
What made you start playing osu!?

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I have not seen a thread for it yet so why not start. CS:S got me into osu somehow. Long story:
I was in a minigame server of CS:S. Someone put on some rhythm game and frightfully insane flan chans frightful song came on. I thought the so was crazy and laughed at it so i searched it on youtube. Saw someone talking in the comments something about osu. Saw someone play the song on insane thought it was crazy you could play that well (even though i can actually do it now with a C but one day i will S it). So yeah somehow CS got me into osu.
Believe it or not, I found out via osu!Stream via the iOS App Store's Genius thing... then I searched around for gameplay of that and stumbled onto more osu!(PC) gameplay than Stream.
Was messing around on Youtube when suddenly "IMPOSSIBLE SONG 99% CANT DO" or something like that. Challenge accepted. I lost.
- Milhofo -
A friend of a friend who played it because of LoL. Glad I got into it for other reasons though :)
Eddy EX
A guy in a chat room I frequent(Pokemon Showdown A&M) said he was going to stream a game called osu.
I was intrigued buy the game and just sort of...started playing.
Heard that osu! helped improve your LoL gameplay and I was desperate to get better so I tried it out. Although now, I play this more than league haha :lol:
The lolis ofc
I like rhythm games in general, and I think I got bored one day, and started browsing for more. Probably around the time when O2Jam was hot.
Well, I see my friend playing Osu!mania in 5 stars and i thought he's sure really nuts!
I don't understand how people happily destroying their keyboard that time :)

well now I'm one of them :P
Can't stop playing it everyday. Luckily I haven't broke my keyboard yet
Friend introduced me into it. I'm basically playing it every day now.
When i was feeling kinda lonely and sad my friend tried to uplift me by introducing me to Osu.. I hate her, but kinda don't..

Osu is awesome game, but addicting as hell ,_, Ty Sonoovabitzh <3
I've always seens at least 1 video of someone playing osu whenever I decided to search up some anime OP on youtube, soon I just thought "What the heck, i'll just try it out".
Wanted to get better clicking accuracy on LoL cuz I kept missclicking minions.
Year later I quit LoL for osu! :D

Elite Beat Agents.
Nuff' said?
Raisha Millenia
my friends introduced me to osu
Was at my older sister's friend's house .

He was introducing games to his friends to play on PC .

Saw him play a rhythm game that looked like Elite Beat Agent .

Spent half-an-hour trying to find the name of the game .

Found it and till this day I am still addicted. . .

Halp me. . .
Saw a stream from a person i started to hate to the core... he suddenly started to play osu! and so i tried it. Even tho that person has a horrible personality, i probably owe him big for this^^
while blazing it hardcore
a friend over xbox live showed me.
osu found me
dung eater
this game is the best way to rid my body of thetans and reach my full potential
First my friend introduced me to the game but I forgot about it for 2 years, later my current bf suggested I'd play osu! with him because I happened to have it on my computer.
Friends made me do it.

Why am I still here?
The game is quite popular in my computer class. The game looked fun and interesting, and therefore I was interested in trying it out as well. Also I had some previous experience from rhythm games like Donkey Konga, so this one naturally caught my eye too.
A person speaked of Osu! In a chat, I saw some videos of it and I tried ♥
Roomies and peer pressure.

Naturally, this has to happen when exam week starts.
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