
Krypteria - Liberatio

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Freitag, 29. August 2014 at 22:45:30

Artist: Krypteria
Title: Liberatio
Tags: Krypteria Liberatio piano
BPM: 70
Filesize: 6083kb
Play Time: 03:57
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1,33 stars, 140 notes)
  2. Normal (1,61 stars, 193 notes)
Download: Krypteria - Liberatio
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
The easy mode is finished now! But keep telling me what i can do better =)
This is my first Beatmap, so pls be anxious about me^^
17.8.14 Now mapping the hard one
A few hours later: Looks like I am to stupid to do a hard one (or the songs is just too slow), it will be a normal one :D
And the normal one is done. Tell me what I can do better =)
21.8.14 Moved just everything and do some other stuff with the slider :3

Update: DO NOT MOD!
Hi ^^


  1. Add More Diffs ( minimum : 2 )
  2. Your MP3 is bigger than 192kbps. maximum bit rate for Osu! is 192kbps.
  3. Add Preview Point
  4. The Sound is too loud for this song. use "Soft" and reduce vol.
  5. CS +1

00:17:934 (5,1) - Distance
00:24:363 (4,5,1) - I think It's Strange Shape
00:44:934 (2) - move this to x:432~448
00:49:220 (1,2,3) - I think it's more better shape
00:51:791 (4,5,6) - change shape or move 00:53:506 (7) -
01:10:649 (1) - you use this shape too many. it's can be make your beatmap bored.
01:33:791 (6) - it's better shape, i think
01:36:577 (1) - why you add break time here? i think it's don't need
Topic Starter
Thx a lot: Here you can follow my current update:

Shinonome Nano wrote:

Hi ^^


  1. Add More Diffs ( minimum : 2 ) I will do, next diff will be hard (The songs is not made for insane^^)
  2. Your MP3 is bigger than 192kbps. maximum bit rate for Osu! is 192kbps. done
  3. Add Preview Point done
  4. The Sound is too loud for this song. use "Soft" and reduce vol. done
  5. CS +1 done,i will replace most of the objects

00:17:934 (5,1) - Distance done by replacing
00:24:363 (4,5,1) - I think It's Strange Shape done by replacing
00:44:934 (2) - move this to x:432~448moved to somewhere caused by replacing
00:49:220 (1,2,3) - I think it's more better shape done
00:51:791 (4,5,6) - change shape or move 00:53:506 (7) - done
01:10:649 (1) - you use this shape too many. it's can be make your beatmap bored. changed some of them
01:33:791 (6) - it's better shape, i think done
01:36:577 (1) - why you add break time here? i think it's don't need uhm i will keep an eye on it, i like that break time =/
Topic Starter
wrong section!

its not finished yet, I forgot to change to "still in progress" while uploading =(

Edit: Noted that it's moved to the right section after uploading it again <.<
Topic Starter
Finished now, looking for modder =)
Hello, I'm from your modding queue and doing the M4M.

I can see this is your first map and you've made some beginners mistakes.

- The BPM should be 107 and the offset should be 14941

- You should use Distance snap in the Easy/Normal difficulties. This way you make sure everything is well timed and easy to play, which should be the case since it isn't Hard or Insane

- Try opening AiMod, you can find this in the File tab in the editor. AiMod tells you where you made mistakes, right now it has found a problem with the slider on 02:58:654. Knowing this you can easily finish problems when you change the BPM/offset.

Till you've fixed these problems I can't do a real good mod, but I hope I've helped at least a bit ;)
Topic Starter

MissGeurts wrote:

Hello, I'm from your modding queue and doing the M4M.

I can see this is your first map and you've made some beginners mistakes.

- The BPM should be 107 and the offset should be 14941 How the hell you find out that one? I resettet and tried using yours but it's terrible off-beat. Where did you hear something that's not fit with the tics?

- You should use Distance snap in the Easy/Normal difficulties. This way you make sure everything is well timed and easy to play, which should be the case since it isn't Hard or Insane (easy)I fixed one, but did you even tried ti fix the others (for exmaple 02:39:798 (3,4,5) - ? It's impossible and i do not know why, think it's an AIMOd bug cause i used the distance snap. Sme with the normal diff, I used DS nearly all time, the rest I want to keep

- Try opening AiMod, you can find this in the File tab in the editor. AiMod tells you where you made mistakes, right now it has found a problem with the slider on 02:58:654. Knowing this you can easily finish problems when you change the BPM/offset. Really I hate that AIMod it's a stupid computer with many mistakes

Till you've fixed these problems I can't do a real good mod, but I hope I've helped at least a bit ;)
Would really like it better if you're doing a good mod with keeping my BPM (or telling my why to change it, where you hear anything that not fit with the bpm of 140) ^-^ But still thx for you look-up.
BPM 70
Offset 14928

Just raise the SV to double the amount and move all timing sections accordingly.

On another note, the hitsound volume is much too loud and specifically the claps feel very out of place on a calm song like this (one might argue it's not suited to be clicked circles on in the first place) - you might also want to have a look at my userpage boxes for more general issues that appear throughout your map as I don't quite feel like writing a full-length modpost in here about what is (well, for me) fairly basic stuff :v
I've looked at the bpm, the current one is definitely wrong,after playing around with it I ended up with 70 BPM and an offset of 28 600, the piano is perfectly synced
Topic Starter

Jenny wrote:

BPM 70
Offset 14928

Just raise the SV to double the amount and move all timing sections accordingly.

On another note, the hitsound volume is much too loud and specifically the claps feel very out of place on a calm song like this (one might argue it's not suited to be clicked circles on in the first place) - you might also want to have a look at my userpage boxes for more general issues that appear throughout your map as I don't quite feel like writing a full-length modpost in here about what is (well, for me) fairly basic stuff :v
Changed that, removed the claps and fill in a sound my own on different objects. Hope it will sound now more awsome =)
Topic Starter
Duo to some feedback I replaced all objects in the easy mode - and some on the normal one and do some stuff. - Hope it will make it less ugly^^
hello 3w3

- tag Krypteria, Liberatio, piano comma delete

00:52:642 (6,7) - how this is to use the ctrl + G? and (7) NC add
01:06:356 (1) - whistle add?
02:46:643 (2) - 02:48:570 - 1/4 slide?? why does this slide is located at the blue line?
02:18:357 (4) - NC add?
03:16:643 (5,6,7) - 1/2 slide arrow change?
03:54:356 - Please feel free to complete up to 03:57:785 -

00:14:928 - ~ 01:09:356 - changed to 30% of the volume? It is too loud.
00:16:642 (3) - you hear the sound of the piano 00:17:499 - . After Arrow added, use the ctrl + g
00:24:357 (4) - obscured behind the slide
01:57:785 (1) - clap remove or change whistle
02:04:642 (1) - ^
02:11:500 (1) - also similarly obscured behind the slide. (1) clap remove or change whistle
02:28:642 (5) - NC add
03:23:500 (1,1) - too short an interval of spinner and circle. it is hard to play for beginners.
03:33:893 (6) - adjust the white line.
03:54:356 - 03:57:785 - modify the same Easy with.

02:32:929 - object isn't snapped Aimod
02:35:929 - ^
02:46:429 - ^
02:50:929 - ^

good lucky owo/
but im boring... :o
Topic Starter

-Neipezi wrote:

hello 3w3

- tag Krypteria, Liberatio, piano comma delete fixed thx

00:52:642 (6,7) - how this is to use the ctrl + G? and (7) NC add done
01:06:356 (1) - whistle add? done
02:46:643 (2) - 02:48:570 - 1/4 slide?? why does this slide is located at the blue line?looks like a mistake of me - fixed that
02:18:357 (4) - NC add? done - deleted the NC here instead 02:15:785 (6) -
03:16:643 (5,6,7) - 1/2 slide arrow change? done
03:54:356 - Please feel free to complete up to 03:57:785 - done

00:14:928 - ~ 01:09:356 - changed to 30% of the volume? It is too loud. done
00:16:642 (3) - you hear the sound of the piano 00:17:499 - . After Arrow added, use the ctrl + g done
00:24:357 (4) - obscured behind the slide fixed
01:57:785 (1) - clap remove or change whistle changed to whistle
02:04:642 (1) - ^ changed to whistle
02:11:500 (1) - also similarly obscured behind the slide. (1) clap remove or change whistleboth fixed - change to whistle
02:28:642 (5) - NC add done
03:23:500 (1,1) - too short an interval of spinner and circle. it is hard to play for beginners. fixed - hope its better now
03:33:893 (6) - adjust the white line. How it get off? o.o fixed ^-^
03:54:356 - 03:57:785 - modify the same Easy with. done^^

02:32:929 - object isn't snapped Aimod
02:35:929 - ^
02:46:429 - ^
02:50:929 - ^

good lucky owo/
but im boring... :o
Thx for the mod =) This stupid AIMod make me crazy I use DS all time but it keeps telling me errors -.-
Topic Starter
Sorry for late~


i think this map hitsound lacking. so need supplementation

00:17:499 (4,1) - hmm. this swap NC. flow is piano sound

00:21:785 (3) - be dislocated this? :arrow:

00:35:499 (7,1) - this is awkward flow. swap NC

00:47:494 (4,5,1) - hmm.. 1/2 slider.. not bad but very hard Easy patten. ok. my suggestion use 1/1 sider please here is photo :arrow:

01:02:928 (1) - Here my suggestion

01:10:642 ~ 01:37:213 - this part need kiai time

01:37:213 - add note here~

01:57:785 (5) - NC Here?

02:36:356 (1,2) - flow is bad :o swap NC


00:27:357 (7) - move 316:176 please

00:29:071 (2) - hmm..? this is very awkward slider so slider trim here

00:35:928 (2) - same (^)

00:54:356 (5) - this is blanket? very bad.. Fixed please~

good Luck~
Topic Starter

HabiHolic wrote:

Sorry for late~


i think this map hitsound lacking. so need supplementation

00:17:499 (4,1) - hmm. this swap NC. flow is piano sound done

00:21:785 (3) - be dislocated this? :arrow: foxed

00:35:499 (7,1) - this is awkward flow. swap NCfixed

00:47:494 (4,5,1) - hmm.. 1/2 slider.. not bad but very hard Easy patten. ok. my suggestion use 1/1 sider please here is photo :arrow: fixed

01:02:928 (1) - Here my suggestion to... what? x.x

01:10:642 ~ 01:37:213 - this part need kiai time fixed

01:37:213 - add note here~ done

01:57:785 (5) - NC Here?done

02:36:356 (1,2) - flow is bad :o swap NCdone


00:27:357 (7) - move 316:176 please done

00:29:071 (2) - hmm..? this is very awkward slider so slider trim here done

00:35:928 (2) - same (^) done

00:54:356 (5) - this is blanket? very bad.. Fixed please~

good Luck~
Thx for your mod, I will try to fix more than one blanket again, but it's terrible with keeping the DS ._. Try my best :?
Sorry for trouble >_>

Easy diff 01:02:928 (1) - this photo here :arrow:
Mod from modding queue~

Mod in german because mapper is german~ (Hast du jetzt wohl letztendlich doch hierein gepostet. :D)

  1. Für Mapping-Neulinge empfehle ich generell, den Distance Snapper (DS) anzuschalten und niemals abzuschalten, wenn man einfachere Diffs mappt (Easy und Normal).
    Setze diese Regel bitte für deine beiden Maps auch um.
  2. Du brauchst eine zweite Kiai Time von 01:09:785 - bis 01:37:213 - . Es ist zumindest melodisch die die bereits vorhandene Kiai Time, wieso also auslassen?
  3. Wenn ein Kiai Time beginnt, wie bspw. um 02:32:070 - , solltest du 1.) Sichergehen, dass du die Combo hier neu setzt und 2.) einen klickbaren Beat hier ansetzen (Kreis, Slider-Start).
  4. 'Krypteria' und 'Liberatio' sind überflüssige Tags, da Sängerin und Titel bereits bei den Metadata beschrieben wurde. Bitte lösche die beiden Wörter aus den Tags.
  5. 03:23:499 - Ab hier musst du nochmal rote Timing-Abschnitte ansetzen via F6. Die BPM sinkt stetig, hör sie heraus und setze sie richtig.
    Deshalb brauchst du dich auch nicht arg zu wundern, warum ab 03:27:785 - alles versetzt klingt. Oder konsultiere jemanden, der sich damit auskennt. *rennt weg*
  6. Widescreen-Support solltest du abschalten, wenn du kein Storyboard(SB) mit einbinden willst.
Ich werde hier nicht alles aufzählen, es sind einfach zu viele Dinge, die noch nicht richtig laufen. Deshalb gibt's immer nur Musterbeispiele, an die du dich sptäer richten kannst.
  1. AR4 ist ein wenig zu schnell für eine einfache Map, reduziere es auf 3.
  2. Achte auf einen regelmäßigen Spielfluss. Stelle dir einfach eine gedachte Linie zwischen den Objekten dar, die du mit dem Cursor 'nachzeichnen' musst. Mach keine all zu scharfen Winkel in diese Map rein. Schau dir kurz den GUide hier dazu an. t/86329 . Du hast zwar ein paar nette Ideen aufgebracht bei den Patterns, aber es hilft nichts, wenn du alles wahllos durcheinander setzt. Schau dir besonders den Abschnitt und die Beispiele zu linearem Fluss an, denn darauf sollte sich deine Map am meisten fokussieren.
  3. 00:32:070 (5) - Der Slider sieht ein wenig gekrümmt aus. Wenn du schon einen Anchor (roter Interpol.punkt) reinmachst, dann mach es etwas erkenntlicher:
  4. 00:38:070 (8,1) - Checke bitte deine Blankets (siehe und nutze als Bezugspunkt die jeweiligen Approachcircle zum Checken: (sie genau hin, dein Blanket ist noch nicht perfekt)
  5. 00:52:642 (6,1) - 1 ist unter 6 versteckt, was so ziemlich unleserlich & unrankbar ist bei einfachen maps. Nutze das offene Feld!
  6. 01:02:928 (1) - 1. Für Kreis-Slider hilft der vereinfachter Slider-Algorithmus viel mehr: . 2. So etwas spielt sich sehr langweilig, selbst auf einer einfachen Map. Probier etwas ausgefalleneres hier (nicht zu ausgefallen, achte auf den Charakter des Songs).
  7. 01:33:785 (6) - Versuche nicht so viel zu recyceln. In einem Song, der bereits schon ruhig und langsam genug ist, musst du ein wenig mehr in deiner Map variieren, um die Spieler nicht zu langweilen.
  8. 03:12:356 - An starken, betonten Beats würde ich grundsätzlich immer ein Objekt ansetzen. So auch hier.
  9. 03:51:785 (6) - Wie bereits gesagt, nichts allzu Ausgefallenes.
Lerne erst einmal, die Regeln auf die einfache Map anzuwenden, normale Maps bauen darauf auf.
Falls du was brauchst, schreib mich via PM an. Viel Glück, du wirst es als Neuling brauchen! :)


P.S. If you want, give my mod a very short review so I can improve them: Out of 5 points, how many would you give my mod? Thanks! \o/
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