
Hatsune Miku - VOiCE

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A mio parere la easy è troppo difficile.
Ho provato a semplificarla un po'.
Vedi se ti può andare bene ;)
Altrimenti niente.

Download: Hatsune Miku - VOiCE (tmokb93) [Miku's Voice].osu
Topic Starter
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

tmokb93 wrote:

Non è molto diversa dalla mia.
Forse perché è la tua? XD

tmokb93 wrote:

Cioè hai ridotto qualche slider e inbruttito qualche altro. Inoltre la mia è già semplicissima come easy, non vedo dove sia tutta questa immane difficoltà D:
Il mio era solo una cosa esemplificativa, per far vedere come dovrebbe all'incirca essere, a mio parere. Poi se vuoi lasciare come hai fatto a me non cambia niente :D
Topic Starter

Kuroneko-sHerald wrote:

tmokb93 wrote:

Non è molto diversa dalla mia.
Forse perché è la tua? XD
Nel senso che la mappa, corretta da te, non è diversa da come l'avevo mappata ._.''
Card N'FoRcE
Hi hi! :P

Some suggestions for your map, you don't have to change them if you don't agree with me :P
Let's go!!

~All Diffs~
- When I first played this osu! told me to download "Rin SKin". The problem is that I don't see any place where I can download it so... just add the custom skin files on the map's folder (I see you did it already, though) and disable forcing Rin SKin.
- I would rather add "Vocaloid" as a Source than as a Tag. It's up to you, though xD
- Add CardN'Force (maybe cnf too?) and Kecco to Tags.

- Add hitsounds.

00:11:829 (3,4) - Though it's well spaced, I went to click (4) before (3) intuitively xD
00:37:607 (4,1) - No jumps on Easy diffs >_<
00:41:496 (6) - Move 1/4 forward (white tick).
00:42:940 (1) - Fix spacing.
00:46:051 (1) - No jumps on Easy diffs >_<
00:51:384 (4) - Stack it under (5).
00:54:051 (4,5) - Fix spacing.
01:01:384 (3,4,5,6) - They sound a bit weird on red tick imo. Try to put them on a white tick :3

- Add hitsounds.

01:50:273 (4,5,6) - They sound a bit weird on red tick imo. Try to put them on a white tick :3
01:53:607 (5,6) - Stack under (1,2)
01:55:162 (9) - This could be a bit confusing. Try to space it a bit more and stack (1) under it, like (7,8). Something like this
01:56:273 (3) - Fix Spacing.
02:21:162 (1) - Stack it under (6).
02:23:829 (4) - Stack it under (2).

~Kecco's Voice~
00:21:162 (1) - Kind of hidden slider, the track becomes invisible beause of the hitbursts :S
00:37:829 (6) - Delete this note?
02:59:273 (1,1,1,1,1) - Uhh... I don't like how it "flows" :/. Also in the "O" slider isn't possible to know where is the slider going...
03:42:051 (1) - Finish hitsound instead of whistle.

~CNF's Whisper~
00:03:385 (1) - Finish hitsound.
00:44:718 (3,4,5) - Stack properly.
01:03:607 (2) - Is this intentional? If not, fix spacing.

~My VOiCE~
- Make Circle Size more little or make spacing bigger, there are things so hard to see here.
- Add hitsounds.

00:55:162 (1,2,3,4,5) - Compare this with 00:50:051 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11), 1/2 notes and 1/4 notes shouldn't have the same spacing :/
00:56:718 (12) - Fix Spacing.
01:01:607 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - Make this more evenly, it's hard to see at the end.
01:03:384 (16,17,1) - Fix spacing.
01:10:940 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - Fix spacing, the stream is hard to see.
01:15:829 (8) -Move it 1 Lv3 Grid down (nazi D:!)
01:49:607 (3,4) - Fix Spacing.
02:27:384 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - I'd rather make this a 1/3 stream, it fits the music better than this :<
02:50:051 (10) - Fix Spacing.
03:06:496 (1,2) -^
03:11:162 - Add a note here?
03:26:940 (2,3) - Fix spacing.

Good map ^-^ *star*
Here's the fix.
Beuchi-chan wrote : 00:37:829 (6) - Delete this note?
Simply, I don't want to. I like the map this way, so I won't delete that hitcircle.

Beuchi-chan wrote : 02:59:273 (1,1,1,1,1) - Uhh... I don't like how it "flows" :/. Also in the "O" slider isn't possible to know where is the slider going...
Simply, I've already deleted all those slider because they were awful. I don't know why I have created those.

Ty for the mod, anyway~<3

Download: Hatsune Miku - VOiCE (tmokb93) [Kecco's Voice].osu
Card N'FoRcE

Beuchi-chan wrote:

~CNF's Whisper~
00:03:385 (1) - Finish hitsound. Too "strong" >.<
00:44:718 (3,4,5) - Stack properly. Impossible to do; also, it's "stacked", even if in a different way. It plays fine
01:03:607 (2) - Is this intentional? If not, fix spacing. Intentional, yeah.
So, no fixes for the moment. ^^"
Nice music. *star* :D

00:14:051 (2) - Align*
00:37:607 (4) - ^*
00:44:273 (4) - ^*
01:00:273 (1) - ^*
01:28:273 (4) - ^*
01:46:940 (5) - ^* (If you do this, align 01:48:273 (1) - too)
02:09:384 (3) - ^*
02:09:829 (4) - ^* (Doing or not doing the align of 02:09:384 (3) -, you need do do this.)

00:08:051 (1) - Align*
00:12:496 (6) - ^*
00:55:162 (1) - ^*
01:41:607 (1) - ^*
01:46:718 (4) - ^*
01:46:940 (5,6,7) - Desactive Grid Snap and do a better traingule.

[CNF's Whisper]
00:44:718 (3) - Stack
00:45:829 (4,5) - ^

[Kecco's Voice]
00:04:718 (4) - Try this.
00:07:607 (4) - Align* (If you do this, align 00:08:051 (5) too)
01:53:607 (5) - ^*
01:55:384 (1) - ^*
02:51:384 (8) - ^* (If you do this, align 02:52:273 (1) too)

[My VOiCE~]
Try a... little hircirle, at de mid tick or second tick. :3(from left to the right)
00:42:940 (1) - Align*
00:47:162 (3) - ^*
01:49:607 (3) - ^*
01:55:829 (2,3,4) - Desactive Grid Snap and do a better triangule
03:13:829 (6) - Align*

*Just align the note with the previous note, if the note have a sequence, align the sequence with the note x.x
Modded~ Here's the fix.
I didn't mod anything about the Cheedar's post.

Download: Hatsune Miku - VOiCE (tmokb93) [Kecco's Voice].osu
Card N'FoRcE

Cheedar wrote:

[CNF's Whisper]
00:44:718 (3) - Stack
00:45:829 (4,5) - ^
This is the second time i got this told:

I made a "manual stack" of those slider and it's PERFECT in play mode.
If you don't like the "different" stack in 00:45:829 (4,5): well, don't play the difficulty or just tell me how to make it look nice anyway.
If the map is not rankable, i'll ask tmokb93 to remove it from the list and i'll leave it here as unranked.

1) Source?

00:14:051 (2) - Move 1 grid left?

Why you set the preferred skin Rin SKin here? Set the preferred Skin to User preferred
01:48:273 (1) - Move 1 grid down?
01:55:384 (1) - Add a finish hitsound
01:57:607 (6) - Move 1 grid down?

[CNF's Whisper]
02:40:718 ~ 02:41:162 (SB) - Make a warning of 0,5x speed here
02:44:273 ~ 02:44:718 (SB) - ^

[Kecco's Voice]
03:44:051 (B) - Remove this breaks, because that's not useful

[My VOiCE~]
Why you set the preferred skin Rin SKin here? Set the preferred Skin to User preferred
01:01:607 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17) - The combo are too long, crop it?!

Nice song
Good Job, Starred!
Card N'FoRcE

Leorda wrote:

[CNF's Whisper]
02:40:718 ~ 02:41:162 (SB) - Make a warning of 0,5x speed here
02:44:273 ~ 02:44:718 (SB) - ^
Why? I don't think it's so hard that needs a SB, so it's a no, sorry.
La diff [My VOiCE] ha uno spacing troppo appiccicato, direi di aumentare la velocità degli slider, facendola arrivare a 1.50/1.60. Di conseguenza, ricontrolla l'intera difficoltà e sistema tutti gli slider e tutto lo spacing (NON creare jumps assurdi, e mantieni una spaziatura lineare e intuitiva). Le altre difficoltà sono buone, imo.
Elimita il file .osb, quindi fai una "full submission"
Rendi il volume uguale per tutte le diff: le tue 3 diff hanno un volume troppo basso rispetto alle diff di CNF e Kecco


  • • 00:37:607 (4) - 1 quadretto a sinistra (grid level 3)

  • • 01:39:162 (x) - Aggiungi un cerchio
    • 01:40:273 (x) - ^
    • 02:05:829 (1) - Fai finire lo spinner qui 02:07:829
[My VOiCE]

  • • 00:34:051 (2,3) - Spacing della madonna :lol: Seriamente, ti consiglio di evitare questo tipo di jump
    • 00:58:940 (7) - Fai finire questo slider qui 00:59:829
    • 02:04:273 (x) - Aggiungi un cerchio

    • 02:18:051 (2,3) - Come sopra (00:34:051 (2,3))
    • 02:27:384 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Ti consiglio di non mettere questi cerchi uno sopra l'altro, quando giochi lo stack crea una colonna immensa D:

    • 03:53:162 (8,9) - Inverti le posizioni di questi due cerchi
    • 04:01:607 (2,3) - Come sopra (00:34:051 (2,3))
EDIT: Pubbled~

Add a "spinner-approachcircle.png" into the folder and full submit.

Remove the "," on the tags.



01:31:829 (1) - Center this so it can be more easier to click and notice to new players.
02:07:607 (x) - You forget a kiai fountain here, I suppose?


00:38:940 (6) - New combo.

[Kecco's Voice]

Why different tags here?!

00:52:940 (5) - New combo.
00:54:718 (1) - Remove new combo.

03:32:273 (8) - You forget a finish at the end of this slider. Just a suggestion.

[My VOiCE~]

Make sure to recheck all the map spacing.

01:44:051 (3,4) - Totally wrong spacing.
02:04:051 (10,11) - Make this closer like 02:03:829 (9,10).
02:56:940 (6,7,8) - I find this little jump a bit unexpected.
03:09:829 (9,10) - Absolutely wrong spacing here, too.
03:48:940 (8) - The end of this slider sounds really weird.

EDIT: Bubbled~
[Kecco's Voice]
02:07:829 - Start Kiai Time here instead of 02:08:275 (1).

[My Voice]
02:07:829 - Place the Kiai Time here instead of on 1.
From 02:39:829 (1) through 03:33:162 (9) - Place hit sounds like you did with the rest of the map.
02:03:162 (7,8,9,10,11) - Space these out from each other more so it doesn't look like it needs to be hit that fast.
03:04:718 (1) - I couldn't even tell if this was a slider during gameplay. Please move it from under the stack so it's more visible.
04:10:940 (2) - I'm guessing this was a mistake. Make sure it's the same length as 1.
Topic Starter
Okay Fixed out :D
Alright, looks good. Rebubbled~

Why'd the robot have to die D;

May I be picky?
The video is terribly offsynced. TERRIBLY.
If you watch the original video, you'll see that the video is suppost to start at the moment the music starts.

Otherwise, a pretty good map. I love this song and it's my favorite Miku song~
...Though, sometimes it feels like it's a bit off.. But it's only prehaps the soft sound that tricks me, I kinda dislikes the finish on soft...
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