
KOTOKO - Shichiten Hakki,Shijou Shugi!

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thx for your modding! :D
relaxing 的note能不能改小一些。有个地方两个note排列的很紧出现闪光效果很容易看成slider。

01:37:810 (1) - clap -> finish
02:55:537 (1) - clap去掉,无音量

00:22:128 (1,2,3,4) - 结尾的clap我觉得听起来也感觉不太好,自己决定,可以考虑改用soft的clap
00:28:946 (1,2,3,4) - ^
00:45:310 (1) - add a finish
00:58:264 (1) - remove new combo
04:02:014 (1) - 最后这个spinner在04:04:401停,clap去掉,用finish

01:31:652 (1) - remove newcombo
01:33:527 (5,6) - spacing
02:45:285 (1,2) - 重叠了
02:48:693 (1) - remove newcombo
02:49:374 (6) - newcombo

KOTOKO ~ <333

maybe, Silder Tick Rate: 1?
seem fine for me

seem fine for me
and funny when playing =3
remind me to V2B's Sudden Death xD

00:32:536 - add break time here ~
00:54:013 (10) - new combo?
00:58:274 (5) - ^ [look at this part for sample 03:22:820 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - ]
01:09:695 (10) - new combo
01:09:865 (1) - remove new combo
01:26:740 (3) - maybe new combo is better for new spacing, IMO
01:37:990 (1) - try sound finish
02:29:638 (3) - new combo ?
02:53:331 (5,6) - move up 1grid (lvl3) look better on the center of this combo
02:55:547 (1) - replace clap with sound finish
03:34:240 (10) - new combo
03:34:411 (1) - remove new combo
03:42:507 - remove kiai time
03:53:502 - start kiai here's better
04:01:002 (6) - maybe new combo?

starrr >.<
The mp3 you are using is a lot longer than the part which is mapped. Consider cropping it to reduce filesize
SB is kinda... weird :?


00:58:956 (6) - End this slider here 00:59:297 (white tick)
01:04:411 (7) - End this slider here 01:04:755 (white tick)

01:55:718 (x) - Add a break
02:01:172 (x) - ^
02:06:627 (x) - ^


02:57:252 (break) - This break is huge x_x Is it necessary?


BPM: 170 (resnap all notes)
don't have Hayate no Gotoku in tags as its the source (add Suck to tags on all diff's)

00:48:047 (8,9) - could be stacked slightly better so you can't see the edges of 9 (turn off grid snap)
00:53:502 (6,7) - ^
01:00:149 (9,10,11) - ^
01:05:604 (10,11,12) - ^
02:00:320 (8,9) - ^
02:05:775 (8,9) - ^
02:11:229 (6,7) - ^ (look through all the stacking on this map)

00:13:786 (1,2,3) - stack better
00:26:229 (1) - make perfectly symmetrical?
01:00:149 (9) - move up 1 tiny grid to align with other notes
01:05:263 (5,6) - endpoint and note could be stacked better
02:55:547 (1) - end at 02:57:422?
03:55:206 (8,1) - stack better
03:57:934 (5,1) - ^

00:04:752 (7,8) - spacing
00:22:138 (2) - new combo?
00:26:229 (1) - remove new combo
00:57:593 (1) - ^?
01:14:127 (7,8) - spacing


-- Comboburst is too large resize under x500 pixels width.
-- Title should be "Shichiten Hakki, Shijou Shugi!" not "Shichiten Hakki,Shijou Shugi!" ~ add a space where the comma is.
-- You need an easier difficulty.


-- Some of the overlaps aren't very visually appealing.

00:43:275 (9) - Make visible by moving it from under the slider?
00:48:727 (9) - ^
00:51:797 (4,1) - Spacing?
00:54:865 (8) - Move left one square and down one square.
00:57:934 (5) - Returns are really hard to catch -- you need an Easy.
00:58:956 (6) - New combo here.
01:03:388 (6) - Same about the returns.
01:04:411 (7) - New combo here.
01:08:843 (6) - Returns... I sense repetition.
01:09:865 (7) - New combo.
01:15:320 (7) - New combo.
01:26:229 (7) - ^

Etc, etc, there's no need for me to repeat the same things because the second half is a copy paste rotate of the last. I think you could perhaps lay it out better so there are less overlaps and place, and you need an easier difficulty if you don't want to make this one easier.


-- Lower HP drain by 1 or 2 this is really long.

00:00:320 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - You need to place your offset earlier if you want to map this!
00:13:786 (1,2,3,4) - Confusing. The stacking under the slider doesn't work very well here either.
00:15:149 (1,2,3,4,5) - Even more confusing. Its hard to tell 1 and 2 are beats and the others are sliders.
00:48:729 (9) - You can make this a better shape I'm sure ^^
00:56:229 (1,2) - Confusing number of returns and really hard to read.
01:16:172 (3,1) -
01:36:286 (1,1,1,1,1) - New combo spam.
01:54:184 (8) - Confusing! Hard to read.
02:28:786 (5,1) - Spacing?
02:43:275 (1) - Spacing? Seriously was this an error of placement because it seems kinda randomly placed.
02:55:547 (1) - Extend to 02:57:593
03:20:774 (1,2) - Confusing returns.
03:22:820 (1,2,3) - Bad stacking.
03:50:093 (9) - New combo.
03:56:059 (1) - Move this from under the slider.
03:58:786 (1) - ^
03:58:956 (2,3) - Spacing
03:58:786 (1,2,3,4,5) - Misaligned combo.
04:00:149 (1,2,3,4,5) - Spacing intentional? Its a really confusing pattern

Lots more I could probably pick up on here, some of the patterns are confusing and really irritating to play, the spacing fluctuates from random jump to random anti jump I didn't even list them all, you get the idea.


00:28:956 (5) - New combo.
00:30:661 (10,11,12) - Spacing? You could at least place 12 directly in the center of the previous two notes.
00:56:911 (2,3) - Ugly overlap.
01:35:775 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Anti jump pattern. Somewhat confusing.
02:02:365 (11,1) - Weird jump.
02:45:320 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - Meh those stacks don't sound very nice.

Well yeah there's still some more modding to be done here, I'm tired I might recheck and star later. Maybe get some more mods to check idk.
As your request.

Read this first for the icon explanation.
- [?] Asking for a second thought.
- [!] Fatal error. You have to fix this for sure.
- [No icon] Only a suggestion.

1. Remove "Hayate", "no", and "Gotoku!" from tags. These three words are covered by the Source. And if you want to add another tags, remember to lowercase all of them. [!]
2. Actually, the easiest diff of this map is rather hard. Consider make another easier diff?
3. The comboburst size is unrankable. The maximum of comboburst size is 500x768.

[Storyboard] [!]
Is the SB in WiP status or what? You just SB'd some lyrics. It's really bad, so bad. I suggest you to Sb'd all lyrics in this song. Every lyrics. There's another one bad thing in SB. Why you add 2 lyrics in one time? They are just the same, unecessary, and some of them are overlapping . This is the example.
03:31:513 (lrc-31) - Bad.
03:36:929 (lrc-32) - ^
03:47:838 (lrc-34) - ^
03:53:292 (lrc-35) - ^
03:56:019 (lrc-36) - ^
I'm highly suggest you to fix them all.

00:57:934 (5) - Remove one repeat so it follows the vocal.
01:08:843 (6) - ^
01:14:297 (6) - ^
01:19:581 (5) - Move it somewhere so it won't be crowded.
01:21:115 (3) - Nazi distance error. Move it one tiny grid up.
01:55:888 - A really short break. Delete it.
02:15:661 (5) - Remove one repeat so it follows the vocal.
02:22:820 (8) - Distance error.
02:26:570 (6) - Remove one repeat so it follows the vocal.
02:32:025 (6) - ^

-- There are some bad jumps which are tricky and players will mad. I will write them down below this. [?]
00:13:786 (1,2,3,4) - Don't really like confusing hidden notes like this.
00:15:149 (1,2,3,4,5) - This one too. The (4) slider is hidden in play mode. [!]
01:36:286 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - This combo pattern is not nice.
01:50:775 - Add note here then add finish.
02:19:411 (1) - This is also the bad jump I meant. Looks like 1/2 stream since player will ignore notes placement when getting into jumps section. Idk whether I'm the one who feels like that or another player too. Just want to tell you my opinion. Move it somewhere.
02:24:865 (1) - ^
02:43:275 (1) - ^
02:45:661 (7) - ^
02:48:729 (1) -
02:53:331 (5) - ^
03:52:138 (13,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - Overmapped.
02:55:547 (1) - I prefer this spinner ends on 02:57:593.

-- Do you realize that the BPM of this diff is different from the other? Remember to resnap all notes after fix this. [!]
-- Map the diff until the end, I suggest.
-- Follow the kiai time like [Relaxing] or [Challenging] diff.
01:31:679 (12,1) - Swap the combo.
02:11:222 (1) - Remove new combo.
02:55:537 (1) - Extend one 1/2 tick.
PreviewTime: 77942

Good Map :D
use offset: 316 so it won't be notes in Suck before the offset. You my need a timing expert to adjust this number.

Add Suck to the tags in all Diffs.
i think you can remove "song" from tags
Fix the tittle as Shulin said

01:27:081 (4) - remove this note
01:28:956 (1,2) - this two are to close together, compared with the distance between the next 4 slider. You may separated a bit or add new combo at 01:29:638 (2)
01:35:775 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - niceee ^^
delete usless timing sections: 02:35:774 - 02:11:144
i didnt like the changes of speed.. it was a lil confusing
there is no breaks in this diff. find a spot to add one cuz is a 3 minutes map, needs a breaktime

00:17:536 (6) - remove this note
00:18:047 - add note here
00:21:797 - place inherited sections 1/4 before the note
01:55:547 (11) - two sliders with the same visual length, but different velocity placed like this, consider to add an SB warning for those. (there's a few more like this)
02:28:956 (1,2,3,4,5) - wrong spaced in the same combo. if you add new combo at 02:29:638 (3) - would be better... but i suggest to unstack from prev combo to avoid confusion.
02:47:706 (4) - new combo here? so the pattern will be easier to read.
02:50:434 (4) - same here
02:57:934 - 23 second break is too long @.@ do you mind mapping a part of this break? maybe end it here: 03:08:502, i guess this was your original plan since there's a bookmark here xD
03:55:206 (8) - end 1/2 beat later
03:57:934 (5) - same

right now i'm out of time, I'll edit this post to mod Relaxing


Ok I'm back with the other diff.
Ah one thing: use the same offset in all diff plz =)

01:20:604 (1) - i suggest to remove this note
02:15:150 (4) - you don't have to insert break in this part.. is to short.. leave like you did at 00:38:161
same with the others like this
02:09:865 (1) - this is to far from prev 4
02:38:331 (1) - i suggest to remove this note

good luck =)
You'll need to make an easier difficulty.

Look closely at the spinner skin. It's placed crookedly. The edges make a "shake" feeling. Please align it.

Make offset the same on each difficulty.


Don't force the lower star rating by decreasing parameters like OD or HP Drain. Please raise HP Drain by at least 2 ticks and OD by at least 1 tick.

Copy & paste, sweet... copy & paste.


01:36:968 (9,1) - This slider stacked on under (9) feels odd while playing. Please make a horizontal flip and space with Distance Spacing.
02:42:422 (8,9) - Spacing. It's not intuitive.


You should use warnings in the slow sliders like this: 00:43:274 in this difficulty too.

Increase HP Drain by at least 1 tick.

00:30:319 (5) - New combo.
01:16:172 (3) - This note is kinda hidden over the vanishing slider. With an additional jump it's confusing. Please place this note somewhere else.
01:37:990 (1) - End this spinner at [01:39:865].
02:01:001 (7) - New combo.
[02:35:774] - Start kiai section?

Good map.
Nice fixes o.o The additional part in the break is great
03:57:934 (5) - what happen to the slider? o.O

02:09:865 (1) - this is to far from prev 4 (you forget this one)

ok new diff
I find space too big, consider decreasing a bit

I really like this map
good luck!
Topic Starter

Lizbeth wrote:

Nice fixes o.o The additional part in the break is great
03:57:934 (5) - what happen to the slider? o.O

02:09:865 (1) - this is to far from prev 4 (you forget this one)

ok new diff
I find space too big, consider decreasing a bit

I really like this map
good luck!
done :D
Proto ;)
Colin Hou
路过拜触手 献上咱的星...
粉星好好看 水梦酱快快RANK
Shichiten Hakki, Shijou Shugi!

水梦Fight! :)
Topic Starter

gdeath wrote:

Shichiten Hakki, Shijou Shugi!

水梦Fight! :)
thx for your suggestion :D

Why there are 2 file .osb and the folder? Remove the unused one and full submit.



I think this isn't too much relaxing. Can you make it a bit more easier, please?


00:48:047 (8) - New combo.
01:04:410 (9) - ^
02:18:217 (1) - End this spinner 1/2 backward.

EDIT: Bubbled~
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