
"Show explicit content" toggle

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +149
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Shohei Ohtani
So there's a lot of questionable material that's show on the game. Even if it's debatable, it's still questionable and still may not be appropriate for younger viewes or people who are particularly pissy about that kind of thing.

So in the beatmap search option, there will be a default option to not show explicit content, but with a toggle in the user settings, explicit content and maps can be shown

This isn't just for like anime girls with big tits, but maps with explicit language or graphic themes/videos and stuff.

This idea is implemented in FIMFiction and works nicely, since bronies get really pissy about explicit fanfiction and stuff.

It will also make things a LOT easier in terms of not having to be like "This can't be ranked because it's questionably explicit", but there can just be the tag added, and only those who want to see the content can see it.

Note that there STILL will be rules against explicit stuff, but this is for questionable material.
I was thinking about this for underage minors who play the game. People need to do understand that this should be applied to both osu!direct as well as the website seeing that for most minors in this game,most of them have supporter status depending if their parents pay for them and seeing they aren't much knowledgeable of what they do, they can possibly download an explicit map without checking the beatmap's information page and seeing "Oh look! The description says it contains explicit content". I'm really sure peppy doesn't want more parents going up his butt seeing what happen to the last time that happened seeing we have those "those" night-core maps as well as maps referring to the smoking of cannabis as well as....fapping.

So pretty much yeah, its needed.
Topic Starter
Shohei Ohtani
those maps
Support. =w=)b

ehrmaghurd ecchi bg unrank pl0x
Yeah, good idea.
If this is going to happen, I need you guys to make a list of existing maps which should be in this list. Feel free to start a google sheet, and list
beatmapset_id (or just the<this_id> link) and reason for explicit tag.
Oh I wouldn't mind making a spreadsheet.

Edit: Just started it. If anyone wants to help me start building it up, just private message me on here. I'll send an invite link via Google Docs
I like this idea. I would probably play with "explicit" content off :|
p/3435609 There you go.
I star this idea 100% <3
I would probably completly ignore the tag as I don't care if it's explicit content or not. But I guess it's... usefull?

Gumpyyy wrote:

I would probably completly ignore the tag as I don't care if it's explicit content or not. But I guess it's... usefull?
Not that much of a big deal for me, but minors are a mere concern here. lol

CDFA wrote:

This idea is implemented in FIMFiction and works nicely, since bronies get really pissy about explicit fanfiction and stuff.
I'm not the only one here who uses that site? Wow. I can agree on the filter being useful there.

Back on-topic, this would be super useful I think. There could be an option in song setup in the editor to apply an explicit tag on the map, and it'd show it on its thread on the forum in the title, and then you could filter explicit maps on the forum.
Finally, does this have to update the beatmap packs? (for users who download beatmaps by packs)
Topic Starter
Shohei Ohtani
I'm assuming beatmap packs won't have the filters on them, since they're external downloads and don't have a lot of other restrictions (ie. Mod Specific Maps, No Video/No Storyboard Downloads, etc)

Also, I'll be glad to find a few maps with that. If Sulker can send that over, that'd be great
I hope this works out, I play in front of co-workers during my breaks and I have manually type songs into the search/manage a collection so they don't see stuff coming up. This game is honestly cool for general people to spectate but they kind of get phobic when they see/hear explicit stuff. That really awkward explanation moment is something I've been dreading and trying to avoid.

If you could also get the ability to mark content locally as explicit that would be great too. Namely for unranked maps or stuff you find personally explicit for certain environments.

In the future I hope this becomes part of the QAT process as well. (or somewhere at least in the beatmap ranking process)
In the case of osu!direct, I would assume there would then be some sort of tag to indicate whether a map contains explicit content?

FencerTJ wrote:

In the case of osu!direct, I would assume there would then be some sort of tag to indicate whether a map contains explicit content?
I suggested that before, it was denied
Most of the maps that are downloaded probably come from playing with strangers online, and it's impossible to tell what the beatmap is like until you download it, so there should be a filter in the lobby to only show game rooms that are on "safe" mode. (Or what ever it'd be called.)
Even a simple NSFW or SFW tag on maps and a ticker to show/disable preview if it's a NSFW tag. I like the idea of there being a filter for NSFW in multiplayer lobby.

rational- wrote:

there should be a filter in the lobby to only show game rooms that are on "safe" mode. (Or what ever it'd be called.)
I really don't find the filter of rooms really necessary. I mean even so, when you have to download a map, its just going to have the tag probably right there and pretty much you can avoid this. :|

Dexus wrote:

I hope this works out, I play in front of co-workers during my breaks and I have manually type songs into the search/manage a collection so they don't see stuff coming up. This game is honestly cool for general people to spectate but they kind of get phobic when they see/hear explicit stuff. That really awkward explanation moment is something I've been dreading and trying to avoid.

If you could also get the ability to mark content locally as explicit that would be great too. Namely for unranked maps or stuff you find personally explicit for certain environments.

In the future I hope this becomes part of the QAT process as well. (or somewhere at least in the beatmap ranking process)
+1 for marking local content. Too many times I've F2'd in college, got a pantsu background or whatever and had to awkwardly explain myself
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