
How to add a sound to a combo burst?

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Hi! First time posting on these forums, I was reading MLGnom's guide for making an osu skin, however, I have no idea how to add a sound to a combo burst. I have the picture for the burst, but i'm not sure where the sound clip should go, or even if I have the right one. The file is a .wav file.
Rename the .wav file to comboburst- and add the number after the "-" sign.
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Cool! Thanks for the fast reply! Does this mean that if I place the sounds with the same picture, like burst 1, .wav 1, burst 2 etc. It will repeat in the same order so that the sound matches with the picture?
They act separately, so you have to add to your skin.ini file something like this:

CustomComboBurstSounds: 50,100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000,1100,1200

So comboburst-0.wav will sound on combo 50, comboburst-1.wav will sound on combo 100 etc. If the images and the sounds are placed in the same combo they will match. (I think images are 30,60,100,200,300... by default).
- Marco -
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marcostudios wrote:

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