
blue drops - SECOND(Main Vocal Hitomi)

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good map,take a star o/

00:08:986 (1) - slider end add whistle
00:30:586 (1) - slider end add finish
00:37:786 (3) - make the shake like this:
00:50:586 add finish
01:50:586 cancel finish
01:51:186 add 65% finish
02:25:386 add clap+whistle circle
03:29:786 (3) - slider end change to finish
03:52:986 (1) - slider head add finish

00:07:786 cancel whistle、00:07:986 change to 50% finish
00:46:786 (2) - slider end add clap
01:05:586 (1) - move to 01:05:386,add clap+whistle
01:47:186 (3,4,5) - don't look good,change other rhythm
02:23:386 (1) - the shake like above
02:26:586 (1) - blanket beautifully
03:33:786 (1) - ^

hope it help you!
good luck~
Topic Starter
Fixed everything exept the slider shapes suggestion
Thanks a lot :D
Hi~ Sorry I'm late ;_;

  1. OK~
  1. 01:06:586 (1) - add whistle?
  2. 01:11:786 (4,5) - Try changing to this?
  3. 01:20:986 (3,4) - Try changing to this?
nice Diff ;)

  1. 00:12:586 (1) - move to x386,y290
  2. 01:10:986 (2) - consider this??
  3. 03:55:986 - add note?
  4. 03:59:386 (1) - delete finish at end
  5. 04:14:786 (5) - stack to previous note ?
    04:15:386 (1) - move to x432,y234
  1. 00:22:186 (8) - stack it rightly
  2. 00:31:786 (5) - add finish at start
  3. 01:51:186 (3) - delete finish and add whistle at start
  4. 03:09:986 (2,3,4) - change to kick slider
very good mapset :D
Came here from my queue. There isn't much (almost none, actually) to mod, so here I go (remember they are just suggestions):


03:01:186 (2) - Those claps aren't really necessary. I think it will sound good even without them.
03:04:386 (2,3) - ^
03:07:586 (2,3) - ^

Those suggestions are very minimal, and nothing will change even if you don't accept them. Hope this gets ranked soon!
Topic Starter
Changed a few things thanks guys n.n

Finally updated \o/

Revived :D 1 Year since submission \:D/
Hi it's me Shurelia from Lovely Modding Quest

I've checked your map and didn't find anything wrong on this.

Here take my Star and hope this got ranked soon.

Thank you for using our service! Hope you're satisfied with this.
Topic Starter
Oh ya! Don't worry and thanks for your star ^^
Hello~ Mod from ingame request. Sorry for late xD

  1. 00:08:986 (1) - improve blanket.
  2. 00:21:986 -
  3. 00:23:386 (3) - no sé si quieras cambiarle la concavidad, aunque claro, es solo una sugerencia, tal y como es está bien, pero... para mi el flow de salida es más importante que el de entrada (excepto cuando hay jusps, pero no es el caso aquí xD)
  4. 00:50:586 (3) - ^
  5. 01:04:986 (3) -
  6. 01:17:786 (3) - improve blanket
  7. 01:22:586 (1) - ^
  8. 01:44:986 (5) - ^
  9. 02:00:986 (5) -
  10. 02:10:586 (3) - Tal vez... y cuidando el blanket y eso.
  11. 02:12:186 (5) - improve blanket
  12. 02:20:186 (1,2,3) - :!: De esta parte no me gustó para nada que no hayan hitsounds que se sientan... me parece que es muy facil perder el ritmo debido a esto. Me gustaría recomendarte queal final de (1), a (2), y al inicio de (3), coloques whistles.
  13. 02:27:586 (2,3,4) - lo mismo de los whistles, al final de (2), en (3), y el inicio de (4).
  14. 03:08:186 (1) - improve blanket
  15. 03:30:586 - whistle
  16. 03:32:186 - whistle
  17. 03:52:986 (1) - :shock: El espacio de tiempo entre el final del spinner y esta nota es unrankable. Entre un spinner y la siguiente nota debe quedar un compás completo como minimo cuando es un Easy (1/2 coimpás cuando es normal, un 1/4 en hard).
  18. 03:56:186 (1,2,3) - misma sugerencia de los whistles de antes. (final de 1, en 2, e inicio de 3).
  19. 04:03:586 (2,3,4) - ^
  20. 04:08:986 (1) - Awasome xD
Pienso que en vez de dejarle el break entre 03:40:286 - 03:51:386 - , podrías mapear perfectamente esa parte. Para mi, el break pude estar bien en el easy, pero para este normal no lo veo necesario. Además que pienso que eso lo acercaría un poco más al hard, recuerda que el easy el staring system lo puso como un normal, así que mapenado esa parte quedaría mejor.
  1. 01:48:786 (1,2) - sin hitsounds? :/
  2. 02:12:186 (1,2,1) - la wea de los whistles xD
  3. 02:23:386 (1,2,3) - ^
  4. 02:26:586 (1,2,3,4) - ^
  5. 03:51:386 (1) - la cosa unrankable.
  6. 04:05:786 (2) - ugg, improve blanket.
  1. 00:05:786 (1) - 00:19:386 (2) - creo que el blanket de esto respecto a al inicio del slider largo, lo puedes mejorar.
  2. 00:31:386 - falta un finish?? en la musica se oye...
  3. 00:45:786 (1) - improve blanket.
  4. 00:57:586 (3) - ^
  5. 02:34:386 (6) - ^
  6. 02:44:786 (2) - ^
  7. 02:58:586 (1) - ^ !
  8. 02:59:786 (3) - ^
  9. 04:16:786 (5) - ^
Nice map and song, i hope you rank it soon :)
Topic Starter

ErunamoJAZZ wrote:

Hello~ Mod from ingame request. Sorry for late xD

  1. 00:08:986 (1) - improve blanket. Ok
  2. 00:21:986 - este lo hice asi a proposito, queria que fuera un poco mas largo de un lado :P
  3. 00:23:386 (3) - no sé si quieras cambiarle la concavidad, aunque claro, es solo una sugerencia, tal y como es está bien, pero... para mi el flow de salida es más importante que el de entrada (excepto cuando hay jusps, pero no es el caso aquí xD) yo siempre he preferido el de entrada :3
  4. 00:50:586 (3) - ^ ^ ves? xD
  5. 01:04:986 (3) -
  6. 01:17:786 (3) - improve blanket en realidad no creo que pueda ser mejor :P
  7. 01:22:586 (1) - ^ No es mucho lo que pude hacer pero lo intente :3
  8. 01:44:986 (5) - ^
  9. 02:00:986 (5) -
  10. 02:10:586 (3) - Tal vez... y cuidando el blanket y eso. okaaa :D
  11. 02:12:186 (5) - improve blanket No se como mejorarlo :/
  12. 02:20:186 (1,2,3) - :!: De esta parte no me gustó para nada que no hayan hitsounds que se sientan... me parece que es muy facil perder el ritmo debido a esto. Me gustaría recomendarte queal final de (1), a (2), y al inicio de (3), coloques whistles. Ya bueno :3
  13. 02:27:586 (2,3,4) - lo mismo de los whistles, al final de (2), en (3), y el inicio de (4). Aqui no se lo coloque al (4), no suena bien ahi para mi :/
  14. 03:08:186 (1) - improve blanket
  15. 03:30:586 - whistle Le puse un finish xD
  16. 03:32:186 - whistle Este lo deje como estaba
  17. 03:52:986 (1) - :shock: El espacio de tiempo entre el final del spinner y esta nota es unrankable. Entre un spinner y la siguiente nota debe quedar un compás completo como minimo cuando es un Easy (1/2 coimpás cuando es normal, un 1/4 en hard). Antes no era asi u.u lo borre :P
  18. 03:56:186 (1,2,3) - misma sugerencia de los whistles de antes. (final de 1, en 2, e inicio de 3). Oka
  19. 04:03:586 (2,3,4) - ^ Oka
  20. 04:08:986 (1) - Awasome xD :D
Pienso que en vez de dejarle el break entre 03:40:286 - 03:51:386 - , podrías mapear perfectamente esa parte. Para mi, el break pude estar bien en el easy, pero para este normal no lo veo necesario. Además que pienso que eso lo acercaría un poco más al hard, recuerda que el easy el staring system lo puso como un normal, así que mapenado esa parte quedaría mejor. El star rating ta malo, ademas me toma el normal como hard y el hard como insane asi que pienso que esta bien :P
  1. 01:48:786 (1,2) - sin hitsounds? :/ Ahi le puse whistles :v
  2. 02:12:186 (1,2,1) - la wea de los whistles xD por favor eru comportate (?
  3. 02:23:386 (1,2,3) - ^ btw le puse los whistles a todos :P
  4. 02:26:586 (1,2,3,4) - ^
  5. 03:51:386 (1) - la cosa unrankable. Tambien lo borre
  6. 04:05:786 (2) - ugg, improve blanket.omg de verdad se veia feo, ahi lo arregle
  1. 00:05:786 (1) - 00:19:386 (2) - creo que el blanket de esto respecto a al inicio del slider largo, lo puedes mejorar. lol no me habia fijado del blanket, pero lo dejo asi nomas :P
  2. 00:31:386 - falta un finish?? en la musica se oye... Added
  3. 00:45:786 (1) - improve blanket.
  4. 00:57:586 (3) - ^
  5. 02:34:386 (6) - ^
  6. 02:44:786 (2) - ^ este esta bien ._.
  7. 02:58:586 (1) - ^ !
  8. 02:59:786 (3) - ^
  9. 04:16:786 (5) - ^
Todo lo que no respondi es por que lo arregle :P
Nice map and song, i hope you rank it soon :)
Gracias ^^
Hi! From my modding queue ^w^

01:25:786 (1) - Start this at 01:24:386 maybe? The part before it is really empty
02:45:786 (1) - ^ (Start at 02:44:386)
01:50:586 (1) - The note this slider ends on is pretty strong, so removing the repeat here and adding a note instead would be better (
03:53:286 - Shouldn't the hitsound here be from custom set 4?

01:25:786 (1) - Same as Easy
02:45:786 (1) - ^
01:51:186 (2) -
02:01:986 (6) -
03:00:186 (3,4) - Bad blanket
03:33:786 (1,2) - The start of 1 (it's 2 in the image, idk why) isn't blanketed well:

Good luck with the map! :)
Topic Starter

ReallyFastCat wrote:

Hi! From my modding queue ^w^

01:25:786 (1) - Start this at 01:24:386 maybe? The part before it is really empty No, i want to emphasize that part and i couldnt do that on hard diff cuz it will break the consistency
02:45:786 (1) - ^ (Start at 02:44:386) ^
01:50:586 (1) - The note this slider ends on is pretty strong, so removing the repeat here and adding a note instead would be better ( Well, i dont have reasons to deny that bit im lazy to change it and i like how it plays right now :3
03:53:286 - Shouldn't the hitsound here be from custom set 4? That's intentional :P

01:25:786 (1) - Same as Easy
02:45:786 (1) - ^
01:51:186 (2) - Same as easy lol
02:01:986 (6) - Ok
03:00:186 (3,4) - Bad blanket Fixed
03:33:786 (1,2) - The start of 1 (it's 2 in the image, idk why) isn't blanketed well: Fixed

Good luck with the map! :)
Thanks a lot :D
IRC'd and fixed a bit. idk what happened to the actual mod part of the log. I swear I didn't eat it :3

IRC Log:
18:22 Lanturn: um
18:22 Lanturn: my game crashed
18:22 Lanturn: no irc log \o/
18:22 pkhg: gratz
18:22 pkhg: omg
18:22 Lanturn: oh well. I'll just post this
18:22 pkhg: why "\o/"
18:22 pkhg: lol
18:22 Lanturn: lol
18:23 Lanturn: will trade another bubble for a /np
18:23 *pkhg is listening to [ blue drops - SECOND]
18:23 pkhg: LOL
18:26 Lanturn: remind me not to have the hitsounds open when I download the map~
18:26 Lanturn: otherwise the folder doesn't delete
18:26 pkhg: lol
18:28 pkhg: how do you bubble/rank maps?
18:28 Lanturn: AHHHH
18:28 pkhg: theres a button or something?
18:28 pkhg: o.o
18:28 Lanturn: there are icons to push XD
18:28 pkhg: lol
18:28 Lanturn: when you reply to a post
18:28 Lanturn: much like the skinning forums
18:28 pkhg: ohh
18:29 Lanturn: um
18:29 Lanturn: PROBLEMO
18:29 pkhg: huh
18:29 Lanturn: Hard
18:29 Lanturn: 00:10:750 - green line
18:29 Lanturn: 00:10:850 - green line
18:29 Lanturn: 03:13:080 - green line
18:29 Lanturn: that is all
18:30 Lanturn: (unsnapped)
18:31 pkhg: i'll delete the first 2
18:31 Lanturn: nah
18:31 Lanturn: well all you have to do is snap them
18:31 Lanturn: don't have to delete
18:31 Lanturn: unless they're pointless XD
18:31 pkhg: but theres no use for them
18:31 pkhg: lol
18:31 Lanturn: ok :P
18:31 pkhg: or at least
18:32 Lanturn: delete or move them
18:32 pkhg: i dont remember
18:32 Lanturn: one or the other
18:32 pkhg: lol
18:34 pkhg: ok
18:35 pkhg: 00:10:386 -
18:35 pkhg: moved the first 2 to here
18:35 Lanturn: ok
18:36 pkhg: it was to lower the volume of finish
18:36 Lanturn: haha ok
18:36 Lanturn: looks good I
18:36 Lanturn: think
18:36 pkhg: :D
18:38 Lanturn: That should be it :3
18:38 Lanturn: \o/
18:38 pkhg: yay
18:38 Lanturn: oh ho ho ho
18:38 Lanturn: not yet
18:38 Lanturn: zzz I was gonna check it awhile ago, but forgot
18:38 Lanturn: preview time
18:38 pkhg: oh
18:38 Lanturn: :(
18:39 pkhg: NOT AGAINN
18:39 pkhg: lol
18:39 pkhg: xD
18:39 Lanturn: unsnapped by like 8ms or something
18:39 Lanturn: idk why this just popped in my head
18:41 pkhg: wtf
18:41 pkhg: whats that? lol
18:41 pkhg: hamsters
18:41 Lanturn: a really old song lol
18:41 pkhg: lol
18:42 pkhg: well
18:42 pkhg: finally done
18:42 Lanturn: yay
18:42 pkhg: i guess
18:43 pkhg: xD
18:44 Lanturn: wow
18:44 Lanturn: you really are going to hate me after this
18:44 Lanturn:
18:44 Lanturn: Update 52 incoming <3
18:45 Lanturn: ... well lol
18:49 pkhg: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
18:49 Lanturn: oh
18:49 Lanturn: I thought you logged bcause
18:49 Lanturn: There was one more problem :D
18:49 Lanturn: and you were like f it. I'm outta here
18:49 pkhg: i forgot that im using the laptop without battery
18:49 Lanturn: rofl
18:50 Lanturn: but yeah
18:50 pkhg: so
18:50 Lanturn: widescreen support was on
18:50 Lanturn: I didn't even make it to that tab yet :3
18:50 Lanturn: on Easy/Normal, hard has it disabled I think
18:51 Lanturn: also maybe hp3 on Easy?
18:51 Lanturn: or nevermind, you seem to have a set pattern in mind
18:51 Lanturn: lol
18:51 pkhg: lol
18:52 pkhg: well
18:52 pkhg: updating
18:52 pkhg: again
18:52 pkhg: lol
18:53 Lanturn: Aren't I the best modder?
18:53 pkhg: yup
18:53 pkhg: my patience is infinite
18:53 pkhg: xD
18:53 Lanturn: oh
18:53 Lanturn: well you aren't fun to mod then :(
18:53 Lanturn: no bubble
18:54 pkhg: lol no
18:54 Lanturn: lol
18:54 pkhg: just wnted to say that
18:54 Lanturn: =D
18:54 Lanturn: I have too much time I think
18:54 pkhg: hehe
18:55 pkhg: you check everything
18:55 pkhg: really
18:55 Lanturn: I do
18:55 pkhg: everything
18:55 Lanturn: or try to
18:55 Lanturn: But it's like I check one thing
18:55 Lanturn: FIX IT
18:55 Lanturn: updates
18:55 Lanturn: Find new thing
18:55 Lanturn: FIX IT
18:55 Lanturn: updates
18:55 Lanturn: find another thing
18:55 pkhg: lanturn the new aibat
18:55 Lanturn: FIX IT
18:55 Lanturn: mapper gives up and logs
18:55 Lanturn: :(
18:55 pkhg: haha
18:56 pkhg: :/
18:56 pkhg: oh
18:56 pkhg: done
18:56 Lanturn: sweet
18:56 pkhg: look at my profile
18:56 Lanturn: haha
18:56 pkhg: updates everywhere

Let's see. We fixed a hitsound, made some mods in all diffs, Normal got a little bit up an upgrade in density because it was a bit too easy. Seems fine now. Fixed a few metadata/settings in the map, some green lines. And I forget everything else.

Bubbled <3
Topic Starter
this guy is the best <3
Go <3
I love this song,


  1. Please Remove the following hitsounds as they are not used. :

    Found unused .wav files:
    - soft-whistle3.wav
    - soft-whistle2.wav
    - soft-whistle5.wav
    - soft-whistle.wav


HP - 1.5

  1. 00:07:186 (3) - Finish in the start fits but is the wrong one , go to "Additions" in the top corner and change it to Normal, that finish fits so much better to me.
  2. 00:10:386 (3) - ^
  3. 00:18:586 (1) - Spacing.
  4. 01:46:586 (1) - Why don't you try to make them blanket like this :
  5. 01:57:786 (1) - The slider end touches the hp bar sadly.
  6. 04:12:586 (2) - New combo derp, that long slider kinda kills drain.
  7. 04:19:786 (2) - Please make this overlap slightly just to be safe.

HP - 1

  1. 00:11:186 (5,1) - Swap the new combo.
  2. 00:19:986 (3) - Need to move this down, touches the HP Bar.
  3. 02:07:386 - You missed a really strong beat, I think a note should be added here.
  4. 02:26:386 (6) - Spacing.
  5. 04:01:586 (4) - Spacing.

  1. 00:22:186 (8) - The stacking is on purpose?
  2. 03:50:586 (1) - New combo, the spacing is hard to read without it. (must fix too imo)
  3. 04:05:186 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Change to a reverse slider please, this is rather really hard for this diff, considering you never do this before now. must fix this imo

Fine anyways.
Topic Starter

Tari wrote:

I love this song,


  1. Please Remove the following hitsounds as they are not used. :

    Found unused .wav files:
    - soft-whistle3.wav
    - soft-whistle2.wav
    - soft-whistle5.wav
    - soft-whistle.wav
lol the map is full of whistles and im sure that im using all of them. Also lanturn changed something to them, i dont remember what was exactly x.x


HP - 1.5 ok

  1. 00:07:186 (3) - Finish in the start fits but is the wrong one , go to "Additions" in the top corner and change it to Normal, that finish fits so much better to me. nice ;3
  2. 00:10:386 (3) - ^
  3. 00:18:586 (1) - Spacing. fixed
  4. 01:46:586 (1) - Why don't you try to make them blanket like this : i tried but i like more mine :P
  5. 01:57:786 (1) - The slider end touches the hp bar sadly.fixed
  6. 04:12:586 (2) - New combo derp, that long slider kinda kills drain.ok
  7. 04:19:786 (2) - Please make this overlap slightly just to be safe.fixed i guess

HP - 1 ok

  1. 00:11:186 (5,1) - Swap the new combo. isnt need i think, cuz im followin vocals mainly in the previous combo and from the (1) i follow drums :3
  2. 00:19:986 (3) - Need to move this down, touches the HP Bar.ok
  3. 02:07:386 - You missed a really strong beat, I think a note should be added here.sure
  4. 02:26:386 (6) - Spacing.
  5. 04:01:586 (4) - Spacing. fixed both

  1. 00:22:186 (8) - The stacking is on purpose?yess ;3
  2. 03:50:586 (1) - New combo, the spacing is hard to read without it. (must fix too imo)ok
  3. 04:05:186 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Change to a reverse slider please, this is rather really hard for this diff, considering you never do this before now. must fix this imo considering that this is the hardest diff, why no add a bit more challenge? Also its only 150 bpm

Fine anyways.
thanks and updated :D
I've checked twice, they're still not used.
Topic Starter
I'll ask to Lanturn to be sure.
we derped. The files should be called soft-hitwhistle, not soft-whistle.

Anyways, run that hitsound program one more time for us Tari (and drop me a link to it since I lost mine lol)
nvm, found it lol.

I'll rebubble after.
Topic Starter
what a big mistake, sorry >.<

Changed S to SC:1 at the start of the map and fixed the incorrect hitsound files. All of them are in use now.

edit:fixed heart
A Mystery
Topic Starter
If someone cares, plz i want a dq to fix just a minor mistake, idk if that's possible but plz

00:10:386 (5) - i just want to remove that whislte ._.
Congratz :)
Contact a QAT and they can DQ it for you quickly. If this is going to happen, might as well be asap.

pkhg wrote:

If someone cares, plz i want a dq to fix just a minor mistake, idk if that's possible but plz

00:10:386 (5) - i just want to remove that whislte ._.
Topic Starter
Checked everything else, so now it must be fine

At least the mapset passes the Background check (aside from the inconsistent spacing at 00:07:586 (4,1) on your Normal difficulty which is fine due to enough delay between the notes). You can easily fixed by moving 00:05:786 (1,2,3,4) at 8|224 though. :P

I should also mention the stack leniency on Hard difficulty is awkward. Maybe reduce the stack leniency owo
P.S: I hope the metadata is correct though.
I'm dumb. Hold on a second Ike. I can't believe I f'd up like this XD.

Title was changed to:

SECOND(Main Vocal Hitomi)

now everything is right... ;_;
Either reduce Stack Leniency in Hard or do some manual stacking, because some stacks looks weird.
Examples: | Manual stack: | Manual stack:

If you need help where does this should be done, poke me.
Topic Starter
That whistle was a lifesaver lol
Fixed everything guys :3
Must be ok now
Manual stack pls ;w;
00:45:386 (3,4) -
00:51:786 (3,4) -
01:11:786 (6,7) -
01:17:386 (3,4) -
01:52:386 (1,2) -
02:37:386 (4,5) -
03:23:186 (6,1) -
04:18:986 (2,3) -
02:05:586 (4) - This could be moved to the other side so it isn't too close to the end of 02:04:786 (2) -

Anyone can bubble/qualify this if I'm not around.
Topic Starter
Ok, everything fixed :3
The manual stacking seems fine for the most part now, but it's kinda awkward to have different hitsound volumes at the same sections:

On Normal Difficulty:

On Hard Difficulty:

Change the hitsounds volume at the red timing section and match it with the green timing section.
I might do a quick mod later. We'll see.
Topic Starter
Deleted that green line on normal and reduced to 50% volume both normal and hard red lines.
Thanks :3
As promised, here is a quick mod.
I noticed that you missed quite a lot of soft-finishes.

  1. I recommend OD7 (Overall Difficulty 7) since this is the hardest difficulty.
  2. 01:23:986 (5) - I can hear a cymbal sound here. Try adding a soft-finish to emphasize it. Same as start of 01:22:586 (1) - 02:39:386 (1) - 02:43:986 (5) - start of 02:58:586 (1) - start of 03:04:986 (1) - start of 03:30:586 (1) - 04:07:186 (5) - start of 04:12:186 (1).
  3. 03:28:986 (1) - You don't really need a soft-finish here. consider removing it. Same as the start of 03:33:786 (1).
Also, you may want to add (or remove) these finishes on your Easy and Normal difficulties as well.
I also recommend to use a better HP/OD spread like 3 -> 5 -> 7.
Topic Starter
Everything fixed, thanks :D
Moving this map back to bubbled status.
Although, it would be easier to lower the stack leniency rather than manual stacking. :P

@Ranking BAT: If DakeDekaane isn't around, feel free to re-quality the mapset.
What if I'm around?

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