
Inoue Marina - Pieces of Sweet Stars

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Ex Boy
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2010年8月6日 at 20:07:37

Artist: Inoue Marina
Title: Pieces of Sweet Stars
Source: Gurren Lagann
Tags: Gurren Lagann Tengen Toppa Yoko Littner
BPM: 132
Filesize: 18024kb
Play Time: 01:36
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2.79 stars, 83 notes)
  2. Hard (4.85 stars, 611 notes)
  3. Normal (4.15 stars, 268 notes)
Download: Inoue Marina - Pieces of Sweet Stars
Download: Inoue Marina - Pieces of Sweet Stars (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Just be fun!You are my star~~~~~ XD
sunny day
:) ~~~
offset 13880

00:30:24 (7) - 一个note就好。删掉slider
00:43:76 (8) - ? 红线开始
01:37:51 (3) - 一个note
04:06:060 (4) - dont stand out.
最后的spinner 太短


General / All diff's.
Why are there 2 timing sections at 00:14:078? Fix please.

  1. 00:30:023 (7) - Change this to a single note (?) It sounds 'out of place' now, having it with a 1/4 reverse slider.
  2. 00:43:072 (8) - What's with this? Make it start on the red tick, 1/4 before.
  3. ^ If you do that one, I would recommend placing an extra note on 00:44:033.
  4. 00:50:080 - Extra note (?)
  5. 01:37:051 (3) - Same as the first note I made, make this a single note (?)
  6. 02:15:069 (6,7) - Doesn't look 'nice'.
  7. 02:18:064 (1) - Remove new combo (?)
  8. 03:13:076 - Extra note (?)
  9. 03:35:035 - Extra note (?)
  10. 03:41:083 (5) - This has to be snapped to 1/3
  11. 04:13:087 (1) - Increase with 1/2 so that the spinner will end more properly and will be easier to 300.
It's not fair comparing to Hard diff, since you'll get WAY less points.
Topic Starter
Ex Boy

osu_CN_yaya wrote:

offset 13880

00:30:24 (7) - 一个note就好。删掉slider
00:43:76 (8) - ? 红线开始
01:37:51 (3) - 一个note
04:06:060 (4) - dont stand out.
最后的spinner 太短


首先,請讓我對你表達由衷的感謝,謝謝yaya這一段時間來不辭勞苦的mod~m(_ _)m
恩。这个随你喜好。 :)
╮(╯▽╰)╭ 建议(劝告):去掉所有音效重新放
很多地方的whitle都不是太需要 听着很难受 比如01:06:607 (6) - 这种sliders
01:13:425 (3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 这种2连不用全clap吧 = _ = 自己换成hitnormal仔细听听再做取舍吧
04:04:448 (2) - 去掉这个 在后面的红线上添1个circle
04:12:970 (2) - 这地方貌似需要whitle或finish

=_= 嘛 mapset是我比较喜欢的类型 lol
Evangeline AK
>: -doesn't like remaps-
There is storyboard data, but no storyboard files, delete the script (on diff specific) and .osb, then resubmit
Add "Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann" or(or shorten to "Gurren Lagann" and add Tengen Toppa to tag)
I heard some custom hitsounds, but just barely >_< they're so quiet, but raising the volume would make the normal hits kinda loud...
The offsets are different in each diff, use the one yaya gave you on Normal, too~!

Normal-There's some complex patterns, map an Easy please~ (unless you want a list of things to make this easier... rather you just map an Easy though)
01:06:603 (4) - add custom whistle? like the other sliders you added this to
01:52:512 (2,3,4) - spread apart equally?
02:19:330 (4,5,1) - bring (5) down a tick for consistency?
02:24:103 (1,2,3,4) - bring (3,4) a tick closer together? (easier to bring 1,2,3 left a tick)
02:31:603 (1,2,3) - left a tick?
02:33:421 (5,6,7) - same as 1:52:512
Too much reliance on distance snap :P

Hard- Kinda easy for 12mil~ though it IS long..
01:02:970 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - honestly, these don't really sound appealing for this song (same goes for the others in the map...Ii blame the hitsounds though)
01:04:789 (2) - you can hold the sliders to play this, but still, don't overlap slider ends
01:58:198 (4,5,6,7,8) - doesn't matter much, but.. space these equally? (either turn off grid snap and use a low distance snap or turn off distance snap and use just grid snap)
02:12:743 (7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - ^~
02:17:743 - remove this "break"
02:18:652 (1,2,3) - fix the slightly off stack
02:19:334 (1) - ninja spinner~ (auto only got 1k, and it's too fast for this part)
02:48:879 (2,3,4,1) - reposition these please, the stacking makes this look weird during play
03:20:243 (4,5,6,7,8) - same as 01:58:198, really doesn't matter, just noticed it x.x
03:34:561 (7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - ^
03:40:470 (1,2,3) - stack the slightly off note.. (you can hardly see it~)
x.x~ bad nazi

._. can barely hear your hitsounds, almost makes the map seem like there isn't any... the Normal hitsound sections, I mean
Topic Starter
Ex Boy
Thanks~~~~ for Shinxyn's mod! :) the map looks better after fixing~really thanks~
well,to tell you the truth,it's really an old map. when whywomen had hadn't rank his,I used to ask him for making a diff for his,but he refused me~ so I made it by myself.And just like you see,I made the map by his base,so it has some SB hasn't be delete----I don't know how to do it at all \o/
( my English is not very good... :oops:
I see you still have the old SB stuff running in the map. I'll help you out.

First, go into the song folder and delete the .osb file. That should remove the SB codes not being used. Now, for the video issue, you can use the same one from my Pieces of Sweet Stars map. I also have the code set for it. But, if you want to use the one you have, you'll have to fix the file name since its causing it to not funtion properly and then open the .osu file (in notepad) then look for something like this: Video,0,"Pieces Of Sweet Stars.avi"

That would be with the codes under [Events]

Note: Make sure to include the format of the file in the code as well.

Download: Inoue Marina (Yoko Littner) - Pieces Of Sweet Stars (Ex Boy) [Hard].osu

Download: Inoue Marina (Yoko Littner) - Pieces Of Sweet Stars (Ex Boy) [Normal].osu
Cyril Scarlet
you are my star ~
If the .osb file is useless, delete it.

00:27:289 (4) - remove clap.
Put Yoko Littner in tags, she had no part in the production of this song.
Topic Starter
Ex Boy
fixed~~ :D
need an easy~
still need to delete osb file in folder

00:22:970 (5) - new combo? (like in hard)
01:36:607 (8) - stack endpoint on the 7

01:13:539 (1) - remove new combo?
01:20:811 (1) - ^
01:22:289 (7) - new combo
01:28:084 (1) - remove new combo
02:05:470 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - make this symmetrical?
02:42:970 (1) - remove new combo

Topic Starter
Ex Boy
Star~ :) :)
04:12:970 (2) - Move this 1/6 of a tick back so it's synced with the song. Then of course, lengthen it so it reaches the white tick.

Remove "(Yoko Littner)" from the artist and add "Gurren Lagann" to the source.
Do a full submit, the mp3 file and BG are currently missing from the folder.

Edit: Bubbled after full submit
Sorry for the popped based on the new rule.

peppy wrote:

  1. If your beatmap's difficulty is 4 or more difficulty stars (in the song selection screen), it is necessary that you also include an easier version with 3 or less stars.
why... why I always have the .osb file in your map folder.... why....
Topic Starter
Ex Boy
= = 有osb很糟糕么?!里面的东西都已经擦干净了诶!就算有也不会出现任何问题吧?
I still see the .osb, its not important, but its one of those "unused files that should be removed"
As... for the video... I see a lot of fanservice... I'd barely allow it, but dunno how others'll think

I'd prefer you map the rest of Normal cuz of the point different between Normal and Hard, but I wouldn't require it
Easy and Normal are okay

Hard... I really don't like the sliders that end on 1/4 with a silenced ending... your choice though ><
anything you can do about that 20sec break?
The bookmarked parts, where you placed a storyboard hitsound, I think would just fit better if you used a note there with the clap instead, but its fine as it is as well
Noticed the slow down on the end.... its... playable with your sliders... so... okay...

You don't have to change anything... just pointing out stuff

no need for kudosu
Crazy Jay
03:42:970 (6) - 打的时候看到了但是反应慢了,遮挡还是算挺严重的,改一下吧
04:01:039 (4) - 把这个移到04:01:152变成3连打,然后删除sb里的clap音效,这样的节奏感觉会好很多

:!: 你是不是把clap音效放在整的osb里了,我觉得只有hard单独用那个比较好,normal和easy用打起来觉得很突兀,不合适:!:

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