
SHW - Ikusa JAPAN ( [Taiko]

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I did a crappy irc mod. Too lazy to post log so have a star :U
mod from PM Request

Letterboxing isn't allowed in Taiko mode
On the Oni diff there's 2 objects that play on the same moment (see AIMod)
00:28:132 - mapped as d on Kantan, D on Futsuu+Muzu and K on Oni, weird

00:16:546 (13) - Maybe make this a big kat to transition to the next section of the song?
00:31:029 (31,32,33) - imo patterns like these that don't really land on even beats don't really work as well for a Kantan since they're harder to play (due to there being not as much to base when to hit off of). This will be the only time I mention this btw
01:13:650 (84,85,86) - How about making this pattern the same as 01:26:891 (101,102,103) - since you seem to be following the same instruments and format in these sections?
02:08:270 - Maybe add a note here to keep consistency with 02:14:891 (172,173,174) - since you didn't ignore this sound in this pattern?
02:24:822 (186,187,188) - Maybe make this a kdd pattern because it has the same decreasing pitch pattern as 01:05:374 (70,71,72) - (but don't add finishers to 186-188 :P)

from 00:16:546 - to 00:27:615 - maybe calm down a bit on the 3/4 patterns since it is only a Futsuu, after all? Also only having kk dk on them is a bit odd considering that the decreasing pitch of the instrument that this is mainly based around on suggests kd a lot more
from 00:43:029 - to 01:06:201 - why are these not mapped as finishers but in the other diffs they are?
01:27:925 - why are you ignoring the deep drum sound here but not at 01:24:615 (166) - ?
01:52:753 - why are you ignoring this sound but not at 01:42:408 (209) - or anywhere related to this
02:13:236 (281,282) - these don't really fit considering the style of mapping you've done here (following the main melody), so maybe remove these?

01:07:443 (160) - this wasn't mapped as a finisher in the Kantan and Futsuu but it was in this and the Oni ;;
01:46:753 (282,283,284,285,286,287,288,289,290,291,292,293,294,295) - why is this long string of 1/2s and above suddenly a thing because it's like 14 notes strong, I know it's the main melody and that you've followed it mostly but maybe you could make a compromise for the sake of playability?

00:36:305 - Maybe add a note here to follow the main melody better?
01:01:029 (234,235,236) - not sure why this is a triplet...either for variety's sake or it just doesn't fit 'cause I don't hear anything in the main melody (which is what you seem to be mainly following)
01:02:063 (240,241,242,243,244) - 01:05:374 (255,256,257,258,259) - same decreasing pitch pattern, different pattern structure? variety or just a mistake?
01:58:132 (511,512,513,514) - how come you've mapped this as kkkk when pretty much all the other 1/6 patterns were kkkd?
02:21:512 (624,625,626,627,628,629) - 02:24:822 (640,641,642,643,644,645,646) - same as 01:02:063
02:28:959 (666) - finisher at the end of a stream just seems really awkward to play

sorry for the lack of mod here but I was just trying to consider your style more
Topic Starter

Dainesl wrote:

mod from PM Request

Letterboxing isn't allowed in Taiko mode //...hum....who said that is not allowed? anyway, this doesn't matter i guess, I didn't use any break here.
On the Oni diff there's 2 objects that play on the same moment (see AIMod)
00:28:132 - mapped as d on Kantan, D on Futsuu+Muzu and K on Oni, weird //I mapped for the whole atmosphere, sometimes i feel a don would fit the overall atmosphere better.

00:16:546 (13) - Maybe make this a big kat to transition to the next section of the song?
00:31:029 (31,32,33) - imo patterns like these that don't really land on even beats don't really work as well for a Kantan since they're harder to play (due to there being not as much to base when to hit off of). This will be the only time I mention this btw
01:13:650 (84,85,86) - How about making this pattern the same as 01:26:891 (101,102,103) - since you seem to be following the same instruments and format in these sections? //I still think that k k k would fit here better.
02:08:270 - Maybe add a note here to keep consistency with 02:14:891 (172,173,174) - since you didn't ignore this sound in this pattern?
02:24:822 (186,187,188) - Maybe make this a kdd pattern because it has the same decreasing pitch pattern as 01:05:374 (70,71,72) - (but don't add finishers to 186-188 :P)

from 00:16:546 - to 00:27:615 - maybe calm down a bit on the 3/4 patterns since it is only a Futsuu, after all? Also only having kk dk on them is a bit odd considering that the decreasing pitch of the instrument that this is mainly based around on suggests kd a lot more //It fits the music best in this way imo, since the 3/4 is background music. Actually I'd simplified it a bit already.
from 00:43:029 - to 01:06:201 - why are these not mapped as finishers but in the other diffs they are? //Considering the difficulty, without a finish could be a bit easy for them to catch the beat.
01:27:925 - why are you ignoring the deep drum sound here but not at 01:24:615 (166) - ?
01:52:753 - why are you ignoring this sound but not at 01:42:408 (209) - or anywhere related to this
02:13:236 (281,282) - these don't really fit considering the style of mapping you've done here (following the main melody), so maybe remove these? //I just followed the pitch here.

01:07:443 (160) - this wasn't mapped as a finisher in the Kantan and Futsuu but it was in this and the Oni ;; //I didn't put the notes here in kantan and futsuu..
01:46:753 (282,283,284,285,286,287,288,289,290,291,292,293,294,295) - why is this long string of 1/2s and above suddenly a thing because it's like 14 notes strong, I know it's the main melody and that you've followed it mostly but maybe you could make a compromise for the sake of playability? //removed a note

00:36:305 - Maybe add a note here to follow the main melody better?
01:01:029 (234,235,236) - not sure why this is a triplet...either for variety's sake or it just doesn't fit 'cause I don't hear anything in the main melody (which is what you seem to be mainly following)
01:02:063 (240,241,242,243,244) - 01:05:374 (255,256,257,258,259) - same decreasing pitch pattern, different pattern structure? variety or just a mistake? //For the sake of variety. This fits the music as well.
01:58:132 (511,512,513,514) - how come you've mapped this as kkkk when pretty much all the other 1/6 patterns were kkkd? beause this is the last 1/6, I would like to make sth different.
02:21:512 (624,625,626,627,628,629) - 02:24:822 (640,641,642,643,644,645,646) - same as 01:02:063 //same
02:28:959 (666) - finisher at the end of a stream just seems really awkward to play //should be fine for the last note!

sorry for the lack of mod here but I was just trying to consider your style more
Thanks a lot.

Also, the IRC mod for Garven:
01:24 kanpakyin: hi Garven~ do you mod taiko? :3
01:25 Garven: Muzu and lower, sure
01:25 Garven: oni I suck at ;)
01:25 kanpakyin: sure you can mod muzu and lower diffs :)
01:25 *kanpakyin is listening to [ SHW - Ikusa JAPAN (]
01:38 Garven: This song reminds me of BASARA
01:39 kanpakyin: lol yea~
01:40 Garven: kantan looks good though
01:41 kanpakyin: YAY
01:47 Garven: I think in the futuu
01:47 Garven: 00:42:615 (82,83,84) -
01:47 Garven: Maybe having a finish here instead of the 1/2 rhythms
01:47 Garven: It feels empty having just kkk
01:47 kanpakyin: ok~
01:48 Garven: 00:43:650 (85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122,123,124,125) - I know what you did it
01:48 Garven: but doing the same thing for that long is kind boring
01:48 Garven: kinda*
01:49 kanpakyin: I will try something different ._.
01:53 Garven: Muzu: 00:24:822 (47) - this intended as a D?
01:53 kanpakyin: yes
01:53 Garven: Felt kind of weird having the D 3 measures in a row I guess
01:58 Garven: Sorry, I have so many peopel talking to me at once x_x
01:58 kanpakyin: 0h, no problem xD
02:04 Garven: 00:43:029 (115) - Kind of the same thing going on from the futuu. I see why, but it does get a bit old after a while
02:05 kanpakyin: yea, will fix thix
02:05 kanpakyin: this
02:07 Garven: A couple parts felt like it was just doing dkdkdkdkdkd all the time, but when I went back I can see what you were following
02:07 Garven: So eh
02:07 kanpakyin: yea lol
02:08 Garven: I might be able to do the oni
02:08 Garven: It's easy enough
02:08 kanpakyin: oh, go ahead then xD
02:57 Garven: Oni looked good from what I could play
02:57 Garven: I suck at taiko modding sorry q:
02:58 kanpakyin: :p that's ok nvm
02:58 kanpakyin: post and i can give you kds~
[ Kantan]

  1. 00:35:167 (38) - 移到 00:35:581 - ?打起來比較順暢
  2. 00:40:960 (47) - 移到00:41:374 - ,鼓和樂器的聲音明顯比00:40:960 - 還要強(尤其是樂器)
  3. 00:38:477 (43) - 移到00:38:891 - ?感覺這個d 配合樂器的音調比較好
  4. 01:38:063 (118) - 移到01:38:477 - ,配合樂器和鼓的節奏
  5. 01:51:305 (139) - 同上
  6. 01:41:374 (123) - 建議把這個note刪掉,比較能凸顯01:41:787 (124,125,126) - 的節奏

[ Futsuu]

  1. 01:27:925 (174) - 雖然01:27:925 - 有明顯的鼓聲,但我還是覺得移到01:28:339 - 聽起來會比較順暢
  2. 02:23:994 (307,310) - 建議改成d跟著音樂的音調
[ Muzukashii]

  1. 00:34:546 (81) - 改成k?這裡的音調明顯比較高
  2. 01:25:856 (209) - 這裡樂器的音調比01:25:650 (208) - 還要低一點,建議改成d

[ Oni]

  1. 01:44:477 (428,429,430) - 建議改成kkd因為01:44:684 (430) - 這裡的音調比01:44:477 (428,429) - 還要低一點
  2. 01:51:925 (475) - 這裡的音調也比較低,改成d?
  3. 01:55:236 (495,496,497) - 改成d k d

For clarification AIMod states that letterboxing is not allowed but I agree there's no reason to change it considering Taiko really shouldn't have breaks in it anyways >_>
Topic Starter

qoot8123 wrote:

[ Kantan]

  1. 00:35:167 (38) - 移到 00:35:581 - ?打起來比較順暢
  2. 00:40:960 (47) - 移到00:41:374 - ,鼓和樂器的聲音明顯比00:40:960 - 還要強(尤其是樂器)
  3. 00:38:477 (43) - 移到00:38:891 - ?感覺這個d 配合樂器的音調比較好
  4. 01:38:063 (118) - 移到01:38:477 - ,配合樂器和鼓的節奏
  5. 01:51:305 (139) - 同上
  6. 01:41:374 (123) - 建議把這個note刪掉,比較能凸顯01:41:787 (124,125,126) - 的節奏 //all fixed.

[ Futsuu]

  1. 01:27:925 (174) - 雖然01:27:925 - 有明顯的鼓聲,但我還是覺得移到01:28:339 - 聽起來會比較順暢 //這人還是覺得先保留..
  2. 02:23:994 (307,310) - 建議改成d跟著音樂的音調
[ Muzukashii]

  1. 00:34:546 (81) - 改成k?這裡的音調明顯比較高
  2. 01:25:856 (209) - 這裡樂器的音調比01:25:650 (208) - 還要低一點,建議改成d //感覺kat會比較好聽

[ Oni]

  1. 01:44:477 (428,429,430) - 建議改成kkd因為01:44:684 (430) - 這裡的音調比01:44:477 (428,429) - 還要低一點 //這邊的kat我是主要想突出01:44:684 - ,和01:43:856 (425) - 是一組
  2. 01:51:925 (475) - 這裡的音調也比較低,改成d? //跟著樂器走起 這邊
  3. 01:55:236 (495,496,497) - 改成d k d

  1. Red - Unrankable
  2. Purple - Highly recommended
  3. Black - You'd better fixed
  4. Gray - Just suggestion
  5. d=don D=big don
    k=kat K=big kat
  • General
  1. Fine

  2. 01:02:063 (67,68,69) - 改成DDK 更符合音调变化
  3. 01:05:374 (70,71,72) - 同上
  4. 01:14:063 (85) - d 这个音比前后的音都低一点
  5. 01:27:718 (103) - k? 你前面用的是k...
  6. 01:33:925 (111) - 我感觉这里用d更能凸显后面那个k的高音
  7. 01:49:236 (135) - d? 这里也是在降音调的感觉

  8. 01:15:718 (144) - 改为d 听着更舒服一点
  9. 02:22:753 (304) - 移到02:23:167 - ?

  10. 00:30:615 - 后面一段三节建议改成这样 更合曲 (图中69在00:31:443 - )
  11. 01:02:063 (149,150,151) - 改为KDK或DDK 01:02:063 (149) - 和01:02:063 (149) - 是同样的音
  12. 01:12:822 (177) - d 这个音显然比前两个音低
  13. 01:16:753 (182) - 变为d 打着也舒服一点
  14. 01:22:546 (199) - 改为k?
  15. 01:27:305 (213) - d 这个音比前后的音都低一点 和01:14:063 (179) - 是一个道理
  16. 01:48:201 (288,289) - 变为dd或者dk 第一个note的鼓音更重一些 当然还有弦乐的声音
  17. 01:55:443 (320,321) - 这两个音都很低 我觉得dd比较适合

  18. 00:58:753 (226) - 变为K 和00:55:443 (212) - 是同样的音
  19. 01:13:650 (289,290,291) - 改为kdk 01:13:650 (289,291) - 比01:14:063 (290) - 的音调高
  20. 01:46:546 (442,443) - dd 打起来更舒服一点
  21. 02:07:236 (551) - 移到02:06:822 - ?

    Nice map! Good luck~ :D
Hello; modding for M4M here.

*Bolded = Unrankable or very, very strongly suggested; red = Highly suggested or questionable (still weaker than the bolded ones); black = Minor suggestions/rants; blue = Notes/advices to avoid/fix repeated problems. Also note that hitsound suggestions on a diff may apply on similar parts of the song and the other diffs of the mapset.

  1. 00:33:925 - Add a kat here? The instrument is pretty strong, and it feels empty to leave this tick unmapped.
  2. 01:13:650 (84) - Change this to a don? I believe that the instrument's pitch here is still as low as 01:12:822 (83).
  3. 01:31:856 (108) - ^ (Same as 01:31:029 (107).)
  4. 01:42:201 (124) - Also make this a don? The instrument here is relatively weak here compared to 01:41:787 (123,125), IMO.
  5. 01:49:236 (135) - Change this to a big kat to follow that heavy instrument in the music? A small kat won't cut it, and it shouldn't be too hard for a Kantan diff.
  1. 00:32:891 - Add a don? It feels monotonous to continuously hit a note every one beat for a long time; adding a note here would help breaking that feeling of monotony.
  2. 01:06:201 - 01:07:856 - Keep going with the 3/2 rhythm here like this? The current pattern is hard to follow since the instrument at 01:04:132 - 01:04:753 are very noticeable. It may cause confusion for players while playing.
  3. 01:29:994 (179) - Change this to a don since the instrument here is weaker than 01:30:201?
  4. 01:51:718 (235) - ^ (The pitch gets noticeably lower from 01:51:305 (234).)
  1. 00:33:305 (76) - Change to a don? I think there's nothing in the song that indicates the need of a kat here. The music is still not strong enough to support one.
  2. 00:37:236 (92) - Change this to a don, too? The instrument's pitch gets higher and lower (or in a word, fluctuates) every 1/2 beats, starting low from here.
  3. 01:12:822 (177) - Uh, okay, this one should be a don, too, IMO, because of how the instrument sounds compared to 01:12:408 (175,176), just like 01:18:615 (187,188,189).
  4. 01:20:270 (192) - Again, make this a don? I feel that the instrument here is just the same as 01:19:856 (191), and they're pretty low in terms of pitch compared to 01:20:684 (193,194).
  5. 01:32:684 (229) - ^ (This one sounds somewhat similar to 01:33:098 (230).)
  6. 02:17:787 (403) - ^ (The instrument here feels weaker compared to 02:17:374 (402,404).)
  1. 00:26:270 (56) - Change this to a kat because the instrument is still as strong as 00:25:960 (55)?
  2. 01:15:718 (294) - Change this to a don? I feel that a kat is still too strong for an instrument at this height of pitch, especially when compared to 01:16:132 (295).
  3. 01:32:270 (364) - Also make this a don? There is quite a drop in pitch from 01:32:063 (363) to this in the song. Using k k d d can help on emphasizing that.
  4. 01:40:443 (404,405) - Swap? I believe that the instrument at 01:40:443 is stronger than 01:40:546.
  5. 01:46:753 (443) - Change to don? Kat seems to be too high compared to the song here.
  6. 02:17:167 (602) - ^
...I hope that helped, since I'm still kinda new in Taiko modding lol

Good luck on the way! 8-)
Hi~ KPY~! from your M4M queue.
my taiko modding is so newbie.
so almost suggestion..!

d = don
D = big don
k = kat
K = big kat

  • [General]
  1. FINE~!! :3

  • [Kantan]
  1. 00:33:512 - add k here
  2. 00:35:581 (39) - this k move to 00:35:167 so make kdk
  3. 01:25:650 (99,100,101,102,103) - I think 'dk kdk' or 'kd kdd' is more fit.
  4. 01:38:477 (118,119,120) - change to kdk (becuase follow emphasized sound)
  5. 01:58:753 (149) - I think d is better. too many k..
  6. 02:13:650 - add k(It's more comfortable to play for beginner)

  • [Futsuu]
  1. 01:50:477 (230) - change to k
  2. 02:12:201 - add k (make consistency with before part)
  3. 02:25:650 (311) - change to D (other diff all use D and I think D is better)

  • [Muzukashii]
  1. 00:43:029 (115) - change to k
  2. 01:08:787 (165) - move this k to 01:08:581. sound is better imo.
  3. 01:25:236 (207) - change to k~? I think kk is fit this part.
  4. 01:43:443 (270,271,272,273,274) - ddkdk -> kdkdk (I feel empty in change to k)

  • [Oni]
  1. 01:46:753 (143) - I think change to d is better. too many kat is here. so I felt noisy D;
  2. 02:20:477 (619,620) - swap this note. so make dk not kd(I heard drum sound 02:20:270 and 02:20:684)
  3. 02:22:339 (628) - I think K is fit here.because drum sound is highlight in this point.

Nice map~~!! ><
GL to Rank~!!!
Topic Starter

OniJAM wrote:

  1. Red - Unrankable
  2. Purple - Highly recommended
  3. Black - You'd better fixed
  4. Gray - Just suggestion
  5. d=don D=big don
    k=kat K=big kat
  • General
  1. Fine

  2. 01:02:063 (67,68,69) - 改成DDK 更符合音调变化 //這邊我是偏對上pitch, 最完美當然是 KDK. 但是這個pattern太難, 所以我就用KDD
  3. 01:05:374 (70,71,72) - 同上 //^
  4. 01:14:063 (85) - d 这个音比前后的音都低一点
  5. 01:27:718 (103) - k? 你前面用的是k...
  6. 01:33:925 (111) - 我感觉这里用d更能凸显后面那个k的高音 //我還是覺得kat會比較好
  7. 01:49:236 (135) - d? 这里也是在降音调的感觉

  8. 01:15:718 (144) - 改为d 听着更舒服一点
  9. 02:22:753 (304) - 移到02:23:167 - ?

  10. 00:30:615 - 后面一段三节建议改成这样 更合曲 (图中69在00:31:443 - )
  11. 01:02:063 (149,150,151) - 改为KDK或DDK 01:02:063 (149) - 和01:02:063 (149) - 是同样的音
  12. 01:12:822 (177) - d 这个音显然比前两个音低
  13. 01:16:753 (182) - 变为d 打着也舒服一点 //我還是覺得kat比較好
  14. 01:22:546 (199) - 改为k?
  15. 01:27:305 (213) - d 这个音比前后的音都低一点 和01:14:063 (179) - 是一个道理
  16. 01:48:201 (288,289) - 变为dd或者dk 第一个note的鼓音更重一些 当然还有弦乐的声音
  17. 01:55:443 (320,321) - 这两个音都很低 我觉得dd比较适合

  18. 00:58:753 (226) - 变为K 和00:55:443 (212) - 是同样的音 //for variation, 反正D/K都fit的上音樂
  19. 01:13:650 (289,290,291) - 改为kdk 01:13:650 (289,291) - 比01:14:063 (290) - 的音调高
  20. 01:46:546 (442,443) - dd 打起来更舒服一点 //改成dk
  21. 02:07:236 (551) - 移到02:06:822 - ?

    Nice map! Good luck~ :D

Hinsvar wrote:

Hello; modding for M4M here.

*Bolded = Unrankable or very, very strongly suggested; red = Highly suggested or questionable (still weaker than the bolded ones); black = Minor suggestions/rants; blue = Notes/advices to avoid/fix repeated problems. Also note that hitsound suggestions on a diff may apply on similar parts of the song and the other diffs of the mapset.

  1. 00:33:925 - Add a kat here? The instrument is pretty strong, and it feels empty to leave this tick unmapped. //It will destroy yhe flow if I add a note there.
  2. 01:13:650 (84) - Change this to a don? I believe that the instrument's pitch here is still as low as 01:12:822 (83). //Too much dkd in kantan will generally increase the overall difficulty, especially this part is not kiai.
  3. 01:31:856 (108) - ^ (Same as 01:31:029 (107).)
  4. 01:42:201 (124) - Also make this a don? The instrument here is relatively weak here compared to 01:41:787 (123,125), IMO. //^
  5. 01:49:236 (135) - Change this to a big kat to follow that heavy instrument in the music? A small kat won't cut it, and it shouldn't be too hard for a Kantan diff. //^ same, kdK is not easy anymore.
  1. 00:32:891 - Add a don? It feels monotonous to continuously hit a note every one beat for a long time; adding a note here would help breaking that feeling of monotony.
  2. 01:06:201 - 01:07:856 - Keep going with the 3/2 rhythm here like this? The current pattern is hard to follow since the instrument at 01:04:132 - 01:04:753 are very noticeable. It may cause confusion for players while playing.
  3. 01:29:994 (179) - Change this to a don since the instrument here is weaker than 01:30:201? //I would say kat is fine here.
  4. 01:51:718 (235) - ^ (The pitch gets noticeably lower from 01:51:305 (234).) //but the pitch there is actually higher than 01:52:132 (236) - , so I would keep this as kat.
  1. 00:33:305 (76) - Change to a don? I think there's nothing in the song that indicates the need of a kat here. The music is still not strong enough to support one.
  2. 00:37:236 (92) - Change this to a don, too? The instrument's pitch gets higher and lower (or in a word, fluctuates) every 1/2 beats, starting low from here. //kat fits the music pretty well, imo. No change for now.
  3. 01:12:822 (177) - Uh, okay, this one should be a don, too, IMO, because of how the instrument sounds compared to 01:12:408 (175,176), just like 01:18:615 (187,188,189).
  4. 01:20:270 (192) - Again, make this a don? I feel that the instrument here is just the same as 01:19:856 (191), and they're pretty low in terms of pitch compared to 01:20:684 (193,194). //The pitch is still increasing from here, I would like to place a kat here to emphasize it.
  5. 01:32:684 (229) - ^ (This one sounds somewhat similar to 01:33:098 (230).)
  6. 02:17:787 (403) - ^ (The instrument here feels weaker compared to 02:17:374 (402,404).)
  1. 00:26:270 (56) - Change this to a kat because the instrument is still as strong as 00:25:960 (55)? //Nope, I will stay how it is for pattern consistency.
  2. 01:15:718 (294) - Change this to a don? I feel that a kat is still too strong for an instrument at this height of pitch, especially when compared to 01:16:132 (295). //I think it fits the music quite well.
  3. 01:32:270 (364) - Also make this a don? There is quite a drop in pitch from 01:32:063 (363) to this in the song. Using k k d d can help on emphasizing that.
  4. 01:40:443 (404,405) - Swap? I believe that the instrument at 01:40:443 is stronger than 01:40:546.
  5. 01:46:753 (443) - Change to don? Kat seems to be too high compared to the song here. //I still think kat fits it well, sorry.
  6. 02:17:167 (602) - ^
...I hope that helped, since I'm still kinda new in Taiko modding lol

Good luck on the way! 8-)

Akemi_Homura wrote:

Hi~ KPY~! from your M4M queue.
my taiko modding is so newbie.
so almost suggestion..!

d = don
D = big don
k = kat
K = big kat

  • [General]
  1. FINE~!! :3

  • [Kantan]
  1. 00:33:512 - add k here //A kat here will destroy the flow.
  2. 00:35:581 (39) - this k move to 00:35:167 so make kdk //^, and also I saw the new stance starting from 00:35:581 -
  3. 01:25:650 (99,100,101,102,103) - I think 'dk kdk' or 'kd kdd' is more fit.
  4. 01:38:477 (118,119,120) - change to kdk (becuase follow emphasized sound)
  5. 01:58:753 (149) - I think d is better. too many k..
  6. 02:13:650 - add k(It's more comfortable to play for beginner)

  • [Futsuu]
  1. 01:50:477 (230) - change to k
  2. 02:12:201 - add k (make consistency with before part) //changed to kdd instead.
  3. 02:25:650 (311) - change to D (other diff all use D and I think D is better) //no changed, I consider don in kantan because of the difficulty.

  • [Muzukashii]
  1. 00:43:029 (115) - change to k //Why? don fits perfectly.
  2. 01:08:787 (165) - move this k to 01:08:581. sound is better imo. //The rhythm doesn't seem to fit the music very well in this way.
  3. 01:25:236 (207) - change to k~? I think kk is fit this part. //don here to fit the drum sound.
  4. 01:43:443 (270,271,272,273,274) - ddkdk -> kdkdk (I feel empty in change to k)

  • [Oni]
  1. 01:46:753 (143) - I think change to d is better. too many kat is here. so I felt noisy D; //I changed 01:46:546 (442) - to don
  2. 02:20:477 (619,620) - swap this note. so make dk not kd(I heard drum sound 02:20:270 and 02:20:684)
  3. 02:22:339 (628) - I think K is fit here.because drum sound is highlight in this point.

Nice map~~!! ><
GL to Rank~!!!
Thanks for modding, things that don't mention in my responses mean fixed.
Requested by KPY.
Probably my first mod after I come back XD
and, let's go.


  1. The offset of Kantan is 1649, which is different with other diffs, so fix it pls.
  2. I don't know if it's just me, but try to recheck the map file. I saw the .osb here.
  3. That's it.

  1. 00:19:029 (32) - and 00:19:650 (34) - I guess we can try to use kat here to make the map more varied. (Actually you repeated k dd k dd.. a lot of.)
  2. 00:25:650 (54) - and 00:26:270 (56) - same reason as above, I will say separating 2 parts will be better.
  3. (*)00:42:925 (152) - that's quite optional, i will use kat here and
  4. (*)00:43:029 (153) - use big don here as it will be better to have the consistency of the use of Big Dons. (and more powerful as well)
    Regarding that notes (153), that's the only one which is not big don in this part, I will strongly suggest you to follow my suggestion, or even, you can delete the stream and make it as big don.
  5. That means:
  6. (*)02:25:546 (643) - Deleted that notes (not necessary to have kdddk here and
  7. (*)02:25:650 (644) - 02:26:063 (646) - 02:26:477 (648) - 02:26:891 (650) - Big kats.
  8. 02:27:305 (652,653,654,655) - maybe, yeah, you know, Big kats?
  9. The use of big dons is pretty nice, probably one of the best example.

  1. 01:09:512 (171) - Big Kat.
  2. 01:45:822 (281) - actually we can try to use ddk here(yeah add a don), I guess that's too boring to play only k d k d k.
  3. 01:52:443 - ddd
  4. 02:18:925 - d

Both easier diffs are okay.
The mapset overall is pretty nice, and more specifically,
the use of finishers can successfully emphasize the song,
giving a fresh feeling for players to play.

Topic Starter

KanaRin wrote:

Requested by KPY.
Probably my first mod after I come back XD
and, let's go.


  1. The offset of Kantan is 1649, which is different with other diffs, so fix it pls. //should be something happened lol fixed
  2. I don't know if it's just me, but try to recheck the map file. I saw the .osb here. //Though it is ok, well, fixed.
  3. That's it.

  1. 00:19:029 (32) - and 00:19:650 (34) - I guess we can try to use kat here to make the map more varied. (Actually you repeated k dd k dd.. a lot of.)
  2. 00:25:650 (54) - and 00:26:270 (56) - same reason as above, I will say separating 2 parts will be better.
  3. (*)00:42:925 (152) - that's quite optional, i will use kat here and //fixed this
  4. (*)00:43:029 (153) - use big don here as it will be better to have the consistency of the use of Big Dons. (and more powerful as well)
    Regarding that notes (153), that's the only one which is not big don in this part, I will strongly suggest you to follow my suggestion, or even, you can delete the stream and make it as big don.
  5. That means:
  6. (*)02:25:546 (643) - Deleted that notes (not necessary to have kdddk here and
  7. (*)02:25:650 (644) - 02:26:063 (646) - 02:26:477 (648) - 02:26:891 (650) - Big kats.
  8. 02:27:305 (652,653,654,655) - maybe, yeah, you know, Big kats?
  9. The use of big dons is pretty nice, probably one of the best example.

  1. 01:09:512 (171) - Big Kat.
  2. 01:45:822 (281) - actually we can try to use ddk here(yeah add a don), I guess that's too boring to play only k d k d k.
  3. 01:52:443 - ddd
  4. 02:18:925 - d //this doesn't fit the drum that much imo, so I will keep it no changed.

Both easier diffs are okay.
The mapset overall is pretty nice, and more specifically,
the use of finishers can successfully emphasize the song,
giving a fresh feeling for players to play.

Thank you for awesome mod!
Things that don't mention mean fixed.
Taiko mod since you asked for it.

This is a pretty solid set, all these won't be any necessary fixes, just suggestions.


00:18:201 (29) - Change this to k to suit the instrument played. I don't remember its name :<

00:21:512 (40) - ^

00:22:650 (44) - Change this to a d to signify the pitch going down on this note

00:32:994 (90) - Change this to a d, as a dkk pattern doesn't flow as well as ddk

00:34:546 (99) - Change this to a k for the same reasoning above, kkd flows better than dkd.

00:36:201 (111,112,113) - I would map this as ddk as the pitch goes up, not down.

01:11:787 - Add a d here since there is a drum sound in the music, it feels really awkward to not play it.

01:16:132 (295) - I don't understand why this is a finisher since there isn't a significant sound in the music. Remove the finisher, keep it a normal note.

01:18:408 - Add a d here, I can here a drum sound here too.

01:30:615 (357,360,362,364) - Why aren't these finishers like you have mapped earlier? This makes the map inconsistent.

01:35:581 - I feel like adding a d here would do justice for the flute.

01:39:925 (401) - Change this to a d as the pitch goes down on this note.

01:46:339 (441,442) - dk instead or kd, to follow the pitch more accurately.

01:59:167 (517,518,519,520,521) - add dons on every offbeat tick on this part since you'd follow the drums more accurately that way.

02:02:477 - There is a cymbal crash on every measure (large white tick) up until 02:14:063, so map them as finishers!

02:28:753 (662,663,664) - Change 662 to k and remove 663, otherwise you could turn 664 into a normal kat. This is because finishers on stream-ends don't play nice nor do they look nice.


This difficulty is quite solid, I only have two minor points, that are the same as Oni;
01:21:098 (197) - Why is this a finisher?

02:02:477 - During this part, there is a cymbal crash in the music on every measure up until 02:14:063. I would map them.


01:21:098 (159) - Why is this a finisher?


I don't have anything to say about this difficulty :s
Keep in mind these are simply suggestions, although I would appreciate if you took my word for them!
Topic Starter

Dolphin wrote:

Taiko mod since you asked for it.

This is a pretty solid set, all these won't be any necessary fixes, just suggestions.


00:18:201 (29) - Change this to k to suit the instrument played. I don't remember its name :<

00:21:512 (40) - ^

00:22:650 (44) - Change this to a d to signify the pitch going down on this note //I don't think so here, as a kat could emphasize the instrument better, so I would like to keep it

00:32:994 (90) - Change this to a d, as a dkk pattern doesn't flow as well as ddk //I think dkk fits the atmosphere and the music better, would like to keep this sorry.

00:34:546 (99) - Change this to a k for the same reasoning above, kkd flows better than dkd. //using dkd here can fit the drum as well as the pitch of instrument.

00:36:201 (111,112,113) - I would map this as ddk as the pitch goes up, not down. //the changes of the pitch are actually very vague here. I think kkd fits the music pretty well here.

01:11:787 - Add a d here since there is a drum sound in the music, it feels really awkward to not play it.

01:16:132 (295) - I don't understand why this is a finisher since there isn't a significant sound in the music. Remove the finisher, keep it a normal note.

01:18:408 - Add a d here, I can here a drum sound here too.

01:30:615 (357,360,362,364) - Why aren't these finishers like you have mapped earlier? This makes the map inconsistent.

01:35:581 - I feel like adding a d here would do justice for the flute. //This is my personal preference. I think leaving it blank would be better.

01:39:925 (401) - Change this to a d as the pitch goes down on this note. //but kat fits the overall atmosphere on that part...

01:46:339 (441,442) - dk instead or kd, to follow the pitch more accurately.

01:59:167 (517,518,519,520,521) - add dons on every offbeat tick on this part since you'd follow the drums more accurately that way.

02:02:477 - There is a cymbal crash on every measure (large white tick) up until 02:14:063, so map them as finishers!

02:28:753 (662,663,664) - Change 662 to k and remove 663, otherwise you could turn 664 into a normal kat. This is because finishers on stream-ends don't play nice nor do they look nice. //Removed the finisher directly.


This difficulty is quite solid, I only have two minor points, that are the same as Oni;
01:21:098 (197) - Why is this a finisher?

02:02:477 - During this part, there is a cymbal crash in the music on every measure up until 02:14:063. I would map them. //I would like to keep this part simple as it is only a muzukashii


01:21:098 (159) - Why is this a finisher?


I don't have anything to say about this difficulty :s
Keep in mind these are simply suggestions, although I would appreciate if you took my word for them!
Things that do not mention mean fixed.
Hello~ :3
Here's a Taiko Mod via your Request(game chat).

My mod is for suggetions. if you dont like, ignore please.
d is Red Note.
k is Blue Note.
and, D ,K is finisher .. .
“+ ?” is I like pattern (※example→ add? , remove?
Big text is strong suggestion.

  1. Uncheck the widescreen support(that is for SB options). This beatmap has not SB.
  1. 01:41:787 (123,124) – d
  2. 01:52:132 (139,140) – swap?
  3. 01:55:856 (145) – d?
  4. 01:58:753 (149) – add d
  5. 02:24:822 (187,188,189) – d d K …. ._. anyhow , 01:59:167 (150) – is k, so 02:25:650 (189) – K looks better, I guess.
  1. 01:07:443 (128) – k ? uum..
  2. 01:35:167 (192) – delete?
  3. 01:39:305 - uum? d this sounds back sound hits and sounds low. same sounds 01:35:994 - , 01:42:615 - . (but pitch isn’t same)
  4. and.. 01:38:891 – k ?
  5. 01:47:994 – k 01:45:925 (219,220) – same pitch.
  6. 01:48:822 - d linked 01:47:167 -.
  7. 01:55:856 (244) – d. back sounds becomes low. 01:52:546 - > 01:54:201 - > 01:55:856 -.
  1. 00:55:856 – K refer to Oni.
  2. 00:59:167 -^
  3. 01:42:822 – delete?
  4. 0
  5. 02:27:305 (1) -~~ same as above.
  1. 00:42:822 (151,152) - (d,k) > (k , delete)? looks better imo.
  2. 00:55:856 (213) – I prefer(K) if you put (212) >(K). 00:55:443 (212,213) – back base pitch are same(or not so variate), but 00:56:270 (214) - isn’t same/
  3. 01:05:994 – delete?
  4. 01:13:443 – uum, delete? sounds not same as 01:10:132 (278) -. And feels good , I guess.
  5. 01:39:925 - d? plays better? & 00:33:718 (94) - same this? 01:39:925 (25,26) -can hear cool back sound , how about following this ?
    And little weird for me ,too lots of using k sound since 01:38:063 (388) - ~~~…. Players want a few don sounds here..
  6. 01:46:546 same as above. How about 01:46:650 - add k?
  7. 02:12:201 - d? plays better, I guess.
  8. 02:20:477 – k? Violins still keep same pitch.
  1. uum,,,??? finishers not same…??
    >01:59:167 (252,253,254,255,256,257,258,259,260,261) - , > no finisher.
    >02:25:650 (311,312,313,314,315,316,317,318) - > there’re finishers.

    >01:59:167 (338,339,340,341,342,343,344,345,346,347,348,349,350,351,352) – > there’re finishers.
    >02:25:650 ~~ no finishers…???

    > 01:59:167 (517) - ~~ , & 02:25:650 (648) - . similar to using finishers.

    If there’s no seriously problem, I recommend to change these. (make to change same patterns.)
    Futsuu > 02:01:029 (257) – add k, 01:59:167 (252,253,254,255) – finishers. (& 01:58:960 – delete? or move to 01:58:132 -? )

    02:25:650 (311) –~~~~ ^. same pattern.

    Muzukashii > 2:00:822 (1) - ~~
    02:25:650 (437,438,439,440) – finishers , & 02:27:305 (441) - ~~~ same patterns.
That’s all! I thank you for reading it through ;)
Good Luck! :D
Topic Starter

00:42:822 (151,152) - The kat fits the music pretty well, so I would like to keep it.
00:55:856 (213) - The pitch of 212 is simply higher than this, so I use don here.
02:12:201 (582) - don doesn't fit the drum there.

00:55:856 (141) - Same as oni
00:59:167 (147) - ^
01:42:822 - It fits the instrument.
02:27:305 (442) - ? -.-

01:07:443 (128) - don seems better here.
01:35:167 (192) - nope, in order to fit the bgm.
01:38:891 - nope here, as the pitch is lower than 01:38:477 (200) -

01:59:167 (149) - nope here, to fit the drum sound.
00:38:270 - Add a kat here. The break in the notes feels really uncomfortable here, because the music has a lot of momentum, so you wouldn't expect the notes to stop until there is a change in the pace of the music. So finding a place to place a break is going to be really hard unless you do it consistently.
01:09:512 (278) - Add a finish to this? You did it at 00:43:029 (153) - , so it makes sense to keep it consistent. (Unless this 1/4 finisher was a mistake)
01:46:960 (445) - Change to don. The long string of kats isn't a very effective way to keep the rhythm. SO breaking it up with dons at the right places keeps your idea of emphasizing those high pitch notes. But keeping the rhythm in tact.

00:18:512 (22) - Make this a don. I would save the multi-color rhythm for the start of the new stanzas.
00:21:822 (30) - ^
00:25:132 (38) - ^
00:46:339 (90,91,92,93,94,95) - This section is going to get very boring, even for a new player. So I suggest doing some color swapping to keep it interesting. Like these highlighted notes, make them all kats. So every stanza the color is switching, and making sure the player is paying attention! Only a personal suggestion though, because you do start to change it up in the next few stanzas.

00:48:822 (55,56,57) - Same thing as Futsuu. You can switch the colors of these every time to keep it interesting.

Fun map! I think its ready to be ranked.
Topic Starter

MMzz wrote:

00:38:270 - Add a kat here. The break in the notes feels really uncomfortable here, because the music has a lot of momentum, so you wouldn't expect the notes to stop until there is a change in the pace of the music. So finding a place to place a break is going to be really hard unless you do it consistently.
01:09:512 (278) - Add a finish to this? You did it at 00:43:029 (153) - , so it makes sense to keep it consistent. (Unless this 1/4 finisher was a mistake) //I don't think the beat is that strong...a big note sounds a little bit weird for me.
01:46:960 (445) - Change to don. The long string of kats isn't a very effective way to keep the rhythm. SO breaking it up with dons at the right places keeps your idea of emphasizing those high pitch notes. But keeping the rhythm in tact.

00:18:512 (22) - Make this a don. I would save the multi-color rhythm for the start of the new stanzas.
00:21:822 (30) - ^
00:25:132 (38) - ^
00:46:339 (90,91,92,93,94,95) - This section is going to get very boring, even for a new player. So I suggest doing some color swapping to keep it interesting. Like these highlighted notes, make them all kats. So every stanza the color is switching, and making sure the player is paying attention! Only a personal suggestion though, because you do start to change it up in the next few stanzas.

00:48:822 (55,56,57) - Same thing as Futsuu. You can switch the colors of these every time to keep it interesting. //not planning to change this in Kantan, as this is the best way to fit the music.

Fun map! I think its ready to be ranked.
Really nice spread!

gratz~ :D
gratz~ :)
Topic Starter
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