1st Place:
Static Noise Bird with 14 points!
Shared 2nd Place:
Brian OA and Jazz with 13 points!
3rd Place:
Dulcet with 10 points!
Shared 4th Place:
BRBP and Mogsworth with 8 points!
Shared 5th Place:
Depator, inverness, Kardet, Mindfang and UnderminE with 6 points!
Shared 6th Place:
Kanye West, marcostudios, Navizel, Nyahan and thelewa with 5 points!
Shared 7th Place:
DaddyCoolVipper, fartownik and Tanzklaue with 4 points!
Shared 8th Place:
Ayu, ksg- and Neightboryy with 3 points!
Shared 9th Place:
Sojiro Agata and Trauter with 1 point!
Shared 10th Place:
Braile, MoF10 and Rio- with 0 points!