This forum is for discussion about everyday things. Be respectful to one another, report threads/posts that don't belong accordingly to a staff member. Keep in mind, "The place where you don't post crap." is the sub-forum's description. Make General Discussion live up to the description we've given it.
Kindly use the forum for what it's used for. Create threads where they belong!
If you have any questions about how the game works, scores, play-styles (TABLETS/MICE/ETC), please post in Gameplay & Rankings.
Failure to adhere to anything listed above will result in your thread being locked and/or a silence.
Kindly use the forum for what it's used for. Create threads where they belong!
If you have any questions about how the game works, scores, play-styles (TABLETS/MICE/ETC), please post in Gameplay & Rankings.
Failure to adhere to anything listed above will result in your thread being locked and/or a silence.