
earthmind - ENERGY -TV Edit-

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PM recheck request ._.

This post is generated by EK's osu modpost generator.
Red=unrankable issue
Purple=Emphasis suggestion
Gray=Feel free to ignore
00:28:660 - 从这里开始音乐不像前面那么安静了,建议偶数小节换成N:C1 Clap

00:00:258 (1,2) - AIMod distance check
00:02:388 (4,1,2) - AIMod distance check
00:30:790 (3,4) - 互换 或者完全去掉重叠
00:36:826 (4,1) - 后面都是一个包着一个的,这里最好也包上
00:44:281 (2,1) - 这里flow有点卡手,建议00:43:926 (1,2) - 整体移至x300 y192
00:52:979 (2) - 拉对称一些
01:00:613 (2) -
01:02:388 (1) -
01:13:216 (3,4) - 大量3/2的空拍节奏对于新人来说其实不太善良……这里可以做成拉条的……
00:28:660 - finish
00:40:198 (1) - finish

00:11:618 - finish
00:31:145 (6) - 这里不是应该加clap么……
别的没啥了 这diff挺好的

00:50:317 (2,3) - 间距略坑
00:55:820 (6) - try this
00:11:973 (2) - 这个clap声音小点

00:28:660 - 这一段whistle声音太大,吵
00:35:583 (1) - 拉对称吧 左边三个锚点右边两个。。
00:36:293 (3) - ^
01:12:329 (4,3) - 叠歪了

GL for rank!
Hollow Wings
from ur req

Wan's Insane

  1. 00:10:908 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 这里对节奏感不强的人迷惑性太大了,感觉要么折返变成1/4的,要么连打都弄成1/6的
  2. 00:25:731 (10) - 前后ds统一
  3. 00:33:985 (6,7,1) - 看了一下前后部分都是很善良的折返跳,这里来了一发定位跳是否有点突兀?难度略高。
  4. 00:28:305 (5,6,7,8,1) - 你开了gs放的?推荐关掉调一下这些ds,差了0.5看出来还是比较明显的,如果开hr你这连打就是参差不齐的看得很清楚。类似的我不再提
  5. 00:28:660 (1) - 从这里开始这边的N2音效偏响,特别是hitnormal,建议单独稍微调轻一点
  6. 00:54:044 (4,1) - 这巨难,不考虑把1换个摆法么
  7. 打着还挺爽的,个别flow较别手。


  1. 00:38:956 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 为什么不摆正七边形?
  2. 其他没撒,感觉不错,有些跳很大,还算在接受范围内


good luck
早安 >w<
Request from PM

  • 黑色 只是建議,不喜歡可以略過~OAO
    藍色 是建議改掉
    紅色 是unrankable


  1. 00:00:258 (1) - 關於這個, 他有點太靠近00:01:678 (3) - ,而且distance有點不對勁, 我擔心newbie會難判斷這裡的順序, 不如把00:00:258 (1) - 放到00:00:968 (2) - 右上方那一區, flow也能比較順暢, 像圖片舉例的這樣(不一定要照圖片來擺, 只要是右上方就行)
  2. 00:11:618 (1) - 加個finish在slider的開始吧, 只有soft-hitnormal的聲音聽起來有點奇怪(簡單來說太soft了).
    00:14:459 (1) - 的開始
    00:33:630 (3) - 的結尾, 如果有改, 00:34:340 (1) - 也加來造成一個層遞感
    00:35:583 (3) - 兩邊都加
    00:37:181 (1) - 的開始
  3. 00:27:950 (3) - 加個clap, 比較符合song的聲音
  4. 01:00:613 (2) - 移到332|296可以比較美觀些, 也不會讓newbie產生判斷的猶豫(因為快要戳到00:59:902 (1) -了)
  5. 01:02:388 (1) - 刪掉開始的clap, 突然跑出了一不同於前面clap的clap音效, 會讓人猶豫一下, 而且聽起來怪怪的.., 要不就是副歌開始到這邊的clap都改成這個, 要不就把這clap拿掉
關於這首歌有很多地方有類似的finish的聲音, 可是卻沒有加上finish, 只用soft-hitnormal來強調這音效, 不管聽起來或打起來都有點違和感, 可以嘗試多加些finish, 如果是怕太吵的話, 我覺得不會, 因為本身這歌就很多類似那樣的聲音了 www
還有就是, 我有嘗試用STR=2去看(你也試試), 有些地方會變好一些, 但我擔心會造成難度上的變難, 決定在於你, 本身難度還不錯

[ITer's Normal]

  1. 00:10:908 (6,1) - 交換NC, 原因在於這裡00:13:749 (1) - , 同樣的vocal, NC方式卻不一樣
  2. 00:25:465 (1) - 開頭的finsh刪掉, 甚麼都別加會比較好些, 因為實際上有crash的聲音在00:25:287 - 可是在這邊卻在擺了00:25:465 (1) - 個crash, 已經慢了一拍了, 聽或打會變成很奇怪
  3. 00:33:630 (5,1) - 試試(5)結尾跟(1)開頭都加個finish, 還蠻適合音樂的, 甚麼都沒加聽起來有些奇怪
  4. 01:02:920 - 既然你已經決定跟隨vocal了, 怎麼這邊還故意給他空了一個位子, 讓人感覺想打下去卻沒有note可以打, 加個note會比較好


  1. 00:12:151 (3) - 在rotation加個clap, 沒任何音效單純只有soft-hitnormal聽起來不太順暢..嗯
  2. 關於00:28:660 - ~ 00:33:985 - 的clap完全聽不出來有放阿, 感覺在打沒有放音效的譜..試試調高整體音量
沒什麼問題, 只是有些地方沒有finish真的覺得很奇怪(我是多麼想要用finish阿!!), 為了避免洗版(用Easy來洗板就夠了).. 就不說了, 你可以考慮看看

[wan's Insane]

  1. 00:10:908 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 我會建議這樣擺, 雖然AR9這邊很容易讀出來, 美觀上的話我建議向圖片這樣
  2. 00:29:902 (1) - 把結尾的whistle改到開始去吧, 像00:32:743 (1,2) - , 只是一直在白線上都加whistle有些...吵雜, 我會建議你00:31:145 (5) - 跟00:33:985 (6) - 還有00:39:133 (2,3) - 的whislte拿掉, 讓整個這邊的whistle有種變化感
  3. 01:10:731 (6,7) - 我還是覺得這邊跟著vocal來擺節奏會比硬放節奏來的好些, (以我的方式我會把(6)重疊在01:11:086 (1) - 的開頭 然後刪掉(7)
  4. 01:16:234 (1) - 這個1/8 slider來得太突然了(從音樂上完全聽不出來)...然後結尾又加了1/4連擊有點難打, 整體聽起來也有些奇怪, 試試改成1/4吧
整體上有insane的感覺, 還不錯
改不改看你, 音效的建議完全因人而異...
話說我看這kd有點多時間也有點久, 怎麼還沒有BAT呢(逃
As your request.
01:09:133 (2) - 稍微下移一点包住01:08:068 (6) - ,2的形状可能要再改一改
01:25:465 (1,2) - 这两个间隔太小了,不建议根据音乐来,建议换成两个CIRCLE。
00:22:979 (1,2) - 形状最好改改不然不好看
00:26:175 (2) - 包好1
00:34:340 (1,2) - 包好
00:57:772 (2,3) - 包好
01:03:098 (1,2,3,4) - 弄成对称吧
00:07:536 (7,8) - 包好
00:12:861 (5) - 换个位置 比如96 332
00:11:618 (1,2,3) - 这个地方既然突然换了N 70 ,那接下来最好也换N 70,又换回S 70很奇怪,或着干脆不要换成N 70.还有不建议那么大声 55足够了
00:15:169 (5) - CTRL+G
00:23:689 (5) - CTRL+G
00:25:820 (1,2,3) - 1可以和3对称
00:28:660 (1,2) - 1可以复制2的,两个一样比较好看
00:31:855 (2) - CTRL+G
00:36:826 (1) - 移到472 208
00:37:536 (3) - 移到316 152
00:55:465 (5) - CTRL+G
00:51:382 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - 这一段最好强调,不要突然小声下来
00:57:062 (1,2,3,4,5) - 间距不一样啊
01:02:388 (1) - CLAP还是换成鼓掌吧
01:08:068 (8) - 移到84 212
01:10:021 (2) - CTRL+G
01:13:216 (4) - 弧度再大些可以更美观
01:15:879 - 这里是个重音不建议用滑条带过,可以换成两个CIRCLE
00:28:660 (1) - 这些滑条最好拉好点
00:35:405 (5) - 放到176 72
00:52:092 (3) - CTRL+G
00:57:417 (2) - 这种滑条可以复制1的拉
就这样吧,好运! :)
你好 :)

  1. 你的譜面文件夾內有一個“earthmind - ENERGY -TV Edit- (IamKwaN) [Wan's Insane]_files”文件夾但是沒有任何用途,請刪掉
  2. offset - 10?
  1. 00:14:459 (1) - 第一個圈加音量小一點的soft-finish
  2. 00:27:062 (2) - 第一個圈加音量小一點的soft-finish
[ITer's Normal]
  1. AR - 1
  2. 從排列和音效上講沒有什麽問題了,但是這圖明顯不是Normal的難度吧……slider速度和DS偏高了
  1. 00:48:186 (1) - 這個NC加得有點莫名其妙
  2. 00:51:737 (2,3,4,5) - 音量太小了
  3. 01:26:530 (1) - 去掉NC,和之前的難度保持一致
[Wan's Insane]
  1. 00:10:731 - 這裡之前的一段,嘗試加一些whistle音效吧,可以學學normal難度的
  2. 01:00:258 (2,1) - 沒有重疊好
  3. 01:26:530 (1) - 去掉NC,和之前的難度保持一致
整體沒什麼問題了 除了NM偏難和INS音效偏少,這兩個搞定后可以去找BAT啦
EasyModder 1.4.2
Program By Weiren
i will take a look after you apply the previous mods
Topic Starter
Thank you but WanWan seems disappeared for a long time.
Topic Starter
中文: 先改了4個mod,另外6個我盡快改.
沒有改的已表明原因 ;)

English: First finish the moderation by 4 modders, soon will do the rest.
If no change, I have stated the reason.
Thank you for your moddings!

mod for pm
00:51:737 - add a note :arrow: 難度太高,轉盤之後馬上有note你不覺得對於一個easy來說太困難了嗎?
00:18:719 (2,3) -
kiai那段音效有点奇怪 可以试试drum音效

00:40:198 - 转盘提前到这里
00:40:198 (1) - 可以不空 :arrow: 不明白 ;w;
00:40:198 (1) -^ :arrow: ^
01:08:956 - ^ :arrow: ^
01:03:098 (1,2,3,4) - 前面一直跟vpcal这里忽然跟鼓点有点奇怪 :arrow: 這裡其實也是跟vocal的

00:54:577 - add a note :arrow: 這裡是故意留空的,跟後面kiai那些停頓的目的一樣,所以為保持consistence,我就不加了
00:55:820 (6) - 移开 :arrow: 理由是?
01:16:234 (2) - 可以拆成两个折返滑条 :arrow: 現在也沒有什麼問題

就是这样 祝身体健康 :) :)

Thank you for asking!
My queue

00:13:216 (1) - delete NC
00:14:459 (3) – NC :arrow: um.. since it’s a start of the lyrics at 00:13:749, adding at 00:14:459 would be quite weird imo.
00:54:577 - add note :arrow: okay, already two of you said adding a note here, so I just add one as you guys said.
01:21:914 (1,2) - I want to change to shorter distance, because it is hard diff. :arrow: no, the distance is just 1.97x. Also, they are just 1/2 notes, which is not that challenging imo.

[ITer's Normal]
00:53:867 (6) - delete note, it is better >w< suggestion!
01:02:920 (1) - Change from 01:03:098 (1) to 01:02:920 (1) :arrow: It’s quite challenging for a normal having a reversed slider for twice though it sounds better for the vocal, so I decide to keep it.

00:00:258 (1) - I like this. PEROPERO


  1. color不加上綠色跟黃色嗎ww? 為什麼wwwww? :arrow: 加了ww

  1. 00:00:968(2) - 這邊有間距的問題 , 開著distance spacing 1.0x調整一下吧
  2. 00:31:500(1) - 記得Easy難度應該是要盡量避免重疊的樣子 :arrow: 我找不到有甚麼可以改善的方法;w; 你有提議嗎?
[ITer's Normal]
  1. 01:02:920 - 加一個Note? 跟Vocal順便跟前面保持1/1 :arrow: 好主意!
Great job !!
  1. 00:11:618 - 00:12:151 - 這一小段為什麼要特地用Normal hitsound? :arrow: 因為中間有個note有特殊音效啦
  2. 00:15:701(6) - 挑一下flow
  3. 00:22:269(2) - 這個Slider尾可以像00:19:429 - 那樣處理 , 只有尾巴用Normal Hitsound clap
  4. 00:20:849(1,2) - 我是建議把這2個的位置互換一下啦@@ , 目前的flow真的不順手
  5. 00:38:956(2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 這邊既然要排的話,就排個正一點的七角吧:P
    (3) 192 | 156
    (4) 188 | 232
    (5) 240 | 284
    (6) 316 | 276
    (7) 352 | 208
    (8) 328 | 136
    上面是我找的位置啦 , 供參考
  6. 00:54:755(3) - NC會好讀一些 , 這些部分還是給你決定吧 , 總之先挑出來 :arrow: 這個我在中間加了圓圈所以不用NC了
  7. 01:00:968(5) - ^
  8. 01:07:181(6) - ^
  9. 01:11:086(7) - ^
挺好的 , 滿喜歡這個diff


改天找時間再看玩它好了 :P


  • 01:19:873 (1,1) - 这两段kiai意义不明 :arrow: 這是我跟WanWan的共識,就不要吐槽了吧w
00:31:145 (4,1) - Easy最好不要stack :arrow: 想不到其他解決辦法..
01:00:613 (2,3,4) - try :arrow: 這個轉了一個更容易的

00:57:772 (2) - 96,148,57772,2,0,P|92:232|156:296,1,180
kiai的排版有点乱啊 :arrow: 有例子嗎?

00:54:400 (2,3) - 中间不空的话感觉更好
00:55:820 (6,7) - 相交或者分开都要比粘在一起好 :arrow: 整個flow都轉了
00:59:015 (4,5,6,7,1) - 其实可以试试这样 :arrow: 我覺得現在比較好;w;
01:15:524 (1) - 和之前的整个谱面都感觉不搭 :arrow: 為甚麼啊T.T 我很努力把那個M字弄出來的..

easy节奏 我是感觉不太连贯,不过应该没啥大问题

00:06:293 (2) - 加whistle
00:22:979 (1,2,3,4) - 这四个打击感太弱了,考虑换音效
00:22:979 (1) - 这边到00:40:021 (5) - 都可以用
00:31:145 (4,1) - easy不要stack,新手看不懂一个圈外面还有个圈什么意思
01:02:388 (1) - 。。为何突然彭一下,后面还有几个clap,换的很莫名,kiai都用拍手声比较好,就算这边BGM又音效上的变化也不要这么突兀

00:08:778 (1) - 尾巴whistle
00:16:234 (4) - 这个我建议改成和00:14:459 (1) - 一样的节奏,这样折返处有一个finish,不会漏
00:17:299 (1) - 头finish
01:14:104 (1,3) - 这两个头上加finish
01:24:755 (1) - 头finish
01:19:429 (1,1) - 这两个也可以加finish,不然打着没感觉

ITer's Normal
00:08:068 (5) - 。突然彭一下是干嘛,用normal的打击音效就行了
00:13:749 (1) - finish
00:14:459 (3) - 头finish
00:16:234 (6) - finish应该在折返的地方
00:17:299 (1) - 头finish
00:19:429 仔细听音乐的话折返00:19:074 (4) - 应该放在这而不是00:19:074
00:29:015 (2) - finish
00:33:630 (5) - 尾巴应该加finish
00:38:601 (5) - finish,漏了好多自己检查一下不挑了

00:08:423 (9) - 用normal打击音效就行了,左上角sampleset改成normal不要加这个clap了
01:03:985 (7,8,9) - 空拍不好,这边高潮部分怎么就空拍了

Wan's Insane
00:20:849 (3,4,5) - 摆四方不如摆个折返跳带感,就像后面摆的
00:52:092 (3) - 滑条拆一下比较好毕竟两个音,不过你这边搞了对称不改也没办法
00:49:252 (1) - NC去掉
00:56:352 (3,4,5) - 三连起错,00:56:530
00:59:192 (5) - 最好加一下clap

just a quick check
good luck
Ello, here's your long requested mod o̿ ̭ o̿
00:14:459 (1) - Add finish on the head?
00:27:062 (2) - ^
00:28:660 (1) - ^
00:34:340 (1) - Add finish?
00:35:583 (3) - You could add a finish on both ends of this slider to match the cymbal crashes heard in the music.
00:38:601 (3) - Add finish on the head.
00:40:198 (1) - Add finish.
00:45:701 (1) - Add finish on the head.
00:49:429 (1) - Add finish.
00:52:092 (1) - ^ On the tail.
01:19:429 (1) - And 01:22:269 (1) - looks sort whack how they're just randomly placed o3o Just have them both placed at the center of the board.
[ITer's Normal]
00:11:618 (1) - Add finish on the head.
00:14:459 (3) - ^
00:17:299 (1) - ^
00:27:062 (4) - ^
00:31:145 (6) - Remove finish.
00:34:340 (1) - Add finish on the head.
00:35:583 (4) - Add finish on the head and tail, not the reverse.
00:38:601 (5) - Swap clap on the head with a finish.
00:11:618 (1) - Add finish to the head.
00:12:861 (5) - Swap clap with finish hitsound.
00:14:459 (3) - Swap clap no the head with a finish.
00:18:186 (4,6) - Sorry for being nazi, but could you move these 2 objects more apart so they're not literally crowded together?
00:19:074 (7,8) - Weird overlap, 00:18:542 - 00:19:784 try this rhythm instead:

And place your objects like this:

00:34:340 (1) - Add finish on the head
00:35:583 (7,9) - ^
00:38:601 (1) - Add finish.
00:51:382 (1,2,3,4,5) - give them all a finish hitsound.
[Wan's Insane]
00:13:749 (1,2) - Try having their tails with default soft hitsound instead.
01:26:530 (1,2) - Why not add finish to these objects as well?

Hope this helps!
Topic Starter
haha, 我都有留底
Btw, i dont want GDs. >.<

IamKwaN wrote:

haha, 我都有留底
Btw, i dont want GDs. >.<
holy shit, i don't think you want cs7
Welcome back~
Topic Starter
Haha, time to celebrate 1.5 years anniversary for this map.
a little suggestion , vividred :3 (1 years already but i find this one just now)
00:10:376 how about make a short slider until 00:10:553
00:10:908 shorten this slider to 00:11:263
01:01:678 move to 01:01:500 and make it like this (picture) until 01:01:855

make a slider from 00:10:376 to 00:10:731 no rest~
vocal follower
just rank it it's perfect~
Hey KwaN
Mod as requested

  1. Nothing nice video
  1. 00:00:258 (1) - I don't think this slider is even. Try this instead:

  2. Nothing else.
  1. 00:22:979 (1,2) - Curve these sliders?
  2. 01:14:459 (2,3,4) - Is somewhat hard haha
  1. 00:07:713 (2,5) - Curve these sliders?

  2. 00:12:329 (3) - Move this to x:173 y:178 to stack properly with 00:11:973 (2) -.
  3. 00:56:352 (3) - Move this to x:422 y:89 to stack properly with 00:55:997 (2) -.
  4. 00:58:305 (1) - Ctrl+G Here?
  5. 01:03:453 (3) - Move this to x:296 y:106 to stack properly with 01:03:098 (2) -.
  6. 01:17:654 (3) - Move this to x:243 y:277 to stack properly with 01:17:299 (2) -.
  7. 01:23:334 (3) - Move this to x:310 y:181 to stack properly with 01:22:979 (2) -.
Good luck :)
Ok GO!

00:54:222 (1,2) - Maybe align these 2 notes?
01:02:388 (1,2) - The second note seems to be cutting into note 1 too much. Try angling note 1 in a different way
01:07:713 (3) - You can shift this higher, above the previous note instead

Oh my, this is a very pleasant Easy diff indeed! Keep it up~

00:14:459 (1) - You can shift this note lower
00:14:459 (2,3,4,5) - You can make this part somewhat like this:
00:17:299 (1) - You can make this note straight, then make the next note blanket around it, leading onto the next note:
00:20:139 (1,2) - These two notes (are presumably) the same as the two previous ones, so I suggest making them the same, whilst rotated at ~30deg for the second note
00:31:500 (1) - Make this note blanket sliiightly better
01:09:666 (3) - You can make this blanket note 1 ( 01:08:423 (1) - )

This is fantastic! Practically no mistakes~ Its great! Keep it up~

00:00:968 (3,4,5) - I suggest just making these notes curve into the next note
00:03:808 (3,4,5) - This too^:
00:05:938 (1) - You can curve this note
00:12:329 (3) - You can shift this note slightly out
00:15:170 (3) - Same^
00:22:269 (3) - Make this concave towards the right instead:
00:58:305 (1) - You can Ctrl+G this

This is sooooooooooo goood~ The only problem here is that sometimes your notes don't have to stick next to each other, like: It feels fine having them slightly further apart. Other than that, great work!

00:19:074 (2,3) - You can make these 2 notes curved
00:19:429 (3) - Flip this note
00:20:494 (2) - Curl this note like the note before
00:21:559 (1) - This jump seems a bit too big, Ctrl+G this
00:31:500 (1,2,3) - Flow here seems kinda weird
00:33:808 (6,7,8) - This can be in a triangle formation
01:19:429 (5) - Maybe curve this note like the note before?
01:19:784 (1,2,3,4) - Flow here is also kinda weird
01:26:530 (1,2) - You can make this appear on the x-axis (horizontal axis)

This Insane is generally good, although with weird flows at some places. The patterns you make are really good though~ Not bad!

A orgasmic mapset, I'd say.

Topic Starter
[Normal]00:10:376 how about make a short slider until 00:10:553 // i tend to follow the music tho
00:10:908 shorten this slider to 00:11:263
01:01:678 move to 01:01:500 and make it like this (picture) until 01:01:855 // similar for these two ww

make a slider from 00:10:376 to 00:10:731 no rest~ // yeah, really wanna follow music alone
just rank it it's perfect~ Thank you ww
Project Railgun
Hey KwaN hai, hentai railgun who always stares at butts in the video ww

  1. 00:00:258 (1) - I don't think this slider is even. // ok!
  1. 00:22:979 (1,2) - Curve these sliders? // ok
  2. 01:14:459 (2,3,4) - Is somewhat hard haha // coz its kiai ww
  1. 00:07:713 (2,5) - Curve these sliders? // this is great
  2. 00:12:329 (3) - Move this to x:173 y:178 to stack properly with 00:11:973 (2)
  3. 00:56:352 (3) - Move this to x:422 y:89 to stack properly with 00:55:997 (2) // ok for these two stacking stuff
  4. 00:58:305 (1) - Ctrl+G Here? // hmm.. lemme think for a while.
  5. 01:03:453 (3) - Move this to x:296 y:106 to stack properly with 01:03:098 (2)
  6. 01:17:654 (3) - Move this to x:243 y:277 to stack properly with 01:17:299 (2)
  7. 01:23:334 (3) - Move this to x:310 y:181 to stack properly with 01:22:979 (2) // Done for these three
Good luck :) Thanks!
Ok GO! hi!

00:54:222 (1,2) - Maybe align these 2 notes? // its intentional being put like that ww
01:02:388 (1,2) - The second note seems to be cutting into note 1 too much. Try angling note 1 in a different way // ok
01:07:713 (3) - You can shift this higher, above the previous note instead // i prefer mine w

00:14:459 (1) - You can shift this note lower // ok
00:14:459 (2,3,4,5) - You can make this part somewhat like this // no, coz i wanna keep a consistent DS for this diff
00:17:299 (1) - You can make this note straight, then make the next note blanket around it, leading onto the next note // keep mine coz I do it for the next stanza too
00:20:139 (1,2) - These two notes (are presumably) the same as the two previous ones, so I suggest making them the same, whilst rotated at ~30deg for the second note // ^
00:31:500 (1) - Make this note blanket sliiightly better // ok
01:09:666 (3) - You can make this blanket note 1 // hmm.. no coz i wanna have a parallel pair of (3) & (4)

00:00:968 (3,4,5) - I suggest just making these notes curve into the next note // hmm.. but is it really difficult to read now?
00:03:808 (3,4,5) - This too // ^
00:05:938 (1) - You can curve this note // ok
00:12:329 (3) - You can shift this note slightly out ;w;..? i dont understand lol
00:15:170 (3) - Same^ ^
00:22:269 (3) - Make this concave towards the right instead // ok
00:58:305 (1) - You can Ctrl+G this // ok! u are the second one to point this out!
This is sooooooooooo goood~ The only problem here is that sometimes your notes don't have to stick next to each other, like: It feels fine having them slightly further apart. Other than that, great work! // I feel like they are suitable to stack perfectly because its 3/4 sliders instead of 1/2 ;w;..

00:19:074 (2,3) - You can make these 2 notes curved // no ;w;
00:19:429 (3) - Flip this note // ok!
00:20:494 (2) - Curl this note like the note before // prefer mine tho
00:21:559 (1) - This jump seems a bit too big, Ctrl+G this // did some adjustment!
00:31:500 (1,2,3) - Flow here seems kinda weird // ;w;..
00:33:808 (6,7,8) - This can be in a triangle formation // haha, its triangle, but not regular ww
01:19:429 (5) - Maybe curve this note like the note before? // ok!
01:19:784 (1,2,3,4) - Flow here is also kinda weird // /.\ any suggestions?
01:26:530 (1,2) - You can make this appear on the x-axis // i prefer vertical!

This Insane is generally good, although with weird flows at some places. The patterns you make are really good though~ Not bad! haha, thanks w

A orgasmic mapset, I'd say. lol, this adjective..

Thank you guys!
I can't really add anything to this mapset. It is really good. Great spread of difficulties, good hitsounds and a clean mapping style.

First time I give a bubble without any changes to a mapset.. Good job! (ノ 'ω')ノ
Topic Starter
lol, thank you so much! I think I just find u several hours ago lol
cancel wildscreen to all diffs

00:40:021 - remove clap? would sound better imo

00:52:092 - better to add NC here for reading the anti-jump easier
00:53:512 - better to start the stream from here, this is the heavy beat. you can repeat the slider 1 time less
01:04:873 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1) - this shape can be better imo, the current one is not an accurate circle

nothing else, call me back then
Topic Starter
All fixed!
I hope the circle is fine now :?

BSS still fails, not yet updated updated
why so fast
Topic Starter

Kawaiwkyik wrote:

why so fast
yes! finally~gratz:3
Congratz :3 at last Vividred has a ranked song too~
Congrats KwaN :)
Cherry Blossom
Gratz o/
Gratz Kawan!!!
Topic Starter
Thanks all!

@Fycho: 不可以愛我喔,出軌是不對的 <3
@Habi: You spell my name wrong
gratz \:D/ <3333333333333333333333
Congratz Kwan ma :D
Nice (Y) :D
Topic Starter
Thanks all!
@浩然: thanks bro <3
@sfy: thank you yuriiiiiiiiiiii :D
Ring Suzune
Congratulations moe Kwan c:
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