
Omoi - Nee William

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CDFA wrote:

ayyyy lmaooo that one was funny

Hitsounds consistency pls ;3;. Make sure you claps are all on 2 and 4. You do a decent job, but sometimes it gets lost. ill check

Offset should be 810 for the metronome to be correct. fixed, ty.

00:10:755 (1,2,3,4,1,1,1) - AAAAAaaAaAaAaAAa im doubting how comfortably playable this is meanwhile it stays this way, I don't have any problem though. don't know..
00:27:579 (2,3) - This is sort of weird because, when I'm reading this, I'm expecting a break in between (1) and (2). Where there's not. Plus, having a 1/4 jump here is kinda pointless anyway its fine o.o
00:36:197 (4,5,6) - why is this a thing please help me. (Assume this every other time it comes up, so this mod doesn't take like, a year of space) I don't have any problem about it
01:00:479 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - ok this isn't even in the music i checked. no change
01:05:120 (1,1) - this would be better as a jump rather than a sped up section but i prefer this way
01:23:352 (6) - Overlaps like this don't always look that pretty ;3; it looks fine to me, but i might change it later
02:05:286 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - this isnt even in the music either omg and i even reduxed the volume to see how overmapped it is.

00:59:153 (1,2) - Rhythmically, it's weird how these are grouped in 3 when the drums are most likely grouped into 2. It's to make a change with the previous pattern, no idea of anything else right now, sorry =_=
03:32:302 (3) - lmao just copy-paste (1) or (2) for this. fixed, lol.

00:39:263 - y break same as easy, big density, need more break
02:09:761 (4) - This sounds out of place since there's really no emphasis on this part in the music, but I hear hitnormals here ;3; it's the vocal
02:27:330 (2) - To make this look better, just copy-paste (1) and flip it horizontally and vertically. fixed

a bit boring since it's a lot of 1/1, but it's fine ok, but isn't it how an easy is supposed to be mapped?

Aujourd'hui est un grand jour...
J'ai réussi LA MOITIE de mon mod!!!!!
Bon je poste ça et j’éditerais avec le reste quand je l'aurais fait :p


  1. 01:27:330 (1,1,1,2,1) - Tu n'as pas le droit d'ignorer les 1/4 à 01:27:495, 01:27:578 , 01:27:827 et 01:27:910 et enusite les jouer à 01:28:241 et 01:28:324!
  2. 02:35:617 (1) - Les 1/4 que suivent ce slider commencent 1/2 beat plus tôt.
  3. 03:33:463 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - Moi j'entend des 1/4 de partout ici alors j'aurais plutôt penser que t'aurais mis un stream là.
  4. 03:49:456 - Pourquoi ignorer le 1/4 ici alors que tu l'as mis à 03:48:131 (11,5)?
  1. 00:20:203 (5,6) - Un peu difficile à lire. Je comprend que tu veuilles un jump ici mais je pense que ce genre de pattern colle mieux lorsque les 1/4 s'entendent mieux dans la chanson (comme 00:09:760 (5,6,1,2,3)) parce que 00:20:203 (5) est loin d'être évident à l'écoute et c'est ce qui rend ce pattern pas facile à lire (en tout cas pour moi)
  2. 00:26:004 (1,2,3) - Pas de jump ici? Pourtant tu en as dans tes pattern avant et après. et d'ailleurs ca colle mieux avec la musique. T'as même pas besoin de te casser la tête. Swap 2 et 3 et ça suffit!
  3. 00:28:656 (1,1) - Pourquoi mettre un anti-jump ici? Tu n'en a pas mis à 00:23:352 (1,2,3) ni 03:25:009 (1,2,3) qui sont la même chose musicalement. Les anti-jump sont parfait lorsqu'on a une note puissante suivie d'un blanc dans la musique (comme 00:11:418 (1,1,1)) mais vu que ce n'est pas le cas ici ça me fait toujours bizarre de jouer ce pattern. Pareil pour 03:30:313 (1,1,1).
  4. 00:32:965 (3,4,1) - J'ai vraiment du mal à le lire mais pour le coup c'est peut-être moi. Le pattern est très cool mais c'est le jump de 3 à 4 qui me pose problème parce qu'il colle pas vraiment avec la musique. Mais pour le coup j'ai rien à te conseiller car j'ai rien trouver de mieux que toi ^^'
  5. 00:56:501 (6) - Musicalement on a la même chose que pour 00:57:827 (1) alors je suis surpris de te voie utilisé un stack ici. Ca colle pas très bien avec la musique. Tu devrais avoir un slider 1/2 ici avec un jump comme avec les autres mais je ne trouve pas vraiment de moyen de l'incorporer sans péter tes patterns (qui sont magnifique ici) donc euh... réfléchis-y?
  6. 00:59:816 (5,6,7,1) - Meh... Le stack donne pas un flow super cool. Je pense que tu peux mettre 6 quelque part entre 5 et 7 ca fera mieux.
  7. 01:00:976 (7,8,9,10,11) - En général tu as des courbes très lisses du coup cette partie un peu "pointue" fais pas super joli. faudrait que tu voies si tu peux pas la rendre plus lisse.
  8. 01:08:435 (1,2) - distance x0.8? Wut? Un peu trop proche xD En jouant j'ai cru que c'était du 1/4 à cause de ça.
  9. 01:15:893 (7) - Rajoutes un reverse a la fin du slider? Ca fait vide sinon.
  10. 01:58:159 (4,1) - Pas joli cet overlap.
  11. 01:59:319 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - Triplet/Jump 3x/Triplet c'est peut-être un peu too much ici. On est pas encore dans la partie la plus intense. Alors réduit le jump ou remplace au moins l'un des triplets par un slider 1/4 avec reverse maybe.
  12. 02:08:103 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - La spacing est un ch'ti peux random ici. je pense que quelque chose d'un peux plus constant serait plus cool.
  13. 02:54:512 (1,2,3,4) - Vraiment bizarre à jouer. Ici l'écart entre 1 et 2 est plus grand que celui entre 2 et 3 mais on a du 1/4 entre 1 et 2 et du 1/2 entre 2 et 3. De plus le fait que les têtes des sliders ont un même spacing donnent l'impression que l'écart entre les sliders devraient être de même longueur. Au final ce pattern, même s'il est cool, il est galère a lire....... Je crois que cette phrase résume très bien le 2014 mapping.
  14. 02:58:159 (1,1,1) - Le spacing se comporte bizarrement ici. On a un spacing qui croit progressivement légèrement (x0.8/x1.15/x1.5 au début) et ici on a x1.75/x3.00/x2.1/x1.8 ce qui casse un peu le truc. Et d'ailleurs 02:57:164 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - BEST PATTERN EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.
  15. 03:08:435 (3,1) et 03:09:429 (2,3,4) - Alors là c'est ma plus grande incompréhension de la map. Ca va a l'encontre de tout tes pattern précédants (01:11:087 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) et 02:18:711 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4)) et c'est moche! Pour moi 03:09:098 (1) devrait être à la place de 03:09:761 (3), 03:09:761 (3) devrait être la rotation de là où se trouve maintenant 03:09:098 (1) de 90° dans le sens horraire et 03:10:092 (4) devrait être là ou était 03:09:098 (1).
  1. Bon, je sais qu'on a tout les deux une façon complètement différente de voir les NC mais je vais essayé de les modder le plus objectivement possible. ^^'
  2. 00:22:358 (1,1) - Je ne comprend pas bien l’intérêt des deux NC. Pour mettre en valeur le jump soudain? Mais dans ce cas seul le premier suffit. Pour mettre en valeur les notes? Ouais mais c'est pas des notes super puissantes (comparé à 00:11:418 (1,1,1)) donc pour moi tu peux retirer le 2eme NC. (comme 01:43:905 (1,2))
  3. 00:38:766 (7) - NC? Bizarrement j'aurais plutôt cru que t'en aurais mis là. :p
  4. 00:57:827 (1,1,2,1,2,1) - Mais euh... Ils servent a quoi ces NC? Pas a mettre en valeur la musique parce que... ben il y a rien a mettre en valeur ici (et tu ne les utilisent pas en hard) donc ca doit être pour le pattern mais bon... C'est juste des jumps, les NC n'aident en rien à la lecture. Ils sont parfaitement lisible. Tu n'as pas besoin de NC spam ici.
  5. 01:04:788 (1) - Ce NC ne sert a rien. Je te laisse deviner pourquoi.
  6. 01:10:590 (1,2,3) - ^ Pareil pour la hard.
  7. 02:24:015 (1,2,3,1,2,1,2,1) - Encore des NC bizarres. Surement pour mettre en avant le pattern puisque tu ne les utilisent pas dans ta hard. Mais là encore le pattern est très limpide sans ses NC.
  8. 03:13:739 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - C'est parfaitement lisible sans les NC mais bon ceux-là à la limite... Ca passe.
Bon, j'ai pas pointé les nombreuses blankets qui sont loin d'être parfaites parce que ça aurait rempli le mod pour pas grand chose et c'est loin d'être le plus important mais je te conseille de recheck les blankets de ta map quand même. (parce que encore 00:55:838 (3,4) ça passe mais 01:18:048 (2,3) ça pique et 02:55:838 (1,2) ça brule.)

Ah là là, j'aimerais tellement mapper aussi bien que toi... Mais que les insanes xD

  1. 00:43:821 - Rajoute une note et stacke-là avec 00:43:739 (5) sur 00:43:905 (1) pour avor un triplet sur la tête du slider.
  2. 00:53:185 - meh... c'est un beat important ça quand même. Ne l'ignore pas!
  3. 02:45:230 (1,1) - Euh... non, nope, nada, tu veux esquiver les 3/4 avec un slider et des reverse ok mais fait le jeu JUSQU'AU BOUT. Ce que tu as fait au final c'est encore pire que d'avoir mapper les 3/4 avec des notes car le joueur qui joue les 3/4 avec les reverse de ton slider ne s'attend pas du tout à quitter le slider alors qu'il reste encore un 3/4. C'est inintuitif.
  1. 00:33:960 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - Ce pattern est vraiment difficile a jouer. Tu enchaine, triplet, 4 notes, triplet à 180 BPM pour une hard c'est pas facile. Tu serais dans un moment intense ça passerait mais ici c'est censé être un passage calme. Le joueur vient juste de finir la première partie intense un peu jumpy donc mieux vaut le ménager. (pour le moment :p)
  2. 00:36:612 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Réduit le spacing pour la même raison. Enchainer deux triplets avec un mini-jump c'est pas génial dans ce moment de la chanson.
  3. 00:41:253 (2,1) - T'aurais vraiment pu faire un overlap propre tant que tu y étais!
  4. 01:04:291 (1,2) - (nazi) met-les parfaitement parallèle pour un meilleur effet de style.
  5. 01:21:695 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2) - Bon, je sais que j'avais dit que je ne parlerais pas des blankets (sinon mon mod serait 20x plus long) mais là quand même. Tu utilises le MEME pattern a 3 secondes d'intervalle alors comment t'as fait pour réussir une blanket et foiré l'autre? xo
  6. 01:52:026 (4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - Cet enchainement de jump!!! Ah!!! Calme-toi xD Tu es en hard. Encore plus, tu es dans une partie calme de la hard, garde ce genre de pattern pour le kiai mais laisse les joueurs respirer ici.
  7. 02:05:451 (3,4,5,6,1,2) - La musique est à peu près constante sur cette portion alors l'enchainement "pattern difficile/pattern facile" que tu as ici se joue assez bizarrment. Rajoute des notes avec des petits jumps à 02:07:274 et 02:07:937 pour égaliser la difficulté peut-être?
  8. 02:29:319 (1) - (nazi) bouge-le à x=424 y=80 ca donne une impression que le slider 1 "plonge" dans le slider "2" qui rend pas mal je trouve.
  9. 02:51:860 (1,2) - Ce jump est bien trop difficile pour une hard. A lire et a jouer.
  10. 02:54:512 (1,2,3,4) - Pourquoi des anti-jumps ici? On est dans la partie de la map ou l'intensité monte de plus en plus du coup tu devrais avoir une difficulté qui monte de plus en plus. Mais là tu as une chute soudaine dans la difficulté qui ne colle pas du tout a la musique!
  11. 02:57:164 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - COME ON! C'est le moment le plus intense de la chanson et c'est ridiculement facile. Pourquoi t'as pas fait des jumps progressifs comme t'avais fait dans ton insane? Entre ça et 02:54:512 (1,2,3,4) c'est beaucoup de potentiel dans la chanson que tu passes à côté!
  12. 03:04:788 (1,2,3) - Eloigne-les plus les uns des autres. T'es à la limite de l'anti-jump.
  13. 03:11:418 (4,5,6) - ^
  14. 03:47:551 (1,2,3) - Musicalement ces 3 notes sont identiques à 03:48:877 (1,2) alors ça fait bizarre d'avoir jump entre 3 notes d'un coté et rien entre un slider et une note de l'autre.
  1. 01:12:413 (1,2,1,2) - Nope. Encore une fois ces NC n'aident pas du tout a la lecture du pattern et ne mettent pas plus que ça la chanson en valeur.
Les blankets sont encore pire dans cette diff! xD

On va jouer au jeu du "trouve l'erreur"! Ta easy est AR3, ta normal AR4, ta hard AR8 et ton insane AR9, trouve l'erreur! La franchement tu augmenter l'AR jusqu'à 5 sans problème (peut-être même 6) car là c'est bien trop faible, même pour une normal.
  1. 00:09:761 (4) - Pourquoi ne pas commencer ce slider 1/2 beat plus tôt (et rajouter un reverse). C'est plus logique avec la musique et après un slider 1/1 le 1/2 s'anticipe plutôt bien.
  2. 00:33:960 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Que penses-tu de ce rythme?:

    Il suit plus la voix je sais mais bon, dans cette partie là la voix est prédominante sur la musique alors je trouve ce rythme plus instinctif. Parce que les 1/2 juste après tes sliders 3/2 ils sont assez bizarres rythmiquement je trouve.
  3. 00:38:601 (4) - Rajoutes-y 2 reverse?
  4. 01:00:479 (1,2,3) - Utilises ce rythme?:

    Ton rythm fait un peu vide je pense alors que la chanson est loin d'être vite. J'a rajouté les notes sur les sortes de bruit de tambour qu'on entend dans la musique.
  5. 01:38:932 (1) - C'est bizarre, avant tu utilisais des sldier 3/2 avec une note 1/2 beat après au lieu de slider 2/2 pour représenter ce rythme. Pourquoi simplifier ici? Pareil pour 01:42:247 (2) et 01:46:888 (1) etc..
  6. 02:07:108 - Pourquoi ignorer la voix ici? Dans une normal tu peux mettre des notes 1 beat après un spinner. C'est un peu difficile a lire ici car 180BPM+AR4 mais en augmentant ton AR ca passera sans problème.
  1. 00:15:396 (1) - Bouge le dernier slider point à x=y=276? pour que les deux sliders aillent dans la même direction.
  2. 00:37:938 (3) - Bouge le 3eme slider point to x=24 y=228. La courbe est plus joli comme ça.
  3. 00:58:490 (2) - Bouge le à x=76 y=88 pour une double blanket?
  4. 01:12:413 (3,4) - (nazi) spacing de 1.1 au lieu de 1.0.
  5. 01:23:352 (4) - (nazi) touche légèrement la barre de vie.
  6. 02:22:026 (2,3) - Flow plutôt mauvais ici. Tu peux faire ça:
    Même si 02:21:363 (1,2) devient moins cool, ca reste mieux a jouer.
  7. 02:42:577 (3) - Mauvaise blanket. Bouge le 2eme slider point à x=304 y=212 et le dernier à x=256 y=120. Et le fait que je signale une blanket ici c'est que elles sont (presques) toutes réussies dans cette diff. Halleluia!
  8. 02:44:402 (4) - La courbe est assez moche... Bouge le 2eme slider point à x=240 y=48 peut-être?
  9. 02:45:230 (1,2) - nope, NOPE, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPE. Je m'en fout que ce soit 2 slider, pas de 3/4 dans une normal, jamais!!!!! C'est d'autan plus stupide car on voit que t'as fait un travail sur les polarités alors voir ça dans ta map.... Un seul slider avec 3 reverse et c'est bon.
  10. 02:48:545 (1) - Bouge le 2eme slider point à x=216 y=4 puis bouge le slider à x=140 y=52 pour un meilleur... tout.
  11. 02:55:838 (4,1) - Overlap pas génial. Si tu trouves un moyen de l'éviter essaye.
  12. 02:57:164 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - Si tu te casses la tête a faire une joli courbe alors pourquoi est-ce que la dernière note ne la suit pas du tout? Ca casse tout le truc! Déplace 02:59:816 (1) quelque part vers x=240 y=232.
  13. 03:21:693 (2,4) - Overlap pa bo.
  14. 03:24:678 (4,1) - Je trouve que ca serait mieux si le 4 était stack sur le 1 au lieu de sur 03:24:345 (3).
  15. 03:30:313 (1,3) - T'aurais pu prendre 3 comme étant le symmétrique à 180° de 1. Ca aurait fait plus joli. Comme t'as fait pour 03:32:965 (1,3).
  16. 03:35:617 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - J'adore comment ce passage est surement le moment le plus difficile de ton insane et le plus facile de ta normal xD Mais sinon regarde 2. Bouge le 2eme slider point à x=160 y=132 et le 3eme à x=72 y=200 pour une blanket.
  17. 03:50:203 (1) - Euh, si tu veux donner une forme de spirale à 03:47:551 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2) alors il devrait plutôt se trouver à la place de 1. Peut-être change le pattern comme ça:
  1. 02:11:914 (6) - NC?
  1. 03:09:429 (3) - Si je suit la logique du 1 clap tout les deux beats (que tu suis à 01:11:087 (1,2,3,4,1,2) et 02:18:710 (1,2,3,4,1,2)) alors tu devrais avoir un clap sur le reverse et rien sur les extrémités. Là t'as fait l'inverse.
Ici les blankets sont bien meilleurs que dans la hard bizarrement xD

  1. 00:18:048 (1) - Bouge le 2eme slider point à x=64 y=208 pour une courbe plus belle?
  2. 00:21:030 (4) - Interessant... Une double blanket raté. Bouge le dernier slider point à x=476 y=184.
  3. 00:50:203 (1,2) - Derp spacing. x1.05 au lieu de x1.2. (AI mod est ton ami, un ami attardé certes mais avec ses moments de lucidité)
  4. 01:11:087 (1,2,3) - Peut-être que tu pourrais faire une decroissance reguliere. Ca met plus en valeur les parallèles.
    Un peu comme pour 02:21:363 (1,2,3).
  5. 01:17:717 (3,4) - Ouille, Ouille, Ouille. Cette blanket fait mal aux... Enfin bon, bouge 4 à x=252 y=232.
  6. 01:54:844 (1,2) - Ils sont un peu trop collés l'un-l'autre imo. Deplace 2 un peu plus vers le haut pour les décollés.
  7. 03:43:573 (1) - Oulah, ton slider a une forme bugué. Si tu delete le 2eme slider point puis tu en remet un autre au même endroit tu verras que le slider prend des formes différentes. C'est a cause d'une histoire de changement d'algorithme. Enfin bon, cet effet est pas très joli donc je conseillerais de refaire le slider.
C'est assez étrange, plus on avance dans la diff et plus l'esthétique est soignée. Comme si tu t'ameliorais au fur et a mesure et a mesure. En general c'est l'inverse. Plus les mappeurs avance plus ils arrivent a court d'idée et en général les fins de diff genre Easy/Normal sont pas interessant.... C'était juste une remarque comme ça xD

Bon, conclusion du mod? Alors l'insane est fantastique, je crois que je ne l'ai jamais assez dit et ne le répèterais jamais assez. La hard est la diff qui demande le plus de boulot, notamment au niveau flow et surtout esthétique. La hard est l'une des diffs les plus jouée dans un mapset alors c'est extrêmement important! Quand à la normal et easy elle sont assez classique. L'esthetique a besoin d'être un peu plus polie à certains moment mais en général les diffs n'ont rien a se reprocher.

Voilà, voilà. c'était long et laborieux mais j'ai RÉUSSI A FINIR LE MOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Dance de la joie*
Topic Starter
Si tu vois des choses que t'as propose qui sont pas retranscrites dans le quote c'est que j'ai change hein.

rezoons wrote:

Aujourd'hui est un grand jour...
J'ai réussi LA MOITIE de mon mod!!!!! Ca va c'etait rapide ^^
Bon je poste ça et j’éditerais avec le reste quand je l'aurais fait :p NP

  1. 03:33:463 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - Moi j'entend des 1/4 de partout ici alors j'aurais plutôt penser que t'aurais mis un stream là. C'est pour mettre en valeur 03:33:794 (8,9)
  1. 00:20:203 (5,6) - Un peu difficile à lire. Je comprend que tu veuilles un jump ici mais je pense que ce genre de pattern colle mieux lorsque les 1/4 s'entendent mieux dans la chanson (comme 00:09:760 (5,6,1,2,3)) parce que 00:20:203 (5) est loin d'être évident à l'écoute et c'est ce qui rend ce pattern pas facile à lire (en tout cas pour moi) Je comprend ce que tu veux dire, d'un autre cote ca me gene pas comme ca. Dans le doute, je laisse comme ca du coup
  2. 00:28:656 (1,1) - Pourquoi mettre un anti-jump ici? Tu n'en a pas mis à 00:23:352 (1,2,3) ni 03:25:009 (1,2,3) qui sont la même chose musicalement. Les anti-jump sont parfait lorsqu'on a une note puissante suivie d'un blanc dans la musique (comme 00:11:418 (1,1,1)) mais vu que ce n'est pas le cas ici ça me fait toujours bizarre de jouer ce pattern. Pareil pour 03:30:313 (1,1,1). Bah je trouve qu'il y a comme une sorte de blanc justement, pas autant evident que celui que tu as cite mais bon, dans ma logique ca va. Puis je trouve que les deux patterns en question colle bien avec la musique d'ailleurs.
  3. 00:32:965 (3,4,1) - J'ai vraiment du mal à le lire mais pour le coup c'est peut-être moi. Le pattern est très cool mais c'est le jump de 3 à 4 qui me pose problème parce qu'il colle pas vraiment avec la musique. Mais pour le coup j'ai rien à te conseiller car j'ai rien trouver de mieux que toi ^^' Oui, j'avais un peu galerer, et ca peut surprendre la premiere fois, mais en fin de compte je le trouve pas mal comme ca, puis j;ai encore jamais vu de gros miss/slider break. C'est juste un peu cafouillis a la premiere play generalement donc ca me derange pas plus que ca.
  4. 00:56:501 (6) - Musicalement on a la même chose que pour 00:57:827 (1) alors je suis surpris de te voie utilisé un stack ici. Ca colle pas très bien avec la musique. Tu devrais avoir un slider 1/2 ici avec un jump comme avec les autres mais je ne trouve pas vraiment de moyen de l'incorporer sans péter tes patterns (qui sont magnifique ici) donc euh... réfléchis-y? La melodie est la meme, certes, cependant au niveau des beats, c'pas pareil. Le deuxieme pattern a un cote plus "smooth" que le boom.boom.boom du premier.
  5. 00:59:816 (5,6,7,1) - Meh... Le stack donne pas un flow super cool. Je pense que tu peux mettre 6 quelque part entre 5 et 7 ca fera mieux. Je vais etre franc du pourquoi je change pas: Il y a pas de place.
  6. 01:00:976 (7,8,9,10,11) - En général tu as des courbes très lisses du coup cette partie un peu "pointue" fais pas super joli. faudrait que tu voies si tu peux pas la rendre plus lisse. J'avais pas remarquer O.o j'ai un peu changer, c'est pas tres flagrant mais ca devrait etre mieux.
  7. 01:08:435 (1,2) - distance x0.8? Wut? Un peu trop proche xD En jouant j'ai cru que c'était du 1/4 à cause de ça. Je peux difficilement faire mieux que du 0.9
  8. 01:15:893 (7) - Rajoutes un reverse a la fin du slider? Ca fait vide sinon. J'ai rajouter une note plutot
  9. 01:58:159 (4,1) - Pas joli cet overlap. Je l'ai un peu modifie, encore une fois, c'est pas tres flagrant xD. Je trouve que l'overlap passe plutot innapercu en gameplay cependant. Avant c'etait pas comme ca, mais le jump (pour eviter l'overlap) de ce slider faisait que tout le monde se plantait ici (je suspecte Cherry blossom d'avoir shitmiss ici lol).
  10. 01:59:319 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - Triplet/Jump 3x/Triplet c'est peut-être un peu too much ici. On est pas encore dans la partie la plus intense. Alors réduit le jump ou remplace au moins l'un des triplets par un slider 1/4 avec reverse maybe. Ca changera pas grand chose au jump cela dit et la partie d'apres laisse le temps de se remettre justement, je dis ca parce que je trouve pas qu'un slider reverse soit vraiment chouette ici.
  11. 02:54:512 (1,2,3,4) - Vraiment bizarre à jouer. Ici l'écart entre 1 et 2 est plus grand que celui entre 2 et 3 mais on a du 1/4 entre 1 et 2 et du 1/2 entre 2 et 3. De plus le fait que les têtes des sliders ont un même spacing donnent l'impression que l'écart entre les sliders devraient être de même longueur. Au final ce pattern, même s'il est cool, il est galère a lire....... Je crois que cette phrase résume très bien le 2014 mapping. J'ai change, ca me parait mieux en theorie, a voir dans la pratique, j'en ai profiter pour corriger le blanket d'apres kofkof
  12. 02:58:159 (1,1,1) - Le spacing se comporte bizarrement ici. On a un spacing qui croit progressivement légèrement (x0.8/x1.15/x1.5 au début) et ici on a x1.75/x3.00/x2.1/x1.8 ce qui casse un peu le truc. Et d'ailleurs 02:57:164 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - BEST PATTERN EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Apres on allait passer a du jump de fou lol. En plus, according to the music, a partir dudeuxieme slider que t'as cite, le reverse est plus long, c'est donc normal de reduire un peu le jump pour eviter que ca se joue mal. Puis apres du plus petit au plus grand (je parle du DS) c'est du plus grand au plus petit... je vois pas trop le probleme ><. Merci en tous les cas lol
  13. 03:08:435 (3,1) et 03:09:429 (2,3,4) - Alors là c'est ma plus grande incompréhension de la map. Ca va a l'encontre de tout tes pattern précédants (01:11:087 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) et 02:18:711 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4)) et c'est moche! Pour moi 03:09:098 (1) devrait être à la place de 03:09:761 (3), 03:09:761 (3) devrait être la rotation de là où se trouve maintenant 03:09:098 (1) de 90° dans le sens horraire et 03:10:092 (4) devrait être là ou était 03:09:098 (1). uhhhhh... je crois que c'est fix... somehow o.o
  1. Bon, je sais qu'on a tout les deux une façon complètement différente de voir les NC mais je vais essayé de les modder le plus objectivement possible. ^^'
  2. 00:22:358 (1,1) - Je ne comprend pas bien l’intérêt des deux NC. Pour mettre en valeur le jump soudain? Mais dans ce cas seul le premier suffit. Pour mettre en valeur les notes? Ouais mais c'est pas des notes super puissantes (comparé à 00:11:418 (1,1,1)) donc pour moi tu peux retirer le 2eme NC. (comme 01:43:905 (1,2)) Bon, je pourrais le changer, mais je vais tenter une explication. Deja on est d'accord que ca a beau etre le meme pattern l'effet donne dans le pattern en question et ton example est tres different, c'est ce que ca montre avec le NC a savoir: 00:22:026 (1) - vocal, 00:22:358 (1) - musique 00:22:523 (1) - vocal 00:22:689 (1) - music 00:23:352 (1) - restart sur un rythme "normal"
  3. 00:38:766 (7) - NC? Bizarrement j'aurais plutôt cru que t'en aurais mis là. :p More NC ! Hourra ! Hourra! (Celui-ci n'etait pas evident pour moi though.
  4. 00:57:827 (1,1,2,1,2,1) - Mais euh... Ils servent a quoi ces NC? Pas a mettre en valeur la musique parce que... ben il y a rien a mettre en valeur ici (et tu ne les utilisent pas en hard) donc ca doit être pour le pattern mais bon... C'est juste des jumps, les NC n'aident en rien à la lecture. Ils sont parfaitement lisible. Tu n'as pas besoin de NC spam ici. Deja 1. Pour moi, le pattern va pas sans ces NC. Je vais tenter d'expliquer pourquoi autrement que "c'est visuel". Et la raison c'est que sans tout ces NC, le pattern serait bien trop messy. Je dis pas que ca changerai quelque chose au niveau de la lecture (meme si je pense que c'est plus simple comme ca, le une deux, une deux) mais grace aux NCs, le pattern parait bien plus light.
  5. 01:04:788 (1) - Ce NC ne sert a rien. Je te laisse deviner pourquoi. ok, ok i.i
  6. 01:10:590 (1,2,3) - ^ Pareil pour la hard. Pour le coup, ca foutrait en l'air le pattern precedent ou suivant d'autre part j'aime beaucoup le fait de mettre ce triple "a part" . Genre, tu finis le pattern precedent -puis- tu fais le triple -puis- tu fais des cercles. Apres je sais que je les ai pas fait pour les deux autres kiai, je pourrais, mais au moins ca fous pas en l'air les patterns... e.e A voir...
  7. 02:24:015 (1,2,3,1,2,1,2,1) - Encore des NC bizarres. Surement pour mettre en avant le pattern puisque tu ne les utilisent pas dans ta hard. Mais là encore le pattern est très limpide sans ses NC. Ils sont gwave cools.
  8. 03:13:739 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - C'est parfaitement lisible sans les NC mais bon ceux-là à la limite... Ca passe. ^
Bon, j'ai pas pointé les nombreuses blankets qui sont loin d'être parfaites parce que ça aurait rempli le mod pour pas grand chose et c'est loin d'être le plus important mais je te conseille de recheck les blankets de ta map quand même. (parce que encore 00:55:838 (3,4) ça passe mais 01:18:048 (2,3) ça pique et 02:55:838 (1,2) ça brule.) J;ai fix cela, je tacherais de refaire un check

Ah là là, j'aimerais tellement mapper aussi bien que toi... Mais que les insanes xD Ahaha, merci ^^

all fixed

  1. 00:33:960 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - Ce pattern est vraiment difficile a jouer. Tu enchaine, triplet, 4 notes, triplet à 180 BPM pour une hard c'est pas facile. Tu serais dans un moment intense ça passerait mais ici c'est censé être un passage calme. Le joueur vient juste de finir la première partie intense un peu jumpy donc mieux vaut le ménager. (pour le moment :p) Je trouve pas que ce soit une partie intense..mais oppressante!
  2. 00:36:612 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Réduit le spacing pour la même raison. Enchainer deux triplets avec un mini-jump c'est pas génial dans ce moment de la chanson. oukay
  3. 00:41:253 (2,1) - T'aurais vraiment pu faire un overlap propre tant que tu y étais! hihihi
  4. 01:04:291 (1,2) - (nazi) met-les parfaitement parallèle pour un meilleur effet de style. Ca sert a rien de preciser "nazi", mes diffs en ont besoin.
  5. 01:21:695 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2) - Bon, je sais que j'avais dit que je ne parlerais pas des blankets (sinon mon mod serait 20x plus long) mais là quand même. Tu utilises le MEME pattern a 3 secondes d'intervalle alors comment t'as fait pour réussir une blanket et foiré l'autre? xo xD
  6. 01:52:026 (4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - Cet enchainement de jump!!! Ah!!! Calme-toi xD Tu es en hard. Encore plus, tu es dans une partie calme de la hard, garde ce genre de pattern pour le kiai mais laisse les joueurs respirer ici. ow noon i.i j'aime trop ce pattern i.i
  7. 02:54:512 (1,2,3,4) - Pourquoi des anti-jumps ici? On est dans la partie de la map ou l'intensité monte de plus en plus du coup tu devrais avoir une difficulté qui monte de plus en plus. Mais là tu as une chute soudaine dans la difficulté qui ne colle pas du tout a la musique! je les ai espaces. :o je sais pas si c'est bon i.i
  8. 02:57:164 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - COME ON! C'est le moment le plus intense de la chanson et c'est ridiculement facile. Pourquoi t'as pas fait des jumps progressifs comme t'avais fait dans ton insane? Entre ça et 02:54:512 (1,2,3,4) c'est beaucoup de potentiel dans la chanson que tu passes à côté! bahhh... J'ai change ^^" A voir s'il faut que je rechange.
  1. 01:12:413 (1,2,1,2) - Nope. Encore une fois ces NC n'aident pas du tout a la lecture du pattern et ne mettent pas plus que ça la chanson en valeur. J'en etais sur... x)
Les blankets sont encore pire dans cette diff! xD je recheckerai

Le reste à venir.... Toi qui disait que ce serait un mod rapide... i.i desole! lol
Topic Starter

rezoons wrote:

01:38:932 (1) - C'est bizarre, avant tu utilisais des sldier 3/2 avec une note 1/2 beat après au lieu de slider 2/2 pour représenter ce rythme. Pourquoi simplifier ici? Pareil pour 01:42:247 (2) et 01:46:888 (1) etc.. j'en ai change d'autre en passant du coup
  1. 00:15:396 (1) - Bouge le dernier slider point à x=y=276? pour que les deux sliders aillent dans la même direction. J'ai un peu changer, du coup o.o. t'as pas precise le x
  2. 02:42:577 (3) - Mauvaise blanket. Bouge le 2eme slider point à x=304 y=212 et le dernier à x=256 y=120. Et le fait que je signale une blanket ici c'est que elles sont (presques) toutes réussies dans cette diff. Halleluia! yaay
  3. 02:44:402 (4) - La courbe est assez moche... Bouge le 2eme slider point à x=240 y=48 peut-être? j'aime assez comme ca honnetement
  4. 02:48:545 (1) - Bouge le 2eme slider point à x=216 y=4 puis bouge le slider à x=140 y=52 pour un meilleur... tout. bien vu
  5. 02:57:164 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - Si tu te casses la tête a faire une joli courbe alors pourquoi est-ce que la dernière note ne la suit pas du tout? Ca casse tout le truc! Déplace 02:59:816 (1) quelque part vers x=240 y=232. Je n'ai que legerement change, car je veux quand meme que la derniere note soit un peu en "decale" comme si c'etait le centre de la courbe en question quoi.
  6. 03:35:617 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - J'adore comment ce passage est surement le moment le plus difficile de ton insane et le plus facile de ta normal xD hahahaha Mais sinon regarde 2. Bouge le 2eme slider point à x=160 y=132 et le 3eme à x=72 y=200 pour une blanket. t'as pas precise lequel de 2, j;en ai conclu que c'etait le premier slider.
  7. 03:50:203 (1) - Euh, si tu veux donner une forme de spirale à 03:47:551 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2) alors il devrait plutôt se trouver à la place de pense que c;est bon (?)

Ici les blankets sont bien meilleurs que dans la hard bizarrement xD elite mapper 8-)

Le reste à venir....
Merci :3

PS: Ce qui n;est pas mentionne a été change
Topic Starter

rezoons wrote:

  1. 00:18:048 (1) - Bouge le 2eme slider point à x=64 y=208 pour une courbe plus belle? Je l'ai arrange, mais a ma facon.
  2. 00:50:203 (1,2) - Derp spacing. x1.05 au lieu de x1.2. (AI mod est ton ami, un ami attardé certes mais avec ses moments de lucidité) hahaha
C'est assez étrange, plus on avance dans la diff et plus l'esthétique est soignée. Comme si tu t'ameliorais au fur et a mesure et a mesure. En general c'est l'inverse. Plus les mappeurs avance plus ils arrivent a court d'idée et en général les fins de diff genre Easy/Normal sont pas interessant.... C'était juste une remarque comme ça xD

Bon, conclusion du mod? Alors l'insane est fantastique, je crois que je ne l'ai jamais assez dit et ne le répèterais jamais assez. La hard est la diff qui demande le plus de boulot, notamment au niveau flow et surtout esthétique. La hard est l'une des diffs les plus jouée dans un mapset alors c'est extrêmement important! Quand à la normal et easy elle sont assez classique. L'esthetique a besoin d'être un peu plus polie à certains moment mais en général les diffs n'ont rien a se reprocher.

Voilà, voilà. c'était long et laborieux mais j'ai RÉUSSI A FINIR LE MOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Dance de la joie*
Merci !
From my modding queue :)


1. Not recommended for changing SVs.

2. 02:05:451 (1) - This spinner is quite short + can replace it with a long slider. A bonus for making this change is you can map 02:07:108 too.

3. 02:18:711 (1,2) - You can try mirroring these two. Short and cute sliders like this doesn't make a good fitting pattern I think.

4. 03:18:380 (1,2,3) - About these...creating a perfect mirror is more better :D and the circle can be placed between the mirror.

5. 03:48:877 (1,2,3) - This part is a little confusing...? Using note 3 as a new combo will increase readability.


0. AR6 on normal...not so popular :) not sure if acceptable but the recommended value is 5.

1. 00:32:634 (1,2,3) - A reversed slider can replace it...or a triangle (not jumps) will look better?

2. 01:03:131 (1) - Short spinner here :D same issue as Easy.

3. 01:11:087 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - You can try a combination of circles and sliders (and perhaps some reversed ones) will greatly add in variety and make it more interesting.

4. 01:28:324 (1) - So far away from the center ;) you can place it somewhere near the center of the screen.

5. 02:05:451 (1) - Same as 2.

6. 02:20:700 (4,1) - Mirror them :D

7. 02:50:534 (1,2) - Same as 6. Note: you might need to change the location of other notes if you do this change.


1. Generally, you can just stack the sliders' head with the previous sliders' tail. Overlapping looks strange. Examples are on 00:12:744 (1,2) , 00:14:070 (1,2) - etc.

2. 02:18:711 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - You can try using the combination of circles, 1/2 beat sliders and 1/2 beat reversed sliders here. 1/2 beat long slider spam looks boring.

A little extra you might ignore
1. In fact, you can rename Hard to Insane and Insane to Extra. You mapped them at that level lol.

Done here :) Remember to edit your request post in my modding queue to tell that the request is completed :D
Topic Starter

jinhang_ang wrote:

From my modding queue :)


1. Not recommended for changing SVs. It was just 1 single slider right after a break, but ok.

2. 02:05:451 (1) - This spinner is quite short + can replace it with a long slider. A bonus for making this change is you can map 02:07:108 too. the spinner fits well though..

3. 02:18:711 (1,2) - You can try mirroring these two. Short and cute sliders like this doesn't make a good fitting pattern I think. What do you mean? I don't see the problem here

4. 03:18:380 (1,2,3) - About these...creating a perfect mirror is more better :D and the circle can be placed between the mirror. I don't get neither, each slider are a copy of each other.

5. 03:48:877 (1,2,3) - This part is a little confusing...? Using note 3 as a new combo will increase readability. I think it's ok. 3 NC wouldnt fit the music. So we'll see.


0. AR6 on normal...not so popular :) not sure if acceptable but the recommended value is 5. Someone actually said that 6 might be good for this and I believe him. I don't mind putting 5. Each mod, someone is suggesting a different AR anyway xD.

1. 00:32:634 (1,2,3) - A reversed slider can replace it...or a triangle (not jumps) will look better? I like the triple-like.

2. 01:03:131 (1) - Short spinner here :D same issue as Easy. It's fine to me.

3. 01:11:087 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - You can try a combination of circles and sliders (and perhaps some reversed ones) will greatly add in variety and make it more interesting. Actually no, cause it's this way on the insane.

4. 01:28:324 (1) - So far away from the center ;) you can place it somewhere near the center of the screen. But my pattern would be dead? I don't see the point ><

5. 02:05:451 (1) - Same as 2.Same as 2, sorry ><

6. 02:20:700 (4,1) - Mirror them :D ?

7. 02:50:534 (1,2) - Same as 6. Note: you might need to change the location of other notes if you do this change. But why? ><


1. Generally, you can just stack the sliders' head with the previous sliders' tail. Overlapping looks strange. Examples are on 00:12:744 (1,2) , 00:14:070 (1,2) - etc. It's ok to me.

2. 02:18:711 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - You can try using the combination of circles, 1/2 beat sliders and 1/2 beat reversed sliders here. 1/2 beat long slider spam looks boring. same as normal, no cause insane. i.i

A little extra you might ignore
1. In fact, you can rename Hard to Insane and Insane to Extra. You mapped them at that level lol.
But there would be no hard diff...

Done here :) Remember to edit your request post in my modding queue to tell that the request is completed :D
Thank you for your time o/
17:14 *Chewin is editing [ Omoi - Hey William [Easy]]
17:14 Chewin: make the kiai times consistent between diffs
17:14 Chewin: they aren't
17:14 Chewin: check with aibat
17:16 Chewin: stop being in idle :(
17:18 Yales: sorry
17:18 Yales: first, how do i check with aibat? 2. why they are not consistant I thought I fixied it
17:19 Chewin: you didn't
17:19 Chewin:
17:19 Chewin:
17:19 Yales: ohhh
17:20 Yales: ok, I'm fixing it, thank you!
17:20 Chewin: :D
17:21 Chewin: 00:09:594 (4) - delete and do this: (normal diff)
17:22 Yales: ok
17:23 Chewin: 00:15:396 (1) - this slider could confuse players being a normal.. just make it in this way? like 00:16:722 (3) - :
17:25 Yales: sure
17:25 Chewin: 00:38:601 (4) - remove two repeats and add a new 1/2 slider
17:25 Yales: did you reduce the spacing ?
17:25 Chewin: place it at the same place
17:25 Chewin: i gave you only the example
17:25 Yales: ok
17:28 Chewin: 02:45:230 (1) - too much repeats it may confuse really much
17:28 Chewin: try to find something different for it
17:29 Chewin: passing to the hard diff
17:30 Yales: ok ill check the last point after, hard thing ><
17:30 Chewin: 00:14:733 (3) - : keep the same pattern with not stacking the circles under sliders:
17:31 Yales: ok
17:32 Chewin: 00:24:345 (4) - move to x:416 y:196 to give it the same logic of00:23:352 (1,2) - together with 00:24:015 (3)'s one
17:33 Yales: oh, cool :D
17:34 Chewin: 00:59:318 (1,2) - this is confusing after 2 1/2 sliders and one 1/2 slider with a repeat, I mean00:58:159 (1,2,3) - and 00:56:833 (1,2,3) -
17:34 Chewin: do the same for these 00:59:318 (1,2) - as well
17:35 Yales: ok
17:37 Chewin: 02:45:229 (1) - same for this slider pls it confused me too! xD
17:38 Yales: ok i'll see this as well ;s
17:38 Chewin: ok it's hard as hard diff but still cool :)
17:39 Yales: alright
17:39 Yales: nice
17:41 Chewin: 00:20:203 (5,6) - idk i would reduce the spacing.. (insane)
17:41 Chewin: 00:36:529 (6) - delete circle, to be consistent with all other stanzas
17:42 Chewin: move the next slider to a better place making a little jump
17:44 Yales: ok except the first point, really i.i
17:45 Chewin: k
17:45 Chewin: 00:46:556 (4,5,6,7) - i find this still hard..
17:45 Chewin: i will think about it for you
17:45 Chewin: and if you like it you will change
17:46 Yales: ok, no problem
17:47 Chewin: wtf I mean this 00:54:181 (5,6,7) -
17:47 Chewin: now that one
17:48 Yales: yes
17:48 Yales: i was thinking about it
17:48 Yales: I remember you told me you didnt like it that much
17:50 Chewin:
17:50 Chewin: much much better
17:50 Chewin: except for 00:55:174 (1) - you should find a good shape for it to make it better to see and play with next sliders
17:51 Chewin: 00:57:413 (3) - remove circle
17:51 Chewin: this sudden spacing lol
17:51 Yales: lol, ok xD I like your pattern, i'll try to do smthing similar in a way that the next pattern isnt destroy by the last slider
17:52 Chewin: 01:01:805 (17,1) - reduce the
17:52 Chewin:
17:53 Yales: reduced, but not as much as you
17:53 Yales:
17:53 Chewin: mh okay
17:55 Chewin: 01:43:407 (6,7,1) - reduce pls..
17:55 Chewin: still confusing
17:55 Chewin: don't forget the bpm is high
17:55 Chewin: and that's not intuitive
17:55 Chewin: for nothing
17:55 Yales: ok
17:56 Chewin: 02:06:777 (17,1) - try to give it the same spacing of the one you fixed befoire
17:57 Yales: ok sure
17:59 Chewin: 02:12:577 (1,1) - reduce the spacing, also, i would find a different placement between these 1/8 sliders
17:59 Chewin: actually the idea is cool, but i don't like the spacing and the placements
17:59 Chewin: unjoyable to play
17:59 Chewin: i highly suggest you to find an other way, a cooler one :)=
17:59 Chewin: :)
18:00 Yales: mhhh
18:00 Chewin: i remember I missed there
18:00 Chewin: cuz bad cursor movement
18:00 Chewin: lol
18:01 Yales: I know it's hard
18:01 Yales: but .. I find the pattern so cool though xD
18:01 Chewin: 1/8 is cool
18:01 Chewin: but the placement is shitty
18:01 Chewin: honestly
18:01 Chewin: lol.
18:02 Chewin: try to place them in a different way keeping the 1/8 slider pattenr
18:02 Chewin: I like it too.
18:02 Chewin: 02:55:838 (1,2,3,4) - do the same of02:54:512 (1,2,3,4) -
18:03 Yales: oh XD yes, sure
18:03 Chewin: 03:12:496 (5) - place at x:328 y:48 like the old parts
18:04 Chewin: 03:30:976 (1,2,3,4) - change the position of 2 and 4 in this way:
18:05 Chewin: that's all! let me know when you have updated
21:33 Chewin: 00:14:732 (3,4) -
21:33 Chewin: OMG
21:33 Chewin: I SUCK
21:33 Chewin: IT WAS 1/2
21:33 Chewin: I THOUGHT IT WAS 1/4
21:33 Chewin: SORRY
21:33 Chewin: LOL
21:33 Yales: yes, i was confused but
21:33 Yales: lol
21:33 Chewin: .. why didn't you ask? -.-
21:33 Chewin: fix it but don't stack
21:33 Chewin: it's a mod not a must
21:33 Yales: y0u're the pro e.e
21:33 Chewin: you can refuse if you don't wnat eh
21:33 Chewin: yea I am pro at modding
21:33 Chewin: but I can do mistakes too ^^
21:34 Yales: I have no clue how to map hard/normal/easy i.i
21:34 Chewin: you mapped easy and normal on hey williamo very nicely
21:34 Chewin: gogo do it for my map too
21:34 Chewin: lol
21:34 Chewin: if you don't want I will ask someone else <.<
21:34 Yales: i'll try my best ! xD
21:35 Chewin: when you start
21:35 Chewin: it's easy to keep going
21:35 Chewin: the hardest thing is starting
21:35 Chewin: after it, it will be natural
21:35 Chewin: if I say this it's so, i mapped today hard and normal and finished insane yestarday
21:35 Chewin: trust me :D
21:35 Chewin: and im a shit mapper
21:35 Yales: :P
21:36 Yales: fixed the shitty thing in hard, just pls
21:36 Yales: have a look on the normal for this
21:37 Yales: 00:38:601 (4,5) -
21:37 Yales: if it's ok
21:37 Chewin: 00:59:318 (1,2,3) - you misunderstood me, I meant:
21:37 Chewin: yes it is
21:38 Yales: oh my bad
21:38 Yales: i suck wtf
21:39 Chewin: ye suck my dick
21:39 Chewin: <3
21:39 Yales: :D:D
21:41 Chewin: hard: 03:06:777 (5,6) - inconsistent spacing
21:42 Chewin: move the 6 further from 5's tail
21:43 Yales: ok
21:46 Chewin: 00:27:577 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - what about placing them in this way to have a better movement. even because the (4) should be placed further from the previous slider cuz of 1-2 jump
21:48 Yales: mhhh
21:48 Yales: ya you might be right
21:48 Chewin: I am. :DD
21:48 Yales: xD
21:48 Chewin: actually the 4 is too close at that slider
21:48 Chewin: and you must move it further and I got that idea
21:48 Chewin: if you find an other one show it me :d
21:49 Yales: It's fine the way you did I like
21:49 Chewin: 01:55:671 maybe add a circle? o.o there aren't any holeas on other parts
21:49 Chewin: 01:55:671
21:49 Chewin: 01:55:671 -
21:49 Yales: (I always hesitate a lot, cause it feels weird to change a pattern you're used to lol)
21:50 Yales: no
21:50 Yales: you already asked me it
21:50 Yales: but
21:50 Yales: really
21:50 Yales: the whole part is mapped this way
21:50 Yales: but it's usually a 1/1 slider
21:50 Yales: the rythme feels really weird to me
21:50 Chewin: 01:59:650 (7,8,9,10) - place them in this way: better cursor jumping movement <3
21:51 Chewin: forgot it, i dind't remember i asked it you already :P
21:51 Chewin: im fine with those 1/8 sliders now :D
21:52 Yales: nice!!
21:52 Yales: and for your last point
21:52 Yales: you mean I should change position only
21:52 Yales: 01:59:982 (10) -
21:52 Yales: right?
21:52 Yales: Ah
21:52 Yales: no
21:52 Yales: ok
21:52 Yales: ok I take
21:53 Chewin: the triplet too
21:53 Yales: yep
21:53 Chewin: when I mod I always imagine I'm testing it :P
21:53 Chewin: this is the best way of modding
21:53 Chewin: :DD
21:53 Chewin: and yea, placed in that way it's much betterr to play
21:54 Chewin: 03:12:496 (5) - you didn't fix this, place this circle at:
21:54 Chewin: like the previous parts
21:54 Yales: oh
21:54 Yales: i forgot it
21:55 Yales: but thanks for the screen cause i didnt get it xD
21:55 Chewin: btwe last stream flow is beautiful lol
21:55 Chewin: update it
21:55 Chewin: the time is arrived
21:55 Chewin: now the map is much better and ready to go.

Come On. Let this mapset go for rank!
We have a future pro mapper here. This map is really fun, like all your next ones in pending status :3
Enjoy your first bubble and good luck with the rank!

Topic Starter

Chewin wrote:

17:14 *Chewin is editing [ Omoi - Hey William [Easy]]
17:14 Chewin: make the kiai times consistent between diffs
17:14 Chewin: they aren't
17:14 Chewin: check with aibat
17:16 Chewin: stop being in idle :(
17:18 Yales: sorry
17:18 Yales: first, how do i check with aibat? 2. why they are not consistant I thought I fixied it
17:19 Chewin: you didn't
17:19 Chewin:
17:19 Chewin:
17:19 Yales: ohhh
17:20 Yales: ok, I'm fixing it, thank you!
17:20 Chewin: :D
17:21 Chewin: 00:09:594 (4) - delete and do this: (normal diff)
17:22 Yales: ok
17:23 Chewin: 00:15:396 (1) - this slider could confuse players being a normal.. just make it in this way? like 00:16:722 (3) - :
17:25 Yales: sure
17:25 Chewin: 00:38:601 (4) - remove two repeats and add a new 1/2 slider
17:25 Yales: did you reduce the spacing ?
17:25 Chewin: place it at the same place
17:25 Chewin: i gave you only the example
17:25 Yales: ok
17:28 Chewin: 02:45:230 (1) - too much repeats it may confuse really much
17:28 Chewin: try to find something different for it
17:29 Chewin: passing to the hard diff
17:30 Yales: ok ill check the last point after, hard thing ><
17:30 Chewin: 00:14:733 (3) - : keep the same pattern with not stacking the circles under sliders:
17:31 Yales: ok
17:32 Chewin: 00:24:345 (4) - move to x:416 y:196 to give it the same logic of00:23:352 (1,2) - together with 00:24:015 (3)'s one
17:33 Yales: oh, cool :D
17:34 Chewin: 00:59:318 (1,2) - this is confusing after 2 1/2 sliders and one 1/2 slider with a repeat, I mean00:58:159 (1,2,3) - and 00:56:833 (1,2,3) -
17:34 Chewin: do the same for these 00:59:318 (1,2) - as well
17:35 Yales: ok
17:37 Chewin: 02:45:229 (1) - same for this slider pls it confused me too! xD
17:38 Yales: ok i'll see this as well ;s
17:38 Chewin: ok it's hard as hard diff but still cool :)
17:39 Yales: alright
17:39 Yales: nice
17:41 Chewin: 00:20:203 (5,6) - idk i would reduce the spacing.. (insane)
17:41 Chewin: 00:36:529 (6) - delete circle, to be consistent with all other stanzas
17:42 Chewin: move the next slider to a better place making a little jump
17:44 Yales: ok except the first point, really i.i
17:45 Chewin: k
17:45 Chewin: 00:46:556 (4,5,6,7) - i find this still hard..
17:45 Chewin: i will think about it for you
17:45 Chewin: and if you like it you will change
17:46 Yales: ok, no problem
17:47 Chewin: wtf I mean this 00:54:181 (5,6,7) -
17:47 Chewin: now that one
17:48 Yales: yes
17:48 Yales: i was thinking about it
17:48 Yales: I remember you told me you didnt like it that much
17:50 Chewin:
17:50 Chewin: much much better
17:50 Chewin: except for 00:55:174 (1) - you should find a good shape for it to make it better to see and play with next sliders
17:51 Chewin: 00:57:413 (3) - remove circle
17:51 Chewin: this sudden spacing lol
17:51 Yales: lol, ok xD I like your pattern, i'll try to do smthing similar in a way that the next pattern isnt destroy by the last slider
17:52 Chewin: 01:01:805 (17,1) - reduce the
17:52 Chewin:
17:53 Yales: reduced, but not as much as you
17:53 Yales:
17:53 Chewin: mh okay
17:55 Chewin: 01:43:407 (6,7,1) - reduce pls..
17:55 Chewin: still confusing
17:55 Chewin: don't forget the bpm is high
17:55 Chewin: and that's not intuitive
17:55 Chewin: for nothing
17:55 Yales: ok
17:56 Chewin: 02:06:777 (17,1) - try to give it the same spacing of the one you fixed befoire
17:57 Yales: ok sure
17:59 Chewin: 02:12:577 (1,1) - reduce the spacing, also, i would find a different placement between these 1/8 sliders
17:59 Chewin: actually the idea is cool, but i don't like the spacing and the placements
17:59 Chewin: unjoyable to play
17:59 Chewin: i highly suggest you to find an other way, a cooler one :)=
17:59 Chewin: :)
18:00 Yales: mhhh
18:00 Chewin: i remember I missed there
18:00 Chewin: cuz bad cursor movement
18:00 Chewin: lol
18:01 Yales: I know it's hard
18:01 Yales: but .. I find the pattern so cool though xD
18:01 Chewin: 1/8 is cool
18:01 Chewin: but the placement is shitty
18:01 Chewin: honestly
18:01 Chewin: lol.
18:02 Chewin: try to place them in a different way keeping the 1/8 slider pattenr
18:02 Chewin: I like it too.
18:02 Chewin: 02:55:838 (1,2,3,4) - do the same of02:54:512 (1,2,3,4) -
18:03 Yales: oh XD yes, sure
18:03 Chewin: 03:12:496 (5) - place at x:328 y:48 like the old parts
18:04 Chewin: 03:30:976 (1,2,3,4) - change the position of 2 and 4 in this way:
18:05 Chewin: that's all! let me know when you have updated
21:33 Chewin: 00:14:732 (3,4) -
21:33 Chewin: OMG
21:33 Chewin: I SUCK
21:33 Chewin: IT WAS 1/2
21:33 Chewin: I THOUGHT IT WAS 1/4
21:33 Chewin: SORRY
21:33 Chewin: LOL
21:33 Yales: yes, i was confused but
21:33 Yales: lol
21:33 Chewin: .. why didn't you ask? -.-
21:33 Chewin: fix it but don't stack
21:33 Chewin: it's a mod not a must
21:33 Yales: y0u're the pro e.e
21:33 Chewin: you can refuse if you don't wnat eh
21:33 Chewin: yea I am pro at modding
21:33 Chewin: but I can do mistakes too ^^
21:34 Yales: I have no clue how to map hard/normal/easy i.i
21:34 Chewin: you mapped easy and normal on hey williamo very nicely
21:34 Chewin: gogo do it for my map too
21:34 Chewin: lol
21:34 Chewin: if you don't want I will ask someone else <.<
21:34 Yales: i'll try my best ! xD
21:35 Chewin: when you start
21:35 Chewin: it's easy to keep going
21:35 Chewin: the hardest thing is starting
21:35 Chewin: after it, it will be natural
21:35 Chewin: if I say this it's so, i mapped today hard and normal and finished insane yestarday
21:35 Chewin: trust me :D
21:35 Chewin: and im a shit mapper
21:35 Yales: :P
21:36 Yales: fixed the shitty thing in hard, just pls
21:36 Yales: have a look on the normal for this
21:37 Yales: 00:38:601 (4,5) -
21:37 Yales: if it's ok
21:37 Chewin: 00:59:318 (1,2,3) - you misunderstood me, I meant:
21:37 Chewin: yes it is
21:38 Yales: oh my bad
21:38 Yales: i suck wtf
21:39 Chewin: ye suck my dick
21:39 Chewin: <3
21:39 Yales: :D:D
21:41 Chewin: hard: 03:06:777 (5,6) - inconsistent spacing
21:42 Chewin: move the 6 further from 5's tail
21:43 Yales: ok
21:46 Chewin: 00:27:577 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - what about placing them in this way to have a better movement. even because the (4) should be placed further from the previous slider cuz of 1-2 jump
21:48 Yales: mhhh
21:48 Yales: ya you might be right
21:48 Chewin: I am. :DD
21:48 Yales: xD
21:48 Chewin: actually the 4 is too close at that slider
21:48 Chewin: and you must move it further and I got that idea
21:48 Chewin: if you find an other one show it me :d
21:49 Yales: It's fine the way you did I like
21:49 Chewin: 01:55:671 maybe add a circle? o.o there aren't any holeas on other parts
21:49 Chewin: 01:55:671
21:49 Chewin: 01:55:671 -
21:49 Yales: (I always hesitate a lot, cause it feels weird to change a pattern you're used to lol)
21:50 Yales: no
21:50 Yales: you already asked me it
21:50 Yales: but
21:50 Yales: really
21:50 Yales: the whole part is mapped this way
21:50 Yales: but it's usually a 1/1 slider
21:50 Yales: the rythme feels really weird to me
21:50 Chewin: 01:59:650 (7,8,9,10) - place them in this way: better cursor jumping movement <3
21:51 Chewin: forgot it, i dind't remember i asked it you already :P
21:51 Chewin: im fine with those 1/8 sliders now :D
21:52 Yales: nice!!
21:52 Yales: and for your last point
21:52 Yales: you mean I should change position only
21:52 Yales: 01:59:982 (10) -
21:52 Yales: right?
21:52 Yales: Ah
21:52 Yales: no
21:52 Yales: ok
21:52 Yales: ok I take
21:53 Chewin: the triplet too
21:53 Yales: yep
21:53 Chewin: when I mod I always imagine I'm testing it :P
21:53 Chewin: this is the best way of modding
21:53 Chewin: :DD
21:53 Chewin: and yea, placed in that way it's much betterr to play
21:54 Chewin: 03:12:496 (5) - you didn't fix this, place this circle at:
21:54 Chewin: like the previous parts
21:54 Yales: oh
21:54 Yales: i forgot it
21:55 Yales: but thanks for the screen cause i didnt get it xD
21:55 Chewin: btwe last stream flow is beautiful lol
21:55 Chewin: update it
21:55 Chewin: the time is arrived
21:55 Chewin: now the map is much better and ready to go.

Come On. Let this mapset go for rank!
We have a future pro mapper here. This map is really fun, like all your next ones in pending status :3
Enjoy your first bubble and good luck with the rank!

I have no words... <3
Yales new top french mapper! ;)

(just don't ask him to make any difficulty below insane /me runs)
Shit, this got bubbled lol

idk, just PM me another map to mod or something if you think you still need a mod from me. I'd like to point out a few problems (some of which are important), though.

There are spots where the spacing is inconsistent in Easy, and they're kinda noticeable at least, such as 00:16:722 (3,1), 00:52:523 (1,2), and 02:16:391 (1,2). In cases where they're inconsistent but aren't noticeable and intended to create a neater pattern though, they should be okay. Just try to recheck your diff, I guess. There's also a case of it in Normal, at 02:48:545 (1,2). Oh, and at 03:30:312 (1,2,3) too.

Also, don't you think 02:57:164 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) (Normal) is quite hard? It might be passable for a Normal, but eight sliders in a row still feels kinda overkill, IMO. Maybe try to replace the first (1,2,3,4) with two 1/1 sliders instead. Plus, 03:21:030 (1,3) are touching each other, which is, while not making this part unplayable, looks a little weird.

For Hard, maybe you should try to make 00:11:418 (1,1,1) spaced the same exactly. Right now it looks uneven. It might be a minor thing, but it'd be nice to improve even the littlest thing if it's noticeable. You can just drag 00:12:081 (1) one grid to the right. 00:13:739 (5,6,1) and 00:17:717 (5,6,1) look kinda inconsistent too; look at the DS value and how the objects themselves are placed in the composing field and you'll realize.

00:55:507 (1,2,3) can be made to look more even, if you want to; something like this. You can ignore this suggestion, though, if you don't feel like doing it. I'm just showing what I think looks better. Oh, and what's with the NC at 01:10:590 (1)? I don't think that it's necessary.

01:26:998 (1,1,1) has the same problem as 00:55:507 (1,2,3) btw. Then... maybe you can use 03:44:899 (1) to replace 03:45:562 (2)? Two curved sliders would be nice instead of one curved and one straight slider.

Moving to Insane: 01:00:479 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4,1,2,1)... This is really quite the big difficulty jump from Hard, and I personally feel that this is also way too difficult and complex to appear in an Insane diff. It'd be okay for me if this were in an Extra diff, but yeah... Probably just me, though, idk. This comment also applies to the similar parts before the second chorus and the final kiai time.

Remember, I'm not saying that the patterns are bad. In fact, I'm quite amazed with the usage of the sliders and circles here. However, the difficulty curve gets broken massively because of them, and it's a bad thing. That's what I wanted to say.

Then finally, consider adding a circle at 03:33:710 because the instrument sound there is pretty noticeable? Not a must, but it'd be good.

Well, that's all from me. I feel that the easier diffs can still be improved in terms of design, but the Insane diff is definitely one of the best I've ever seen from a new-and-rising mapper. Great stuff you've got there.

With that, good luck!
Topic Starter

Hinsvar wrote:

Shit, this got bubbled lol

idk, just PM me another map to mod or something if you think you still need a mod from me. I'd like to point out a few problems (some of which are important), though. It's fine, don't worry.

Also, don't you think 02:57:164 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) (Normal) is quite hard? It might be passable for a Normal, but eight sliders in a row still feels kinda overkill, IMO. Maybe try to replace the first (1,2,3,4) with two 1/1 sliders instead. Plus, 03:21:030 (1,3) are touching each other, which is, while not making this part unplayable, looks a little weird. The pattern is pretty awesome lol, also as you can guess I was wondering if it was too hard but nobody made the point, so no change.

00:55:507 (1,2,3) can be made to look more even, if you want to; something like this. You can ignore this suggestion, though, if you don't feel like doing it. I'm just showing what I think looks better. Oh, and what's with the NC at 01:10:590 (1)? I don't think that it's necessary. It's good but I would prefer the (3) to be placed at the end of 00:54:844 (7) It might be even not noticable but I try to avaoid random placement. I kinda fixed the position of 1 slider though. For the NC it's definetly on purpose. The previous note is obviously an end combo but the next note are not supposed to be in the same combo as well cause different section. So I like that single combo, if you know what I meant xD

Then... maybe you can use 03:44:899 (1) to replace 03:45:562 (2)? Two curved sliders would be nice instead of one curved and one straight slider. Mh.. This is a good idea and I know symmetrical thing are supposed to win but I kinda like the counter symmetric or w/e you want to call it xD.

Moving to Insane: 01:00:479 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4,1,2,1)... This is really quite the big difficulty jump from Hard, and I personally feel that this is also way too difficult and complex to appear in an Insane diff. It'd be okay for me if this were in an Extra diff, but yeah... Probably just me, though, idk. This comment also applies to the similar parts before the second chorus and the final kiai time.

Remember, I'm not saying that the patterns are bad. In fact, I'm quite amazed with the usage of the sliders and circles here. However, the difficulty curve gets broken massively because of them, and it's a bad thing. That's what I wanted to say. it's already bubbled and all >< I probably wouldn't change it anyway, sorry

Then finally, consider adding a circle at 03:33:710 because the instrument sound there is pretty noticeable? Not a must, but it'd be good. Nope, I want to accentuate the melody of 03:33:794 (8,9)

Well, that's all from me. I feel that the easier diffs can still be improved in terms of design, but the Insane diff is definitely one of the best I've ever seen from a new-and-rising mapper. Great stuff you've got there.

With that, good luck!

Thank you very much!
(I fixed what I didn't put in the quote).
Topic Starter
Last repair. Good luck (:
Topic Starter
An heart is missing :(
Come on, this was bubbled for 14 days, please rank ;_;
Still not ranked. WAT.
Topic Starter

Chewin wrote:

Still not ranked. WAT.
Natteke desu
bug me

EvilElvis wrote:

bug me
thank you elvis <3
Topic Starter

Chewin wrote:

EvilElvis wrote:

bug me
thank you elvis <3
Guys ... <3
Popped because of quality issues, and also a massive overmap section with the stream of 1/4s on Insane. EvilElvis & I are doing a mod he'll post later on.
Natteke desu
  • General
    Please end kiai on white ticks, because that is more logical due to music's nature.
    Remove Hatsune Miku - Mikumikumiku (Yales).osb from the song's folder

    00:04:787 (1,2,3) - you could add some soft whistles here 00:05:120 (3) - on head
    00:06:114 (1,2) - same
    00:07:772 (2) - clap on head
    00:10:755 (1) - finish on head
    00:13:240 (3) - consider moving it to x:120 y:115
    00:16:391 (4,5) - consider moving (4) to 426|245 and making a jump by moving (5) to 263|138, because current pattern doesn't really flow good
    00:19:706 (2) - why don't you increase the spacing here by 0.1, like you did at 00:21:529 (6,7) - ? It looks better
    00:20:700 (1,2,3) - ↑
    00:20:700 (1,2,3) - increase spacing please, it looks messy
    00:23:682 (2) - rotating it counterclockwise (say, 20°) will make it look better, mainly because it will point to (3)'s beginning, not the end
    00:25:008 (2) - same as above (but clockwise now)
    00:26:998 (4,5) - I really dislike how it flows, also it seems like music grows here, so you can emphasize it by moving (4) to 180|326 and (5) to 98|255 or so. And if you accept this, move 00:27:330 (1) - to 203|219 or so:
    00:27:330 (1,2) - why the jump, all of a sudden? The music does not call for that, and it pops up quite unexpected
    00:28:159 (1,2,3,4) - this sounds to me pretty much like 2 + 4 1/4th notes: (spoilerbox) consider listening more carefully and removing these unneeded 1/4th sliders
    00:28:987 (1) - you most likely don't need a new combo here, it's not that significant
    00:30:645 (5,6,7,8) - kinda nazi, but well, what about changing patter like that: (spoiler) it'll make it looks better ingame
    00:35:949 (3,4) - why the jump, all of a sudden? Once again, the music does not call for that
    00:43:903 (1,1,1) - although the comboing makes sense, the player could think each of these has a different velocity
    00:46:556 (4) - it needs more movement. Move it to 243|287 and after this 00:46:888 (7) - ctrl + g this(also check the stack)
    00:55:175 (1) - you obviously skipped a finish here
    00:56:501 (6) - should have put a new combo here to follow music; pattern comboing is not really a thing you should follow
    01:00:479 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17) - after you listen closely to the music, you'll notice you forgot to put the claps in appropriate places:
  1. 01:00:645 (3,5) -
  2. 01:01:141 (9,11) -
  3. 01:01:639 (15,17) -
You can check the next stream yourself and try applying the claps there
01:01:142 (9) - nc
01:02:551 (6) - same
01:03:131 (1,2,3,4) - I don't see there a real need to add such a pattern, *especially* its variation with stacked slider: 01:03:461 (3,4,1,2) -. They serve no real purpose, I am afraid
01:05:120 (1) - I am pretty sure this slider should be rather slowed down that sped up, because there are only vocals followed by the new part (which should have a faster velocity)
01:05:451 (1) - same as above. Even a stack of two notes could work better than the speed-up
01:10:590 (1) - I don't get why you added a new combo here. If you are going to emphasize the next part, you should remove NC from 01:10:920 (1) - and add it exactly on downbeat, 01:11:087 (3) -

01:15:893 (7,8,1) - it clearly sounds as two 1/4 triplets. Please remove (1) and do the following:
01:23:352 (6) - I'd appreciate if you moved it fr
01:25:672 (1,2,3) - consider compressing the jump
01:26:335 (1,2,3,4) - same as above. You don't need half-screen jumps that are this big
01:27:330 (1,1) - vocals, yes, I can understand you, but the1/4s here... Well, I have two suggestions: either add triplet with 1/2 slider (spoiler), or (preferably) add a single triplet (two more notes at 01:27:495)
01:28:324 (1) - this is unneeded and should be replaced with a single note. There's nothing like 1/8 in the song itself
01:43:076 (2,3,4,5,6) - there is a clear overmap; you could place this, trying to follow the sounds at 01:43:159 (3,4). After listening to the music, you'll find out that 01:43:076 (2,5) need to be removed. If anything, you can start a slider with length of 3/4 at 01:42:910 (1) - to follow the empty space
01:53:518 (2,3,4) - and again, there is no sound at 01:53:682 (2), so that shouldn't be a triplet
01:54:345 (8) - same, there's nothing on the red tick, meanwhile there IS a clear and audible sound in the middle of the slider, which you prefer to hide for some reason. Please don't and map it instead
01:59:319 (4,5,6) - remove the note in the middle, as it's unnecessary and mapped to no sound
02:00:148 (11) - how about using soft additions? By the way, it should have a new combo (remove it from the next slider)
02:02:302 (2) - rotate it a little for a better visual experience: (you know where) (you could also increase spacing here a bit)
02:03:131 (1,2) - could be problematic to read; consider unstacking with the previous note
02:05:286 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - this is 1/2, and not 1/4 by any means! Remove the overmap and replace it with something 1/2-ish
02:08:103 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I'd rather NOT put there something that one usually sees only on tough maps like Pretender
02:09:098 (7,1) - this is a no-go. Please, reduce the jump; halving it is a good option
02:09:264 (1,3) - new combo should be on 3, not 1
02:12:744 (1,1,1,1) - I'd appreciate if you compressed the whole pattern, moving sliders closer to its center. There's no need to space them out that wide
02:13:407 (1) - wow, I love the way how this clap+whistle combination sounds, try to continue adding it till 02:18:545 (1) - this part starts. Use it to all simmilar parts (kiai's beginning) Also don't forget about other diffs
02:14:401 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - well, this pattern looks soo random... Try to swap 02:15:230 (6,7) - and make a square with these circles 02:14:899 (4,5,6,7) - 02:18:711 (3,4,5,6) - you could improve this... They don't even form a proper circle (neither any other pattern):
02:20:037 (1,2,3,4) - ↑
02:23:019 (5) - I'd replace it with notes. Why the repeat? It doesn't even properly follow the vocals, which are pretty short here.
02:26:666 - there should be a hit object one is able to hit, along with a new combo marker. Remove the repeat, please
02:35:450 (1) - the repeats are unsnapped. Moreover, the slider must be started at 02:35:286 (1) -, as that is the moment where the respective sound appears in music. Also, it's 1/4
02:42:577 (1,3) - move these a tiny bit down, as they're probably touching the HP bar. Don't forget to remove the other notes around as well
02:43:573 (4,5) - the movement here is really bad and can be fixed by reversing (5). By the way, it shouldn't end on the downbeat (big white tick)
02:54:181 (6) - rotate it a bit counterclockwise (say, 30 degrees) for a better play experience
02:54:181 (6,1) - consider reducing the jump
02:56:500 (3,4) - could you please swap them for a better playability? Look what I have in mind:
02:57:164 (1,1,1,1) - hey, that's cool. One of the few moments I enjoyed
03:01:805 (1) - consider adding a drum finish on the head
03:03:461 (2,3,1,2) - try this:
03:07:772 (1,2,3,4) and 03:09:097 (1,2,3,4) - refer to 02:18:711 (3,4,5,6) -
03:11:417 (4,1) - the sudden stack kills all the movement, so please, unstack
03:17:717 (5,6,7,1) - there should be 1/4 again
03:24:512 (1) - this is 1/6 and not 1/8; please do fix
03:27:909 - it is weird that you skipped a beat here. Don't you favour jumps!
03:28:986 - there should be a hit object one is able to hit, and also a new combo, because the music asks for it
03:29:816 (7,8,9,10,11,1) - these triplets should be a single stream with no gap in between
03:33:461 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - same as above
03:38:932 (9) - you should add NC to denote 1/4th jumps
03:45:230 (1) - there should be no slider. If you think otherwise, start it on 03:45:065 (2) - because this is the only suitable moment for that. Warning: 03:45:727 (2,1) - is different and mapped correctly
03:47:551 (7) - add NC, the music calls for it
03:50:203 (1,2,3) - in fact, there should be 2 triplets with a 1/2 gap, but not these sliders

OD+1 is a must!
00:08:601 (4) - there's a downbeat you end the slider on, and I insist on mapping it. In other words, like I said before, "there should be a hit object one is able to actually hit"
00:21:363 (3) - replace with the following: (spoiler), because this is how music actually goes
00:49:871 (1,2) - unstack it please and make consistent spacing with 00:50:369 (2,3,4,5) -
00:53:518 (1,7) - the best solution would be to make these half as long and then map the downbeats you managed to skip. Please note this issue appears often enough, and, seeing that you tend to skip the first measure of the new part in music, I'd recommend to go through your map and do a thorough check yourself
01:05:120 (1,2,3,4) - increase volume here to 30 or 40%, change sampleset to soft and add whistles on all of these circles. I'd also probably replace these with two sliders, because there is only voice with no background music
01:05:783 (1) - same hitsounds suggestion as on Insane
01:06:280 (2) - move it down a bit to decrease the jump
01:10:921 (1,3) - new combo should be on 3 and not on 1
01:19:043 (2,3,4) - make the spacing here equal
01:52:026 (4,1) - isn't it too much of a jump for Hard?
01:53:186 (4,1) - ^ (please also note it may be less comfortable to follow)
01:53:518 (1,2,3) - same here; nerf the spacing a bit
01:57:496 (1,2) - move it a bit lower and stack them like that, for the sake of readability :
02:18:048 (7) - move it higher please
02:27:827 (8,1) - if you reduce spacing just a little, it'd be perfect
02:32:468 (2,3) - ^
02:35:949 (1,2) - maybe it's just me but this stack looks messy, check it please
02:45:229 (1) - a 3/4 slider with three repeats may be problematic to follow. Consider splitting it in two:
02:48:380 (2,3) - the previous slider sends me up and a bit left, but you put (3) on the right, and this is what makes me feel quite incomfortable when playing this part. If you could map it so that I don't have to break the flow of my movement, that'd be just great. For example: 02:51:860 (1,2) - I'd rather not put the second slider there, because in order to follow it you have to move in the direction that is opposite to the one (1) sends you in. A possible fix:
02:54:512 (1,2,3,4) - you could improve the visual experience by making any nice pattern that doesn't look unnatural, for example (if you insist on keeping these sliders going over the same place), this:
03:24:512 (1) - since it's only a repeat, you can safely turn it into 1/6th one, like you are supposed to do on Insane
03:27:164 (2,3,4,1) - could we please avoid returning the same way using the same pattern, copied and pasted?
03:45:562 (2,1) - use auto stack here please
03:51:529 (1,1,1) - to keep a nice curve of 03:50:203 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) -, you could send these to the top right corner:

I would keep the very last kiai fountain, although it's an easy difficulty.

00:15:395 (7) - you forgot nc. Also, if you want to keep that little appendix on its end (this also goes for 00:16:722), you should have put the next slider under it, not somewhere on the right, or left, else it looks useless
00:27:993 (5) - since 1/4 in music starts 00:28:158 (1) - here it might to hard to play correctly for new players. It could be great if you turned (5) into a slider to mask 1/4s, because they're pretty much noticeable
00:32:634 (1,2,3) - move it to 370|94 to make it more comfortable to follow. 00:33:297 (4) - don't forget to check spacing after you move it 00:36:280 (5) - there is a finish hitsound on the end, but the end itself can't be played by clicking it; a solution would be shortening this slider and adding a note right after
01:22:689 (3) - same as above (downbeat issue). You can hear the vocals rising and it would be nice to map the beat in question @ 01:23:019
P.S. Although some (only *some*) of such patterns are fine, most of the time you want to map downbeats and almost never skip them.
01:26:998 (1,2,3) - add NCs for consistency with insane and hard
02:34:623 (1,2,3) - same as above
02:09:761 (5) - no! This should be at 02:09:428. Remap the previous slider, please; shorten it, if necessary
02:57:164 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - well, you know it plays bad and will likely cause players to break their combo, so please change last four slider to 1/1 notes; this will not break anything, as there are clear drums in the music
03:14:070 (3) - have you ever thought of turning this into two 1/2 notes to fit the vocals? Should cause no readability problems
03:23:682 (1,2,3,4) - NCs for consistency with insane and hard
03:24:014 (2,3) - consider removing finish
03:26:998 (4) - downbeat issue
03:51:529 (1,2,3) - NCs for consistency with insane and hard

Just like on Normal, I would keep the very last kiai fountain, although it's an easy difficulty.

00:04:788 (1,2,3,4) - avoid overloading Easy's beginning and simply do this:(spoiler) (remember: you don't have to map *all* sounds, only the most significant ones)
00:10:755 (2) - downbeat issue you can easily fix by removing a repeat and adding a note afterwards
00:18:048 (1) - you could improve its shape:
00:58:821 (2) - you should add a note here because these beats are too strong to be mapped with a slider
01:17:385 (2) - I'd move it to the right for a better movement
01:26:998 (1,2,3) - NCs for consistency with insane and hard (now with Normal, too!)
01:40:258 (3,1,3) - well, that's... interesting! However, they don't seem to fit each other (especially the last two). Mind simplifying them?
02:09:429 (4) - shape suggestion:
02:15:396 (5) - downbeat issue
02:16:722 (2) - rotate it a bit counterclockwise for a better movement
02:34:623 (1,2,3) - these NCs again
02:43:573 (2) - sorry to say, but there's a downbeat issue again. If you hear finish but can't actually hit it, chances are there's something wrong with beats placement
02:45:230 (1) - same; removing a repeat helps
02:51:529 (1) - and again
02:53:186 (1) - and again (seriously, man)
02:59:152 (2,3,1) - add NCs for consistency with insane and hard
03:18:380 (1,3) - make them a bit more symmetrical
03:23:352 (4) - just saying, you could remove this to emphasize the next four notes
03:23:682 (1,2,3) - add NCs for consistency with insane and hard
03:51:529 (1,2,3) - same as above
Topic Starter
Topic Starter
Thank you very much !!

EvilElvis wrote:

  • General
    Please end kiai on white ticks, because that is more logical due to music's nature. I know what you mean, but it follows well enough I think the effect I want to give
    Remove Hatsune Miku - Mikumikumiku (Yales).osb from the song's folder sure o.o

    00:04:787 (1,2,3) - you could add some soft whistles here 00:05:120 (3) - on head Sure
    00:06:114 (1,2) - same ^
    00:07:772 (2) - clap on head ^
    00:10:755 (1) - finish on head ^
    00:13:240 (3) - consider moving it to x:120 y:115 I prefer not, I actually like the flow here
    00:16:391 (4,5) - consider moving (4) to 426|245 and making a jump by moving (5) to 263|138, because current pattern doesn't really flow good Awesome
    00:19:706 (2) - why don't you increase the spacing here by 0.1, like you did at 00:21:529 (6,7) - ? It looks better ok
    00:20:700 (1,2,3) - ↑ But I think it looks really nice here
    00:20:700 (1,2,3) - increase spacing please, it looks messy >.> I don't think it looks messy
    00:23:682 (2) - rotating it counterclockwise (say, 20°) will make it look better, mainly because it will point to (3)'s beginning, not the end sure
    00:25:008 (2) - same as above (but clockwise now) nice
    00:26:998 (4,5) - I really dislike how it flows, also it seems like music grows here, so you can emphasize it by moving (4) to 180|326 and (5) to 98|255 or so. And if you accept this, move 00:27:330 (1) - to 203|219 or so: Ok for everything, it's nice
    00:27:330 (1,2) - why the jump, all of a sudden? The music does not call for that, and it pops up quite unexpected The spacing is still high but I fixed the "jump"
    00:28:159 (1,2,3,4) - this sounds to me pretty much like 2 + 4 1/4th notes: (spoilerbox) consider listening more carefully and removing these unneeded 1/4th sliders I disagree here. You're missing a strong a beat
    00:28:987 (1) - you most likely don't need a new combo here, it's not that significant okok i.i
    00:30:645 (5,6,7,8) - kinda nazi, but well, what about changing patter like that: (spoiler) it'll make it looks better ingame ok, you're the best ^^
    00:35:949 (3,4) - why the jump, all of a sudden? Once again, the music does not call for that Reduced the spacing but still high, same as above, The music dooesnt call for a jump, but it I think it totally calls for a fast movement like... I don't know, I really think it plays good here
    00:43:903 (1,1,1) - although the comboing makes sense, the player could think each of these has a different velocity I don't think the NC are bad here. The player will pay more intention cause sudden speed up
    00:46:556 (4) - it needs more movement. Move it to 243|287 and after this 00:46:888 (7) - ctrl + g this(also check the stack) Nice
    00:55:175 (1) - you obviously skipped a finish here yep
    00:56:501 (6) - should have put a new combo here to follow music; pattern comboing is not really a thing you should follow I'm just bad
    01:00:479 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17) - after you listen closely to the music, you'll notice you forgot to put the claps in appropriate places:
  1. 01:00:645 (3,5) -
  2. 01:01:141 (9,11) -
  3. 01:01:639 (15,17) -
You can check the next stream yourself and try applying the claps there alright, thanks
01:01:142 (9) - nc yep
01:02:551 (6) - same ^
01:03:131 (1,2,3,4) - I don't see there a real need to add such a pattern, *especially* its variation with stacked slider: 01:03:461 (3,4,1,2) -. They serve no real purpose, I am afraid okok i.i
01:05:120 (1) - I am pretty sure this slider should be rather slowed down that sped up, because there are only vocals followed by the new part (which should have a faster velocity) That's the way I see this I slowed it a bit though to make a transition with the 2nd one, but thats all.
01:05:451 (1) - same as above. Even a stack of two notes could work better than the speed-up ^
01:10:590 (1) - I don't get why you added a new combo here. If you are going to emphasize the next part, you should remove NC from 01:10:920 (1) - and add it exactly on downbeat, 01:11:087 (3) - It was to not mess up the first pattern, but ok

01:15:893 (7,8,1) - it clearly sounds as two 1/4 triplets. Please remove (1) and do the following: ok~
01:23:352 (6) - I'd appreciate if you moved it fr i think its ok now
01:25:672 (1,2,3) - consider compressing the jump Wow, I really don't get your point, I think it's really good this way ><
01:26:335 (1,2,3,4) - same as above. You don't need half-screen jumps that are this big ^
01:27:330 (1,1) - vocals, yes, I can understand you, but the1/4s here... Well, I have two suggestions: either add triplet with 1/2 slider (spoiler), or (preferably) add a single triplet (two more notes at 01:27:495) One more time I really don't get your point. Yes, the way you say is really nice, especially with the next triple but.. I mean... It would destroy the whole mapset... like... I dont know... I'm not even wrong to follow vocal here. So, yes I don't get it. It's pretty obvious that I want to follow vocal here with linear pattern, cause I think it's fun to play this way. I made this in every parts of every diff lol.
01:28:324 (1) - this is unneeded and should be replaced with a single note. There's nothing like 1/8 in the song itself You're right but I think it sounds really nice this way as well. It doesnt follow the beats but it fits really nice with the first sound
01:43:076 (2,3,4,5,6) - there is a clear overmap; you could place this, trying to follow the sounds at 01:43:159 (3,4). After listening to the music, you'll find out that 01:43:076 (2,5) need to be removed. If anything, you can start a slider with length of 3/4 at 01:42:910 (1) - to follow the empty space I removed only one note because I think triple fits better (check the next point)
01:53:518 (2,3,4) - and again, there is no sound at 01:53:682 (2), so that shouldn't be a triplet No cause it fits better to me this way, really >< Like... in this particular case, I think it's pretty nice, because there's no beats but it feels like there's something and it plays pretty good I think and well.. it feels more natural to play this way
01:54:345 (8) - same, there's nothing on the red tick, meanwhile there IS a clear and audible sound in the middle of the slider, which you prefer to hide for some reason. Please don't and map it instead Ok, It's just hard to explain why I did that but I like this way and I think it's ok to hide it.
01:59:319 (4,5,6) - remove the note in the middle, as it's unnecessary and mapped to no sound It plays better and make more sense to me with those triplet burst
02:00:148 (11) - how about using soft additions? By the way, it should have a new combo (remove it from the next slider) sure
02:02:302 (2) - rotate it a little for a better visual experience: (you know where) (you could also increase spacing here a bit) ok better
02:03:131 (1,2) - could be problematic to read; consider unstacking with the previous note ok
02:05:286 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - this is 1/2, and not 1/4 by any means! Remove the overmap and replace it with something 1/2-ish fix
02:08:103 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I'd rather NOT put there something that one usually sees only on tough maps like Pretender fix i guess
02:09:098 (7,1) - this is a no-go. Please, reduce the jump; halving it is a good option ^
02:09:264 (1,3) - new combo should be on 3, not 1 ^
02:12:744 (1,1,1,1) - I'd appreciate if you compressed the whole pattern, moving sliders closer to its center. There's no need to space them out that wide It plays way better with new patterns just before, and I think the spacing is needed here ^^ It's such an intense part
02:13:407 (1) - wow, I love the way how this clap+whistle combination sounds, try to continue adding it till 02:18:545 (1) - this part starts. Use it to all simmilar parts (kiai's beginning) Also don't forget about other diffs
02:14:401 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - well, this pattern looks soo random... Try to swap 02:15:230 (6,7) - and make a square with these circles 02:14:899 (4,5,6,7) - I take! 02:18:711 (3,4,5,6) - you could improve this... They don't even form a proper circle (neither any other pattern): what?
02:20:037 (1,2,3,4) - ↑ ^
02:23:019 (5) - I'd replace it with notes. Why the repeat? It doesn't even properly follow the vocals, which are pretty short here. I think it does o.o
02:26:666 - there should be a hit object one is able to hit, along with a new combo marker. Remove the repeat, please fix
02:35:450 (1) - the repeats are unsnapped. Moreover, the slider must be started at 02:35:286 (1) -, as that is the moment where the respective sound appears in music. Also, it's 1/4 Fixed the repeat but I didnt touch previous pattern for the same reason as above (and I'm just following the music here)
02:42:577 (1,3) - move these a tiny bit down, as they're probably touching the HP bar. Don't forget to remove the other notes around as well fix
02:43:573 (4,5) - the movement here is really bad and can be fixed by reversing (5). By the way, it shouldn't end on the downbeat (big white tick) Kinda fixed the movement but I think the downbeat at the end sounds pretty good.
02:54:181 (6) - rotate it a bit counterclockwise (say, 30 degrees) for a better play experience sure
02:54:181 (6,1) - consider reducing the jump yep
02:56:500 (3,4) - could you please swap them for a better playability? Look what I have in mind: changed the whole part
02:57:164 (1,1,1,1) - hey, that's cool. One of the few moments I enjoyed
03:01:805 (1) - consider adding a drum finish on the head Sure!
03:03:461 (2,3,1,2) - try this: I think it's fine the way it is
03:07:772 (1,2,3,4) and 03:09:097 (1,2,3,4) - refer to 02:18:711 (3,4,5,6) - I still dont know whats wrong
03:11:417 (4,1) - the sudden stack kills all the movement, so please, unstack That's kinda what I wanted to do cause end of the section with lots of movement
03:17:717 (5,6,7,1) - there should be 1/4 again I wanted to slow down a bit here to make more impact to the streams at the end of the kiai and the melody is nice too
03:24:512 (1) - this is 1/6 and not 1/8; please do fix ok i.i I just don't like the fact that the slider doesnt finish on the point start (it feels there's a reverse missing kinda)
03:27:909 - it is weird that you skipped a beat here. Don't you favour jumps! I skipped those at the beginning as well
03:28:986 - there should be a hit object one is able to hit, and also a new combo, because the music asks for it ok
03:29:816 (7,8,9,10,11,1) - these triplets should be a single stream with no gap in between I think it plays better this way though and it's also easy to follow those triple with the melody
03:33:461 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - same as above ^
03:38:932 (9) - you should add NC to denote 1/4th jumps ok
03:45:230 (1) - there should be no slider. If you think otherwise, start it on 03:45:065 (2) - because this is the only suitable moment for that. Warning: 03:45:727 (2,1) - is different and mapped correctly I don't get it o.o I mean, it sounds nice, but I don't see what's bad in my way.
03:47:551 (7) - add NC, the music calls for it sure
03:50:203 (1,2,3) - in fact, there should be 2 triplets with a 1/2 gap, but not these sliders it's for the vocals I think it's really nice this way

OD+1 is a must! Ok then
00:08:601 (4) - there's a downbeat you end the slider on, and I insist on mapping it. In other words, like I said before, "there should be a hit object one is able to actually hit" yep
00:21:363 (3) - replace with the following: (spoiler), because this is how music actually goes ok
00:49:871 (1,2) - unstack it please and make consistent spacing with 00:50:369 (2,3,4,5) - ok
00:53:518 (1,7) - the best solution would be to make these half as long and then map the downbeats you managed to skip. Please note this issue appears often enough, and, seeing that you tend to skip the first measure of the new part in music, I'd recommend to go through your map and do a thorough check yourself I'll recheck, also here I think it's pretty much ok. It makes the bext triple more noticeable and easier. Honestly I don't mind changing it if it's a must but for the reason I just said I would still like to keep it.
01:05:120 (1,2,3,4) - increase volume here to 30 or 40%, change sampleset to soft and add whistles on all of these circles. I'd also probably replace these with two sliders, because there is only voice with no background music ok
01:05:783 (1) - same hitsounds suggestion as on Insane ok
01:06:280 (2) - move it down a bit to decrease the jump ok
01:10:921 (1,3) - new combo should be on 3 and not on 1 ok
01:19:043 (2,3,4) - make the spacing here equal fixed, sorry >.>
01:52:026 (4,1) - isn't it too much of a jump for Hard? I reduced it somehow..
01:53:186 (4,1) - ^ (please also note it may be less comfortable to follow) reduced it, I hope it's fine
01:53:518 (1,2,3) - same here; nerf the spacing a bit did my best
01:57:496 (1,2) - move it a bit lower and stack them like that, for the sake of readability : sure, it's way better
02:18:048 (7) - move it higher please ok
02:27:827 (8,1) - if you reduce spacing just a little, it'd be perfect ok
02:32:468 (2,3) - ^^
02:35:949 (1,2) - maybe it's just me but this stack looks messy, check it please fixed
02:45:229 (1) - a 3/4 slider with three repeats may be problematic to follow. Consider splitting it in two: sure ! thank you .
02:48:380 (2,3) - the previous slider sends me up and a bit left, but you put (3) on the right, and this is what makes me feel quite incomfortable when playing this part. If you could map it so that I don't have to break the flow of my movement, that'd be just great. For example: sure 02:51:860 (1,2) - I'd rather not put the second slider there, because in order to follow it you have to move in the direction that is opposite to the one (1) sends you in. A possible fix: Nice !!
02:54:512 (1,2,3,4) - you could improve the visual experience by making any nice pattern that doesn't look unnatural, for example (if you insist on keeping these sliders going over the same place), this: ok
03:24:512 (1) - since it's only a repeat, you can safely turn it into 1/6th one, like you are supposed to do on Insane ok, same as insane
03:27:164 (2,3,4,1) - could we please avoid returning the same way using the same pattern, copied and pasted? Ok, this is freaking hard to go out of this pattern when you started it ! hahahahahaha
03:45:562 (2,1) - use auto stack here please Wow, I really like this way o.o
03:51:529 (1,1,1) - to keep a nice curve of 03:50:203 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) -, you could send these to the top right corner: awesome

I would keep the very last kiai fountain, although it's an easy difficulty. Like I should remove it? I don't think so. I mean I don't mind. But I don't think it's good to have a differement kiai time sections for the same mapset (inconsistant kiai) (iBAT is telling me). Also, I think the way I mapped the end is worth the kiai for an easy diff.

00:15:395 (7) - you forgot nc. Also, if you want to keep that little appendix on its end (this also goes for 00:16:722), you should have put the next slider under it, not somewhere on the right, or left, else it looks useless changed
00:27:993 (5) - since 1/4 in music starts 00:28:158 (1) - here it might to hard to play correctly for new players. It could be great if you turned (5) into a slider to mask 1/4s, because they're pretty much noticeable I don't like it, sorry. Also one thing, it's maybe why I have bad accuracy XD but I think a new player will pay more intention to the melody than the 1/4 especially for a music like this
00:32:634 (1,2,3) - move it to 370|94 to make it more comfortable to follow. 00:33:297 (4) - don't forget to check spacing after you move it oh, ok00:36:280 (5) - there is a finish hitsound on the end, but the end itself can't be played by clicking it; a solution would be shortening this slider and adding a note right after fixed
01:22:689 (3) - same as above (downbeat issue). You can hear the vocals rising and it would be nice to map the beat in question @ 01:23:019
P.S. Although some (only *some*) of such patterns are fine, most of the time you want to map downbeats and almost never skip them.
01:26:998 (1,2,3) - add NCs for consistency with insane and hard Ok, I put them back :D
02:34:623 (1,2,3) - same as above^
02:09:761 (5) - no! This should be at 02:09:428. Remap the previous slider, please; shorten it, if necessary did my best ><
02:57:164 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - well, you know it plays bad and will likely cause players to break their combo, so please change last four slider to 1/1 notes; this will not break anything, as there are clear drums in the music fixed
03:14:070 (3) - have you ever thought of turning this into two 1/2 notes to fit the vocals? Should cause no readability problems for the slider? x) well I changed for 2 sliders cause dowbeat issu anyway (y)
03:23:682 (1,2,3,4) - NCs for consistency with insane and hard yepyep :D
03:24:014 (2,3) - consider removing finish fixed :o
03:26:998 (4) - downbeat issue fixed
03:51:529 (1,2,3) - NCs for consistency with insane and hard sure

Just like on Normal, I would keep the very last kiai fountain, although it's an easy difficulty. ^

00:04:788 (1,2,3,4) - avoid overloading Easy's beginning and simply do this:(spoiler) (remember: you don't have to map *all* sounds, only the most significant ones) fixed
00:10:755 (2) - downbeat issue you can easily fix by removing a repeat and adding a note afterwards fixed
00:18:048 (1) - you could improve its shape: fixed
00:58:821 (2) - you should add a note here because these beats are too strong to be mapped with a slider fixed i guess
01:17:385 (2) - I'd move it to the right for a better movement fix
01:26:998 (1,2,3) - NCs for consistency with insane and hard (now with Normal, too!) yep yep
01:40:258 (3,1,3) - well, that's... interesting! However, they don't seem to fit each other (especially the last two). Mind simplifying them? fixed
02:09:429 (4) - shape suggestion: fixed in my way
02:15:396 (5) - downbeat issue fix
02:16:722 (2) - rotate it a bit counterclockwise for a better movement fix
02:34:623 (1,2,3) - these NCs again fix
02:43:573 (2) - sorry to say, but there's a downbeat issue again. If you hear finish but can't actually hit it, chances are there's something wrong with beats placement fix
02:45:230 (1) - same; removing a repeat helps Can't really find something better cause 1/4
02:51:529 (1) - and again It's obvious that the slider is following the sound here.
02:53:186 (1) - and again (seriously, man) fix
02:59:152 (2,3,1) - add NCs for consistency with insane and hard Only insane got NC
03:18:380 (1,3) - make them a bit more symmetrical fix
03:23:352 (4) - just saying, you could remove this to emphasize the next four notes sure
03:23:682 (1,2,3) - add NCs for consistency with insane and hard yep
03:51:529 (1,2,3) - same as above yep
Alright, thank you very much !
Cherry Blossom
poke me when you finished to apply Elvis' mod.
I'll recheck this map.

I just throw some suggestions to make this map better before rebubbling, up to you to change.


  1. 00:24:678 (3,4) - if i follow your logic with this pattern, 00:25:341 (4) - should be curved like this imo, it will make things more or less consistent here.
  2. 00:33:960 (1,2,3) - make this triangle or semi square better and neater, it will also improve transitions between objects here.
  3. 00:45:229 - rhythm could be improved and more dense here, according to the atmosphere here, the player will feel there is something empty here, try this pattern
  4. 00:55:175 (1,2,3) - try a symmetry here, it will work well because there is the same sound at 00:55:175 (1,3) - and the symmetry could be used for this. (don't forget to fix spacing)
  5. 01:04:124 (4,1) - really difficult to handle for a beginner because it looks really extreme due to the BPM too, stack these notes.
  6. 01:50:866 (3) - it could be better if its direction is not the next slider, because of the reverse and the AR, the beginner player may not hold the whole reversed slider because he is attracted by the next slider. Try to rotate this reversed slider like this
  7. 02:05:451 (1) - this spinner is too short for a beginner, don't forget that a beginner can't spin properly, and he also could be surprised by this "ninja spinner", you should add circles/sliders instead.
  8. 02:31:971 (1,2,3,4,5) - i'm not really fan of this flow here, you could make a shape more simple like a curve because you used a curved slider here 02:31:971 (1) -
    Or perhaps, the zigzag here is intentional to ephasize the finish hitsound there 02:33:297 (3) - it also works, but as i said above, i'm not really fan.
  9. 03:23:351 - i think that this tick should be followed as you did for 02:34:290 - and 01:26:666 - , it will make things more consistent, and the player will not feel there is something empty in a fast part.
  10. 03:25:009 (1,2) - the transition between these objects could be improved to make a better and smoother movement like this (don't forget to move next objects)
  11. 03:31:971 (4) - this slider overlaps a bit the hp bar, you should move it a bit downward.

    Cool diff but it is not really a traditional Easy imo. There are more density than a traditional easy, but it looks fine since the Normal is harder than a traditional one.


  1. 00:04:788 (1,2,3,1) - this zigzag movement looks a bit awkward here, it looks a bit wrong like this, try to make a zig zag like this instead
  2. 01:03:131 (1) - extend this spinner to 01:05:119, it will accentuate Miku and the gap between this objects 01:03:131 (1,1) - could create a funny effect because you don't hear any instruments, just Miku. And it also allows players to spin properly.
  3. 01:39:927 (3,4,5,1) - there is a weird transition here imo, try to balance each angles to make a constant movement. Try this
  4. 01:53:185 - this tick should be mapped or followed, you can hear something powerful on this downbeat, as you did there 01:58:490 (3) -
  5. 02:43:407 (1,2,3,4) - this insconsistency is really odd, try to make things consistent, so you should unstack these objects here 02:43:407 (1,2) -
  6. 02:54:512 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - this look a bit messed up, you could make something more polished and neater with triangles properly done.
    Try to arrange these objects like this
  7. 03:22:356 (3,4) - the transition between these reversed slider could be improved to make a smoother and more natural movement, so try to move this slider 03:23:019 (4) - a bit downward.
  8. 03:25:672 (2,3,4) - here you could make thing more airy because it plays better and it is easier to read, try to make an equilateral triangle between these objects like this (don't forget to move next objects)

    This diff plays well, nice rhythm, but i think there is a lot of missing claps ou other custom hitsounds, so recheck them please.
    This diff could be more polished and you also can improve aesthetics (but nobody cares x) )


  1. 00:21:528 (4) - here you can add 2 more reverses, they fit well with the song, and this current reversed slider sounds a bit weird since you can hear audible notes on each 1/4 ticks.
  2. 00:27:164 (5,1) - is that stack intentional ? it looks kinda inconsistent with 00:25:838 (5,1) - because this is the same note. It should be better if you make things consistent here.
  3. 00:29:319 (1,2,3,4,1) - this looks difficult to handle because there is a 1/1 gap before, and the cursor is stopped. There are no objects which give an acceleration to handle this pattern, it plays better if there is a fast thing before this star pattern imo. For the current pattern here, the player needs much aim to handle this and it seems uncomfortable to play. So try to make at least this tick 00:29:152 followed to give an acceleration.
  4. 00:31:804 - same as ^
  5. 00:39:264 (1,2,3,1,2) - this sounds kinda wrong here, you could improve the rhythm here, according to vocals and piano. Try this.

    or this
  6. 00:45:065 (2) - be careful of the spacing here, fix that DS issue please.
  7. 00:47:881 - this note is skipped, it should be better if you make this tick followed, because there is a strong note on this downbeat, and it sounds better according to the song.
  8. 00:53:848 - this is really odd because this tick should be played, not only followed, because it introduces drums that you have followed here 00:54:015 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - ,
  9. 01:04:124 (3,1) - looks a bit wrong here, it is better to unstack these notes as you did there 02:11:750 (4,1) - so make things consistent.
  10. 01:09:927 (7) - it is really visible, the distance between the next and previous object is not the same and should be, so make things consistent here too.
  11. 01:17:218 - you should add a note here, the 1/1 gap here is like something which breaks your rhythm, and it does not sound intuitive to play for the kiai part which is faster.
  12. 01:18:544 - same as ^
  13. 01:24:015 (3) - i don't see any reason to stack this circle on the slider's end, it should be better if you unstack it to accentuate the clap hitsound.
  14. 01:57:496 (1,2) - does not look natural to play, move 01:57:827 (2) - a bit on the left for better transitions between objects.
  15. 02:18:048 (7) - the distance between 02:17:717 (6,7) - is closer than the default DS used for this part, just for the sake of blanket ? not really a good deal imo, it is a bit confusing, so make things consistent and fix that DS.
  16. 02:30:644 (1,2,3) - look a bit confusing here, it plays better if there is a consistent distance between these objects.
  17. 03:07:109 (6,1) - the rhythm sounds a bit wrong, you could make a rhythm which is more dense and intuitive to follow, Plus, the strongest beat here 03:07:771 - is not followed and it should be because it introduces better the next pattern. So try this rhythm
  18. 03:23:517 - why didn't you map this tick ? you did it for 02:34:456 - and 01:26:832 -, it will be better if you make things consistent.

    This hard plays quite fine, the major issue is that hitsounds are kinda messy, and you need to tidy them.
    There is some inconsistencies at spacing (i pointed some).


  1. Since we are in 2014, you could increase a bit the AR, like 9.2 or 9.1, it will be better to handle jumps.
  2. 01:02:135 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - the current rhythm looks fine here, but you can try this rhythm which looks better imo, because each downbeats follow Miku, and the rhythm i suggest you is more suitable
  3. 01:05:616 (2,1) - the player might have some problems when reading this, this strong note should be emphasized if you increase a bit the angle. like this
  4. 01:16:058 (8) - incease the distance between 01:15:892 (7,8) - and 01:16:058 (8,1) - , it plays even better with a large jump, and it looks fine compared to patterns earlier and later.
  5. 01:19:124 (2) - this circle is not necessary, it does not follow anything audible, a triple is just enough to emphasize a strong note like this 01:19:373 -, so remove this 01:19:124 (2) -
  6. 01:24:429 (2) - same as ^
  7. 01:53:682 (2,3,4) - this jump is a bit forced and surprising imo, you should decrease the distance between 01:53:518 (1,2) - , try this instead
  8. 02:10:424 (13) - this sounds a bit wrong here, this tick 02:10:589 should be played as you did 02:11:914, it will be better if you make things consistent so.
  9. 03:22:937 - this tick could be followed, so try to add a 1/4 slider here 03:22:854-, it will be fine.

    Great insane diff, rip streams.

That's all for me, it should be better if you find a mod which focuses on hitsounds, because you should tidy them on your diffs.
Good luck for your rebbuble and your rank !
Someone get this ranked this is so fun oh my god
I'll try to explain what we had in mind when modding or convince you to change your mind if it seems important for me (can't say for EE, but still)

EvilElvis wrote:

  • [Insane]
    00:28:159 (1,2,3,4) - this sounds to me pretty much like 2 + 4 1/4th notes: (spoilerbox) consider listening more carefully and removing these unneeded 1/4th sliders I disagree here. You're missing a strong a beatdepends on what one sticks to; your notes placement is correct too, I think

    00:43:903 (1,1,1) - although the comboing makes sense, the player could think each of these has a different velocity I don't think the NC are bad here. The player will pay more intention cause sudden speed upwell it was more about having a sudden SV burst

    01:05:120 (1) - I am pretty sure this slider should be rather slowed down that sped up, because there are only vocals followed by the new part (which should have a faster velocity) That's the way I see this I slowed it a bit though to make a transition with the 2nd one, but thats all.I really, sincerely don't think that the objects before kiai have to be sped up or (in case of notes) have a giant spacing. keep it if you wish, alright

    01:05:451 (1) - same as above. Even a stack of two notes could work better than the speed-up ^ ^

    01:25:672 (1,2,3) - consider compressing the jump Wow, I really don't get your point, I think it's really good this way >< — it just seemed too huge to me

    01:26:335 (1,2,3,4) - same as above. You don't need half-screen jumps that are this big ^ ^

    01:27:330 (1,1) - vocals, yes, I can understand you, but the1/4s here... Well, I have two suggestions: either add triplet with 1/2 slider (spoiler), or (preferably) add a single triplet (two more notes at 01:27:495) One more time I really don't get your point. Yes, the way you say is really nice, especially with the next triple but.. I mean... It would destroy the whole mapset...thing is, the 1/4th triplet is too audible for me to ignore, and if I were you, I would map it at least with a short repeating slider. I don't usually skip beats from the music

    01:28:324 (1) - this is unneeded and should be replaced with a single note. There's nothing like 1/8 in the song itself You're right but I think it sounds really nice this way as well. It doesnt follow the beats but it fits really nice with the first sound"you're right" "it doesn't follow the beats" I understand you intention to emphasize kiai's end, but it's basically the same as having a double there. The very first modder would recommend you to remove a second note of the said double if you had it because it does not follow anything

    01:43:076 (2,3,4,5,6) - there is a clear overmap; you could place this, trying to follow the sounds at 01:43:159 (3,4). After listening to the music, you'll find out that 01:43:076 (2,5) need to be removed. If anything, you can start a slider with length of 3/4 at 01:42:910 (1) - to follow the empty space I removed only one note because I think triple fits better (check the next point)that's fine

    01:53:518 (2,3,4) - and again, there is no sound at 01:53:682 (2), so that shouldn't be a triplet No cause it fits better to me this way, really >< Like... I know it's not ok to do it, but in this particular case, I think it's pretty nice, because there's no beats or smthing on the red tick, but it feels like there's something and it plays pretty awesome I think and well.. it feels more natural to play this waykeep it if you like, but you should know that 01:53:682 (2) - is not supported by anything in the music

    01:54:345 (8) - same, there's nothing on the red tick, meanwhile there IS a clear and audible sound in the middle of the slider, which you prefer to hide for some reason. Please don't and map it instead Ok, It's just hard to explain why I did that but I like this way and I think it's ok to hide it.seems you prefer to hide less important sounds, but why? A 1/4 repeating slider would work here really nice

    01:59:319 (4,5,6) - remove the note in the middle, as it's unnecessary and mapped to no sound It plays better and make more sense to me with those triplet burstsorry but this is plain 1/2. Sure everything could be justified with a personal opinion but the fact that there's no 1/4 beat in the music is pretty much noticeable. The player can even hit the triplet and still feel "cool", but what's the purpose of adding notes for sounds that don't exist?

    02:12:744 (1,1,1,1) - I'd appreciate if you compressed the whole pattern, moving sliders closer to its center. There's no need to space them out that wide It plays way better with new patterns just before, and I think the spacing is needed here ^^ It's such an intense partwas just a suggestion; I think it is fine, considering the Extra icon

    02:18:711 (3,4,5,6) - you could improve this... They don't even form a proper circle (neither any other pattern): what?wanted to say it doesn't look all tidy and nice to me, mostly because, since it's a pattern, its parts should form something that looks like a single object (each part fits the rest), and with that kind of curve it has currently.. that's still very munor and more of a cosmetical stuff though < could be a "square" if each slider was aligned to the previous one's slider track

    02:20:037 (1,2,3,4) - ↑ ^ ^

    02:23:019 (5) - I'd replace it with notes. Why the repeat? It doesn't even properly follow the vocals, which are pretty short here. I think it does o.oit would if there was no beat ("no repeat") on the blue tick 02:23:268

    02:35:450 (1) - the repeats are unsnapped. Moreover, the slider must be started at 02:35:286 (1) -, as that is the moment where the respective sound appears in music. Also, it's 1/4 Fixed the repeat but I didnt touch previous pattern for the same reason as above (and I'm just following the music here)whatever

    02:43:573 (4,5) - the movement here is really bad and can be fixed by reversing (5). By the way, it shouldn't end on the downbeat (big white tick) Kinda fixed the movement but I think the downbeat at the end sounds pretty good. ^

    03:03:461 (2,3,1,2) - try this: I think it's fine the way it ismmmm it's probably the fact that 03:03:794 (1) - is lower than 3 and 2 and it takes a player to move down (I am personally fine with it)

    03:07:772 (1,2,3,4) and 03:09:097 (1,2,3,4) - refer to 02:18:711 (3,4,5,6) - I still dont know whats wrongexplained there

    03:11:417 (4,1) - the sudden stack kills all the movement, so please, unstack That's kinda what I wanted to do cause end of the section with lots of movement*shrug*

    03:17:717 (5,6,7,1) - there should be 1/4 again I wanted to slow down a bit here to make more impact to the streams at the end of the kiai and the melody is nice toodude but there's a beat at 03:17:964 and it really is noticeable. it's not like you'll have less emphasized streams if you decide not to ignore it

    03:27:909 - it is weird that you skipped a beat here. Don't you favour jumps! I skipped those at the beginning as wellwhatever it's weak anyway

    03:29:816 (7,8,9,10,11,1) - these triplets should be a single stream with no gap in between I think it plays better this way though and it's also easy to follow those triple with the melodyand I think that we're supposed to follow the music and that it's also pretty, uh, (excuse me) stupid to ignore the sounds one can clearly hear for sure. This is strange to me, considering the fact you put the 1/4 stream that was the whole stanza long at the time there was nothing 1/4-ish

    03:33:461 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - same as above ^ ^

    03:45:230 (1) - there should be no slider. If you think otherwise, start it on 03:45:065 (2) - because this is the only suitable moment for that. Warning: 03:45:727 (2,1) - is different and mapped correctly I don't get it o.o I mean, it sounds nice, but I don't see what's bad in my way.there's nothing bad apart from the fact that the slider's beginning is mapped exactly to nothing

    03:50:203 (1,2,3) - in fact, there should be 2 triplets with a 1/2 gap, but not these sliders it's for the vocals I think it's really nice this way*sigh* whatever, both vocals and beats are strong enough

    00:53:518 (1,7) - the best solution would be to make these half as long and then map the downbeats you managed to skip. Please note this issue appears often enough, and, seeing that you tend to skip the first measure of the new part in music, I'd recommend to go through your map and do a thorough check yourself I'll recheck, also here I think it's pretty much ok. It makes the bext triple more noticeable and easier. Honestly I don't mind changing it if it's a must but for the reason I just said I would still like to keep it.well there's as ound at 00:53:931 but I don't think it's ium[ortant anymore

    03:45:562 (2,1) - use auto stack here please Wow, I really like this way o.okeep it; it's very very minor and also a personal preference (not mine tho)

    I would keep the very last kiai fountain, although it's an easy difficulty. Like I should remove it? I don't think so. I mean I don't mind. But I don't think it's good to have a differement kiai time sections for the same mapset (inconsistant kiai) (iBAT is telling me). Also, I think the way I mapped the end is worth the kiai for an easy misundestood me. I am telling you there's a kiai fountain on Hard and Insane at 03:52:191 (at least it WAS there at the time we were checking the map) which I'd like also to see on Easy & Normal. It's not about removing the last kiai section, it's about addijng a fountain for every difficulty, not only the high ones

    00:27:993 (5) - since 1/4 in music starts 00:28:158 (1) - here it might to hard to play correctly for new players. It could be great if you turned (5) into a slider to mask 1/4s, because they're pretty much noticeable I don't like it, sorry. Also one thing, it's maybe why I have bad accuracy XD but I think a new player will pay more intention to the melody than the 1/4 especially for a music like thisyeah I guess it may be ignored safely here, but I couldn't get past it while checking the map
On a side note: 00:06:114 (1) - soft clap doesn't really fit @Insane

this doesn't need a detailed reply; just post if you changed at least something or not. I won't be that happy if you reject it all once again but that means nothing really since I understand you because you gave a good reasoning (apart from a few weak ones)
a mod or two would be helpful but I don't see much problem with letting the map slip, especially now that most of the stuff mentioned is fixed

Zare wrote:

Someone get this ranked this is so fun oh my god
you can bubble it once the host replies to me and I'll rank it or something, or vice versa
we can even notify EvilElvis if that matters
Cherry Blossom
As requested by Yales.
@TicClick,i'm modding this now, let me finish my mod before you check this map please.

Edit : It should be fine now, wait for Yales' reply on my mod.
Edit2 : what's that star icon ? D: Isn't that supposed to be a popped bubble icon ?
Topic Starter
Alright, I fixed more of your suggestions TicClick.

CB, I almost fixed eveything, the few I didn't fix, it's usually because any individual. So I don't post a detailed reply, Gomen gomen :3 But thank you very much.

Cherry Blossom wrote:

Edit2 : what's that star icon ? D: Isn't that supposed to be a popped bubble icon ?
the last post with an icon overwrites it (same as editing a post with the icon set)

EDIT: I'd still insist on making 03:29:816 (8,9,10,11,12,1) - and 03:33:131 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - complete streams because there's a fricking 1/4 left unmapped but oh well. Guess this is good enough for a bubble now.
Cherry Blossom
Yeah :D
Where are you Zare ?
Here I am with bad news.
It's a shame, really, but I'll have to pop this bubble yet again because of the lowest diff being too hard.

Ranking Criteria:

The Easy on this set exceeds 2 stars, rendering the set unrankable.

Reduce the note density on Easy and make it easier, I will then give this a quick mod and rebubble again...
Cherry Blossom
awh god, i didn't even notice that.
kill me please ;w;

All i can do is remodding Easy, i'll do it soon.

No kd please.

  • If you apply all of these suggestions below, you star rating will be 1.89

    The solutions to decrease the star rating is :
    -adding more 2/1 gaps like this 00:16:722 (3,1) - to give a give a breath of air to beginner.
    -using more 2/1 sliders like this 00:28:656 (1) -
    - avoiding stream with 1/1 circles like 02:54:179 (2,1,2,3,4) -, for this pattern you should make this instead
  1. 00:36:280 (4) - remove this note for the reason above, removing this note will make your pattern consistent with pattern earlier.
  2. 00:23:352 (1,2,3,4) - i think this pattern works better and it is easier to play
  3. 00:26:004 (1,2,3,4) - same as ^
  4. 00:57:495 (4) - i'd remove this note because you didnt want to follow this tick here 00:58:821 it will make a rhythm which is suitable for Easy diff (tatata tatata)
  5. 01:03:131 (3,4,1) - i think this is really hard for a Easy, and i think that's why the star diff is high. You should make both sliders like this
  6. 02:13:407 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - try to reduce density here, there is a lot of circles compared to the previous pattern. Try this pattern
  7. 02:23:682 (4) - remove this note for a 2/1 gap here.
  8. 03:06:114 (2,3,4,5) - here you could simplify the rhythm here, use a slider like this
  9. 03:14:733 (3,4,5) - avoid this stream, so delete 03:14:733 (3,5) -
  10. 03:17:717 (4) - remove this slider and add a note here 03:17:716 - for a 2/1 gap.
  11. 03:20:700 (4) - remove this note, same reason as ^
  12. 03:24:678 (2) - it may ruin your hitsound pattern but a stream here does not make sense because the song is calm here, so remove this note.
  13. 03:28:987 (3,4,5,6) - avoid this stream, there is much density here, try to reduce it a bit, you can delete 03:29:319 (4,6) -
  14. 03:30:313 (1,2,3,4) - make a more simple pattern here, like this
  15. 03:34:291 (1,2,3,4) - same here, avoid this stream, try this
  16. 03:35:617 (1,2,3,4,5) - same as 00:23:352 (1,2,3,4) -
  17. 03:37:938 (4,4) - remove these circles to give a breath of air to the player
  18. 03:43:240 (4,5) - ^
  19. 03:47:551 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - avoid this stream, this is the hardest part of this diff uuuuh, but you should delete 03:47:881 (2,4,2,4) -
Topic Starter

TicClick wrote:

EDIT: I'd still insist on making 03:29:816 (8,9,10,11,12,1) - and 03:33:131 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - complete streams because there's a fricking 1/4 left unmapped but oh well. Guess this is good enough for a bubble now.
If I would add it this way it would sound overmap, probably because of the previous triples that are actually overmapped, but I think it's worth it >< whatever

Thank you Zare for noticing

And thank you CB for instamod >< *love love*
There's only ont point I didnt change cause too lazy to find new pattern, the rating seems nice now anyway (RIP the end)

Thank you very much!
Oki. A few wuick things then. Excuse my lazy formatting on this, I'm kinda tired. If you have questions about what I mean with unfitting sliders, I'm talking about the rhythm usually and you should read up on Hitobject understanding and active/passive hitsounding on Jenny's userpage.

To make both our lives easier, please just apply the bolded things without discussing.


  1. Considering the Star Ratings of your diffs, to avoid confusion you should rename your difficulty to the respectively higher difficulty, i.e.
    Easy -> Normal
    Normal -> Hard
    Hard -> Insane
    Insane -> Expert

    Even if you didn't originally intend it to turn out this way, it's how the system preceives your mapset.
  2. tags aren't seperated by commas but by spaces, so remove the commas.

  1. 00:28:323 (4) - I'd remove this note because in thsiu section there's a lot of 1/1 going on and it might get somewhat tiring for new players
  2. 01:02:135 (1,3) - let me nazi you on this: The sliderends aren't exactly on the same spot, it would look neater if you fixed this
  3. 01:05:782 (1,3) - avoid this overlap, new players don't expect notes at the same place again
  4. 02:05:451 (1,1) - Not enough time between spinner and circle, give the player more time to recover here.
  5. 02:18:711 (1,3) - ^^ same thing
  6. 02:30:313 (2) - this rhythm doesn't make sense. To have the sliders fit the vocals better, do something like that:
  7. 02:53:186 (1,1) - this blanket can look better
  8. 03:14:070 (2) - unfitting slider, replace this with 2 circles

  1. tbh I think having a lower spacing on the 1/2 notes would clean this diff up quite a bit, something like 0.8 would work well, consider doing this, even if it would mean to rearrange a lot of stuff
  2. 00:37:938 (3,4,5) - This could look a lot less messy. Also the last sldier (5) is incredibly unfitting because of the tail landing on the downbeat
    Basically, the change to the slider rhythm is strongly recommended, the artistic change is just details.
  3. 01:03:131 (1,1) - Circle too soon after spinner.
  4. 01:08:103 (1,2) - Horribly unfitting sliders,
  5. 01:26:998 (1,1,1) - why don't you make this a proper triangle with the same side-lengths? Would look a lot better
  6. 01:50:203 (3) - I feel like having a slider here is kinda overdone, the pattern mostly follows the vocals, so I'd recommend to throw a 3/2 beats long slider
  7. 02:05:451 (1,1) - note too soon after spinner

  1. 00:41:251 (2) - What's with the random spacing change? Reduce it to 1.5 to fit the previous spacings of the section
  2. 00:53:518 (1) - shorten this by 1/2 and add a circle on the downbeat
  3. 01:08:103 (1) - ^ You can also use 3 circles here to emphasize the vocals
  4. 01:51:529 (3,4) - this blanket can look better
  5. 02:45:229 (1,2) - Absolutely unreadable beacuse your spacing in this diff is very inconsistent anyway. no one would realize this is a 3/4 rhythm. You can delete the second slider and add 2 reverse arrows on the first one. You can also do something like that In order to create 1/2 gaps instead of 3/4 gaps:

    This would be much more readable. I don't really care how you change this as long as players don't have to read a 3/4 gap between objects anymore.
  6. 03:06:776 (5,1) - swap NCs on these two objects
  7. 03:19:374 (1) - the slider is completely off rhythmically and messes with your hitsoundings as well as your NCing. Remove it by 2 circles or a 1/2 slider and a circle on the downbeat

  1. 01:05:119 (1,2,1,2) -
  2. I know this is somewhat of an intended effect, but thse are too quiet imo, they don't give the audible feedback that hitsound players like myself need, I'd raise the volume by 10 ~ 20 %
  3. 03:13:739 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - tbh these triangles don't make sense to the music whatsoever, the first three triangles could be justified with the lyrics landing on every 4th beat but then the pattern would have to stop at 03:15:064 (3) - because that's where Miku changes her vocal rhythm..
    Tbh I'd just recommend square patterns to emphasize the drumrhythms because those would fit better, otherwise you could do a cool back-and-forth pattern, something like that maybe:
    That way you'd have a slider on 03:15:064 which would accentuate the vocals there etc
    any pattern that groups the objects into 4 would work, this is just an example
  4. 03:45:230 (1) - I'd remove this NC, it seems overdone
  5. 03:45:893 (1) - ^
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