
Renard - Feel Better

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Shohei Ohtani

00:40:137 (4,5) - This isn't lead together very nicely by (3) :(

00:01:206 (3) - boy do i love my inconsistent DS with no real reason
00:33:152 (3) - I feel like this might be unrankable.

Why is this the largest CS in the map?? I understand easy is a guest diff but still
I also have concerns between the diff spread between normal and hard

01:01:435 - Add spinner for consistency

It's a cool mapset but I'll talk to some QATs about the diff spread.
00:33:152 (3) - Why should this be unrankable in End's diff o.o

Nice that someone is taking a look at it now!
Good luck :)
the mappers seems to have quit though :(

Desperate-kun wrote:

Congratz on your first bubble :3
Shohei Ohtani
the mapper better fucking come back or I'm gonna kick their ass
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wow wow wow, what i must doing now?
Shohei Ohtani
the midder modders!!!
fix cdfa's mod :(
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fix all (ty CDFA)
Nogard's Extra not fixed. X)

CDFA wrote:

00:40:137 (4,5) - This isn't lead together very nicely by (3) :(
I actually think the flow is really nice here, lol, it's just the extremely high spacing that doesn't make it seem so
Topic Starter

Blue Dragon wrote:

CDFA wrote:

00:40:137 (4,5) - This isn't lead together very nicely by (3) :(
I actually think the flow is really nice here, lol, it's just the extremely high spacing that doesn't make it seem so
maybe. I think it's nice too. Played normaly
wtf no it doesn't even fit all diffs shouldn't have it
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bye bye "feel better"
CDFA said he was going to check other BATs for the spread, hope he's doing it
not tv size map, of course it will not get rank quickly :lol:
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Blue Dragon wrote:

CDFA said he was going to check other BATs for the spread, hope he's doing it
I call QAT for this, because CDFA so slow. But QAT said me ask CDFA. OMFG. WHAT DO YOU THINK NOW ABOUT DIFFSPREAD??? SR - 0
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Priti wrote:

yea, im so lazy for that. If small diffspread a really problem -> never mapping anymore
Rip Feel Better. Too bad you stopped trying to get this ranked, i really liked the map :(

Hopefully you'll revive it someday <3
I guess it's going nowhere now.

Call me anytime if you wish to change anything back or work on the mapset more.
Topic Starter
Going to revive this
Unlocked for updating 1st post. Stays nuked until rak na gore svistnet
the map doesn't even need changes ffs, why give up on it right now lol you just need more patience
Thanks for coming to your senses. Nuke removed! *restores the original icon the spread had*
Shohei Ohtani
Well tbh it depends on how people see the spread

Which people should literally check on because like I'd rather not have people sitting on their asses for 2 weeks and then lose their shit if/when I rank this and it's like "MAN THIS DIFF SPREAD UGGGH"
I guess I'll recheck it in a while, if you're that afraid
Shohei Ohtani
With that attitude, I'd rather you not.

So I saw you added the Advanced diff (Thanks Sakura :P), so that's super helpful! It definitely bridges the gap.

Here's some small things I found in the two diffs that can help make the issues less prevelant.

00:16:091 (3) - This is the first slider where I have an issue. Pretty much, in Hard, you're doing all of this constant 1/2 stuff, but then we go here and it's like "bop. . . bop beeeeee."
00:23:190 (2) - This would be more effective a 1/2 tick shorter
00:28:228 (1) - Long sliders like this is what makes me so concerned. Because in hard, this is a constant 1/2.

00:15:977 (3) - This probably doesn't need to be in the hard diff. For the insane diff, it's fine, but it just proves the huge contrast between normal and hard.
00:17:694 (2) - ^
00:23:076 (2) - Not entirely sure what this follows.
00:41:053 (1) - Same as previous

Now, I'm fine with the mapset, but because Advanced was just added and has 0 mods to it, I have to have you get like 2 more mods on the map just so it has people looking at it. Then call me back.
  1. 00:19:068 (1) - Nazi, but blanket looks slightly better if the slider is placed at x396 y171.
  2. 00:21:816 (3) - x388 y102 for better blanketing
  3. 00:31:435 (3,4) - this is certainly unexpected considering you used consistent spacing for the rest of the diff. Why not just make it 1.00x?
  4. 00:41:053 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - This one should be fine because it's the entire section, so I wouldn't worry about it.
  5. 00:58:228 (2) - Blankets better at x224 y312
  6. 00:57:541 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5) - idk about this one because it's a calm part... but yeah, should be fine as well
zzz I'll try to get one or two more mods for the advanced diff and then I hope we can finally have this ranked.

EDIT: TicClick asked me to mod Hard as well:

  1. 00:13:801 (4) - I don't think this slider is actually needed as the rhythm is barely hearable here (in fact, I don't think it exists)
By the way: if possible, add "core songs about love" as Broken Core: Songs About Love is the name of the album.
BD Requested in #modhelp so, might aswell

  1. 00:06:931 (2,3,1) - This really doesn't flow well imo, maybe try something like this?
  2. 00:11:282 (3) - Move to x:234 y:207 for better flow?
  3. 00:25:022 (2) - Maybe change this slider somehow so it flows better? I don't have an idea for it by myself.
  4. 00:31:435 (3,4,1) - Random jump? ._.
  5. 00:56:396 (2) - Please move to x:129 y:19 to make it flow better, don't forget to realign the notes after it so the spacing isn't messed up.
Since "everything matters" -__-
00:13:114 (3) - Extremely nazi but the 2nd angle doesn't match up with the first one (I assume it was intended for them to be parallel).

Move the last point to x:399, y:218
Advanced filled the gap pretty well, yeah, but it messes with the rhythm. Good job on pointing visual stuff and better coordinates, though!
no kudosu because of p/3330908

  1. 00:19:984 (1) - было бы классно, если бы ты начал его с красного тика, чтобы следовать музыке
  1. 00:20:099 (2,3) - пожалуйста, поменяй их местами во времени (см. причину выше) и чуть ремапни этот кусок, чтобы стрим остался, но его начало было видно
  2. 00:21:015 (2) - стоит удалить, чтобы пауза прочувствовалась, по-моему, довольно удачно
  1. 00:16:664 (2) - лучше анстакнуть, она ощутимо сбивает с толку из-за ломаного ритма
  2. 00:23:076 (2) - хорошо бы заменить на одну ноту на белом тике, потому что он ничему не следует так-то
  3. 00:29:030 (4,1) - под музыку их лучше поменять местами во времени:
  4. 00:34:412 (3,1,2,3) - должно быть: (слайдеры начинаются на красных тиках под ведущий звук
  5. 00:38:076 (4,1) - лучше удалить 1 и поменять слайдер 4 на две ноты по той же причине
  6. 00:42:427 (2) - и опять-таки он должен начинаться на красном тике
перепроверь дифку, это важно. если на инсе объекты идут сплошным потоком, то тут у тебя <было> достаточно слайдеров, закрывающих собой или своими началами те тики, где должно находиться что-то нажимаемое

  1. 00:16:320 (4) - должен начинаться на красном тике
  2. 00:17:122 (6) - удали и анстакни прошлую ноту
  3. 00:19:984 (4) - должен начинаться на красном тике
  4. 00:20:786 (6) - удали и анстакни прошлую ноту
  5. 00:23:648 (5) - должен начинаться на красном тике
  6. 00:24:450 (7) - удали и анстакни прошлую ноту
  7. 00:30:747 (2) - начиная с этого момента, на всём киае используй один и тот же спейсинг, не надо играться с ним и прыгать между 1.0, 1.2 и 1.3. Выбери между 1.0 и 1.2
  8. 00:35:213 (4,5) - сделай из них слайдер?
  9. 00:53:190 (3,4) - подвинь куда-то, чтобы к 00:53:877 (1) - можно было двигаться не против его движения
  10. 00:59:373 (1,2,3,4) - верни спейсинг на 1.0
  1. 00:26:396 (1) - практически вышел за границу экрана нижним краем
хотелось бы увидеть ответ на то, что ты не применишь, хотя я рассчитываю на то, что такого не случится.
P.S. Позови для ребаббла.
Topic Starter
Fix all!!! Thanks a lot!!!
wow TicClick are you the queen of the planet Passiva Agressiva
Hi Quashqai. Allow me to help you with this map.
Here's what I've got:

  1. Since there is no Storyboard present on the map, you might as well remove the OSB file from the song folder (File -> Song Folder).
  2. The kiai section would be more consistent if it ends at the same spot for all difficulties. Now of course you don't have to fix it, but I would consider to at least fix the kiai section in your Normal difficulty so it ends at either 00:44:717 or 00:44:488.

  1. Nothing to point out, but you have unsnapped green timing sections at 00:15:398 and 01:03:032. Please re-snap them to 00:15:404 and 01:03:038 respectively.

  1. You have unsnapped green timing sections at 00:48:146, 00:48:375, and 01:03:032. Please re-snap them to 00:48:152, 00:48:381, and 01:03:038 respectively.
  2. 00:55:709 (1,2) - You have inconsistent spacing here. This shouldn't be too hard to fix though.

  1. Same as Normal difficulty: "You have unsnapped green timing sections at 00:48:146, 00:48:375, and 01:03:032. Please re-snap them to 00:48:152, 00:48:381, and 01:03:038 respectively."
  2. 00:03:267 (2) - Move the last anchor point a grid to the right for a slightly better spacing (preferably at 188|320).
  3. How about readjusting the pattern like this (see image)? It looks cool and flows better:
    Image and Code

  4. 00:20:557 (5,6) - Delete 5 and move 6 a red tick back at 00:20:671. It fixes spacing and follows the instruments better. Give it a try a see if you agree.
  5. 00:30:747 (2) - Try using a circluar slider and blanket/encircle this slider with the last slider at 00:30:060 (1).
  6. 00:37:389 (1,2,3,4,5) - I would prefer if you follow this rhythm instead. It follows the music better. You could even apply this pattern to your other parts of the map:
    Image an Code

  7. 00:42:885 (1,2,3,4) - This pattern looks unpolished. May I suggest a more linear pattern?
    Image and Code

  8. 00:50:213 (1) - I would personally, make this slider linear so it flows better with the next note.

  1. 00:03:038 (3,4) - How about making these sliders straight but parallel to the slider at 00:02:122 (1)? It's fixes spacing and adds an ascetic structure to the map.
    Image and Code

  2. 00:05:099 (2,3) - Nazi mod: The slider at 2 can be polished a little. If suggested, move 3 a grid down to fix spacing afterwards.
    Image and Code

  3. 00:38:190 (5,1,2) - Rhythm-wise, you should remove 5 completely, and move 00:38:247 (1) a red tick back, and add an extra note at 00:38:992 (stacking it with 2). It follows the instruments better (slow down the music). Here is an example:
    Image and Code

    You could even add an extra reverse arrow on the slider for better spacing. It would look like this btw.

  1. 00:03:038 (3,4) - I think you should re-arrange these notes and the rhythm so the spacing doesn't feel too awkward. Here is an example of what you can do (I adjusted the AR in this picture for a better view):
  2. 00:58:457 (4) - This note doesn't follow anything in the music and makes the rhythm inconsistent with 00:50:671 (3,4) and 00:54:564 (4). Please remove this note.

Hope this helps. Good luck for ranking! :D
Topic Starter
Thanks a lot! I fix all. But not accept this. I think my pattern playable and prety nice. :)
00:42:885 (1,2,3,4) - This pattern looks unpolished. May I suggest a more linear pattern?
Image and Code

Pls fix the green lines for me
Topic Starter

Priti wrote:

Pls fix the green lines for me
complete mods with TicClick :)
Fixed certain patterns in Advanced, Hard and Insane (and rechecked the rest of difficulties, too).

IRC log for anyone's interest (don't read unless you know russian; sorry for that)
11:03 Quashqai: Доброе утро
11:03 TicClick: доброе-предоброе
11:03 Quashqai: если его и правда нужно убирать я сделаю
11:03 Quashqai: Я пофиксил всё, что он написал, кроме 1 момента
11:03 TicClick: я видел
11:04 TicClick: давай я тебе пока что-нибудь напишу сюда, а ты по-быстрому подправишь
11:04 TicClick: вместо отдельного поста в тред
11:04 Quashqai: давай
11:04 TicClick: открой нормал
11:04 TicClick: 00:24:335 (3) - удали, чтобы дать передышку игрокам
11:04 TicClick: 00:29:373 (3) - укороти, чтобы создать паузу перед киаем и избавиться от сплошного потока слайдеров
11:04 TicClick: там довольно интенсивная часть, пауза будет уместна
11:06 TicClick: на адвансде: 00:32:694 (2) - ты не выправил спейсинг, между ней и прошлым слайдером он всё ещё 1.3
11:07 Quashqai: сделал
11:07 TicClick: 00:36:358 (2) - тут тоже скачок в спейсинге
11:07 TicClick: 1.0 со всех сторон
11:08 TicClick: 00:40:022 (4) - и тут
11:08 Quashqai: fixed
11:09 TicClick: 00:34:412 (2,3,4) - думаю, это лучше поменять под вокал, чтобы там с красных тиков ничего не начиналось
11:09 TicClick: вот так, например
11:10 Quashqai: а можно большой слайдер
11:10 Quashqai: и маленький
11:10 TicClick: да
11:11 Quashqai:
11:12 Quashqai: вот так сделал
11:12 TicClick: вроде годится
11:12 TicClick: ну да
11:12 TicClick: теперь к харду
11:13 TicClick: 00:17:923 (4) - хлопок не к месту
11:13 TicClick: 00:22:045 (2,3,4) - 2 и 3 надо по ритму поменять местами во времени и стакнуть:
11:14 Quashqai: то биш
11:14 Quashqai: на красные тики?
11:14 Quashqai: ну да, звучит лучше имхо
11:14 Quashqai:
11:14 TicClick: да
11:14 TicClick: поближе их только чуть сдвинь
11:15 TicClick: 00:18:152 (5,6) - слайдер с повтором очень странно звучит, потому что он забивает красные тики
11:15 TicClick: можно сделать так:
11:16 TicClick: удлинить и убрать с него повтор
11:16 TicClick: 6 удалить и поставить туда две ноты
11:16 TicClick: стакнутые
11:16 TicClick: на начало 00:19:068 (1) -
11:17 Quashqai:
11:17 TicClick: можно и так, но там антиджамп образуется
11:17 TicClick: не уверен в том, как он играется, если нормально, оставляй
11:17 Quashqai: да
11:17 TicClick: я слайдер поэтому вниз и направил
11:17 Quashqai: я просто
11:17 Quashqai: слайдер на котром стакнуты ноты
11:18 Quashqai: подвину дальше
11:18 Quashqai: под спейсинг
11:18 TicClick: ну окей
11:18 TicClick: скажи, когда подвинешь
11:18 Quashqai:
11:19 Quashqai: что то вроде этого вышло
11:19 TicClick: ага
11:19 Quashqai: выглядит не оч(
11:19 TicClick: обнови, посмотрю
11:20 Quashqai: реди
11:20 TicClick: м-м, да, выглядит странно
11:21 TicClick: ты можешь знаешь что попробовать
11:22 TicClick:
11:22 TicClick: что-то типа такого
11:22 Quashqai: погоди, а можно джамп впихнуть
11:22 TicClick: только аккуратней сделать
11:22 TicClick: ну или впихни джамп, как тебе там хочется
11:22 Quashqai: а
11:22 Quashqai: ну я сделал так
11:22 Quashqai:
11:22 Quashqai: но лучше я попробую твой вариант
11:23 TicClick: ну твой тоже нормальный
11:23 Quashqai: обновить может?
11:23 TicClick: давай
11:23 TicClick: посмотрю
11:23 Quashqai: реди
11:24 TicClick: аха
11:24 TicClick: ты можешь эту ноту стакнуть с концом 5
11:24 TicClick: и тогда джампа не будет, будет равномерно
11:24 TicClick: надо подвигать только 5, чтобы там 1.5 вышло
11:26 Quashqai: я апдейтнул
11:26 Quashqai: глянь как вышло
11:26 TicClick: нормально
11:27 TicClick: идём дальше
11:27 TicClick: 00:23:190 (2,3) - поменяй местами во времени, ноту стакни с началом следующего
11:28 TicClick: 00:23:992 (6,7) - поменяй местами во времени
11:28 Quashqai: я ещё слайдер этот
11:28 Quashqai: подвинул правее
11:28 TicClick: какой?
11:28 Quashqai: ибо спейсинг был не 1.5
11:28 TicClick: длинный тот?
11:28 Quashqai: нет
11:28 Quashqai:
11:28 Quashqai: второй
11:28 TicClick: а, окей
11:29 TicClick: 00:29:602 (3,1) - может, убрать как-нибудь антиджамп?
11:31 TicClick: 00:38:877 (2,3) - и отсюда тоже
11:31 Quashqai: сек
11:31 Quashqai: я антиджамп сейчас пытаюсь убрать
11:32 Quashqai: репамнув кусочек
11:32 TicClick: аха
11:33 Quashqai: так
11:33 Quashqai: оба места
11:33 Quashqai: сделал
11:33 Quashqai: апдейтну
11:34 TicClick: окей, тогда обновляй, поиграю, посмотрю
11:34 TicClick: может, что ещё найду
11:34 Quashqai: готово
11:38 TicClick: аха
11:38 *TicClick is editing [ Renard - Feel Better [Insane]]
11:38 TicClick: 00:34:984 (2,3) - поменяй местами во времени, стакни ноту со следующим
11:38 TicClick: 00:38:648 (2,3) - то же самое
11:40 *TicClick is editing [ Renard - Feel Better [Hard]]
11:41 TicClick: 00:42:427 (2,3) - слайдер лучше укоротить вдвое и поставить на его начало ноту:
11:41 TicClick: ноты можно стакнуть вместе, что-нибудь, что-нибудь
11:42 Quashqai:
11:42 Quashqai: ?
11:42 TicClick: не, вместе стакнуть
11:43 TicClick: мне кажется, так лучше будет
11:43 TicClick: но это на твоё усмотрение уже
11:43 Quashqai: я стакнул все
11:43 Quashqai:
11:44 Quashqai: подвинул след. слайдеры
11:44 Quashqai: норм?:
11:44 TicClick: м-м, хорошо
11:44 *TicClick is editing [ Renard - Feel Better [Advanced]]
11:44 Quashqai: много ещё?)
11:44 Quashqai: я в универ опоздаю
11:44 TicClick: 00:38:648 (4) - удали ноту, продли прошлый слайдер, чтобы легче игралось
11:44 TicClick: нет, последнее
11:44 Quashqai: опаздаю*
11:44 TicClick: у прити реснапнешь по-быстрому два оффсета и выгружай
11:44 TicClick: думаю, мы всё починили
11:45 TicClick: верхние дифки смотреть не буду, они меня устроили ещё во время первого мода и я нашёл, кем их проверить

I can't bubble this yet because I missed the antijump on Normal:
00:23:190 (2,1) -

oh well. other than that, it's pretty much ready!
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