
Panic! at the Disco - This is Gospel

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Kenezz wrote:

Eso fue creible! D: Igual hubiese sido mas creible si hubieses escrito Bubbies xDD
Gracias por las estrellas! haha :D
Hi there! :) from my queue
begin my noob modding T_T

I can't check hitsounds because my earphones broke and my laptop speakers are pretty bad. sorry about this ;-;

02:56:227 (1) - Not sure about this spinner on all of your difficulties. It doesn't reaaaally map anything, other than the soft drums,
However, the drums continue to play even after the spinner is done.
The spinner just seems to be put there just to have at least one spinner in each difficulty :P
Maybe more opinions on this

00:05:651 (3,2) - unfortunately your approach rate isn't fast enough for this overlap to not be noticeable
An easy fix will be to ctrl+H 00:05:651 (3) - and then rotating 00:07:574 (2) - a little bit so that it blankets with the wave
like this: . of course making sure 00:08:727 (3) - still blankets as well

00:17:574 (3,4) - looks almost like 1.2x distance snap. AIMod disapproves so you might as well fix this before other people complain

00:19:881 (2) - turn other way for flow? looks a little better too

00:21:035 (4,1) - looks a little weird, don't you think? It might be because they are parallel: try having them angled a little away from each other

00:29:881 (3,1) - I think this could be blanketed better (have a smoother curve on that reverse slider)

Is there a reason you use 0.7 space for hitcircles and 1.0 for sliders?
01:27:189 (2,3) - Asssuming your current spacing pattern, maybe this is supposed to 1.0? Just like you do here 01:31:035 (2,3) -
01:38:920 (1) - could blanket better:
01:41:420 (5,6,7) - assuming the same spacing pattern, maybe 01:42:189 (7) - is supposed to have 0.7? :P just like you do here 02:55:266 (1,2,3) -

00:10:651 (2,3,4) - WARNING: small detail that doesn't really matter --- Personal style preference. I don't really like how 00:10:651 (2,4) - are so close together.
You could move 00:11:420 (4) - to 424, 344 to keep distances looking equal

00:40:651 (1) - replace with a spinner please I'm joking please don't kill me

00:50:074 (2) - keep it more parallel to your big slider

I'm amazed how you managed to pull off all of those sliders

This is a really awesome mapset! :oops:
Hope this mod helps :?
Topic Starter
Oh.. I didn't notice this before.. now I've to sleep cuz is quite late.
I'll check your mod tomorrow (And I gave you the kudos right now because I check your mod in Panic! and I've fixed the 2 real things mentioned in your post xD)


Frostings wrote:

Hi there! :) from my queue
begin my noob modding T_T Hiya! :P

I can't check hitsounds because my earphones broke and my laptop speakers are pretty bad. sorry about this ;-; it's ok :3

02:56:227 (1) - Not sure about this spinner on all of your difficulties. It doesn't reaaaally map anything, other than the soft drums,
However, the drums continue to play even after the spinner is done.
The spinner just seems to be put there just to have at least one spinner in each difficulty :P I don't think so, I think this spinner is following the end of the instrumental, and in this drum is were the instrumental ends completely, that's why I did that.
Maybe more opinions on this

00:05:651 (3,2) - unfortunately your approach rate isn't fast enough for this overlap to not be noticeable
An easy fix will be to ctrl+H 00:05:651 (3) - and then rotating 00:07:574 (2) - a little bit so that it blankets with the wave
like this: . of course making sure 00:08:727 (3) - still blankets as well I liked this suggestion.. Fixed!

00:17:574 (3,4) - looks almost like 1.2x distance snap. AIMod disapproves so you might as well fix this before other people complain lol.. done.

00:19:881 (2) - turn other way for flow? looks a little better too I've fixed that on my own, so many people complained about that :P

00:21:035 (4,1) - looks a little weird, don't you think? It might be because they are parallel: try having them angled a little away from each other haha.. nice one, looks nicer I have to say.

00:29:881 (3,1) - I think this could be blanketed better (have a smoother curve on that reverse slider) That's true.. I made a better slider and fix the blanket.

Is there a reason you use 0.7 space for hitcircles and 1.0 for sliders? Yeah.. I think plays better in a normal, my experience says is a bit easier. I did that when a slider is followed by a note btw :P
01:27:189 (2,3) - Asssuming your current spacing pattern, maybe this is supposed to 1.0? Just like you do here 01:31:035 (2,3) - Yeah.. It was a little mistake :P. Fixed.
01:38:920 (1) - could blanket better: Hmm.. I prefer my blanket I've to say :P
01:41:420 (5,6,7) - assuming the same spacing pattern, maybe 01:42:189 (7) - is supposed to have 0.7? :P just like you do here 02:55:266 (1,2,3) - I've fixed the spacing in the second pattern cuz is the one with a wrong spacing xD

00:10:651 (2,3,4) - WARNING: small detail that doesn't really matter --- Personal style preference. I don't really like how 00:10:651 (2,4) - are so close together.
You could move 00:11:420 (4) - to 424, 344 to keep distances looking equal Fixed on my own

00:40:651 (1) - replace with a spinner please I'm joking please don't kill me lol let me kill you hehe xD

00:50:074 (2) - keep it more parallel to your big slider Fixed.

I'm amazed how you managed to pull off all of those sliders thanks!

This is a really awesome mapset! :oops:
Hope this mod helps :?
Thanks a lot for modding, really useful I've to say. I've changed almost all in your mod :)

  1. 00:11:420 (4) - Wasn't a fan of this rhythm here, since the 1/1 slider doesn't follow the vocals that great, I've come up with a better solution that could work better here.
  2. 00:15:266 (5) - A straight slider does not seem to fit really with 00:14:497 (3) - so could you blanket 00:15:074 (4) - with 00:15:266 (5) - ?
  3. 01:12:189 (3,4) - Slight room to improve this blanket here.
  4. 01:21:035 (2,3) - Did not play that well tbh, maybe you could consider doing it like this?
  5. 01:54:497 (1) - Sliders like this are really beautiful but I think making those curves more smoother (as in they look like blanketed) it'd be way cooler (imo)!
  6. 02:30:266 (6,7) - Would flow better imo
  1. 00:11:035 (2,3) - Because this is a normal difficulty, I want to see consistent spacing here, try to fix this DS error.
  2. 00:34:112 (5,1) - Small DS error here
  3. 00:50:266 (1,2) - ^
  4. 00:56:804 (2,3) - ^
  5. 00:57:381 (3,4) - ^
  6. 01:01:035 (4) - ^ Okay so I get the idea now, but if you could increase the spacing on similar parts, newbies could understand it a bit better and it wouldn't look like a massive DS error D: (But I still think a consistent spacing should be done, like all of those snapped to 1.0x)
  7. 01:16:612 - A note here would be quite nice, would follow the vocals really well
  8. 01:32:189 (4,1) - DS error
  9. 01:38:343 (4,1) - ^
  10. Okay so the map itself was nicely done, although I don't agree at all with these ''distance snap errors''. :/
  1. I think this diff is all good, looks neat
Well, sorry for my noob mod, mapset is pretty well done and polished. I'd get 2-5 mods more, you can call me back afterwards
Yo, man, I've heard you were looking for some mods. Here's one for free!

  1. I d not really like the way how this BG looks. It may look cool with 16:9 sisplays, but on 4:3 it looks really weird, imo. Let me help you a bit! BG1 / BG2.
    Note: well, the second BG fits with the songand the video better, so I would use it. The quality is not the best, tho. :(
  1. You're using some 3/2 patterns which are quite confusing and may trouble beginners. the 3/2 patterns can asily be misread as 2/1 patterns and confuse beginners. Reducing your OD by one tick may help to make it a bit less confusing!
  2. 00:05:651 (3) - minor - a blanketing here would work really good! Here, take alook at what I've got there for you!
  3. 00:10:458 - these heartbeats were not mapped earlier! (00:07:381 - and 00:13:535 - is also ignored!). So, i recommend you to remove 00:10:458 (2) - and place just one circle at 00:10:651. Don't worry, it still fits with the sound and even makes your diff a bit more playable and consistent! :)
  4. 00:39:497 (2,3,1) - the transition here could be improved, imo. Previousyly, you had some amazing transitions and a very smooth flow! Comparing to them, this pattern looks rather messy. Something like this flows better.
    Note: you can make it even better by moving 00:40:651 (1) - down, but that'd ruin the symmetrical patterns, so I think you don't want to do this. Anyway, I will leave this pic just in case. :P
    Note2: 01:13:727 (3,1) - same again. I think you can work on the transitons on your own because these things are very minor but there're plenty of similar "mistakes". Anyway, if you have any problems with them or feel like getting a detailed flow-mod, contact me in-game and I'll be glad to help you!
  5. 00:59:881 (2,3) - minor - I assume (3) was meant to be a blanket slider, wasn't it? Anyway, you can make a nice blanket out of it, try it!
    Note: there're a few more patterns which can also be improved visually. I won't stress you with a long and nazi mod, I know that you can find and clean them up by yourself :)
  6. 01:34:112 (2) - I feel like this pattern is going off the vocals a bit, please, consider replacing it with a 3/2 slider + a circle. Something like that will work with the vocals better and it looks similar to the patterns you've used before, so it won't trouble players at all!
  7. 01:54:497 (1) - you know how much I love creative sliders, and this one is really awesome. ♥
  8. 02:56:227 (1) - finish the spinner where the last hearbeat is (02:56:227 (1)). Otherwise, it sounds quite off and represents nothing in music. :( Also, it may be a good idea to start it at 02:56:612 - to point out the heart beat and to give players some time to recover!
    Note: any changes made with this spinner should also be applied to the other diffs in order to keep consistency!

    Apart from a few minor flow mistakes the diff is really well-done!
  1. 00:15:266 (4,5) - you have 1/2 and 1/1 stacks in the same combo. It plays a bit confusing and kinda bugged me at first. It is not a big deal, but I would ask you to unstack the 1/1 pattern in order to make the pattern a bit more understandable/
  2. 00:22:574 (2) - minor - this circle is wa too close to 00:21:420 (4) - so, some players may mistakenly hit it. The point is that it gives an unpleasant feeling and kinda hurts the structure of your map since it's the only pattern like this. Take a look at what I've got and see if it works better to you!
  3. 00:40:651 (1) - 00:46:804 (1) - how do you even make such amazing sliders? Seriously, this slider makes me feel so good, I just love the way how you do it. ♥
  4. 00:51:227 (3,4) - if I got it right, you're supposd to use x0.7 DS for these two.
    Note: 01:11:035 (6,1) - the same? I think I've oticed a few more similar patterns, so, check the map and fix them on your own! Since you're pretty skilled it won't take too much time, right? :)
  5. 01:32:189 (4,1) - 01:38:343 (4,1) - well, I understand your point with the DS change here, but it looks really tricky! I would keep the DS consistent and change it to something simple example but it is totally up to you.
    Note: as a mapper, I love this idea, ut I question it's awesomeness as a player ><
  6. 01:54:497 (1) -02:00:651 (1) - is this thing even real? This looks amazing! You never fail to impress me, man! ♥ Long sliders with amazing shapes are my weak spot
  7. 02:18:727 (5,1) - the overlap here is readable, but it looks a bit messy. You didn't use any overlaps like this one previously, that is why it looks so out of plcae. Perhaps, you can use something like this to make you patterns look a bit more consistent!
  8. 02:28:727 (2,3) - minor - improving the blanketing here would be a nice idea. Please, do it if you feel like making the diff perfect <3
  9. 02:54:304 (4) - try to replace the circle with an 1/2 slider in order to follow the drums closer. You've used similar pattern at 02:46:035 (4,5) - so it should be fine to use it again.

    You never fail to impress me. I liked this diff very much!
  1. AR7 feels way too slow comparing to the SV of your sliders during kiais. Set AR to 8 to make the diff a bit more readable and maybe increase Od as well to keep the balance!
    Note: just to convince you, your SV is 1.7, now let's multiply it by x1.25 and we'll get something like 2.1 SV, which is WAY too fast for AR7!
  2. 00:18:920 (7) - I do not think that ignoring a downbeat with a strong sound is a good idea! Try to map it by turing 00:18:920 (7) - into an 1/2 slider with a repeat. here's an example in case if you ned one. :)
  3. 00:27:958 (7) - you didn't use sliders like this one anywhere else, did you? It feels a bit out of your diff and does not match with your patterns. i would use a simple 1/4 stream to make it more fitting and readable.
  4. 00:40:651 (1) - 00:46:804 (1) - I know, I've already said it many times but I want to say that again and again. MAn, your sliders are amazing! ♥
  5. 01:19:497 (5,6) - minor - your flow feels forced here and the transition feels really uncommon for your style! Why don't you go with a classical pattern like this one?

    Wow, that was really awesome!
The gap between [Nervous!] and [Panic!] was really big, imo but meh.. It's not a big deal, you did a REALLY impressing mapset. You did it all right: the song, hitsounds, your flow and rhythm were brilliant! Have your well deserved stars! ~


Best of luck!
Topic Starter

Asphyxia wrote:

  1. 00:11:420 (4) - Wasn't a fan of this rhythm here, since the 1/1 slider doesn't follow the vocals that great, I've come up with a better solution that could work better here. Hmm.. Follow the vocals nice, so yeah.. Fixed.
  2. 00:15:266 (5) - A straight slider does not seem to fit really with 00:14:497 (3) - so could you blanket 00:15:074 (4) - with 00:15:266 (5) - ? I know that, I was really lazy to fix it earlier hahaha. Fixed now.
  3. 01:12:189 (3,4) - Slight room to improve this blanket here. Fixed.
  4. 01:21:035 (2,3) - Did not play that well tbh, maybe you could consider doing it like this? Hmm.. I didn't like this that much, I like how this flow, I've made this in other maps and I didn't have problems with that kind of patterns. I prefer to keep that.
  5. 01:54:497 (1) - Sliders like this are really beautiful but I think making those curves more smoother (as in they look like blanketed) it'd be way cooler (imo)! Hmm.. I like this slider, I prefer to don't touch it really much, sorry :(
  6. 02:30:266 (6,7) - Would flow better imo Changed this on my own, even though, I didn't change the pattern really much because I like how this flow.
  1. 00:11:035 (2,3) - Because this is a normal difficulty, I want to see consistent spacing here, try to fix this DS error. Fixed this.
  2. 00:34:112 (5,1) - Small DS error here Done xD.
  3. 00:50:266 (1,2) - ^ I've used 0.70 in notes after sliders, I've explained that millions of times (check some of my other maps if you want to see why I do that).
  4. 00:56:804 (2,3) - ^ Fixed this.
  5. 00:57:381 (3,4) - ^ Same as before.
  6. 01:01:035 (4) - ^ Okay so I get the idea now, but if you could increase the spacing on similar parts, newbies could understand it a bit better and it wouldn't look like a massive DS error D: (But I still think a consistent spacing should be done, like all of those snapped to 1.0x) As I said tones of times, I'll keep that (But I dunno if I'll do that again in my future maps :P)
  7. 01:16:612 - A note here would be quite nice, would follow the vocals really well I'm following drums here, I dunno if a note follow that in a good way.
  8. 01:32:189 (4,1) - DS error
  9. 01:38:343 (4,1) - ^ I think those won't affect the gameplay, those blankets are nice imo and the spacing between the notes is considerable for a Normal.
  10. Okay so the map itself was nicely done, although I don't agree at all with these ''distance snap errors''. :/
  1. I think this diff is all good, looks neat Thanks!
Well, sorry for my noob mod, mapset is pretty well done and polished. I'd get 2-5 mods more, you can call me back afterwards
Not noob D:.. It helped me to fix some bad things in my Hard specially :P


-Bakari- wrote:

Yo, man, I've heard you were looking for some mods. Here's one for free! lol.. sucha nice surprise :P

  1. I d not really like the way how this BG looks. It may look cool with 16:9 sisplays, but on 4:3 it looks really weird, imo. Let me help you a bit! BG1 / BG2.
    Note: well, the second BG fits with the songand the video better, so I would use it. The quality is not the best, tho. :( I prefer to keep the current one, the only change that I made was the size, I changed it for a 1024x768, I don't feel like removing this BG, sorry.
  1. You're using some 3/2 patterns which are quite confusing and may trouble beginners. the 3/2 patterns can asily be misread as 2/1 patterns and confuse beginners. Reducing your OD by one tick may help to make it a bit less confusing! Hmm.. I prefer to keep the current OD, but I'll consider it later.
  2. 00:05:651 (3) - minor - a blanketing here would work really good! Here, take alook at what I've got there for you! Hmm.. nah.. I would have to change so many things and actually this looks alright.
  3. 00:10:458 - these heartbeats were not mapped earlier! (00:07:381 - and 00:13:535 - is also ignored!). So, i recommend you to remove 00:10:458 (2) - and place just one circle at 00:10:651. Don't worry, it still fits with the sound and even makes your diff a bit more playable and consistent! :) Listened, tested and Fixed!
  4. 00:39:497 (2,3,1) - the transition here could be improved, imo. Previousyly, you had some amazing transitions and a very smooth flow! Comparing to them, this pattern looks rather messy. Something like this flows better. I have to agree about that.. Fixed!
    Note: you can make it even better by moving 00:40:651 (1) - down, but that'd ruin the symmetrical patterns, so I think you don't want to do this. Anyway, I will leave this pic just in case. :P lol.. You know me really much xD.
    Note2: 01:13:727 (3,1) - same again. I think you can work on the transitons on your own because these things are very minor but there're plenty of similar "mistakes". Anyway, if you have any problems with them or feel like getting a detailed flow-mod, contact me in-game and I'll be glad to help you! Fixed this and some other little patterns, thanks a lot for the tip :3
  5. 00:59:881 (2,3) - minor - I assume (3) was meant to be a blanket slider, wasn't it? Anyway, you can make a nice blanket out of it, try it! Meh.. I didn't like this really much I've to say, so, fixed this on my own, making an easier thing :P
    Note: there're a few more patterns which can also be improved visually. I won't stress you with a long and nazi mod, I know that you can find and clean them up by yourself :) yey.. fixed this and some others :D
  6. 01:34:112 (2) - I feel like this pattern is going off the vocals a bit, please, consider replacing it with a 3/2 slider + a circle. Something like that will work with the vocals better and it looks similar to the patterns you've used before, so it won't trouble players at all! Sounds correct, but actually this 2/1 doesn't follow bad the music, and personally, I don't want to change the structure of the map really much.
  7. 01:54:497 (1) - you know how much I love creative sliders, and this one is really awesome. ♥ I know haha.
  8. 02:56:227 (1) - finish the spinner where the last hearbeat is (02:56:227 (1)). Otherwise, it sounds quite off and represents nothing in music. :( Also, it may be a good idea to start it at 02:56:612 - to point out the heart beat and to give players some time to recover!
    Note: any changes made with this spinner should also be applied to the other diffs in order to keep consistency! I've finished when the instrumental finish completely, I want to keep that.

    Apart from a few minor flow mistakes the diff is really well-done! Thank you so much, I hope this ''flow issues'' are fixed now :D, it helped me pretty much this :D
  1. 00:15:266 (4,5) - you have 1/2 and 1/1 stacks in the same combo. It plays a bit confusing and kinda bugged me at first. It is not a big deal, but I would ask you to unstack the 1/1 pattern in order to make the pattern a bit more understandable/ Sure thing, unstacked the 1/1 pattern
  2. 00:22:574 (2) - minor - this circle is wa too close to 00:21:420 (4) - so, some players may mistakenly hit it. The point is that it gives an unpleasant feeling and kinda hurts the structure of your map since it's the only pattern like this. Take a look at what I've got and see if it works better to you! Fixed in a similar way (but would be better if you have given me a code *runs*)
  3. 00:40:651 (1) - 00:46:804 (1) - how do you even make such amazing sliders? Seriously, this slider makes me feel so good, I just love the way how you do it. ♥ Thanks :P
  4. 00:51:227 (3,4) - if I got it right, you're supposd to use x0.7 DS for these two.
    Note: 01:11:035 (6,1) - the same? I think I've oticed a few more similar patterns, so, check the map and fix them on your own! Since you're pretty skilled it won't take too much time, right? :) Fixed some of them :)
  5. 01:32:189 (4,1) - 01:38:343 (4,1) - well, I understand your point with the DS change here, but it looks really tricky! I would keep the DS consistent and change it to something simple example but it is totally up to you.
    Note: as a mapper, I love this idea, ut I question it's awesomeness as a player >< Same.. explained in Asphyxia's mod.
  6. 01:54:497 (1) -02:00:651 (1) - is this thing even real? This looks amazing! You never fail to impress me, man! ♥ Long sliders with amazing shapes are my weak spot lol.. thx!
  7. 02:18:727 (5,1) - the overlap here is readable, but it looks a bit messy. You didn't use any overlaps like this one previously, that is why it looks so out of plcae. Perhaps, you can use something like this to make you patterns look a bit more consistent! I liked this overlap, but fixed bro!
  8. 02:28:727 (2,3) - minor - improving the blanketing here would be a nice idea. Please, do it if you feel like making the diff perfect <3 Done!
  9. 02:54:304 (4) - try to replace the circle with an 1/2 slider in order to follow the drums closer. You've used similar pattern at 02:46:035 (4,5) - so it should be fine to use it again. Fixed this on my own.

    You never fail to impress me. I liked this diff very much!
  1. AR7 feels way too slow comparing to the SV of your sliders during kiais. Set AR to 8 to make the diff a bit more readable and maybe increase Od as well to keep the balance!
    Note: just to convince you, your SV is 1.7, now let's multiply it by x1.25 and we'll get something like 2.1 SV, which is WAY too fast for AR7! lol.. I thought I've changed this before D:.. Fixed now!
  2. 00:18:920 (7) - I do not think that ignoring a downbeat with a strong sound is a good idea! Try to map it by turing 00:18:920 (7) - into an 1/2 slider with a repeat. here's an example in case if you ned one. :) Vocals are predominant here, so I don't think this downbeat is really necessary to follow it.
  3. 00:27:958 (7) - you didn't use sliders like this one anywhere else, did you? It feels a bit out of your diff and does not match with your patterns. i would use a simple 1/4 stream to make it more fitting and readable. Nice one! Fixed.
  4. 00:40:651 (1) - 00:46:804 (1) - I know, I've already said it many times but I want to say that again and again. MAn, your sliders are amazing! ♥ haha.. stop with that man ahha xD
  5. 01:19:497 (5,6) - minor - your flow feels forced here and the transition feels really uncommon for your style! Why don't you go with a classical pattern like this one? I don't feel this really forced during the gameplay

    Wow, that was really awesome!
The gap between [Nervous!] and [Panic!] was really big, imo but meh.. It's not a big deal, you did a REALLY impressing mapset. You did it all right: the song, hitsounds, your flow and rhythm were brilliant! Have your well deserved stars! ~


Best of luck!
Really great mod as always! <3.. And omg.. 10 Stars! :o
Thanks a lot bro!

Useful mods, they were really useful guys!

By forum PM request. Omg, this song is so amazing <3

  1. Unrankable Issue/Highly Suggested
  2. Comment

  1. Fine! <3


  • Mod
  1. 00:11:035 (3,4,1) - Just a small idea here. You could place 4 and 1 a bit differently in order to get a square. It would make it look a bit tidier as well.
  2. 00:19:112 (1) - Consider to rotate that a bit. I personally think that the flow from the previous object into this one could be better with rotation. As it is now the curve feels a bit steep to me so that the newer player can miss it easily.
  3. 00:23:343 (2) - The spacing between the notes here is a bit uneven (0,06 Difference is pretty high =w=) Consider making little adjustments here.
  4. 00:58:343 (4) - You could do an equal triangle here by moving this bit more to the lower left in order to tidy this up a bit. You'll have to rarrange the following objects a bit but I think that won't be a big deal though.
  5. 01:26:035 (3) - Maybe you could move this a bit to the upper right to get a smooth wavy movement here. It could improve the flow since the player follows 01:24:881 (2) - 's curve to catch 01:26:035 (3) - 's head which would be better playable for newbies.
  6. 02:14:112 (2) - Adjust your spacing here. 0,06 difference is so much what makes it look uneven ;w;
  7. 02:19:497 (2) - Watch your spacing to the previous object. It's a bit large, don't you think so? o:
  8. 02:20:266 (3) - How about moving this a bit left to get an oval transition from 02:19:497 (2) - into this?

    Enjoyed this diff as well. There are barely issues sorry for noobish nazi stuff ;____; and it's really far polished. I personally think some spots could be tidier but well, that's just my opinion I guess ;b Otherwise it's really well done. Your rhythm is overall pretty good as well as the overall flow and impression I had while playing it. Very nice diff.


  • Mod
  1. 00:17:574 (3) - Maybe just my personal preference, but I think it would look better as a flipped version of 00:16:035 (1) - .
  2. 00:19:881 (2) - Maybe you could move this a bit more upwards in order to follow 00:18:920 (1) - 's movement for a slight inprovement of flow here?
  3. 00:29:689 (3) - The sound here seems to be more quiet, so I'd place a 1/2 Slider at 00:29:497 - . The main reason I want you to change this is the stack here. It played a bit weird to me because I was kinda surprised about it. I think the stack doesn't fit the overall impression of the map and a 1/2 Slider would fit your style better :/
  4. 00:34:112 (5) - Consider rotating this about 20° counter-clockwise/selection centre to get a more fluent movement from 4 to 5. As it is right now, the turn to the right is a bit to abrupt imo.
  5. 00:39:881 (3,4) - I don't know, we already hat this at the other map I've modded and I know it's your style but I recommend you to change this to a 1/1 Slider because newbies aren't able to read stuff like this that good. You've already used 1/2 Stacks which causes them to think it's 1/2 :/ A 1/1 Slider would be such a good choice especially since you've mapped the previous one with one and the following ones (01:52:958 (2,3) - ) as well.
  6. 00:45:266 (4) - I'd move this a bit more to the left for a smoother feeling. The reason here is that the player has to move so much downwards before he has to big turn which doesn't flow that good in Normals. Turns should always be connected with a smooth movement in Normals. Something like 00:38:727 (1,2) - would flow way better here.
  7. 00:54:881 (4) - Move the last anchor point somewhere around 224|316 to introduce the wavy "S"-movement to 00:55:651 (5) - better.
  8. 01:16:804 (6) - Move this a bit higher so that it follows 01:16:227 (5) - 's track in order to have a more fluent turn. Like you have it now, the player would have stop to get the Slider's head before he can turn but like this he can just simply follow 5 all until 6's head.
  9. 01:38:920 (1) - I've accepted the DS change at 01:32:766 (1) - but I don't agree here due to it being even larger than the one at 01:32:766 (1) - . Please reduce it at least to 1,20. You can keep your blanket like this as well :/
  10. 01:40:843 (4) - Replacing this with a 90° counter-clockwise rotated version of 01:40:266 (3) - could be a neat touch since you usually like to do that often :3
  11. 02:10:266 (2) - The curve here feels being placed a bit low. I think 02:09:881 (1) - flows better into 02:10:266 (2) - if you'd rotate 02:10:266 (2) - about 15° Selection Centre (:
  12. 02:17:189 (3,4) - I'd rather go for something similiar as in the first Kiai in terms of the rhythm. It feels a bit more accurate to me because you hit all the important notes like this. Especially the gap at 02:18:535 - feels a bit weird to me due to the strong vocals. I also know you try to keep variation within your maps but I think here it just fits way better if you do it like the first ones and it will still be a lot of variety left ><
  13. 02:40:651 (1,2,3) - This feels a bit "squeezed" due to the screen border. I would tweak the whole pattern a bit as seen in the Screenshot C:

    Really well done difficulty. I love it! This time I really enjoyed the distance variation for 1/2 Slider -> Circle and 1/2 Slider -> Slider for some reason. Maybe it's because of our conversation so that I understood everything way better but it seems really nice and structured to me. The whole map is very tidy and has reasonable object placement as well as smooth flow so that it gives newer player a nice experience while playing this. I also love the whole aesthetics and espacially these large symmetry sliders which, as I've said on the other mapset, remind me of older maps made by Gonzvlo which is a great thing in fact I love these maps! Good job C;


  • Mod
  1. 00:07:574 (3,4,5) - Maybe you could make some adjustments to the movement here. It looks like it's thought to be a wavy movement but it's interrupted by 00:08:343 (5) - . Also if we take a look at 00:08:151 (4) - , we can see a spacing variation by 0,10 which seems a bit odd and unfitting to me here.
  2. 00:11:420 (4) - I'm not sure if it's just me but this broke the flow a bit for me. due to the curve pointing so much upwards. It would play way smoother if the curve is a bit lower. Rotating this aout 15° counter-clockwise and on selection centre could make the flow here way better if you ask me :3
  3. 00:20:651 (4,5,6,7,8) - I personally don't agree with your rhythm here. If we listen to the music closely, we can hear that the vocals as well as the drums are really strong on the white ticks (you've also emphasized them with hitsounds). So I'd go for clickable actions there as you did it at 00:19:497 (1,2,3) - as well. Well, you've also done it at 00:26:804 (3,4,5,6) - , so I'll just mark this as a comment. Nothing you really have to fix, just my opinion on it :/
  4. 00:30:074 (5,6,7) - The whole transition here could be more fluent if you move 00:30:458 (6,7) - a bit to the right in order to let it follow 5's curve to get a better circular movement here. But if you want to do that you have to take the whole construction starting at 00:29:689 (4,5,6,7) - and move it a bit left so that it doesn't overlap the keyoverlay, if it's activated, so awkward.
  5. 00:39:112 (1,2,3,4) - This looks a bit messy here, even in-game due to the inconsistent spacing. It also looks like you've tried to create a line here. I'd suggest you to use Convert Slider to stream in order to get a perfect spaced line here as at 01:59:112 (1,2,3,4) - for example.
  6. 00:44:497 (4) - Let this point a bit more onto 00:45:074 (5) - in order to get a smooth movement onto it!
  7. 00:45:266 (1,2,3,4) - Same as I've said for the first line goes here as well :/
  8. 00:51:420 (2,3) - How about CTRL+G in terms of the rhythm? The reason here would be that if you listen closely, you can hear than at 00:51:804 - the note is pretty strong so it would feel a bit better if it's clickable :c
  9. 01:19:497 (5,6) - Even though you didn't change this at Bakari, I still want to pick this up again because I personally agree with him here. 01:19:497 (5) - 's curve just tells me to go right instead of left so it breaks the flow here for me :V
  10. 01:23:727 (1) - Just me commenting, but I think the shape doesn't really fit the map since it's the only "sharp" slider here. I know, Variety, but I think it just doesn't fit your maps overall impression. Well I guess that's just my opinion here but you could make some adjustments to its shape though in order to get the start and the end parallel.
  11. 01:33:343 (4) - You could reshape this one a bit so that it fits the shape of 01:32:766 (3) - a bit more to get a circular look.
  12. 01:39:497 (2,3,4) - Move 4 somewhere around 170|190 to make the gaps between 2 and 3 and 3 and 4 a bit more even and to improve the flow a bit, since if you aim from 2 to 3 you go a steeper way but if you aim from 3 to 4 a kind of stretched way which slows me a bit down.
  13. 02:12:862 (10,1) - The spacing is a bit uneven here, consider to make some adjustments here c: You can jsut simply place 02:12:958 (1) - somewhere around 132|68 and fix the symmetry.
  14. 02:29:112 (3,4) - The flow from 3 to 4 feels a bit unnatural to me here. Maybe you could make it follow 3's curve for a smoother flow here.
  15. 02:39:497 (4) - This one breaks the flow a lot if you ask me. Maybe it's just me, but it plays a bit weird here to stop on 4 in order to get the curve right ><^You could either rotate it about 50° Selection centre or replace it with a x/y-flipped version of 02:38:920 (3) - to get a circular shape (similiar to 02:50:651 (3,4) - ). Both will take some rearranging of the following objects but it would improve your flow here a lot ><
  16. 02:53:151 (2) - Replacing this by a 90° Counter-clockwise rotated version of 02:53:535 (3) - would fit your style pretty well if you ask me :3

    Wow, very impressive diff. As I've said for the other Panic! at the Disco Mapset made by you I really love the way you use symmetry especially for these giant Sliders. Nice to still see stuff like this nowadays. The map is really far polished. I sometimes don't agree with your rhythm but I didn't want to list everything because it would be a real pain to change and I'm sure it's just my point of view. The whole flow is well done and almost everything plays fluent with just a little exceptions. You've done a great job on this difficutly. Keep it up! (:

Please reply! I hope it was helpful and good luck! :3 Take a star (ノ·ω·)ノ︵
Topic Starter

Mao wrote:

By forum PM request. Omg, this song is so amazing <3 I know :3

  1. Unrankable Issue/Highly Suggested
  2. Comment

  1. Fine! <3


  • Mod
  1. 00:11:035 (3,4,1) - Just a small idea here. You could place 4 and 1 a bit differently in order to get a square. It would make it look a bit tidier as well.
    It was supposed to be a diamond, anyway i fixed this a bit.
  2. 00:19:112 (1) - Consider to rotate that a bit. I personally think that the flow from the previous object into this one could be better with rotation. As it is now the curve feels a bit steep to me so that the newer player can miss it easily. Hmm.. I couldn't find a good solution here, but I still think the flow here is ok to me. I'll keep that for now.
  3. 00:23:343 (2) - The spacing between the notes here is a bit uneven (0,06 Difference is pretty high =w=) Consider making little adjustments here. Sure thing.. Fixed!
  4. 00:58:343 (4) - You could do an equal triangle here by moving this bit more to the lower left in order to tidy this up a bit. You'll have to rarrange the following objects a bit but I think that won't be a big deal though. I think it'll be just a little change, and I should change some things that actually flow really well imo, I think is better if I keep this way.
  5. 01:26:035 (3) - Maybe you could move this a bit to the upper right to get a smooth wavy movement here. It could improve the flow since the player follows 01:24:881 (2) - 's curve to catch 01:26:035 (3) - 's head which would be better playable for newbies. Hmm.. It produces a little overlap but only in the editor, it doesn't affect the gameplay, so yeah.. Fixed.
  6. 02:14:112 (2) - Adjust your spacing here. 0,06 difference is so much what makes it look uneven ;w; That was easy to fix hehe.
  7. 02:19:497 (2) - Watch your spacing to the previous object. It's a bit large, don't you think so? o: That's true! Fixed.
  8. 02:20:266 (3) - How about moving this a bit left to get an oval transition from 02:19:497 (2) - into this? Fixed when I do the previous change.

    Enjoyed this diff as well. There are barely issues sorry for noobish nazi stuff ;____; and it's really far polished. I personally think some spots could be tidier but well, that's just my opinion I guess ;b Otherwise it's really well done. Your rhythm is overall pretty good as well as the overall flow and impression I had while playing it. Very nice diff.


  • Mod
  1. 00:17:574 (3) - Maybe just my personal preference, but I think it would look better as a flipped version of 00:16:035 (1) - . Hmm.. is a tiny change as well, not that important, and this looks well imo.
  2. 00:19:881 (2) - Maybe you could move this a bit more upwards in order to follow 00:18:920 (1) - 's movement for a slight inprovement of flow here? Fixed this one! :)
  3. 00:29:689 (3) - The sound here seems to be more quiet, so I'd place a 1/2 Slider at 00:29:497 - . The main reason I want you to change this is the stack here. It played a bit weird to me because I was kinda surprised about it. I think the stack doesn't fit the overall impression of the map and a 1/2 Slider would fit your style better :/ I've just unstacked this pattern (using my usual 0.7x in spacing), because I don't feel using a slider in this section
  4. 00:34:112 (5) - Consider rotating this about 20° counter-clockwise/selection centre to get a more fluent movement from 4 to 5. As it is right now, the turn to the right is a bit to abrupt imo. I did something after to fix the previous suggestion, but I did it by myself.
  5. 00:39:881 (3,4) - I don't know, we already hat this at the other map I've modded and I know it's your style but I recommend you to change this to a 1/1 Slider because newbies aren't able to read stuff like this that good. You've already used 1/2 Stacks which causes them to think it's 1/2 :/ A 1/1 Slider would be such a good choice especially since you've mapped the previous one with one and the following ones (01:52:958 (2,3) - ) as well. In my opinion that kind of patterns are not that hard to read if you do it in different combo sections, I think the problem is when you do that in the same combo, after all this is a Normal and not an Easy, that's why I'll keep that.
  6. 00:45:266 (4) - I'd move this a bit more to the left for a smoother feeling. The reason here is that the player has to move so much downwards before he has to big turn which doesn't flow that good in Normals. Turns should always be connected with a smooth movement in Normals. Something like 00:38:727 (1,2) - would flow way better here. Fixed.
  7. 00:54:881 (4) - Move the last anchor point somewhere around 224|316 to introduce the wavy "S"-movement to 00:55:651 (5) - better. Made something similar :)
  8. 01:16:804 (6) - Move this a bit higher so that it follows 01:16:227 (5) - 's track in order to have a more fluent turn. Like you have it now, the player would have stop to get the Slider's head before he can turn but like this he can just simply follow 5 all until 6's head.That's true.. Fixed.
  9. 01:38:920 (1) - I've accepted the DS change at 01:32:766 (1) - but I don't agree here due to it being even larger than the one at 01:32:766 (1) - . Please reduce it at least to 1,20. You can keep your blanket like this as well :/ Sorry :(.. Fixed this one then!
  10. 01:40:843 (4) - Replacing this with a 90° counter-clockwise rotated version of 01:40:266 (3) - could be a neat touch since you usually like to do that often :3 Sure thing.. Fixed.
  11. 02:10:266 (2) - The curve here feels being placed a bit low. I think 02:09:881 (1) - flows better into 02:10:266 (2) - if you'd rotate 02:10:266 (2) - about 15° Selection Centre (: Fixed that on my own, a bit different comparing with your suggestion.
  12. 02:17:189 (3,4) - I'd rather go for something similiar as in the first Kiai in terms of the rhythm. It feels a bit more accurate to me because you hit all the important notes like this. Especially the gap at 02:18:535 - feels a bit weird to me due to the strong vocals. I also know you try to keep variation within your maps but I think here it just fits way better if you do it like the first ones and it will still be a lot of variety left >< I've to agree with you, my current pattern doesn't sound that good I've to say. That's why I've fixed that.
  13. 02:40:651 (1,2,3) - This feels a bit "squeezed" due to the screen border. I would tweak the whole pattern a bit as seen in the Screenshot C: Done.

    Really well done difficulty. I love it! This time I really enjoyed the distance variation for 1/2 Slider -> Circle and 1/2 Slider -> Slider for some reason. Maybe it's because of our conversation so that I understood everything way better but it seems really nice and structured to me. The whole map is very tidy and has reasonable object placement as well as smooth flow so that it gives newer player a nice experience while playing this. I also love the whole aesthetics and espacially these large symmetry sliders which, as I've said on the other mapset, remind me of older maps made by Gonzvlo which is a great thing in fact I love these maps! Good job C;


  • Mod
  1. 00:07:574 (3,4,5) - Maybe you could make some adjustments to the movement here. It looks like it's thought to be a wavy movement but it's interrupted by 00:08:343 (5) - . Also if we take a look at 00:08:151 (4) - , we can see a spacing variation by 0,10 which seems a bit odd and unfitting to me here. lol.. I haven't noticed that before xD.. Fixed now.
  2. 00:11:420 (4) - I'm not sure if it's just me but this broke the flow a bit for me. due to the curve pointing so much upwards. It would play way smoother if the curve is a bit lower. Rotating this aout 15° counter-clockwise and on selection centre could make the flow here way better if you ask me :3 Yeah.. I think your pattern flows better as well.
  3. 00:20:651 (4,5,6,7,8) - I personally don't agree with your rhythm here. If we listen to the music closely, we can hear that the vocals as well as the drums are really strong on the white ticks (you've also emphasized them with hitsounds). So I'd go for clickable actions there as you did it at 00:19:497 (1,2,3) - as well. Well, you've also done it at 00:26:804 (3,4,5,6) - , so I'll just mark this as a comment. Nothing you really have to fix, just my opinion on it :/ I think there is an emphisize in the last two notes, that's why I decided to use two notes instead. In addition, the first note is a single one because fits better with this section without vocals, you can notice that my sliders starts in the section where this background vocals starts.
  4. 00:30:074 (5,6,7) - The whole transition here could be more fluent if you move 00:30:458 (6,7) - a bit to the right in order to let it follow 5's curve to get a better circular movement here. But if you want to do that you have to take the whole construction starting at 00:29:689 (4,5,6,7) - and move it a bit left so that it doesn't overlap the keyoverlay, if it's activated, so awkward. I've made a tiny change here!
  5. 00:39:112 (1,2,3,4) - This looks a bit messy here, even in-game due to the inconsistent spacing. It also looks like you've tried to create a line here. I'd suggest you to use Convert Slider to stream in order to get a perfect spaced line here as at 01:59:112 (1,2,3,4) - for example. Fixed this on my own :3
  6. 00:44:497 (4) - Let this point a bit more onto 00:45:074 (5) - in order to get a smooth movement onto it! Fixed this on my own as well xD.
  7. 00:45:266 (1,2,3,4) - Same as I've said for the first line goes here as well :/ Hmm.. I think this was fixed when I fix your previous suggestion.
  8. 00:51:420 (2,3) - How about CTRL+G in terms of the rhythm? The reason here would be that if you listen closely, you can hear than at 00:51:804 - the note is pretty strong so it would feel a bit better if it's clickable :c Hmm.. nah.. Both are corrects, and I find these two beats (in 00:51:612 - and 00:51:804 -) should go together
  9. 01:19:497 (5,6) - Even though you didn't change this at Bakari, I still want to pick this up again because I personally agree with him here. 01:19:497 (5) - 's curve just tells me to go right instead of left so it breaks the flow here for me :V You win guys xD.
  10. 01:23:727 (1) - Just me commenting, but I think the shape doesn't really fit the map since it's the only "sharp" slider here. I know, Variety, but I think it just doesn't fit your maps overall impression. Well I guess that's just my opinion here but you could make some adjustments to its shape though in order to get the start and the end parallel. I did something on my own, anyway I used a similar slider xD
  11. 01:33:343 (4) - You could reshape this one a bit so that it fits the shape of 01:32:766 (3) - a bit more to get a circular look. Fixed a bit
  12. 01:39:497 (2,3,4) - Move 4 somewhere around 170|190 to make the gaps between 2 and 3 and 3 and 4 a bit more even and to improve the flow a bit, since if you aim from 2 to 3 you go a steeper way but if you aim from 3 to 4 a kind of stretched way which slows me a bit down. I catch it.. Fixed.
  13. 02:12:862 (10,1) - The spacing is a bit uneven here, consider to make some adjustments here c: You can jsut simply place 02:12:958 (1) - somewhere around 132|68 and fix the symmetry. I personally think this is not really necessary, the spacing is similar as the previous posts and it doesn't make a big difference during the gameplay.
  14. 02:29:112 (3,4) - The flow from 3 to 4 feels a bit unnatural to me here. Maybe you could make it follow 3's curve for a smoother flow here. Fixed.
  15. 02:39:497 (4) - This one breaks the flow a lot if you ask me. Maybe it's just me, but it plays a bit weird here to stop on 4 in order to get the curve right ><^You could either rotate it about 50° Selection centre or replace it with a x/y-flipped version of 02:38:920 (3) - to get a circular shape (similiar to 02:50:651 (3,4) - ). Both will take some rearranging of the following objects but it would improve your flow here a lot >< I don't think so, I've tested it in a lot of ways and this flow really correct I've to say, I prefer to keep that, sorry.
  16. 02:53:151 (2) - Replacing this by a 90° Counter-clockwise rotated version of 02:53:535 (3) - would fit your style pretty well if you ask me :3 This fits my style as well xD, in addition I really like how this pattern looks/flow, that's why I'll keep it.

    Wow, very impressive diff. As I've said for the other Panic! at the Disco Mapset made by you I really love the way you use symmetry especially for these giant Sliders. Nice to still see stuff like this nowadays. The map is really far polished. I sometimes don't agree with your rhythm but I didn't want to list everything because it would be a real pain to change and I'm sure it's just my point of view. The whole flow is well done and almost everything plays fluent with just a little exceptions. You've done a great job on this difficutly. Keep it up! (:

Please reply! I hope it was helpful and good luck! :3 Take a star (ノ·ω·)ノ︵
Uff.. Sorry for the late reply, I was really busy this last week with school tests (oral tests specially) and with my work, having some extra hours on it.
Anyway, Thanks a lot for your really helpful mod and for your star! :D
Re-check here! Everything looks good except the settings on Panic! I think using hp 7 might be a better idea, at least consider using Od 7.
Double post because editing my previous post wouldn't be fun, all looks good to me. Bubbled~
Oh cool. Go Mancuso *^*
Topic Starter

Mao wrote:

Oh cool. Go Mancuso *^*
Thanks Mao! :)
Oh god how I love this song, and the map ofc ;)
Grats mancu :D
Gratzz!! mancusojuanmattos!!^^ (mancuso_JM)
Great as always, glad to see it ranked <3
congratz (:
yay more Panic! at the Disco :)

Sieg wrote:

congratz (:
Oh my, this is so amazing. Gratz <3
Yeeeeessss <3
Congrats mancuso
If you love me, let my goooooooooo! <3333

This is my fav song of "Too weird to live, too rare to die"

Congratulations man!
Topic Starter
Sucha great surprise! :D.. Thanks a lot Kenezz for the rank! :D
And thanks a lot guys, for the support!
I dunno how you do it mancuso, but your maps are always amazing <3
Topic Starter

Lanturn wrote:

I dunno how you do it mancuso, but your maps are always amazing <3
Thanks Lanturn, Glad to listen that :)
I like mancuso maps
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