
B0UNC3 - Paradise on Earth

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Well...i decided to mod cuz the song is pretty nice (i already have the mp3 in my computer xD)

my point of view...

Timing: Correct
AImod: Errors detected, but not for making you suffer to remake whole diff. Just move few grids and everything will go fine.

-Warning: almost half map with kiai time?
-Reccommendation: from beginning to this time: 01:08:337, please use soft hitsounds, and volume up a little bit...
-00:28:058 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - would look nice if that combos were in the center of the screen
-00:33:092 (4) - cut this slider 1/2 beat*
-00:51:135 (1,2) - needs better spacing
-01:02:883 (5) - rotate some degrees anticlockwise, looks terrible compared to slider 01:02:883 (5) -
-01:15:051 (11) - this circle can be a new combo
-01:18:407 (8) - New combo
-01:21:764 (2) - New Combo
-01:38:127 (6) - New Combo and needs to be respaced better.
-01:48:617 (9) - Reccommended to be a spinner (if you gonna finish the diff here) and kiai for "Epic ending" :3

Conclusion: Needs to respace better in some combos, and due the difficulty length, Kiai is overused...

-AImod: detected only 4 little errors (combo distances)
-Reccommendation: about hitsounds: The same reccommendation posted in Beginner.
-00:29:106 (4) - New Combo
-00:34:981 (9) - ^
-00:34:981 (9,10,11) - i reccommend aligning those combos to circle 7 for aesthetics.
-00:52:183 (4) - Delete this circle...
-01:13:582 (1) - Remove New Combo
-01:14:841 (7) - New Combo
-01:21:764 (8) - ^
-01:22:183 (1) - Remove New Combo
-01:35:610 (1) - hhhhmmm...Consider to move that slider respecting spacing
-02:16:099 (4) - i don't like that circle position...move closer to the end of previous slider.
-02:18:827 (6,7,8,9) - Make every circle a New Combo and use Finish Hitsounds
-02:20:295 (1) - this slider seems too early to appear, move it 1/2 beat and in the end cut 1/2 beat.
-02:23:862 (9) - rebuild this slider...and make it zig zag shape, would look better
-02:27:009 (8) - Suggestion: move that slider to the right, personally i don't like your original slider position.

Conclussion: Kiaiii!! too long...

Nice One!!! but...
01:42:743 (4,5) - OMG! needs to be respaced
02:30:995 (14) - nooo... slider looks awful under that previous combo
I reccommend: a part with double speed sliders or really big spacing zone, this diff is pretty cool and deserves to be harder xD
AImod: told me another story, sadly this diff has many errors, but fontunately are easy to correct ^^ are just Object distances related errors

Hope this little mod helps you...Good luck collecting more stars :)

Starred due nice composition
Topic Starter

j35u5891221 wrote:

Well...i decided to mod cuz the song is pretty nice (i already have the mp3 in my computer xD)

my point of view...

Timing: Correct
AImod: Errors detected, but not for making you suffer to remake whole diff. Just move few grids and everything will go fine.

-Warning: almost half map with kiai time?
-Reccommendation: from beginning to this time: 01:08:337, please use soft hitsounds, and volume up a little bit...
-00:28:058 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - would look nice if that combos were in the center of the screen
-00:33:092 (4) - cut this slider 1/2 beat*
-00:51:135 (1,2) - needs better spacing
-01:02:883 (5) - rotate some degrees anticlockwise, looks terrible compared to slider 01:02:883 (5) -
-01:15:051 (11) - this circle can be a new combo
-01:18:407 (8) - New combo
-01:21:764 (2) - New Combo
-01:38:127 (6) - New Combo and needs to be respaced better.
-01:48:617 (9) - Reccommended to be a spinner (if you gonna finish the diff here) and kiai for "Epic ending" :3

Conclusion: Needs to respace better in some combos, and due the difficulty length, Kiai is overused...

-AImod: detected only 4 little errors (combo distances)
-Reccommendation: about hitsounds: The same reccommendation posted in Beginner.
-00:29:106 (4) - New Combo
-00:34:981 (9) - ^
-00:34:981 (9,10,11) - i reccommend aligning those combos to circle 7 for aesthetics.
-00:52:183 (4) - Delete this circle...
-01:13:582 (1) - Remove New Combo
-01:14:841 (7) - New Combo
-01:21:764 (8) - ^
-01:22:183 (1) - Remove New Combo
-01:35:610 (1) - hhhhmmm...Consider to move that slider respecting spacing
-02:16:099 (4) - i don't like that circle position...move closer to the end of previous slider.
-02:18:827 (6,7,8,9) - Make every circle a New Combo and use Finish Hitsounds
-02:20:295 (1) - this slider seems too early to appear, move it 1/2 beat and in the end cut 1/2 beat.
-02:23:862 (9) - rebuild this slider...and make it zig zag shape, would look better
-02:27:009 (8) - Suggestion: move that slider to the right, personally i don't like your original slider position.

Conclussion: Kiaiii!! too long...

Nice One!!! but...
01:42:743 (4,5) - OMG! needs to be respaced
02:30:995 (14) - nooo... slider looks awful under that previous combo
I reccommend: a part with double speed sliders or really big spacing zone, this diff is pretty cool and deserves to be harder xD
AImod: told me another story, sadly this diff has many errors, but fontunately are easy to correct ^^ are just Object distances related errors

Hope this little mod helps you...Good luck collecting more stars :)

Starred due nice composition
Thanks for modding =) checked last modding and updated :)
Just some suggestions.

00:33:092 (4) - end this note at white tick?

- dark green and dark blue combocolor really hard to see ;_;

01:50:295 - add break?

OwO funny song

Star ~
Topic Starter

orioncomet wrote:

Just some suggestions.

00:33:092 (4) - end this note at white tick?

- dark green and dark blue combocolor really hard to see ;_;

01:50:295 - add break?

OwO funny song

Star ~
thanks orioncomet for your modding :D checked and updated
Marco <3

-Tutto bene.

00:29:526 (5) - 2 grid a destra e infine 1 sopra? (In modo che sia allineato alla nota 1)
00:45:890 (11) - New combo?
01:52:813 (1) - E' brutto come jump, almeno per me :(
01:53:652 (1) - ^
01:54:491 (1) - ^
01:55:330 (1) - ^
02:27:428 (13,14,15) - La posizione dei beat non mi piace, ha un brutto suono. Metterlo meglio? (Secondo me dovrebbe suonare meglio così : Cancella la nota 12 e posiziona lo slider sul tick dov'era la nota precedente, poi allunga lo slider in modo che diventi da 1/1, poi aggiungi un hitcircle sul 1/2 seguente e lasci il seguito com'era prima. In caso tu non abbia capito guarda questo screenshot [Ho allargato la barra in modo che tu possa capire meglio] )
02:49:246 (13) - Può confondere il giocatore, posizionalo in modo che sia più vicino e, possibilmente, dalla parte opposta.
02:51:764 (12,1,2,3) - Queste note non combaciano con la song.

- Per me è OK.

00:33:092 (4) - Farlo finire al tick bianco?
00:38:967 (1) - Wrong spacing.
01:33:512 (5,7) - 1 grid a sinistra?

Bella mappa~
Bella song~
Topic Starter

Kecco wrote:

Marco <3

-Tutto bene.

00:29:526 (5) - 2 grid a destra e infine 1 sopra? (In modo che sia allineato alla nota 1)
00:45:890 (11) - New combo?
01:52:813 (1) - E' brutto come jump, almeno per me :(
01:53:652 (1) - ^
01:54:491 (1) - ^
01:55:330 (1) - ^
02:27:428 (13,14,15) - La posizione dei beat non mi piace, ha un brutto suono. Metterlo meglio? (Secondo me dovrebbe suonare meglio così : Cancella la nota 12 e posiziona lo slider sul tick dov'era la nota precedente, poi allunga lo slider in modo che diventi da 1/1, poi aggiungi un hitcircle sul 1/2 seguente e lasci il seguito com'era prima. In caso tu non abbia capito guarda questo screenshot [Ho allargato la barra in modo che tu possa capire meglio] )
02:49:246 (13) - Può confondere il giocatore, posizionalo in modo che sia più vicino e, possibilmente, dalla parte opposta.
02:51:764 (12,1,2,3) - Queste note non combaciano con la song.

- Per me è OK.

00:33:092 (4) - Farlo finire al tick bianco?
00:38:967 (1) - Wrong spacing.
01:33:512 (5,7) - 1 grid a sinistra?

Bella mappa~
Bella song~
Ho sistemato alcune cose come hai detto...non tutte...grazie ;)
Card N'FoRcE
- General:
  • Il volume degli hitsounds è un po' bassino, secondo me.
- Beginner:
  • .Suggestions:
    01:20:925 (8) - lo sposterei un po' per migliorare l'estetica dello spacing (un po' in alto a sinistra?)
- Expert:
  • .Opinions:
    Il colore blu notte non si vede quasi per nulla; il verde scuro si salva per poco, ma se puoi schiarisci un po' anche quello.
- Champion:
  • .Opinions:
    Perché i cerchi più grandi della expert?
    01:38:757 (6) - nuova combo, comoda per far capire i superjumps in arrivo e per evitare che arrivi a (19)
    02:02:044 (5) - nuova combo?
    02:51:554 (11) - ^
Topic Starter

Card N'FoRcE wrote:

- General:
  • Il volume degli hitsounds è un po' bassino, secondo me.
- Beginner:
  • .Suggestions:
    01:20:925 (8) - lo sposterei un po' per migliorare l'estetica dello spacing (un po' in alto a sinistra?)
- Expert:
  • .Opinions:
    Il colore blu notte non si vede quasi per nulla; il verde scuro si salva per poco, ma se puoi schiarisci un po' anche quello.
- Champion:
  • .Opinions:
    Perché i cerchi più grandi della expert?
    01:38:757 (6) - nuova combo, comoda per far capire i superjumps in arrivo e per evitare che arrivi a (19)
    02:02:044 (5) - nuova combo?
    02:51:554 (11) - ^
Sistemato tutto :D grazie fabio per la disponibilità...comunque nella insane ho messo i circle più grande perchè ci stavano bene...spero che non sia un problema :(
I like it :oops:
Topic Starter
thanks for star :P
Star~ :D
Topic Starter

scar1410 wrote:

Star~ :D
thanks =)
Irc modding
Topic Starter

Armin wrote:

Irc modding
checked and fixed all things ;) thanks
Feels pretty short :<
Also I feel like this is fairly challenging for the easiest difficulty with all of those 1/2 notes.

01:05:820 (1) - Remove new combo
01:35:190 - Start kiai here

01:31:729 (3) - I think this would play better starting this on the white tick, I was expecting to click something there. Add a circle with a clap where it previously started.
01:35:190 (5,1) - Swap new combos
01:35:820 (2,3,4,5,6) - This is reallly confusing to play, mind getting rid of the stacks here?
02:49:246 (13,1) - Swap new combos?

Pretty solid, all of the diffs were pretty fun ^_^ My only major concern is the difficulty of Beginner.
Topic Starter

0_o wrote:

Feels pretty short :<
Also I feel like this is fairly challenging for the easiest difficulty with all of those 1/2 notes.

01:05:820 (1) - Remove new combo
01:35:190 - Start kiai here

01:31:729 (3) - I think this would play better starting this on the white tick, I was expecting to click something there. Add a circle with a clap where it previously started.
01:35:190 (5,1) - Swap new combos
01:35:820 (2,3,4,5,6) - This is reallly confusing to play, mind getting rid of the stacks here?
02:49:246 (13,1) - Swap new combos?

Pretty solid, all of the diffs were pretty fun ^_^ My only major concern is the difficulty of Beginner.
checked and updated :D thanks
[Mod Infos]

Azure: Suggestions.
Blue: You should fix this.



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Tutto qua
Topic Starter

xxheroxx wrote:

[Mod Infos]

Azure: Suggestions.
Blue: You should fix this.



  • • Elimina l'osb e fai una full submission
    • Aggiungi qualche Source (se possibile) e qualche tags
Tutto qua
grazie :) entro un'ora sistemo "tutto" ahahah xD
Cyril Scarlet
many guys moded. I can't mod close ヾ(´¬`)ノ fine for me >w<" ~
Topic Starter

S i R i R u wrote:

many guys moded. I can't mod close ヾ(´¬`)ノ fine for me >w<" ~
thanks xDD
Topic Starter

xxheroxx wrote:

[Mod Infos]

Azure: Suggestions.
Blue: You should fix this.



  • • Elimina l'osb e fai una full submission
    • Aggiungi qualche Source (se possibile) e qualche tags
Tutto qua
ho sistemato :D
Topic Starter

xxheroxx wrote:

grazie *-*
Wow, cool song.

Topic Starter

tieff wrote:

Wow, cool song.

thanks :D
Most easier difficulty was an "H", some little IRC Modding about removal of some notes on Begineer and now it's an "N". Ready to go, I suppose.

Topic Starter

osuplayer111 wrote:

Most easier difficulty was an "H", some little IRC Modding about removal of some notes on Begineer and now it's an "N". Ready to go, I suppose.

thanks for irc mode and for rank xDD
Hey! Congratz for ranking this map! i enjoyed playing hard and insane (specially insane) ^^
Topic Starter

j35u5891221 wrote:

Hey! Congratz for ranking this map! i enjoyed playing hard and insane (specially insane) ^^
thanks dude ;) i hope all osu's players will enjoy :D
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