
earthmind - Energy (TV Size)

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最好找人帮你查一下Title=。= 我不太了解但我感觉这不太靠谱儿
01:05:576 - 这个地方应该重新进入kiai,一直到01:16:937 - 结束

首先是sv太高了 不适合这首歌 如果你有remap的打算的话建议用1.5就可以了
尤其是00:10:724 - 之前的这部分 sv应该更低一些 最好插线降sv 而且现在的节奏过密,一开始这部分的鼓是1/1的 不论是跟鼓还是跟vocal 应该放一些长音 这样开头部分才可以和后面部分有所区别 更能突出后面 像00:00:783 (2) - 这种地方无论怎样都是没有拍的 没有鼓也没有vocal 留空来表现前面人声的长音会更适合 而且你00:01:316 (1) - 这个slider的节奏比较奇怪 因为你下了00:01:138 (4) - 这一拍所以别人都以为你在跟vocal 结果你这个长slider突然变成跟鼓了 改成这样的节奏会更贴切
00:04:866 (3,4,5) - 这三连打就更莫名了 明明什么音都没有的慢速段硬是要放三连打,开头部分节奏稀疏一些更合适
00:10:369 (7) - 这个节奏更莫名 如果你要跟vocal 那么00:10:369 - 这里是一个circle 然后从00:10:546 - 再起slider 如果你是想跟伴奏 那么你应该直接删掉这个7或者从6的那个位置起一个长滑条 尾巴soft
00:10:901 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 加一些whistle比较合适
00:11:611 (9,1) - 一般来说应该换一下NC的位置 给这个9加NC 然后去掉1上的NC,这才是正确的按重音加NC的方法
00:22:972 - 不觉得从这里开始声音突然变小了么 虽然你绿线的音量是没有变 但是你要注意到不同音效本身的音量就不同 所以最好把前面normal的部分降一些音量 不然明明是在同一个部分里 没什么起伏 音效的音量突然就变了 感觉很奇怪的
00:27:943 (1) - 这个应该去掉NC 然后在00:27:055 (7) - 和00:28:653 (6) - 都加NC 从00:28:653 (6) - 这里起明显是一个新的段落了 却和前面归在同一个combo里面就太奇怪了
00:29:895 (1,2) - NC应该挪到2 才是从白线重音起新NC
00:35:221 (5,1) - 突然莫名小间距
00:43:387 (3) - clap没了
00:43:742 (1) - 这里又乱加clap 这尾巴上明明没有“叮”啊 应该加在00:44:097 (2) -
而且从00:40:014 - 这个地方开始应该降滑条速度的 你在摆circle的时候已经意识到了这一点 用了小间距 但是明明还在同一个段落00:43:742 (1) - 这么高速度的滑条就显得太奇怪了
00:44:097 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - 这些Normal用的也非常奇怪 后面没有鼓啊 为什么要这样自行发挥呢
00:48:535 (5) - 这个之前只有一拍一个的drum normal 根本就没有clap 你现在这样音效加得听起来很奇怪 而且从这个5这里明明是一个新的阶段了却不加NC=。=
00:51:730 (8) - 把后面的1的NC移到这个会比较容易读
00:54:215 - 这里是kiai的开头 一个新的段落 重音 应该放一个让player来打下去的东西不管是circle还是slider 而像你现在这样把这一拍放到了slider尾巴上就会显得很别扭,让人觉得kiai怎么莫名其名就开始了
00:56:700 (1,2,3) - 在红线乱起三连就算了 这白线三连真是又不好打又不好听
00:59:895 (1) - 从这个地方为什么只用蓝和粉不用红色了?
01:01:848 (3,4) - 把finish从4到3更合适 虽然伴奏中那个音并不是从3那个地方开始的 但是你把finish加到3的话音效可以持续到那个时候 而你加在4的话明显就已经晚了
01:02:381 (1,1) - 这些NC加得非常乱套 你只要每个长白线加NC就可以了啊 一定要保持一致性
01:07:884 (1) - 这个的折返箭头被01:07:351 (2) - 的hitburst挡住了 这个是unrankable的 你把01:07:884 (1) - CTRL+G就可以了
01:09:659 (1) - 这里根本就不适合起连打啊 应该直接起滑条的
01:10:369 (1) - 这个地方其实应该放一个1/6的折返滑条 你放慢速度听就能听出来 不过你把简化处理成现在这样也是可以的
01:11:079 (1) - 这里也应该直接起滑条 你完全是在自创一些莫名其妙的节奏……
01:16:937 (13,1) - 应该把NC挪到13
01:21:375 (5,6,7) - 这和前面那滑条碰到了很不好看 要遮挡就多遮一些 或者就不要碰到 现在这样模棱两可的
01:22:617 (4) - 前面节奏那么紧凑 不停地乱放三连这里突然又这样 听着很奇怪啊 最高难度最好放这么长的滑条 要让节奏尽量细化,长滑条留给低难度用
01:26:523 (3) - NC
总结一下 NC要有一致性 比如每一条长白线加一个NC就可以了 现在很多地方都是乱套的 不属于一起的被分到一起 该分开的地方又没分开 节奏过度紧凑 很多什么都没有的地方也要放连打 完全没有意义 节奏要根据音乐本身来下 而且不要在vocal和伴奏之间太过频繁而没有根据地切换 一会跟vocal一会跟鼓完全看心情 这样让player完全摸不到头脑 试着控制不同段落间的音量、间距和滑条速度让它们之间存在差别 这样才能更好的突出需要强调的部分 还有有的段落莫名只使用3种combo color中的两种 没有特别原因的话不要这样做 这些东西都是要你自己来改的 没人能一个一个给你挑出来

00:10:901 (1) - 这个spinner放在除了Insane以外的难度都太短了
00:40:369 (6) - 尾巴上的clap呢
00:40:901 (7,8) - 你Insane里面明明都是在3个一组的音里面的第三个音加clap 这里又变成都在第二个 听着很奇怪的啊=。=
01:10:369 (5,6) - 莫名小间距
01:16:937 (1) - 太短
基本都是一样的问题 NC乱加 节奏乱切换 乱放连打 音效不一致 请务必对照着上面自裁
还有就是你按一下CTRL+A 你就会发现你这张图的整体分布非常不均匀 有的地方没用到有的地方东西太多 作图的时候要尽量让物件均匀分布

00:02:026 (2,3) - 间距不一致 在Easy和Normal里面一定要保持全程间距一致 从最开始就要确定一个合适的间距 然后要一直遵守 其他的地方自己找出来改掉
00:10:901 (1) - 太短了=。=
00:27:943 (5) - E/N 里面不要放这种1/4
00:31:493 (1) - 低难度中不要这样遮挡 新人读不出来
00:39:304 (5) - 非常不推荐在低难度中庸这种折返多次的短滑条 因为新手根本反应不过来到底会不会再多折返一次
其他都是一些重复的问题 还有就是在低难度中NC不要加得那么频繁 两条长白线一个NC就可以了

都是上面提到过的问题 自己改吧 像00:41:611 (3) - 这种的东西一定要避免
00:52:085 (1,1) - 衔接太紧了 作为一个Easy,spinner最好早一点结束

大概暂时就这样了 慢慢改吧 不要着急 多举一反三 自己给自己纠错才进步得快 加油
Topic Starter
Ryuuka Toki
Due to school work and mid-autumn festival,remap progress is delayed.
BUT NOW It's Done!
Topic Starter
Ryuuka Toki

Zero__wind wrote:

最好找人帮你查一下Title=。= 我不太了解但我感觉这不太靠谱儿
01:05:576 - 这个地方应该重新进入kiai,一直到01:16:937 - 结束

首先是sv太高了 不适合这首歌 如果你有remap的打算的话建议用1.5就可以了 用了1.6,我参考了新rank的starlog,感觉应该可以吧
尤其是00:10:724 - 之前的这部分 sv应该更低一些 最好插线降sv 而且现在的节奏过密,一开始这部分的鼓是1/1的 不论是跟鼓还是跟vocal 应该放一些长音 这样开头部分才可以和后面部分有所区别 更能突出后面 像00:00:783 (2) - 这种地方无论怎样都是没有拍的 没有鼓也没有vocal 留空来表现前面人声的长音会更适合 而且你00:01:316 (1) - 这个slider的节奏比较奇怪 因为你下了00:01:138 (4) - 这一拍所以别人都以为你在跟vocal 结果你这个长slider突然变成跟鼓了 改成这样的节奏会更贴切 是的,我完全是按照自己的想法加的,实际上当时做的时候我我并没有听太多次这首歌
00:04:866 (3,4,5) - 这三连打就更莫名了 明明什么音都没有的慢速段硬是要放三连打,开头部分节奏稀疏一些更合适 果断删除啊啊啊00:10:369 (7) - 这个节奏更莫名 如果你要跟vocal 那么00:10:369 - 这里是一个circle 然后从00:10:546 - 再起slider 如果你是想跟伴奏 那么你应该直接删掉这个7或者从6的那个位置起一个长滑条 尾巴soft 我都不知道说什么好了
00:10:901 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 加一些whistle比较合适 的确好了不少啊,原来whistle可以加在stream里
00:11:611 (9,1) - 一般来说应该换一下NC的位置 给这个9加NC 然后去掉1上的NC,这才是正确的按重音加NC的方法 新方法get00:22:972 - 不觉得从这里开始声音突然变小了么 虽然你绿线的音量是没有变 但是你要注意到不同音效本身的音量就不同 所以最好把前面normal的部分降一些音量 不然明明是在同一个部分里 没什么起伏 音效的音量突然就变了 感觉很奇怪的 稍微降了一些,感觉好一些了
00:27:943 (1) - 这个应该去掉NC 然后在00:27:055 (7) - 和00:28:653 (6) - 都加NC 从00:28:653 (6) - 这里起明显是一个新的段落了 却和前面归在同一个combo里面就太奇怪了 我NC ORZ00:29:895 (1,2) - NC应该挪到2 才是从白线重音起新NC
00:35:221 (5,1) - 突然莫名小间距 Fixed
00:43:387 (3) - clap没了 Fixed
00:43:742 (1) - 这里又乱加clap 这尾巴上明明没有“叮”啊 应该加在00:44:097 (2) - 已经统一了
而且从00:40:014 - 这个地方开始应该降滑条速度的 你在摆circle的时候已经意识到了这一点 用了小间距 但是明明还在同一个段落00:43:742 (1) - 这么高速度的滑条就显得太奇怪了 我改成短的了,但是有些奇怪 imo00:44:097 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - 这些Normal用的也非常奇怪 后面没有鼓啊 为什么要这样自行发挥呢 因为我NC啊(改好了,惭愧
00:48:535 (5) - 这个之前只有一拍一个的drum normal 根本就没有clap 你现在这样音效加得听起来很奇怪 而且从这个5这里明明是一个新的阶段了却不加NC=。= 换了一种方法,不知道行不行
00:51:730 (8) - 把后面的1的NC移到这个会比较容易读 Fixed
00:54:215 - 这里是kiai的开头 一个新的段落 重音 应该放一个让player来打下去的东西不管是circle还是slider 而像你现在这样把这一拍放到了slider尾巴上就会显得很别扭,让人觉得kiai怎么莫名其名就开始了 Fixed
00:56:700 (1,2,3) - 在红线乱起三连就算了 这白线三连真是又不好打又不好听 Fixed
00:59:895 (1) - 从这个地方为什么只用蓝和粉不用红色了? 我其实打算vivid和hard难度除了stream外都是红蓝cp色交替的,不知道可不可以
01:01:848 (3,4) - 把finish从4到3更合适 虽然伴奏中那个音并不是从3那个地方开始的 但是你把finish加到3的话音效可以持续到那个时候 而你加在4的话明显就已经晚了 好小的细节啊,我是注意不到啊 :o
01:02:381 (1,1) - 这些NC加得非常乱套 你只要每个长白线加NC就可以了啊 一定要保持一致性 还是那句话,我NC01:07:884 (1) - 这个的折返箭头被01:07:351 (2) - 的hitburst挡住了 这个是unrankable的 你把01:07:884 (1) - CTRL+G就可以了 现在应该可以了吧
01:09:659 (1) - 这里根本就不适合起连打啊 应该直接起滑条的 Fixed
01:10:369 (1) - 这个地方其实应该放一个1/6的折返滑条 你放慢速度听就能听出来 不过你把简化处理成现在这样也是可以的 Fixed
01:11:079 (1) - 这里也应该直接起滑条 你完全是在自创一些莫名其妙的节奏…… 啊哈哈01:16:937 (13,1) - 应该把NC挪到13 Fixed
01:21:375 (5,6,7) - 这和前面那滑条碰到了很不好看 要遮挡就多遮一些 或者就不要碰到 现在这样模棱两可的 Fixed
01:22:617 (4) - 前面节奏那么紧凑 不停地乱放三连这里突然又这样 听着很奇怪啊 最高难度最好放这么长的滑条 要让节奏尽量细化,长滑条留给低难度用 现在节奏没有那么秘籍了,感觉应该可以了吧,那么长的一个音除了用spin代替,我想不出别的办法了……01:26:523 (3) - NC Fixed
总结一下 NC要有一致性 比如每一条长白线加一个NC就可以了 现在很多地方都是乱套的 不属于一起的被分到一起 该分开的地方又没分开 节奏过度紧凑 很多什么都没有的地方也要放连打 完全没有意义 节奏要根据音乐本身来下 而且不要在vocal和伴奏之间太过频繁而没有根据地切换 一会跟vocal一会跟鼓完全看心情 这样让player完全摸不到头脑 试着控制不同段落间的音量、间距和滑条速度让它们之间存在差别 这样才能更好的突出需要强调的部分 还有有的段落莫名只使用3种combo color中的两种 没有特别原因的话不要这样做 这些东西都是要你自己来改的 没人能一个一个给你挑出来

00:10:901 (1) - 这个spinner放在除了Insane以外的难度都太短了
00:40:369 (6) - 尾巴上的clap呢
00:40:901 (7,8) - 你Insane里面明明都是在3个一组的音里面的第三个音加clap 这里又变成都在第二个 听着很奇怪的啊=。=
01:10:369 (5,6) - 莫名小间距
01:16:937 (1) - 太短
基本都是一样的问题 NC乱加 节奏乱切换 乱放连打 音效不一致 请务必对照着上面自裁
还有就是你按一下CTRL+A 你就会发现你这张图的整体分布非常不均匀 有的地方没用到有的地方东西太多 作图的时候要尽量让物件均匀分布

00:02:026 (2,3) - 间距不一致 在Easy和Normal里面一定要保持全程间距一致 从最开始就要确定一个合适的间距 然后要一直遵守 其他的地方自己找出来改掉
00:10:901 (1) - 太短了=。=
00:27:943 (5) - E/N 里面不要放这种1/4
00:31:493 (1) - 低难度中不要这样遮挡 新人读不出来
00:39:304 (5) - 非常不推荐在低难度中庸这种折返多次的短滑条 因为新手根本反应不过来到底会不会再多折返一次
其他都是一些重复的问题 还有就是在低难度中NC不要加得那么频繁 两条长白线一个NC就可以了

都是上面提到过的问题 自己改吧 像00:41:611 (3) - 这种的东西一定要避免
00:52:085 (1,1) - 衔接太紧了 作为一个Easy,spinner最好早一点结束

大概暂时就这样了 慢慢改吧 不要着急 多举一反三 自己给自己纠错才进步得快 加油
/me cry
Why mapping is so difficult
Hi! I just realized I completely forgot about the M4M you made in my queue 2 weeks ago O.o so here's the mod! :)


00:12:322 (1,2,3) - the rhythm if these 3 notes can be confusing on easy diff, maybe make of them a slider, like this: 00:16:582 (1,2,3) - you can try to make something better with these 3, maybe try a pattern like this, just to make it not seem like you placed these notes casually 00:18:357 (4) - maybe the form of this slider is a bit strange XD
00:19:777 (5,1) - also these you can place them better
00:28:653 (1) - avoid this overlap with 00:26:878 (3) -
00:34:333 (1) - I would suggest you to avoid making sliders with such a short curve, make the curve wider
00:36:464 - why is this part silenced? ther's no motive imo, delete this green line.
00:36:819 (1,2,3) - also this sliders, you can place them better, I'll give you an example: 00:39:304 (7,1) - you can make a better blancket with these 2
00:40:901 (2,3) - useless overlap, you can place these better.
00:44:274 (1) - keep the spacing consistent
00:51:375 (4) - maybe delete this, then copy/paste 00:50:665 (3) - and then ctrl+H and ctrl+G
00:50:665 (3,1,4) - small overlap, you can avoid it if you delete 00:54:215 (1) - and copy/paste at its place 00:55:635 (4) - you'll have something like this: 01:09:481 (3) - ugly slider :/
01:26:523 (3) - keep the spacing consistent
also be carefull to don't overlap during the map, you can simply avoid it making patterns like I showed to you.


00:05:931 (1) - keep the spacing consistent, if you do this it will also make the blancket with 00:04:511 (4) -
00:12:322 (1) - maybe this is too soon after a spinner, but I'm not sure if this can be ok for a normal diff
00:15:162 (3,1) - keep the spacing consistent always in a normal diff!
00:16:582 (3,4) - ^
00:18:002 (2) - ^
you need to check all the spacing in all diff and make it consistent.


00:10:014 (2) - I think there's no need for a jump here
00:13:742 (1) - keep the spacing consistent
00:22:262 (7) - why did you choosed to place it exactly where there were the previous 4 notes? you could have find a better place with this, there is all the rest of the screen, like the top right of it, you can place it there.
00:46:759 (4,5,6) - make them all the same inclination
00:47:824 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I'll try to tell you a good way to place these: first move 00:48:357 (4) - to x:260-y:216 then I stacked 00:48:535 (5) - with 00:47:824 (1) - and then placed 00:48:890 (6,7,8) - in this way:
Good luck with this map! :)
Topic Starter
Ryuuka Toki

luxoDeh wrote:

Hi! I just realized I completely forgot about the M4M you made in my queue 2 weeks ago O.o so here's the mod! :)


00:12:322 (1,2,3) - the rhythm if these 3 notes can be confusing on easy diff, maybe make of them a slider, like this:Fixed That's weird to me too,but you gave me a brilliant suggestion 00:16:582 (1,2,3) - you can try to make something better with these 3, maybe try a pattern like this, just to make it not seem like you placed these notes casually Fixed
00:18:357 (4) - maybe the form of this slider is a bit strange XD Yep,indeed.I tried another pattern nowXDDD
00:19:777 (5,1) - also these you can place them better Fixed
00:28:653 (1) - avoid this overlap with 00:26:878 (3) - I'm always confused with the overlapping stuff
00:34:333 (1) - I would suggest you to avoid making sliders with such a short curve, make the curve wider Fixed
00:36:464 - why is this part silenced? ther's no motive imo, delete this green line. No change
00:36:819 (1,2,3) - also this sliders, you can place them better, I'll give you an example: Fixed
00:39:304 (7,1) - you can make a better blancket with these 2 Fixed
00:40:901 (2,3) - useless overlap, you can place these better. Fixed
00:44:274 (1) - keep the spacing consistent Fixed
00:51:375 (4) - maybe delete this, then copy/paste 00:50:665 (3) - and then ctrl+H and ctrl+G
00:50:665 (3,1,4) - small overlap, you can avoid it if you delete 00:54:215 (1) - and copy/paste at its place 00:55:635 (4) - you'll have something like this: Sorry,I tried another pattern
01:09:481 (3) - ugly slider :/ well
01:26:523 (3) - keep the spacing consistent Fixed
also be carefull to don't overlap during the map, you can simply avoid it making patterns like I showed to you. Gotcha


00:05:931 (1) - keep the spacing consistent, if you do this it will also make the blancket with 00:04:511 (4) - Fixed
00:12:322 (1) - maybe this is too soon after a spinner, but I'm not sure if this can be ok for a normal diff Fixed
00:15:162 (3,1) - keep the spacing consistent always in a normal diff! Fixed
00:16:582 (3,4) - ^ Fixed
00:18:002 (2) - ^ Fixed
you need to check all the spacing in all diff and make it consistent. Hell ,spacing troubles me a lot


00:10:014 (2) - I think there's no need for a jump here Sorry,I did it to keep consistence with the Vivid diff.
00:13:742 (1) - keep the spacing consistent Fixed
00:22:262 (7) - why did you choosed to place it exactly where there were the previous 4 notes? you could have find a better place with this, there is all the rest of the screen, like the top right of it, you can place it there. Fixed,better now XD
00:46:759 (4,5,6) - make them all the same inclination Fixed,this time should looks great
00:47:824 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I'll try to tell you a good way to place these: first move 00:48:357 (4) - to x:260-y:216 then I stacked 00:48:535 (5) - with 00:47:824 (1) - and then placed 00:48:890 (6,7,8) - in this way: I did another pattern

Good luck with this map! :)
Thank you :D

You should crop your bg size to 4:3 or 16:9

00:44:274 (1,1) - you can make good blanket here
00:53:860 () - start kiai from 00:54:215 (1) -
01:06:286 (3) - shape of this slider is really bad, consider to change
01:09:481 (3) - ^ and also I think end snapped to blue tick is wrong

Rhythm is good, placing is fine too but your patterns don't look astatically pleasant. Try to look over maps of your favorite mappers and note patterns they use.
i.e. this - completely clunky looking compared to just simple
I can go through diff and make this for you but there is no point in this, you should learn what is good\how to make good patterns by yourself. As I said best way is look at maps of mappers you like.

All pretty much the same for this diff.
AR7 more suitable for this hard imo
00:45:694 (1,2,3) - fix spacing between this ones you may need to turn off for this
00:46:759 (4,5,6) - ^
00:57:765 (5,6) - blanket here?
01:09:659 (1,2,3) - what about this slider why not to use "new" ones?

I'm sorry, I think I can't help you with this diff. I see only unreasonable jumps and other stuff that I cant understand.

Good Luck.
Topic Starter
Ryuuka Toki

Sieg wrote:


You should crop your bg size to 4:3 or 16:9

00:44:274 (1,1) - you can make good blanket here Nice fixed
00:53:860 () - start kiai from 00:54:215 (1) - Nice fixed
01:06:286 (3) - shape of this slider is really bad, consider to change fixed
01:09:481 (3) - ^ and also I think end snapped to blue tick is wrong Fixed

Rhythm is good, placing is fine too but your patterns don't look astatically pleasant. Try to look over maps of your favorite mappers and note patterns they use.
i.e. this - completely clunky looking compared to just simple
I can go through diff and make this for you but there is no point in this, you should learn what is good\how to make good patterns by yourself. As I said best way is look at maps of mappers you like. You're right,I am poor at making sliders. I will try to make it more beautiful

All pretty much the same for this diff.
AR7 more suitable for this hard imo Nice fixed
00:45:694 (1,2,3) - fix spacing between this ones you may need to turn off for thisDone
00:46:759 (4,5,6) - ^ Done
00:57:765 (5,6) - blanket here? Done
01:09:659 (1,2,3) - what about this slider why not to use "new" ones?

I'm sorry, I think I can't help you with this diff. I see only unreasonable jumps and other stuff that I cant understand.

Good Luck.
hi random mod


* 00:02:647 我个人的习惯会加一个note

* 00:10:901 一直到这之前我觉得就是sv慢了但是DS很大,刚开始开着bg打打的很烂但是dim了之后就还好。。。吗就说下感受这样

* 00:44:984 (1,2,3,4,5) - 个人蛮讨厌这种的;w;

* 00:48:535 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - 这也是,梗本身不说而且还跳,或许可以改成1/4的折返滑条

* 01:02:913 (4) - 这里可以和前面做个对称

* 其实吧我觉得kiai可以变个速

* 呃还有od-1



* 00:05:931 (1,2,3) - 注意DS

* 00:02:026 (2,3) - 注意DS

* 00:14:984 (3) - 为了版面整洁我通常会和00:13:387 (6) - stack,然后再调一下滑条尾巴

* 00:15:517 (5,6) - 5.6换下位置

* 00:24:925 (2) - 移到白线上并缩短,红线上可以加个note

* 00:30:428 (2) - 1/4滑条并加个note和3,4 stack

* 00:48:890 (6) - 没叠好

* 00:57:055 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这有点问题吧。。

* 01:02:026 (9) - 改成这样

* 01:05:398 加一个note并注意一下ds

* 01:09:481 (4,1) - 可以做个blanket

* 01:10:369 (2) - 这个也可以和前面的滑条头blanket

* 01:13:387 (7) - 和01:11:966 (1,2,3) - stack一下

* 01:15:517 (5) - ctrl+g

* 01:26:523 (3,4) - 为了好看可以对称前面的1,2


* 00:00:251 (1,2,3) - 可以做成 1,3包2的感觉

* 00:38:949 (4,5,6) - 注意下ds

* 00:33:623 (6) - 和滑条明显的叠在一起了不太好

* 01:05:931 (2,1) - 叠一下

* check your aimod
Topic Starter
Ryuuka Toki

Mei wrote:

hi random mod
Random mod 的人都是好人啊


* 00:02:647 我个人的习惯会加一个note 其实我之前是有的,但是感觉overmap了就删除了

* 00:10:901 一直到这之前我觉得就是sv慢了但是DS很大,刚开始开着bg打打的很烂但是dim了之后就还好。。。吗就说下感受这样 啊,就是在这前面一点点我的sv才从1.2变成1.6的,然后之后全程1.6

* 00:44:984 (1,2,3,4,5) - 个人蛮讨厌这种的;w; ;w;为什么好几个人都不喜欢,难道是因为我是在这里是强双打法的原因吗……我觉得很顺手的,还是不想改啊。。。

* 00:48:535 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - 这也是,梗本身不说而且还跳,或许可以改成1/4的折返滑条 1/4会不会太简单了?毕竟那是hard的梗,这个些三连看上去比较密集,但是BPM不高所以我打起来也不费劲,跳的话,我请的一些测试玩家都可以连上去,我觉得还是没有多大问题

* 01:02:913 (4) - 这里可以和前面做个对称 我zz,看不懂;w; 和哪个对称
* 其实吧我觉得kiai可以变个速 最初的几个版本我都是在kiai变速,然后sv都是在1.8 1.9,但是反响不好,说是这样的歌没有那么激烈,所以我还是取消了变速
* 呃还有od-1 OD8我想要坚持,因为OD7的话开HROD连十都没到,感觉太简单了。玩这个难度的player水平OD8应该没什么问题吧IMO

说是在话我觉得不太好打,有些地方感觉不错但是串感觉都不太舒服 没错!窜到底怎么摆,加在什么地方好,我实在是不明白,只有不断学习

* 00:05:931 (1,2,3) - 注意DS Fixed

* 00:02:026 (2,3) - 注意DS Fixed

* 00:14:984 (3) - 为了版面整洁我通常会和00:13:387 (6) - stack,然后再调一下滑条尾巴 Fixed

* 00:15:517 (5,6) - 5.6换下位置 Fixed

* 00:24:925 (2) - 移到白线上并缩短,红线上可以加个note Fixed

* 00:30:428 (2) - 1/4滑条并加个note和3,4 stack Fixed

* 00:48:890 (6) - 没叠好 Fixed

* 00:57:055 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这有点问题吧。。 Fixed,的确啊,相当zz

* 01:02:026 (9) - 改成这样

* 01:05:398 加一个note并注意一下ds Fixed

* 01:09:481 (4,1) - 可以做个blanket Fixed

* 01:10:369 (2) - 这个也可以和前面的滑条头blanket Fixed

* 01:13:387 (7) - 和01:11:966 (1,2,3) - stack一下 Fixed

* 01:15:517 (5) - ctrl+g Fixed

* 01:26:523 (3,4) - 为了好看可以对称前面的1,2 没有改,就这样好了


* 00:00:251 (1,2,3) - 可以做成 1,3包2的感觉 Fixed

* 00:38:949 (4,5,6) - 注意下ds Fixed

* 00:33:623 (6) - 和滑条明显的叠在一起了不太好 Fixed

* 01:05:931 (2,1) - 叠一下 Fixed

* check your aimod

Here's the video, encoded and such: Vividred Operation OP

As for timing, I think 256 (+5) sounds just a bit more solid

Good luck!
By the way change your title to earthmind - Energy (TV Size)
Topic Starter
Ryuuka Toki

captin1 wrote:


Here's the video, encoded and such: Vividred Operation OP

As for timing, I think 256 (+5) sounds just a bit more solid

Good luck!
Sorry for my late response. :(

Thanks for your nice NC video OP!!! Love it!!!
And your timing is also good. :)
hi~ from my queue :D

  1. deselect letterbox during breaks
  2. the beginning of KIAI is 00:53:865
    also the beginning of preview point is 00:53:865
  3. i think there is not need "soft-hitclap" sound
    i think necessary part is 00:40:019 - 00:43:392
  4. i agree with

    TestApple wrote:

    By the way change your title to earthmind - Energy (TV Size)
Maybe you forget many Normal clap sound
00:00:256 (1) - add clap end point
00:02:031 (2) - add clap start point
00:03:096 (1) - add clap end point
00:10:551 (5) - add clap start point
00:14:457 (2) - add clap end point
00:16:054 (4) - add clap end point
00:16:942 (9) - i think it is normal clap
00:19:072 (7) - add clap start point
00:21:912 (6) - add clap
00:22:267 (8) - add clap end point
00:31:853 (2) - add clap start point
00:33:273 (8) - add clap start point
00:33:628 (9) - add clap end point
00:35:403 (1) - add clap
00:35:936 (3) - add clap end point
00:46:054 (2) - add clap
00:46:764 (2) - add clap start point
00:47:474 (5) - add clap
00:57:415 (3) - add clap
00:58:658 (2) - add clap end point
01:00:256 (2) - add clap start point
01:05:936 (2) - add clap start point
01:08:776 (3) - add clap
01:10:196 (8) - add clap
01:10:906 (10) - add clap
01:11:616 (1) - add clap start point
01:13:747 (1) - add clap start point
01:18:007 (7) - add clap start point
01:18:717 (2) - add clap
01:19:427 (5) - add clap
01:21:380 (1) - add clap end point
00:08:776 (10) - NC?
00:12:327 (5,6,7) - move x:336 y:336
00:13:037 (9) - add note ?how about this
00:39:309 (1,2,3,4) - you can make more beautiful square pattern
00:47:474 (5) - stack 00:46:409 (1)'s start point
00:47:119 (3,4) - move a little,like this
00:48:184 (3) - x:140y:168 i think more good
00:51:735 (4) - remove NC
00:52:090 (5) - NC
00:55:995 (1) - NC?
01:10:374 (9) - i think stream is better,like this?

i recommended hitsoundset is same as Insane mod
01:02:741 - add note
01:07:001 - ^
01:07:356 - ^
01:16:942 (6) - ^ and needs finish sound

i also recommended hitsoundset is same as Insane mod
00:11:883 - green line is 00:11:971?
00:19:427 (1,2,3) - change slider? maybe little hard...
00:45:344 (1) - removeNC
00:45:699 (2) - NC
00:56:705 (6,7,8) - maybe little hard..?
01:07:534 (1) - i think it is not fit.change slider?
01:11:971 (1,2,3) - little hard
01:25:463 (1,2,3,4) - change slider?

00:21:202 (2) - Distance error
01:11:971 (2) - use copy slider 01:11:084 (1)

good luck~!
Topic Starter
Ryuuka Toki

Pandiar wrote:

hi~ from my queue :D

  1. deselect letterbox during breaks
  2. the beginning of KIAI is 00:53:865
    also the beginning of preview point is 00:53:865
  3. i think there is not need "soft-hitclap" sound
    i think necessary part is 00:40:019 - 00:43:392
  4. i agree with

    TestApple wrote:

    By the way change your title to earthmind - Energy (TV Size)
Maybe you forget many Normal clap sound
00:00:256 (1) - add clap end point
00:02:031 (2) - add clap start point
00:03:096 (1) - add clap end point
00:10:551 (5) - add clap start point
00:14:457 (2) - add clap end point
00:16:054 (4) - add clap end point
00:16:942 (9) - i think it is normal clap
00:19:072 (7) - add clap start point
00:21:912 (6) - add clap
00:22:267 (8) - add clap end point
00:31:853 (2) - add clap start point
00:33:273 (8) - add clap start point
00:33:628 (9) - add clap end point
00:35:403 (1) - add clap
00:35:936 (3) - add clap end point
00:46:054 (2) - add clap
00:46:764 (2) - add clap start point
00:47:474 (5) - add clap
00:57:415 (3) - add clap
00:58:658 (2) - add clap end point
01:00:256 (2) - add clap start point
01:05:936 (2) - add clap start point
01:08:776 (3) - add clap
01:10:196 (8) - add clap
01:10:906 (10) - add clap
01:11:616 (1) - add clap start point
01:13:747 (1) - add clap start point
01:18:007 (7) - add clap start point
01:18:717 (2) - add clap
01:19:427 (5) - add clap
01:21:380 (1) - add clap end point
00:08:776 (10) - NC?
00:12:327 (5,6,7) - move x:336 y:336
00:13:037 (9) - add note ?how about this
00:39:309 (1,2,3,4) - you can make more beautiful square pattern
00:47:474 (5) - stack 00:46:409 (1)'s start point
00:47:119 (3,4) - move a little,like this
00:48:184 (3) - x:140y:168 i think more good
00:51:735 (4) - remove NC
00:52:090 (5) - NC
00:55:995 (1) - NC?
01:10:374 (9) - i think stream is better,like this?

i recommended hitsoundset is same as Insane mod
01:02:741 - add note
01:07:001 - ^
01:07:356 - ^
01:16:942 (6) - ^ and needs finish sound

i also recommended hitsoundset is same as Insane mod
00:11:883 - green line is 00:11:971?
00:19:427 (1,2,3) - change slider? maybe little hard...
00:45:344 (1) - removeNC
00:45:699 (2) - NC
00:56:705 (6,7,8) - maybe little hard..?
01:07:534 (1) - i think it is not fit.change slider?
01:11:971 (1,2,3) - little hard
01:25:463 (1,2,3,4) - change slider?

00:21:202 (2) - Distance error
01:11:971 (2) - use copy slider 01:11:084 (1)

good luck~!
Most fixed,but vivid.Cuz it is remapped.
Thank you! and sorry for my laziness.
m4m t/228210/start=15

Background images must be at a maximum of 1024x768 pixels for 4:3, 1366x768 pixels for 16:9. Although 1366x768 (16:9) is recommended, most background ratios that are 4:3 or 16:9 should also work reasonably well (for example, 800x600 or 852x480). Using an image with a different ratio is fine, but will result in letterboxing (black bars at the top/bottom of the screen) or upscaling (resized image to fill the whole screen).

Inconsistency in Kiai Times: -
[Easy] :
Kiai #1: Starts on 00:53:865, ends on 01:26:883 -

[Hard] :
Kiai #1: Starts on 00:53:865, ends on 01:16:942 -

[Normal] :
Kiai #1: Starts on 00:53:865, ends on 01:16:942 -

[Vivid] :
Kiai #1: Starts on 00:53:865, ends on 01:11:261


Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at: 00:10:547 - snap to 00:10:551

00:05:936 (1) - Move to {x:412 y:288}.
00:06:646 (2) - Move to {x:212 y:288}.
00:07:356 (3) - Move to {x:144 y:96}.
00:07:711 (4) - Move to {x:212 y:172}.
00:08:066 (5) - Move to {x:288 y:104}.
00:17:297 - no finish ?
00:34:338 (1) - Move {x:324 y:312}
00:35:403 (3) - slider from here until 00:36:290, Move nodo2 to {x:204 y:268}.Move nodo3 to {x:88 y:248
00:49:250 (3) - espace

Zero__wind wrote:

最好找人帮你查一下Title=。= 我不太了解但我感觉这不太靠谱儿
Title全大写 (ENERGY)


00:05:226 (7,2) - 这两个的blanket不那么好看
00:05:936 (1) - flow 转180°换方向好些
00:09:131 (2,3) - ctrl+G会比较顺 另外这里不觉得是变动SV的最佳时机(00:10:906会更好) 其他的方式也可以表达这里鼓点的加强
00:18:007 (1) - remove NC
00:25:995 (2) - 略突兀 00:25:818 (1,2,3,4)不但不构成曲线还没有太大规律可说 这一类的出现不少不过这个略明显
00:35:403 (6,7,8,9) - 这里也是缺flow的 在屏幕上下不断折返移动的话每一折返互相的blanket没做好
00:39:131 (5,7,9) - ...9为啥自个儿跑出去了
00:40:019 (1,2,3) - 和后面的比起来不那么统一
00:43:747 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - spacing毫无征兆的变化 可以是00:43:747 (1,2,3)按照前面的规律00:44:279 (4,5,6,7)距离渐增
00:48:540 (3,4,5) - 违和三连 从00:48:895开始有明显的鼓点变化 凸显这个的话可以考虑00:48:540 (3,6)之间的内容删去
00:49:605 (9,10,11) / 00:50:315 (12,13,14,15,16) - 这两个是自己内部有flow但是接合处拼不起来
00:52:090 (3,4,5,6) - spacing变化表现了曲子的哪一部分? 没看出
00:56:883 (18,1) - 这里的话1的预想位置应该在右下 还是flow突然被破坏掉的类型
00:59:900 (1) - ctrl+G
01:05:403 (1) - -NC ; 01:05:581 (2) - +NC
01:10:285 (10) - 应该是一个放置在01:10:374长度是1/6折返到01:10:551的slider 仔细听节奏
01:12:504 (4,5,6) -

Curisu wrote:

这里不觉得是变动SV的最佳时机 其他的方式也可以表达这里vocal的加强
01:15:522 (1,2,3,4) - BGM有强节奏的时候这里的自创节奏并不太好
01:15:966 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - 挤到一块了

lkx_Shore wrote:

Free to ask via In-Game PM :3
Ganbatte :)
Topic Starter
Ryuuka Toki

KokoroStudiox3 wrote:

m4m t/228210/start=15

Background images must be at a maximum of 1024x768 pixels for 4:3, 1366x768 pixels for 16:9. Although 1366x768 (16:9) is recommended, most background ratios that are 4:3 or 16:9 should also work reasonably well (for example, 800x600 or 852x480). Using an image with a different ratio is fine, but will result in letterboxing (black bars at the top/bottom of the screen) or upscaling (resized image to fill the whole screen).

Inconsistency in Kiai Times: -
[Easy] :
Kiai #1: Starts on 00:53:865, ends on 01:26:883 -

[Hard] :
Kiai #1: Starts on 00:53:865, ends on 01:16:942 -

[Normal] :
Kiai #1: Starts on 00:53:865, ends on 01:16:942 -

[Vivid] :
Kiai #1: Starts on 00:53:865, ends on 01:11:261


Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at: 00:10:547 - snap to 00:10:551

00:05:936 (1) - Move to {x:412 y:288}.
00:06:646 (2) - Move to {x:212 y:288}.
00:07:356 (3) - Move to {x:144 y:96}.
00:07:711 (4) - Move to {x:212 y:172}.
00:08:066 (5) - Move to {x:288 y:104}.
00:17:297 - no finish ?
00:34:338 (1) - Move {x:324 y:312}
00:35:403 (3) - slider from here until 00:36:290, Move nodo2 to {x:204 y:268}.Move nodo3 to {x:88 y:248
00:49:250 (3) - espace
All fixed thanks!!!!! :)
Topic Starter
Ryuuka Toki

Curisu wrote:

Zero__wind wrote:

最好找人帮你查一下Title=。= 我不太了解但我感觉这不太靠谱儿
Title全大写 (ENERGY) 但是我改了之后 提示说我这图是未上传版本,所以暂时没改


00:05:226 (7,2) - 这两个的blanket不那么好看
00:05:936 (1) - flow 转180°换方向好些 有点看不懂,猜你意思改了
00:09:131 (2,3) - ctrl+G会比较顺 另外这里不觉得是变动SV的最佳时机(00:10:906会更好) 其他的方式也可以表达这里鼓点的加强
00:18:007 (1) - remove NC
00:25:995 (2) - 略突兀 00:25:818 (1,2,3,4)不但不构成曲线还没有太大规律可说 这一类的出现不少不过这个略明显 真心是不知道怎么改,智商压制,改成最简单的了
00:35:403 (6,7,8,9) - 这里也是缺flow的 在屏幕上下不断折返移动的话每一折返互相的blanket没做好 尝试改了一下
00:39:131 (5,7,9) - ...9为啥自个儿跑出去了 ORZ我感觉这样比较好大,不过改对称了
00:40:019 (1,2,3) - 和后面的比起来不那么统一 改了
00:43:747 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - spacing毫无征兆的变化 可以是00:43:747 (1,2,3)按照前面的规律00:44:279 (4,5,6,7)距离渐增 GJ
00:48:540 (3,4,5) - 违和三连 从00:48:895开始有明显的鼓点变化 凸显这个的话可以考虑00:48:540 (3,6)之间的内容删去 删了之后有种高大上的感觉www
00:49:605 (9,10,11) / 00:50:315 (12,13,14,15,16) - 这两个是自己内部有flow但是接合处拼不起来 我感觉打起来没什么问题就没管了
00:52:090 (3,4,5,6) - spacing变化表现了曲子的哪一部分? 没看出 的确没有,就是做一个跳,要不感觉很无聊
00:56:883 (18,1) - 这里的话1的预想位置应该在右下 还是flow突然被破坏掉的类型 改了
00:59:900 (1) - ctrl+G ^
01:05:403 (1) - -NC ; 01:05:581 (2) - +NC ^
01:10:285 (10) - 应该是一个放置在01:10:374长度是1/6折返到01:10:551的slider 仔细听节奏
01:12:504 (4,5,6) -

Curisu wrote:

这里不觉得是变动SV的最佳时机 其他的方式也可以表达这里vocal的加强
01:15:522 (1,2,3,4) - BGM有强节奏的时候这里的自创节奏并不太好 简化了,的确有点不和节奏
01:15:966 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - 挤到一块了

lkx_Shore wrote:

Free to ask via In-Game PM :3
Ganbatte :)
嗯,感觉还是差太远了,再过半年不知道能不能rank :( :( :(
From queue:

You could use some variety in your hitsounds as they all sound quite similar, try and accentuate a few notes with something like whistle from the default hitsounds

Try and fade the notes in at the beginning, they are too loud and drown out the music.
00:07:711 (4) - Try to put this above 3 and 5 otherwise it feels a bit awkward and the arrows cross over 4

Its quite jumpy for a normal and AImod says its a hard... try to reduce the distance spacing

00:09:841 (4,5) - The jump between these two looks a bit strange, try and shift 5 over to the left more :)
00:27:948 I like this (that's not a mod but...meh)
00:45:344 (3) - The volume jumps quite a bit here, you may want to fade it in

AImod says this is an insane and it is quite hard, maybe reduce the difficulty? And AI says Kiai time isnt snapped, but I think thats deliberate
As I am not experienced enough I couldnt play this but I thought the hitsounds sounded very good

Found no problems with this

Overall, really good work! Hope your beatmap gets ranked!
Want 2 Buy Avon
Hi Hi, from my queue~
00:00:966 (2,4) - easys shouldn't have overlaps really >.< I'd move it a little to make it not overlap
00:07:356 (3,4,5) - I'd make this a nicer triangle
00:12:327 (1) - could blanket 00:13:747 (2) - better
00:17:297 (3) - could blanket 00:16:942 (2) -
00:20:137 (1) - could blanket 00:19:782 (5) -
00:24:398 (3) - I would make this curve look nicer
00:35:403 (3) - maybe make this go to the white tick? not sure though
00:40:019 (1) - could blanket the follow circle of the previous slider
00:43:037 (5) - could blanket previous slider follow circle
00:44:279 (1) - could blanket 00:45:344 (1) -
00:50:670 (3) - could blanket 00:51:380 (4) -
00:54:220 (1) - could make blanket a little better
00:55:640 (4) - ^
00:57:060 (1) - ^
01:06:291 (3) - could blanket 01:07:356 (4) -
01:09:486 (3) - this curve is kinda uneven and makes it look kinda meh :c
01:13:747 (1) - and 01:11:971 (2) - overlap :c
01:13:747 (1) - could blanket 01:14:812 (2) -
01:19:782 (2) - overlaps 01:21:025 (1) - quite a bit
01:24:753 (1,2) - these are a little close together I think
I pointed out a lot of blankets cause imo they make easys a lot better to play cause it makes everything really smooth

00:02:031 (4,2) - i'd make these not overlap really
00:06:291 (2,4) - ^
00:08:776 (1,2,3,4,5) - I'd make either the first 4 notes a square or make the second triangle look like the first one
00:10:906 (1) - I dun think this spinner fits really, cause the guitar could be mapped with just a slider
00:13:392 (2,2) - these slightly overlap, I'd fix it
00:37:534 (2) - 00:35:581 (4) - these overlap quite a bit and look bad :c
00:38:954 (4,5) - I'd move these a lil bit so they dun overlap
00:44:279 (2) - I might make this repeat the same amount as the other sliders for consistency and add 2 singles after to match the beats
00:52:090 (2,3) - I'd put a note between these, not mapping the big white tick makes it awkward imo
00:56:705 (6,7,8,3,4) - these overlap kinda ugly
01:01:143 (3) - I would move this down once cause it makes the overlap look a little better
01:16:942 (1) - I'd make this go until where 01:18:717 (2) - is

00:04:516 (5,6) - this overlap looks bad, I'd change it so that it's stacked some or not on eachother at all
00:04:871 (6) - could blanket 00:05:226 (7) -
00:05:226 (7,1) - this overlap looks kinda messy
00:06:469 (2) - could blanket the follow circle of the previous slider
00:10:906 (8,9,10,11,12) - I wouldn't map this as a stream, probably just a slider
00:10:906 (8) - NC if you keep stream
00:16:054 (1) - NC
00:18:717 (1) - NC
00:21:380 (6) - sliders ending on large white ticks are strange and don't really make sense, I'd reorganize the beats to change it and make the note that lands on the white tick a NC
00:19:427 (3,4,5) - this triple doesn't fit the music
00:24:220 (7,8,9) - I dun think this fits the music either
00:24:398 (9) - NC
00:25:108 (11,12,13,14) - I'd make this a square
00:25:818 (1,2,3,4) - I'd make these symmetrically
00:26:528 (5,6,7) - doesn't fit music imo
00:28:480 (7,1) - there's another beat between these
00:29:013 (2,3,4,5,6) - I'd make this a star
00:30:433 (9) - NC
00:30:522 (10) - move this to between 00:30:611 (11,12) - on the time line
00:32:208 (4,5,6) - doesn't fit music >.<
00:33:717 (12) - move this between 00:33:273 (10,11) - on the timeline, fits better
00:33:273 (10) - NC
00:34:338 (1,2,3,4,5) - I would change this pattern, maybe to a star, but just something that looks cleaner
00:38:244 (7) - I dun think this jump really matches the music
00:38:599 (1,2,3) - doesn't really fit music
00:40:906 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - these are a little misleading cause they look like triples but aren't
00:41:616 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - ^
especially since 00:40:019 (1,2,3,4) - and 00:44:279 (1,2,3,4) - are the same beat distance apart but are more spread out to play
00:49:960 (6) - NC
00:52:090 (3,4,5,6) - this pattern looks messy :c
00:54:042 (3) - this could be 3 singles if you wanted to make a stream instead but you dun have to
00:55:463 (9,10,11) - doesn't really fit music
00:56:261 (14,15) - I'd stack these under slider end personally
00:55:640 (11) - NC
00:57:060 (1,2,3) - doesn't really fit
00:57:593 (4,5) - note between these
00:58:303 (8) - NC
00:59:013 (10) - could be a triple instead of slider
00:59:279 (11) - doesn't fit music
01:00:966 (6) - NC
01:01:853 (9,10,11) - doesn't fit
01:03:096 (4) - I dunno what this is mapped to >.<
01:03:539 (5) - doesn't really fit music
01:04:072 (9) - ^
01:06:380 (5) - fits better between 01:06:113 (3,4) -
01:07:001 (8) - NC
01:08:954 (3,4) - note between these
01:10:729 (11,12) - note on white tick between these
01:11:084 (12) - this could be a slider to the red tick before 01:11:616 (1) -
01:15:522 (1,2,3) - doesn't fit music really
01:16:764 (11,1) - could put a note between these
01:17:829 (4,5) - ^ on white tick
01:18:717 (8,9,10) - doesn't really fit music >.<
01:20:226 (3,4) -there's a note between these
01:21:557 (4,5,6) - doesn't fit music
01:22:267 (8,1) - note between these
01:23:066 (3) - doesn't fit music
01:23:155 (4,5) - note between these
All the parts that are triples that I said don't fit the music are cause there's no beat for the middle note usually. I didn't really suggest how to remap a lot of the things I said cause it's really up to your own style imo. good luck with the map~ <3
Topic Starter
Ryuuka Toki

kamikin wrote:

From queue:

You could use some variety in your hitsounds as they all sound quite similar, try and accentuate a few notes with something like whistle from the default hitsounds Yeah,you're right.So, I lowered them.

Try and fade the notes in at the beginning, they are too loud and drown out the music.
00:07:711 (4) - Try to put this above 3 and 5 otherwise it feels a bit awkward and the arrows cross over 4 Fixed

Its quite jumpy for a normal and AImod says its a hard... try to reduce the distance spacing I think it is fine though,I may change it if someone else tell me to do that ;w;

00:09:841 (4,5) - The jump between these two looks a bit strange, try and shift 5 over to the left more :) Nice,fixed
00:27:948 I like this (that's not a mod but...meh)LOL
00:45:344 (3) - The volume jumps quite a bit here, you may want to fade it inFixed

AImod says this is an insane and it is quite hard, maybe reduce the difficulty? And AI says Kiai time isnt snapped, but I think thats deliberate Fixed
As I am not experienced enough I couldnt play this but I thought the hitsounds sounded very good Thanks!!

Found no problems with this

Overall, really good work! Hope your beatmap gets ranked!
Thank you!!! :D
Topic Starter
Ryuuka Toki

Xellie wrote:

Hi Hi, from my queue~
00:00:966 (2,4) - easys shouldn't have overlaps really >.< I'd move it a little to make it not overlap
00:07:356 (3,4,5) - I'd make this a nicer triangle
00:12:327 (1) - could blanket 00:13:747 (2) - better
00:17:297 (3) - could blanket 00:16:942 (2) -
00:20:137 (1) - could blanket 00:19:782 (5) -
00:24:398 (3) - I would make this curve look nicer
00:35:403 (3) - maybe make this go to the white tick? not sure though
00:40:019 (1) - could blanket the follow circle of the previous slider
00:43:037 (5) - could blanket previous slider follow circle
00:44:279 (1) - could blanket 00:45:344 (1) -
00:50:670 (3) - could blanket 00:51:380 (4) -
00:54:220 (1) - could make blanket a little better
00:55:640 (4) - ^
00:57:060 (1) - ^
01:06:291 (3) - could blanket 01:07:356 (4) -
01:09:486 (3) - this curve is kinda uneven and makes it look kinda meh :c
01:13:747 (1) - and 01:11:971 (2) - overlap :c
01:13:747 (1) - could blanket 01:14:812 (2) -
01:19:782 (2) - overlaps 01:21:025 (1) - quite a bit
01:24:753 (1,2) - these are a little close together I think
I pointed out a lot of blankets cause imo they make easys a lot better to play cause it makes everything really smooth

00:02:031 (4,2) - i'd make these not overlap really
00:06:291 (2,4) - ^
00:08:776 (1,2,3,4,5) - I'd make either the first 4 notes a square or make the second triangle look like the first one
00:10:906 (1) - I dun think this spinner fits really, cause the guitar could be mapped with just a slider
00:13:392 (2,2) - these slightly overlap, I'd fix it
00:37:534 (2) - 00:35:581 (4) - these overlap quite a bit and look bad :c
00:38:954 (4,5) - I'd move these a lil bit so they dun overlap
00:44:279 (2) - I might make this repeat the same amount as the other sliders for consistency and add 2 singles after to match the beats
00:52:090 (2,3) - I'd put a note between these, not mapping the big white tick makes it awkward imo
00:56:705 (6,7,8,3,4) - these overlap kinda ugly
01:01:143 (3) - I would move this down once cause it makes the overlap look a little better
01:16:942 (1) - I'd make this go until where 01:18:717 (2) - is

00:04:516 (5,6) - this overlap looks bad, I'd change it so that it's stacked some or not on eachother at all
00:04:871 (6) - could blanket 00:05:226 (7) -
00:05:226 (7,1) - this overlap looks kinda messy
00:06:469 (2) - could blanket the follow circle of the previous slider
00:10:906 (8,9,10,11,12) - I wouldn't map this as a stream, probably just a slider
00:10:906 (8) - NC if you keep stream
00:16:054 (1) - NC
00:18:717 (1) - NC
00:21:380 (6) - sliders ending on large white ticks are strange and don't really make sense, I'd reorganize the beats to change it and make the note that lands on the white tick a NC
00:19:427 (3,4,5) - this triple doesn't fit the music
00:24:220 (7,8,9) - I dun think this fits the music either
00:24:398 (9) - NC
00:25:108 (11,12,13,14) - I'd make this a square
00:25:818 (1,2,3,4) - I'd make these symmetrically
00:26:528 (5,6,7) - doesn't fit music imo
00:28:480 (7,1) - there's another beat between these
00:29:013 (2,3,4,5,6) - I'd make this a star
00:30:433 (9) - NC
00:30:522 (10) - move this to between 00:30:611 (11,12) - on the time line
00:32:208 (4,5,6) - doesn't fit music >.<
00:33:717 (12) - move this between 00:33:273 (10,11) - on the timeline, fits better
00:33:273 (10) - NC
00:34:338 (1,2,3,4,5) - I would change this pattern, maybe to a star, but just something that looks cleaner
00:38:244 (7) - I dun think this jump really matches the music
00:38:599 (1,2,3) - doesn't really fit music
00:40:906 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - these are a little misleading cause they look like triples but aren't
00:41:616 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - ^
especially since 00:40:019 (1,2,3,4) - and 00:44:279 (1,2,3,4) - are the same beat distance apart but are more spread out to play
00:49:960 (6) - NC
00:52:090 (3,4,5,6) - this pattern looks messy :c
00:54:042 (3) - this could be 3 singles if you wanted to make a stream instead but you dun have to
00:55:463 (9,10,11) - doesn't really fit music
00:56:261 (14,15) - I'd stack these under slider end personally
00:55:640 (11) - NC
00:57:060 (1,2,3) - doesn't really fit
00:57:593 (4,5) - note between these
00:58:303 (8) - NC
00:59:013 (10) - could be a triple instead of slider
00:59:279 (11) - doesn't fit music
01:00:966 (6) - NC
01:01:853 (9,10,11) - doesn't fit
01:03:096 (4) - I dunno what this is mapped to >.<
01:03:539 (5) - doesn't really fit music
01:04:072 (9) - ^
01:06:380 (5) - fits better between 01:06:113 (3,4) -
01:07:001 (8) - NC
01:08:954 (3,4) - note between these
01:10:729 (11,12) - note on white tick between these
01:11:084 (12) - this could be a slider to the red tick before 01:11:616 (1) -
01:15:522 (1,2,3) - doesn't fit music really
01:16:764 (11,1) - could put a note between these
01:17:829 (4,5) - ^ on white tick
01:18:717 (8,9,10) - doesn't really fit music >.<
01:20:226 (3,4) -there's a note between these
01:21:557 (4,5,6) - doesn't fit music
01:22:267 (8,1) - note between these
01:23:066 (3) - doesn't fit music
01:23:155 (4,5) - note between these
All the parts that are triples that I said don't fit the music are cause there's no beat for the middle note usually. I didn't really suggest how to remap a lot of the things I said cause it's really up to your own style imo. good luck with the map~ <3
WOW,such a serious mod!!!!
It's a very good lesson about overlap NC blanket and overmap.
I tried to fix under your suggestion as much as I can.
Though some triples are kept :)
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