 머리에 스택시키는게 더 나아보이네요
  9. 00:52:187 (1) - 이거 ctrl g 시키는게 다음 점프랑 더 부드러워보이는데 이거랑 00:51:879 (5) - 이거까지 ctrl g 시키면 괜찮을꺼같네요
  10. 00:53:418 (3,4) - 이것도 각각 머리위치 바꿔주는게 00:53:110 (1,2,3) - 이 점프랑 00:53:725 (4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 이 흐름이 더 자연스러워질꺼같네요
  11. 01:04:033 (5) - 개인적인 의견으로는 (4)에 스택시키는게 더 어울리는거같아요
  12. 01:19:725 (4,1,2) - 삼각점프로 만든다음 (4,1)뉴콤 바꾸는것도 어울리겠네요
  13. 01:29:725 (4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 비피엠도 높고 로리어 인센에서도 1/4슬라로 연타를 다 처리해서 얘들은 1/4 리버스로 놓는게 좋아보이네요

  • Laurier's Insane
  1. 00:00:341 (1,2) - change this to 1/6 snap notes or 1/6 reverse slider plz
  2. 00:14:802 (5) - change the head's whistle to clap? It will be better to emphasize the music
  3. 00:15:879 (3,4) - ^
  4. 00:16:495 (1) - consider of removing this finish cuz the music is silent and there's no cymbal sound
  5. 00:31:264 (1) - finish on head
  6. 00:45:264 (2) - Personally head's sound is close to drum-clap rather than drum-finish
  7. 00:48:802 (2) - Ctrl g is better flow imo
  8. 01:30:033 (1) - remove one arrow and add a note at the end?

뭘 모딩해라는거죠 ㅜ

Good mapset, GL!
Topic Starter
Karia's modding Fixed and Laurier diff update

-- soft-hitclap, soft-slidertick4 음량 감소

Laurier's Insane:

-- Recommend adding a volume reduction here. 00:04:187 -

00:25:725 (4,5,6) - Suggesting shrinking the pattern to avoid repeats. This is an extremely personal suggestion.
00:49:725 (1) - Imo the current flow to (2) seems way too smooth. The sharpened flow which appears after ctrl+G would rather fit.
01:30:340 - Mind adding a Finish to end the map?

IRCed with HabiHolic.
22:19 HabiHolic: 완료 ㅋㅋㅋ
22:44 Sonnyc: 밸런스 위해서 우선 노말 ar5로 조절해주세요
22:44 HabiHolic: dk
22:44 HabiHolic: 아
22:44 HabiHolic: 노멀 AR5 극혐인데 저..
22:44 HabiHolic: 밸런스를 위한것이니
22:44 HabiHolic: 5로 올릴게여 ㅋㅋㅋ
22:45 Sonnyc: 이거 mp3
22:45 Sonnyc: 컷컷인가요?
22:45 HabiHolic: 아
22:45 HabiHolic: 다른맵들도
22:45 HabiHolic: 전부 저런식으로 짤려있던데
22:45 HabiHolic: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
22:46 Sonnyc: 다른곳에서 구해오신거에요?
22:46 HabiHolic: 아 저는
22:46 HabiHolic: 네이버에서 찾은거예여
22:46 Sonnyc: 넵
22:49 HabiHolic: 저도 정확히 끊킨거찾을라했는데
22:50 HabiHolic: 다 저래서
22:50 HabiHolic: 그냥..
22:50 Sonnyc: 신작인가봅니다? ㅋ
22:53 HabiHolic: 들킴
22:53 HabiHolic: 칸코레 애니로 나왔자나여
22:53 Sonnyc: 저는 모딩밖에 모릅니다 ㅋㅋ
22:53 HabiHolic: 칸코레 오프닝임
22:53 HabiHolic: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
22:53 Sonnyc: 이지 00:18:956 (4) - 콤보가 좀 길어졌는데뉴콤 부탁합니다.
22:53 HabiHolic: 수정~
22:56 Sonnyc: 00:31:571 - 00:32:802 - 00:34:033 - 기분탓인지 모르겠는데 소리가 너무 큰듯 해요
22:56 Sonnyc: 이것들만 60%로 조정 가능하신가요?
22:56 Sonnyc: 그냥
22:56 Sonnyc: 힛사 자체 소리가 좀 큰거려나요<<
22:57 Sonnyc: 아 귀아파요 ㅠㅠ
22:57 HabiHolic: ..
22:57 HabiHolic: 귀태러 ㅈㅅ
22:57 HabiHolic: 일단 수정!
22:57 Sonnyc: ㄴㄴ 수정 무르시고
22:57 Sonnyc: 제가 음량 줄여서 힛사 보내드릴게요
22:58 Sonnyc: 파장이 너무 크네요 지금 ㅠㅠ
22:58 HabiHolic: 그냥
22:58 HabiHolic: 증폭내리면
22:58 HabiHolic: 되지않을까여?
22:58 Sonnyc: 하비님이 힛사 증폭 내려주실건가요?
22:59 HabiHolic: 저 mp3gain 인가
22:59 HabiHolic: 그걸로
22:59 HabiHolic: 증폭조절
22:59 Sonnyc: 조절 부탁드립니다~~
22:59 HabiHolic: 맨날하는뎈ㅋㅋ
22:59 HabiHolic: 일단 조절하고
22:59 HabiHolic: 재업로드 할게여
23:00 Sonnyc: 노말 00:29:264 (2) - 간격
23:01 HabiHolic: 수정
23:01 Sonnyc: 00:30:033 (4) - 이거도 간격
23:01 Sonnyc: 00:32:495 (1,3) - 간격
23:01 HabiHolic: 이미수정
23:01 Sonnyc: 00:34:802 (3) -
23:02 HabiHolic: 간격?
23:02 Sonnyc: 넹
23:02 HabiHolic: 수정~
23:02 Sonnyc: 00:51:571 (2) - distance
23:03 HabiHolic: 수정~
23:04 HabiHolic: 수정~
23:04 Sonnyc: 01:05:571 - 노트 넣어주세요. 가사 있는데 비어있어서 어색한 기분인듯해요
23:04 HabiHolic: 흠 너무 어려워질거같아요...
23:04 HabiHolic: 가사만 강조해도 좋을것 같다는 생각..
23:04 HabiHolic: 크게들리는 보컬
23:05 Sonnyc: 새 피니시 도입부라서 넣는거도 괜찮아 보이지만
23:05 Sonnyc: 그렇게 생각하시면 패스~~
23:05 Sonnyc: 01:12:802 (3) - 간격
23:05 Sonnyc: 01:15:879 (2) - 간격
23:05 HabiHolic: 힛사
23:05 HabiHolic: 증폭기가
23:05 HabiHolic: 안됨
23:06 HabiHolic: 수정
23:06 Sonnyc: 01:22:494 (3) - 간격
23:06 Sonnyc: 01:26:341 (3) - 간격
23:06 Sonnyc: ㅋㅋ 간격 에러 왤캐 많아요
23:07 HabiHolic: 그러게요
23:07 HabiHolic: 디스턴스 켜고
23:07 HabiHolic: 이지 노멀은 만들거든요
23:07 HabiHolic: 전..
23:07 HabiHolic: 노트찍으면
23:07 HabiHolic: 노트들ㅇㅣ
23:07 HabiHolic: 이리저리로 도망가요;;
23:07 HabiHolic: ㅡㅡ
23:07 Sonnyc: zzzz
23:08 HabiHolic: 힛사 불륨
23:08 HabiHolic: 줄여주시면 안댈까여;;
23:08 HabiHolic: 줄이려고했는데
23:08 HabiHolic: 이게 mp3 파일만되가지고
23:08 HabiHolic: 하하..
23:09 Sonnyc: 넵
23:09 Sonnyc: 하드도 간격 좀 보이는데 말씀드릴까요?
23:10 HabiHolic: 흠.. 하드는
23:10 HabiHolic: 제가 점프를 넣지않아서
23:10 HabiHolic: 그렇게 눈에띄지 않으면
23:10 HabiHolic: 별로 고치고싶지가 않아여..
23:11 Sonnyc: 넵
23:11 HabiHolic: 풀맵셋 찍으니까
23:11 HabiHolic: 모딩받기가 좀 힘드네옄ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
23:12 Sonnyc: ㅋㅋ
23:12 Sonnyc: 짧은것들을 선호하니.
23:13 HabiHolic: 그래도 저건
23:13 HabiHolic: 제가 풀맵셋을
23:13 HabiHolic: 찍어보고싶었슴돠
23:14 Sonnyc: ^^
23:15 HabiHolic: ^^
23:16 Sonnyc: 하드 01:02:956 (6,1) - 이거 콤보 다른데 스택이라 미적 우수성이 감소됐는데 (6)에서 콤보 시작 고려해주세요
23:16 HabiHolic: 근데 저거 보컬시작부분이라서
23:16 Sonnyc: 01:07:571 (1,3) - 음악에 맞춰서 (3)에서 콤보 시작해주세요.
23:16 HabiHolic: 저대로 두고싶은데..
23:17 HabiHolic: 수정
23:17 HabiHolic: :3
23:17 Sonnyc: 01:10:341 (7,1) - 이건 간격좀
23:17 Sonnyc: 01:12:802 (5) - ^ 1.4
23:17 Sonnyc: 음
23:17 Sonnyc: 헷갈리네요 ㅋ
23:17 HabiHolic: 수정했습니다.
23:20 Sonnyc: 하이퍼 00:48:956 (2) - 이건 간격좀
23:20 Sonnyc: 00:53:418 (5) - 뉴콤 넣어볼만해 보이네요
23:21 HabiHolic: 오
23:21 HabiHolic: 졸다
23:21 HabiHolic: 수정
23:21 Sonnyc: 00:55:264 (2,1) - 둘 스택시키고 (1)의 콤보 푸는게 안티 점프 느낌나고 괜찮을 것 같은데 도전좀
23:22 Sonnyc: 01:13:418 (2) - 간격
23:22 HabiHolic: 00:55:264 (2,1) -
23:22 HabiHolic: 이건 제 스타일이라 별로 고치고싶지 않은데..
23:22 HabiHolic: 둬도 되나요?
23:22 Sonnyc: 물론이죠
23:23 HabiHolic: 간격수정!
23:23 Sonnyc: 라우리어꺼는
23:23 Sonnyc: 따로 포스팅해야하죠?
23:23 HabiHolic: 지금
23:23 HabiHolic: 온라인인데
23:24 Sonnyc: 네
23:24 Sonnyc: 하이퍼/인센 공통으로 00:04:187 - 여기에 음량 감소 넣어주셨으면 좋을것 같습니다.
23:24 HabiHolic: 30으로
23:24 HabiHolic: 줄렸습니다
23:25 HabiHolic: 줄였습니다.
23:25 Sonnyc: 00:41:110 (4) - 뉴콤 넣으시고 00:42:341 (1) - 뉴콤 빼셔야 대칭 패턴의 콤보가 00:37:418 (3,4) 이거처럼 나옵니다.
23:26 HabiHolic: 인센?
23:26 Sonnyc: 네
23:26 HabiHolic: ㅇㅋ
23:26 HabiHolic: 수정!
23:26 Sonnyc: 01:22:802 - 다른 난이도들처럼 소프트 피니시로 해주세요
23:27 Sonnyc: 01:25:264 - ^
23:27 HabiHolic: 다들
23:27 HabiHolic: 제맵 어려워졌다고
23:27 HabiHolic: 난리
23:27 HabiHolic: 그건제가
23:27 HabiHolic: 미리다 고쳐놨습니다.
23:27 HabiHolic: 껄껄
23:27 Sonnyc: ㅇㄴ 업로드 안하시고 뭐함
23:27 Sonnyc: 제가 업데이트를 안한건가요 ㅋ
23:28 HabiHolic: 아니여
23:28 HabiHolic: 하이퍼
23:28 HabiHolic: 모딩하시는동안
23:28 HabiHolic: 슬쩍..
23:28 HabiHolic: 가서
23:28 HabiHolic: 수정해놨습니다.
23:28 HabiHolic: 지적하실것같아서..
Ujimatsu Chiya
가능하면 애니에서 티비사이즈 버젼으로 나올때까지는 랭크 시키지 않는 편이 어떰?
00:50:956 - tbh should be louder lol turn up the hitsound >:O
01:13:725 - needs a hitsound with more impact such as clap or finish
01:14:341 - ^
could also apply to other diffs

im still waiting for your signature :X

just looking around dont kds
fixed some of hitsounds
Topic Starter

Laurier wrote:
fixed some of hitsounds

  • [Easy]

    00:14:033 (1) - 스핀끝나고 나오는 노트가 좀 빠른거같아서 지우는게 좋을거같아!

    빈공간 언니가 한번 짜봤어!

    ▼ 이런식으로!
  1. 00:12:802 (3) - 이걸 리버스로 만들고,
  2. 00:14:956 (4) - 여기에 싱글노트 추가.
  3. 00:15:264 (5) - 리버스슬라이더 추가.
  4. 00:14:033 () - hitsound S:C5 추가.
  5. 00:14:341 () - hitsound S:C4 추가.
  6. 00:12:802 (3) - 슬라끝부분 hitsound S:C1 추가.
  7. 00:14:956 (4) - clap 추가.
  8. 00:15:264 (5) - 슬라 맨뒤 clap추가.
  9. 00:16:495 (1) - 디스턴스 맞추기위해 살짝위로 변경!
  10. 00:18:033 (2) - 이것도 디스턴스 맞추기위해 위치살짝 변경!
  • [Normal]
  1. 00:04:187 (1) - 스핀에 clap넣어보는것도 쨍한느낌주고 괜찮은거같아.
  2. 00:20:341 (3) - 슬라 뒤에 휘슬제거.
  3. 00:20:648 (4) - 슬라시작에 휘슬추가.
    언닌 저 위 두 조합이 더 어울려보여서..
  4. 00:39:879 (4) - 여기도 좀 패턴을 바꿔봤어. 그 전에 슬라슬라싱글노트 2번 있으니까, 이런식으로 의외성을 좀 줘보는것도 괜찮을거같아.
Topic Starter

Euny wrote:

  • [Easy]

    00:14:033 (1) - 스핀끝나고 나오는 노트가 좀 빠른거같아서 지우는게 좋을거같아!

    빈공간 언니가 한번 짜봤어!

    ▼ 이런식으로!
  1. 00:12:802 (3) - 이걸 리버스로 만들고,
  2. 00:14:956 (4) - 여기에 싱글노트 추가.
  3. 00:15:264 (5) - 리버스슬라이더 추가.
  4. 00:14:033 () - hitsound S:C5 추가.
  5. 00:14:341 () - hitsound S:C4 추가.
  6. 00:12:802 (3) - 슬라끝부분 hitsound S:C1 추가.
  7. 00:14:956 (4) - clap 추가.
  8. 00:15:264 (5) - 슬라 맨뒤 clap추가.
  9. 00:16:495 (1) - 디스턴스 맞추기위해 살짝위로 변경!
  10. 00:18:033 (2) - 이것도 디스턴스 맞추기위해 위치살짝 변경!
  • [Normal]
  1. 00:04:187 (1) - 스핀에 clap넣어보는것도 쨍한느낌주고 괜찮은거같아.
  2. 00:20:341 (3) - 슬라 뒤에 휘슬제거.
  3. 00:20:648 (4) - 슬라시작에 휘슬추가.
    언닌 저 위 두 조합이 더 어울려보여서..
  4. 00:39:879 (4) - 여기도 좀 패턴을 바꿔봤어. 그 전에 슬라슬라싱글노트 2번 있으니까, 이런식으로 의외성을 좀 줘보는것도 괜찮을거같아.
Thanks modding! almost Fixed!
00:24:085 - 이쯤에서 비디오 깨져요. 비디오 인코딩 다시하셔야 할듯.

라우리어 난이도 맨 마지막에 무쓸모 타임라인들 삭제해주세요
Topic Starter

Sonnyc wrote:

00:24:085 - 이쯤에서 비디오 깨져요. 비디오 인코딩 다시하셔야 할듯.

라우리어 난이도 맨 마지막에 무쓸모 타임라인들 삭제해주세요
00:12:239 (3) - 00:21:162 (1) - 00:27:162 (3) - 간격

00:54:700 (1,2,1) - 콤보 취향이라고 하셨었는데 하드랑 인세인 난이도는 다 감속 슬라이더에 뉴콤 해제되어있습니다. 난이도간 통일시켜주세요.

이거만 고치시면 버블 드릴게요
Topic Starter

Sonnyc wrote:

00:12:239 (3) - 00:21:162 (1) - 00:27:162 (3) - 간격

00:54:700 (1,2,1) - 콤보 취향이라고 하셨었는데 하드랑 인세인 난이도는 다 감속 슬라이더에 뉴콤 해제되어있습니다. 난이도간 통일시켜주세요.

이거만 고치시면 버블 드릴게요
black sheep wall
Topic Starter

Sonnyc wrote:

black sheep wall
lol so pro
wow fast

195 bpm


Custom color isn't something necessary.

Recovery time for the spinner might be a little short, but let's see how the second BAT thinks.
this needs timing changes. i found that gu's set needed some timing changes so don't rank it yet before that is sorted out.
Hi my fiancee, sorry for this but I need to pop this bubble for the following reasons - some of which were pointed out already.
  1. Spinners in the lower diffs need a lot more recovery time than what is given currently. In the easy, 00:13:777 (1,1) - the slider appears well before the spinner ends. In the normal, 00:03:931 (1,1,2) - appears before the spinner ends - with the multiple objects appearing here there might be a lot of confusion for newer players. In both cases, there is definitely not enough time between the spinners and the objects that follow.
  2. The spinner usage in the easy is way more than needed. You would think that spinners will lower the difficulty since the note density is not high right? Well, in the case of the easy you use a lot of spinners which could be quite tiring for your average easy-level player. Keep that in mind, I highly recommend that you map out some of the rhythms. They are poorly placed for the most part. Try revising 00:03:931 (1) - , 00:23:623 (1) - , and 00:53:162 (1) - with either mapping or breaks.
  3. The timing is kinda questionable. I found that bpm of 194.987 and an offset of 236 works rather well, although finding a second opinion would be recommended
  4. Well, you don't have any combo colors set but that's not really much of an issue. Take this opportunity to set some if you'd like
Additional Modding

[Laurier's Extra]
  1. Try OD7.5 or even OD8, with such high paced play a OD of 7 could cause some playability issues. Also this is an extra, you can take some liberties with the settings
  2. 00:00:239 (1,2) - This plays a bit awkward since 1 looks like the next 1/2 slider. The quiet slider end doesn't help much either.
  3. 00:14:546 (5,1) - Kind of an odd rhythm here especially with the clap hitsound you used at 00:14:546 (5) - 's slider end. Since there is a louder sound is on the slider end, there is a strange transition into 00:15:008 (1) - . I highly recommend that you change it to something like this, much more clear imo
  4. 00:24:854 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Having this repeated circle pattern can be a bit hard to read with the changed rhythm. For players that play with non-transparent hitbursts, being able to play this pattern would be quite difficult. Try having the circles a little bit unstacked from eachother, or start an NC on 00:25:469 (4) - so it is more noticeable
  1. 00:54:700 (1,2,3) - This pause followed by the movement of 2 into 3 can be a bit confusing. I suggest stacking it all on 3 for a clearer play
  2. 01:05:085 (7,8,9,10,1) - Pretty hard pattern here, players can have their fingers fumbled with a hold on 01:04:854 (6) - followed by 1/4 circles and a movement to 01:05:315 (9,10,1) - . I highly recommend you revise this here
  3. 01:14:931 (8,9,1) - Same issue as above, however here 01:14:931 (8,9) - kills the momentum so the jump to 01:15:162 (1) - becomes quite difficult. Try unstacking 8 and 9 a little bit and aim the flow upwards
  1. 00:54:700 (1,2,3) - Same issue as I mentioned in the hyper
Lovely maps as always habi! Call me after you finish applying this mod and I'll rebubble, although I'd recommend maybe a mod or two after my own to clear off any rough edges. 9 days seems a bit fast eh?

Let me know if you need any help with applying anything

Lust wrote:

[Laurier's Extra]
  1. Try OD7.5 or even OD8, with such high paced play a OD of 7 could cause some playability issues. Also this is an extra, you can take some liberties with the settings change to 8
  2. 00:00:239 (1,2) - This plays a bit awkward since 1 looks like the next 1/2 slider. The quiet slider end doesn't help much either. fixed
  3. 00:14:546 (5,1) - Kind of an odd rhythm here especially with the clap hitsound you used at 00:14:546 (5) - 's slider end. Since there is a louder sound is on the slider end, there is a strange transition into 00:15:008 (1) - . I highly recommend that you change it to something like this, much more clear imo
    sorry I don't think so.
  4. 00:24:854 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Having this repeated circle pattern can be a bit hard to read with the changed rhythm. For players that play with non-transparent hitbursts, being able to play this pattern would be quite difficult. Try having the circles a little bit unstacked from eachother, or start an NC on 00:25:469 (4) - so it is more noticeable add NC
Topic Starter

Lust wrote:

Hi my fiancee, sorry for this but I need to pop this bubble for the following reasons - some of which were pointed out already.
  1. Spinners in the lower diffs need a lot more recovery time than what is given currently. In the easy, 00:13:777 (1,1) - the slider appears well before the spinner ends. In the normal, 00:03:931 (1,1,2) - appears before the spinner ends - with the multiple objects appearing here there might be a lot of confusion for newer players. In both cases, there is definitely not enough time between the spinners and the objects that follow.
  2. The spinner usage in the easy is way more than needed. You would think that spinners will lower the difficulty since the note density is not high right? Well, in the case of the easy you use a lot of spinners which could be quite tiring for your average easy-level player. Keep that in mind, I highly recommend that you map out some of the rhythms. They are poorly placed for the most part. Try revising 00:03:931 (1) - , 00:23:623 (1) - , and 00:53:162 (1) - with either mapping or breaks.
  3. The timing is kinda questionable. I found that bpm of 194.987 and an offset of 236 works rather well, although finding a second opinion would be recommended
  4. Well, you don't have any combo colors set but that's not really much of an issue. Take this opportunity to set some if you'd like
/yay all Fixed

Additional Modding

  1. 00:54:700 (1,2,3) - This pause followed by the movement of 2 into 3 can be a bit confusing. I suggest stacking it all on 3 for a clearer play / No now is flow batter.
  2. 01:05:085 (7,8,9,10,1) - Pretty hard pattern here, players can have their fingers fumbled with a hold on 01:04:854 (6) - followed by 1/4 circles and a movement to 01:05:315 (9,10,1) - . I highly recommend you revise this here / Fixed
  3. 01:14:931 (8,9,1) - Same issue as above, however here 01:14:931 (8,9) - kills the momentum so the jump to 01:15:162 (1) - becomes quite difficult. Try unstacking 8 and 9 a little bit and aim the flow upwards / Fixed
  1. 00:54:700 (1,2,3) - Same issue as I mentioned in the hyper / Same Hyper
Lovely maps as always habi! Call me after you finish applying this mod and I'll rebubble, although I'd recommend maybe a mod or two after my own to clear off any rough edges. 9 days seems a bit fast eh?

Let me know if you need any help with applying anything
Thanks Lust
laurier's insane

00:43:931 (3,4) - should be 1/3
Referred the CD page:

It says みいろ , so I guess title is Miiro

Also referred a database commonly used (not official tho):

Miiro is written there

Need a clarification where the source is actually referred to.

@Habi call me back after meta and Lust's reb, as you requested me recently
Topic Starter

Laurier wrote:
change to 1/3

Rakuen wrote:

Referred the CD page:

It says みいろ , so I guess title is Miiro

Also referred a database commonly used (not official tho):

Miiro is written there

Need a clarification where the source is actually referred to.

@Habi call me back after meta and Lust's reb, as you requested me recently
@Laurier : Update

@Rakuen : i think "MIIRO" title batter. site here ... B00R71FIGG

Rakuen wrote:

Referred the CD page:

It says みいろ , so I guess title is Miiro

Also referred a database commonly used (not official tho):

Miiro is written there

Need a clarification where the source is actually referred to.

@Habi call me back after meta and Lust's reb, as you requested me recently
Did you see the CD cover shows "MIIRO 海色" at the right bottom of the picture?
Also,AKINO's last CD エクストラ・マジック・アワー.It's cover
So you can see , all these maps are ranked with EXTRA MAGIC HOUR but not Extra Magic Hour
And another example of KIMIJYANAKYA DAMEMITAI/URAOMOTE FORTUNE.their cover shows all capital words then we used all capital words.So I think the cover could prove that
Ozato Fumika
메타 데이타 체크는 쿠도스 주면 안됩니다 ㅋ 뱃 불러서 디나이시키세요
Topic Starter

Lust wrote:

sorry but I have to pop this.

The timing issue hasn't been solved at all

00:01:312 - 00:03:928 (1,2) - 00:04:389 - 00:04:697 (2) - 00:05:159 -
these notes go late with music

will have a full mod soon

Edit:a full mod here

Thx Kibbleru for pro MP3 editing. .confirmed with Garven,this works very well,it solves all the off timings

00:03:928 (1,1) - we need a 1 measure in easy diff,please follow it
00:14:389 (2,1) - this overlap makes a bad effect
00:17:774 (2) - where the note places shows low sense,neither has vocal or strong beat.I suggest a rhythm like this
00:18:697 (1) - I would place a same rhythm like ^
00:43:312 (3) - nc
00:47:774 (4) - should place this 1/2 later if you want to follow the snare,or remove the clap
00:50:697 (1,2,3,4) - can you hear music more carefully then reset the hitsound?..
00:58:082 (3) - NC
01:07:928 (4) - NC
01:17:774 (5,1) - switch nc

00:24:851 (1) - the end snaps weird,better to stop at 00:25:877 (1/3)
00:32:236 (1) - remove NC due to your previous
00:47:928 (5) - clap should be at end

00:24:851 (1) - still feel strange weird,but it will go out of 1/1 if stop at 00:25:877.So I think two 1/3 sliders with arrow would work
00:37:159 (3,5) - add NC
00:42:082 (3,5) - ^
01:19:928 - why leave here empty?

00:00:082 (1,2,3) - discussed with Kibbleru and Garven,the span here should be 4 1/6+1 1/8.adding 1/8 will be hard to play,so a 1/6 slider here should work
01:19:928 - why leave here empty?

00:00:082 (1,2,3) - same with Hyper

Just have a saying,I pop this just bucause Lust didn't solve things,not cuz we're competing
i think no gu screwed up his link lol here is mp3
Topic Starter

No_Gu wrote:

00:14:389 (2,1) - this overlap makes a bad effect / I'm not bad
00:17:774 (2) - where the note places shows low sense,neither has vocal or strong beat.I suggest a rhythm like this / No
00:18:697 (1) - I would place a same rhythm like ^ / No
00:47:774 (4) - should place this 1/2 later if you want to follow the snare,or remove the clap / No
00:50:697 (1,2,3,4) - can you hear music more carefully then reset the hitsound?.. / why


00:24:851 (1) - the end snaps weird,better to stop at 00:25:877 (1/3) / not bad no


00:24:851 (1) - still feel strange weird,but it will go out of 1/1 if stop at 00:25:877.So I think two 1/3 sliders with arrow would work / not sure no
00:37:159 (3,5) - add NC / only (3) NC
00:42:082 (3,5) - ^ / ^
01:19:928 - why leave here empty? / this flow vocal. don't need this note


00:00:082 (1,2,3) - discussed with Kibbleru and Garven,the span here should be 4 1/6+1 1/8.adding 1/8 will be hard to play,so a 1/6 slider here should work / (1),(2) note delete. so no stream this.
01:19:928 - why leave here empty? / same hard


00:00:082 (1,2,3) - same with Hyper / same hyper diff
no reply Fixed. thanks No_Gu

Edit : mp3 change
i was just looking through and found a few things worth mentioning while its popped

00:56:691 - ahh this part in the video is so kawaii =w=

00:29:697 (1) - may as well end this spinner 00:30:517 - ?
do the same for hard
i think some hitsounds are a bit off i wont mention all of them but i noticed these 2
00:11:389 - 00:13:851 - needs whistles
laurier's diff has nice hitsounds. so maybe check his for some reference.

00:52:774 (6) - remove clap. add whistle
00:52:928 (7) - do the exact opposite ^ remove whistle add clap

laurier's insane
00:49:851 (2) - lol this slider end "technically" should be snapped to 00:50:210 -
00:50:312 (3) - there isn't really any sound at 00:50:466 -
the beats are at 00:50:415 - 00:50:517 -
Topic Starter

Kibbleru wrote:

i was just looking through and found a few things worth mentioning while its popped

00:56:691 - ahh this part in the video is so kawaii =w=

00:29:697 (1) - may as well end this spinner 00:30:517 - ? / No.... this is flow vocal..
do the same for hard
i think some hitsounds are a bit off i wont mention all of them but i noticed these 2
00:11:389 - 00:13:851 - needs whistles / Sure
laurier's diff has nice hitsounds. so maybe check his for some reference.

00:52:774 (6) - remove clap. add whistle / No.... this drum sound batter.. not vocal flow..
00:52:928 (7) - do the exact opposite ^ remove whistle add clap / same (^)
thanks modding Kibbleru~
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