
How to hook play / pause / next / previous to keyboard?

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But to explain it a little more, for programs such as itunes i can click the button on my keyboard to go to the next song or pause the song, etc. How do I do it for osu? Are there any community made programs that have done it?
you mean in the player at the main menu? To move songs you can use left/right, to fix volume up/down, pause/play/stop are f2/f3/f4, the jump to thing is f6.
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I don't think this works when Osu isn't the active window

Nthn wrote:

I don't think this works when Osu isn't the active window
ok, but don't pretend that much from osu!, since peppy doesn't want to move it in that direction.

peppy wrote:

Personally I'm against these kinds of apps because osu! was never supposed to be a music source/player. If you enjoy the music in osu!, go buy it from a CD store, subscribe to spotify or similar, which are more likely to support artists.
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