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Kanye West
This isn't the right forum so it'll get moved np

Do you have a cochlear implant or use a hearing aid? What's causing your deafness? Have you been deaf your entire life? Do you know both Austrian and English sign language?
Mofu kun
Reddit would be a better place for an AMA.
And General Discussion would be a better place for this.

OT: Are you good at osu?
What modes do you play and why?
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Vuelo Eluko
and I thought I was a hard dude for playing with only one functioning eye.

Damn. hats off to you.
You rely on the Ar instead of the music. Kudos to you bro!
How do you play Hidden? Do you remember when notes is supposed to be hit?
What made you decide playing a rhythm game like osu! ?
Wow, thats impressive

One question.... while playing osu!.....
Even without the music and you're clicking circles, do you kind of make up your own beat or music to it? So it would still be like just a normal rhythm games, no obstacles what so ever?

I dont want to say anymore because i would just end up confusing everybody .-.

I have just turned serious for 5 minutes. wow
Vuelo Eluko

piruchan wrote:

How do you play Hidden? Do you remember when notes is supposed to be hit?
Hidden can still be read visually since at any given ar the time you have to hit is visually the same.

-Tobi wrote:

I only practised watching the circles get closer.
Which do you play with, mouse or tablet?

Is reading the map visually the only way for you to pick up the rhythm/patterns in maps?

Have you come across any maps where you could develop an inner rhythm and timing based on your clicking/tapping (ie: Your movement + tactile response from mouse or tablet if any)?
do people get annoyed at you when they dont know you are deaf and they talk to you but you dont respond?

how does being deaf limit you the most in everyday life?
what is your favorite type of donut

oh hey look this thread is now in GD
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what do you think about toast and eggs for breakfast?
why can't they also be for dinner? or lunch? Just like any other food?
Mofu kun

-Tobi wrote:

I would've posted it on reddit but i cant find the reddit/r for osu!.
r/osugame (You have to get permission going a mod before starting an AMA though.)

Do you watch anime? If you do, what is your favourite and why?

What is your favourite school subject and why?
First Manga you read, if you have done that (i'm just assuming since you are deaf)?.
Well i guess you could watch anime to with subs aswell if so have you watched any?
oh also I would not recommend going the osu! subreddit by any standards, the forums are much more inclined towards discussion and not just "omg i cleared my first insane"
What do you think sound is? ie What is your personal idea of what sound (and everything relating to it, like music, language, etc.) may be?

Do you think you could do better at osu if you could hear the music?
What if, for some impossible reason, that you could hear sound? What would you do if you could hear sound? What will you do from now on if you did hear sound?
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Kanye West
Do you think there are any benefits to being deaf, as opposed to being able to hear? (other than not hearing the annoying neighbors, lol)
What mouse and keyboard do you use?
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Wow. You're pretty amazing to be deaf and play osu. Kudos to you, my good sir or whatever gender you are. HoNk : o ) Here, have a snickers. *gives a snickers bar* o3o Snickers are love, Snickers are life. ;)
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Whenever you listen to music, can you hear its vibrations? It explains how there are deaf musicians. If so, how does it feel? Does it actually help you play osu! better?

-Tobi wrote:

I guess i should thank you?^^
Naw, just eat. the. SNICKERS. :P Yeah, you can thank me or whatever.

Dulcet wrote:

Whenever you listen to music, can you hear its vibrations? It explains how there are deaf musicians. If so, how does it feel? Does it actually help you play osu! better?
Depending on the reason you're deaf you're able to hear those vibrations, some types of hearing aids dont louden the sound, instead they vibrate in the sounds frequency, at the bone.
Ryu Sei

Q: Have you tried other mode besides osu! ? What's your first impression playing "that" mode?
Vuelo Eluko

Ryu Sei wrote:


Q: Have you tried other mode besides osu! ? What's your first impression playing "that" mode?
he probably wont be limited in ctb its the least rhythm oriented mode
he is improving tho, he was half the rank he is now last time i checked, and hes almost caught up to me... in less plays... and no hearing... WITH HIGHER ACCURACY.

wow. i have no excuse.
Do you ever dream of someday playing with sound?
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