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I guess I should probably introduce myself since soon I'll be putting my head on the chopping block...and by that I mean submitting beatmaps. ;P

I'm a long time rhythm game addict but complete osu! noob. My most tryhardtastic rhythm experience was Rock Band drums, where I was in the top 50 during the Rock Band 2 era for stock song scores/FC's. I've also dabbled a bit with DDR, and tried a little Drum Mania...which taught me that all the understanding of drums in the world is meaningless if you have a tough time reading the charts. On that note I have no idea how I ended up on osu!, where every dirty trick makes me fail out of even 2 star songs. T.T
Actually I was introduced to it by a friend who showed me some of the biebz' old videos, so I knew well in advance that I'd never attain epic status here.

All kidding aside, I really do like osu! at the level my brain can process, and I've been bit by the mapping bug. My first project is going to be That Person's Name Is by Sound Horizon. (Bravely Default's epic boss theme) There are several others that were started and then abandoned. I hope to be able to finish mine (65% of insane is mapped, will work my way down in difficulty after WIP feedback) and get it approved, though the low percentage of maps for songs that came in the last two years makes me a bit nervous.
My goals/style with mapping seem to be to not having confusing sections that other ranked maps have, such as completely/almost completely obscured stacks, inconsistent distances, and back-and-forth stacking. I also like to have clicks and slider ends matching up with the prominent instrument (no artistic adding of beats, 'cause everyone has different opinions of how to "improve" existing songs), but I still try to be artsy without being confusing. I guess I'm channeling my frustration with some beatmaps (i.e. the 2.0's that kill me even though I've passed a few 3.0's first go) into making beatmaps that are readable and intuitive, but still challenging and not repetitive/boring.

Aside from all that mapping nonsense, personally I'm probably a bit older than a lot of people here, I program for a living but for fun I've also worked on mods for TF2...which I'm utterly addicted to. (Freak Fortress 2 especially, which I've written many sub-plugins for) Like most people here I also like anime, was introduced to what I knew was anime (japanimation back then, lol) with the butchered dub of Sailor Moon nearly two decades ago, and have loved it ever since.

Nice to meet you all.
welcome to osu!, sarysa
what a detailed intro :o
by the way, good luck with your beatmap 👍
Welcome to osu! sarysa!
Best of luck with your maps. From your description it sound like exactly the type of beatmaps I like to play.
I don't play much team fortress 2 but I do love Scout haha.
Welcome to Osu!, enjoy your stay here c:!
Welcome to osu! ^^
Wow the detail looks pretty clear for me
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Detail as in detail for the beatmap? (I think I submitted the insane WIP before you posted...) I'd hope others thought so. The thing I'm most worried about is the offset being +/- 50ms wrong, since I can't seem to get my player calibration right...or maybe I have for some songs and not others. (I've gotten some SS's so maybe there is no perfect calibration, since people are making beatmaps that work/sound right for their calibration)
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