
2008 osu! World Championship - Delayed/Cancelled

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Bumping over the regulations thread.
>If for some reason you cannot hold a match before this time then, please post here saying so with your reason.

I can't... because it will be 4:00 and I'll sleep in that time>_<
Woah! That's late ;_;

I might not be in Hong Kong at that time, so I might not be able to compete. I'm leaving this Wens to Cambodia.

No, I don't have a laptop yet.

EDIT: Ack! Lol. Must finish by tomorrow.
@exile: it says by, not at
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Changed the wording so it's even MOAR clear than before. <_<
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Kai and I are on pretty often.. but I am not good with dates. Any time where Me + Kai + Reikin all on IRC = no? :(

btw, I predict 2/10 of those ama groups will get together to play.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Uh... I'm not certain of +10:00 time, but at -10:00 time, I'm generally available from 2:00 PM to 10:00 PM, so would that make it 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM?
I am generally available during most of the day, but my willingness to play Osu varies. Here is my contact information again for people of group 9:

AIM: vegetarianentree
MSN/Email: gsgold at gmail dot com
I'm also in an IRC channel regularly, #melee on dynastynet, if for some reason the first two aren't viable contact methods. (And if email is not a viable contact method, well, I just can't help you there man.)
awp and co.:

I see you guys on IRC alot so feel free to shout to me if you need me.
If not, my AIM is the same as my user name (RemmyX25), or send me an e-mail ([][/url]. If worse comes to worse, just PM me the time. I usually work mornings so an evening or late afternoon time is best.
Gah! Mehhhh vs. Burai!?!?!!
the **** ... :cry: :o
well my time huh, between 6pm - 12am (GMT -3) :P
I spoke with Myrtle; we can play on 03.07 07:00-08:00 GMT
I will be online for most of the day today and tomorrow (current time 14:48). Rest of the days unsure yet, but I'll be on irc to see if my group is online whenever I'm on my comp.
so, about group 10

i'm from austria = gmt+1 (well gmt+2 cuz of summertime)
and when the forum profile is correct
neo@lex from england = gmt
adam2046 from australia (victoria) = gmt+10
0bj3c7i0n = ??

as soon as we got 0bj3c7tions timezone, we can set a time...
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Information to Group 8

Im on mostly all day.
Just PM me what GMT you guys are.
If your really wanting to play.. that is.
Group 8 info

IVIasterLeo=GMT-7 (?)

Right.... I don't think I can play next week or two so, I'm not in HK and no, I don't have a laptop.

Next signup- Count me in if I can't make it to join
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Okay, sorry for this guys but I'm stopping this tourney for now. I've seen several problems with the way I'm organising this and I'll need to get some assistance to get this tournament to be awesome. I'm really sorry I wasted your time but don't fret, this'll be back soon enough.
I'l be helping Reikin starting from today and I'm sure we will make it good together, Reikin is experienced with osu and I'm more so with tournaments, so together we will make it SUPER. ;)

There will be test tournaments before the actual championship in December, and the website / the game will incorporate tournament tools to help organizers and players. (Thanks peppy <3)
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Please note the eight players that were allocated to the pro division of this tournament will be placed into another tournament to trial out some of the pro level tournament maps.
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