
T3 - Themed Taiko Tournament [Cancelled]

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The Themed Taiko Tournament, or T3 to be short, is your everyday tournament but with something new!
If you've already played in such tournament, you'd have noticed the maps were really general. Here, we've gotten rid of this thing and we're presenting you different charts that fall under many themes!
The provided themes would be either a certain speed cap, or a video game theme. It could also play on words and their translations!

I decided to work on that rather than a Sight Reading Tournament (which was even better but real time consuming) to give players an opportunity to play on different charts under certain themes. How the tourney goes is pretty much the same as before; but there are two challenges: The players' of course, but now tere is one on the selectors, which I think will be as fun for the staff.

I'm really happy to share this to you, I think it's something worth doing. I sincerely hope people will get in, due to the uniqueness of the tournament and some of the rules which are more lenient for players. I'm hoping the best for this tournament; and I'm hoping you people will get your chance to win it.

If possible, I'm hoping this tournament will have a live stream so people don't miss out key matches. Any information concerning it will be given in time.
Tournament Management:

Tournament Administrator: _Gezo_
Tournament Managers: Backfire | Kuro
Mappool Selection: Backfire
Mappool Testers: Kioshinxs
Referees: Backfire | Kuro

The Administrator are assigned to every position.

Registration Period: Until September 14, 2014
Tournament Start: September 19, 2014

1st place: 6 months of osu! Supporter
2nd place: 4 months of osu! Supporter
3rd place: 2 months of osu! Supporter
4th place: 1 month of osu! Supporter.

Feel free to PM the Tournament Management some themes and maps, we're open to suggestions!

Please read the rules thoroughly, carefully and if possible ask some questions if you need to.

I. General Rules
  • 1. The Themed Taiko Tournament (or T3) is a 4v4 team-based tournament with the aspects of KO rules and Double-Elimination brackets.
    2. The charts provided in each round will be announced at least 7 days before the first match of each round.
    [list:1337]a. Each round will have a Free Mod theme, and a DoubleTime theme.
    b. Free Mod theme include: Easy, HardRock, Hidden and Flashlight.
3. Match scheduling will be settled by the Tournament Management (TM).
4. If no referee is available, the match will be postponed.
5. Usage of visual settings is authorized.
6. If the game ends in a draw, it will be nullified.
7. If a player disconnects, there will be a rematch.
  • a. If the same player disconnects after the rematch, the opponent wins the game.
    b. If more than 2 players of the same team disconnect, the opponent wins the game.
8. A map can't be used twice in the same match.
9. If less than 2 players of a team attend, the time a match can be postponed is 15 minutes.
  • a. If both teams can't gather enough people in these 15 minutes, the match will then be reduced to 2v2 or 3v3, whichever can be done. This only applies to Group Stage.
10. Exchanging players is allowed.
  • a. You can only exchange one player between each map.
    b. The amount of team changes is limited to 3 per match.
11. Lag is not a valid reason to nullify the map.
12. Unexpected incidents are handled by the TM.
13. If a rule were to be adjusted or added, there will be a notification before actual application.

II. Tournament Registration.
  • 1. Your team needs at least 4 players in order to play.
    [list:1337]a. The maximum Team Size is 8.
    b. As this Tournament is not country-based, you can team up with anyone you want to.
    [list:1337]i. Teams with close timezones (+/- 4 hours difference) are encouraged.
c. Ask the TS if your team is alright, before applying.
d. You must specify a Captain and a Vice-Captain.
e. You must specify your team name. 2. The TS may not apply for this Tournament as players.
3. The maximum amount of teams is 64.
4. For Team signup, the designed Captain must PM one of the Tournament Managers.
  • a. To ensure no problem arises, every player of a Team may send a PM confirming their signup.
    b. If a player didn't send a PM, they will be notified by a Tournament Manager.
    c. To ensure no registration problems arise, any change will be checked.
5. To ensure legitimacy of players, their account history will be checked.
6. All registered teams will be notified with a private message by a Tournament Manager.
  • a. Captains will be notified when their roster has been checked.
    b. If a roster has been rejected, the reason why must be cleared explicitly by the Tournament Manager.

III. Stage Instructions
  • 1. In Group Stage, the teams will be divided in groups of n teams.
    [list:1337]a. The amount of groups and teams will be in accord with the amount of teams registered.
    b. If the amount of teams is not dividable by any number, the setup per-group will be different.
2. Each team from each group will face all the other teams once.
3. Rankings of each group are determined by sorting the results of each team's performance by following this:
  • a. More matches won.
    b. Have higher difference (Won vs. Lost)
    c. More maps won overall.
    d. Winner of the side match.
4. The best teams of each group will be able to move on KO Stages.
5. As this tournament is in double-elimination mode, the winner of each match stays on the main bracket while the loser of the main bracket is in danger and goes to the "loser bracket". This is to ensure each team still has a chance to win the tournament.
6. Winning condition: You must beat the opponent team to score a point.

IV. Mappool Instructions
  • 1. There will be 2 map-pools per stage, one for Free Mod Theme and one for Double Time theme.
    [list:1337]a. Every theme will be decided by the Tournament Administrator and be in accordance with the level.
    b. The Finals will only have one mappool, and maps will be chosen by the Tournament Administrator only.
    c. Each Mapset Selector has to fit with the given themes.
    d. To ensure variety of mappers, each mapper must not appear more than 9 times from Group Stage to Semifinals.
2. Each Free Mod mappool will contain 15 maps.
  • a. Flashlight mod will be allowed for certain maps.
    b. Only one mod can be activated, except for maps tagged DR.
    c. Maps tagged DR can be played with HD+HR.
3. Each DoubleTime mappool will contain 7 maps.
4. The Tiebreaker will be a separated map under the Free Mod theme, and will be the longest and hardest of the maps of its theme.
  • a. Flashlight and Easy mods will be disallowed.
5. Non-BSS maps are allowed into the pools.
6. The mappools will be released at least 7 days before the first match of each group.
7. The TM has the right to refuse maps if they're deemed way off the theme.
8. Every map has to be at least 01:00:00 long, but less than 03:30:00 long.
  • a. The Tiebreaker isn't affected by this rule.
    b. Finals aren't affected by this rule either.

V. Match Instructions
  • 1. A referee will create a multiplayer room 15 to 25 minutes in advance. Players must gather during this period.
    [list:1337]a. The room will be locked. The referee will then send an invite to the captains.
    b. Room settings are: Team Vs., Win condition: Score. Room name must be: T3 '14: <BLUE> vs. <RED> and the amount of players must be set to 16.
    c. The referee will then lock slots 10 to 16.
    d. The team in first must be blue, and the opposite must be red.
    e. Blue team must occupy slots 1 to 4 and red team must occupy slots 5 to 8. The Referee must be in slot 9.
    f. The setup at the start of the match must not change.
2. Players are free to play up to 2 warmup matches.
3. Map selection will alternate between captains throughout the matches. Each captain must first choose the "!roll 200" command once in #multiplayer to determine who selects first. The highest score picks first.
  • a. If both captains get the same score, the !roll command will be re-done.
    b. The captains may select any map from each pool freely.
4. In case of tie, the tiebreaker map must be played.
5. Results of each match will be published on the statistics table.

VI. Scheduling Instructions
  • 1. Each stage will be held on a single weekend.
    2. Matches in Group Stage may overlap.
    3. All KO Stages will be held either Saturday or Sunday.
    [list:1337]a. If opposing teams are separated by the International Date Line, the match will be held on Saturday on the westernmost player.
4. Scheduling will be handled by the Tournament Schedulers. The schedules will be released with the mappools. The Tournament Schedulers will try to respect every participant's timezone.
5. Captains are held responsible for their team's availability. A greater team size exists to ensure the teams can provide enough players easily.

VII. Theme Instructions
  • 1. Each theme must respect the stage they're in.
    2. The labelling of each theme may be different. One may be clear and another may have a meaning if they're clever puns or translations.
    3. No mapper name must be included in each theme.
    4. References may be used, as long as they don't come from private jokes. These references should be easily found in Google.
    5. Every player may send Themes, their explanation and maps that goes with it, but their acceptance within the Tournament Administrator's discretion.
    [list:1337]a. If no explanation is given, the Tournament Administrator may interpret it his own way.
    b. If a Theme is accepted, the bundled maps are reviewed before acceptance.

The existence of such a tournament was revealed after IFTT and LMS. May you think I just copied the idea but no. I actually wanted to make a tournament months ago but didn't due to lack of maps and being one of the rare accepting to do such maps for a tournament. I had the idea of an SRT by the end of 2013, if not before. I just decided to put this aside as it would be really time consuming for mappers.
Yay for Gezo-chan yayyyyyy!

Nwolf wrote:

Asagi Mutsuki

Nwolf wrote:

If I can find some people I might play :)
I can offer my assistance with management if you're looking for staff?
hurr subscribing this
Gezo for love, Gezo for life
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Well it's gonna be postponed despite all the effort put into this. I have no dates as I have no people into it.
If anyone is willing to take it, call me.
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