
Pendulum - Propane Nightmares (Celldweller Remix)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 12. lokakuuta 2014 at 18:39:34

Artist: Pendulum
Title: Propane Nightmares (Celldweller Remix)
Tags: dnb drum and bass drumstep rock electronic silico
BPM: 174
Filesize: 8942kb
Play Time: 05:31
Difficulties Available:
  1. Heaven's Gate (5,26 stars, 1434 notes)
Download: Pendulum - Propane Nightmares (Celldweller Remix)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
In a trail of fire I know we will be free again
In the end we will be one
In a trail of fire I'll burn before you bury me
Set your sights for the sun...

Bring it on home
- Tu -
20:26 *ProfessionalBox is listening to [ Pendulum - Propane Nightmares (Celldweller Remix)]
20:27 ProfessionalBox: pls
20:38 *HandHeldPillow is playing [ Pendulum - Propane Nightmares (Celldweller Remix) [Heaven's Gate]]
20:42 HandHeldPillow: LOL
20:43 ProfessionalBox: xD
20:44 ProfessionalBox: Hitsoudning is pretty much all over the place so
20:44 ProfessionalBox: dont mod hitsounds xD
20:44 HandHeldPillow: kk
20:44 HandHeldPillow: 00:13:078 (5,6,7) - is confusing to read
20:44 HandHeldPillow: it throw off sightreading soo bad
20:46 ProfessionalBox: mm i can see that
20:47 HandHeldPillow: maybe use non-white combo's as it blends to the background too much
20:48 HandHeldPillow: 01:29:285 (7,1,2,3) - throws off flow a bit and it jsut confusing for sight reading again
20:49 HandHeldPillow: 01:35:319 (5,6) - just evil, keep it tho >:
20:49 HandHeldPillow: D
20:49 ProfessionalBox: xD
20:50 HandHeldPillow: 01:42:044 (2) - move to x:364 y:48
20:51 HandHeldPillow: your sliders are so smooth
20:51 HandHeldPillow: i love it
20:51 HandHeldPillow: streams* not sliders
20:51 ProfessionalBox: so my sliders suck
20:51 ProfessionalBox: ok
20:51 ProfessionalBox: ;__;
20:51 HandHeldPillow: yes
20:51 *ProfessionalBox dies
20:52 HandHeldPillow: nah they are fine
20:52 *ProfessionalBox magically comes back to life
20:52 HandHeldPillow: is this a boomarang?
20:53 HandHeldPillow: trying to win over the aussy's i see
20:53 HandHeldPillow: illuminati
20:53 ProfessionalBox: LOL
20:53 ProfessionalBox: Im sorry but
20:53 ProfessionalBox: now that you know the truth
20:53 ProfessionalBox: I cant let you live
20:54 HandHeldPillow: 02:37:044 (1,2,3,4) - more spacing inbetween these please, makes for fun jumps
20:54 HandHeldPillow: 02:41:699 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - the flow is dropped here D:
20:54 ProfessionalBox: btw if I dont say anything im making changes
20:55 ProfessionalBox: I think it flows fine ?
20:55 ProfessionalBox: Ill look further into that
20:55 HandHeldPillow: alright
20:56 HandHeldPillow: 02:41:699 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - move like so it's closer and a bit more appealing to the eyes
20:58 HandHeldPillow: 04:17:733 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) -
20:58 HandHeldPillow: i love this
20:59 ProfessionalBox: are you a masochist?
20:59 ProfessionalBox: Like, you failed there and you loved it
20:59 ProfessionalBox: xD
20:59 HandHeldPillow: yes
21:00 ProfessionalBox: kappa
21:00 HandHeldPillow: anyway's there's your mod
21:00 HandHeldPillow: i'm gay
I loved how Pillow ended the mod "I'm gay" lmao
Topic Starter

Asphyxia wrote:

I loved how Pillow ended the mod "I'm gay" lmao
I want to give kudosu on that post
osu! needs more DnB o3o
Topic Starter

Inyuschan wrote:

osu! needs more DnB o3o
True :D
Best map ever.
Topic Starter

Secretpipe wrote:

Best map ever.
/me dies :o
03:04:630 (1) - hidden repeat arrow?

really nice map
m4m i love your dnb maps.

heaven's gate

difficulty name is really lame lol. don't know the reasoning for 'heaven's gate' so i won't suggest changes, just pointing it out.

00:02:475 - consider placing a note here, i can hear a sound.
00:24:630 (1,1) - a stack here would suit better, originally thought that there was a 1/4 spacing.
00:33:250 (2,3) - ugly overlap
00:34:802 (4) - don't like this reverse, i don't see much use for it and the end of it is on a pretty loud percussion. consider changing the rhythm of this general area. something like this maybe.
00:37:992 (4) - delete this,
00:38:337 - and then have a note here. i hear no reason for the 1/4 after the slider, but i definitely hear one for this timestamp.
00:39:630 (8,1) - not a fan of the pattern where a 1/4 slider leads into the next note, feels awkward to me.
01:00:837 - imo, a 3/4 slider + circle would fit better. precussion is pretty damn loud here to warrant emphasising.
01:16:699 (7,8,1) - rhythmically, this felt better to play:
01:47:906 (5,3) - nazi stack
01:50:492 (3,1) - not identical
02:24:802 (2) - this is really far, and didn't play well compared to your other jumps, consider reducing distance.
03:04:630 (1,2) - trolled by the spacing here as well.
04:39:026 (4) - triple here looks really ugly, in my opinion.

note placement is generally very neat and well done. sorry for the short mod but the maps looks pretty polished as far as i can tell. good luck on ranking it!
I Trust ProfessionalBox is Aprroved Again this map and Joing a \BAT/

Topic Starter

Broccoly wrote:

really nice map
Thanks ^^!

gokugohan12468 wrote:

I Trust ProfessionalBox is Aprroved Again this map and Joing a \BAT/
If I only knew how to mod xD
Topic Starter

handsome wrote:

m4m i love your dnb maps. Thanks :p

heaven's gate

difficulty name is really lame lol. don't know the reasoning for 'heaven's gate' so i won't suggest changes, just pointing it out. It has something to do with the original song, will not go into further detail here xD I might change it

00:02:475 - consider placing a note here, i can hear a sound. I dont think it would fit here
00:24:630 (1,1) - a stack here would suit better, originally thought that there was a 1/4 spacing. Changed for now
00:33:250 (2,3) - ugly overlap Changed
00:34:802 (4) - don't like this reverse, i don't see much use for it and the end of it is on a pretty loud percussion. consider changing the rhythm of this general area. something like this maybe. Changed
00:37:992 (4) - delete this,
00:38:337 - and then have a note here. i hear no reason for the 1/4 after the slider, but i definitely hear one for this timestamp. Changed
00:39:630 (8,1) - not a fan of the pattern where a 1/4 slider leads into the next note, feels awkward to me. Fits here quite well imo
01:00:837 - imo, a 3/4 slider + circle would fit better. precussion is pretty damn loud here to warrant emphasising. Sure
01:16:699 (7,8,1) - rhythmically, this felt better to play: I dont see the current being any worse than that
01:47:906 (5,3) - nazi stack pls
01:50:492 (3,1) - not identical pls x2
02:24:802 (2) - this is really far, and didn't play well compared to your other jumps, consider reducing distance. Minor changes here
03:04:630 (1,2) - trolled by the spacing here as well. Remapped to a stream
04:39:026 (4) - triple here looks really ugly, in my opinion. Made it look better xD
Yo, dude! Mod as requested (ages ago) via in-game PM

Well, shall we?~


kd for diff name lulz

General stuff~

  1. I would advise that you disable both Letterbox in breaks and Widescreen Support. As far as I can tell you're not using any kind of storyboard so both of them aren't needed.

    That's pretty much it for general stuff.
Now, to the map itself~i'll be nazi hue

  1. 00:01:699 (3) - move your tail point to (40|196). Blankets are beautiful~
  2. 00:03:595 (4) - You might want to consider adding some spacing to this note, since it's obviously highlighted by the vocals. How about you tried something like this? The example below emphasizes the vocal start which is fairly strong, and it keeps the spacing on 00:03:595 (4,5) with spacing on 00:03:768 (5,1) having pretty much no change.
  3. 00:04:285 (2) - This is just a personal preference but I'd go for a 1/2 slider on this one. I feel like this is the only slider in the section that completely follows the vocals and ignores the tick on 00:04:457. 00:06:009 (3) does it too but this one looks great even though it ignores the red tick because it follows the lyrics. But since it doesn't end where the lyrics does, I'd advise to place a circle at 00:06:526 and stack because since the slider doesn't follow the lyrics perfectly this circle allows for a player to enter the song's beat as rhythm again. I hope that was clear enough c: Regarding 00:04:285 (2), maybe you'd want to add a circle at 00:04:544 and cut off the slider to 1/2. It fills the vocal that you intended to cover with the long slider and it fills up the red tick. Something like this:
    Or just stack it, your choice~
  4. 00:14:975 (1,2,3,4) - How about you try something like this? It kind of uses that small stream you have there to blanket 00:14:975 (1) and then 00:15:492 (4) is stacked with the tail of 00:14:630 (7). Looks neat to me~
  5. 00:16:009 (6,1) - I think you could improve your spacing increase usage here. I'd personally focus the spacing increase between 00:16:009 (6,1) even though they're 1/4 apart. It's playable because of the emphasis on the song, and while 00:15:664 (5,6) isn't necessarily wrong the attention gets a bit taken away here. 00:16:354 (1) being stacked is to me something you should avoid in such a strong note, try something like this:
  6. 00:19:802 (3,1) - fix this stack real fast, minor thing~
  7. 00:26:699 (4) - no wiggly ;w;
  8. 00:32:044 (3,4,5,6,7) - This set of circles is very random, I'd personally revert back to the slider pattern-like rhythm you were using, because consistency~
  9. 00:35:319 (6,7,8,9) - Okay, you've been using a couple triples before, and they sound lovely, but this stream here is a bit random imo. It has no support whatsoever on the song and it doesn't feel like one should be here in the first place. I'd advise to remove 00:35:578 (9) and make it a triple again. But if you mean to keep the feeling of stream movement, you can have the triple like this:
    It fits great because of the NC on 1 and strong beat on it, which makes it perfectly readable imo. Give it a try~
  10. 00:36:354 (3,4,5) - I'd prefer if you tried to fit 00:36:613 (4,5) in the rhythm before 00:36:354 (3), because you have a stream/triple before 00:35:664 (1) which brings more consistency into play, making it sound great~
  11. 00:47:906 (1) - In terms of rhythm, this slider is a bit wrong because 00:48:078 is such a strong beat and covering it with a slidertail (which are called passive sliders, just to make sure you know what I mean next time I mention those) doesn't help, it should be clickable. I'd advise you to use a rhythm similar to the one I'm about to show you, it's probably the one that sounds best in this section:
  12. 00:53:250 (6,1,2,3) - ^Same applies to this section~
  13. 01:14:285 (1,2) - This thing needs a ctrl + g in rhythm, passive stuff.
  14. 02:05:319 (1,2) - ^
  15. 02:13:595 (1,2) - ^, I'd just advise you to check your whole difficulty for this kind of stuff c:
  16. 02:22:561 (4) - This needs to be a bit more rotated counter-clockwise, just to make cursor movement a bit less tight~
  17. 02:29:457 (5) - In order to improve flow a bit you should ctrl+g this, as well as 02:29:975 (7) and move 02:29:802 (6) over to somewhere like (200|240)
  18. 02:33:250 (2) - In my opinion, this is a bad stack, forcing it makes 02:33:250 (2,3) a very harsh flow break. Maybe you should consider something like this:
    Stacking 02:32:906 (1) instead should do the trick~
  19. 02:47:044 (2,3) - Swapping these two with ctrl + G makes this whole section flow a bit better, so please do~

    I actually don't have anything else to point out; this looks very good. Pardon me if I missed anything in the end, though. Good job~
    If you need my help to go through any part of my mod or if you have any kind of question, please feel free to PM me about it. I hope this was helpful, go get this ranked (shouldn't take too long lol). straight to my favourites collection, for real xD
Topic Starter
Thanks for the mod Yuzu- <3


Yuzu- wrote:


kd for diff name lulz xD

General stuff~

I would advise that you disable both Letterbox in breaks and Widescreen Support. As far as I can tell you're not using any kind of storyboard so both of them aren't needed. Sure why not

That's pretty much it for general stuff.

Now, to the map itself~i'll be nazi hue I eat nazis for breakfast

00:01:699 (3) - move your tail point to (40|196). Blankets are beautiful~ Yes sir
00:03:595 (4) - You might want to consider adding some spacing to this note, since it's obviously highlighted by the vocals. How about you tried something like this? The example below emphasizes the vocal start which is fairly strong, and it keeps the spacing on 00:03:595 (4,5) with spacing on 00:03:768 (5,1) having pretty much no change. Feels good
00:04:285 (2) - This is just a personal preference but I'd go for a 1/2 slider on this one. I feel like this is the only slider in the section that completely follows the vocals and ignores the tick on 00:04:457. 00:06:009 (3) does it too but this one looks great even though it ignores the red tick because it follows the lyrics. But since it doesn't end where the lyrics does, I'd advise to place a circle at 00:06:526 and stack because since the slider doesn't follow the lyrics perfectly this circle allows for a player to enter the song's beat as rhythm again. I hope that was clear enough c: Regarding 00:04:285 (2), maybe you'd want to add a circle at 00:04:544 and cut off the slider to 1/2. It fills the vocal that you intended to cover with the long slider and it fills up the red tick. Something like this:

Or just stack it, your choice~ I like it as it is now, plays well
00:14:975 (1,2,3,4) - How about you try something like this? It kind of uses that small stream you have there to blanket 00:14:975 (1) and then 00:15:492 (4) is stacked with the tail of 00:14:630 (7). Looks neat to me~ Sure
00:16:009 (6,1) - I think you could improve your spacing increase usage here. I'd personally focus the spacing increase between 00:16:009 (6,1) even though they're 1/4 apart. It's playable because of the emphasis on the song, and while 00:15:664 (5,6) isn't necessarily wrong the attention gets a bit taken away here. 00:16:354 (1) being stacked is to me something you should avoid in such a strong note, try something like this: Did changes
00:19:802 (3,1) - fix this stack real fast, minor thing~ Stupid nazis
00:26:699 (4) - no wiggly ;w; Wigglyness applied :3
00:32:044 (3,4,5,6,7) - This set of circles is very random, I'd personally revert back to the slider pattern-like rhythm you were using, because consistency~ Yup, changed
00:35:319 (6,7,8,9) - Okay, you've been using a couple triples before, and they sound lovely, but this stream here is a bit random imo. It has no support whatsoever on the song and it doesn't feel like one should be here in the first place. I'd advise to remove 00:35:578 (9) and make it a triple again. But if you mean to keep the feeling of stream movement, you can have the triple like this:

It fits great because of the NC on 1 and strong beat on it, which makes it perfectly readable imo. Give it a try~ Changed
00:36:354 (3,4,5) - I'd prefer if you tried to fit 00:36:613 (4,5) in the rhythm before 00:36:354 (3), because you have a stream/triple before 00:35:664 (1) which brings more consistency into play, making it sound great~ Did some changes here, not sure if it is anything like you meant though xD
00:47:906 (1) - In terms of rhythm, this slider is a bit wrong because 00:48:078 is such a strong beat and covering it with a slidertail (which are called passive sliders, just to make sure you know what I mean next time I mention those) doesn't help, it should be clickable. I'd advise you to use a rhythm similar to the one I'm about to show you, it's probably the one that sounds best in this section: I have these passive slider parts put in some parts because of wanting to mix up the playability of some parts, Some of them play well but this one for example I have changed
00:53:250 (6,1,2,3) - ^Same applies to this section~
01:14:285 (1,2) - This thing needs a ctrl + g in rhythm, passive stuff.
02:05:319 (1,2) - ^
02:13:595 (1,2) - ^, I'd just advise you to check your whole difficulty for this kind of stuff c: Changed some of these, mainly those which were really unfitting
02:22:561 (4) - This needs to be a bit more rotated counter-clockwise, just to make cursor movement a bit less tight~ Sure
02:29:457 (5) - In order to improve flow a bit you should ctrl+g this, as well as 02:29:975 (7) and move 02:29:802 (6) over to somewhere like (200|240) This is great, applied!
02:33:250 (2) - In my opinion, this is a bad stack, forcing it makes 02:33:250 (2,3) a very harsh flow break. Maybe you should consider something like this:
Stacking 02:32:906 (1) instead should do the trick~ Works for me
02:47:044 (2,3) - Swapping these two with ctrl + G makes this whole section flow a bit better, so please do~ This actually makes no sense imo, completely breaks the flow :s
03:06:182 (2,3) - This pattern should actually start on 03:06:009, because of the sound it has, I'd advise you to To what xD? Kept it the same for now
DnB <3


  1. Seems clean for me.

  1. Maybe is OD too high? I would change it to OD:7.
  2. 00:39:544 (7) - I've listened so many times with 25% playback rate and I'm almost sure this is overmapped. Just put a simple note on 00:39:457 - o3o
  3. 00:39:716 (8) - Same.
  4. 00:58:940 (6, 1) - You've been adding NC in this type of sliders (which start on red tick and finish on stanza). So, I'd consider adding NC here.
  5. 01:02:561 (5, 7) - What do you think about adding finish in these notes? Sounds good for me.
  6. 01:11:182 (1) - Why this NC here.
  7. 01:14:285 (1) - Just a suggestion, but I'd add finish here too. Music increases a bit, so, will fit ok imo.
  8. 01:31:871 (8) - What about curving this slider a bit? Would make a nice blanket (or, at least, a try of it. I'm not good with blankets...) with (2).
  9. 02:03:078 (1) - Unnecessary NC. You did a similar pattern in 02:00:319 (3) - and you didn't add NC there, just in 02:00:837 (1). So, same here. Btw, was just a suggestion too; I'd do it in all cases.
  10. 02:26:009 (8, 1) - Fix this stack. Move (1) to x:275 y:114.
  11. 02:29:975 (7) - Inconsistency of NCs. You should add one here and remove this one: 02:30:837 (1).
  12. 02:35:664 (8) - Same, and remove this one: 02:36:182 (1).
  13. 02:38:423 (5) - Same, and remove this one: 02:38:940 (1) - (do it in all cases, I won't repeat it anymore).
  14. 02:57:906 (1) - Is it me or there is no music here?
  15. 02:58:164 (2) - Same.
  16. 03:20:837 (1) - Remove this NC and add it on (5).
  17. 04:56:009 (1) - Remove this NC and add it on (2).
  18. 04:56:526 (1) - Remove this NC.
  19. 05:20:664 (1) - Same as 04:56:009 (1).
Really wonderful map~ Just wanted to say some suggestions. As you can see, I don't have anything to say about patterns in general, just wanted to point out some NCs which I didn't understand. Anyway, I just told some stuff which I really think can improve a bit the map, but just a bit, since this is almost ready for approval, I'm sure. I really love the song and map, so, take my star :D

Good luck~
Topic Starter
Thanks for the mod Inyuschan ^^! And thanks for the star too <3


Inyuschan wrote:

DnB <3 <3


Seems clean for me. :o


Maybe is OD too high? I would change it to OD:7. The diff itself is considered as an extra so that is why I want to have a high od
00:39:544 (7) - I've listened so many times with 25% playback rate and I'm almost sure this is overmapped. Just put a simple note on 00:39:457 - o3o Done
00:39:716 (8) - Same. This im going to keep
00:58:940 (6, 1) - You've been adding NC in this type of sliders (which start on red tick and finish on stanza). So, I'd consider adding NC here. I want the stream to begin the NC since it looks better and makes more sense in this situation
01:02:561 (5, 7) - What do you think about adding finish in these notes? Sounds good for me. Awesome
01:11:182 (1) - Why this NC here. Removed
01:14:285 (1) - Just a suggestion, but I'd add finish here too. Music increases a bit, so, will fit ok imo. Moved the finish from spinner to here
01:31:871 (8) - What about curving this slider a bit? Would make a nice blanket (or, at least, a try of it. I'm not good with blankets...) with (2). Tried something
02:03:078 (1) - Unnecessary NC. You did a similar pattern in 02:00:319 (3) - and you didn't add NC there, just in 02:00:837 (1). So, same here. Btw, was just a suggestion too; I'd do it in all cases. Fixed
02:26:009 (8, 1) - Fix this stack. Move (1) to x:275 y:114. Fixed
02:29:975 (7) - Inconsistency of NCs. You should add one here and remove this one: 02:30:837 (1). Fixed
02:35:664 (8) - Same, and remove this one: 02:36:182 (1). Fixed
02:38:423 (5) - Same, and remove this one: 02:38:940 (1) - (do it in all cases, I won't repeat it anymore). Did it in all cases I believe
02:57:906 (1) - Is it me or there is no music here? I dont want this part to slow down since it is supposed to be fast and fun
02:58:164 (2) - Same. Same here
03:20:837 (1) - Remove this NC and add it on (5). Fixed
04:56:009 (1) - Remove this NC and add it on (2). Fixed
04:56:526 (1) - Remove this NC. Fixed
05:20:664 (1) - Same as 04:56:009 (1). This I will keep since I want the patterns to be seperated by NC to make it clearer


00:09:716 (2,3) - have this continue downwards
02:17:388 (6,1) - this'd be cool, since it's like what you had for the other ones like this
02:38:423 (1,3) - i wouldn't like these stacked, move 3 over a little?
02:45:578 (2,3) - same as 00:09:716 (2,3)
03:04:630 (1) - change this to a kick slider and remove 2, fits the song more (if that's not readable, you could space the kick slider out more something like that)
03:14:544 (2,3) - don't stack?
04:28:940 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - confusing ;n; the fade from the 4 makes it hard to read the lip on the stream. it's cool, but off putting pretty late into the song. it's part of the difficulty though, feel free to keep or change
04:56:526 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - this probably won't fly. that spacing is THE combo breaker, and many (non-pro) players will bash their skulls trying to get this. i'd highly suggest a change :S

Very nicely done map, and it's well out of my modding capabilities. if you get my tf2 reference you get bonus points

edit: wtf you updated it mid-mod >:C
Topic Starter
Thanks for the mod Midge^^!


Midge wrote:


first run and replay

00:09:716 (2,3) - have this continue downwards Sure
02:17:388 (6,1) - this'd be cool, since it's like what you had for the other ones like this Changed
02:38:423 (1,3) - i wouldn't like these stacked, move 3 over a little? Sure
02:45:578 (2,3) - same as 00:09:716 (2,3) This would be incredibly hard to put in here
03:04:630 (1) - change this to a kick slider and remove 2, fits the song more (if that's not readable, you could space the kick slider out more something like that) Changed this
03:14:544 (2,3) - don't stack? ok
04:28:940 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - confusing ;n; the fade from the 4 makes it hard to read the lip on the stream. it's cool, but off putting pretty late into the song. it's part of the difficulty though, feel free to keep or change Changed the pattern
04:56:526 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - this probably won't fly. that spacing is THE combo breaker, and many (non-pro) players will bash their skulls trying to get this. i'd highly suggest a change :S Made it a bit easier

Very nicely done map, and it's well out of my modding capabilities. if you get my tf2 reference you get bonus points Thanks! Havent played tf2 for a while so I cant say that I got the reference :s

edit: wtf you updated it mid-mod >:C xD
I seriously think Od 9 would fit perfectly here :P
Topic Starter

Asphyxia wrote:

I seriously think Od 9 would fit perfectly here
Put on serious consideration
IRC modded

20:49 Low: add "In Silico" to tags, it's the album name
20:49 ProfessionalBox: lets do ti
20:50 ProfessionalBox: sure
20:53 Low: 01:07:388 (1,2,3,4,5) - confusing spacing
20:53 Low: move 01:07:906 (3,4,5) - closer to (2) so players can tell it's 1/2
20:53 Low: 01:10:492 (2,3,4,5) - same thing
20:55 Low: 01:35:319 (5) - adjust this slider's position and angle so it flows out of the stream better. for example:
20:57 ProfessionalBox: btw do you mind if I stay quiet unless I have something to ask or mention
20:57 Low: that's fine
20:58 Low: just if you disagree with something i suggest, say something
20:58 ProfessionalBox: yeah
20:58 ProfessionalBox: I will
20:59 Low: 03:04:630 (1) - make this a single circle to emphasize the gap in sound between this and 03:04:802 (2) -
20:59 Low: there is no sound at the end of it
21:00 Low: 03:05:319 (2) - space this a little farther. i find it more fun like this:
21:02 Low: 04:38:940 (3,4,5) - ugly. do this (it's only a slight change)
21:04 Low: 05:31:182 (2) - make the end of this quieter (not silent)
21:05 Low: 01:42:216 (3) - you can't silence the end of a slider, especially when there's plenty of sound in the music. the green tick at the end of this should be at least 20% volume
21:06 Low: 04:21:914 (1) - same thing here, but for the entire slider. if you want, you could insert a custom sliderslide so it isnt as loud with 20 percent volume. however, the slidertick and circles still must be audible
21:07 Low: 00:26:699 (4) - kind of an ugly slider. i'd say to just remove the smooth nodes and make it look like this:
21:08 Low: 00:33:595 (3) - extend the spacing a bit so the start of 00:33:250 (2) is exactly in the middle, like this:
21:09 Low: looks better than what you have
21:09 Low: 00:40:837 (2) - add a clap to the start of this. the sound is prominent in the music
21:11 Low: that's it

Topic Starter
Thanks for the mod Low! Changed everything "we" discussed about :)
20:52 ProfessionalBox: Heey, Im feeling like an optimistic so I just wanted to say that in case you were going to mod the map in the next 3 hours, dont do it xD
20:52 Lust: i legit just downloaded the map to mod it
20:52 Lust: LOL
20:53 ProfessionalBox: Im getting a mod in that time frame
20:53 ProfessionalBox: LOL
20:53 Lust: like im dead serious, i had it queued up in osu!direct and then you pm'd me
21:17 ProfessionalBox: ok so
21:17 ProfessionalBox: The mod came in early
21:17 ProfessionalBox: Just submitting this
21:18 ProfessionalBox: Then you can do whatever you like to the map
21:18 Lust: alright
21:18 Lust: probably a short irc mod
21:18 ProfessionalBox: Sounds exactly like what I just did
21:19 ProfessionalBox: Now you can update it
21:19 ProfessionalBox: ^^
21:22 Lust: `ok well
21:22 Lust: the bg is 1365x768 not 1366x768
21:22 Lust: one sec lemme fix this for you lol
21:22 ProfessionalBox: If that would have slipped by and got unqualified because of that I'd have killed myself
21:23 Lust:
21:23 Lust: knowing the things the QAT unqualifies for, it probably would have been lol
21:24 ProfessionalBox: I bet it would have gone down in history as the most naziest unqualification ever
21:27 *Lust is editing [ Pendulum - Propane Nightmares (Celldweller Remix) [Insomnia]]
21:28 Lust: 01:10:147 (1,2) - you need to put some more spacing between these two
21:28 Lust: thought it was 1/2 distance at first
21:28 Lust: 01:07:388 (1,2) - have it similar to this and 01:04:630 (1,2) -
21:30 ProfessionalBox: do you mind if I dont say anything if I dont have anything to mention about a fix or something to ask
21:31 Lust: reply that youve fixed it
21:31 Lust: because if there are any changes, it needs to be documented in the log that i post
21:31 ProfessionalBox: okay
21:31 ProfessionalBox: Fixed both of these so far
21:31 Lust: sorry, its just an unnecceary neccessity if that makes sense xD
21:33 ProfessionalBox: lol dont worry
21:33 Lust: 01:22:044 (7,1) - 1's slider repeat is being obstructed by 7's hitburst
21:33 ProfessionalBox: I understand
21:33 Lust: you will need to change this since it is unrankable
21:33 ProfessionalBox: if I move it to (6)
21:33 ProfessionalBox: is it still obstruckted?
21:33 Lust: yes
21:33 ProfessionalBox: that extra k so moe
21:34 ProfessionalBox: ahh
21:34 ProfessionalBox: damnit
21:34 Lust: obstrekted
21:34 ProfessionalBox: LOL
21:34 ProfessionalBox: the flow was so nice too ;w;
21:34 ProfessionalBox: well Ill come up with something
21:35 Lust: it plays fine and most people can insinuate that it is a repeating slider, but to keep it safe let's rearrange it
21:37 ProfessionalBox: hmm
21:37 ProfessionalBox: I have an idea
21:37 ProfessionalBox:
21:37 ProfessionalBox: I'd move the (8) and (2)
21:38 ProfessionalBox: to keep the flow
21:38 Lust: perfect
21:41 Lust: 01:31:526 (5,2) - awwww maaaaan yudodis
21:41 ProfessionalBox: ohnoes
21:42 ProfessionalBox: Ill just adjust it slightly
21:42 ProfessionalBox: and put it on the head of (2) instead
21:42 Lust: 01:34:802 (7) - move this down a bit, its slightly touching the hp bar and it can be a bit distracting
21:42 Lust: yeah that works
21:42 Lust: 00:16:699 - also delete this break, its so short and players will be expecting something a bit longer (i know i did)
21:43 Lust: removing it allows for some nice tension
21:43 ProfessionalBox: like
21:43 ProfessionalBox: removing or putting stuff in between
21:43 Lust: remove
21:44 Lust: well i mean you can put stuff in between if you'd like
21:44 ProfessionalBox: Is there a convenient way of doing that
21:44 ProfessionalBox: like removing breaks
21:44 Lust: just throw down a couple of circles
21:44 Lust: lol
21:44 ProfessionalBox: Not familiar with the consept
21:44 ProfessionalBox: xD
21:44 ProfessionalBox: ok
21:46 ProfessionalBox: brb 2min
21:46 Lust: nice
21:49 ProfessionalBox: so you enjoy my absence?
21:49 ProfessionalBox: "nice"
21:49 Lust: 02:48:940 (5,6,7,6) - this might be hard to see because of 5 6 and 7's hitbursts
21:50 Lust: 03:04:285 (7,1,2,3,1) - oh many this isnt a suggestion or anything, but this is hella cool yo
21:51 Lust: 03:39:113 (1) - replace this with two circles 1/2 spaced apart, if you listen to it back on 25% you can hear that there isnt anything really there to warrant the 1/4
21:51 Lust: it contrats heavily against the song tbh
21:51 Lust: just have the two circles stack
21:52 Lust: 03:44:630 (1) - same here
21:52 ProfessionalBox: huh
21:52 ProfessionalBox: I can clearly hear
21:52 ProfessionalBox: the kind of thing that im going for here
21:52 ProfessionalBox: "clearly"
21:52 ProfessionalBox: I can hear it though
21:52 ProfessionalBox: xD
21:53 ProfessionalBox: 02:48:940 (5,6,7,6) - this btw, I think this isn't something that would need to be fixed
21:53 ProfessionalBox: I like the playing aspect of it really much
21:54 Lust: the repeat sliders will need to be changed
21:54 ProfessionalBox: Yeah
21:54 Lust: it doesnt really warrant it much at all
21:54 ProfessionalBox: Those I understand
21:54 Lust: 03:51:440 (2) - delete this circle for the same reason
21:54 Lust: 03:51:354 (1) - and remove this NC and add it on 03:51:526 (3) -
21:56 ProfessionalBox: done
21:57 Lust: 04:21:914 (1) - raise the volume here by maybe about 5% or so, i know you want to have a quiet part here but its not too audible imo
21:58 ProfessionalBox: 5% doesnt hurt it at all so why not
21:58 Lust: 05:30:837 (1) - this would be nicer if it was a straight slider
21:59 Lust:
21:59 Lust: like this maybe
21:59 ProfessionalBox: The point of it is to "break" the flow
21:59 ProfessionalBox: follows the music
21:59 ProfessionalBox: somewhat nicer that way
21:59 ProfessionalBox: imo
22:00 ProfessionalBox: like the music sounds like it gets reversed
22:00 Lust: the direction change from having it a straight slider keeps a similar effect while having it look a little neater
22:00 ProfessionalBox: so I did the same with the flow
22:00 ProfessionalBox: xD
22:01 ProfessionalBox: hmm
22:01 ProfessionalBox: I certainly like how it looks already
22:01 ProfessionalBox: but since the slider before it is straight
22:01 ProfessionalBox: it would fit in nicely
22:01 Lust: its up to you, doesnt effect the gameplay too much anyway
22:01 ProfessionalBox: why not
22:01 ProfessionalBox: Ill change it
22:02 ProfessionalBox: but then again
22:02 ProfessionalBox: the effect is much stronger with curved slider
22:02 ProfessionalBox: ohgod
22:02 ProfessionalBox: aaaaa
22:02 Lust: #firstworldproblems
22:02 ProfessionalBox: to curve or not to curve
22:02 ProfessionalBox: you know what
22:02 ProfessionalBox: The curved version wins
22:02 ProfessionalBox: since there is a double blanket
22:03 ProfessionalBox: and I love my blankets
22:03 Lust: okie smokes
22:03 Lust: thats fine with me
22:03 Lust: update it
22:03 ProfessionalBox: suree
22:03 ProfessionalBox: just making sure all is truly fixed
22:06 Lust: did you remember to change the bg
22:06 ProfessionalBox: omg
22:06 ProfessionalBox: i didnt
22:06 ProfessionalBox: LOL
22:06 ProfessionalBox: just a sec
22:08 ProfessionalBox: sigh
22:08 ProfessionalBox: my internet
22:08 ProfessionalBox: pls
22:09 ProfessionalBox: SEND THE FUKIN CHANGES
22:09 Lust: RIP
22:09 ProfessionalBox: FINALLY

What we fixed:
  1. Fixed the bg from 1365x768 to 1366x768
  2. Removed a break to buildup tension and to remove any confusion as to whether its a good idea to rest there or to continue playing
  3. Fixed a few sliders that had hitbursts obstructing their repeats
  4. Moved a note that was touching the HP bar
  5. Removed some notes and repeating sliders that contrasted too much with the song
  6. Raised the volume of a certain slider in order to give the player more audio feedback
  7. Removed and added an NC

Reply when you are satisfied with everything!
Topic Starter
Lets do this, BRING IT ON HOME 8-)
Moved to pending.
Alright, Bubble #1
Topic Starter
:) !
gg LOL
2014-10-10 14:50 Mao: well, most concerns are still some slight things about hitsounding
2014-10-10 14:50 Mao: can we go through the diff in IRC?
2014-10-10 14:52 ProfessionalBox: sure
2014-10-10 14:52 ProfessionalBox: let me just finish this
2014-10-10 14:54 ProfessionalBox: OMGLOL
2014-10-10 14:54 ProfessionalBox: >Press esc during a spinner to take a break
2014-10-10 14:54 ProfessionalBox: >accidentally click retry with the tip of your pen
2014-10-10 14:54 ProfessionalBox: LOLOLOL
2014-10-10 14:57 Mao: so can we start?
2014-10-10 14:57 Mao: I don't have much time D:
2014-10-10 14:57 ProfessionalBox: yeah
2014-10-10 14:57 Mao: oki
2014-10-10 14:57 Mao: ACTION is editing [ Pendulum - Propane Nightmares (Celldweller Remix) [Insomnia]]
2014-10-10 14:58 Mao: I feel like the sections at 00:06:699 - , 00:09:457 - and 00:12:216 - can take the normal sampleset to differ them a bit from the ones without the instruments
2014-10-10 14:58 Mao: it would fit very nicely imo
2014-10-10 14:59 Mao: Also I don't understand why you've just placed whistles on these slider heads
2014-10-10 14:59 Mao: since these are so strong that they could take a finish o.o
2014-10-10 14:59 ProfessionalBox: dunno
2014-10-10 14:59 Mao: same at 00:13:595 (1) -
2014-10-10 15:02 ProfessionalBox: Replaced all with finish and changed the sampleset to normal
2014-10-10 15:02 Mao: so the next one is an idea
2014-10-10 15:02 Mao: I ahd while playing the song
2014-10-10 15:03 Mao: in the section satrting at 00:19:113 -
2014-10-10 15:03 ProfessionalBox: sounds interesting
2014-10-10 15:03 Mao: you can always here a special sound is always on the 3rd white tick
2014-10-10 15:03 Mao: like 00:19:802 -
2014-10-10 15:03 Mao: and it would be cool to have these with drum sampleset
2014-10-10 15:03 Mao: that would cover it pretty well
2014-10-10 15:04 ProfessionalBox: so I would use drum sample set over there
2014-10-10 15:04 Mao: but just for the downbeat between two big ones
2014-10-10 15:04 Mao:
2014-10-10 15:04 Mao: like this
2014-10-10 15:04 ProfessionalBox: I like this
2014-10-10 15:04 ProfessionalBox: Ill change this
2014-10-10 15:05 ProfessionalBox: makes this section less boring
2014-10-10 15:05 Mao: also 00:24:630 (1) - could take a normal finish or something like that
2014-10-10 15:05 Mao: but just in additions
2014-10-10 15:05 Mao: 00:30:147 (1) - same
2014-10-10 15:05 Mao: 00:35:664 (1) - ^
2014-10-10 15:05 Mao: and so on
2014-10-10 15:06 ProfessionalBox: ahh
2014-10-10 15:06 ProfessionalBox: finish is too strong imo
2014-10-10 15:06 ProfessionalBox: I like the whistle here
2014-10-10 15:06 Mao: sounds kinda underemphasized imo but if you want to keep it it's fine I think xD
2014-10-10 15:06 ProfessionalBox: meh
2014-10-10 15:07 ProfessionalBox: I dont think that finish would be the best since the section is calm and finishes in addition with the drum samples would make it too "loud" imo
2014-10-10 15:07 Mao: these ones wouldn't have drum samples
2014-10-10 15:08 ProfessionalBox: Yeah but
2014-10-10 15:08 ProfessionalBox: I dont like the finishes
2014-10-10 15:08 ProfessionalBox: xD
2014-10-10 15:09 Mao: well, I've got a finish fetish \:D/
2014-10-10 15:10 Mao: I'd place them everywhere like 00:50:319 - and 00:50:837 - to emphasize these loud notes <3
2014-10-10 15:11 ProfessionalBox: 00:51:526 (5) - 00:51:871 (6) -
2014-10-10 15:11 ProfessionalBox: ill add finishes to these
2014-10-10 15:11 ProfessionalBox: ahh
2014-10-10 15:11 ProfessionalBox: I need to go and eat now
2014-10-10 15:11 ProfessionalBox: You can list stuff here if you want
2014-10-10 15:11 Mao: DDDDDD:
2014-10-10 15:12 Mao: okay, I'll do so
2014-10-10 15:12 Mao: then just call me once you're done
2014-10-10 15:12 Mao: with applying and I'll recheck
2014-10-10 15:14 Mao: 02:02:561 (1) - A finish on the head works well here
2014-10-10 15:14 Mao: it belongs to the previous onse you've all emphasized with a hitsound
2014-10-10 15:14 Mao: if you dislike finish please at least add a whistlöe
2014-10-10 15:16 Mao: 02:35:664 (1) - ^
2014-10-10 15:16 Mao: 02:46:699 (1) - , 02:52:216 (1) - ^
2014-10-10 15:17 Mao: 02:53:595 (1) - also here as the new section starts
2014-10-10 15:18 Mao: 03:01:871 (1) - Why doesn't this have anything to emphasize it? It's a very outstanding note here imo. Either a finish or Normal sampleset on the head fit.
2014-10-10 15:18 Mao: same goes for some following ones
2014-10-10 15:18 Mao: the section has so many very strong notes
2014-10-10 15:19 Mao: I'd really like to see more since this felt a bit too quiet for me :/
2014-10-10 15:19 Mao: 03:57:044 (1) - The cymbal is even in the music here o.o
2014-10-10 15:21 Mao: 03:57:044 - Just an idea again for the hitsounding of this section. If you listen closely you can hear a strong note always on the 4th white tick. Adding Normal-Sampleset for these notes would sound pretty cool if you ask me :D
2014-10-10 15:23 Mao: 04:57:733 (1,2,3) - Minor - Can you move this slightly to the upper right to avoid it touching 04:57:388 (3) - ? Look kinda unclean compared to the rest :<
2014-10-10 15:24 Mao: 05:23:768 (1) - The downbeat mapped by the tail has a cymbal noise there. Dunno if you like a finish there but it feels quite empty D:
2014-10-10 15:25 Mao: I also think 05:31:182 (2) - could be emphasized by using a whistle D:
2014-10-10 15:25 Mao: wow, I'm usually not the kind of hitsound modder D:
2014-10-10 15:29 Mao: 03:21:182 (6) - could also take a finish /me runs very far
2014-10-10 15:31 Mao: placement looks generally fine
2014-10-10 15:31 Mao: difficulty settings as well
2014-10-10 15:31 Mao: it's funny how empty the folder is xD
2014-10-10 15:35 ProfessionalBox: ok im back now
2014-10-10 15:35 Mao: okay, then go and have a look at the stuff above
2014-10-10 15:35 Mao: and delete the .osb since you don't have a SB
2014-10-10 15:35 Mao: I'll check the metadata meanwhile
2014-10-10 15:37 Mao: looks fine from what celldweller's upload on soundcloud says
2014-10-10 15:41 ProfessionalBox: andd
2014-10-10 15:41 ProfessionalBox: done
2014-10-10 15:41 ProfessionalBox: I added a ton of symbals
2014-10-10 15:41 ProfessionalBox: xD
2014-10-10 15:41 ProfessionalBox: of finishes
2014-10-10 15:41 ProfessionalBox: whichever you prefer
2014-10-10 15:42 ProfessionalBox: ok that folder is quite epic
2014-10-10 15:42 ProfessionalBox: but I cant see a .osb file in there
2014-10-10 15:42 Mao:
2014-10-10 15:42 Mao: hm, I have oine
2014-10-10 15:42 Mao: well, then it's just a bug
2014-10-10 15:43 ProfessionalBox: interesting
2014-10-10 15:43 Mao: nothing wrong with that
2014-10-10 15:43 ProfessionalBox: I only have 3 files in there
2014-10-10 15:43 ProfessionalBox: song bg and .osu
2014-10-10 15:43 Mao:
2014-10-10 15:43 Mao: 4 \:D/
2014-10-10 15:43 ProfessionalBox: omg gimme ur super storyboard
2014-10-10 15:43 ProfessionalBox: pls
2014-10-10 15:43 ProfessionalBox: best bat mod ever
2014-10-10 15:43 Mao: lol
2014-10-10 15:43 ProfessionalBox: makes a storyboard while at it
2014-10-10 15:44 ProfessionalBox: Ill update it now?
2014-10-10 15:44 Mao: ye

  • What has been changed:
  1. Changed claps in intense part to Normal to get the strong feeling much better.
  2. Added some hitsounds to a Section.
  3. Added a lot of finishes for emphasis.

Well, most on this was about the overall hitsounding since that was the thing really bothering me. Due to pretty big changes like complete Samplesets I'll, as I've already told you ingame, just give a rebubble. So this is #1.

Have it back ヽ(´ー`)ノ
Topic Starter
Thank you Mao ^^!
inb4 Secretpipe approves this
RESERVING THE POST OMG DAMN forgot to edit this one ;_;
・00:08:078 (1,2,3) - 00:10:837 (1,2,3) - tbh they play/feel kind of empty, i'd add whistles in the rhythm like you did in the very beginning of the map 00:01:182 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - . i understand that this is a calm part but its really empty, the same below
・00:19:113 (1) - 00:24:630 (1) - 00:30:147 (1) - 00:32:906 (1) - 00:35:664 (1) - 00:36:354 (3) - i'd really suggest to add normal sampleset to all of the heads of those sliders and use it on all of sounds like these but since you didnt do it all over the map im a bit confused :( so yeah, i'd suggest a thing like that
・00:50:147 (5,6,7,8,1) - this rhythm is bit out of beats: you mapped the same part here in another way and exactly in the way it should be 01:01:009 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - , i'd really like to see the rhythm you did there, it fits the beats better and plays comfortably
・00:59:802 (1) - 01:00:147 (3) - 01:24:975 (3) - these sounds are really emphasized from those part and if i were you i'd place a drum finisher/clap there, it really fits.(after looking further you used the hitsounds for such sounds, like there 04:57:388 (3) - 05:07:733 (3) - and before, etc) also the actual hitsounding is pretty raw, i mean, you have 01:37:733 - 01:38:423 - sounds like these all over the song for which the fitting hitsound could be used. i saw lots of dnb maps which had this beat ephasized, but if you consider your hitsounding good - i am ok with it, okay
Topic Starter
Thank you for the mod Aka - I changed everything you mentioned ^^!
fixed some more minor stuff via irc~

#2 ~
Topic Starter
Bring it on home!

Pipe is probox's personal ranker lol
Topic Starter
Gratz o3o/

Inyuschan wrote:

inb4 Secretpipe approves this
Gratz o3o/

Sala- wrote:


Gratz Boxy :33
3: ztarg
professional grats!
Topic Starter
Thank you all ^^!
What is this ?
04:56:957 (6,1) -

Frostmourne wrote:

What is this ?
04:56:957 (6,1) -
lol I didn't notice
Topic Starter

Frostmourne wrote:

04:56:957 (6,1) -
It's a good reason for unqualify I'd say
Sorry, needs to get disqualified due to the spacing error at 04:56:957 (6,1) - .

Re-approved! ~

Topic Starter

so if a spacing error is the reason for disqualification, then a qat can re-approve it?

i was kinda told otherwise with p/3407116
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