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I can't say "hello" or "hi, everyone" because it's against the rules and I will get perma-ban. So, I'm gonna say "yohaho my pretty". I think no one knows what do I reference to. (nuff joks n stuph)

I'm AdamMZ. I played this game because it's, like, a new thing to me. It's unique. No one made something like this before. And I love it. If you visit my profile, you noticed that I joined 10 months ago. I stopped playing for a while because I always find J-pop or whatever songs (I hate them so much... most of them, really). Then I came back because I realized I should've search for music that I like. I wus n idiot.

I don't talk a lot. I'm a shy type of guy. :( Maybe I should mention that I might be autistic.

Please subscribe to my Youtube Channel for Osu vids and let's plays and donuts. I'm thinking of get a million subs by the end of tomorrow.
Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy it here. :3
Cerulean Veyron
Uhhh.. Welcome, AdamMZ!

Ikr? J-pop and some-related-to are quite annoying, can't they give a chance to others? :c
Raisha Millenia
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Thanks guys for the welcome. :)
Welcome to osu.
Contact me if you need assistance with anything.
Also, I see no youtube link.
Welcome to the forum!
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