
New release system testing

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Violent Rime

peppy wrote:

I need more details on your issue. Can you take a screenshot or video showing it getting stuck?
ugh sorry i just resolve it by my self

Anyway did someone try to play in offline mode? (disconnect the internet not guest mode) i just have a problem when i tried in offline mode the updater always checking and after that's i got an error message who said "osu! is already updating" and not get any respond from the osu! again.
Here for the screen when i tried in offline mode
First run and osu! show the updater

After waiting for a while i got a strange message... and after that's~ i never get any respond again from osu! :cry:
well maybe it's not a bug but peppy wanna ppl not play in offline mode again lel
I dunno the "bug" it's work on another PC or not just try it man. 8-)
The update goes smooth :D (downloading 50+MB of stuff using 384k isn't good D:)

But some notes:
  1. It appears that the osu! having 5 download threads running concurrently? It makes a few broken downloads (eg. files downloaded halfway restarted again due to broken link). Consider using osume.exe update style?

When beeing on Cutting Edge and deleting all dll files it redownload these for Stable build then when the game start it download these for cutting edge, so it download the files two times. Couldn't the updater directly download cutting edge ones so the game will directly restart in cutting edge state ?

Also it seams it's now impossible to play while being offline as the updater opens and says "An error occured. Check your internet connection." with cutting edge and... The updater loop restart a bunch of times the gives up on stable. So I broke it by being offline in stable maybe :P
Video :

You see it works online then I disconnect my wireless network and then it loop restart and gives up. No dll files were missing so I think the game should have started fine letting play offline in stable as it doesn't have to check if user is supporter.
If try to change the frame limiter to anything while it is updating the game will close, tried doing it 3 times... always ended up in the same except for one time the process was still there but the game was nowhere to be seen.

This only happens when i try to manually change it from the options.. pressing F7 is fine.

EDIT: Oh.. I just noticed but it changed to OpenGL without me noticing.. it was because of that. Is this supposed to happen with OpenGL?
Encountered a full crash instantly when clicking to 'a new update is available, click here' at the bottom of the main menu.

Stopped working

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: CLR20r3
Problem Signature 01: osu!.exe
Problem Signature 02: 0
Problem Signature 03: 5410396a
Problem Signature 04: mscorlib
Problem Signature 05:
Problem Signature 06: 5265d021
Problem Signature 07: 3456
Problem Signature 08: 15a
Problem Signature 09: System.UnauthorizedAccess
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 3081

May or may not be of any use.
My net speed took a dive as it does quite frequently I don't know maybe my ISP hates me. But when ever it does I would always have Osu! to fall back on. Even if it does not connect I can still have fun actually playing the game. But when my speed dropped to this

I can no longer get into the game to play offline. This will suck for us as we play in college and college blocks the port that Osu! works off of. So we always play offline in college as part of the computer society that I am running, trying to get people interested in the game and trying to jump start the Osu! community in Ireland cause c'mon its pretty freaking small =/

This just loops for ever. Goes to failed then re-trys. I have to keep restarting Osu! till my ping is low enough for it to send and get a response back from the server
but osu works on same port as www does ...

Marcin wrote:

but osu works on same port as www does ...
I can login submit scores and do all that when running hideman. With hideman off I can't do any of those things. =/
Topic Starter
This is a known issue and will be fixed before things go live (offline support).
Got this after trying to launch osu!

When i put it in the actual directory it worked perfectly. But when i re-opened the application it gave me that error.
The background of the new updater thingamabob has a kinda weird flashing.
Ryu Sei
It exists. It's intended I guess.
The new osu! release won't run unless you're online while running the program. It goes to this window when you're offline;

When you're connected to internet at this state, the updater suddenly works, updating osu!, then runs osu!, and the text that says "Welcome to Bancho!" won't disappears.

Ryu Sei wrote:

It exists. It's intended I guess.
The new osu! release won't run unless you're online while running the program. It goes to this window when you're offline;

When you're connected to internet at this state, the updater suddenly works, updating osu!, then runs osu!, and the text that says "Welcome to Bancho!" won't disappears.

peppy wrote:

This is a known issue and will be fixed before things go live (offline support).
I taught this was a bug on my end but maybe its something else as now is the 2nd time it has happened.

After an update this sometimes happens. The game won't start and this is whats going on with Osu! in task manager. ... 0.avi?dl=0

Just to give you some information

My system boots off of an SSD but I have Osu! on my 3TB internal HDD. I just end the processes that are stuck in a loop and then start Osu! again and its all good.

peppy wrote:

try to break it.
  1. Replace bass.dll with something else
  2. Pippi got the cookie
P.S. Actually I first tried substituting a different version of bass.dll

Dozy Van wrote:

I taught this was a bug on my end but maybe its something else as now is the 2nd time it has happened.

After an update this sometimes happens. The game won't start and this is whats going on with Osu! in task manager. ... 0.avi?dl=0

Just to give you some information

My system boots off of an SSD but I have Osu! on my 3TB internal HDD. I just end the processes that are stuck in a loop and then start Osu! again and its all good.
Same thing just happened to me.
Update, restart, then it went nuts with the proccess
Replaced the old *.exe... Now my folder looks like this.

When I try to run osu!.exe I get this.

Here are my permission settings.

Edit: Reinstalled executable and now I get this.

Quack wrote:

1K, 2K, and 3K dayum.

Koalsa wrote:

Dozy Van wrote:

I taught this was a bug on my end but maybe its something else as now is the 2nd time it has happened.

After an update this sometimes happens. The game won't start and this is whats going on with Osu! in task manager. ... 0.avi?dl=0

Just to give you some information

My system boots off of an SSD but I have Osu! on my 3TB internal HDD. I just end the processes that are stuck in a loop and then start Osu! again and its all good.
Same thing just happened to me.
Update, restart, then it went nuts with the proccess
Do you have Osu on a 2nd HDD or just outside the default install directory? Because I think its looking for an auto-start or something in the default C: install directory when a restart+update happens.
I've been using the test version for two weeks, and seems like it's mostly stable. I'm worried about a few bugs that are already known though. :|
Topic Starter
Could you please check if the infinite restarting thing is better now?

You can probably stop the infinite restart process by deleting _osu!.exe; let me know if that helps.
I just did a fresh install so its not in the same place it was. (its still not being kept in the default install directory tho)

It appears to be working fine for me now
Topic Starter
i'll push some updates today, so please make sure they apply successfully.
As I just reinstalled my system with windows 8.1 (my 1st time with windows 8) my graphic drivers came with this "AMD Gaming Evolved" thing.

I felt it was giving performance drops for more accurate jumps so I just closed it via the popup menu while osu" was running. This dropped osu! to this screen

and "Continue" will not work, and either does "Details". and pressing "X" puts you into an infinite loop of that notice re-appearing and you unable to hit "Exit osu!". It has to be killed in Task Manager.

As for the testing it worked with it installed into a different directory on the single HDD but I am moving a non updated backup of osu! to my other internal HDD and that's what was giving me the bug. Once its uploaded I'll post on if the update was successful or not. and try it with my windows 8 and 7 installs.
when not connected to the internet and trying to switch to "Stable" the entire game crashes instantly
Topic Starter
I've been fixing the things you guys report here, one issue at a time.

If you have anything broken, please bring it up with me via any means possible (no matter how small).

Here's a new version of the executable which will act as an installer. It now lets you choose a directory and also downloads bundled maps.!.exe
i changed the update settings to cutting edge. it downloaded the newest files but after restart then placed the release stream option back to stable and started downloading older files. might be a bug.
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@wyrena: does this happen every time?
Sanjenin Nagi
I don't know if anyone else has had a problem with this but i downloaded the new version and ever since i ran it i can't log in on the new one or the old one at all, I've tried deleting the new one and running the old one, I've tried uninstalling the it and re-installing it from a old install and an up-to-date installer and nothing work's it just sits at log in and won't attempt to log into bancho. I can even see score's from everyone else but it won't retrieve my rank or submit scores.
Topic Starter
That doesn't souind specific to the update. Try restarting your PC and router.
Why can't we update it in the normal osu! folder?
If we select to create it in a new place, why can't it create a "osu!" folder?
Is the normal text "help?" on the updater going to be changed so it dosen't look misplaced?

also, can the build be changed to something like
b[buildid]systest? so we know we are on it
Topic Starter
Why can't you what the what the what?

Follow instructions, or provide reasons you "can't"

And no, I am not changing build names to your specification. What the fuck.

peppy wrote:

Why can't you what the what the what?

Follow instructions, or provide reasons you "can't"
Why can't we update it in the normal osu! folder?
Meaning, can we move the test osu! into the normal osu! folder and will it update?

re-edit Never asked for you to change it to my liking, but just so we know we are on the system build .-.
removed shit
Topic Starter
Why can't you? Did you even try? Did you even read? Oh my god. Stop testing this release, please.

peppy wrote:

Why can't you? Did you even try? Did you even read? Oh my god. Stop testing this release, please.
yo dnt be rude, I fucked up, chill holy.
It work's now i don't know if it's was the pc restart or what happen but thank peppy for his computer wizardry for fixing my game, and i shall be leaving test build for fear of this happening again for whatever reason. thank you.
using the "cutting edge" version, I noticed that streaming and gameplay in general seems a bit more smooth, but the raw input sometimes fails me, getting a 6ms delay, which I didn't have before. What happened? (mouseonly)
Topic Starter
all in your head.

peppy wrote:

all in your head.
yup :3 also, loved the "new" target practice mod. it's pure awesomeness :3 :3 :3
When you spectate someone using Target Practice it just says they failed like 100 times and it just keeps failing them on your screen but on theirs they dont fail they just play like nothing happening!

WhoLovesSoup wrote:

When you spectate someone using Target Practice it just says they failed like 100 times and it just keeps failing them on your screen but on theirs they dont fail they just play like nothing happening!
Can confirm this too... It's really weird... Tried to spec. him on it and vise versa and the same result... Idk if this is just a generic bug or a bug in this release...
Target Practice isn't complete yet (the random seed isn't properly dispersed over spectator mode among other things.)

Don't worry about new cutting edge features too much for now - peppy is mostly looking for bugs with switching between stable and cutting edge, as well as issues with the new installer/repair dialog.
I can tell you one thing about the updater that I saw... My friend WhoLovesSoup and I were in a Skype call where he screen-shared his installation to this build... It failed multiple times but we figured it out...

I told him to simply move the osu!.exe from the .zip (Unpacked first of course) to his original install path so he didn't have multiple copies of OSU!
(I had done the same on my Windows 7 Computer, on the same day, and I had/have no problems with anything to do with anything...)

He then ran osu!.exe and it crashed immediately... So I told him to delete ALL the .dll files so it could self heal... OSU! stopped responding... It didn't even run the Internal/Embedded Updater... It just insta-crashed...
(He's on Windows 8.1...)

So I told him to run osume.exe and let it download the .dll's... He ran it afterward but it didn't have Release Stream options so I told him to run osume.exe again and select "Download and Run Test Build"... That did the trick and I told him to download and run it on Cutting Edge... His OSU! is running/working fine now but for whatever reason it won't self heal on his Windows 8.1 computer...

Hope you can solve this problem/issue :D
Topic Starter
your post contains zero useful information. no crash data? no error logs? no video? don't bother posting.

peppy wrote:

your post contains zero useful information. no crash data? no error logs? no video? don't bother posting.
Understandable... Sorry about that... I will try to get the needed data...
Working for my but I want to get back the previous new combos for CtB. Now it is working as in every other mode but previously every fruit had a different color. Its really annoying to see the same color during 5+ combos if you are using custom skin.
one thing about the new TP mod: it still is pretty buggy, specially in spectator mode. But still, it's amazingly amazing ^3^
I will keep gradually improving TP mod, but please keep it out of this thread since it's unrelated to the purpose of this thread. Post bugs regarding that mod in the tech support forum please!
sorry, will do!
tested the new "selfhealing" ability with the b20141007.4cuttingedge version, and it worked like a charm! the video is as raw as one can get, tho :p

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